HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-05-0022 backup point1irt JOHNNY L -WINTON' chairman WORK ORDER NO. 05-29 RFS No. 05-14 RANK ROICASON En,cutive Oirecior Consultant/Vendor: T.Y. Lin International jHJ. Ross• 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Request Date: March 31, 2005 Requester: Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Purpose: Ward Rooming House Shell Structure Restoration Additional Services #1 Emergency Supplemental Pre -Design Services SCOPE OF SERVICES T.Y. Lin International I.H.J. Ross ,(TYLI I HJR) will provide pm -design services in -connection with the Ward Rooming House Shell Structure Restoration Project on an emergency- baSis.. The services include Ank site visits, technical research, meetings and coordination with the Building Department and the PlanninE and Zoning Department of the City of Miami with the purpose of identifying and assessing the current status of the structure and determining the strategies for permitting the proposed_plan. The work will be completed by TYLI I HJR per the terms of its agreement with. the CRA. Estimated Fee: $6,805.46 Approximate Schedule: September 10, 2004 through January 28, 2005 Approvals: 5geo ph/ FundingSource Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director F,101.,554elap Accont (1,5 Date Date • POMMONflYalpkVECCO4NT AGENCY. 10No*Ittt -asek-suktatiottatntifigititiBtlittetativ****043:5,- Iiintilbo*thOwnliaoiliVebike;iinivOniwelit4Org - TYLININTERNATIONAL./HJ•ROSS •1 March 29, 2005 Frank Rollason, Executive Director City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW 5t Street, Suite 100 Miami, FL 33128 RE: Ward Rooming House Shell Structure Restoration Additional Services#1 for Supplemental Pre -Design Services Dear Frank: T.Y. Lin International 'Hi.. Ross (TYLI I HJR) requests additional fees for total pre- design services required for the project. This work is described in the attached leer from -our architectural subconsultant and is mainly for additional planning, meetings, and -coordination with the Building Department. We will accomplish this work fora lump sum fee of $6,805.46. If you concur with this proposal,please issue a Purchase Order. les Deeb, Vice President G'155002327 Wud DesignlDocs\Pi paaa1slward Roonuhg House Add Svcs #I pro.doc 201 Alhambra Circle. Suite 900 • Coral Gables, Fl. 33134 • Telephone: (305) 51i7-1888 • Fatsimile:(305) 567-1771 GURR I MATUTE PA ARCHITECTUREMEM= /EL 305 445 56 I FAX 305 445 0656 www.gurrimatute.com 1. 2701 PONCE CIE Lopor eLVD SUITE 203 CORAL -Gass -rs Ft 33134 February 17, 2005 Mr. Eli Alvarado Project Manager TYLin IntemationaV HJRoss 201 Alhambra Cirtie, Suite 900 Coral Gables, FL 33134 PROJECT: Ward Rooming House RE: Additional Services Proposal — Pre Dessgn Services GMPA PROJECT NO.: 0426.01 Per your request Gurri Matute PA is pleased to submit the following proposal for Additional Pre -Design Services. These Pre -Design Service's include multiple meetings with City officials, the CRA and .TYLin during the course of verifying the project's scope and occupancy, and strategies/requirements for permitting, Additionally, the Architect end Structural Consultant made multiple visits to the site to review the condition of the existing structure, the adequacy of the existing scaffolding to act as bracing, and related safety concerns, including correspondence to the Budding Official. At the request of the ,CRA the Structural Consultant • prepared a report summarizing the existing conditions of the structure and options/methodologies for salvaging at least portions thereof. The Pre Design activities deserted above are in addition to our original scope of work. Additional Services Fee: Architectural: $ 3,995.00 Structural: $ 2,780.50 Reimbugrable Printino $ 29.96 TOTAL: $ 6,805.46 Please advise if any questions regarding this proposal. Armando Tmjffio, RA Sr. Project Manager LiGAIPAD426.0rACoweepandiece‘WirdNaphilSonPraDes021005.doe AA 00334S4 Ail C., -1 URRI MATUTE PA fr ARa-IFTECTUREMOINMEN } :..... _...__ .._..._..._,.. _._..- _., TEL 305 445 5811 _ FAX 305 445 0656 2701 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. SUITE 203 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 February 1, 2005 T.Y. Lin international / H.J. Ross. 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 Coral Gables, FL. 33134 Attn: Eli S. Alvarado Dear Mr. Alvarado: Attached please find our invoice for Additional Services related to Pre -Design activities, as discoed previously with Mr. RoIlason of the CRA. Note these Pre -Des• are not identified in our Basic Services contract or part of our basic fee; refer to attached activities d�ed hed Progress Report for additional information. Please contact me if you have any questions. Armando Trujillo Project Architect A1DAVO1C8310426.O11LettenAT.Y.Lin. Inv.469Com.Letier.doc ___44a4J�09121i. GURRI MATUTE PA I ) ARCHRECTUREMMIREIN _ TEL 30.445 tie11 _ FAX 305 445 0600 2701 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. SUITE 203 CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 T.Y. Lin International / H.J. Ross. 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 Coral Gables, FL. 33134 Attn: Eli S. Alvarado INVOICE FOR SERVICES Date: January 6, 2005 Project No.: 426.01 Invoice No. 469 A/E Services: Additional Services # 1, for Pre -Design Professional Services: September 10, 2004 Through January 28, 2005 Contract Dated: September 10, 2004 Fee Phase Pre -Design Hours Rate Earned Architectural: Reject Manager $ 29.00 $ 130.00 $ 3,770.00 Project...t $ 3.00 $ 75.00 $ 225.00 %,..A44..i.,/ ',.Z, .. k 7-, -, 1.,,. ,, 4 .,...-....7' r, , • n, ,-.... ...1...1. -.` ' " ..— IA " ,..'• •-.V- , :0-,.. V: S''-.1 ,. - ,',..-L" Consultant Engineer: Senior Engineer $ 23.75 $ 105.00 $ 2,49.1.75 Clerical $ 7.75 $ 37.00 $ 286.75 Tote' Hours $ 63.50 29.96 Total Earned $ 6,805.46 Previous Fee Wiling $ Current Fee Billing $ 6,805.46 Total Fee $ 6,805.46 Total this task $ 6,805.45 Billings Currant Prior To -date Total SUengs $ 6,605.46 $ $ 6,805.46 Outstanding Invoices Number Principal Total Date Balance Total tide invoice 6,505.46 Total No* Due $ 141105.46_ . AMX103454_113_11100124LAIN1 GURRi MATUTE PA ARCHTECTUREIMIZEINI L ._TEL.305.4455811 FAX 305 445 0656 2701 PONCE DE LEON BLVD. SUITE 203 CORAL GABLES. FL 33134 PROGRESS REPORT TO: Eli S. Alvarado FROM: Armando Trujillo DATE: January 26, 2005 RE: Additional Services # 1, for Pre -Design Pre -Design Activities: Additional architectural and engineering services for preliminary Pre -Design work outside the -original scope of the project in accordance with our proposal of Sept. 09, 2004. The work performed for the period of September 10, 2004 through January 28, 2005 includes the following: 1) interface *Building Officials to clarify permit requirements. 2) Interface w/CRA to determine proposed occupancy and project scope. 3) . Site visits to analyze existing conditions; preparation of preliminary reports requested by CRA regarding salvage strategies; review of existing scaffolding and safety concerns /preparation of letter to the Bldg. Offal. r� JOHNNYL AMNION: Chairman WORK ORDER NO. 05-30 RFS No. 05-15 VFOMMIZOILASOK £704cutive Aire. Consultant/Vendor: T.Y.. Lin International 1 H.J. Ross 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 Coral Gables, Florida .33134 . Request Date:.. March 31, 2005 Requester: , Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Purpose: Ward Rooming House Shell Structure Restoration Additional Services #2 Emergency Design of Interim Structural Bracing — Front Porch SCOPE OF SERVICES T.Y. Lin International. I ITL •Ross. (TYLI HJR) will provide design services . of -the :inter :s�ctural bracing for the front porch of the Ward Rooming House Shell structure on an emergency basis. The. services include site visits, technical research, meetings and coordination with the Building Department and the Planning and Zoning Department of the City of Miami with the purpose of identifying and assessing the current status of the structure and determining the strategies for pennitting the proposed plan. The work will be completed by TYLI I HJR per the terms of its agreement with the CRi. Estimated Fee: $7,300 Approximate Schedule: Emergency - April 4, 2005 through May 2, 2005 (4 weeks} &F9•0I sso16F. c. Zvi Account 1/Y/a5 Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director. Date ..,OO, • : .i. •- ININTERNATIONAL/ HJ-ROSS March 29, 2005 Frank Rollason, Executive Director City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW 5th Street, Suite 100. Miami, FL 33128 RE: Ward Rooming House Shell Structure Restoration Additional Services #2 for Design Bracing for Front Porch Dear Frank: T.Y. Lin International I H.J. Ross requests additional fees on the referenced project to design an interim bracing system for the a front porch. This work is described in the attached letter from our architectural subconsultant. We will accomplish this work for a lump sum fee of $7,300.00. If you concur with this proposal, please issue a Purchase Order. Vice President G:155002327 Ward 1Docs'PrapoaaislWard Rooming House Add Svcs #R2 pre.doc 201 Alhambra Circle. Suite 900 • Coral Gables,11. 33134 • Telephone: (305) 567-1888 • Facsimile:(305) 567-1771. GURRI MATUTE PA • ARCHITECTUREIMMM 'EL 305 445 -se 1 1 • f .X 305 445 0656 www.gurrimatute.com 1 2701 PONCE DE LEON BLVD Su1TE 203 CORAL ,MAR0 F5 FL 33134 February 17, 2005 Mr. Eli Alvarado Project Manager Min International/ HJRoss 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 Coral Gables, FL 33134 PROJECT: Ward Rooming House GMPA PROJECT NO.: 0426.01 RE: Additional Services Pr oposal —Structural Bracing Per your request, Gum Matute PA is pleased tosubmit the following proposal for Additional P Services. for Structure Bracing required to stabilize the existing "front porch" and south wall of the structure — per existing walls will be demolished and replaced. Please refer to the -attached proposal from the moral engineer fora complete description of the proposed scope of watt. NOTE: The engineer's proposal includes the option of providing bracing for the entire structure; PLEASE DISREGARD that portion of their proposal. Additional Services Fee: Architectural: $ 950.00 Structural: $ 6.350.90 TOTAL $ 7,300.00 Please advise if any questions regarding this proposal. Armando Tru Ilo, RA Sr. Project Manager