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CRA-R-05-0016 Backup Documentation
CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : FROM : Frank Rollason, Executive Director Community Redevelopment Agency Milton Mizell, Superintendent Graphic Reproductions Division DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: March 14, 2005 Copiers FILE : I reviewed the specifications for the Canon IR 3220 color copier Ikon Office Solutions is proposing for your office. The base cost is $789.49 per month with a cost per copy charge of $.085, 850 inclusive copies and all supplies except paper and staples included in the monthly lease. Pricing and specifications for this copier were taken from State of Florida contract (250-000-03-1) for multifunctional equipment which I have reviewed and agree is acceptable for the needs of Community Redevelopment Agency. After reviewing the specifications and pricing for the 50 page per minute Canon IR 5000 B&W copier proposed by Ikon Office Solutions, I have concluded that it would be more cost effective to utilize the City of Miami's contract with Toshiba Business Solutions. Pricing for Canon IR 5000 is $758.57 per month with a cost per copy charge of $.04, 45,000 inclusive copies and all supplies except paper and staples included in the monthly lease price. 1 am recommending the Toshiba e-Studio 8100 which is capable of producing 80 copies per minute with a base cost of $420.49 per month, a cost per copy charge of $0.04, 40,000 inclusive copies and all supplies except paper and staples included in the monthly lease price. Additional monthly costs for the Toshiba e-Studio 8100 would include the print/scan board $39.00 and large capacity feeder $28.00 bringing the total monthly payment to $487.00. Utilizing the city-wide copier contract with Toshiba Business Solutions would provide faster equipment at a $271.00 monthly savings over the Canon IR 5000. MM/mm IKON Client Online Resource Center : Overview : Contract Summary Page 1 of 2 I Kok, Government Contracts: State of Florida WM State of Florida General Contract Information Contract Summary operarin Toots • Product Info Vendors 1 contact us Feedback Product info State Contracts FE I D#: 23-0334400 SPIN#: 143006912 Canon Wednesday, March 09, 2005 View Another Company 1- Select Company - IKON Office Solutions State of Florida IT Contract for Canon Equipment: Canon U.S.A., Inc., is a leader in professional business and consumer imaging equipment and information systems. Canon is listed by Fortune as one of the "Most Admired Companies in America," and is ranked #41 on the Business Week list of "Top 100 Brands." Canon U.S.A., Inc. employs more than 11,000 people at more than 30 facilities throughout North, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Contract Number: 250-000-03-01 Name Approved Resellers Contract Pricing IKON Servicing Dealers Canon File Type TA TA File Size (Kb) 78 265 121 Canon products include full -color as well as black -and -white copiers, printers, micrographics and image filing systems, facsimile machines, calculators, cameras and lenses, camcorders, semiconductor, broadcast and optical equipment, flatbed scanners, and other specialized industrial products. Last Modified 6/8/2004 12/22/2004 9/4/2003 www.state.fl.us www.ikon.com IK N Document Efficiency At Work.` CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY The content of this website is confidential and proprietary to IKON Office Solutions, Inc. ("IKON") and The State of Florida and may not be reproduced, published, or disclosed to third parties without the express authorization of IKON and The State of Florida. This website is intended solely for the benefit and use of authorized representatives of The State of Florida pursuant and subject to the terms and conditions of a written agreement between the parties for such purpose. Any http://www.ikon.corn/extranet/florida!technology/prodinfo_canon.asp 3/9/2005 IKON Client Online Resource Center : Overview : Contract Summary Page 2 of 2 contrary use is prohibited. ©2005 IKON Office Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. IKON: Document Efficiency At Work® and IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS® are trademarks of IKON Office Solutions, Inc. All other brand names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners. http://www.ikon.com/extranet/florida/technology/prodinfo_canon.asp 3/9/2005 IK9N The Way 8USfness Gets Communicated ° IKON IT Hardware Contract Contract Number 250-000-03-1 Good Thru: 31-JuI-2005 Effective: 25-JuI-2003 Updated: 14-Dec-2004 CANON DIGITAL PRINT SYSTEMS WORKGROUP and PRODUCTION CALL OR EMAIL FOR QUOTE Contact: ( Ben Doddridge 850 297-2522 ext 208 888 293-4566 ext 208 BDoddridge(&ikon.corn Ikon Office Solutions Florida State IT Hardware Contract 250-000-03-1 Update December 14, 2004 CANON Digital Print Systems Description Part Number Purchase Price' 2 year lease" 3 year lease" 4 year lease- 5 year lease" 2 yr lease Wiener** 3 year lease wltoner"• 4 year lease wltoner"" 5 year lease wltener"'" iR 5000 BCN454 $12,920.00 $690.09 $482.08 $392.93 $343.83 $769.80 3561 79 $472.64 $423.54 ScanStation BGNZ57 $4,701.11 $218.13 $142.44 $110.01 $92.14 $218.13 $142.44 $11001 $92.14 eCopy Desktop for Windows (5 user per package) BCZWH1 $576.67 $26.76 $17.47 $13.49 $11.30 $26.76 $17.47 $13.49 $11.30 Site Licensing for eCopy Desktop (251-500 user seats) BCZINHX $91.11 $4.23 $2.76 $2.13 $1.79 $4.23 $2.76 $2.13 $1.79 Network Multi-PDL Printer Kit-A2 (3) (4) BCZB55 $1,68556 $78.21 $51.07 $39.44 $33.04 $78.21 $51.47 $39.44 $33.04 Token Ring Network Interface Adaptor (5) BCZi52 $566.67 $30.93 $20.20 $15 60 $13.07 $30,93 $20.20 $15.60 $13.07 Token Ring-A2 Set (6) 3CZI55 $747.78 $34.70 $22.66 $17.50 $14.66 $34.70 $22.66 $17.50 $14.66 imagePASS-L1 Print Controller (3) BCNR53 $2,524.44 $117.13 $76.49 $59.07 $49.48 $117.13 $76.49 $59.07 $49.48 Saddle Finisher-F2 BCNHO6 $2,733.33 $126.83 $82.82 $63,96 $53.57 $126.83 $82.82 $63.96 $53.57 Finisher-F1 BCNH07 Included included Included Included Included Included Included Included included Puncher Unit-B1 (7) BCNZ12 $410.00 $19.02 $12.42 $9.59 $8.04 $19.02 $12.42 $9.59 $8.04 Paper Deck-G1 BCNPOE $1,275.56 $59.19 $38.65 $29.85 $25.00 $59.19 $38.65 $29.85 $25.00 Copy Tray-C3 BCZZ1C $22.22 $1.03 $0.67 $0.52 $0.44 $1.03 $0.67 $0.52 $0.44 FL Cassette-P3 (Universal Type Replacement) BCZCOM $88.89 $4.12 $2.69 $2.08 $1.74 $4.12 $2.69 $2.08 $1.74 Control Card IV ACZG53 $206.67 $9.59 $6.26 $4.84 $4.05 $9.59 $6.26 $4.84 $4.05 Basic Card Set ACZG08 $115.56 55.36 $3..50 $2.70 $226 $5.36 $3.50 $2.70 32.26 Card Set 2 ACZG51 $231.11 $10.72 $7.00 $5.41 $4.53 $10.72 $7,00 $5.41 $4.53 Card 6E11.3 ACZGO6 $308.89 $14.33 $9.36 $7.23 $5.05 $14,33 $9.36 $7.23 $6.05 Braille Label Kit-A1 BCZZJB $22.22 $1.03 $6.67 $0.52 $0.44 $1.03 $0.67 $0.52 $0.44 Accessibility Kit -Al BCZZJA $77.78 $3.61 $2.36 $1.82 $1.52 $3.61 $2.36 $1.82 $1,52 ' Service is $90.60 for 45,000 images per month, overages are billed al D.0020 per image, includes parts and labor. supplies not included " Service is $170.31 for 45,00D images per month, overages are billed at 0.0038 per image, includes pads and labor, toner is included "" Service is lnduded on lease rates for 45,000 images per month, overages are billed at 0.0020. per image, includes parts and labor, supplies not included "' Service is included on lease rates for 45,000 image per month, overages are billed at D.0038 per image, includes parts and labor, toner is included Ikon Office Solutions Florida State IT Hardware Contract 250-000-03-1 Update December 14, 2004 CANON Digital Print Systems Description IR C3220 Copier Color Image Reader-C1 Duplexing Automatic Document Feeder-K1 Finisher-M 1 Finisher-N1 Saddle-Finisher-N2 Cassette Feeding Unit-X1 Side Paper Deck-P1 Plain Pedestal-C1 Copy Tray Unit-H1 Platen Cover Type G FL Cassette X1 Kay Switch Unit-A1 Card Reader-D1 Basic Card Set Copy Card Set 1 (1-30) Copy Card Set 2 (31-100) Copy Card Set 3 (101-200) Color Universal Send Kit-A2P Super G3 Fax Board-M2 Resolution Switching Board-A2 Color Network Multi-PDL printer Kit-A2P USB Interface Board-A3 Token Ring Network I/F Adapter IN-TR2 imagePASS-C1 v.2 Enhanced DocBuilder Pro v2.2/ 1 User Liscense, Roman Densitometer Token Ring Board-TB84 ImageRUNNER Security Kit-A1P ImageRUNNER Copy Control Interface Cable Part Number Purchase Price* 2 yr lease** 3 year lease** 4 year lease** 5 year lease#'* CCN36R 9,074.00 $496.03 365.37 312.74 $282.79 CCNZ5D included included included included included CCNF5H 1,000.00 $46.40 30.30 23.40 $19.60 CCNH53 1,000.00 $46.40 30.30 23.40 $19.60 CCNH52 2,006.00 $93.08 60.78 46.94 $39.32 CCNH51 4,012.00 $186.16 121.56 93.88 $78.64 CCNP5K 1,086.00 $50.39 32.91 25.41 $21.29 CCNPSJ 1,387.00 $64.36 42.03 32.46 $27.19 CCZT51 466.00 $21.62 14.12 10.90 $9.13 CCZZ5F 32.00 $1.48 0.97 0.75 $0.63 CCZZ5G 66.00 $3.06 2.00 1.54 $1.29 CCZC51 91.00 $4.22 2.76 2.13 $1.78 CCZZSI 29.00 $1.35 0.88 0.68 $0.57 BCZZ56 212.00 $9.84 6.42 4.96 $4.16 ACZGO8 119.00 $5.52 3.61 2.78 $2.33 ACZGO2 106.00 $4.92 3.21 2.48 $2.08 ACZG51 237,00 $11.00 7.18 5.55 $4.65 ACZGO6 316.00 $14.66 9.57 7.39 $6.19 CCZZ99 1,478.00 $68.58 44.78 34.59 $28.97 CCZB56 546.00 $25.33 16.54 12.78 $10.70 CCZB55 239.00 $11.09 7.24 5.59 $4.68 CZZB57 2,250.00 $104.40 68.18 52.65 $44.10 CCZI5I 63.00 $2.92 1.91 1.47 $1.23 BCZI52 682.00 $31.64 20.66 15.96 $13.37 CCNRXQ 3,660.00 $169.82 110.90 85.64 $71.74 FCZ81J 1,837.50 $87.10 58.98 46.49 $39.69 CCNZOJ 887.00 $41.16 26.88 20.76 $17.39 ECZIOE 677.00 $31.41 20.51 15.84 $13.27 BCZZII 239.00 $11.09 7.24 5.59 $4.68 BCZZH3 46.00 $2.13 1.39 1.08 $0.90 * Service is $75.00 for 850 color images per month, overages are billed at 0.085 for color and .017 for B/W per image, includes parts and labor, supplies not included ** Service is included on lease rates for 850 color images per month, overages are billed at 0.085 for color and .017 for B)W per image, includes parts and labor, supplies