HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW CRA 2012-09-17 MinutesCity of Miami
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Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 17, 2012
5:00 PM
314 Northwest 12th Street
SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency
Michelle Spence -Jones, Chair
Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Vice Chair
Marc David Sarnoff, Commissioner
Frank Carollo, Commissioner
Francis Suarez, Commissioner
1490 NW 3rd Avenue, Suite 105
Miami, FL 33136
Phone: (305) 679-6800, Fax: (305) 679-6835
SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes September 17, 2012
Present: Chair Spence -Jones, Commissioner Suarez and Vice Chair Gort
Absent: Commissioner Sarnoff and Commissioner Carollo
On the 17th day of September 2012, the Board of Commissioners of the Southeast
Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular
session at Frederick Douglass Elementary, 314 Northwest 12th Street, Miami, Florida. The
meeting was called to order by Chair Spence -Jones at 5:13 p.m. and was adjourned at 5:41 p.m.
Clarence Woods, Executive Director, CRA
Veronica A. Xiques, Assistant General Counsel, CRA
William R. Bloom, Special Counsel, CRA
Priscilla A. Thompson, Clerk of the Board
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, we'd like to officially call the meeting to order. This is our meeting
for the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). It's a special meeting for the Southeast
Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency, which is being held on Monday,
September 17. It's a special meeting. But before we get started, I'd like for Madam City Clerk to
at least open us up with a prayer and Commissioner Suarez to do the pledge of allegiance.
Invocation and pledge of allegiance delivered.
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Meeting Minutes September 17, 2012
Motion by Chair Spence -Jones, seconded by Board Member Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Commissioner Suarez and Chair Spence -Jones
Absent: Commissioner Sarnoff and Commissioner Carollo
Chair Spence -Jones: So we'd like to officially call the meeting to order. I just want to make sure
that we put this on the record so we're on the same page. This was a meeting that was actually
scheduled a few weeks back, a special meeting, but as you know, we had a -- I'm not going to
call it a hurricane. It was a very strong storm that prevented us from having the meeting. So
today, this is actually a follow-up to that. I'd like to officially turn it over to the Vice Chair,
which has championed this effort. And I want to just say that for those Overtown residents,
businesses, and those individuals that did come out today, our builders, Town Park -- I see a few
folks -- we're finally moving in a very positive direction. We're extremely excited about for the
first time we're going to physically see some real projects coming out of the ground. And we all
know that long -- Overtown has been long overdue. We also had an incident most recently in the
park. We're not going to allow for that kind of negativity to stop our growth and our movement.
I want to thank the Chairman, Chairman Suarez, for stepping up to the plate and really coming
out, you know, on his own, you know, and really trying to mobilize this community and other
communities and elected officials. We actually had a pretty successful day in the park on
Saturday. We had state, we had county, all representatives showing up, elected officials to say
that they stand behind Overtown, stand behind the children here in Overtown, and we're going to
continue to fight for what we know is right. So with that being said, I'd like to officially turn it
over to Vice Chairman Gort.
Vice Chair Gort: Thank you. As you're all aware, we've been working for quite a bit on this
issue, the financing. You know, everybody has grand ideas on projects, but most of the time it's,
where is the money? Like the old commercial, where the beef? We do have the beef. We've been
working with the attorneys and the financial advisor. And today we're going to bring up a
resolution, which is going to be just before the validation. This resolution is a little vague. It
doesn't go into real details, but later on our attorney will explain to us the process. Would you
like me for -- for me to read the resolution?
Chair Spence -Jones: You can or if you want the attorney to or --?
Vice Chair Gort: No. I would like to -- yes, sir.
Clarence Woods (Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Commissioner, I
think, if I'm correct, this process is just to open it up and have a public hearing and allow --
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes.
Mr. Woods: -- people to speak on it. And then after that, we can then vote on the resolution.
Chair Spence -Jones: Right. I think the Chairman's aware that it is a public hearing. I think
what he wants to do, though, is read the item into the record and then --
Mr. Woods: You do that before they have everybody --
Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah. He wants to --
Vice Chair Gort: Yeah. We read the item first and then we let the public --
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. Our -- City Attorney.
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Meeting Minutes September 17, 2012
Vice Chair Gort: You want to read it?
Chair Spence -Jones: Can you read it into the record, Veronica, or counsel? Either one will be
Vice Chair Gort: Veronica's been working on it for a long time. She knows it by heart. She
doesn't need the document.
Priscilla A. Thompson (Clerk of the Board): And may we have his name for the record, please?
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. Could you please put your name --?
Chauncey Lever: Yes. Chauncey Lever of the law firm of Foley & Lardner.
Ms. Thompson: Thank you.
Mr. Lever: The title of the resolution is as follows: A resolution of the Southeast Overtown/Park
West Community Redevelopment Agency providing for the issuance of tax increment revenue
bonds of the agency to finance or refinance the acquisition and construction of community
redevelopment projects in the community redevelopment area of such agency; providing for the
payment and security thereof,- making certain covenants and agreements in connection
therewith; providing for and authorizing the issuance of its tax increment revenue bonds, series
2012, in the original aggregate principal amount not to exceed $50 million in the initial series of
bonds there under -- as the initial series of bonds hereunder for the purpose of financing certain
grants to be used for the construction or rehabilitation of affordable housing and financing the
construction of other capital improvements in the redevelopment area; providing certain other
details with respect thereto; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.
Vice Chair Gort: Thank you, Mr. Levy [sic]. Madam Chair.
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. First, I want to ask this one quick question. I know that we're going
to open it up for the hearing. Do you want -- Vice Chair, do you want to go ahead and just move
the item and then open it up for the hearing? Whatever the --
Vice Chair Gort: Move it.
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, so I have a --
Commissioner Suarez: Second.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- motion.
Commissioner Suarez: And a second.
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. All in favor of the item --
Ms. Thompson: No. No, no. Do you want to have your discussion?
Vice Chair Gort: No. You got to hear the public hearing before --
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, okay.
Vice Chair Gort: -- you have the --
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Meeting Minutes September 17, 2012
Ms. Thompson: Yes.
Chair Spence -Jones: All right. So first of all, who moved it? He moved it?
Vice Chair Gort: I moved it.
Commissioner Suarez: Yes.
Ms. Thompson: Vice Chair and then --
Chair Spence -Jones: Vice Chair moved it and you second it.
Ms. Thompson: -- Board Member Sua --
Commissioner Suarez: And can I just say one thing, Madam Chair, for the record?
Chair Spence -Jones: Sure.
Commissioner Suarez: No. I just --
Chair Spence -Jones: 'Cause I'm not chairing it, so I want to know --
Commissioner Suarez: Yeah, yeah.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- how I'm chairing it.
Ms. Thompson: Oh, no.
Chair Spence -Jones: 'Cause I gave it to the Vice Chair to --
Ms. Thompson: Okay, excuse me then. I need you to --
Chair Spence -Jones: Vice Chair was actually running the meeting.
Ms. Thompson: Hold on.
Vice Chair Gort: Okay. That's it. I take my motion out.
Chair Suarez: Okay, and I'll move it.
Vice Chair Gort: Is there --?
Chair Spence -Jones: And I --
Vice Chair Gort: It's moved.
Chair Spence -Jones: And then I second it.
Commissioner Suarez: That's right.
Vice Chair Gort: And second.
Commissioner Suarez: Okay, that's fine.
Chair Spence -Jones: Now --
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Ms. Thompson: Excuse me. Now hold on. If the Vice Chair is chairing, will you please pass the
gavel to him?
Chair Spence -Jones: Oh, sorry.
Ms. Thompson: That's my signal. I'm sorry.
Commissioner Suarez: Mr. Chairman, may I?
Vice Chair Gort: Chairman Suarez, you're recognized.
Commissioner Suarez: Thank you. We took up this item at the City Commission meeting, and
that's why, you know, I was so kind of excited to go ahead and move the item. We debated it at
length. It was somewhat contentious. There was an emotional motion, where I was the
Chairman and I actually passed the gavel to move the item because, in many respects, of the
leadership of the two people who were to my right, people who I have a lot of faith and
confidence in, who have worked very, very hard on this issue and who really want to see this
community transform. And the transformation of this community is many fold. And one of them
is the rebuilding of this community and providing affordable housing for this community. But it's
also -- you see the second item on our agenda which has to do with our film institute and a
proposed training institute for the film industry. So it's not just about, you know, affordable
housing, but that is one component of transforming this area. And for me, what I liked about this
item when it came up to the Commission was that it was a very defined item, that the Chair and
the Vice Chair of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) had actually gone through the
process of figuring out which were the projects that they were going to allocate the funding to.
And they were also doing it in a fashion where you get the automatic tax credits, which makes it
less speculative. When you do it through the bidding process, the bidding tax credits, a lot of
times what happens is we -- and we do this all the time, whether it's Community Development
Block Grants or whether it's CRA funds. We give the land to someone who is acting in good
faith, who really wants to transform the community. And they acquire the land and they are
given -- allocated a certain portion of money, but then they have to compete at the state with a
variety of other very worthy projects. And so what happens is, that land, in many cases,
languishes for one year, two year, three year, four years without seeing anything built. And
that's where I think the community gets frustrated. And as a CRA board member, I think that's
where some of my frustration has been. And in this case, it's different. In this case, we're
allocating more money per project, which means that you're eligible for the automatic tax
credits, which means that the projects are going to happen. So, you know, that's why I feel so
confident in this. I feel confident of the direction of the CRA, and I'm hopeful that we can get this
bond offering completed quickly and we can get these projects with shovels in the ground also
very quickly. Thank you.
Vice Chair Gort: Thank you, Chairman Suarez. And I think it's very important to understand
also this -- once we start building, you operate -- will open up for jobs and jobs will be taken
care. At the same time, the funding that the CRA put in the table is going to bring three times
that much into the community, which that's very important. Open up for public hearing. Anyone
in the public would like to discuss this item? Is anyone in the public would like to discuss this
issue? Being none, showing no, public hearing is closed. Ready to vote. All in favor, state it by
saying Eye."
The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye.
Vice Chair Gort: Thank you. It's all yours.
Chair Spence -Jones: All right, so we just dealt with the first item. I want to -- let's -- everybody
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give everybody a hand in the room.
Chair Spence -Jones: We've been working hard to get this done. And I do want to say this so that
we know. I've instructed the CRA staff -- for those that don't know, we -- our offices are now
located on 3rdAvenue. We're in the heart of the neighborhood. Have you guys been to the office
yet? If not, you need to check it out. We wanted to make sure that the CRA office is a lot closer.
I wanted to mention on the second item -- but before I go into the second item, let me just finish
on the first item. I've instructed the CRA staff in Overtown to make sure that we include as many
of the local residents involved in everything from the job portion of this to the training --
Mr. Woods: Contracting opportunities.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- to contracting opportunities. We really want to make sure that
everyone's involved in all of this. I wanted to ask really quickly what would be our next steps
after this so that at least the public is clear. Next step? Can we -- is that an attorney or --
Vice Chair Gort: The validation process.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- Vice Chair?
Mr. Woods: It's the validation process. And our bond counsel, Mr. Chauncey Lever, can speak
to that.
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay.
Mr. Lever: Yes. The validation process can commence now that the agency's taken -- the board's
taken this action; can proceed with the validation proceeding as soon as the arrangements with
respect to the various parties for the various projects are finalized because what the court will be
looking at are the actual transactions that are proposed. And as soon as that happens, then the
appropriate documentation and complaint for validation can be filed with the circuit court. And
the way the process generally works is an evidentiary hearing is scheduled for a date on the
court's docket, which is at least 20 days after the first publication of notice. Two notices have to
be published, once each week for two consecutive weeks, and then there's an evidentiary hearing.
The date of that is not knowable until the complaint is filed and an attempt is made to get on the
court docket. So depending on what the court docket reflects and how soon we can get a
hearing, then we can schedule a hearing and that's where the state attorney will respond to the
complaint. There'll be an opportunity to present the case to court. The court will consider the
evidence and either enter a final judgment at the hearing or perhaps after the hearing, and that's
an opportunity for members of the public to intervene, anyone objects -- can object. And then
the court would enter a judgment or not. But assuming the judge enters a judgment shortly -- at
the hearing or shortly thereafter, there's a 30-day appeal period where anyone can appeal, and
then that starts from the time the final judgment is entered. If there's not an appeal, then the
30-day appeal period will expire 30 days after the judgment is recorded in the Clerk's office. So
generally speaking, that takes -- if there are no interveners, no contests, no appeals, that
generally takes -- and depending on what the court docket is at the particular time -- about 90
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay.
Mr. Lever: And so that's how it --
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Just so we're clear -- and I want to make sure that -- 'cause I want
to make sure that everybody leaving here today does not think when you walk out because we got
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a vote today that it's going to happen in the next 24 hours. So we're talking about at least a
90-day period and there's a whole process that goes in place. And the reason why it's
recommended from a validation standpoint because that was the most -- correct, Vice Chair? --
expedient way to handle it, correct?
Vice Chair Gort: The most important thing about validation, when you go into validation in
front of the judge, you put your whole plan together and you cannot variate [sic] from there. So
it means that you have to comply with whatever we promise to you all. Whatever the contracts
that we have, we have to comply with that. Because once the judge says this is the way it's going
to be done, that's the way it's got to be done.
Mr. Lever: And I might add to complete the process, the board would consider the actual
financing terms. Once the validation is completed, the board would approve the financing and --
so the actual financing terms will come back to you for approval before the actual closing can
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay.
Commissioner Suarez: May I, Madam Chair?
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes, you may.
Commissioner Suarez: And I just -- I think what's important for everyone to understand here is
the reason why we're doing this is because this guarantees that the money will stay in this
community. If we didn't do this transaction, there's always the possibility that the TIF (Tax
Increment Func) revenues or the future TIF revenues will be taken from this community by a
variety of people who either don't believe in CRAs or don't think the CRAss being managed in an
effective and efficient way. And what this does is it makes sure that the money that this CRA has
generated will remain in this community for a long, long time. And the projects that are going to
be built are projects that will last, you know, hopefully, long enough for my children and
grandchildren to see them, so I think it's important.
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. Any comments? Veronica, Clarence? Okay.
Chair Spence -Jones: I'd like to officially -- unless there's another comment from anyone on the
Vice Chair Gort: No. Welcome Mr. Levy [sic] to the transaction.
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. I believe Mr. Levy [sic] is taking it over from --
Mr. Woods: From Holland and Knight.
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes. I think that one of the --
Mr. Woods: As bond counsel.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- so we have this on the record, we decided to make the separation
because --
Mr. Woods: Yes.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- it's very difficult to have bond coup -- I mean, excuse me --
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Mr. Woods: As --
Chair Spence -Jones: -- bond counsel and then have our --
Mr. Woods: And special counsel.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- as special counsel because sometimes they may not agree.
Mr. Woods: Yeah.
Chair Spence -Jones: So we want to make sure that we don't have any conflicts on that side, so
we think it's important to have both fighting on both sides.
Mr. Woods: Yes.
Chair Spence -Jones: And with that being said, I'd like to officially call the meeting to --
Vice Chair Gort: Adjourn.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- adjourn.
Commissioner Suarez: Thank you.
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Chair Spence -Jones: But number 2 -- the number 2 item really has a lot to do with the film
institute. Clarence, do you want to speak on this at all?
Clarence Woods (Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Yes, Commissioner.
The Film Life Institute is going to be the culmination of a lot of efforts that we've put into with
the film -- well, the American Black Film Festival and its founder, Jeff Friday. We've been
sponsors in the ABFF (American Black Film Festival) for like three or four years, and that has
been the primer to bringing this Film Life Institute into the redevelopment area and hopefully
getting jobs and, you know, creating economic development within the community. There's going
to be two aspects of the Film Life Institute; one is education and training to bring jobs in the
community, where our residents will be able to be trained on jobs within the film industry and get
that education. The other aspect is, through his contacts, Mr. Friday, he will bring productions
into the area to where our students can actually work on real films. I think the Commissioner
may speak about it. One of the first projects that'll be coming up right out of the gate will be a
project with Mr. Robert Townsend and it's a film on basketball and young high school students,
so we look forward to that. And like I said, it's been in fruition, that whole idea about cultivating
the film industry within the redevelopment area.
Chair Spence -Jones: And I just wanted to make sure we all knew, you know, that's been one of
our major push -- my major pushes, at least, in the Overtown area, is training programs or
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empowerment programs. That's why we recreated the Landscape Institute, the Hospitality
Institute, the Culinary Institute will be launching very soon, and of course, other institutes, the
business institute, and then, of course, the entrepreneurship institute. And the idea is to make
sure that our young people from our communities or people period from our communities are put
on the right career path so that they can take care of themselves and their family. We're very
excited about the fact that the University of Miami will partner with us, their film division,
CAMACOL (Latin Chamber of Commerce), several other film -based companies locally are
working with us on this project so you'll see right here in the heart of Overtown actually, Mr.
Townsend and many well-known actors and local people actually involved and on the streets
actually filming this project. I see Stephanie. Stephanie, if you can stand. Again, it's so
important for us to support -- Let's give Stephanie a hand
Chair Spence -Jones: Stephanie has almost become Robert's right hand and his left hand when
he's here on this project, and that's what it's about. It's about cultivating young people or people
here in this community so they'll have the opportunity to participate. Any organizations, if you
have young people that want to be involved that want to either work in front of the camera,
behind the camera, South Florida Workforce is working along with us so the kids will receive
some sort of stipend, so they're not just being trained, but they're also --
Commissioner Suarez: Making money.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- being paid and making money at the same time. And we're focusing on
young people between the ages, I believe, of 15 and 20 --
Stephanie Van Vark: Twenty-four, high school, college.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- 24. So it's not just young people that are in school, but these are also
for kids that are young adults that have dropped out that may just need to be on the right path,
that may have made mistakes in their lives. This gives them an opportunity to actually
participate in something very positive. And we know young people -- the two things that young
people like: They like music and they like what? Film and entertainment. So hopefully this can
be something that will keep them motivated in the area. So with that being said, I've asked the
CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) team to come back at the next CRA meeting to make
sure that we at least have some sort of agreement put in place with the University of Miami. It is
a University of Miami project, so it actually will be running through the University of Miami with
South Florida Workforce, so we're very excited about that. And I know that in our last budget
hearing we talked briefly with Pieter over in the Omni CRA, and I know the Omni CRA is looking
at coming on board to actually match what we're doing as a part of the project. We're actually
going to start doing all the major auditions on October 20 and the 27th, right here. And a lot of
the shooting will take place in our local high school gyms. I believe Miami High is involved. I
believe Jackson is involved; Booker T's involved, so all of the schools will actually be
participating, so it should be a lot of fun. But more so than anything else, it'll put Miami and its
young people on the map. And now we've also have come on board the Miami Heat, so they're
actually going to be participating in the basketball movie. So it should be really fun and it
should bring a lot of great energy to the neighborhood. Any other comments?
Commissioner Suarez: Just one.
Mr. Woods: No.
Chair Spence -Jones: Sure.
Commissioner Suarez: Thank you. No. Look, I think one of the things that gives me a lot of
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energy about being a CRA board member right now is that when you came back, Commissioner,
you had a very defined vision and your vision was to incorporate a campaign that worked in
another city, which had three key elements. And you have maintained that campaign and you
have followed through. And that was one of the things that -- Listen, a lot of people have great
ideas, a lot of people speak very eloquently, but there are very few people that follow through.
And I think you should be recognized for that. And you keep doing it. You do it by trying to
transform the community, by investing dollars in the community, like item number 1. And you're
doing it by empowering the community, by teaching the community, giving the community skills
to get the jobs that are available and also, hopefully in the future, attract industries that maybe
don't naturally come to Miami for whatever reason. The film industry is one that I just can't
understand why it doesn't do more work in the city. I mean, to me, that's like a no-brainer. We
have beautiful beaches, I mean, beautiful weather, beautiful people. So it's been inspiring. And
I want to thank you for every item that you invite me to go to the American Black Film Festival.
I was blown away by that event, you know, to see Robert Townsend in the short film and, you
know, the student that won that film. You know, there's a lot of creative, intelligent, you know,
people in this community that have artistic inclinations. I have none. I draw stick figures so --
but they have amazing potential and the question is, What are we doing as leaders to develop
that potential? And I think, you know, you've led the way. I've happily followed, and I'll
continue, hopefully, to keep learning more from all of you and being more effective as a leader
myself. Thank you.
Chair Spence -Jones: Thank you.
Vice Chair Gort: You know, one of the things I really appreciate about the CRA is all the
training that we do andl think it's very important, as we can see industry changes. Right now,
the only industry, hospitality and health care are the one that really providing jobs. And we are
providing training. Now pretty soon, hopefully by next month we're going to have Workforce
open up the headquarters --
Chair Spence -Jones: Oh, yeah.
Vice Chair Gort: -- over here on Northwest 7th Avenue and 20th Street, where Lindsey Hopkins
is, at the second floor. It's very important that we train and retrain. We've seen how people
change job and they have to go and get some additional training. We change every day, so it's
very important to take advantage of all this training that we doing here.
Chair Spence -Jones: And I want to acknowledge real fast to Percilla which is -- heads up -- has
done an outstanding job with all of our training institutes. It's a lot -- it's easy for us to sit here
and vote and make recommendations -- Let's give her a hand.
Chair Spence -Jones: -- but at the end of the day, we are on her to make sure that we're meeting
our goals and objectives, those forms get turned in -- Right, beautification? I see beautification,
right? -- making sure that all that paperwork gets in on time and is done properly 'cause we
don't want to have any issues in the ena and I just wanted to thank Percilla for her hard work.
And I see Vinnie -- if you could just stand up -- which is our new film guy. We're excited about
Vinnie. My Cousin Vinnie.
Commissioner Suarez: My Cousin Vinnie. The two youths. What is a youth?
Chair Spence -Jones: But Vinnie actually heads up the City of Miami film department, and part
of one of the things we're doing outside of the training, which we're so excited about is, we're
creating a film life center right at the Chapman House, right on the campus of Booker T.
Washington. And basically, from now on, any major filmmaker that comes in town that wants to
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do a video or television show, Iron Man or whatever, they can stop by the Chapman House to
actually pick up their permits right there. That gives us opportunity to make sure that they
network with other businesses that are in the area. So if they need a transportation company, we
got it. If they need a caterer, we got it. If they need a locations scout, we have it. And before,
that wasn't really happening, you know. People just kind of get intimidated with going to the
MRC (Miami Riverside Center). There's something about -- first of all, trying to find a place to
park. Then you got to go to security. Then you got to go -- So it just became -- it's a lot. We
want to make it easy for filmmakers to come and do business here. So the House allows you to
literally park, run inside, get your permit, but while you're waiting for your permit, we're saying,
Hey, who's doing the catering? We got a catering company for you. So the whole idea is to
really make it more engaging for filmmakers so that at least the local -- our local businesses in
the City of Miami get that business, so we're very excited about that, and Vinnie's heading that
up. So with that being said, I want to just say thank you.
Chair Spence -Jones: So we're going to move on to the next item, which is a discussion item.
We're not going to keep everyone long. First of all, I don't see the -- Is the principal here? I
know we have a new principal this season -- this -- I mean, this school year. I got football on my
mind. And I wanted to at least say hello to her.
Commissioner Suarez: Did your son win, by the way?
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes, we won, 14-0.
Commissioner Suarez: They won? Hadley won?
Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah.
Commissioner Suarez: Nice.
Chair Spence -Jones: Yeah. But I wanted to at least introduce her. We had a meeting earlier.
One of the things that I'm meeting tonight on -- I don't know if you guys know this, but it's the --
the superintendent has focused his attention on the bond -related issues for new buildings that are
going to be built within -- I guess, countywide. And Gibson -- excuse me, not Gibson, but
Frederick Douglass is going to be one of those schools that's put on the list to put a brand-new
school. So I'm very excited about, you know, the possibilities of that being added to the list. So
he's having a meeting tonight, which is where I'm running to next, at Bishop Curry's church,
which is New Birth, to kind of go over all of the schools in the inner cities that will be a part of
that overall plan.
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SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes September 17, 2012
SEPTEMBER 24, 2012.
Motion by Vice -Chair Gort, seconded by Board Member Suarez, PASSED by the following
Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Gort, Commissioner Suarez and Chair Spence -Jones
Absent: Commissioner Sarnoff and Commissioner Carollo
Veronica Xiques (Assistant General Counsel): Excuse me, Commissioner. IfI may just for one
second. You actually had had a meeting scheduled for Thursday afternoon, which you deferred
the item until this meeting so --
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay.
Ms. Xiques: -- if you're going to continue to defer the item, you may want to just state on the
record that you're going to defer it to your next available meeting or --
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay. And this --
Ms. Xiques: -- if you have a particular date in mind.
Chair Spence -Jones: Well, I think this is the item regarding the reverter, right?
Vice Chair Gort: Yes.
Chair Spence -Jones: That was the item for the reverter.
Vice Chair Gort: Yes.
Chair Spence -Jones: And I don't -- I think the County is still negotiating with us on the reverter
issue, so, yes --
Commissioner Suarez: You want us to make a motion to defer?
Chair Spence -Jones: So you want us -- you need a motion?
Priscilla A. Thompson (Clerk of the Board): No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I just
want to make sure I am clear, okay. The Thursday meeting was your regular agenda, yes?
Chair Spence -Jones: Yes, it was.
Ms. Thompson: This is a special meeting, right?
Chair Spence -Jones: This is a special meeting.
Ms. Thompson: So --
Chair Spence -Jones: I thought it was going to be on the --
Ms. Xiques: No. She opened up -- at the Thursday's Southeast Overtown/Park West CRA
(Community Redevelopment Agency) meeting, she opened up the meeting and continued the item
until today.
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SEOPW Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes September 17, 2012
Ms. Thompson: Okay, I thought -- and I apologize because I didn't hear a date certain. I heard
the next CRA meeting.
Chair Spence -Jones: CRA meeting.
Ms. Xiques: Okay, and I heard Monday, the 17th --
Ms. Thompson: So I apologize.
Ms. Xiques: -- so --
Ms. Thompson: Okay.
Ms. Xiques: -- we can just --
Chair Spence -Jones: Well, let's just -- let's do -- let's be -- let's err on the side of caution.
Ms. Thompson: Yes.
Chair Spence -Jones: That's fine?
Ms. Thompson: Okay.
Chair Spence -Jones: So how would you like for us to handle that?
Vice Chair Gort: Move to continue this --
Chair Spence -Jones: But do I have to -- 'cause I adjourned it first. Do I need to --?
Ms. Xiques: No, no. It's fine.
Chair Spence -Jones: Okay, all right.
Commissioner Suarez: Second.
Chair Spence -Jones: Motion and a second. All in favor?
The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye.
Ms. Thompson: Now you can officially adjourn this meeting.
Commissioner Suarez: Just bang the gavel.
Chair Spence -Jones: We'd like to officially -- it's adjourned
Commissioner Suarez: There you go.
Ms. Thompson: Thank you.
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