HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-05-0031 Back-upCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA
TO :
Frank Rollarson
Community Redevelopment Agency
Cmdr: Jorge. Gomez #2383
Comm der
Overtowri NET
June 16, 2005
Overtown NET Crime Initiative
The Overtown NET Service Area in partnership with the Community Redevelopment Agency
(CRA), are in the planning stages of initiating a crime reduction initiative in the area. The purpose
of this 90-day project is to address the narcotics problem, homelessness situation and the quality of
life issues affecting the area. The objectives of the project are to eliminate the fear and perception
of crime in the CRA Area of Overtown. These problems will be tackled by using fresh and
innovative crime solving police tactics. The plan will be under the direct supervision of the
Central District Commander Major Manuel Orosa and the Overtown NET Commander Jorge
Gomez. The plan effectiveness will be measured constantly and adjustments will be made as
The Following Criminal Activities Will Be Targeted:
Sales of Narcotics
Possession of Narcotics
Larcenies to Motor Vehicles
Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages
Vandalism (Graffiti)
Loitering and Prowling
Aggressive Panhandling
Window Washing
Illegal Dumping
Non -Criminal Activities That Will Be Addressed:
Homeless Situation
Citizens with Mental Illness
Abandoned Vehicles
Abandoned Structures
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Department Resources:
Uniform Patrol Units (On and Off -duty Paid with CRA Funds)
Overtown Problem Solving Team
Overtown Neighborhood Resource Officer
Central District Crime Suppression Team
Uniform CIT Officers
Outside Resources:
Overtown NET Administrator
City of Miami Code Inspectors
City of Miami Sanitation Inspectors
Homeless Assistance Program
States Attorneys Office
Jackson Memorial Crisis
Miami Dade County Jail
Deliberate Action Plan:
The Overtown Problem Solving Team will conduct daily corner sweeps, reverse narcotics stings,
traffic enforcement and work hand in hand with the City Inspectors. The Neighborhood resource
Officer will serve as a community liaison during the entire operation. Additionally they will be
towing abandoned vehicles, conducting homeless referrals with the assistance of the Homeless
Assistance Center and handling regular NET complaints from the affected area. Uniform officers
will patrol areas and maintain stability in the locations cleared by PST, CST and the NRO. The
Central District Crime Suppression Team will maintain stability in the outside perimeter of the
projects area. Additionally they will be called on occasions to aid PST on operations inside the
project area.
Situation: Narcotics sales, consumption, homelessness and quality of life issues.
Target Location: NW 3rd to l st Avenue from 5th to 14th street (CRA Area)
Project Time: Three months staffed twenty-four hours a day seven days a week. The minimum
staffing at any time during the project will be two uniform officers.
Staffing: Overtown Problem Solving Team and area NRO (On -Duty)
Tuesdays overlap days 2 officers will staff area (On -Duty)
One officer at time and a half (24) hours a day when PST is "E" two days a week
One officer at time and a half (14) hours a day when PST is "P" four days a week
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On Duty Police Budget:
Overtown PST 1 sergeant $33.00 an hour 3 months 12 weeks (10) hours a day cost $15,840.00
Overtown PST 5 officers $25.00 an hour 3 months 12 weeks (10) hours a day cost $60,000.00
Overtown NRO 1 officer $25.00 an hour 3 months 12 weeks (10) hours a day cost $12,000.00
Overtown overlap 2 officers $25.00 an hour (Tuesdays only 24 hrs) 3 months 12 weeks $14,400.00
Total on -duty projected cost of project $102, 240.00
Off -Duty Budget Overtime Cost Paid by the CRA:
Officer's Cost Paid by the CRA:
Officers time and a half rate approximate $32.50 an hour
Weekly hours needed 100 hours minimum staffing one officer 400 hours
Officers overtime hours needed during three zionth project 1, 248.00
Total approximate cost for officers $40,5 -906:Ot
Total approximate cost of projects overtime hours CRA $40,560.00
The project effectiveness will be measured by the feedback received in community meetings with
stakeholders and compiled statistical data of part one crimes from the area.
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