HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW OMNI CRA 2009-01-26 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Monday, January 26, 2009 5:00 PM Club Space 34 N.E. llth Street Miami, FI. 33132 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Michelle Spence -Jones, Chair Marc David Sarnoff, Vice Chair Angel Gonzalez, Commissioner Joe Sanchez, Commissioner Tomas Regalado, Commissioner CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 49 NW 5th ST, SUITE 100, Miami, FL 33128 Phone: (305) 679-6800, Fax: (305) 679-6835 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Present: Commissioner Sanchez, Commissioner Regalado and Chair Spence -Jones Absent: Commissioner Gonzalez and Vice Chair Sarnoff On the 26th day of January 2009, the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Districts of the City of Miami met in regular session at Club Space, 34 NE 11th Street, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Michelle Spence -Jones at 5: 25 p.m. and was adjourned at 7: 29 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: James H. Villacorta, Interim Executive Director, CRA Gail A. Dotson, Assistant General Counsel, CRA William R. Bloom, Special Counsel, CRA Pamela E. Burns, Assistant Clerk of the Board ORDER OF THE DAY Chair Spence -Jones: Welcome to Club Space. We thought that we would try to move our meetings around throughout the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) district. I thought it was befitting for us to try different locations throughout the CRA, for us to really experience what is exactly happening in the CRA, so that's why we're here at Club Space. I want to thank the Club Space owners for allowing us to come into their facility. One of the other things that I mentioned to Jim, we're going to be visiting different locations, and hopefully, you'll get a chance to see other places. But we will not probably be going next door to Goldrush the next time, but I know that all the fellows in the house was kind of expecting that, but we've decided to -- that's the only place we probably will not be having a CRA meeting. But welcome to our first CRA meeting of the year. At this time, we are -- we don't have a quorum. Commissioner Sanchez is two minutes away. And I'm an elected official, so I know what "two minutes away" means. So I don't want to hold up everyone. We want to start with the items that do not require a quorum. FINANCIALS 1. 09-00031 CRA REPORT FINANCIAL SUMMARY THROUGH MONTH ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2008 Financial Summary.pdf DISCUSSED Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. We're going to move on to our -- we're going to go ahead and start the agenda. And let's -- Commissioner Sanchez: Start the agenda. Chair Spence -Jones: -- start with item number 1, the financial summary. Miguel. Miguel Valentin (Financial Officer, Community Redevelopment Agency): Good afternoon, Commissioners. On page 1, we're having the combined statement of financial position. The first item is cash unrestricted. Under Southeast Overtown/Park West, we're disclosing the amount of 100,000; and in Omni, we're disclosing the same amount, 100, 000, as well. For the -- regarding the low-income affordable and workforce housing program, to date we have 8,242,682 has been budgeted. Of this amount, 6,992,682 has been encumbered and 2,531,876 has been expended, leaving an available balance of 1,250, 000. No reportable condition has been noted. Also, I wanted to let you know that the audit report for fiscal year 2008 has been released and we City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 obtained a clean opinion, and here are the -- our external auditor to attest my comment, Richie Tandoc. Commissioner Sanchez: All right. Before you do that -- Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah. Commissioner Sanchez: -- I have a question, as always. Are there any reported conditions that we, as board members, should be made aware of? Mr. Valentin: No, sir. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Commissioner Regalado: I have a question. Chair Spence -Jones: You're recognized. Commissioner Regalado: Have you ever, in the last, maybe Jim or Miguel, been contacted by the property appraisal [sic] office for the new appraisals that will start in March and April? Mr. Valentin: Not really, no. Commissioner Regalado: Okay. Do they usually get in touch with you? James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Usually, we receive an estimate of the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) revenues in September. Commissioner Regalado: In September? Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. Commissioner Regalado: Because, as you know, they are going to start their appraisals in March and in April, and these appraisals will, I'm sure, impact dramatically the budget or the TIF. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: So I think that by May or midsummer, maybe you should contact the office of the property appraisal [sic] to see the first draft of what we get because I know that, come September -- but come September, it's too late for you maybe to -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: -- reassess the situation. Because I can tell you that the property appraisal [sic] will be aggressive in looking at the market -driven appraisals for the property, especially in this area. Mr. Villacorta: Actually, we're meeting with the County in February to discuss the current year's budget and -- Mr. Valentin: The amended. Mr. Villacorta: -- we'll reach out to the property appraiser's office as well. City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Commissioner Regalado: Okay. Chair Spence -Jones: Any other comments on item number 1? Commissioner Sanchez: No. I do want to hear from the extotic [sic] auditor. Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah, that's number 2. I just want to close -- Commissioner Sanchez: Oh. Vice Chair Spence -Jones: -- out on -- Pamela E. Burns (Assistant Clerk of the Board): Excuse me. And we need your name on the record please. Mr. Valentin: Miguel Valentin, financial officer. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. Miguel, is that it? Okay. We -- this -- we've all heard this item. No other questions on it. 2. 09-00032 CRA PRESENTATION PRESENTATION BY RICHE TANDOC, OF SANSON, KLINE, JACOMINO & COMPANY, LLP, OF EXTERNAL AUDIT REPORTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008. Cover Memo.pdf Backup.pdf PRESENTED Chair Spence -Jones: We're going to move on to item number 2, which is the audit. Richie Tandoc: Good evening, Chair and board members. My name is Richie Tandoc, with Sanson Kline Jacomino and Company. I'm the partner in charge of the audits of the agencies for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2008. As I do every year, I'd first like to thank Jim Villacorta and Miguel Valentin and their staff for their continued cooperation in assisting us in completing the audits of the agencies. And Jim and Miguel take the annual audit very seriously and are as professional as they come. As a result, we continue to complete the audits in an efficient and timely manner in cooperation with the City's Finance staff I provided you with a brief report on the results of the 2008 audit, as well as the required communications as your auditor, in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards. And I'll just touch briefly on our response to each of those required communications, starting on page 1 after our letter. With regards to the auditors' responsibilities under generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards, we have issued our unqualified opinions, that is a clean opinions on the agencies based upon financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2008. We also issued our reports on the agencies' internal control of financial reporting and on compliance and other matters for the year ended September 30, '08. We noted no material weaknesses or material noncompliance issues thereon, and all reports were dated November 20, 2008. With regards to significant accounting policies, the agencies' significant accounting policies are described in note one to the financial statements. Accounting principles selected by management are consistent with those prescribed by government accounting standards. And the agencies' financial statements and related disclosures are clearly presented in a complete manner. With regards to accounting estimates for fiscal year ended September 30, '08, management's judgment was called upon to establish the use (UNINTELLIGIBLE) capital assets. We have determined that such estimates are reasonable. With regards to methods of accounting for significant unusual transactions and for controversial City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 or emergent areas, we did not identify any such issues. With regards to significant and/or adjusted audit adjustments, we had no audit adjustments during this current year's audit. All of the adjustments that were made during the audit were proposed by the finance officer and approved by us. On page two, with regards to fraud and illegal acts, we are not aware of any fraud or illegal acts that occurred during the fiscal year involving senior management or any fraud or illegal acts involving any employees that would cause a material misstatement of the financial statements. With regards to disagreements or difficulties with management, we did not encounter any such significant disagreements or difficulties during the course of the audit. With regards to major issues discussed with management prior to retention, we did not discuss any such issues. With regards to independence, there are no relationships between us and the agencies and its related entities that, in our professional judgment, would impede our independence. With regards to our audit of the agencies as of September 30, '08, we are independent of the agencies, in accordance with Rule 101 of the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) Code of Professional Conduct. And we have not performed any non -audit services for the agencies during the fiscal year ended September 30, '08 or thereafter. And lastly, with regards to the management letter, we have issued our management letter in accordance with the rules of the auditor general of the state of Florida, dated November 20, 2008, and we had no new observations for the current year, meaning we had no reported conditions, findings, or material weaknesses. Chair Spence -Jones: Any questions from --? Commissioner Sanchez: Question. Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez, you're recognized. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. We all have a fiduciary responsibility here, and that's why these external audits are performed. Based on your report, these audits are basically in accordance with the standards generally practiced in the United States for auditing? Mr. Tandoc: That's correct. Commissioner Sanchez: Okay. Mr. Tandoc: For governments. Commissioner Sanchez: All right. And in provision of Chapter 10-550, I believe? Mr. Tandoc: I think it's 10-3 -- hold on. Let me see. Commissioner Sanchez: That's the chapter that determines the regulations for an external audit. Mr. Tandoc: That's correct. Commissioner Sanchez: Okay. Now, first of all, I want to say that the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), in the past, had its problems, and I think that the Chair and the staff and the executive directors have done a lot to overturn the CRA and address a lot of the findings that were reported in the past. I think it's important in this report -- and I have not had an opportunity to read it -- but have you determined whether corrective actions have been taken to address findings in the past? Mr. Tandoc: Yes, we have. Commissioner Sanchez: Okay. City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Mr. Tandoc: When I first started this audit back five years ago, we did have findings two years straight, and all those findings have since been addressed and resolved. Commissioner Sanchez: All right. So for the record, you state that all the findings have been corrected? Mr. Tandoc: Correct, that we had reported, yes. Commissioner Sanchez: And based on your expertise in this external audit, there are no findings at this time? Mr. Tandoc: That's correct. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: Commissioner Regalado, you have any questions? Commissioner Regalado: Just a question. Of course, you audit the operations of the CRA, which we all know, and now you confirm are going in the right direction. But do you audit the projects that the CRA pay? Mr. Tandoc: We do test a sample selection of the expenditures related to the projects. Commissioner Regalado: And like what is a sample? Mr. Tandoc: It depends on the size of the expenditure line item. We could select anywhere from 10, 20, it depends. Commissioner Regalado: And in the audit of the projects, have you found that we are getting a fair price? Mr. Tandoc: That's not part of the scope of our audit. That would be an operational audit. The scope of our audit would just be to make sure that you guys are -- have proper authorization for those expenditures and that they're in accordance with Florida Statute and the CRA's plan, redevelopment plan. Commissioner Regalado: So you wouldn't -- Mr. Tandoc: We wouldn't -- Commissioner Regalado: -- know? Mr. Tandoc: -- check to see if it's reasonable. That would be an operational internal audit. Commissioner Regalado: Okay. Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. First of all, I want to commend staff. This has been how many years, Jim, under your leadership at this point? James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): This is two years. Chair Spence -Jones: Two years, clean audits, no -- Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. City of Miami Page 6 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: -- three years -- two or three years clean audits. Mr. Villacorta: Two years under -- Chair Spence -Jones: Your leadership. Mr. Villacorta: -- my stewardship. Chair Spence -Jones: Right. Mr. Villacorta: And prior to that, I think, three years -- the prior one was a clean audit. I think the one before that, the issue was that the executive director had to put some expenses on his credit card since we couldn't get a check fast enough. As you know, the City handles all of our accounts, and I think that year that was the only finding, and the Board passed a resolution authorizing that procedure. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. So for the most part, from our auditors and from the City's staff -- I mean, from the CRA staff, we have had clean audits? Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. I just want to commend both the auditors and the staff for working very hard again. I know that, at one time or the other, through the CRA there was a cloud, for whatever reason, and now it's great to see that we're getting clean audits. And I think the questions that both my fellow colleagues asked were very good questions because we do want to be in a position where, you know, if you provide us with a report, we want it to be as factual as possible because that is our responsibility to make sure that we're stewards over this -- of the resources and making sure that whatever we give out or whatever we do can be accounted for. So I just want to thank you. I don't want to spend a lot more time on it, but I want to thank you for coming out and thank the staff for doing a great job with making sure that we remain clean. Mr. Villacorta: As far as Commissioner Regalado's questions, we do bid most of our purchases in accordance with the City's rules, and a lot of our major construction projects are handled through the City's Capital Improvements Projects, and I'm sure if there was an egregious expenditure -- if we were spending a half a million dollars for a pickup truck, even though it's not an operational audit, the external auditor would have found it. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, cool. Thank you very much. Thank you, Miguel, for also working hard with them. Thank you very much. Mr. Valentin: Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: We're going to move on to item number 3. We don't -- that doesn't require for us to vote, right, Madam City Clerk? Commissioner Sanchez: No action needed on that item. Mr. Villacorta: No action. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Pamela E. Burns (Assistant Clerk of the Board): That's correct. RESOLUTIONS City of Miami Page 7 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 3. 09-00033 CRA RESOLUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES ("CRAS"), WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRAS' AMENDED TAX INCREMENT FUND AND GENERAL OPERATING BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2008 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE AMENDED BUDGETS TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. Cover Memo.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0001 Chair Spence -Jones: So let's move on to the board business. Item number 3, which is -- Commissioner Sanchez: Could I -- Madam Chair, can I make -- Chair Spence -Jones: Sure. Commissioner Sanchez: -- a request? Could we turn on the disco light, the disco ball? Chair Spence -Jones: No. You missed my announcement earlier. My earlier announcement was we will now take the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) on the road and go to various facilities within the district. We really need to see what's happening in the district. And I also stated that we would not, however, be going across the street, which is to Goldrush. Commissioner Sanchez: I never made that suggestion. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, well, I just wanted to -- I know the men in the house are disappointed, but we want to -- Commissioner Sanchez: I've never made that suggestion. Chair Spence -Jones: -- hit all the other facilities so that we can at least see what's going on in the CRA. So item number 3, budget approval. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 3 is a joint resolution of the Boards of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agencies, with attachments, approving and adopting the CRA's amended tax increment filnd and general operating budgets for fiscal year commencing October 1, 2008 and ending September 30, 2009; directing the executive director to transmit a copy of the amended budgets to the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County. As you know, our budgets are prepared based on estimates given to us from the County of TIE (Tax Increment Fund) revenues in September. What we're doing here is amending the budgets to reflect the actual amounts received, which was slightly smaller than City of Miami Page 8 Printed on 2,23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 what was projected. In the Omni CRA, we received about $44, 000 less than was projected in September; and in the Overtown CRA, about $22, 000 less. It also reflects the -- Commissioner Sanchez: The bad economy. Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. It also reflects the timing of expenditures. Some of the construction projects did not draw down funds as fast as was anticipated; others went quicker. And this budget amends the fund balance to reflect the revenues and expenditures. Chair Spence -Jones: So any questions from my fellow -- Commissioner Sanchez: Yeah. Chair Spence -Jones: -- colleagues on the budget? Commissioner Regalado: I have a question. Chair Spence -Jones: Commissioner Regalado, you're recognized. Commissioner Regalado: Why $44, 000 less in Omni? Mr. Villacorta: Again, it's based on a projection we received from the Dade County property appraiser as to what the TIF revenues are going to be. Their -- Commissioner Regalado: No, I know that, but what is the reason for -- Chair Spence -Jones: The economy. Commissioner Regalado: -- $44, 000 less? Would it mean that a building went into foreclosure and it's -- Commissioner Sanchez: Bad economy. Commissioner Regalado: -- not paying taxes? That's what it means? Mr. Villacorta: That -- it may also have meant that someone appealed their appraised value and were able to get it lowered in time. Commissioner Regalado: Exactly. That's what I was trying to get into. You know how many appeals there still are, right? Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: There's a huge list of appeals that -- I mean, people are getting 90 days -- I think now it's 120 days. That's was my original question on March and April -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: -- plus the appeals before the appeals board. It's going to be a very different scenario in the next six month. Mr. Villacorta: The good thing about the way we're operating now is we operate very conservatively. We do not pass a resolution authorizing a project until we have the funds in hand, and once that resolution passes, the funds are considered spent; we lock those funds away. So, if, in the future, appeals or just reappraisals result in lower property values resulting in a City of Miami Page 9 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 lower TIF projection, you will not -- it will not work to the detriment of any project you've approved so far. You will just be able to do fewer things in the future. Commissioner Regalado: And only one last question. Jim, do you know when the CRA boundaries expansion is going to be heard by the County? Mr. Villacorta: We're revising the finding of necessity study to reflect the comments of the City and the County. We hope to have that report finished in the next two weeks, and we'll start the process for getting that approved, come before the CRA Board, the City Commission, then go to the County. Ultimately, if every -- if the stars align correctly, the expansion could be finalized probably by November. Commissioner Regalado: Okay. Chair Spence -Jones: Commissioner Sanchez, you're recognized. Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. This resolution that's in front of us is -- it amends the FY (Fiscal Year) 209 [sic] budget to adjust the actual TIF collected, right, for the closeout of the FY'08 year? Mr. Villacorta: It -- no, it adjusts the budget for '08/'09 -- Commissioner Sanchez: '08/'09. Mr. Villacorta: -- to reflect the amount of TIF actually received January 1. You passed this budget in September, October so it could be included in the City's CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report). Commissioner Sanchez: And the decrease that I have here on my notes -- the Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA decreased its TIF -- was $22, 000, correct? Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: And the Omni decreased by 44,000? Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: And in -- that's -- I see it as an indicator of a bad economy. Mr. Villacorta: Yes, but you have to remember that the TIF received in Omni was $14.9 million Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Mr. Villacorta: -- so to be off by -- Commissioner Sanchez: That's what I wanted to say. Mr. Villacorta: -- 44,000 -- yes. Commissioner Sanchez: But overall, the decline in total TIF collected has been a fraction -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: -- has been very small. City of Miami Page 10 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: Okay. That's it. I move resolution -- item number 3. Chair Spence -Jones: I have a motion. Do I have a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Chair Spence -Jones: All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. This item passes. 4. 09-00041 CRA RESOLUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES ("CRAS"), AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSFER FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $35,000, TO THE BUDGET OF THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FOR SERVICES TO BE RENDERED DURING FISCAL YEAR 2009 AS CLERK OF THE BOARD, CONTINGENT UPON ANY UNUSED FUNDS BEING RETURNED TO THE CRAS AT THE END OF THE FOURTH QUARTER OF FISCAL YEAR 2009; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM GENERAL OPERATING FUND, ENTITLED "INTERFUND TRANSFERS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10030.920101.891000.0000.00000. Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0002 Chair Spence -Jones: We move on to item number 4. Jim. Commissioner Sanchez: I move this item. It's a routine item done every year. Chair Spence -Jones: Any questions? Commissioner Regalado: No questions. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. I have a motion. I have a second. Do I have a second? Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Chair Spence -Jones: All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. City of Miami Page II Printed on 2,23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: All right. This item passes. 5. 09-00043 CRA RESOLUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000, FOR THE DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, AND INSTALLATION OF BANNERS ON STREET LIGHT POLES THROUGHOUT THE REDEVELOPMENT AREAS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; ALLOCATING FUNDS AS FOLLOWS: $13,334 FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.534000.0000.00000 AND $6,666 FROM OMNI TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10040.920101.534000.0000.00000. Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0003 Chair Spence -Jones: We move on to item number 5. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 5 is a joint resolution of the Boards of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency and the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency authorizing the expenditure of funds, in a amount not to exceed $20, 000, for the design, manufacture and installation of banners on streetlight poles throughout the redevelopment areas; authorizing the executive director to execute all documents necessary for said purpose and allocating funds. Commissioner Sanchez: So moved. Chair Spence -Jones: Have a motion. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Chair Spence -Jones: All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: This item passes. And Jim, you're going to start on those immediately, right? City of Miami Page 12 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Mr. Villacorta: Yes. We solicited three bids and I have identified the low bidder and I'm working on -- Chair Spence -Jones: And these will be up for the whole year? I was -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, good. 6. 09-00039 CRA RESOLUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF A SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMIC STIMULUS AND JOB CREATION GRANT PROGRAM, IN A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $100,000, TO PROVIDE GRANTS TO SMALL BUSINESSES FOR EQUIPMENT, FIXTURES, INTERIOR RENOVATIONS, INSURANCE, SECURITY SYSTEMS, MARKETING, ADVERTISING, AND UTILITES; PROVIDING THAT NO SINGLE GRANT SHALL EXCEED $5,000; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ISSUE SUCH GRANTS AND EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS AS FOLLOWS: $50,000 FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000; AND $50,000 FROM OMNI TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000 Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0004 Direction by Chair Spence -Jones to the Interim Executive Director to provide training to the businesses receiving funding to assist them with sustaining themselves. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. Let's move to item number 6. Commissioner Sanchez: So move item number 6. Chair Spence -Jones: Got a motion. Commissioner Regalado: Second, with a comment. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. I have a motion, a second, with a comment. Commissioner Regalado: Madam Chair -- City of Miami Page 13 Printed on 2,23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: Commissioner Regalado, you're recognized. Commissioner Regalado: Thank you. I think that of all the things that we can do today, this is the right thing to do and the most important thing that we can do today, and for that matter, for many years. Because we're not just designing a project to help a small business; we're sending a message that we're helping, that the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) is here to help the small business. As the chairman -- the chairperson said, you know, we move around, and we're in this beautiful club today; next month, somewhere else, and it's important that we make a statement that the CRA is for the redevelopment of the business in the area. We may have grandiose dreams, but the bottom line is that the CRA needs to address the issues and the problem of the business in the area. Because, you know, creation of jobs, it's the most important thing now, but more important for us is to maintain the jobs that we have. And with this stimulus package, which I think is the second to come in -- no, I think it's the first to be approved by any governmental agency in South Florida -- we will help to maintain some of those jobs that we have in the CRA area. So I am -- I thank you, Madam Chair, for letting this item on the agenda so quick because I think it was important that the idea that grew out of the shrimp and conch, the -- several month ago, it's now a reality. You know, the Congress is dealing with a stimulus package, but even if it's signed by the president on the middle of February, money will not be flowing for 18 month to the states, and for that matter, to the counties and the city. So I hope, Jim, that we can expedite this because, you know, we could become a model for the United States if this thing works, and if it maintains the jobs that there are -- and there is no unemployment increase in the business area because of this stimulus. I think that we can send a clear message to Washington that direct small support to small business works. So I'm very happy that we are approving this today. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, so we had a motion and a second. My only comment on it -- first of all, I want to commend Commissioner Regalado. This is actually your legislation that you pushed forth. It should be probably called the Regalado Small Business Economic Stimulus Program, but it was something that you actually brought up as a big issue, something that you felt was really important in your district that was happening and how important it was to see a similar program happening like this in the heart of our CRAs. We do have several programs so that the full board -- I'm sure you know, have provided to many of the businesses in the area, but this is targeting key areas that we were not targeting in the very beginning. So I think that this is going to be very beneficial for many of the businesses. As you know -- as you stated earlier, the economy demands for this type of -- or these type of stimuluses [sic] from government in order to, you know, help our small businesses. As you know, I'm a big supporter of many small businesses, as I know $5,000 goes a long way with many of these businesses. My only thought on all of this -- and I will continue to support this initiative, not only in my district or the Overtown area and the Park West area, but also in the Omni area. There are a lot of businesses that are in the Performing Arts District that may not be small, small businesses, but they're small enough to also need this kind of support. And I just want to make sure that from the CRA standpoint, I really -- I don't care if it's a dime we're giving out. It's important that once we give out these dollars, we provide some sort of training to these businesses because the one thing that we -- that is not good, I think, is to give monies and not provide the necessary training to make sure these businesses can sustain themselves, and that's what this is all about. It has to go beyond us, as Commissioners. It has to go beyond this administration. If we want these businesses to be around for a very long time, they have to know how to manage and operate their businesses. And not to say that they don't, but sometimes getting information or information can be the key to them staying successful, so the only thing that we're hopefully going to be able to do beyond that point is to be able to provide some sort of training for them regarding these dollars so that at least, you know, they can sustain themselves and do really well with their businesses. So we already had a motion and a second. And all in favor on this item? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. City of Miami Page 14 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: This item passes. 7. 09-00036 CRA RESOLUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000, TO NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, INC. TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TRAINING TO SMALL BUSINESSES IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREAS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE THE GRANT ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS AS FOLLOWS: $10,000 FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000, AND $10,000 FROM OMNI TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000. Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup. pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0005 Direction by Chair Spence -Jones to the Interim Executive Director to assign a CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) staff person to monitor and work along with the businesses and the institutes that receive funding from the CRA. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 6 -- excuse me -- Commissioner Sanchez: 7. Mr. Villacorta: -- item number 7 is a companion to item number 6, the small business grant program. Item number 7 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency authorizing a grant, in an amount not to exceed $20,000, to Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc., to provide technical assistance and business development training to small businesses in the redevelopment area; authorizing the executive director, at his discretion, to disburse the grant on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. I may have misspoke. This is a joint resolution of the Boards of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni CRAs (Community Redevelopment Agencies). And -- City of Miami Page 15 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Commissioner Sanchez: So -- Mr. Villacorta: -- as a condition to receiving the grant -- the small business grants in item 6, the owners would have to take a course through NANA (Neighbors and Neighbors Association). Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. We had -- do we have a motion? Commissioner Regalado: Move. Commissioner Sanchez: So move. Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Chair Spence -Jones: We have a motion and a second. All in fav --? Commissioner Sanchez: Discussion. Chair Spence -Jones: Discussion on the item. Commissioner Sanchez: Madam Chair, I am so glad to see that NANA is going to be administering this. They have a great track record of helping businesses in our community. They do it for the County, and they do an excellent job. Let me tell you why this is so important. One, it's not the funding that they're getting. It is also the technical assistance that they're going to be getting. Five thousand dollars, which is fifty thousand dollars, is ten businesses that are going to be benefiting from this to be able to buy appliances, computer, anything they need to sustain their business. But it's also important to work with NANA and work with the City to simpl the process. The biggest complaint that I get from small businesses is that it's gotten too complicated to do anything in this government. And we need to simpl that process, whether it is to take ten forms and make it one form because the small businesses right now -- every time that they go through this process, if it isn't because of the guidance and assistance they get from NANA, I could tell you they wouldn't do it. And then what they do is that they have the money available to them, but they don't use it. So I want to encourage NANA to work with the City and find a way to try to simpl the process. In other words, we need more opportunity and less bureaucracy. Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. Any comments? Commissioner Regalado: Good luck. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. So we had a motion and a second on the item. I just want to be very -- Mr. Villacorta: And I -- Chair Spence -Jones: -- clear on the process. I'm not really sure how it works fully with the CRA. I think that CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) requires for them to jump through all kinds of hoops, but I think that the CRA has simplified the process -- and you can correct me, Jessica or Jim, on this -- so that it -- and also, Chelsa. We've tried to make the process as simple as possible for them receiving the grants and making sure that we have some monitoring put in place. I do want to state this on the record to the CRA staff because we have been having meetings for the last month or so, that it's extremely important, all these programs that we fund through the CRA, have somebody on staff to monitor them. So I've asked for the CRA staff -- because Jim and Clarence are great at what they do, but they got a million and one things going on. So I know that Chelsa's the acting person on that for now with the businesses, but the reality is we need to have a person that's going to work along with the businesses and City of Miami Page 16 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 also work along with the institutes. We have three or four wonderful institutes that need monitoring. So I understand -- I see Percilla over there. Percilla, wave your hand. We now have her officially working along with all of our institutes to make sure that the individuals that receive dollars from the CRA are actually, you know, doing exactly what they're going to do -- say they're going to do once their -- once we grant them these dollars. It's extremely important that that happens. So with that being said, we've already had a motion and a second. Congratulations, NANA. We're going to move on to item number 8. Mr. Villacorta: We haven't voted on the item. Chair Spence -Jones: Oh. Mr. Villacorta: And could I just clarify -- Chair Spence -Jones: I thought we had a motion and a second. Mr. Villacorta: -- it's a joint resolution of Omni and Overtown. Chair Spence -Jones: We had a motion and a second. Mr. Villacorta: We need a vote. Pamela E. Burns (Assistant Clerk of the Board): Yes. We have a vote on that item. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. We had a motion and a second. All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. This item passes. 8. 09-00040 CRA RESOLUTION A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARDS OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES ("CRAS"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING REVISED GUIDELINES FOR DOWNTOWN MIAMI PARTNERSHIP, INC.'S ("DMP") "WRAP -AROUND BUILDING REHAB PROGRAM;" AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CRAS' GRANT AGREEMENT WITH DMP, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL. Cover Memo.pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0006 Chair Spence -Jones: Let's move on to item number 8. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 8 is a joint resolution of the Boards of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agencies, with attachments, City of Miami Page 17 Printed on 2,23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 approving revised guidelines for Downtown Miami Partnership, Inc. 's Wrap -Around Building Rehab Program; authorizing the executive director to execute amendment -- an amendment to the CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency's) grant agreement with DMP (Downtown Miami Partnership) in a form acceptable to general counsel. This resolution allows me to amend the existing grant agreements to reflect the Board's previous authorization to expand the program to include historic buildings and increase the funding under the grant agreement. Commissioner Sanchez: So move. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Chair Spence -Jones: We had a motion. We had a second. All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. This item passes. DMP, are you here? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. I want to just publicly -- You can stand, Josie, for a second -- and commend Josie for all of the great work that they have done. Let's give them a hand for 3rd Avenue and the businesses on 3rd Avenue. Applause. Chair Spence -Jones: And not only making sure that the work gets done, but also making sure that the community has been included in that and making sure that we do get a mixed group of people that are actually out there doing the work. So I really appreciate -- now we're going to be moving over to Northwest 2nd Avenue for those businesses that are over there, and there are other -- some other businesses that also need assistance, so I wanted to publicly commend you for your great work. 9. 09-00042 CRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000, TO THE WOMEN'S ALLIANCE, INC. D/B/A CHAPTER 2 CLOTHING FOR INVENTORY AND WARDROBE VOUCHERS, AT THE DORSEY HOUSE IN OVERTOWN, 250 NW 9TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE THE GRANT ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS, OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf City of Miami Page 18 Printed on 2,23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0007 Chair Spence -Jones: All right. We're going to move on to item number 9. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 9 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency authorizing a grant, in an amount not to exceed $25, 000, to the Women's Alliance, Inc. doing business as Chapter 2 Clothing, for inventory and wardrobe vouchers at the Dorsey House in Overtown, at 255 Northwest 9th Street, Miami, Florida; authorizing the executive director, at his discretion, to disburse the grant on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. As you know, Chapter 2 operates -- or the Women's Alliance operates Chapter 2 Clothing, which provides secondhand clothing and it's utilized by the graduates of the Hospitality and other institutes that the CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency's) operating. It gives them clothing vouchers to buy clothing that's appropriate for job interviews. Commissioner Sanchez: So move. Chair Spence -Jones: We had a motion -- Commissioner Regalado: Second Chair Spence -Jones: -- and a second All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Mr. Villacorta: Item number 10 is a resolution -- Commissioner Sanchez: Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: This item -- Mr. Villacorta: I'm sorry. Chair Spence -Jones: -- passes. Dorsey House, I don't know where you guys are -- or -- Commissioner Sanchez: Keep up the good work. Chair Spence -Jones: Keep up the good work. We really appreciate it. We're going to move on to item number 10. Commissioner Sanchez: With a tough economy, I might be shopping there. 10. 09-00044 CRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $30,000, TO THE CITY OF MIAMI TO PROCURE THREE (3) T3 SERIES PERSONAL MOBILITY UNITS TO BE UTILIZED IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA; City of Miami Page 19 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE THE GRANT ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM OMNI TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000. Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0008 Chair Spence -Jones: Item number 10. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 10 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency authorizing a grant, in an amount not to exceed $30, 000, to the City of Miami to procure three T-3 Series Personal Mobility Units to be utilized in the redevelopment area; authorizing the executive director, at his discretion, to disburse the grant on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors. These personal mobility units would be used by the police officers in the Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), and this was put on the agenda at the request of the District 2 Commissioner. Chair Spence -Jones: And he wants us to still take it up with him not being here? I don't see Bert anywhere. Bert Gonzalez: I'm here. Chair Spence -Jones: He wants us to take it up without him being here, right? Mr. Gonzalez: Madam Chair -- Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: You got to get -- Chair Spence -Jones: I mean -- Commissioner Sanchez: -- to the mike and state your name and address for the record. Chair Spence -Jones: I just wanted to be clear. Commissioner Sanchez: You know the deal. Mr. Gonzalez: Good evening, Board. Bert Gonzalez, staff District 2, Commissioner Sarnoff. I didn't get any instruction from the Commissioner other than agenda item -- so I don't think -- City of Miami Page 20 Printed on 2,23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Commissioner Sanchez: I would move the item. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Gonzalez: Okay. Chair Spence -Jones: We had a motion. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Chair Spence -Jones: All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. That -- Commissioner Regalado: One question, Jim. Chair Spence -Jones: Sure. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: They're going to get here before the cameras or after the cameras? Chair Spence -Jones: I know, right. Ask that question again, please. Commissioner Regalado: Are they going to get here after the cameras or before the cameras? Mr. Villacorta: If they go through City Procurement, I'll certainly ask that the CRAs are the first ones delivered. Commissioner Regalado: Okay. 11. 09-00035 CRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $620,000, TO JINT HOLDINGS, LLC TO REHABILITATE THIRTY-THREE (33) RESIDENTIAL RENTAL UNITS AT 1232 N.W. 1ST PLACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE THE GRANT ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, "CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.670000.0000.00000. Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf City of Miami Page 21 Printed on 2,23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0009 Chair Spence -Jones: All right. We're going to move on to item number 11, Jint Properties. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 11 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency authorizing a grant, in an amount not to exceed $620, 000, to Jint Holdings, LLC (Limited Liability Corporation), to rehabilitate 33 residential units at 1232 Northwest 1st Place, Miami; authorizing the executive director, at his discretion, to disburse the grant on a reimbursement basis or directly to vendors. This is a continuation of the housing -- rental housing rehab program. We have a number of boards at the back of the room to show you some of the units that we've managed to rehab so far. This will put 33 more units into the program. Chair Spence -Jones: Any comments on this item? Unidentified Speaker: What's the address? Chair Spence -Jones: It's on the agenda. It's -- what's the address? Mr. Villacorta: 1232 Northwest 1st Place. These units are in the City's Section 8 Housing Program. The City has a contract for all of these units. All of the tenants are low-income tenants, and the units are in dire need of rehabilitation. Commissioner Sanchez: So move. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Chair Spence -Jones: We had a motion and a second. All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: This item passes. The only thing I want to say about this is, again, I think this is probably one of the most successful programs that we have by maintaining the low-income rentals in the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), in the Omni area. This makes sure that the residents are able to pay rents at an amount that they can afford, and this is one way for us to protect that from happening. So the last two buildings that we just went to do the ground -breaking ceremony, it was awesome. So with that being said, we're going to move on to -- item number 12 has been continued. 12. 09-00037 CRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,000,000, TO TRINITY EPISCOPAL CATHEDRAL, INC. FOR EXTERIOR REPAIRS AND 40-YEAR RECERTIFICATION OF THE BUILDING AT 464 NE 16TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE THE GRANT ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS City of Miami Page 22 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM OMNI TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000. Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf Cover Memo.pdf CONTINUED Chair Spence -Jones: First of all, I'd like to make a quick announcement. There's one particular item that we will not be taking up today, and I don't want to have the Father waiting around and this is in reference to Trinity Church. Commissioner Sarnoff has asked that this item be held until he attends the next meeting in February. I know that you have been waiting patiently on this issue. I want to also acknowledge you for making the necessary adjustments regarding the issues and the concerns that the residents have had on North Bayshore Drive, so I want to publicly acknowledge you for that. And I just -- again, I would really want to take it up, but I do want to respect what the district Commissioner's asking for at this time. And Bert, am I on target with that? Okay. So if you need to see Bert -- Bert, you can raise your hand -- right afterwards and I guess he can explain further why he prefers to wait, but thank you so much for your patience. I know you've been waiting for a couple of months now, and I know that you have some certification -related issues and things you're trying to address. 13. 09-00034 CRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING EXERCISE OF THE CRA'S OPTION TO EXPAND THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CURTIS GROUP FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF INCREMENT III OF THE CRA'S MASTER DEVELOPMENT ORDER AS A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT TO INCLUDE THE MIAMI WORLD CENTER PROJECT, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $500,000, FOR A TOTAL PROJECT COST NOT TO EXCEED $1,243,500; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - OTHER," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.531000.0000.00000, Cover Memo.pdf Financial Form.pdf Backup.pdf Legislation.pdf Motion by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: 3 - Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Regalado and Commissioner Sanchez Absent: 2 - Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez CRA-R-09-0010 Chair Spence -Jones: Item number 13 is -- City of Miami Page23 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 13 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency authorizing exercise of the CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency's) option to expand the agreement with the Curtis Group for implementation of Increment III of the CRA's master development order as a development of regional impact to include the Miami Worldcenter project, at a cost not to exceed 500, 000. This -- the DRI (Development of Regional Impact) services were bid out by RFP (Request for Proposals). We had three options. The first was to do the existing boundaries of the CRA. The second option was to add the Miami Worldcenter project, and the third option was to add the expanded boundaries in the study. What this does is allow us to get the development credit so when a developer is ready to build, he doesn't have to go to the State and show that the schools and the roads and the water are sufficient to handle the development. We have already obtained those credits. Chair Spence -Jones: Let -- I -- I'm sorry. I have a question, but I'm going to -- Commissioner Sanchez: So move. Chair Spence -Jones: We had a motion. Commissioner Regalado: Second for discussion. Chair Spence -Jones: Second for discussion. Commissioner Regalado, you're recognized. Commissioner Regalado: Jim, the media has been reported that the deal by most of the properties of the world -- Miami Worldcenter had collapsed. Have they communicated to you anything? Mr. Villacorta: They had not advised us of that at the time this was put on the agenda. We have a e-mail (electronic) from their attorney asking that we include the Worldcenter project -- or phase I of the Worldcenter project, which our understanding is a convention center and hotels, in the DRI study that we're preparing. I believe we have some people from the Worldcenter here, if they -- Commissioner Regalado: I don't know. I just want to make sure that I understand because the reports were saying most -- I mean, the Israeli firm did not decided [sic] to move forward with the deal. And being that the tunnel is on the iffy list, my understanding is it's very difficult now, so I don't understand if this study will include everything that was promised and not something that can't be done, so -- Mr. Villacorta: At one point, the entire project was to be 12 million square feet of -- Commissioner Regalado: Right. Mr. Villacorta: -- property -- of building. The first phase is 3 million square feet. This report just came out on Saturday that the Worldcenter hadn't closed on certain parcels of land. We need to get back with them and see if that affects the first phase of their development, or maybe they can comment. Spencer Crowley: Good evening, Commissioners. Spencer Crowley, 1 Southeast 3rd Avenue, representing Miami Worldcenter. We did see the article in the paper this weekend. We're definitely still moving forward with the project. Just to remind you that this action tonight doesn't mean that you're going to spend the money necessarily, but that you're auth -- your staff is authorized to spend the money. But we are moving forward with the project. This kind of thing is not uncommon in real estate negotiations or transactions, so it's just part of the process. City of Miami Page 24 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 I will note that, you know, this just demonstrates that -- you know, the importance of City and CRA support in these times. You know, in order for this vision to come to fruition, we're going to need a strong public private partnership with the City and with the CRA. So, you know, we all, I think, agree that it's a great project. We have a long way to go to get it to fruition and your action tonight is definitely important to helping us get there. Commissioner Regalado: No, but I wasn't questioning the project. I voted for the project. I think it's a good project. What I'm trying to understand is why should we study this now if we don't know. And I tell you what, the City Commission, I think, made a mistake many years ago when we allocated $2 million for the foundations for the streetcar in Midtown Miami. Midtown is already built and the foundations and the rails were set while they built. Now the streetcar, it's a 99.9 possibility of not becoming a reality, and that's why I thought that we should at least understand what is going on. Project, I support the project. I will support the project in the future. I just want to understand what is the timetable for the acquisition of land and closing the deals and priorities. That's all. Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: I just have one -- Do you have a comment? Okay. I just have one comment. I just want to be clear with staff regarding this issue. This DRI also will focus its attention on expansion of these boundaries that we need so desperately. Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: I mean, I can -- I know from the Overtown area, I mean, for me, it's extremely important that we go beyond 14th Street to help the businesses and to help the -- you know, providing housing support beyond 14th Street. This will take me up to at least 20th Street, and also, this will take me to 7th Avenue for a lot of the major redevelopment stuff that we want to try to do on 7th and 20th, between 20th and 8th, right? Mr. Villacorta: That is another option that we have the ability to exercise under the existing contract with the firms that are doing the DRI Until we expanded the boundaries, we can't spend the money outside the boundaries, so as we expand the boundaries, we will then add -- fold that element into this contract. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Any -- okay. Mr. Bercow, did you want to -- Jeff Bercow: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- in reference to the DRI, right? Mr. Bercow: Thank you, Madam Chair. Jeff Bercow, 200 South Biscayne Boulevard. I am part of the Curtis Group consulting team on the DRI. And as you know, the first phase of our contract was approved in September. We've been waiting to move forward with the DRI to entitle this area, and we have not been able to move forward because we're -- we want to know do we add Miami Worldcenter into the project development program or don't we. And the City Commission has now approved a development agreement where they have agreed to put Miami Worldcenter into the development program, so we think you need to move forward on this proposal this evening. Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: Thank you, Mr. Bercow. So do we have a motion and a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Pamela E. Burns (Assistant Clerk of the Board): Yes, we do. Commissioner Regalado: Yes. I have a -- I second it, and there's a motion. City of Miami Page 25 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. So we had a motion and a second on this item. All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. This item passes. And Commissioner -- Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: -- Sanchez, I believe he has -- Commissioner Sanchez: I have to excuse myself. The remaining -- Chair Spence -Jones: -- another meeting. Commissioner Sanchez: -- items need no further action, so they're just discussion items. Chair Spence -Jones: Discussion items. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you and excuse me. Chair Spence -Jones: Thank you so much. DISCUSSION ITEMS 14. 09-00048 CRA DISCUSSION UPDATE REGARDING THE POLICE VISIBILITY PILOT PROGRAM. Cover Memo.pdf MOTION A motion was made by Commissioner Sanchez, seconded by Commissioner Regalado, and was passed unanimously, with Vice Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Gonzalez absent, to direct the Interim Executive Director to meet with the City Manager and Commander Ethyl Jones to separate the procurement of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) camera installation from the proposed list of other City installations. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. So with that being said, we're going to go 'head [sic] and start the official meeting of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). And we're going to deal, first of all, with the items that are -- CRA discussion items, starting with D14 [sic], which would allow for people to, I guess, present and then move. And as just was stated to me, this is not an official meeting because we don't have three people here, but we do want to go ahead and take up these items because it does not require three people. So let's start with the first item, which is discussion item number 14, regarding the police visibility pilot program. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): I believe we have the commander for the -- Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Villacorta: -- Overtown area here. This program was -- Pamela E. Burns (Assistant Clerk of the Boarc): Could we have your name for the record, please, for anybody that may be watching this meeting at a later time. And also, if I could make an announcement. For those of you attending tonight's meeting, if you could turn your cell City of Miami Page 26 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 phones either off or down to vibrate. Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. And I see we have -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- Commander Jones -- Mr. Villacorta: Jones. Chair Spence -Jones: -- with us for the Overtown -- Southeast Overtown/Park West area. I don't know if we're going to have anybody reporting on the down -- I mean, on the -- oh, it's just for this area anyway for the first pilot program. No, actually -- Mr. Villacorta: No, it -- Chair Spence -Jones: -- it's in the Omni area too. Mr. Villacorta: -- covered both areas. The program was funded by the CRA in July and covers both CRA redevelopment areas, or portions of them. And I think the Commander was going to give us a report on some of the activities. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Commissioner Sanchez has just arrived, so we do have -- officially have a quorum, but I don't want to disrespect you, Commander. You've already stepped up to the podium, so well start with your item, and then well go back to the overall official meeting. So -- Commander Ethyl Jones: All right. Chair Spence -Jones: -- you can just give us a quick update. And this is a program that we funded in both -- through both CRAB to provide more visibility -- police visibility in the area. The programs have been working better. Jessica, in our office, has been working hand in hand with the Police Department to ensure some key things are happening on both sides, but the reason why we're putting this on the agenda every other month is to ensure that we have a full update as to what's happening from a law enforcement standpoint. Commander Jones: Yes, ma'am. Good evening, Commissioners. I believe you're receiving a copy -- there's two sets of paperwork. The first one is the monthly CRA report, which Commander Socorro submits to our deputy chief. This is the last three months. We have October, November and December on there. The second package is -- it does have the information regarding Overtown/Park West CRA, as well as the Omni CRA. And if you would like to look at that paperwork there, I can walk you through the information there. We did include -- I guess, if you go to the second page, it explains it a little easier with the graph. We did include June, which is a month prior to using the CRA funds, and then we have the rest, July, August, September, October, November and December. As you can see, since we received the funds in both areas, Overtown and Omni CRA, the Part 1 crimes have been reduced. Obviously, the funds are helping in the area, as we do show an increase in crime in other areas throughout the City and in these -- out of the CRA area that have increased crime. The crimes that we report on the Part 1 crimes are the burglaries, the thefts, the thefts to motor vehicles, robberies, both armed and strong-armed, and the agg. (aggravates)) assaults and regular assaults. The third page of the one package does show a breakdown with these Part 1 crimes in the colored graph there. And on the other set of paperwork where you see the enforcement action taken, you can see we did enumerate the numbers of felonies, misdemeanors, traffic arrests, summons and citations, towed vehicles and homeless encounters that were made throughout the CRA during the month. Each one is on -- for the last three months, October, November and December. We City of Miami Page 27 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 were also able to, in the Overtown area, have a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) checkpoint, which was very successful. As you see, the majority of the 171 summons were due to that checkpoint, as well as we had nine arrests during that night. And that one was on Northwest 1 and 14th Street in the month of December. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Any other comments, Commander? Commander Jones: No, ma'am. Chair Spence -Jones: Anything from my colleagues? Commissioner Regalado: One question. Commander Jones: Yes, sir? Commissioner Regalado: How you describe homeless encounters? Commander Jones: Homeless encounters are placements, meeting -- we'll come in contact with some homeless and say they might be trespassing or loitering. We'll contact them and we'll see if they would like homeless assistance with the HAC (Homeless Assistance Center), and usually, we have some of the members of the HAC with us. And then if they determine that they do want assistance, we transport them. Commissioner Regalado: But is this about the no panhandling ordinance or is this about -- Commander Jones: This is just -- Commissioner Regalado: -- the signs that business will place inviting the police? Commander Jones: All right. Sir, the ones that are in the Overtown -- I know that those are any encounters that we have with homeless, and usually they are in the trespassing areas or in -- loitering or we get calls of them loitering in certain areas. Commissioner Regalado: No. Because I see some in the Omni area. Commander Jones: Yes. I'm not exactly sure what their contacts were. Commander Socorro could not be here today, but he would have that information. Chair Spence -Jones: Any other comments, Commissioner? Commissioner Regalado: No. So you still have more than half of the money, right? Commander Jones: Yes, sir. Are you -- Commissioner Regalado: And it will -- Commander Jones: -- referring to Omni? Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, well -- Chair Spence -Jones: Both. Commander Jones: We still have a balance. Commissioner Regalado: The Overtown. City of Miami Page 28 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Commander Jones: The majority of the balance is with the -- Commissioner Regalado: You still have 37, 000 for the Overtown/Park West. Commander Jones: Yes, sir, as of December. That was from December's -- it's slightly lower than that now for January. Commissioner Regalado: And so that would be good for the next 30 days, 40 days? Commander Jones: I really -- I'm not sure how -- it may be a month, it may be two months. It just depends on the operations that we have for the schedule. Commissioner Regalado: I'm just saying, Madam Chair, because it's important. If we have the pressure, we should keep the pressure -- Commander Jones: Yes, sir. Commissioner Regalado: -- you know, not, you know, you run out of money, leave. So I think that we should be prepared to -- if the program has been successful and if -- Commander Jones: Yes, it has, sir. Commissioner Regalado: -- it's your opinion it has -- Commander Jones: Yes, it has. Commissioner Regalado: -- and it has, I think that we should be prepared to keep funding until the pressure has done the mark in the area. And that's -- and I can tell you that it's been proven in Flagami with the prostitution detail. You know, if we keep the pressure every week, every day, they just go away for month and month and month. So that's something that we should consider, Madam Chair. Chair Spence -Jones: No. I totally agree, and that's across-the-board in both CRAs. And I just want -- I'm going to make my comment -- save my comments for afterwards, but I want to at least give Commissioner Sanchez an opportunity, and then I just want to make some brief comments. Commissioner Sanchez: Commander, looking at these stats, individual crimes -- and you have them as codes -- Commander Jones: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: -- when you do these reports, you know, we're -- Commander Jones: We'll make sure that they -- Commissioner Sanchez: -- not law enforcement o icers, so we don't know what a 26, 27, 27M, a 29S, we don't know what those ares -- what they are. I mean, it would be nice if you put down what they are, whether they're robbery or vandalism, so we're able to read the reports. Now looking at this, I do want to take this opportunity to ask this question for you, and I always ask this. What is it that we can do as an agency to work with you in our community to stop these violent acts in our community that are destroying our youth? You know, we just had a little while ago a wonderful ground -breaking for some homes that we're all very proud of and, across the street, just seconds before we were going to cut the ribbons or start the event, we had a shooting, and it's an everyday occurrence in our community that kids are getting themselves City of Miami Page 29 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 involved in these shootings and -- I mean, you're talking about automatic weapons, AK-47s. Those are weapons that need to be in the battlefields, not in our streets. So how can we work with you? And I know that we can't have a police officer in every corner of our neighborhood but how can we work with you and the community to assure that our streets are safe? Commander Jones: Commissioner, obviously, CRA has been very helpful with the issues that we have in Overtown. I think -- Police has been very active as well, the community as well, although I do think that we could use a little more participation from everyone, mainly the community, especially when it comes time to reporting these crimes. And we understand there is a certain amount of -- I guess, the word -- fear maybe as far as coming forward to the police. I just want to make sure that -- you know, at our community meetings, we do stress the Hot Spot cards from the Hot Spot campaign; make sure everyone knows that there are ways to contact the police. We have the schools involved, the youth center involved. I mean, we're trying everything, but we can always use more help. And I think, like I said, the CRA has been very helpful and very involved, and I think if we can get a little more involvement with the community and any other agency that's willing to help or is able to assist us, it would help greatly. The event during the ribbon -cutting ceremony, that was -- Commissioner Sanchez: A tragedy. Commander Jones: -- unfortunate. It was. It was a tragedy, and the victim -- I mean, he's going to be okay, but the timing just, you know -- I mean, we've put a lot of effort, everyone has put a lot of effort into the CRA area and Overtown as a whole. And this is something that we're working on everyday trying to improve. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. Commander, first of all, I want to commend you, Commander, for coming in. In the beginning, you know, I had a serious concern with, you know, the policing issues that were happening in Overtown. And I can tell you, as the district Commissioner that represents Little Haiti, Liberty City, and the Wynwood area, those particular communities that are constantly being challenged on the issues of crime and violence and all of those things, that police is extremely important to the residents and the businesses in the area in making sure that there's definitely some line of communication happening on both ends. In Overtown, you know, that was one of the biggest concerns that I had. That was one of the reasons why we were trying to create this pilot program called the Peacekeepers [sic] to bring clergy together, along with law enforcement, to figure out a better way to communicate to the public. And both Commissioners happened to be at the ground -breaking ceremony and I started my day off you know, in my district with, you know, a gunshot victim, you know, on my way to a ribbon -cutting on a beautiful housing project. I ended my day on the way going home to Liberty City, you know, with a 16 year old being shot and killed in the middle of the streets, you know, so this -- you know, this is something, unfortunately, in my district that I have to deal with on a continuous basis, but hopefully, over time we can begin to address some of the issues. Now -- and we have began to address some of the issues. There's a couple things that I do want to mention. That's the reason why I'm bringing this up so that we're all on the same page. The CRA does spend money for extra police, and quite frankly -- and I've always had an issue with it. Personally, I feel like we should have enough policing on the street so we don't have to spend any money -- extra money to do that in these areas, but I do understand that these particular areas require maybe additional police, so if we do have the resources in the CRA to assist that, then why not do it, especially if we're trying to redevelop the area. So this calls for, you know, different operations, a different level of policing in order to change things. But there's like a couple of things that are just like really annoying me about, you know, just the whole process. The first thing is we voted -- and Mr. Villacorta, you can clear it up for us -- a while back for these cameras, and the cameras were to be placed throughout the CRAs. And we were assured -- we all voted on it and approved it, and you know, it went in the pot -- the City of Miami pot of I City of Miami Page 30 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 don't know what's happening with it now and now at this point they're telling us we're number seven on the list to get our cameras up, and again, this is CRA money, doesn't have anything to do with the City of Miami. And now we won't see our cameras in the Overtown area until Brickell has theirs. Is that correct, Jim? Mr. Villacorta: That's what I've been told is that Mary Brickell Village would be the first area that it was rolled out into due to some infrastructure issues. Chair Spence -Jones: And I know my fellow colleagues -- I mean, not that I have a problem with it being on Brickell because I'm sure Brickell needs it also, but we do know in the heart of Overtown we need them cameras, and we've been asking for cameras for God knows how long, and I'm not understanding why our situation is being caught up in the red tape, especially if we're spending our own money. So, I mean, you can't probably really answer that, but I'm sure that the cameras will assist you with doing your job, you know, so -- you know, did you guys know that we were number seven on the list? Commissioner Regalado: No. Chair Spence -Jones: Did you, Commissioner Sanchez? So -- Commissioner Regalado: Who put us there? I mean, this was -- Chair Spence -Jones: We voted on this nine months ago. Commissioner Regalado: -- a project that we funded. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: And how -- and to the -- how much -- to the tune of how much? Mr. Villacorta: Five hundred thousand dollars. Commissioner Regalado: And we did that several month ago. Mr. Villacorta: Approximately nine months ago. Chair Spence -Jones: So all I'm saying is, you know, once again, we're paying for it, our money goes into the pot of you know, better, you know, cameras, but the people that really need to have the cameras on the street are not going to get it until now, at this point, nine months later after we vote and approved on it. Something's very wrong with that. So I would like to ask Commander, along with Jim, to, you know, at least direct them to get with the City Administration to find out how we can change this number seven on the list for an area that we know truly needs additional visibility, you know, to address this issue. Am I not correct, Mr. --? Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. I can get with the City Manager and the Commander and express your concerns that the CRA be made a priority. Chair Spence -Jones: I mean, can we just -- we can't pull our 500,000 out for our own cameras? I thought that's what we were paying for. Commissioner Regalado: Madam Chair, we can direct the City Manager as the other capacity, City Commissioners. Commissioner Sanchez: All right. But it -- Madam Chair, if I could just elaborate a little bit on this. My understanding is that our -- it's separate funding, the half a million dollars coming from City of Miami Page 31 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 the CRA. My question is, was it done through a procurement through the City that the City is purchasing all the cameras and putting them out? Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. I think subsequent to the CRA voting to fund the cameras, the City decided to procure cameras as well and it became part of a larger package -- procurement package, which is in the process of being carried out. Commissioner Sanchez: All right. I will make a motion directing you, the CRA director, to sit down with the City Manager and separate that package, our camera installment of half a million dollars, separate it from the City's procurement, and they could put the City wherever they want and how they want to put it, but they need to put ours as quickly as possible, and I think that could be accomplished. So moved. Chair Spence -Jones: I have a motion on that item. Commissioner Regalado: I second the motion, and I think it's a good motion, but it is wrong for the City to second-guess the City redevelopment agency board. And the Board decided and funded and told the City to place the cameras. We had a presentation from the deputy chief I mean, he came to lobby us for the cameras before lobbying the City Commission, and just don't understand how now we are directing you to ask a favor that is a mandate. So I support the motion. You know, I'm just saying it's not her problem. It's not even your problem. It's that the City has to follow the rules. The City Procurement Department can decide whatever they want to decide if they want to buy the cameras as a package, but that doesn't mean that we get on the list for -- you will get the cameras whenever we get it through FedEx (Federal Express), you know. We already funded and paid for director, you know, have to -- we even announced it to the residents of Overtown, so you know, I just hope that you don't ask. I just hope that you tell them. Chair Spence -Jones: So we had a motion. Do I have a second on it? Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, yeah, I second Chair Spence -Jones: And we have a second. So you have a directive. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: This item passes. All in favor? The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Spence -Jones: This item passes on making sure that we get the cameras moving in the Overtown area. My last two points, and then we're going to move straight to the agenda. I know, Commander, you're working on the BEAT officers for 3rd Avenue. Do you have a report as to when that's going to be starting? Commander Jones: Yes, ma'am. I was advised today that he will be working effective March 1. Chair Spence -Jones: And that BEAT officer will get out of his or her car and mix and mingle with the people on 3rd Avenue and be very much a part of what's happening? Commander Jones: Yes, ma'am, throughout the CRA area in Overtown. Chair Spence -Jones: I want to also commend you for now attending the business owners meetings on 3rd Avenue. The business owners truly appreciate that that is happening. And I just want to make sure because, as we redevelop 3rd Avenue, we really want to make sure that people City of Miami Page 32 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 feel safe to come there, to eat there, to shop there, to dine there, and I really appreciate you doing that. And then last, but not least, I know that the monies that we get for the Overtown -- Southeast Overtown/Park West area, my concern in our meetings that we had was that a lot of that money was being sucked up by the club district because we no longer can have officers hired to go into the clubs, correct? Commander Jones: Are you referring to monies being spent out of the Overtown area? Chair Spence -Jones: Well, the Southeast Overtown/Park West dollars are dollars that are split up between the club district basically and the -- correct me if Pm wrong, Jessica -- and Overtown. And my concern was I was not seeing, until you got in and start correcting some of the issues, a lot of those dollars actually being put on the street in the heart of Overtown, right there in the hole, you know. So -- you know, and I saw a lot of the major dollars being spent on the club districts because now the police officers cannot be hired to actually go inside of the facilities. So those dollars were being used to patrol in this particular area. I think Jessica has - - you can step to the mike -- corrected some of these issues, but that was a big problem. I just want to make sure that the balance of the -- the people in Overtown definitely need to make sure that they have proper policing. And not that I have a problem with the club district -- I'm in a club now -- but the reality is, I think that the citizens, the people that have to live every day, have to walk through the crime every single day should not be put second or third on the list when other people that are actually coming into an area, you know, to club and party and have a great time, and that's wonderful, but the reality is that has nothing to do with anybody's quality of life. The people that pay taxes here should be afforded the right -- at least the amount of police that they need in order for them to feel safe and secure in their homes. So when I saw the numbers, that really alarmed me that we were spending more money because we can't spend money -- or the clubs can't spend money to bring outside officers in and we were picking up the tab. So I want to make sure that that is now being corrected. Jessica Pacheco: Jessica Pacheco. I'm the staff counsel to the CRA. That issue arose early in the process before it became overwhelming in that you found those numbers to be the case. But what we've done is we've had the officers run on a patrol throughout the entire CRA so that you didn't have a concentration in just the club district, and that way you had the presence where it needed to be. So that issue really wasn't -- just to clardy your point -- it wasn't a major concern now throughout the progress of this pilot program because we've addressed it early on in the -- I mean, Jim and I and the representatives of the Police Department, we discussed it and we had them doing like a roving patrol so that way you didn't have that issue happening. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Thank you for correcting the problem, but I wanted to at least officially put it on the record because we were spending more money on that side of it, and I know that's not what the Commissioners voted on. So with that being said -- Commissioner Sanchez, did you have another point before we move on with the agenda? Commissioner Sanchez: I just wanted to touch on what you touched on. I think community policing is a very good tool, but it only works when police officers are out in the neighborhood, walking the neighborhood, getting to know the people, and when people know those police officers by their first name. Community policing isn't driving a car around and driving around in circle or parking somewhere and staying in your car. I think it's very important -- and I think everybody deserves to have a safe surrounding, safe neighborhood. And I know that the NROs (Neighborhood Resource Officers) are doing a good job because that's what they do. They go out there to the community, they know the community leaders. They attend activities throughout the city. And it's all about that personal relationship between a police officer and the people in that community that succeeds in making sure that people want to participate in helping us fight crime. And I speak from experience. I was a state trooper for 11 years, and I was very involved in community policing and I know it makes a difference. City of Miami Page 33 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: Thank you, Commissioner Sanchez. Any other comments, Commander? Commander Jones: No, ma'am. Chair Spence -Jones: And thank you for the briefing. Commander Jones: Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. We'll -- Ms. Burns: Commander -- Commissioner Sanchez: And keep up the good work. Ms. Burns: Excuse me. Commander, can we have your name for the record, please? Commander Jones: I'm sorry. Commander Ethyl Jones, Overtown/Wynwood NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team). 15. 09-00049 CRA DISCUSSION UPDATE ON THE N.W. 3RD AVENUE STREETSCAPE PROJECT. Cover Memo.pdf DISCUSSED Chair Spence -Jones: We're going to move on to item number 15, Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: Yes, ma'am. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, 3rd Avenue streetscape project. Is CIP (Capital Improvements Program) here? David Mendez: Good evening. David Mendez, assistant director for CIP. Chair Spence -Jones: Hi, David. Basically, I asked to have this item put back on the agenda to make sure that we have clarity on what's actually happening on 3rd Avenue. I think that there was some confusion in the public regarding the first paving and what's actually happening now. And to my understanding, the first initial paving -- and you can correct me, Jim and David -- was just temporary paving to address really the grand opening of Jackson Soul Food as a part of the celebration for our December events. There were some other issues that we had to address with WASA (Water and Sewer Authority), and also, we still have to do the corner intersection pavers. So I want to just get clam on the record. And this is what I'm going -- unfortunately, this is what I'm going to start doing regarding projects that there seems to be confusion on because I think that it is your responsibility to make sure that the public is very clear about what's happening so that I don't get the calls, our Commissioners don't get the calls and staff don't get the calls as to why something has changed. So I don't know who you want to start with first. Mr. Mendez: Absolutely, and thank you for the opportunity for CIP to clam any misgivings about this project or any of our other projects. Yes, you're mostly correct about the asphalt that was put out there. I think the main concern from the public's point of view was that they were going to have to pay additional funds for this -- for the work that was done, and that's not the case at all. The additional asphalt that was placed out there, the asphalt that was removed, all of that is included in the original price of the contract. For asphalt, sidewalk, trees, sod, everything that is installed in our projects, our contractors are licensed, bonded and insured so City of Miami Page 34 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 that if there's any deficiency in their workmanship or materials, that material is replaced at no cost to the taxpayer. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. So we just want to be very clear. We're not spending any more money? Mr. Mendez: That is exactly right. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. You officially put it on the record. Mr. Mendez: It is on the record. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Executive Director, is there anything you want to add on that? James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Perhaps they can give us a timeline as to when they believe the street might be completed, assuming WASA and the other utilities perform. Mr. Mendez: Big assumption with WASA, unfortunately. We're -- like every other government agency, we work at their mercy, unfortunately, sometimes. Right now they're supposed to be out there this week to complete the work that they have. Once they complete their work, it'll be three weeks before we finish all of our paving. There's still a few trees that we want to replace, and we still have to do the decorative sidewalks or crosswalks, excuse me. So the majority of the work, with WASA cooperation, it will done in three weeks. Chair Spence -Jones: Are you comfortable with that, Mr. Executive Director? Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Villacorta: Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: Thank you, David, and keep up -- well, I wanted to say keep up the good work, but let's continue to do good work. Mr. Mendez: Yes, ma'am. Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. 16. 09-00047 CRA DISCUSSION UPDATE REGARDING GREEN SPACE IN THE SEOPW CRA AREA. Cover Memo.pdf Backup.pdf DISCUSSED Direction by Chair Spence -Jones to the Interim Executive Director to continue to work with Don Patterson and the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) to identifir green space projects in the CRA areas. Chair Spence -Jones: Let's move on to item number 16. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 16 is an update regarding green space in response to the directive issued at the City of Miami Page 35 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 December 15, 2008 CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Board of Commissioners meeting. We've identified a number of locations throughout the Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA for creation of temporary and permanent parks. The first item is improvements to Gibson Park, which is the sole recreational facility within the Southeast Overtown/Park West redevelopment area. As you know, we'll be participating in the renovation and expansion of the existing site. The project will include the relocation/expansion of the Culmer/Overtown Branch Library, as well as construction of new buildings, roof repairs, walkways, fencing and pool improvements. We've also identified a location at Northwest 2nd Avenue for a mini tot park. We're in the process of working with a developer who owns part of the parcel. It's acjacent to an existing park and the project entails development by the CRA of the privately -owned lots under the Metrorail guideway at Northwest 11 th Street and Northwest 2nd Avenue, turning them into a children's playground to serve the needs of residents living in close proximity to the site. We have the ongoing Overtown greenprint plan, which is -- provides for the development of a greenway throughout the Overtown redevelopment area. The project will include way -finding signage, installation of gateways, bicycle paths and landscaping along the major residential and commercial corridors. We have the Lyric Plaza, which is a permanent open space just north of the historic Lyric Theater and contiguous to the 9th Street Mall. We're currently in negotiations with the County. As you know, Block 36, immediately behind the theater, is in litigation and we're attempting to take the necessary lots out of that litigation that will allow construction of the Lyric expansion and preserve the plaza as a permanent feature. We have the Overtown community garden, an ongoing project that provides fresh vegetables to the residents of the community at a nominal price. The garden is currently situated on the Northwest 3rd Avenue commercial corridor. It was recently the subject of a piece on Channel 6, and Dr. Dunn, who operates this program, is in negotiation with a large chain of grocery stores for some of the -- to take some of the produce that's being generated. Along -- finally, along Northwest 3rd Avenue, we have a temporary domino park to be put in on 3rd Avenue, just north of our parking lot at the corner of 10th Street and 3rd Avenue. This will be a passive park with several seating arrangements conducive for area residents to play games of chess and dominoes in a safe environment -- and checkers, as well. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Thank you, Jim. Commissioner Regalado, you have any questions about these green space plans before --? Commissioner Regalado: No. I just want to say that my understanding that the reason for the item of the temporary park in Brickell was pulled was because of so much complications, and the City Attorney's office had some issues and the developer had some issues. Unless and until we have a uniform ordinance that we can say it is the same for 3rd Avenue or Brickell or Biscayne Boulevard, you know, we're going to have a problem because each developer would want some different things, and each department of the City will ask different things. So this is a good idea that could never get off the ground because it's simply -- there's no guidelines and people start piling up things. So, I mean, Jim, you understand the process of legislation, but I just think that we need to simpl because, you know, maybe you find a property but, oh, no, the liability and insurance and the -- how long is it going to be grandfathered with the zoning and all that, so -- Mr. Villacorta: Luckily, the -- Chair Spence -Jones: The parcels that we're speaking of are -- Mr. Villacorta: -- we've identified are either controlled by the City, the CRA, or -- in one case, there's a developer, but I believe we're able to reach an agreement with him for use of that park. Commissioner Regalado: Okay. Chair Spence -Jones: The only thing that I would like to have happen on this whole issue, Jim, is prioritize what we're doing next. I thought one of the -- from part of our discussions is that we City of Miami Page 36 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 were going to -- things that people can see right now -- see, touch and feel now. The domino/checker park on 3rd Avenue, we want to get that moving immediately. We've already approved the dollars for it -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- and my seniors that now play checkers on 3rd Avenue would truly enjoy having their own space to play and also we'll open up the sidewalks for the kids and other family members to walk on. So where are we with that? Is that number one on the list for now? Mr. Villacorta: Yes. I would -- I mean, we worked on this project a significant portion of today. We've received some plans from Parks regarding what we could put in there, and I would hope to see this either completed or well underway in 45 days. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, good. And then the other one was the tot park for this youth violence rally that we're trying to do, the peace park, the Clyde Killens Park off Northwest 2nd Avenue. To me, that should be the next step. That should -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- be happening at the same time, which is, I'm assuming, that tot lot in honor of Clyde Killens. Mr. Villacorta: That's going to involve some legal agreements with the developer and -- Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Villacorta: -- we're exploring swapping a piece of CRA property in the vicinity for that parcel or working out a dollar -a -year lease or something -- Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Villacorta: -- along those lines. Chair Spence -Jones: If you could just put some priority on the green space -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- plan, that would be very helpful for me. Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. I would put 3rd Avenue as the first one; the tot lot, the Lyric Plaza. I mean, we're working on the legal documents for that today as well and hope to see some movement shortly. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Villacorta: Also, the Gibson Park improvements are in the design stage as well. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, no problem. I'm going to recognize Mt. Zion. I see you passed this out. Did you see this, Commissioner Regalado? Don Patterson: Thank you, Commissioner. Don Patterson, executive director of Mt. Zion Developments, Incorporated. First of all, I want to thank the Commission and stafffor doing such a wonderful job in the Overtown community, particularly, the 3rd Avenue and then the museum -- the police -- black police officers' precinct museum. That was a wonderful event to City of Miami Page 37 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 attend. We couldn't be more proud. I also want to commend the Commission and staff on the efforts by way of identifying green space as a necessary asset to the Overtown community, particularly the Southwest [sic] CRA. The memo that I have in my hand is the same one that you all have that was created by Villacorta's office that identified six projects for green space development. I wanted to come before the Board and staffsimply to point out that we, in fact, have a project that we've been looking at, a green space project that we've been looking at for several months now. In fact, we've actually been working with CRA staff to include Clarence Woods attending a meeting with myself at the Department -- Florida Department of Transportation. If you look at the packet that I handed out to you, you'll know that the first two pages beyond the initial letter that I sent to Jim identifies two lots. The first lot is property that's owned by the City of Miami. The second page, which is referred to as `Exhibit 2," is a property -- a lot of maybe 2,300 square feet that's owned by FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation). The idea is that we would work with both the City, CRA, and Florida Department of Transportation to create a consolidated development with the two lots that ultimately, in the conceptual that you have before you, would come into being. As you can see, we've done a good job of identifying some of the green building concepts to include paver bricks. We also include a butterfly garden. What you cannot see is the idea that a lot of the materials that will be used will be sensitive to recycle. In addition, the material used to include park benches, the gazebo, or a trellis, depending on what we ultimately decide on, will be made from recyclable material. A lot of the landscaping will be sensitive to the idea that we should be drought -- actually, it should be indigenous to the South Florida community and drought -resistant. The last item included on this site plan is an entry feature that would do the community a service by way of identing the Historic Overtown Folklife District as a landmark entry. I think, ultimately, what we're trying to create here is a scenario when someone arrives in the Historic Overtown Folklife District by way of the south, east and west, that as they enter into the historic Overtown community, they're greeted by way of a beautiful garden and plaza. And I happen to know that the folks that are -- the property that's directly across the street, the three-story building, is under contract by a buyer who is really serious about including complimentary features that would also tie the park space and the building together by way of color, textures, et cetera. So, again, you know, this proposal's just simply sort of for your information. I like this project -- I hope that this project could become a part of the proposals that would then go into the pipeline for serious consideration. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Has -- Jim and Clarence, have you seen this before? Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Villacorta: We've -- Chair Spence -Jones: I know one of the parcels we can't speak for 'cause it's FDOT. Mr. Villacorta: Yeah, but we had a meeting with FDOT. They've come back with proposals of how they might allow us to use this site, and we're in the process of working through that and with Mt. Zion. Chair Spence -Jones: Clarence, did you have a comment you wanted to make? Clarence Woods (Assistant Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): No, Commissioner. Just that I have been involved with Don -- Chair Spence -Jones: She want -- Mr. Woods: I'm sorry. Clarence Woods, the assistant director of the CRA. I have been involved City of Miami Page 38 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 in meetings with both Mt. Zion and FDOT, along with Jim and Don, and we've talked about the concept. We also talked about the way in which FDOT would make the land available to do something like this, so -- Chair Spence -Jones: And they're open to it? Mr. Woods: Yes, yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Woods: We are exploring that right now. Chair Spence -Jones: Not a problem. Commissioner Regalado, you had any questions on it? Commissioner Regalado: No. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, so at this point, we're going to direct the staff to continue to work with you and -- Mr. Villacorta: Sure. Chair Spence -Jones: -- it's only two of us now, but I -- it seems like, to me, it'd be a great gateway green feature plan to have entering into Overtown -- Mr. Patterson: Absolutely. Chair Spence -Jones: -- and I just think that you guys need to sit and work it out. I don't have an issue with it. Mr. Villacorta: Good. Mr. Patterson: Great. Chair Spence -Jones: All right? Mr. Patterson: Appreciate it. Thank you. Chair Spence -Jones: Thank you, Mt. Zion. 17. 09-00050 CRA DISCUSSION REPORT ON THE CRAS' FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE AGENDA. Cover Memo.pdf Backup.pdf DISCUSSED Chair Spence -Jones: We're going to move on to item number 17, which is the CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency) federal legislative agenda, and I want to also add on that -- I know that the chair of that is -- or cochair of that is Commissioner Sarnoff. He's not with us, but apparently, I know that there's been meetings, at least, held I want to make sure that it's not only just include the federal legislation but also the state legislation. We need to make sure that both lobbyists are working on those key issues. You want to give us a quick update? James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Yes. At the December 30 meeting, I was directed to meet with Commissioner Sarnoff regarding the City of Miami Page 39 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 legislative agenda. We put together a number of items that should be included. They mesh with the Mayor's list of projects that -- to be included in the economic stimulus package. This package is -- requires that the projects be ready to go within 90 days of the pack -- the economic stimulus bill being passed We included the Port of Miami tunnel, the relocation of Camillus House, the Miami streetcar project and an intermodal station in Bicentennial Park as items for the federal lobbyists to work on. We also included -- Chair Spence -Jones: Repeat those items again, the three. Mr. Villacorta: The construction of the Port of Miami tunnel, the relocation of Camillus House, the City of Miami streetcar project, and an intermodal system for Bicentennial Park. Chair Spence -Jones: That's what we're asking our lobbyists to work on in -- Mr. Villacorta: Right. As well -- we also worked, subsequent to meeting with Commissioner Sarnoff, to include Overtown in the package, and included in the agenda public Wi-Fi installation, the rebuild of Northwest 2ndAvenue, the rebuild of Northwest 14th Street, the improvements to Gibson Park, and the Overtown green space project as items that we'd like to see the federal lobbyists present to our -- Chair Spence -Jones: And this is because this is all -- Mr. Villacorta: -- elected officials. Chair Spence -Jones: -- infrastructure -based projects. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Commissioner Regalado, you have any comments on the federal legislation? Commissioner Regalado: Yes. On the first list, you know that the requirement is that they are shovel ready. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: The only project that is ready to go is the relocation of Camillus House on the first list. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. We -- Commissioner Regalado: The others is not three month. The requirement is three month. It's not three month, six month, three years. So I don't know why we are like wasting the lobbyist time and money because these are projects that are not shovel ready, and Congress will not approve anything that is not shovel ready. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: That's what I have to say. But then you can always dream. Chair Spence -Jones: So is it your recommendation to that group -- 'cause I'm assuming they're getting ready to go to D.C. (District of Columbia) very soon -- that the focus should be only on projects that are three -- that are ready to go in three months? Commissioner Regalado: I mean, that's what the administration -- that's what President Obama City of Miami Page 40 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 and Congress is saying, they have to be shovel ready. They have to be ready to go because the reason that it's called stimulus is because they need to stimulus [sic] the economy. And you know, they only with the environmental studies for the port or the -- even the streetcar, the different study, it will not be ever ready for a time. Yet, I think Camillus House is shovel ready. That will be -- that should be the focus because the relocation of Camillus House will be an extraordinary event for downtown, CRAs and two districts of the City of Miami, which -- and will be a component for the University of Miami project. Actually, it would be an anchor project that will expedite the plans of UM (University of Miami) if they see construction on the site. So I just think that we are -- that we need to focus on one project -- and I respect, you know -- I mean, I used to write to Santa Claus on a lot of things, but got some. But I mean, we have to be realistic here, and I think that the only project that is ready to go is the relocation of Camillus -- off the first list. The second list, I think it's important, and I think it's -- you know, any little project will probably get through the, you know, committees, the conference committee between the Senate and the House. And now we have to understand Congressman Kendrick Meek is running for the Senate. So he, being in the majority, will try to deliver some -- Chair Spence -Jones: Key projects. Commissioner Regalado: -- key projects to South Florida. But remember, it will not be one project. It will be several small projects. And this you -- we should focus on this. Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. This was a concern and we discussed it at our meeting with the Commissioner. There are a number of these projects that are ready to go, particularly the ones in Overtown, Northwest 2nd Avenue rebuild, Northwest 14th Street rebuild. The Gibson Park project is in design. Chair Spence -Jones: We just want to make sure that the lobbyists, when they get up there -- and I do understand sometimes the big projects take, you know, front seat, you know, with all the attention, but it's those little projects that you just mentioned that really, you know, impact neighborhoods, so -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- and they're ready to go. So, you know, I agree with him that if they're not shovel ready, then I just don't want us to put too much emphasis on something that we're not going to be able to tap into any money on, and that would be my suggestion on it, Jim. So if -- I'm not really sure -- I guess you need to wait for the Commissioner to get back regarding this issue and then kind of tell us finally kind of what's going to be the strategy in D.C. regarding the stimulus -- Mr. Villacorta: Okay. Chair Spence -Jones: -- after you take back our recommendations. Mr. Villacorta: Sure. Chair Spence -Jones: Anything on the state? Because I've had him add the state onto it also. Commissioner Regalado: No. The only thing that we can -- you know what we should request from the people that do the lobbying in the state? Do not cut more. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Okay. Chair Spence -Jones: I think there was two items that I asked -- so that we're clear. I did get a chance to meet with the state lobbyists, and there's two items that we have them working on or City of Miami Page 41 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 would like for them to work on with State Representative Bush, which is the -- is it the enterprise tax -- what is it called? Mr. Villacorta: The super enterprise zone. Chair Spence -Jones: Super enterprise zones. It did not pass last year or so when we went up -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- but they feel pretty strongly about, you know, it might -- getting some traction and Overtown would be one of those super enterprise zones, to have him continue to work on pushing that. Commissioner Regalado: Anything -- any project that have a cost will not move through this special session of the Legislature. Actually, during the week of the special session, the accountant for the state came back and said that they need to revise their deficit with $100 million more only on that -- because, remember, the State of Florida makes the money from the sales tax and from the documents and stamps on the sales of automobiles and homes, and people are buying less. People are not buying homes, people are not buying automobiles. So, the State of Florida, it's like going down in a spin. So I just don't think that this session will be one that we can say, oh, we brought the bacon home. I just think if we can keep what we have -- I don't know what we have from them -- Chair Spence -Jones: Nothing. Commissioner Regalado: -- but if we can keep what we have -- Mr. Villacorta: Well, we were successful last year in getting a grant for the rebuild of North Bayshore Drive. Commissioner Regalado: Right, and these people should be told, you know, that representatives of this area -- I mean, is -- Luis Garcia or -- Luis represents part of downtown or --? Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. I'm not sure exactly where his district ends. You know, I believe it covers Commissioner Regalado: I think it's part and then -- Mr. Villacorta: -- part of it, but -- Commissioner Regalado: -- it's Bush, right? Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: Right. Mr. Villacorta: And I believe we have a tour of the redevelopment areas set up with Representative Bush to -- Chair Spence -Jones: For the enterprise zone -- Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, because -- City of Miami Page 42 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: -- that is. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: -- he's going to be there new. Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah. And then the other part of that, unfortunately, the lobbyist that we do have, Commissioner Regalado, we're having a serious issue with the -- with regulating what's happening with the beer and wine sales in the Overtown area and what's happening around a lot of these convenience stores. As you know, in my district on Friday night, there were nine people that were shot and two of them that were killed and it was all around a gambling game, a loitering situation. And this is happening consistently in my district. I know I asked Madam City Attorney, Gail, to look into this issue from a state perspective to see what we could do, and I know that Jessica and Jim have also looked at some additional options. But I wanted to have our lobbyists look at other things that we can do from a state perspective, but he is conflicted out because he represents the alcohol and beer companies, so you know, he would actually be on the other side of us on this issue. So I asked for Jim to maybe, perhaps, look at maybe another firm perhaps that could take on this because there's a lot of crime happening around these convenience stores, so I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of it and in support of it. Commissioner Regalado: And what you're saying is that they shouldn't sell like one can of beer? Chair Spence -Jones: I think -- do you want to speak on it, Madam City Attorney, what we're looking at, or Jim, regarding this issue? Mr. Villacorta: I think we were looking to limit off -premises consumption -- sales for off -premises consumption after a cer -- after midnight or some other time. Commissioner Regalado: But that's illegal already. Mr. Villacorta: Not for convenience stores. Chair Spence -Jones: No, it's not. Commissioner Regalado: Yes, it is. Mr. Villacorta: Actually, the City Code -- Commissioner Regalado: To -- Mr. Villacorta: -- provides -- Commissioner Regalado: -- consume alcoholic beverage -- Mr. Villacorta: On site, yes. Commissioner Regalado: -- on site, it's illegal. Loitering is illegal. Drinking in public is illegal. Having an open container on a car is illegal. We just need enforcement. Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah. We know that we have an -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. City of Miami Page 43 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 Chair Spence -Jones: -- enforcement issue too, but Madam City Attorney, do you want to speak on what we're trying to do with this issue? I don't think it's just those issues. It's the issue of regulating the sales themselves. Gail Dotson (Assistant General Counsel): Right. The issue that we looked at is regulating convenience stores, and there is a state statute that actually regulates convenience stores. And the legislators have said that this is a area that they want to regulate. They have exempted out local governments from trying to regulate specific issues with respect to convenience stores. Chair Spence -Jones: And the point for us is more in the areas -- the CRA areas or the distressed areas, areas where we know that are truly distressed areas because this is only -- Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Chair Spence -Jones: -- adding to poverty and other issues -- Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Chair Spence -Jones: -- that are affecting -- Commissioner Regalado: But Madam Chair, you cannot have a law for one place and not have a law for another place, and what you're going to have is that once you regulate the convenience store, you have to apply the same law to the gas station because they sell the same merchandise. Chair Spence -Jones: Now, my understanding in talk -- speaking with Jim, we had an issue where the same thing is happening in Miami Beach now and they were able to accomplish that. Is that correct, Jim? Mr. Villacorta: I know there are cities that regulate the hours of sales -- Commissioner Regalado: Hours, they do. Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. That's what we're talking about, the hours. Mr. Villacorta: And that's what we're talking about is to -- Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, the hours they do. Chair Spence -Jones: We're talking about only hours. Mr. Villacorta: -- stop sales for off -premises consumption within the redevelopment areas at a certain -- or at least Overtown redevelopment within -- after midnight. And some of the convenience stores, one that's associated with the gas station is the number one location for police calls for service and arrest in the CRA. Commissioner Regalado: Andl understand. I totally approve, but especially if we can direct this only to the redevelopment areas. 'Cause to do it citywide will be -- Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. Chair Spence -Jones: No. This is -- Mr. Villacorta: No. It would just be -- Chair Spence -Jones: -- that's why we want to have the lobbyist just focus on the distressed area City of Miami Page 44 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 or the CRA area. So I just wanted to see if Jim can -- Mr. Villacorta: Yeah. Actually, we're working on an ordinance that we'll be presenting to you shortly -- Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Mr. Villacorta: -- for seeking to -- Chair Spence -Jones: Well, I definitely want to look at the ordinance, but I also want to definitely look at what we can do from a state perspective -- Mr. Villacorta: Okay. Chair Spence -Jones: -- too. Mr. Villacorta: Sure. Chair Spence -Jones: So if we can -- Gail, if you and Jim can get together to figure out -- because he's very clear that he cannot work on that. Mr. Villacorta: Sure. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. 18. 09-00045 CRA DISCUSSION DISCUSSION REGARDING ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR CAMILLUS HOUSE, INC. Cover Memo.pdf DISCUSSED Direction by Chair Spence -Jones to the Interim Executive Director to schedule an item on the next CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) agenda, currently scheduled for February 23, 2009, regarding the request for an additional $100, 000 for the Camillus House. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. Let's move on to the next item, which is regarding the Camillus House. I think we have Camillus House here. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Yes. At the -- at a recent CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) meeting, we were directed to bring back an item regarding a discussion for additional funding for Camillus House. As you know, the courtyard program has been very successful. It has a budget of approximately $840, 000. It's included in your materials. And the CRA recently provided a matching grant for $100, 000, and we have some people from Camillus House here to speak on their funding needs. Commissioner Regalado: My understanding, before you speak, is that the demand has been greater than expected and that has placed a burden on the whole Camillus House budget. Now the courtyard project, everybody here, I'm sure that is familiar with, it was something that was sort of a pilot program but has become a part of the daily operations of Camillus House. Now I don't know if we can claim that we are reducing the homeless population. It's very difficult to measure that because homeless usually goes along with unemployment, and the unemployment numbers in Miami -Dade County, although not the worst in the nation, but are growing and growing. And it only takes eight weeks, maybe twelve weeks for a person to become homeless after that person has lost his job. That's a statistic. I don't know if you agree with that, but I City of Miami Page 45 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 think that that's -- but I want to understand how can we help and if we can help because to cut down in services to the homeless now is the wrong thing to do, you know. When the times are good, you know, maybe we can say, well, you know, people can just live off other thing, but times are really bad and people are losing their jobs and people keep losing their jobs. And there are people that are hungry. Do you know, by the way -- because this has to do with -- Madam Chair, the State of Florida, the State Legislature, cut millions and millions of dollars to the social services program, and the Little Havana Activity Center will be reducing 40 meals a day. Forty clients will be told, coming next week, that they can stay at the center, but they cannot eat, they cannot have lunch. The Badia (phonetic) Center, Southwest Senior Center in Flagami is losing 30 meals a day. So, you know, it's something that is for us of great concern because these people -- a meal costs $3.17 for the elderly. If homebound -- if we use homebound meals, the cost will go up to another dollar probably. But I think that you guys do more with less. Paul Ahr: Paul Ahr, president of Camillus House, doing business at 336 Northwest 5th Street. Thank you for the introduction. Our own treatment program, which is most successful, has been reduced over the last two years, primarily because the state budget cuts, from 65 slots down to 30, and we're probably going to lose two more slots. As you pointed out, Commissioner, the courtyard program was set up in response to my promise to the City Commission that I could demonstrate that we could operate a facility without folks sleeping outside -- it had been done for 40 years -- in anticipation of our movement to Northwest 7th. We accomplished that probably within about four days of opening up our parking lot. The CRA gave us $117,900 to build a shelter facility. We originally planned to service somewhere in the range of 40 to 60 people. One night last week we had 293 people staying in Camillus House on a cold night. And last night we had 235, and we probably average in the range of 225 people a night. We had an interesting experience. The director of the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) came over to do a little tour before they awarded us 25,000 with the invitation to come back for 25,000 more. It was the day on which FPL (Florida Power & Light) was presenting a big, overblown check for 500, 000, representing their contribution to our capital campaign. We had to clear out that pavilion that you folks helped us build so that we could set up chairs and all 240 people were in the atrium area. At first, I was apologetic and then I turned to Alyce and said, you know, I feel badly about this, but I want you to look around you. If it weren't for this program, all 240 of these people would be down in front of the public library or Macy's or wherever you'd like to say. They would not be there. We run one of the few shelters in America that does not require -- as a matter of fact, rather than not require, we expect the individuals to stay with us. We have activities with us all day long so they don't basically filter on back out onto the street and then come back to us in the evening. I should say that there is a reason they do leave, and Commissioner Regalado, I'm sure, will be disappointed to learn that street feeding continues, continues in our neighborhood; certainly would invite the discussion of an ordinance that would restrict street feeding within a certain perimeter of a homeless shelter. I was at the Heat game the other night and passed three vans that were feeding. I don't mind the feeding part. We're in the feeding business. We feed 600, 000 free meals. What happens is they come back towards us, leave their trash on the ground, then I have to have staff to go and clean it up so that it's not an eyesore. I've given you a little summary of where we are to date. You have given us $100, 000. We came over with a check request to Jim for 68,000, so we're spending it healthily. We are requesting an additional 100,000 in this fiscal year. Our situation, though, is that whatever we don't get from public bodies, we take from our own donations. Our board has directed me to do two things; one is to set a physical limit of 280 people on any night, and I should tell you that we've developed a series of criteria which we're going to work with our board on, but I think you should be pleased to know -- as with our requirements that the City Commission has presented for our new site, top priority goes for chronically homeless people who live in Miami, a secondary group of those who live in Miami -Dade County. In addition to that, some residents in the courtyard do get regular recurring checks, SSI (Supplemental Security Income) and SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) checks. Many of them, at the beginning of the month, go and basically blow them and come back to us for free room and board and our board has asked us to take a look at a means -- as everyone else in Camillus House, except at Beckham Hall, they City of Miami Page 46 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 pay a percentage of their income, whether it's earned or whether it's a SSI check or a retirement check for their room and board As I said, we had over 290 persons the other cold night. I would also encourage you to take a look at some of the statistics. We do a quarterly census based on age and gender and condition, and I think the two most startling features here, 22 percent of the people who stay with us are women. Remember that, up until two years ago, women were not served at Camillus House, except in the shower program and through our meals. And we are in the process of converting 24 beds at Beckham Hall to accommodate on a long-term basis women that are with us. The other is that 14 percent of our guests are over the age of 60. As far as our new construction, I'm glad you recognize that we are shovel ready. We have our final plans. We have comments back on the permitting process. We will be submitting our final changes after the City's comments and the County's comments by the end of February. We are now out seeking bank financing and we will be going out beginning of March with invitations for contractors to bid. We hope to have interim financing available to us. We hope to have shovels in the ground by no later than the first of May. Our target remains the same, to open in 2010, probably on New Year's Eve, but 2010, nevertheless. As you approach the lobbyists, your lobbyists around state issues, I want you to know that one of the major issues we're dealing with with our own lobbyists, Akerman Senterfitt, is the planned massive cuts to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. I think Shepherd's Court, which is the 80-unit apartment building that's on our project but because it's a separate entity, essentially it has its own life cycle. We hope that the Florida Housing Finance Corporation does hold harmless projects for special populations, which would include farm workers and disabled and homeless. We have already sunk a million dollars of our donated funds into being -- getting that project ready, and that -- the loss of those funds would be a huge blow to that whole initiative. It would essentially force it into two cycles, if we're lucky to get funding later. Chair Spence -Jones: So Dr. -- Mr. Ahr: Okay. I was going to say, finally, to date, we've raised nearly $24 million in pledges. Those of you that joined us at our groundbreaking know that the Mayor of the City of Miami promised us $10 million, and we're trying to figure out who will write the letter that says that we can take that to the bank. And certainly, we look to the CRA to help us in terms of demonstrating to financial institutions that the support is here. There's another $10 million request that's been pledged -- or $10 million pledge made by the County. We are also meeting with Johnny Martinez and others to get that in writing so we can take it to the bank. I understand that you folks have us in for a request, our own request on a stimulus package that we sent to the whole Southeast Florida Delegation was for $20 million. We will actually be ready just on the day that the 90 days start, so we think we stand in a good position. Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, Dr. Ahr. Commissioner Regalado, you have any comments on --7 Commissioner Regalado: Well, I don't know about the $10 million, but I think that the most pressing need now is to keep the courtyard facility opened and it's just a matter of fact, you cannot turn away people and you don't. You have a limit but, more or less, we have sort of contained the situation in downtown Miami, which I think is good for the CRA because within the CRA boundaries there are bound to be homeless people, and they could be in these times that are difficult, and you just said something that maybe some people have missed in the past. But there are some homeless that get their checks, SSI, and social security and there have been killings and acts of violence just for three dollars or for five dollars. I think that it is worth it because if we keep this courtyard project going, we not only contain the situation in downtown CRA or Overtown and Omni, but we help to contribute to have low crime statistics in the area, which, in turn, will help for the future. I will think that also the DDA should consider helping the courtyard project because it does help much the area. You just said it. If they're not in the courtyard, they will be sleeping on the public library on Flagler or in front ofMacy's in downtown -- Flagler. So I -- Madam Chair, I think that we should fully endorse the need to continue the support of the courtyard project. I'm telling you it's a good project. I'm telling you City of Miami Page 47 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 it's a humane project because people -- it is the same as the feeding program. People are given back their dignity, and I think that the CRA should step up and help this project. So I would ask Jim and you to see what we can do in terms of legislation for next month to see if we can continue the support. Chair Spence -Jones: Well, I support that 100 percent. You know, Dr. Ahr, I've been a big supporter, you know, over the last three years of all that you do to support my district and the City. I also want to thank you for addressing our Mt. Zion issue with the feeding that has been happening on 3rd Avenue and your willingness to take that on -- Mr. Ahr: Absolutely. Chair Spence -Jones: -- after it moved from Trinity. So any time that we've called you guys at Camillus House, you've always been there, so you know the support is never an issue. The question is, for Jim, for the next CRA meeting is to make sure that that is actually placed on the agenda and brought back for the February meeting. And the request for -- was for, just so that I'm clear, what, Jim? Mr. Ahr: An additional 100, 000. Chair Spence -Jones: A hundred thousand dollars? Mr. Ahr: Can I just make two other observations as a man on the street that I think you should be aware of. First of all, there is an increasing number of vehicles that are parking on Northeast 8th basically behind Kromer's (phonetic) property and families are living in these automobiles. We've worked with Officer Paulino, and you know, we have Miami police that work for us off -duty, and they've been very good about it, but I think this is an indicator, especially, Commissioner Regalado, from the perspective of the Homeless Trust, this seems to be cropping up again. The other point I want to make, which is about the courtyard program, last year, over 700 unduplicated persons stayed in the courtyard at least one night. I don't want folks to think -- I agree with you that we're containing the problem, maybe not getting ahead of it. But I want you to know that last month alone, in the month of December, we placed out of the courtyard 47 individuals who presented themselves, became amenable to case management and then were moved on to more appropriate settings, so it's not as if we've got just a depot here where people come and stay. We work aggressively with them to move them on. Those that have means, we try to match them up with other sources in the community, with places to live. So it's a very dynamic program. It's a miracle to us that, you know, it's been able to be as successful as it is, but I think the indicators are there. Our food box programs, which is totally at our expense, averaged in the past 70 food boxes a month to housed people, and now we're averaging over 210 food boxes a month for housed individuals who just can't buy groceries. So there's a lot of things that we do to solve the problem, and we certainly appreciate everything you've done. Chair Spence -Jones: Thank you, Dr. Ahr. So we'll bring it back for the month of February. 19. 09-00046 CRA DISCUSSION REPORT ON THE MEETING WITH THE DIRECTOR OF THE PORT OF MIAMI. Cover Memo.pdf DISCUSSED Chair Spence -Jones: All right. We're going to take our last item, which is item number 19, which is really a report that Commissioner Regalado's asked for regarding the Port of Miami. James H. Villacorta (Interim Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Yes. At City of Miami Page 48 Printed on 2/23/2009 SEOPW and OMNI Community Redevelopment Agencies Meeting Minutes January 26, 2009 the last CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) meeting, the Board directed me to meet with the director of the Port of Miami and Commissioner Regalado and that meeting took place on December 30. The director of the Port advised us that the Port of Miami has the best processing time for container trucks on the east coast. That time is one and a half minutes. He advised that the Port of Miami recently obtained an account with 35 to 40,000 containers, a five- to six -million -dollar account that's being brought into the Port. He stated that the Port does $17 billion in business and 15 billion of that is in cargo. This results in a total of 180, 000 jobs, with 160,000 being cargo related. He projected that in 2015 and 2016, we would need improved access for the truckers or the Port would lose business to other competing ports. He stated that the ILL [sic] members are among the best paid workers in South Florida, and that they're doing approximately 30,000 cruise passengers in a day. It was a good meeting. He stressed the need for the port tunnel and was concerned about the lack of funding. If -- though he did make the statement if the port tunnel wasn't the answer, something had to be done to remove those trucks from downtown Miami. Commissioner Regalado: He's a good salesman, though. Chair Spence -Jones: All right. Any other comments on this issue? All right. With that being said you know, you've gotten your directives from the discussion items, Jim -- Mr. Villacorta: Yes. Chair Spence -Jones: -- and team, if we can be prepared to bring updates for the next meetings and whatever resolutions that we have requested to make sure that they actually happen. With that being said, any other questions or comments, Commissioner Regalado? Commissioner Regalado: Well, take care of yourself. Eat well, rest. Chair Spence -Jones: I will. One more week to go. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, one week to go. Chair Spence -Jones: With that being said, the meeting has officially been adjourned. City of Miami Page 49 Printed on 2/23/2009