HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-04-0008 WARD-BACKUP DOCUMENTSARTHUR_ E. TEELE IJR. CHAIRMAN WORK ORDER NO. 04-27 RFSNO.#04-17 FRANK K.Rf3LLASO.N. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Consultant/Vendor: TY LIN/ H.J Ross 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite:900 Coral Gables, FL 33134 Request Date: August 12, 2004 Requestor: Frank K. Rollason Purpose: Emergency A&E Services for Ward Rooming House SCOPE OF SERVICES TY LIN InternationallHJ Ross will provide design, inspections, permitting and lab testing, for the improvement of the Ward Rooming House, located at 249-255 NW 9th Street as specified in the feasibility study titled Restoration of the Ward Rooming House (TY LUHJR Project Number: 550023.29) dated March 10, 2004 under alternative #2 (Salvage Facade & Front Porch and Replace the Main Building). Estimated Fee: $80,541.50 Schedule: Work to be performed on an emergency basis Approvals: 6e1/Zei. FunditRe Accounting Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW 5th Street, Suite 100 Miami, Florida 33128 Tel: (305) 679-6800 Fax: (305) 679-6835 E-mail: cra@ci.miami,fl.us Website: www.miami-cra.org /TYLININTERNATIONAL / H•J•ROSS August 3, 2004 Frank K. Rollason, Executive Director City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 49 NW 5th Street, Suite 100 Miami, FL 33128 RE: Ward Rooming House — Shell Structure Restoration Architecture/Engineering Fee Proposal Work Order No. 04-27; Request for Service No. 04-17 Dear Frank: T.Y. Lin International / H.J. Ross (TYLI/HJR) proposes to provide professional architectural and engineering services for the referenced project. The work scope involves designing the shell structure and minor site improvements of the Ward Rooming House. The scope is further described in the attached Exhibit "A", and in Gurri-Matute's architectural proposal. TYLIIHJR proposes to accomplish this work as described in Exhibit "A" for a lump sum fee of $106,552. This is broken down as 75% fee for design and permitting, and 25% fee for bidding and construction management as follows: $74,941.50 Design $2,600.00 Survey $3,000.00 Expenses f $80,541.50 Design and Permitting I $25,980.50 Bid and Construction Management $106,522.00 Total Fee A detailed breakdown of the fee is provided in Exhibit "B". If you concur with this proposal, please issue a Work Order and we will begin work immediately. Vice President F:1Chuck's Files from G\Proposal\Ward Rooming House shell pro.doc 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 • Coral Gables, FL 33134 • Telephone: (305) 567-1888 • Facsimile:(305) 567-1771 FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 9 N.W. 9th Street, Miami TYLIIHJR Project Numbert-550023.29 March 10, 2004 TYL NINTERNATIONAL/ 1-1J-ROSS Engineers • Planners • Scientists 201 Alhambra Circle Suite 900 Coral Gables Florida 33134 1 1 r 1 z 1 1 i STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST Alternative #1- Restore the Existing Structure Item Ficus tree removal Demolition of the west wall Scaffold removal/relocation (as needed) Restoration of the existing structure Contmgcy PWW Des i • n, Ins • ections and Lab. Testin Qty. 1 1 1 2,457 1 Unit LS LS LS SF LS Unit Price Total $4,500.00 $4,500.00 $1.,750.00. $1,750.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $400.00 $982,800.00 20% $198,610.00 20% Alternative #2 - Salvage Facade & Front Porch and Replace the Main Building $238,332.00 Item Qty. Unit Unit Price Total Ficus tree removal Demolition of the main building Scaffold removal/relocation (as needed) Restoration of the front pooh & facade Re -construct the main building Contin •enc LS LS LS SF SF LS 1 1 1 400 2,057 1 1 Alternative #3 - Demolish Existing and Build a New Structure $4,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $325.00 $130.00 20% 20% $4,500.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $130,000.00 $267,410.00 $81,982.00 $98, 378.40 Item Qty. Unit Unit Price Total Ficus tree removal 1 LS $4,500.00 $4,500.00 Demolition of the entire building 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Scaffold removal 1 LS $4,000.00 $4,000.00 Build new structure 2,457 SF $130.00 $319,410.00 Contin enc 1 LS 20% $66,582.00 �_'e�; �' i `�a� :v"4..,F�t- z ;� `a. kA7x x 'i g . r'K i Design Inspections and Lab. Testing 1 LS 20% $79,898.40 ''R'>^¢4i.e5p., Y :A f'��," l V�`� -iN ;+Sq� ,,,4 TO`F NI6 , R TIVE . �, ����§'�� �� Z 1 �. , _ { . dt°�`'� F._, SEOPW AND OMNI/CRA CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: April 26, 2004 ITEM 14A A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO SEEK FUNDING FOR THE PRESERVATION, REHABILITATION, AND RESTORATION OF THE WARD ROOMING HOUSE, AT 249 NORTHWEST 9TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $600,000.00, THROUGH THE CITY OF MIAMI DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT; FURTHER DIRECTING THAT SHOULD SUCH FUNDING BE UNAVAILABLE, THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SHALL ALLOCATE TAX INCREMENT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNTS STATED ABOVE FOR THIS PURPOSE IN THE CRA'S FISCAL YEAR 2005 BUDGET. SEOPW/CRA RESOLUTION 04-33 (MODIFIED) MOVED: REGALADO. SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS ITEM S-5 JUL RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA R- on- 6 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ISSUE A WORK ORDER, UNDER THE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGER -AT -RISK CONTRACT WITH MAGNUM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CORP., D/B/A MCM CORP., FOR THE GRAND PROMENADE INTERIM RENOVATION PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $500,000.00; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM ACCOUNT CODE 799126.452502.6.930. WHEREAS, the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("CRA") is responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects within the Southeast Overtown/Park West redevelopment area in accordance with the approved Redevelopment Plan; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. SEOPW/CRA 01-51, passed and adopted on May 21, 2001, the CRA authorized the Executive Director to execute a contract with Dover Kohl & Partners for the design and planning of a Grand Promenade along the old FEC right-of-way in the Park West entertainment district; and Page 1 of 3 SEOPW/CRA 03- 62 ITE s-5 JUL 15 2003 WHEREAS,' while the conceptual design is finalized, interim renovations are necessary to upgrade service, maintain access, and ensure the safety of the public and businesses utilizing the area; and WHEREAS, on October 1, 2002, the CRA entered into a contract for Construction Manager -at -Risk services with Magnum Construction Management Corp., D/B/A MCM Corp.; and WHEREAS, the CRA desires to award construction of the interim renovations under its existing contract for Construction Manager -at -Risk services as Community Development funding currently available for the interim renovations will be withdrawn before the final design and formal bid process can be completed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated herein as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The Executive Director is authorized to issue a Work Order to Magnum Construction Management Corp., D/B/A MCM Corp. under its existing Construction Manager -at - Page 2 of 3 SEOPW/CRA 03- 62 JUL 15 2003 Risk contract ° with the CRA for construction of the Grand Promenade Interim Renovations in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00. Section 3. Funds are to be allocated from Account Code No. 799126.452502.6.930. Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1✓ day of July, 2003. ART ` E. TEELE, JR . , CHS;RMAN ATTEST: (y PR SCILLA A. THOMPSON CLERK OF THE BOARD APPROVED AS T• ORM CORRECTNESS: R VILARELLO L COUNSEL FKR/ JHV Page 3 of 3 SEOPW/CR 0 3 - 62 JUL , 5 i3Oo, Grant, Neko From: Chuck Deeb [CDeeb@tylin-hjross.com] Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 9:53 AM To: Grant, Neko Cc: Rollason, Frank; Villacoria, James H Subject: Promenade Cost Attached are detailed preliminary construction cost estimates for the three phases of the Grand Promenade Interim Improvements. The cost summary is as follows: Phase 1 $127,400 20% Cont. $25,500 Total $152,900 Phase 2 $130,500 20% Cont. $26,100 Total $156,600 Phase 3 $135,400 20% Cont. $27,100 Total $162,500 Grand Total = $472,000 Chuck Deeb, P. E. Vice President BLOCK ONE BLOCK TWO BLOCK THREE T. Y. LIN International / H. J. ROSS 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 900 Coral Gables, FL 33134 (305) 567-1888 Ext. 229 - Phone (305) 567-1771 - Fax SEOPW/CRA 19 3- 2. 6/l 2/2003 City of MiamiA Grand Promenade interim Improvements - Phase 1 North Miami Ave. to NE lst Ave. Date: 06/12/03 TYLII/HJR No. 550023.xx Item Description Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount 1 Maintenance of Traffic DAY $100.00 30 $3,000.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing AC $2,000.00 2 $4,000.00 3 $0.00 4 Tree Relocation EA $0.00 5 Tree Removal EA $200.00 5 $1,000.00 6 Earthwork LS $3,500.00 1 $3,500.00 7_-7yp-e "B" Stabilization (LBR 40)(12"ThickL SY $0.00 8 Limerock Base (81`)(Primed) SY $0.00 9 Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete (1-1/2° Thick) SY $5.00 750 $3,750.00 . 10 Concrete Class I CY $0.00 11 Concrete Pavement (6" Thick)(dumpster pads) SY $35.00 65 $2,275.00 12 Catch Basin, Type D EA $2,000.00 4 $8,000.00 13 Pipe Culvert 94°) LF $35.00 60 $2,100.00 14 Exfiltration Trench (24")Includes Ballast Rock LF $85.00 100 $8,500.00 15 Concrete Curb & Gutter (Type "F) LF $14.00 975 $13,650.00 16 Concrete Sidewalk (6° Thicker SY $28.00 95 $2,660.00 17 Fencing r- LF $18,00 80 $1,440.00 18 Sodding (Pensacola Bahia)(Inciudinp Watering SY $3.00 1,300 $3,900.00 19 Adjust and/or Relocate Existing Fire idrant EA $0.00 20 Dumpster Enclosure EA $3,000.00 6 $18,000.00 21 Roadside Sign EA $250.00 2 $500.00 22 Reflective Pavement Marker EA $4.00 20 $80.00 23 Pavement Markings SF $0.00 24 Solid Traffic Stripe 6° (Painted) LF ' $1.00 , 980 $980.00 25 Solid Traffic Stripe 8" (Painted) LF $0.00 26 Solid Traffic Stripe 12" (Painted) LF $0.00 27 Solid Traffic Stripe 18" (Painted) LF $0.00 28 Solid Traffic Stripe 24" (Painted) LF $3.00 12 $36.00 29 $0.00 30 Conduit (2" P.V.C. Schedule 40) LF $5.00 500 $2,500.00 31 Service Load Center (Seconda y Voltage) LS $1,500.00 1 $1,500.00 32 Pull Box Sidewalk) EA $300.00 10 $3,000.00 33 Light Pole Complete EA $4,000.00 8 $32,000.00 . 34 Landscape LS $8,000.00 1 $8,000.00 35 irrigation LS $3 000.00 1 $3 000.00 Sub Total Contingency 20% Total C:AOOCUME-UvrkeRILOCALS-11Tern Grand Promenade Iternuderromenede $127,371.00 $25,474.20 $152,845.20 ITEM 5-5 JUL 15 20r SEOPW/CRA - 03- 62 City of Miami CRA •. Grand Promenade Interim Improvements - Phase 2 ENE 1st Ave. to NE 2nd Ave. Date: 06/12/03 TYLUHJ R No. 550023.xx Item Description Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount 1 Maintenance of Traffic DAY $100.00 30 $3,000.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing AC $2,000.00 1 2 . $4,000.00 3 T $0.00 sin lin 6 Tree Relocation EA $0.00 Tree Removal EA $200.00 5 $1,000.00 Earthwork LS $3,500.00 1 $3,500.00 7 Type "B" Stabilization (LBR 40)(12"Thick) SY " $0.00 8 Limerock Base (8')(Primed) SY $0.00 9 TA•e S-III phalt$c Concrete (1-1/2" Thick) SY $5.00 750 $3,750.00 10 Concrete Class I CY $0.00 11 Concrete Pavement (6" Thick)(dumpster-pads) SY $35.00 65 $2,275.00 12 Catch Basin, Tyke D EA $21000.00 4 $8,000.00 13 Pipe Culvertg4') LF $35.00 60 $2,100.00 14 Exfiltration Trench (24') Includes Ballast Rock LF $85.00 100 $8,500.00 15 Concrete Curb & Gutter (Type "F") LF $14.00 980 $13,720.00 16 Concrete Sidewalk (6" Thick) SY $28.00 95 $2,660.00 17 Fencing LF $18.00 250 $4,500.00_, $3,900.00 18 Sodding (Pensacola Bahia)(Including Watering) SY $3.00 1,300 19 Adjust and/or Relocate Existing Fire Hydrant EA $0.00_, 20 Dumpster Enclosure EA $3,000.00 6 $18,000.00 21 Roadside Sign EA $250.00 2 $500.00 • 22 Reflective Pavement Marker EA $4.00 20 $80.00 23 Pavement Markings SF $0.00 24 MI 26 Solid Traffic Stripe 6" (Painted LF ' $1.00 980 , $980.00 Solid Traffic Stripe 8" (Painted) LF $0.00 Solid Traffic Stripe 12" Painted) LF $0.00� 27 Solid Traffic Stripe 18" (Painted) LF $0.00 28 Solid Traffic Stripe 24" Painted) LF $3.00 12 $36.00 29 $0.00 30 Conduit.(2" P.V.C. Schedule 40) LF $5.00 500 $2,500.00 • 31 Service Load Center ( Secondary Voltage) LS $1,500.00 1 $1,500.00 32 Pull Box ( Sidewalk) EA $300.00 10 $3,000.00 33 Light Pole Complete EA $4,000.00 8 $32,000.00 34 Landscape LS $8,000.00 1 $8,000.00 35 Irri • ation LS $3,000.00 1 $3000.00 , Sub Total Contingency 20% Total C.IUOCUME-1IngranOLOCALS-11Templ(Grand Promenade Ilems.xs)Promenade $130,501.00 $26,100.20 $15601.20 ITEM 3-5 JUL 15 2 O SEOPW/CRA 3- G2 CityotatiamieRA Grand Promenade interim Improvements - Phase 3 I NW ist Ave. to North Miami Ave. Date: 06/12/03 TYLI/H"JR No. 550023.xx Item . Description Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount 1 Maintenance of Traffic DAY $100.00 30 $3,000.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing AC $2,000.00 2 $4,000.00 3 Railroad Track Demolition (Rail Cutting) LF $10.00 i 800 $8,000.00 4 Tree Relocation EA $0.00 5 Tree Removal EA $200.00 5 $1,000.00 6 Earthwork LS $3,500.00 1 $3,500.00 7 Type "B" Stabilization (LBR 40)(126-Mick) SY $0.00 8 Limerock Base (8")(Primed) SY $0.00 9 Type S-III Asphaltic Concrete (1-1/2' Thick) SY $5.00 550 $2,750.00 10 Concrete Class I CY $0.00 11 Concrete Pavement (6* Thick)(dumpster ads) SY $35.00 65 $2,275.001 $8 000.00 12 Catch Basin, Type D EA $2 000.00 4 13 Pipe Culvert (24") LF $35.00 60' $2,100430 14 Exfiitration Trench (24") Includes Ballast Rock LF $85.00 100 $8,500.00 15 Concrete Curb & Gutter (Type"F') LF $14.00 980 $13,720.00. 16 Concrete Sidewalk (6" Thick) SY $28.00 95 $2,660.00 17 Fencing .LF $18.00 150 $2,700.00 18 Sodding(Pensacola Bahia)(Including Watering) SY $3.00 1,200 $3,600.00_; 19 Adjust and/or Relocate Existing Fire grant EA $0.00 20 Dumpster Enclosure EA $3,000.00 6 $18,000.00 21 Roadside Sign - EA $250.00 2 $500.00 22 Reflective Pavement Marker EA $4.00 . 20 $80.00 23 Pavement Markings SF $0.00 24 Solid Traffic Stripe 6" (Painted) LF ' $1.00 ` 980 $980.00 25 Solid Traffic Stripe 8' (Painted) LF $0.00 26 Solid Traffic Stripe 12" (Painted) LF $0.00 27 Solid Traffic Stripe 18" (Painted) LF $0.00 28 Solid Traffic Stripe 24' (Painted) LF $3.00 12 $36.00 29 $0.00 30 Conduit S2" P.V.C. Schedule 40) LF $5.00 ' 500 $2,500.00 . 31 Service Load Center ( Secondary Voltage) LS $1,500.00 1 .___ $1,500.00 32 Pull Box ( Sidewalk) EA $300.00 10 , $3,000.00 33 Lgl t Pole Complete EA $4,000.00 8 $32,000.00 34 Landscape LS $8,000.00 1 $8,000.00 35 Irrigation LS $3,000.00 1 $3,000.00 Sub Total Contingency 20% Total C:IDOCUME-1Mgra,i\LOCALS-11TempljGrand Promenade Hems.xls]P;omc, $135,401.00 $27,080.20 $162,481.20 ITEM S-5 JUL - sEOPWl CRA 03-- 62