HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-05-0045 Back-up• • PROJECT BUDGET STATUS AND FUNDING SUMMARY Original Estimated Budget $1,029, 525.00 Project Name: 9th Street Mali Pedestrian Mali Extension Project Status: Roadway Complete / FPL Conversion on -going Date of Report: 10/13/2005 Budget Revision and Date 5/19/2003 Funding Source SEOPW/TIF Funding Amount $1,029,525.00 Appropriation Ord./ Reso. No. and Date SEOPW No. 01-45 5/21/2001 SEOPW No. 02-132 7/29/2002 Expenditure -to -Date $661,371.38 • Remaining Fund Balance $368,153.62 x MAY-02-2002 09:25 CITY CLERICS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.02 • J-02-198 3/06/02 RESOLUTION NO, 02" 256 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORMS, WITH FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR THE OVERHEAD TO UNDERGROUND CONVERSIONS OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES ALONG (1) NORTHWEST 9Th STREET FROM NORTHWEST 3" AVENUE TO NORTHWEST 2111' AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $312,429.27, -AS PART OF PHASE 3 OF THE NORTHWEST 9117 STREET PEDESTRIAN MALL; AND (2) NORTHWEST 3'w AVENUE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $792,935.00, AS PART OF PRASE 4 OF THE 917 STREET PEDESTRIAN MALL, CONTINGENT UPON THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SEOPW CRA) PROVIDING FUNDING FOR THE TOTAL COST OF BOTH PROJECTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to execute agreements, in substantially the attached forms, with Florida Power & Light Company for the overhead to underground conversions of electric distribution facilities along (1) Northwest 9th Street from Northwest 3rd Avenue to Northwest 2n41 Avenue, Miami, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $312,429.27, as part of Phase 3 of the Northwest 9th Street Pedestrian Mall; and Y )NIET> 1Nri MAR 0 7 2042 1O2 lan 1 MAY-02-2002 09 : 25 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610. P.03 • (2) Northwest 3`a Avenue, Miami, Florida, in an amount not to exceed $792,935.00,.as part of Phase 4 of the Northwest 9th Street Pedestrian Mall, contingent upon the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW CRA) providing funding for the total cost of both projects. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.1/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of March ATTEST: SY ,'TA SCHEIDER A ING CITY CLERK APPROVEp4AS " RO V LLO ATTORNEY S049:tr:LB:i 5 BSS ORRECTNESS to MANUEL A. DIAZ, , 2002. if the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 n2- 256 BID TABULATION SHEET Historic Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church 301 NW 9th Street, Miami Underground Conversion of Electric Service Per Plans By TYLI I HJR NO. CONTRACTOR NOTIFIED PPLANS ICK-UP BID DELIVERED ON -TIME TOTAL BID 1 WILCO Inside Electrical, Inc. I Y I Y Y 620.500.00 2 Magesco, Inc. - Electrical Contractors Y Y Y $46,672.00 3 Under Power Corp. Y Y I N $0.00 4 Thunder Electrical Contractors, Inc. Y N [ N 30.00 <74414 Accountin ION\\1 ! ;'.I\ If 1\ r I'.r ft P,,1' Qiifll tf tc:�z1�Y • WORK ORDER NO. 05-73 RFS No. 05-I9c Consultant/Vendor: WILCO Inside Electrical, Inc. 7320 NW 43rd Street Miami, Florida 33166 Request Date: September 23, 2005 Requestor: Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Purpose: The Historic Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church 301 NW 91h Street, Miami, FL 33136 Emergency underground conversion of electric service IRANK h.k(111.\'l,\ I NI% ulo.1 I Jut-{ In! SCOPE OF SERVICES WILCO Inside Electrical, Inc. will provide electrical contracting and construction work associated with the underground conversion of the electric service for The Historic Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church, located at 301 NW 9th Street, Miami, FL 33136 on an emergency basis. The work will be based on signed and sealed plans prepared by TY Lin International j HJ Ross and in accordance with the attached proposal. The estimated fees will not exceed $20,500 as shown below. Estimated Fee: $20,500 Approximate Schedule: Emergency — October 3, 2005 through December 2, 2005 (2 months) Approvals: •O Funding Source t P.� i) Frank . Rollason, Executive Director ss 0/0E- Account / 7,/ bate Date r 4 ).\1\1i \111 hull \ 1 I t 11'.111 \1 A(,1 \1 1 .1'. \��it:o�. 4f i NuJ•• ;0,0 \!..n. 11 n-...� ..I.. Entity Type: Terms: (Prompt payment Discount) -1- 3 0 PIrchase Order No: P056124 Delivery Date 09/27/0S Category t+' Visit our website for business opportunities at: www.ci.miami.fl.us/procurement City of Miami PURCHASE ORDER Department of Purchasing P. O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 (305) 416-1900/1922 FAX (305) 416-1925 Number 11676 Telephone No. 105_249-9911 w�LCO !XI DE EL C:;;XCAL INC 7320 NW 43 STREET MIAMI, EL 33166 Department Contact Person C( HUNITY FRTITIVELOPMrNT AGE NC STEDFANIE ROSA Item/ Commodity Code# PURCHASE ORDER NO:1,p56124 Show this number on ail packages, Invoices and shipping papers Page No: Order Date: Bid/Contract: No: 01 09/27/0S Buyer: STEPHANTE ROSA CIAAMUNTTY RE' Tb.EVEL011.42 TWIT ACT, NC. 49 NW 5'T14 S DET *F?AMI, FT, 33129 305 679 6800 City of Miami Accounting Division / Accounts Payable Department of Finance, P.O. Box 330705, Miami, FL 33233-0708 or send via e-mail to: payables@ci.miami.fi.ue Telephone No: 305) 679-6801 Requisition No: FR70361 Description 914-38 W/c# 05-73 - WILCO INSIDE T'TEF(" f'RTr'AT, EMERGENCY NCY rTNTIER(RnnWn WTLC:0 Twspir ELECTRICAL TNt'. WILLPT1t:)VTnr FT�Fr.TRTrAT, rfNTRACTTNG AND rnNSTT?11c't'Tf11Q WORK A5S(Y'TATP;D wirtT- THE ITICIERC,RNmIND COWERS TON OF TETF. FLECTRTr, SERVT (7 FOR TFTF PISTnpIC MOUNT HON MTSSTOWARY RAPTTST CHURCH, Lri7ATEH AT 3n1 NN 9TH STREET, MIA MI, FL 33136 ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS. TM WORK WTLT, BE RAsEn nN STC,NF;r AND .".FAT,F11 PLANS PREPARED BY TY LIN IM RNATIONAL INT T?OS5 AND TN Ar.'rc ?nANrE WITH; THE ATTACHED PRO OSAL . THE ESTIMATED .txx.,S WILL NOT EXCEED 820,500.00 AS SHOWN BELOW. ESTIMATED FEE: $20, 5nn nn APPR(XTW TE Sr.H;nt17,E; EMERGENCY - OCTKIBER 3, 2005 THROUGH DEr-x-Max MnNPFS) Tax ID or S/S No: Account Code Number(s) Finance/Procurement use only 6-fQC443A 699001.5501na_6650.86059 20500.n0 lRemarks: Qn+ I Unit Unit Price Extended Price 0500.000020500.00 F.O.B. DESTINATION Unless Otherwise Specified C' NTINUED C i FN/PC 506 Rev. 12/04 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT City of Miami Date Approved Category Visit our website for business opportunities at: www.ci.miami.fi.us/procurement City Of Miami PURCHASE ORDER Department of Purchasing P. O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 (305) 416-1900/1922 FAX (305) 416-1925 Number 11676 Telephone No. 105 ..J40-Rg11 WILCO INSIDE ELECTRICAL INC 7 320 ww 43 STREET MIAMI, FL 3316E Department PURCHASE ORDER NO:pn5F124 Show this number on ail packages, invoices and shipping papers Page No: Order Date: Bid/Contract: No: 02 09/21/05 Buyer: STEPR 1flE ROSA CCMMTn /TY prDFVELOPMENT AGENCY 49 NW 5TH ST EET !4IAM , �ilL 3 i12FT 305 579-6800 City of Miami Accounting Division / Accounts Payable Department of Finance, P.O. Box 330708, Miami, FL 33233-0708 or send via e-mail to: payables@cLmiami.fl.ug Contact Person COMMVN7Ty nEV LOT M Wr A ,NC Y STF-P!ThNIE R)SA Telephone No: ,305) f79_69n1 Requisition No: T?n793F1 Item# Commodity Code# Tax ID or S/S No: 455-f94493q Entity Type: Description Qty Unit Unit Price THY PtTTN'TiASTTjr DEPARTMENT TS T?RoCESSTNG TR.T 5 7)IIRCFPNSE (1RTI1+Fr ow R!HALF O' THE ArfiNCY SR(DWN ITtlf1R THE C.ATEGouY n1' OPPT, Ti THTS PURCHASE opi11E.'.R. Rn11rV1T1 r Tnr A%:A;w Y Tn SCw,wT,v RESPONSIBLE TE'OR FOTILoTajW- THE PRrN 1TAFlItWwT PROCESS SETT RTR BY CITY CODE OR THE AGENCY'S BY-LAWS, POLICIES & P OCEDLTRES, R1.TLP,s AND RF.rTTT,ATIoI$s nR ANY oTRER TYPE or ttIDF,T,T E , T}JF 1 PURcRASE ORDERS STALL . NOT BE INCL?TnMD AZ PART OE ME r1TY's AUDIT, BUT SHALL BE AUDITED BY THE AGENCY'S AUDITORS. PROPOSER SHALT. PAY nN 3tEHALF or, INDEMNIFY AND SAVE CITY EMPLOYEES AND TTS (T TCTALS HARMLESS FROM AND ACT N;T ANY AND ALT. CLAIMS, LTABTT,TTTTi;R, T,ns!ES, Awn r.Avi5FS Or ACTION, WHICH MAY ARISE OUT OF PROPOSER' S PT< PC 4AN_''E UNDEP i ft, PRnVIsIONS or THE CONTRACT, TNr:T,TTf1)ij ALL AT'TS nR rlMTc;5TfNS TO ACT ON TiIE PART OF PROPOSER' S BERAIP, PR :tVIDEL THAT ANY STTr'9 CLAIMS, T,TARTLTTflS, Lnsstn ATVs rA[TSr,^> or guru Ar.'TroN ARE NOT ATTRIBUTABLE TO TEE wrottorwrr (IR mTnr0Nf1urT nF THE CITY AND, TRW Awn AcATNST ANYti'RDEPS, JunorMENTS Clt2 TT1rr.R:EES WHTCR MAY BY ENTERED AND W RT1HMAY REfiW,T T HOM THIS C(NTRkrT TTNLFSS AIT'TTrTBT)T'ART.F TO THE NEGLIGENLT OR MT.4rojniirl" OT4' T}TE , CTTTY, ANn FROM AND Ar_ATNST ALLCOSTS, ATTORNEYS' FPS, EXPENSES ANfl LIABILITIES TNcURREn TN THE; TtF;1 NSE; 4 ANY ST1( rLAIM, nR TFih, INVESTIGATION Tt;FRF0F. Extended Price 4( Terms: Prompt payment Discount) 530 rchase Order No: P055124 Delivery Date nn/27/05 Account Code Number(s) RISnniSAningcccn,sarnY1 2n5nn,nn Finance/Procurement use only Remarks: F.O.B. DESTINATION Unless Otherwise Specified (,Darr N uEn City of Miami I I Date Approved C f FN/PC 506 Rev. 12/04 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT ,` Visit our website for business opportunities at: www.ci.miami.fi.us/procurement City of Miami PURCHASE ORDER Department of Purchasing P. O. Box 330708 Miami, Florida 33233-0708 (305) 416-1900/1922 FAX (305) 416-1925 Category :7ILCO INSIDE 7320 NW 43 STYMT MIAMI, YL 33166 Number 11676 Telephone No. 305-248-5911 :MECT:tICAL 'INC Department PURCHASE ORDER NO:p056124 Show this number on all packages, invoices and shipping papers Page No: 03 Order Date: 09/27/05 Bid/Contract: No: B er. `ur;R.FTAJT.1 POSA CC'%L+� IT!4ITY RFnF'.VELC1PMEWT AGENCY 49 N 5T S TPrET MsnMT, FL 33128 305-679. 6800 City of Miami Accounting Division / Accounts Payable Department of Finance, P.O. Box 330708, Miami, FL 33233-0708 or send via e-mail to: payablesOci.miami.fl,us Contact Person r lPN?TY xEDEV L(:►l T A! E14CY STEP NIE ROSA Telephone No: :305) 679-6801 Requisition No: R07036/ Item/ Commodity Code# Tax ID or S/S No: 6C-09411g39 Entity Type: Description Qty Unit Unit Price Extended Price 7flSnn no Terms: (Prompt payment Discount) 4!3 0 chase Order No: P056124 Delivery Date 09/27/05 Account Code Number(s) F,Rgnn1,55ft1ftt; Fc.5n,g6n59 2n'nn no Finance/Procurement use only Remarks: F.O.B. DESTINATION Unless Otherwise Specified City of Miami I Date Approved C FN/PC 506 Rev. 12/04 PURCHASING DEPARTMENT