HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-11-0029 05-31-2011-Backup (2)^ `. SUppoRTING �����8x�� ��U������/� DOCUMENTATION KDN|CAK4|NOLTABUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA 8100Oak Lane Miami Lakes, FL 33016 4/1,2/2011 Eduardo J. Falcon, Office Equipment Analyst City of Miami GSA/Graphics.Division Miami, FL33142'471S 3O5-329473Direct Line 305400-530 0mct Fax Dear Mr. Falcon, othe���mo��our [ocunm�Wo�|mw �e ��of�om ''--�----' '�ouAfter a review and eno �yournomoanv�ooeo�om4oy�emoendo�oodvm� GSA/Graphicsand � r request, wmsubmit this proposal for your consideration. ` |nour audit review meeting, we agreed that City of Miami GSA/Graphics Division documentprocessing: ° Systems did not adequately support your document output needs. ~'Pnoduo1accessories lack reliability through -the tenn�ofservice. ° Current provider did sales local support and maintenance service you require -to maintain your copier -fleet resulting inloss ofproductivity and increased downtime. The enclosed proposal directly addresses these issues, provides detalledd | i of the pnoedvvorkguoup turnkey Konica 'Minolta v�emmnddeocdbeohow we would| | d Ci �f'y�iorn|GSA/Graphics O�i�on.|t' also discusses the mo�'ngfinancial and productivity benefits. Many are based mnthe findings ofour audit. WAabelieve that the Konica Minolta system provides anexcellent document imaging and management solution for your company. Itwill dramatically lower your document processing costs, provide tremendous document processing f|oxibi|ityand enhance staff pnoduuUvhvthroughoudthe enterprise. Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.8^A,Inc. (KKABG)loone ofthe fastest growing document solutions providersin' the country. That imjust one reason mehave chosen to partnerwdhKMB8.{Jurouob`ma realize from the Konica Minolta products we offer.and their single server and open systems architecture approach providesa, cost effective plaff orm for the rapid deployment of new systems and -technologies. Mr. Falcon, thank you again �fdthou[o�nnthnaud)tandforconsidehngKON|CAK0|NO[[8BUG|NEEX] SOLUTIONS USA and Konica Minolta. Please do not hesltatetc) call me if you have any questions about,this proposal or|fyou wish todiscuss the upcoming presentation. K]N|OAM|NOLTABUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA 8100 Oak Lane 'uONICAmINOLTABUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA 'Mlaml Lakes FL-33016 Contract Number: 6DO-000-11-1 oardsscuopor Ph: a058260994ext2410 SUPPORTINO DOCUMEMT1O11 KONICA MINOLTA About Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. Inc. (KMBS) is a leader in advanced Imaging and networking technologies, With a comprehensive range of document solutions from desktop to print shop, KMBS brings together innovative quality, security and networking functions in its award -winning line of bizinibe multifunction products (MFPs), blzhub i PRO® production print systems, maglcolore desktop color laser printers and pagepr�TM desktop B&W laser printers. Konica Minolta also offers advanced software solutions, wide -format printers, microform digital imaging systems, and scanning systems for specialized applications. "The essentials of imaging" defines the KMBS approach to product development. KMBS solutions focus on the three most important aspects of imaging: the quality of images, the tools and methods of creating images, and the secure distribution of images. These "essentials" work together to enhance productivity, streamline document workflow, and .reduce the cost of document production, storage and distribution. Headquartered in Ramsey, NJ, KMBS delivers expert professional services and client support through an extensive network of direct sales offices, authorized dealers, resellers and distribution partners in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America and South America -- all backed by the power of Konica Minolta's top -ranked manufacturing facilities, 33,000 employees, and worldwide sales In 70 countries on six continents. By understanding customer business and document needs, Konica Minolta has created a powerful software platform that is the future standard for the MFP architecture: bizhub OP (Open Platform). Konica Minolta has also developed an advanced Simitri Polymerized HD Toner for sharper color images, superior halftone definition and crisper, more legible text. And KMBS has introduced a unique new approach to MFP device management via bizhub vCare, supporting bizhub customers through accurate and timely meter reporting, intelligent supply notifications, and pro- active and real-time service alerts. Konica Minolta aims to be an excellent corporate citizen everywhere it does business. Among its many social - responsibility programs is the Colorful Tomorrow Foundation, created to promote child and adult education and cultural enrichment through targeted and measurable giving. In the wake of Hurricane Katrina in August, 2005, Konica Minolta has adopted McDonogh 15, the Little Red Schoolhouse in New Orleans, LA, making repairs and offering scholarships to help underprivileged children of the region. For further information, contact: Darriss Cooper at 305.826.0994 ext. 2410 orE-mail: dcooperPkmbs.konicarninolta.us B100 Oak Lane - KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA - Miami Lakes FL-33016 Contract Number: 600-000-11-1 Darrlss Cooper Ph: 3058260994ext2410 <ONICA MINOLTA Executive Summary DOCUMErNti Current Situation: TBD Client Requirements: High quality, higher speed, reliability Solution must exhibit: * High quality reproductions * Speed * Reliability, low maintenance * Versatility and ease of use * Multi -function options to replace several devices (scanner, printer, copier, fax) with one device. * Flexible solution that won't be quickly antiquated * Network utilities for efficient device management " Plug and play set up; compatible with current technology * Low cost of ownership AdolicatIons/Recommendations: Your document (electronic & paper) applications require: * A high quality, high capability (color , black and white) output device * Copying and printing on letter, legal & 11" x 17" or larger • Sorting, stapling and hole punching * Printing & copying on a variety of stocks * .Easy connectivity to a PC or existing network * Black & White and Color integration * Thorough training provided on -site to educate staff and maximize benefits • A variety of paper drawers to minimize user involvement at the device KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA Recommendation Based on these requirements, we recommend that the City of Mlaml implement the Konica Minolta (fill in product model) System. This solution will provide an effective replacement to the slower, less featured system now in use. The (fill in product model) provides a unique way to achieve high quality, high -volume color output on an AS NEEDED basis. The (fill In product model) is a state of the art Document Delivery System, utilizing the most advanced technology available in the world today to achieve high quality, reliability and production speed. This speed and high -volume capability is sure to eliminate any obstacles currently encountered. Contract Nu 810D Oak Lane - KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA - Mlaml Lakes FL-33016 ber: 600-000-11-1 Darriss Cooper Ph: 3058260994ext2410 �����UK~� ��� - ^~�n"x��^ '~"°" "~=~~""~ Executive SU UPPORToNU _-~~~~.~.~..—.°°^ ~" o0^` The Benefits pfmLease Acau}sbon Many organizations are turning to leasing as the most attractive procurement option available. The benefits provided bvleasing Include: ° increased UredeFlex|bi|by ° �' � Monthly- vs. Capital budgets Co�stCompmdoonva."Out-o('Houom"Gq|ut|nno ° Simple Cost Tracking PURCHASE AND LEASE PROVISIONS Customers will be authorized to purchase or lease equipment by issuance of a purchase order referencing the con- tractnumbnrTheman��octur�s|omeeoroem|ooagneemantfnrmvNUnotbeuoedo\noothecontra��reou|Ungfnom this RFpan'� the purchase order will oonot��eth completeagreement. All State Agencies are required toreceive prov—�ro`-heDepe�mentofFinan��Semina PR|[}RTOe�ehngintoo|oaae1nexmsmmofthennnuo|r~~ (ourmnd|y$25.00D).Nolease shall exceed 5years. AU� G�eogen�moare urged toreview the Cate- gory'``~^'''�---` Chief Financial Officer's o latest memorandum addressing leases and deferred -payment purchases of equipment when considering the leasing orpurchasing ufequipment. Lease Period 3'YmarLeose: kyamo plan)wh�hshall exphee1 � ----0G � — ^ ' ' ' equipment 'n�dbym�hmrpadysdandc�k�oae '�*��Ue���;�mo��n�mo���� /�w . The Benefits of Proactive Services Customer Confidence Guarante ' —KonicaNUnolta Business Solutions agrees to maintain i in good providingoperating condition aintenance service and partsfor routine repairs. Itour Service Representative is unable to repair the equipment covered under this guarantee, we shall provide,at no charge, -an equivalent replacement. Should a workgroup unit be Out of service, due to maintenance needs, for more than 16 consecutive business hours, Konica Minolta shall provide a loaner unit of similar capabilities upon your request. Any unit that Konica Minolta determines cannot be properly repaired,to manufacturer specifications will be eligible for a replacement unit of substantially similar or greater capabilities, at no additional cha rge; provided, however, that the replacement unit may be other than new. Service �mcahmt\on—Pl�tLevel technical ou �forourhondwareandnedwo�ingfunci|bno.vNUbeprnvdmd6v factory -- trainedmndmuthor|zadNoninayN|n''msam|catmnhn|n|enw.SecondLevw|uuppo�wd||pnov|de2''"\eve| ~—� ),cnmmunlc��|onwddhauthodzadteuhn|�anafrom Konica �Ninn|tm'nG otemBo\udnnaand suppon«/no ou� | �K�h 8GDi o�| �one o\ve1hm\'sueinconjunction with local Dnwe|opmen�D�vis|on(G�D�T��dhewe support e eun o o u --systems engineer, the `open Issue will escalate 10Konica Minolta Professional Services (KK8PG)for 8'"Level review. �� = u1ooOak Lane xomICxM|mooABUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA 'mmml Lakes FL-oo 16 Contract Number: G0D-OOO'11-1 Darriss Cooper Ph: uVmaoonoo4e*e4 n Specification Sheet(s) KONICA MINOLTA SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Investment includes: Base Configuration: 1 bizhub C360 - Monochrome Printer/Copier/Color Scan 1 EK-604 - USB Host Board (Local Interface Kit) 1 DF-617 - Reverse Automatic Document Feeder. 1 PK-517 - Punch Kit required for FS-527 Finisher. 1 FS-527 Floor Finisher 1 PC-207 - Paper Feed Cassette (500 x 2) 1 D5133NT— Power Filter Service — Maintenance Plan Option 0 Base Delivery, Installation and Training 36 Month FMV Lease: $125.13 per month Service Contract: Includes all parts, labor, service cal Black and White: Base Allowance All Black and White Copies All Color Copies Base Monthly Charge (including print controller), and supplies. Excludes paper and taxes. 0 copies $0.0055 per copy overage rate $0.049 per copy overage rate 5CPC Figures do not include sales tax. Proposal valid until August 2, 2014 bizhub c36of W(4,, 11, '41 nut! SAP1114."''' * Standard configuration includes' bizhub 6 0,0 tri HD 1110 Ild htmlibol AUESCOPP RAIL 1,150-Sheet Paper Supply (including bypass)/ PS, PCI, & GB Hard Drive* S Controller/250 8100 Oak Lane - KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA - Miami Lakes FL-33016 Contract Number: 600-000-11-1 Darrlss Cooper Ph: 3056260994ext2410 tt KONICA Specification Sheet(s) INOLTA 0,0 SUPPORTING UMENTATIO" Investment ncludes: Base Configuration: 1 blzhub C360 - Monochrome Printer/Copier/Color Scan 1 EK-604 USB Host Board (Local Interface Kit) 1 DF-617 - Reverse Automatic Document Feeder. 1 PK-517 - Punch Kit required for FS-527 Finisher. 1 FS-527 - Floor Finisher 1 PC-207 - Paper Feed Cassette (500 x 2) 1 D5133NT — Power Filter Service— Maintenance Plan Option 0 Base Delivery, Installation and Training 36 Month FMV Lease: $125.13 per month Service Contract: Includes all parts, labor, service calls (including print controller), and supplies. Excludes paper and taxes. Black and White: Base Allowance All Black and White Copies All Color Copies Base Monthly Charge 0 copies for B/W and 2,000 copies for color per Month $0.0055 per copy overage rate $0.049 per copy overage rate $98.00 per Month Figures do not include sales tax. Proposal valid until August 2, 2014 bizhub C360,0 Itt, it • • SAir4* dard configuration includes: bizhub C360 (4, tri Hi) i'mp,411. I ACCOP Ilpth I ncl iviyoon 1.1.1 mop ,41,7, ". M 5 t Frl,1 I r F: 1,150-Sheet Paper Supply (including bypass)/ PS, PCL & XPS Controller/250 GB Hard Drive* B100 Oak Lane - KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA - Miami Lakes FL-33016 Contract Number: 600-000-11-1 Darriss Cooper Ph: 3058260934ext2410 KONICA MINOLTA Specification Sheet(s) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION This proposal Includes the following model(s); Option 1: 1 blzhub C360 (Plus accessories If applicable) Monochrome Printer/Copier/Scanner Total lease price all-incluslve is: 36 Month FMV Lease: 36 Month Maintenance Plan $126.13 per month *Cost per Copy (Billed Quarterly) Option 2: 1 blzhub C360 (Plus accessories if applicable) - Monochrome Printer/Copier/Scanner Total lease price all-inclusive is: 36 Month FMV Lease: 36 Month Maintenance Plan: $98.06 per month $125.13 per month 61 DO Oak Lane - KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA - Mlaml Lakes FL-33016 Contract Number: 600-000-11-1 Denies Cooper Ph: 3063260994ext2410 ONJCA MINOLTA Specific t on Sheet(s) SUPPORTING DOC MENTATION C360 Series Sample Configuration Maxrntrn city: 3,650,(80g/m2) with the optional PC-409 Paper Feed Cabinet Corqpabia media: 609Ogim2 (nriain u WO/60-2109/W (Multiple bypass tray) Tisyr, 1-4 500 thkeet$ 4 Migirn2A4) LCD Contro HDD Standard Security Panel 508 Compliant 8100 Oak Lane - KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS USA - Mlaml Lakes FL-33016 Contract Number: 600-00D-11-1 Denies Cooper Ph: 3058260994ext2410