HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-05-0020 Back Up DocumentationCONSULTANT WORK ORDER PROPOSAL #1 Parsons Brinckerhoff proposes to provide the services identified below for the project entitled "Access Management Study for North Bayshore Drive between NE 15th Street and NE 17th Terrace" pursuant to its Professional Service Agreement with the City of Miami for Transportation Consulting services, dated 09/29/2004. i. GENERAL The Omni Hotel District of the City of Miami, a destination for tourist and residents is experiencing rapid growth as several major residential development projects are currently under construction or planned in the near future. As a result, some concerns have been voiced by a number of business owners regarding the existing and future operational deficiencies along North Bayshore Drive, between NE 15th Street and NE 17th Terrace once all these facilities are open to the public. Therefore the City of Miami wishes to objective of which will be to identify deficiencies within the study area and operation of traffic on the roadway and perform a traffic study along North Bayshore Drive, the arterial, operational, signage and/or geometric design make recommendations that will improve the safety and its adjacent land use. The scope of services for this study will be based on FDOT standard scope for access management studies. The study area will include North Bayshore Drive between NE 15th Street and NE 17th Terrace. The periods of analysis will include the morning and afternoon peak hours and one off peak period. The following paragraphs describe the anticipated tasks. Recommendations for proper way -finding signage on 1-395 to the Omni Hotel District will also be part of this study. II. SCOPE OF WORK The proposed scope of work is as follows: Task 1— Roadway Inventory The Consultant will conduct a field inventory of the roadway and intersections under study and prepare a detailed aerial based condition diagram on a standard FDOT form contained in the Manual of Urban Traffic Standards (MUTS). Condition diagrams will be created using MicroStation and will include roadway and intersection geometry, lane use/arrangements, median access points, driveway locations and identification of all traffic control devices including pedestrian features, and other roadway or roadside elements that contribute to the quality of traffic operation such as existing signs, bus stops, sight distance obstructions, etc., within 300 feet of an intersection. It shall also include any roadway features that may be impacted by any proposed alternatives. This task will also include a detailed field observation report aimed to describe the operational characteristics of the area and how the current geometry design impacts the traffic operation of the roadways. April 4, 2005 WORK ORDER PROPOSAL #1 Page 2 Access Management Study for North Sayshore Drive Parsons Brinkerhoff Task 2 — Data Collection Six -hour intersection turning movement counts will be collected on typical weekday during the morning and afternoon peak hours and one off-peak period at the North Bayshore Drive/NE 17th Terrace and the Bayshore Drive/NE 15th Street intersections; as well as the three (3) median access points located along the study corridor. Turning movement counts will be taken at specific driveways, as needed. Task 3a — Level of Service Analysis Using the methodology of the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2000), the Consultant will determine the current level of service (LOS) for the existing roadway intersections and segment. Isolated intersection capacity analysis will be performed using Synchro, version 6. As part of the analysis task, taking the rules of the Department of Transportations Chapter 14- 97 State Highway System Access Management Classification System and Standards into consideration, a median review will be performed using three essential principles that should be used when considering deviations from median openings and signal spacing standards: • Traffic safety, • Traffic efficiency, and • Functional integrity Safety of the total transportation system is paramount and should not be compromised. The traffic efficiency and highway function of the road are also important and will be given various levels of priority. It is also important to look at more than just the physical or engineering impacts of these decisions. The decision process shall include a "big picture" look at the decision. In many cases this may involve the City of Miami working with the appropriate local and/or community groups. Other impacts that are also important are: impacts to neighborhood traffic, impacts to businesses, and community impacts to those communities near roadways where our decisions have been implemented. Task 3b Recommendations for Improvements From the results of the previous tasks and appropriate analysis, the Consultant will make conceptual recommendations for optimizing the operation of the roadway —from both a safety and operational standpoint. The Consultant will provide aerial based improvement sketches created in MicroStation for three (3) proposed improvements. All three (3) proposed improvements will be evaluated for their overall and peak period effectiveness. Task 3c — Prepare Cost Estimates and Benefit/Cost Analysis The Consultant shall determine a preliminary cost estimate (which will include Preliminary Engineering (PE), Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) and contingencies; also Right - of -Way if available) of the three improvement alternatives proposed using recent Florida Department of Transportation historical cost data or other method as approved by the City of Miami. The cost estimate shall make a distinction between the cost of the safety and operational improvements separately, so that safety and operational benefits can be clearly identified. Therefore, separate cost estimates for operational and safety improvements shall be submitted. The Consultant shall also determine the project/user safety and operational benefits resulting from implementation of the improvements identified. The Consultant shall develop a safety April 4, 2005 WORK ORDER PROPOSAL #1 Page 3 Access Management Study for North Bayshore Drive Parsons Brinckerhoff benefit/cost ratio, an operational benefit/cost ratio and a total benefit/cost ratio for each of the three proposed alternatives. Task 4 — Report (Deliverable) The Consultant will develop an Analysis Report. The report will contain a detailed description of the work performed during the analysis, all gathered and relevant data used in the analysis and the final conclusions and final recommendations. The report will also include way -finding signage recommendations for 1-395 to ensure the safe arrival of visitors to the Omni Hotel District. Task 5 Meetings Under this task PBQD will be prepared to attend three (3) meetings with the City of Miami staff and the Omni Hotel District community. PBQD will prepare and develop proposed improvement exhibits and be prepared to make presentations at any of these meetings. This task shall not require the Consultant to perform any community involvement notifications. The City of Miami will provide and/or facilitate the following information: CADD based mapping of the study corridor when available. III. SCHEDULE OF WORK — TIME OF PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE OF WORK Task or Activity ID # 1 2 3a 3b 3c 4 Task Name andlor Activity Description Roadway Inventory Data Collection Level of Service Analysis Recommendations for Improvements Prepare Cost Estimates and Benefit/Cost Analysis Report (Deliverable) (*) Includes data processing time by sub consultant Duration (working days) 4 6* 2 4 4 6 Projected Start Date TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Projected Finish Date IV. COMPENSATION Consultant shall perform the Work detailed in this Proposal for a Lump Sum, Not to Exceed fee of fifteen thousand eight hundred thirty four dollars and forty cents ($ 15,834.40). The City shall not be liable for any fee, cost, expense or reimbursable expense or other compensation beyond this amount. April 4, 2005 WORK ORDER PROPOSAL #1 Page 4 SUMMARY OF COMPENSATION Task ID 1 2 3a 3b 3c 4 Ma or Task Name andlor Activi Descri • tion Roadwa Invent° Data Collection Level of Service Anal sis Recommendations for Im • rovements Pre. are Cost Estimates and Benefit/Cost Anal sis Re • ort Deliverable Traffic Counts Access Management Study for North Bayshore Drive Parsons Brinckerhoff Fee Amount $ 2, 296.80 $ 243.60 $ 1,763.20 $ 1,798.00 $ 1,276.00 $ 4,373.20 $ 1,983.60 $ 2,100.00 Fee Basis Lump Sum, Fixed Lump Sum, Fixed Lump Sum, Fixed Lump Sum, Fixed Lump Sum, Fixed Lump Sum, Fixed Lump Sum, Fixed Lump Sum, Fixed V. PROJECT MANAGER CONSULTANT'S Project Manager for this Work Order assignment will be Dr. Ana Maria Elias Submitted by: _ Prepared by: Name o1Project Work Order Number 1 Description: Job Classification Chief Engineer Applicable Raba Rob: $182,40 1 =Road Inventory/ Condition Diagrams 2 :Data Collection 3a ;'Levels of Service) Analysis 36 `Recommendations far Improvements 3c ;Prepare Coat Estimate and B/C Analysis 4 `Prepare Report (Draft and FinaI) 5 ;Meetings ---.. Total % of Work by Classification Form Revised 6M6a04 SeniorErginaer Marie Dowell Access Management Study for North Bayshore Drive between NE 15th Street and NE 17th Terrace Project Manager Ana M. Eflas Rats: 8150.80 Rd*: 8130.20 00% 7.4% Survey Field Days for Subconsullan 3 • Person Craw 4 - Person Crew Survey (3 manner.) 0.00 Survey (4 man crew.) 0.00 3-man crew days ra 4-man crew days ga $ $ 278.40 $ 278.40 $ 65680 $ 1,392.00 $ 2 784.00 STAFF CLASSIFICATION Rat.: 9104A0 0.11% /day $0.00 - tday $0.00 Engineer Janes Spinka Rats: $98.80 CoslfActivity $ 1,380.40 $ 197_20 $ 1,183.20 $ 986.00 $ 786.80 $ 2,760,80 $ 591,60 58.8% Designer Rate: $92.80 --nM 0.0% 14.7% 4.4% NEGOT/ATEO FEE (INCLUDING 2.9 NLJLTIPLIEF ADJUSTED FEE (INCLUDING 2,9 MULTIPLIER Conine! No.: Dale: Estimator. Engineering Technician Leo MagLNra CostAo9vtiy $ 382.80 $ 510.40 $ Clerical Sandra Cayna Rate: 48.40 CostAot1By $ 46,40 $ 92_80 $ 278.40 Average Rate Per 91.87 81.29 94,63 $ 106.33 97.18 12398 $ 8 1M oe $ 2,296.80 $ 243.60 $ 1,763.20 $1,798.00 $ 1,276.00 $ 4,373,20 $ 1,983.60 Check Check = $ CrasaRvads (Traffic Cants) 13,734.40 100% 13,734,40 $ 13,734.4D $ 13,734.40 0 $ $ 13,734.40 2,100.00 15,834.40 WO Proposal Fee Calculation 1