HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW CRA 2016-07-25 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Monday, July 25, 2016 5:00 PM Camillus House 1603 N.W. 7th Ave., Bldg. B Miami, FL 33136 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Keon Hardemon, Chair Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Vice Chair Ken Russell, Commissioner Frank Carollo, Commissioner Francis Suarez, Commissioner SEOPW CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 819 NW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33136 Phone: (305) 679-6800, Fax: (305) 679-6835 www.miamicra.com SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Present: Commissioner Suarez, Commissioner Carollo, Vice Chair Gort and Chair Hardemon Absent: Commissioner Russell On the 25th day of July 2016, the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Camillus House, 1603 Northwest 7th Avenue, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Hardemon at 5: 06 p.m., and was adf ourned at 5: 56 p.m. Note for the Record: Commissioner Carollo entered the meeting at 5:48 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Clarence E. Woods, Executive Director, CRA William Bloom, Special Counsel, CRA Renee A. Jadusingh, Staff Counsel, CRA Barnaby L. Min, Deputy General Counsel Todd B. Hannon, Clerk of the Board APPROVING MINUTES Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, to APPROVE PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon and Commissioner Suarez Absent: Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Russell ORDER OF THE DAY Chair Hardemon: Good evening, everyone. I'm going to call this meeting of Monday, July 25, 2016 of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency into order. The first item of business that we have is the approval of the regular meeting minutes of March 30, 2016; noting we have the presence of Commissioner Francis Suarez, Commissioner Frank -- Wfredo Gort; and myself, the Chairman, Commissioner Keon Hardemon. Is there a motion to approve the regular meeting minutes? Board Member Suarez: So moved. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved; seconded by the Vice Chair [sic]. Is there any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor, indicate so by saying 1iye. " The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. Board Member Suarez: Boy, these are cool mikes, man. Chair Hardemon: Yeah. They're different. Board Member Suarez: Very nice. Vice Chair Gort: This is a new mike. Is it working? Can you hear him good? All right. Chair Hardemon: So at this time, we're going to move into the regular RE (resolution) agenda, and I'm going to open up the floor for public hearing. So is there anyone here that wants to speak on items RE.1 through RE.9? Please step forward to the lectern at this time. Once again, I'm opening the floor for public hearing so that you have your reasonable opportunity to be heard on items RE.1 through RE.9. So if you'd like to be heard on either of those items -- or any of those items, rather -- please come to the lectern now to speak. City of Miami Paget Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Board Member Suarez: Mr. Chair, if I may? Chair Hardemon: You're recognized, sir. Board Member Suarez: Yeah. I just want to explain to the public that's here, if anyone wants to speak on any item that's going to be on our agenda, now is the time; is that right? Chair Hardemon: That's exactly what I said, yeah. Board Member Suarez: I just want to make sure that they understand. So everybody -- Deborah Roberts: Good afternoon. My name is Deborah Roberts. I'm representing the Overtown community, and also Town Park Plaza South. First of all, Commissioner, let me just recommend a round of applause for the wonderful event that we had. Chair Hardemon: Let me stop you for one second. When you introduce yourself, just tell me what items you're speaking on, also. Ms. Roberts: Okay. Number 9. Chair Hardemon: Okay, got it. Now, go on. Ms. Roberts: Sorry about that. So just to piggyback on what I just said, I'd like to -- you know -- commend you on the great job that you did at the Overtown Arts Center for the community. They all applauing [sic], and we had a wonderful time. Keep it going. Next, we have some more speakers here. We are all representing Town Park Plaza South, and I'm going to let them speak right quick. Harriet McDonald: Good evening, everyone. My name is Harriet McDonald, and I'm from Town Park Plaza South. We're here for number 9, as well, and this is regarding the renovation that we supposed to have going on over at Town Park, and we're understanding that we're in need of more funds to get this renovation going, so we're hoping that there will be approval this evening for those funds. Ken Thurston: Good evening. I'm Ken Thurston. I'm the property manager. To the Chair and the other Commissioners, Town Park Plaza South is 116 units that needs renovation. You had already allocated 10 million. As we've gone through the process of getting the plans drawn, it was determined that the funding is going to come a little short, and that is the rationale for this particular request; to take care of the shortfall. And the 116 residents are extremely appreciative of your assistance. Chair Hardemon: Thank you very much. You're recognized, sir. Terry Wright: Good afternoon. How is everybody? My name is Mr. Wright, the owner of Wright and Young Funeral Home in Miami. On Father's Day, we had a rally that started from Overtown through Fort Lauderdale, in reference to the violence that's plaguing our City. And I made a statement at that rally about cameras being installed on some of the churches facing the streets. Because we have cameras on red lights, catching us running red lights, some of the cameras could be facing towards the streets in those hot areas where crimes are being allogated [sic], and we could probably solve some more of the murderers [sic] and catch those advocates in the act. So me and Commissioner Suarez spoke, and I'm speaking on behalf of the Eye of God; I believe that's what we named the program. And I think we're on agenda number 1; am I right? So we come to see if you could grant those funds in order to start a movement. And we're going to get those churches in the community involved, as well, so we could also extend this City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 program extensively, sir. Chair Hardemon: Thank you very much, sir. Mr. Wright: All right. Thank you. Chair Hardemon: Okay. Andre Williams: Good evening. My name is Andre Williams. I am speaking on item number 9. I have a business at 1490 Northwest 3rdAvenue, in the Overtown Business Plaza, in the Overtown Business and Resource Center, in a small incubator hub space there. I just want to say that I am a small business there, and I want to thank the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), Leroy Jones, and the rest of the community that allows us to be there and function as a business, because had we not that space, we wouldn't have adequate spaces. Even though we are searching for other spaces outside, which, you know, CRA has been working and providing us with opportunity to do so, I just want to stand here in support of the Overtown Business and Resource Center, and let you guys know that great things are coming from out of there, and have come from there. Thank you. Leticia Bolden: Good evening. My name is Leticia Bolden. I'm the office -- I'm sorry. Good evening. My name is Leticia Bolden. I'm the business resource manager over at the Overtown Business Resource Center, located at 1490 Northwest 3rdAvenue. I would like to let everybody know that we have -- we are the center location for Overtown. Everybody there that's -- wants to start a business or has a question about employment, we are the number -one resource that is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We actually at this moment, we do -- we have -- over the past year of funding, we've housed 12 business owners in our building. We do hold eight spaces, but because we have a waiting list, people are merging in. They want to have a place to actually operate their business. As you can hear, some of the small businesses, they have a hard time finding space; things cost. We are free. We want to thank the CRA for that. We have housed 12 businesses. The residents and visitors for the entire year was 1,380. The approximate businesses that came in for the whole year, it was 300 of them. We referral out about 750 referrals. And we have a database of being -- people coming in that has been hired at 250 individuals. So I just want to let you all know, we are addition to Overtown, and let everybody know who's here today that comes out to our center, you are addition to us to continue to be a resource, and I just want to say thank you. Chair Hardemon: You're recognized, sir. Vice Chair Gort: Let me ask a question. I stopped at the shopping center today -- Ms. Bolden: Repeat that, sir. Vice Chair Gort: I stopped at the shopping center today, the one we have here at the 3rdAvenue. Ms. Bolden: Oh, the grocery store? Vice Chair Gort: I understand the bakery's getting ready to open. Ms. Bolden: Yes. Vice Chair Gort: And it's accepting applications. I hope you're working with them. Ms. Bolden: Yes. Actually, if you noticed, one of the tenants in our building, Community Re -- oh, I'm sorry -- CWTP -- Emanuel Washington, he's actually had a converse with that individual. Now we have people coming in; that's also increased the individuals coming into the center. City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 They need resumes. We also assist them with that. We have Resume Mondays. Actually, there -- they asked us can -- do we have anybody that actually comes into the center that proactively is on job search. We do have a few of those individuals, so they will be chosen. They are deciding to have a big hiring day, and they're going to hold it right at our center, so that way, everybody knows that the location -- the grocery store will be down there, and the residents of Overtown have the first, first option to apply for those jobs that are incoming here into Overtown. Vice Chair Gort: Thank you. Ms. Bolden: Yes, sir. Christopher Carwise: Good afternoon. My name is Christopher Carwise. I have C3 Computer Consultants. I'm actually one of the businesses that are at 1490 Northwest 3rd. This is in regards to item number 8, I believe it is, and just wanted to speak to the point of how this business space, this hub has actually allowed me, at a time of being laid offfrom work, to start a business and get on my feet, and become a job creator. And one of the great things that I was able to do from that space was reach out, also, to another African -American male, who was unemployed, through a program at Workforce, to become an employee of myself; who has then gone on to start his own Amazon business, and now, he is also hiring. So I'm looking to hire two more individuals, and the guy who I hired through that program at Workforce is hiring individuals, as well, through the Workforce, so it's creating jobs. But my office, my space, what got me started was at 1490, in the hub space, through the program at Neighbors and Neighbors. So I wanted to just speak to the point that it's a great benefit and an asset to the neighborhood. I have an eCommerce business and I'm also teaching eCommerce, and I'm going to be doing things that -- through the technical assistance that I receive from Ms. Bolden and Leroy's program -- to reach out to others who are in need of jobs and so forth. So it saved -- the first job it saved was mine, and it allowed me to save other jobs; and then, and therefore, creating people who are also now doing the same thing; reaching out and creating jobs. So that's what I wanted to say; again, on item number 8. Thank you. Chair Hardemon: Thank you very much. Ario Lundy: How you doing, Commissioners? Y'all know me. The program what they're talking about -- Chair Hardemon: You still have to say your name for the record, sir. Mr. Lundy: 1201 Northwest 3rd Avenue. The program what they're talking about, I've been in, sitting in a couple of times, and I was really amazed, because a lot of the people from Overtown don't understand how to open up a corporation, doesn't know how to do a resume. And I was sitting in there just one day, just to find out -- which they within the CRA, and they have different meetings on -- every so often, every month. And the amount of people I've seen inside there -- actually, they was -- she was training and actually educating. I couldn't believe it, because I didn't even know it exist like that. I thought, That's the incubator of the street. It's where all the people be sitting at, "until I actually went into the meeting, sit in the meeting to see what really it was all about. And the unique thing about what they're doing is that they're opening up everybody eyes that don't even have an understanding on -- that you can actually get a startup of a business, and I appreciate everything what they're doing. Ms. Bolden: Thank you, sir. Cale Virgil: Hello, Commissioners. My name is Cale Virgil, and I'm speaking on the number 8. I want to speak on -- from my personal experience, because -- and maybe a lot of other folks, because I was doing business, but we call it [slaying business. "When I walked into the office, I went in there and I found out how to open up a real business. Now, I'm on Sunbiz and all of that. City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 I wouldn't be able to do that without that, because I didn't know these things. And you have to do things in the right way, and they have the training and the opportunity to get on your right feet. And I'm just a citizen that's in Overtown, a Overtown resident, and now, I'm a company. And I like that opportunity that they have, because it's a lot of things they got going on. Chair Hardemon: Thank you, sir. Leroy Jones: Leroy Jones, 1490 Northwest 3rdAvenue, Suite 110; keep it short, short as I can. I just want to say -- first, I want to thank the City, but I also want to say that I'm a little disappointed. The space we got is too small. We don't have any privacy. We can't have any private meetings there. It's open; you can hear everybody conversation. And then, to still look at $150,000, it's like -- for all the work we do, it's like -- it's making me feel like we not important, that we're not valued in Overtown. And so, I don't want to be a disservice to the people, which means ifI don't have -- if we don't have what we need to do a quality job, then I'd rather not be there. I'm just going to be straight up with you. So, you know, I'm not trying to act like I'm biggity or boasting, but we don't have what we need, you know. And I was looking for more than $150, 000 in this contract. I thought we was going to do some work readiness training for the people in the neighborhood, who don't have OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) cards, who don't have their OSHA certification, who don't have the safety training that they need for all these construction jobs that's coming up. They're not going to be able to work there; and if they do, they're not going to stay, because they don't have the qualifications. And I thought we was going to do that. I thought it was going to say that on this, but it don't say it. So -- I don't know. You know, I'm being told one thing, but then, I'm being showed something else. You know, I'm grateful. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but then, I been in this game long enough to know that when things don't go right, they're not going to come blame y'all. They going to come blame me, because when they see that site, they see me, so I'm the responsibility of that. And ifI can't fight on behalf of the people to make it better, then I'd rather not be there; straight up. I can't say it any simpler than that. And I ain't trying to call nobody out, I ain't trying to be disrespectful. I'm just only giving it to you straight up. Thank you for it, but, look, we can't keep -- and the space been promised to somebody else, anyway. So if you done promised the space to somebody else, I don't want to hold up a business that got a opportunity to grow in that space. Now, I think we need to stay in the shopping center. We need the old CRA space. They got office space in there, they got own -- they own spaces in there. They got a conference room. We don't even have a conference room where we at, you know? I thought we was doing good work. I thought the people appreciate what we was doing. If people appreciate what we doing, then we want to sh -- we want to see the gratitude. And the gratitude have to come from this board, you know? I can't say it any simpler than that. We need bigger space. You know, we need to do the things that we was promised we was going to be able to do. And ifI can't do it, then I'd rather not be there. Ain't nothing else I can say; simple as that. Chair Hardemon: Wasn't very simple. It was conflicting statements that you put there, but Mr. Woods, do you --? Mr. Jones: How it's conflicting? What's conflict about it? Chair Hardemon: I'm going to tell you how. Mr. Jones: All right. Chair Hardemon: The first thing you said was you don't want to seem ungrateful. Mr. Jones: Mm-hmm. Chair Hardemon: Right? But I think anyone here can see that you're ungrateful. City of Miami Page 6 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Mr. Jones: I don't think so. I think you probably the only person that feel that way. Chair Hardemon: The second thing -- Mr. Jones: I don't think Over -- nobody else feel that way. Chair Hardemon: -- let me finish, brother. Let me finish. Mr. Jones: All right. Chair Hardemon: The second thing is that you said that you want to be in Overtown, but if you can't get more than $150, 000, then you'd rather not be there. Mr. Jones: I said, 1f I can't get the money that I need to do what I supposed to do, then I'm not "-- I'm doing a disservice to the people," that's what I said. I'm doing a disservice. I mean, everybody else come here, they get millions and millions and millions of dollars. They stay and they gone. Chair Hardemon: Like who? Mr. Jones: And you know, listen. Chair Hardemon: People's Barbecue got a million dollars, right? Mr. Jones: Listen, Commissioner. I don't -- you know what? Chair Hardemon: No, no, but this is the thing: You wanted to have this conversation in the public, and that's why you chose to stand in front of the lectern and have the conversation. I didn't expect for us to have a conversation like this, but at the same time, I mean, ifI want -- if you want to talk with the executive director about a space, then you can do that. Every time you talk about a space being promised to somebody, I'm still -- I don't know what you're talking about. So unless Clarence can clarifir for all of us what space that's promised to somebody else, then we can do that. Mr. Jones: Y'all voted and approved, Commissioner, so you got to know. Chair Hardemon: But tell me -- Mr. Jones: You voted and approved it. Chair Hardemon: -- what space? What's going on? Mr. Jones: You voted and approved giving the space. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): I think he's talking about Altrina Harris, with the Shops of Overtown. Chair Hardemon: But that's a small space. I don't understand. Mr. Woods: That's the same spot where they are right now, but we had talked about moving them; not necessarily in the offices where the old -- in the old CRA office, but that is an option, and we just haven't had time to really -- to vet that out and see if that's the best space for them. I know at one point, we were talking about them moving over into the Culmer Center. They don't feel like that's the right location for the Business Resource Center. So we were trying to evaluate some other spaces. The issue with the old CRA office is that it is prime location. And at this City of Miami Pagel Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 point, while we're trying to get as many businesses as possible in the Overtown Shopping Center so that we don't necessarily have to fund operations, so that it would fund itself, we didn't want to make a commitment to the Business Resource Center for a space that large, where we believe we can get a business that will be able to pay some rent and cover some of the cost of the operations and maintenance of the Overtown Resource Center -- I mean of the Overtown Shopping Center. So we haven't taken that option off the table, but what we have done is tried to look in other areas that would be appropriate and palatable, if I could put it that way, for NANA (Neighbors and Neighbors) and the businesses that are operating out of there right now. But the space they are in is a smaller space that that particular business, Altrina Harris and the Shops of Overtown, will occupy at some point. Mr. Jones: You know, Commissioner, I want to say this and I want to close with this: I hope nobody felt that I was being ungrateful, because that wasn't my direction I was taking this. When that shopping center wasn't producing anything, we was the draw there, and still the draw there. Most people come to that shopping center come because they coming because of the Resource Center. People that shop in Two Guys Restaurant, they come there because they come to our Resource Center. I want to say that. And, you know, space, the space -- I -- you know, the space is like -- Chair Hardemon: The space is small. Mr. Jones: Yeah, it's too small, man. You know, I -- you know, so for me, for me to just not to say anything about it, you know, it will be unjust. And, you know, I know the CRA want to make money so that building can carry itself but everything ain't all about just making money to carry yourself. It's about the service we giving the people; that substitute the money. I think the service that we offering to help the people there will substitute the money, the little money y'all would lose from renting that space out. That's what I think. Chair Hardemon: Okay. Thank you, sir. Javier Fernandez: Good afternoon, members of the board. Javier Fernandez, with Stearns Weaver Miller; address, for the record, is 150 West Flagler Street; here to speak very briefly on item 6, regarding Block 45. As you all know, this parcel was the subject of a very long and protracted procurement process back in 2013 that culminated with the selection of two developers that negotiated a deal simultaneously for the development of Blocks 45 and 56; ultimately, with the board -- City Commission -- this board deciding in September of 2013 to apportion the parcels between two separate developers; Block 45 to Overtown Gateway Partners, and Block 56 to All Aboard Florida. I'm here on behalf of All Aboard Florida, to express, one, our interest in possibly developing the site; and seeing if there is a way for us to, simultaneously, with your preparation and issuance of the RFP (Request for Proposals), to negotiate, as a developer, one that we think has already been preselected and approved by the County through the settlement agreement process, to kind of accelerate the disposition, so as to allow the CRA to retain control. Right now, you're looking at a possible reversionary event in November of this year. We think that, given our track record, given our performance to date on the sister block, we can very quickly negotiate terms on a fair market basis with this agency to be selected as the preferred developer to develop Block 45. Should those negotiations over the next two weeks not resolve in a deal that would be satisfactory to this board, we would ask you to direct staff to go ahead and issue the solicitation you're contemplating this afternoon. Again, given the equities, given the time that we've invested in this process, given the time in -- the timeline you have before you to not only issue the solicitation, but also procure a developer and take it through the settlement agreement process; meaning procuring County approval of that developer and the -- any variances they may require, we think that All Aboard Florida could be a very viable alternative in moving forward with the development of this Block, so as to allow the CRA to retain control of the future development of this site, so that -- if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer questions you may have this afternoon through evening. City of Miami Page 8 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 PRESENTATION 1. 16-00445 RESOLUTIONS 1. 16-00979 Chair Hardemon: Not at the moment. Mr. Fernandez: Okay. Thank you. Chair Hardemon: Is there any further discussion or comment for public hearing? There's no other comment from public hearing on items RE.1 through 9. I'm going to close the public hearing at this time. CRA PRESENTATION A PRESENTATION BY FDOT ON THE 1-395 RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT HAS BEEN PLACED ON THE AGENDA FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/ PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. File # 16-00445 Backup.pdf WITHDRAWN Note for the Record: The Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, via unanimous consent of the members present at the meeting (present: Hardemon, Gort, Suarez / absent: Carollo and Russell), withdrew Presentation Item #1. Chair Hardemon: Our first order of business is a presentation. FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) was supposed to be here to present information about 1-395, the reconstruction project; however, as I've been told, they will not be here, and so, therefore, we will withdraw that from the agenda. Vice Chair Gort: Any particular reason? Chair Hardemon: Is there any particular reason they're not here? Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Well, they -- Board Member Suarez: They don't care. Mr. Woods: -- didn't really give a reason as to why they wouldn't be here. Board Member Suarez: I'll give you a reason. (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Vice Chair Gort: Now it is. Now it's on. Chair Hardemon: No, I see it's on. I just didn't know how he -- I like how he does that. Okay. CRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT City of Miami Page 9 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRA'S PROPOSED GENERAL OPERATING AND TAX INCREMENT FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2016 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 SET FORTH IN ATTACHMENT "A"; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMITA COPY OF SAID BUDGET TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. File # 16-00979 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00979 Legislation.pdf File # 16-00979 Exhibit.pdf File # 16-00979 Submittal -Clarence Woods -Backup Documents.pdf File # 16-00979 Memo - Scrivener's Error.pdf File # 16-00979 Legislation - SUB.pdf Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon and Commissioner Suarez Absent: Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Russell CRA-R-1 6-0029 Note for the Record: For public hearing comments referencing item RE.1, please see Order of the Day." Chair Hardemon: 1'll call RE.1. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Commissioners, item 1 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, with attachments, approving and adopting the CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency's) proposed general operating and Tax Increment Fund budget for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2016, and ending September 30, 2017, set forth in Attachment A," directing the executive director to transmit a copy of said budget to the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County. Board Member Suarez: Move it for discussion. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved and seconded. Vice Chair Gort: Second. Chair Hardemon: Commissioner, you're recognized. Board Member Suarez: Thank you, Mr. Chair. And I want to thank the executive director, Clarence Woods; and Terry Wright, who came up and spoke a moment ago about the Eyes of God Initiative. It's in keeping with our attempt as a CRA Board to enhance policing tactics in our CRA as a means of creating an area where people feel comfortable and safe. Obviously, what we see as a trend in homeownership is -- and I just did one recently in my own home -- that homes are equipping their own -- you know, owners are equipping their own homes with security camera systems. And what happens is, when a crime occurs in an area, investigators will come back to the area and they will look to see what homes or what businesses have, in fact, a camera, so that they can have evidence -- or better evidence -- to apprehend people. We've used technology in the Overtown CRA before, and I thank you and your predecessor for helping with ShotSpotter, which was a gunshot detection system. This is a very, very small expenditure. We're going to be bringing one to the Omni Overtown -- I'm sorry -- the Omni CRA, which has another one of the churches that we visited that Father's Day Sunday, and the idea being that, you know, City of Miami Page 10 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 we want to give our officers the maximum amount of tools necessary, with the use of technology, so that they can potentially apprehend and catch criminals; particularly those that maybe have committed violent crimes in areas where sometimes -- and we've talked about this a lot -- people are reluctant to speak out, because -- for fear that there may be reprisals or there may be retribution if they speak out on an issue where there's violent crime. So I just want to thank again the executive director. I want to thank Terry for his vision, and for allowing me to participate in this program with him. And I want to thank the Board for their support. Chair Hardemon: Any further comments? Vice Chair Gort: Could I have a copy of the -- I left mine at the office -- the one you sent? Chair Hardemon: If there's no further discussion, all in favor, say aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 2. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00846 A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RATIFYING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,468.27, TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH REPLACING THE CRA'S TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT AT THE CRA OFFICE LOCATED AT THE LYRIC THEATER COMPLEX, 819 N.W. 2nd AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR, MIAMI, FL 33136; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "EQUIPMENT," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.664000.0000.00000 File # 16-00846 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00846 Financial Form.pdf File # 16-00846 Backup.pdf File # 16-00846 Legislation.pdf File # 16-00846 Memo - Scrivener's Error.pdf File # 16-00846 Legislation - SUB.pdf Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon and Commissioner Suarez Absent: Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Russell CRA-R-16-0030 Chair Hardemon: RE.2. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Commissioners, Resolution Number 2 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, ratifying the expenditure of funds, in the amount of $5,468.27, to underwrite costs associated with the replacing -- with replacing the CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency's) telephone equipment at the CRA's office, located at the Lyric Theater Complex. City of Miami Page 11 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Board Member Suarez: Move it. Vice Chair Gort: Second. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved, seconded. Any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor, say aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 3. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00847 A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RATIFYING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,508.00, TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH REPLACING WIRING THAT WAS REMOVED FROM STREETLIGHTS ON SAWYERS WALK AND 7TH STREET AND THE 9TH STREET PEDESTRIAN MALL DUE TO VANDALISM OR THEFT; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.534000.0000.00000 File # 16-00847 Cover Memo.pdf File #16-00847 Financial Form.pdf File # 16-00847 Backup.pdf File # 16-00847 Legislation.pdf File # 16-00847 Memo - Scrivener's Error.pdf File # 16-00847 Legislation - SUB.pdf Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon and Commissioner Suarez Absent: Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Russell CRA-R-16-0031 Chair Hardemon: RE.3. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Commissioners, Resolution Number 3 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, ratifying the expenditure of funds, in the amount of $15, 508, to underwrite costs associated with replacing wiring that was removed from the streetlights on the Sawyer's Walk and 7th Street and 9th Street Promenade -- well, 9th Street Pedestrian Mall, due to vandalism or theft. Board Member Suarez: Move it. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved -- Vice Chair Gort: Second. Chair Hardemon: -- and seconded. City of Miami Page 12 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Vice Chair Gort: Question. Chair Hardemon: You're recognized, sir. Vice Chair Gort: Is there a way that we can install these things that cannot be stolen? Mr. Woods: No. What we are looking at is an alternative to the existing light poles that are -- have electric wire. What we plan to do is look at solar poles, where there is no wiring. Brian has made contact with one of the vendors at the City, and I think they're supposed to be meeting this Thursday of -- this Thursday, this coming week. Vice Chair Gort: And you can apply it to existing poles? Mr. Woods: I'm sorry? Vice Chair Gort: You can apply it to the existing poles? Mr. Woods: Well, you know what? I've heard that you can retrofit your existing poles, but I'm not sure if it wouldn't be better just to have new poles. The cost savings would be in not having to go underground, so we probably can just replace poles, but what we'll do is, we'll look to make that transition as cost-efficient and effective as we possibly can. Vice Chair Gort: It's a good idea. Chair Hardemon: Any further discussion? Seeing none, all in favor, say Eye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 4. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00848 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") RATIFYING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,471.55 TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH AN EMERGENCY ROOF REPLACEMENT, DRYWALL REPAIRS, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REPAIRS AT THE BLACK POLICE PRECINCT AND COURTHOUSE MUSEUM, LOCATED AT480 NW 11TH STREET, MIAMI, FL; FURTHER AUTHORIZING AN ALLOWANCE IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000 FOR MAINTENANCE AND UNEXPECTED EXPENSES AT THE PRECINCT; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, "CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.670000.0000.00000. File # 16-00848 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00848 Financial Form.pdf File # 16-00848 Backup.pdf File # 16-00848 Legislation.pdf City of Miami Page 13 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon and Commissioner Suarez Absent: Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Russell CRA-R-16-0032 Chair Hardemon: CA.4 -- I mean RE.4. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Resolution 4 is a board -- is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, rat5ing an expenditure of funds, in an amount of $45,471.55, and that's to underwrite costs associated with an emergency roof replacement, drywall repairs, and other miscellaneous repairs at the Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum, located at 480 Northwest 11 th Street; further authorizing an allowance in an amount not to exceed $10, 000, for maintenance and unexpected expenses at the Black House -- the precinct. Board Member Suarez: Move it. Vice Chair Gort: Move -- second. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor, say Bye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 5. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00981 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $260,000 FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GATE ARMS, PARKING METERS, AND PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS AT THE PARKING LOTS OWNED BY THE CRAAT THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES: 262 NW 10TH STREET, 250 NW 10TH STREET, AND 345 NW 10TH STREET; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.670000.0000.00000. File # 16-00981 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00981 Financial Form.pdf File # 16-00981 Backup.pdf File # 16-00981 Legislation.pdf Motion by Vice -Chair Gort, seconded by Chair Hardemon, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. City of Miami Page 14 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon and Commissioner Suarez Absent: Commissioner Carollo and Commissioner Russell CRA-R-1 6-0033 Chair Hardemon: RE.5. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Resolution Number 5 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, authorizing an expenditure of funds, in an amount not to exceed $260,000, for the installation of gate arms, parking meters and parking lot improvements at parking lots owned by the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) at the following addresses: 262 Northwest loth Street, 250 Northwest loth Street and 345 Northwest loth Street; authorizing the executive director to disburse funds, at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis, or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Chair Hardemon: Is there a motion to approve? Vice Chair Gort: I have a lot of questions. I'll move it for discussion, but -- Chair Hardemon: Seconded by the Chair; move for discussion. You're recognized. Vice Chair Gort: Well, my understanding, if we're the individuals -- there's a lot of -- some of the buildings that we have around the area that they don't have any parking at all, and my understanding is that affordable housing -- right now, we're trying to create the housing without the parking, and we can see what the problem with that has been. Mr. Woods: Mm-hmm. Vice Chair Gort: It doesn't exist. So what is going to be the idea behind closing the --? Mr. Woods: Well, what's happening is, Commissioner, as we are being successful enough in redeveloping the parking lots, which -- You know, I don't have to tell you -- when Commissioner Teele had the idea of placing parking on the 3rdAvenue Corridor, it was a temporary thing until development would actually come. Development has come, and we are building out that corridor. So parking at this point in time is being relegated to most developments as they are. Now, we have some apartment complexes that never had parking associated with that complex, and they've been using our public parking. So what we've done is, we've communicated to these complex owners that parking is not going to be free anymore, but we're going to find a way to amenitize [sic] their units, but it's not going to be free. We've had a problem with units or buildings -- well, tenants in certain buildings just filling all of the parking spaces that are there now, and businesses have not been able to have their patrons a place to park. It's becoming a problem, and what we're trying to do is, we're trying to nip it in the bud. So the unfortunate thing is everybody has to now pay for parking; everybody. But for those business -- or residential buildings that don't have parking, we have talked to the building owners, and we've talked about ways of being able to help find other locations, but they are understanding that parking is not going to be free. And when we develop this one particular lot, that lot will have parking associated with it, like all of the other affordable housing developments, but it's not going to be free. Vice Chair Gort: I have to tell you, parking is something the -- especially to get business going, because we have all that through Northwest 17th Avenue, all the business in that area, and the residence that being built in there, and I think somehow, you have to regulate. Each apartment can have X'hmount of parking. City of Miami Page 15 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Mr. Woods: Mm-hmm. Vice Chair Gort: And if they have more than one, two or three cars, because today, that's one of the biggest problem we have, I think that's something -- we really need to work on it, because can they afford to pay for it? Mr. Woods: Right. Vice Chair Gort: And what happens then? Chair Hardemon: Well, Commissioner Gort, I will tell you I'm in Overtown quite often, and what I see is that there are cars that are parked -- and especially the C' - well, first of all, let's -- we're talking about a CRA lot that has about 55 parking spaces. So those 55 parking spaces, I think the buildings that are nearest to that parking lot, there are about 100 and maybe 17 -- Mr. Woods: They're at 22. Chair Hardemon: -- 122 units. And so, if -- you can imagine, if everyone had one car, what it does to that parking lot. And what I've seen there is that if you look at the decals that are on those cars, you have cars that are immobile, that you can tell have not been moved, flat tires. You have cars that basically have overtaken that parking lot. And what I've witnessed is that if a third of the people here wanted to go, for instance, to visit a business on 3rdAvenue, like House of Wings, who provides us this food here; like Jackson Soul Food, or even the ice cream shop that's right on 3rd Avenue, they'd be hard pressed to find parking. Now, as I understand currently, they're not supposed to -- the people who are using the parking from the building aren't supposed to use it during certain times and things of that nature, but those rules are not followed. And so, the idea behind this is to give patrons who want to visit Overtown safe and reliable parking. It's a mischaracterization to say that it will be always an expense to the people that visit the area, because the idea behind the parking in that lot, especially with the arms, is that the first two hours of parking are free. So if you come there, you're encouraged to come, patronize the restaurants, and then provide parking for other people that are visiting the area. And then after those two free hours, the parking will cost you about a dollar an hour. It's important, because, for instance, we just spent the bulk of a million dollars to renovate the Overtown Performing Arts Center, and there's no parking. And the closest parking is this parking lot that's only 55 parking spaces. Across from that parking lot, there are two smaller parking lots that have about -- how many parking spaces, Clarence? Mr. Woods: Approximately about -- what? -- 20 or 30 spaces? Unidentified Speaker: 23. Mr. Woods: 23 spaces. Chair Hardemon: Like 20 additional. Mr. Woods: 20 additional spaces. Chair Hardemon: But -- and so the issue is that when people want to visit those restaurants, they can't, because everyone who lives in that building is parking in that -- in those spots. Andl haven't seen proof that there's any regulation on the number of cars that -- of the people that own, live in those buildings have. And so, the complaint that I hear from the members from the community is that they don't have a place that they can park their car when they're trying to patronize those restaurants. And I'll tell you, in Overtown, although we just had about 10,000 people there on Saturday, if you can't find a place to park, you're in trouble, because you're not going to park on 1st Avenue, you're not going to park on 1st Court, you're not going to take those City of Miami Page 16 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 long walks to get to the places that you actually want to visit. So I think it's a issue that we have to manage. And at the end of the day, we have to realize that these are the CRA's lots that we own; that we need to be able to provide a service to the community, and not just for property owners. And the hard-pressed issue is that property -- parking spaces cost a premium, and for the past -- I don't know -- how many years have -- has that lot been servicing those buildings? Mr. Woods: Since they were built. Chair Hardemon: Forever. Mr. Woods: And that's been since -- Vice Chair Gort: Since they were built. Mr. Woods: Yeah. Back in -- Vice Chair Gort: Unfortunately, those buildings were allowed to build without the -- and be created -- Mr. Woods: Right. Vice Chair Gort: -- and renovated, and the CRA did that. We did that our self -- Mr. Woods: Right, right. Vice Chair Gort: -- without parking -- Mr. Woods: Right. Vice Chair Gort: -- and wanted to provide affordable housing, too. And I agree with you. I think all those cars that sit there with the flat tires and they don't move, they should be out of there. Mr. Woods: Yeah. Vice Chair Gort: And somehow, you need to sit down with these individuals and the property owners, and let them know, Look, we have a problem. Let's try to fix it." Mr. Woods: Mm-hmm. Vice Chair Gort: Also, Miami Parking System should be involved in all this. Mr. Woods: They are involved MPA (Miami Parking Authority) -- we are -- that's the consultant we're using to do the gate arms and meters. And again, I did -- I'm sorry, I want to correct myself. I did misspeak. There is going to be free parking for any patrons that come in and out within the first two hours. Chair Hardemon: And furthermore, also, for even the residents that live there, if they want to park their cars in the parking lots for those first two hours, especially during operations of business, they're allowed to park there. And then Clarence and his staff will work out another parking arrangement. Vice Chair Gort: Arrangement at night and -- Chair Hardemon: Right, for nighttime. But we just have to understand that we have a serious City of Miami Page 17 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 parking issue in the Overtown community. Right now, we're also in conversation about utilizing what was formerly the -- it was called Athalie Range Park that was underneath the expressway that's really not much of a park at all, not designated as a park at all, either, that has been closed for a number of years. We can fit in that area north of 265 parking spaces. Mr. Woods: Yeah, 267. Chair Hardemon: I mean, that is a huge benefit to the area. So any time we have large festivals, any time we have events at the OPAC (Overtown Performing Arts Center) or at the Lyric Theater or Harlem Square, or any of the restaurants that are engaging all of these people, they have an opportunity to park there. I want people -- Camillus House shouldn't be the only place that we come to in the Overtown area and be able to park, you know, so I think that it's essential that we reach out. Vice Chair Gort: What we're moving today is on the funding to allocate -- funding to be able to do the -- what do you call? -- the -- Mr. Woods: Yeah, the arms as well as -- Vice Chair Gort: -- arms and so on. Mr. Woods: Yeah, meters and to redo the actual parking lot itself. Vice Chair Gort: Right. And we need to -- Mr. Woods: It's in bad shape. Vice Chair Gort: -- get together with the property owners and come up with some kind of solution for it. Mr. Woods: Yeah. And we've already talked about doing -- Vice Chair Gort: Because, let's face it. I was here when Teele put those parking lot, and he was criticized a hell of a lot. Mr. Woods: Yeah. Vice Chair Gort: He was criticized about getting the parking lot, but he said, if we don't have parking, people are not going to come to the businesses." Mr. Woods: Right. Vice Chair Gort: Okay. Chair Hardemon: Any further discussion? All in favor, say aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 6. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00844 A RESOLUTION THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OFA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR City of Miami Page 18 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 THE DEVELOPMENT AND SALE OF BLOCK 45, 152 N.W. 8TH STREET, MIAMI, FL (FOLIO NO. 01-0104-050-1010). File # 16-00844 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00844 Backup.pdf File # 16-00844 Legislation.pdf Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon, Commissioner Suarez and Commissioner Carollo Absent: Commissioner Russell CRA-R-1 6-0034 Note for the Record: For public hearing comments referencing item RE.6, please see Order of the Day." Chair Hardemon: RE.6. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Commissioners, Resolution Number 6 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, authorizing the issuance of a Request for Proposals for the development and sale of Block 45. Block 45 is located at 152 Northwest 8th Street. Chair Hardemon: You want to give further background on this, on where we are with this? Mr. Woods: Well, the reason we are -- and Mr. Fernandez of Stearns Weaver kind of talked about it briefly -- the reason we're putting this back out is because we came to a mutual decision with the last developer, who had the right to develop on that block, where we couldn't, I guess, come to terms on exactly how that block would get developed. They had some challenges and we all agreed to just mutually, you know, terminate the agreement. Now, what we'll do is, we need to go over to the County, because there was a deadline for groundbreaking, which is in November, so we have to make sure that we can get some relief from the County in making sure that this gets developed. Chair Hardemon: Any discussion or motions on this? Vice Chair Gort: If we don't make it by November --? Mr. Woods: It would -- that property will revert back to the County. Chair Hardemon: If we don't -- Vice Chair Gort: November of this year? Chair Hardemon: -- get an extension or --? Mr. Woods: If we don't get an extension, right. Vice Chair Gort: We applied for extension? William Bloom (SEOPW CRA Special Counsel): It's at the option of the County -- Mr. Woods: (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Mr. Bloom: -- and in accordance with the deed restriction that we agreed to in part of the City of Miami Page 19 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 settlement with the County, we have to give another developer opportunities, so we have to put it out again, do a 30-day process, make a selection, and submit that selection to the County, requesting the variances. One variance would be an extension of the time to start construction. Vice Chair Gort: That was my questions. If you put an RFP (Request for Proposals) today, you're not going to be able to get it by November. Board Member Suarez: Question. Chair Hardemon: You're recognized, sir. Board Member Suarez: Yeah. And, you know, I didn't expect them to make that sort of proffer -- that offer, if they will -- if you will. You know, clearly, they're performing, insofar as they're building their station. We are, I think, at the end of a real estate cycle. I don't think anybody thinks differently. And it's hard to imagine someone being able to -- for you to be able to turn around an RFP, plus have that person get started in time for meeting that deadline. So, I mean, if I were them, I would do an -- I would do some sort of an unsolicited proposal, and just put out what it is that you want us to consider, because we -- because timing is important in this situation. Mr. Woods: Well, regardless as to whether or not they submit us an unsolicited proposal, they're not going to be able to do anything at -- that fast, either. We would still have to get an extension of time from the County. It doesn't matter whether or not it's them, or whomever it is; it's not going to matter. We still have -- we still should put it out for 30 days, and then we're going to be at the mercy of the County, either way. Now, what I will say is that they have -- They,'hteaning All Aboard Florida -- and the development on Block 56 has been moving forward, so I'm not sure if that gains us any favor over at the County, but we still have to get the County to agree to extend the time. Chair Hardemon: Do you have a question for him? Board Member Suarez: No, I -- if he -- you know, I'd like for him to -- Vice Chair Gort: I'll ask a question. Board Member Suarez: Go ahead. Al Dotson: Sure, I'll answer your question. The first -- Al Dotson of Bilzin Sumberg, 1450 Brickell Avenue, representing All Aboard Florida. You are right, Commissioner, that already having development on the site right next door shortens the time of mobilization, for sure. Recognizing that we were part of the initial process, having bid on both parcels, we understand the development conditions in both places. We -- actually, you may have heard that it was a part of a settlement, if you will, that led to the splitting of the two blocks initially, and we would want the opportunity to help the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) develop that property, if that is what the CRA wants to do, prior to any reversionary interest in the County being triggered. Chair Hardemon: Thank you. So, Clarence, what's your request? Mr. Woods: That we put it back out for 30 days. Mr. Bloom: You're contractually obligated by the County -- Chair Hardemon: To put it out, yes. City of Miami Page20 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 Mr. Bloom: -- to put it back out. Board Member Suarez: Okay. I think that settles it. Chair Hardemon: Is there a motion? Vice Chair Gort: Let me ask a question. My understanding, both 56 and 45 has been in the market, I think, for the last five or six years? And there were plenty of developers that came around, and I'm sure they have plans. Can we cut that shorter than 30 days? Mr. Woods: I think we have to have it out for a minimum of -- Vice Chair Gort: Right. Legally, we have to have -- give 30 days? Mr. Woods: We have to for a minimum of 30 days. Vice Chair Gort: The attorneys. Mr. Bloom: Yes, a 30-day period. I know our plan was -- is to act very quickly. You know, Clarence has been in touch with the people at the County, so they know what's going on; they're not surprised. I think they're going to be more than happy to work with us, seeking an extension of time. I think it's just a question of the CRA acting quickly, and we probably should be able to get the RFP done, you know, within the next 10 days, at the very most, to get it published. Vice Chair Gort: Okay. Chair Hardemon: Is there a motion? Board Member Suarez: Move it. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved and -- Vice Chair Gort: Second. Chair Hardemon: -- seconded. Any further discussion? Hearing none, all that say ifye "-- The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 7. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00849 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $120,000, TO THEURBANCOLLECTIVE, INC. TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH A THEMATIC ART EXHIBITION WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA; FURTHER AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000 FOR CRA EXPENSES RELATED TO THE PROGRAMMING OF ART -RELATED EVENTS WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA DURING THE 2016 ART BASEL; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY City of Miami Page 21 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; FUNDS TO BE ALLOCATED FROM SEOPW TAX INCREMENT FUND, ENTITLED "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File #16-00849 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00849 Financial Form.pdf File # 16-00849 Backup.pdf File # 16-00849 Legislation.pdf File # 16-00849 Memo - Scrivener's Error.pdf File # 16-00849 Legislation - SUB.pdf Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon, Commissioner Suarez and Commissioner Carollo Absent: Commissioner Russell CRA-R-16-0035 Chair Hardemon: RE.7. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Resolution Number 7 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, authorizing a grant in an amount not to exceed $120, 000, to the Urban Collective, to underwrite costs associated with the Thematic Art Exhibition within the redevelopment area; further authorizing an expenditure of Ands, in an amount not to exceed $20, 000, for the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) expenses related to the programming of art -related events within the redevelopment area during the 2016 Art Basel event. Board Member Suarez: Move it. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved. Seconded -- Vice Chair Gort: Second. Chair Hardemon: Is there any discussion? Hearing none, all in favor, say aye." " The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 8. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00525 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000, TO NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION, INC., TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF THE BUSINESS INCUBATOR AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ("PROGRAM"); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, City of Miami Page 22 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM SEOPW, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10050.920101.883000.0000.00000. File # 16-00525 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00525 Financial Form.pdf File # 16-00525 Backup.pdf File # 16-00525 Legislation.pdf Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Chair Hardemon, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon, Commissioner Suarez and Commissioner Carollo Absent: Commissioner Russell CRA-R-16-0036 Note for the Record: For public hearing comments referencing item RE.8, please see Order of the Day." Chair Hardemon: RE.8. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Resolution Number 8 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, authorizing a grant, in an amount not to exceed $150, 000, to Neighbors and Neighbors Association, Inc., to underwrite costs associated with the continued operation of Business Incubator and Development Program; further authorizing the executive director to execute all documents necessary for said purpose; authorizing the executive director to disburse funds at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis, or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Chair Hardemon: Is there a motion? Board Member Suarez: So moved. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved; seconded by the Chair. Any further discussion? Hearing none, all in favor, say bye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. 9. CRA RESOLUTION 16-00976 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL GRANT FUNDING, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $3,500,000, TO TOWN PARK PLAZA SOUTH, INC., TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RENOVATION AND REHABILITATION OF TOWN PARK PLAZA SOUTH, 1798 N.W. 7THAVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA (FOLIO #: 01-3136-066-0001) (PROPERTY); FURTHER APPROVING A RELOCATION PLAN, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, FOR THE TEMPORARY RELOCATION OF RESIDENTS FROM THE PROPERTY DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE PROJECT; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE; AUTHORIZING THE City of Miami Page23 Printed on 1/10/2017 SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes July 25, 2016 ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO DISBURSE FUNDS, AT HIS DISCRETION, ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM TAX REVENUE BOND ISSUANCE PROVIDED FOR BY RESOLUTION NO. CRA-R-12-0061. File # 16-00976 Cover Memo.pdf File # 16-00976 Financial Form.pdf File # 16-00976 Backup.pdf File # 16-00976 Legislation.pdf File # 16-00976 Exhibit.pdf Motion by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Vice -Chair Gort, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Chair Hardemon, Commissioner Suarez and Commissioner Carollo Absent: Commissioner Russell CRA-R-1 6-0037 Note for the Record: For public hearing comments referencing item RE.9, please see Order of the Day." Chair Hardemon: RE.9. Clarence Woods, III (Executive Director, Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency): Resolution Number 9 is a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, authorizing an additional grant fiinding, in an amount not to exceed $3.5 million, to Town Park Plaza South, Inc., to underwrite costs associated with the renovation and rehabilitation of Town Park Plaza South, located at 1798 Northwest 7th Avenue; further approving a relocation plan, in substantially the attached form, for the temporary relocation of residents from the property during the performance of the project; and authorizing the executive director to execute all documents necessary for said purpose; authorizing the executive director to disburse funds at his discretion, on a reimbursement basis, or directly to vendors, upon presentation of invoices and satisfactory documentation. Board Member Suarez: Move it. Chair Hardemon: It's been properly moved -- Vice Chair Gort: Second. Chair Hardemon: -- and seconded by Commissioner Gort. Any further discussion on this issue? Seeing none, all in favor, say aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Hardemon: Motion passes. This meeting comes to a conclusion; 5:57. The meeting adjourned at 5:56p.m. City of Miami Page 24 Printed on 1/10/2017