HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-09-0039 Back upso • Upon acceptanceme e . ro new interior build-eut/ project as per plans.pr Department{ ) We, the :unds"ged; A. Ninety six thous B. Alllabor,r`e�g and referenced plays an C. Detailed BreakdIwn: • Apkte D4T i p,, S January 21, 2009 . Mr. Salomon Yuken New Arena Square Corp. 1023 NW 3rd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 RE: Interior Commercial Build out ' • - 1009, 1015 and 1019I1u33 Avenue' Miami, Florida 3 §. __1.....it_____ ';',....'1 it ose tc Unit 100E/` Unit 1017- .d-7. Sq1 Ft: . Unit 1019 .509 Sq.`Ftoi . Tapia uan 1 . . . • cawid-' aft neces lien' arid m ; elia1s'required for the above referenced of Miami Building 'Sum of: e-in the provided 0,77'l1 -� ; . z�. `— . ...... • D. Qualifications. y, Y/) - , - l Insurance policies for builder's risk, property, flood',yind, th f re, vandalism, etc. if required are to be obtained and paid in addition to this proposal, by the owner. 1. Prestige Developers and Contractors Inc. will not assume responsibility or liability for security or vandalism to the building or its exterior while it's under construction: 2. All work to be performed during the regular work week under normal business hours. 3 any additional and / or required special municipality permits are not included in this proposal. CI le 300 SW 12Avenue Suite #322A �liarrai, 'Florida 33130 • P., DgraP3MaY. 3",,E,,. 4. No repairs or relocation of existing utilities in this property or relocation of gas, electrical poles or lines, cable television, telephone, sewer, water lines or any related utilities have been included in this proposal. No repairs to the existing driveways, sidewalks, public rods or any affected areas are included in this proposal. 5. Store Front Doors / Windows are shown as existing and shall remain as such. 6. Floor Finishes; per specifications and conversations with Mr. Yuken, 7. Only such work as is specifically designated above is included in the proposal, which supersedes all-previious•proposals and1agreements. Unless otherv'ise provided here any units` included'in this proposal shall ber of standazid'size and color: 8. Unless . o tY cise agreed in writing, payment ini full pf all sum due shall be made to Fred -ups' 1--completiori.6r delivery f' the a ,eed aterials, oriel or witc !co- r@. Interest at the highest lfu1 ra; a--e.e . teo . _-G, a , o p i — - • ._ -- le"II 'l b char o ,' . t f`•: cco itS. ( : O c., 9. Th '` discrepant es be Vs,iiioted io:Nokohb Prestige Developers A Con* contractor rve ,:the te en tile•exis Signed by,: 1@T1s ; s • raj discovery of .any em tits other than those 300 SW 12 Avenue Suite #322A JKirtmi, Florida 33130