HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-05-0043 Back-up• PROJECT BUDGET STATUS AND FUNDING SUMMARY RY Original Estimated Budget Project Name: Project Status: Date of Report: Budget Revision and Date Ward Rooming House Restoration Stabilization and Reconstruction 10/13/2005 Funding Source Funding Amount Appropriation Ord./ Reso. No. and Date Expenditure -to -Date • Remaining Fund Balance $600,000.00 4/26/2004 SEOPW/TIF $600, 000.00 *$600,000.00 budgeted but only appropriated on a case by case basis per Resolution. SEOPW No, 04-33 4/26/2004 $144,829.19 $455,170.81 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA - 0 TO : INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM FROM : Frank Rollason, Executive Director Community Redevelopment Agency ti (-,tfUe / /Sarah Eaton, Preservation Officer Planning and Zoning Department DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: September 17, 2003 Ward Rooming House FILE : At the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board meeting on September 16, 2003, the Board discussed the potential designation of the Ward Rooming House as a historic site. The Board concluded that due to the current condition of the building, it is not eligible for designation at this time because it does not possess integrity. Although there is no question that the building has historic significance to the Overtown community, the Historic Preservation Ordinance also requires that a property possess "integrity of design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association" in order to qualify for designation. The Board concluded that the building would regain integrity, and thus be eligible for designation, once the following repairs to the building are completed: • Structural stabilization • Roof replacement • Window replacement We will be happy to schedule the public hearing on the historic site designation when this work is complete. If I can provide you with any additional information, please do not hesitate to call me at 305-416-1409. c: Ana Gelabert-Sanchez Dorothy Fields Philip Bacon • Ei f 41Ilitmi JOHNNY I.. WINTON Chiirman ConsultantNendor: REQUEST FOR LETTER OF INTEREST RFLI No. 05-0Ia Design Build InterAmerican, Inc. (DBI) 6307 Bird Road Miami, FL 33155 FRANK K. ROLLASON Exec univ1 Director Request Date: April 26, 2005 Requestor: Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Purpose: Letter of Interest for the Emergency Major Structural Repairs Project of the Ward Rooming House located at 249-55 NW 9th Street, Miami SCOPE OF SERVICES ipPlease provide a letter expressing your interest to participate in the major structural of the Ward Rooming House located at 249-55 NW 91h Street, Miami, along wi ha our aengineering consultant T.Y. Lin International H.J. Ross (TYLI HJR) to provide pre -construction and construction services. The preliminary Scope of Work includes: I Coordination with TYLI 1 HJR during the pre -construction process as a C.M. @ Risk. 2. Provide structural bracing for the front porch and south wall in compliance with the plans to be provided by TYLI 1 HJR, 3. Demolition and disposal of the rear portion of the building. 4. Removal of trees and roots on east and west sides of the building. 5. Hardening of the foundations of the front porch and south wall. 6. Restoration of the front porch and south wall maintaining as many original elements as possible to be structurally sound and stable. 7. Re -construction of the rear portion of the building in compliance with the plans provided by TYLI HJR and / or any applicable codes (i.e. Florida Building Code). Please, submit your response to our request no later than May 41h, 2005 by 5:O0pm. Approvals: Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Date COMMUN'ITS' Rrr)r1'rl OI'MrNT ACUNCY 44 Nnrthwesi 5 Slr014, 1(H0 ; n5ignu l k rnl.l 13128 305) t174-U3011; I ay 1..5O51 6794..q.1.3.5 r-n).Of: cr,1N YLmi.7mi.l l.ils / 15 fniu.- titi wN .nli.vni-e ra.urg cn co or D April 29, 2005 Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW 5 Street, Suite 100 Miami, Florida 33128 Phone: 305-679-6800 Fax: 305-679-6835 Re: Request for Letter of Interest RFLI No. 05-01a Dear Mr. Rollason: Per your request, this letter expresses our firm's interest to participate in the major structural rehabilitation / repair of the Ward Rooming House located at 249-55 NW 9th Street, Miami, along with your engineering consultant T.Y. Lin International / H.J. Ross (TYLI / HJR) to provide pre -construction and construction services. We look forward to the opportunity to assist you. Sincerely, Design -Build InterAmerican, Inc. Nit Pe www,designbuildint.com 1-1 6307 8!rd Road Miami, Florida 33155-4825 Telephone: 305.740.0850 Facsimile: 305.740.0 1 58 E- M a i l: TAG - D B 1 @ a t t. n e t L 1 C CGC 0 2 0 5 8 2 architecture interior design construction • • Design BuildlnterArnerica ,N,1Md�...1.•'y1y. 11�Ye.1.•r1? ,n1Pn: OYOn Iw.1C.1.74.3 ISO F.-, 8307 Bird Road Miami, FL 33155 Telephone: 305-740-0850 Fax: 305-740-0158 e-mall: tag-clbleaft.net B111 To CRA-CITY OF 14IAMI Frank Rollanzon 49 NW 5th Street Miami, FL 33131 Terms Description PR -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES - PROFESSIONAL RECONSTRUCTION SERV1C$S AS FOLLOWS° A - Project Mtgs W/CRA staff & Consult -nits (time ecccimndated to 9/13/03, Principals(5 separate Mtge) 14.5 hrs (q $145-52102.50 A - Prepare preliminary cot a imates Principal 25 firs I $145 = $3.625.00 Estimator 45 hrs $45 = $2,025.00 Clerical 10In @ $35 = 5 350.00 C - Prepare preliminary construction schedule Project 8hrs $45-S16000 irk You for your b 15inel Invoice Date Control No. 9/19/2005 1486 oW 7 PROJECT LOCATION Ward Rooming Haase 249-55 NW 9th Street Miami, FL 33136 Due Date 9/19/2005 Total % Rep MC Est Amt Invoice Amount 8,462.50 • DesignBuirdInterAmerican R-MJ31a.500.,(". +n+„��a¢w ram, m1 ,Co,]f -a,; rn.p.n.,-n an. 6307 Bin! Road Miami, FL 33i55 Telephone; 305-740-0850 Fax; 305-i 40.0158 e-mail: tag-dbl(Ratt.net Bill To C12A-CITY OF MUM Frank Rol.lanzesn 49 NW 5th Street Miami, FL 33131 Terms • Description Project Maaagcmcnt Labor Project Supervision Al purist Report Mahiliz,atian Temporary Electrical Service Temporary Telephone Temporary Toilet Aarricade Equipment Rental Cleanup & disposal Dumpster Insurance Demolition Stump Removal Concrete Cutting Foundation Excavation Concrete Materials Concrete Pumping Reintbreing Steel Structural steel Bracing Rough tr3 Subtotal Overhead & Profit Contingency & Reimbursable enk you for your husinesaf Invoice Date Control No, 9/19/2005 1487 PROJECT LOCATION Ward Rooming Hogse 249-55 NW 9th Street Miami, FL 33136 Due Date Rep Invoice 4€ 9/I9/2005 YY 1 Total 9i, Est Amt Amount 30.00%„ 2,940.00 30.00% 3,927_00 30.00% 16,275,00 0.00% 350.00 100.00% 840.00 30.00% 1,680.00 30.00% 420,00 30.00% 780.00 40.00%v 780.00 30.00% 3,675.00 30,00% 3,150.00 30.00% 4,990,00 30.00% 2,000.00 30.00% 20,664.00 0.00% 710.00 0.00% 1,470.00 100„00%0 620.00 100.00% 1,310.00 100.00% 405.00 100.00% 1,020.00 45.00% 22,735.00 30.00% 7,686.00 35.76% 98,427.00 35.76% 16,732.59 0.00% 17,660.00 882.00 1,178.10 4,882 50 0.00 840.00 504.00 126.00 234.00 312.00 1,1 02.50 945.00 1,497„00 600.00 6,199.20 0.00 0.00 620.00 1,31000 405.00 1,020.00 10,230.75 2,305.80 35,193.85 5,982.95 0.00 (City af �i�xmt IOf {NNY f_, WINTON Chairman Consultant/Vendor: REQUEST FOR LETTER OF INTEREST RFLI No. 05-01 b Magnum Construction Management, Corp. (MCM, Corp.) 6201 SW 70th Street, Second Floor Miami, FL 33143 FRANK K. ROI_I.ASON' Executive Director Request Date: April 26, 2005 Requestor: Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Purpose: Letter of Interest for the Emergency Major Structural Repairs Project of the Ward Rooming House located at 249-55 NW 9th Street, Miami SCOPE OF SERVICES Please provide a letter expressing your interest to participate in the major structural rehabilitation / repair of the Ward Rooming House located at 249-55 NW 91h Street, Miami, along with our engineering consultant T.Y. Lin International J H.J. Ross (TYLI J HJR) to provide pre -construction and construction services. The preliminary Scope of Work includes: 1 Coordination with TYLI J HJR during the pre -construction process as a C.M. @ Risk. 2. Provide structural bracing for the front porch and south wall in compliance with the plans to be provided by TYLI J HJR. 3. Demolition and disposal of the rear portion of the building. 4. Removal of trees and roots on east and west sides of the building. 5. Hardening of the foundations of the front porch and south wall. 6. Restoration of the front porch and south wall maintaining as many original elements as possible to be structurally sound and stable. 7. Re -construction of the rear portion of the building in compliance with the plans provided by TYLI J HJR and / or any applicable codes (i.e. Florida Building Code). Please, submit your response to our request no later than May 4th, 2005 by 5:00prn. Approvals: Frank K. RoIlason, Executive Director Date COMMUNITY RFDFVFI OPMFNT AGrNCY 4`r Nnnhn¢n1 5' Sirovi, Suiie )CID / ntiamr 1 !witI. 11128 1.305) 4:9-6800I ax: 3O i! tr79-68) 5 f-rndil rrat'r`imi.rmilIu.I Wubsire: tkww.mi.imis r,r.nrg MAY-24-U5 TUE U 1: U 1 PM FAX NO, ---- ENGINEERS GCNERAL CONTRACTORS May 12, 2005 Frank C. Rollason Executive Director City of Miami/Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW S"' Street, Suite100 Miami, Ft., 33128 FAXED IN LIEU OF MAIL PH: 305-679-6800 FX: 305-679-6835 RE: Emergency Major Structural Repairs Project of the Ward Rooming House Dear Frank, Thanks for tho walk thru at the Ward Rooming House. After careful consideration we would request that you seek another contractor to perform this work. We consider the building to be an unsafe structure, and likely to fall once the scaffolds are removed, Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, MCM frdas. Jorv-Munilla resident C-C C L. P..- h r2..d1.r7Y� 6201 SV 704 STRLLI" • 2nd LOOR • MKAM!. t=LOPJDA • 33143 Fla-IONL 305.541,0000 ■ w rn mco-rp,com - FAX 505.541.9771 Q.ifQ iif �i'ix�tllii • • )ca I,, WORK ORDER NO. 05-67 RFS No. N/A Consultant/Vendor: Design -Build InterAmerican, Inc. (DBI) 6307 Bird Road Miami, Florida 33155 Request Date: August 29, 2005 Requestor: Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Purpose: Emergency Demolition and Debris Removal - Ward Rooming House Shell Structure Restoration Project SCOPE OF SERVICES Design -Build InterAmerican, Inc. (DBI) will provide emergency demolition and debris removal services at the Ward Rooming House due to additional damage and structural collapse produced by wind forces caused by Hurricane Katrina (see attached photos) while moving through Miami area on August 25'h, 2005 through August 26`h, 2005. The work will consist of cleaning and disposing of debris as well as the demolition of the rear part of the building to prevent further collapse. DBI will also work on the stabilization of the front porch and south wall of the existing building. DBI will prepare an estimate to perform major repairs to the remaining portions of the building to result in a stable structure. The total fees for this job will not exceed $50,000 as shown below and can be revised or adjusted by the CRA Executive Director via Change Order if needed. Estimated Fee: Not to exceed $50,000 Approximate Schedule: Emergency — August 31, 2005 through September 23, 2005 Approvals: Funding Source .l Accounting Account Date ;30 Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Date gUitit (044E- /C4Tittr-fr P14041' COS.; EVI$ T inlatt-t) TA WIMP floor,e6-- yoki