HomeMy WebLinkAboutOMNI CRA 2016-09-13 MinutesCity of Miami
City Hall
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
6:00 PM
Chapman Partnership
1550 N. Miami Avenue
Miami, FL 33136
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Ken Russell, Chair
Francis Suarez, Vice Chair
Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Commissioner
Frank Carollo, Commissioner
Keon Hardemon, Commissioner
1401 N. Miami Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami 33136
Phone: (305) 679-6868
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes September 13, 2016
Present: Vice Chair Suarez, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Gort and Chair Russell
Absent: Commissioner Hardemon
On the 13th day of September 2016, the Board of Commissioners of the OMNI Community
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Chapman Partnership,
1550 N. Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Russell at
6:23 p. m., and was ad ourned at 7: 47 p.m.
Jason Walker, Executive Director, CRA
Barnaby L. Min, Deputy General Counsel, CRA
Todd B. Hannon, Clerk of the Board
Chair Russell: Good evening, everyone. We'd like to call to order this meeting of the Omni
Community Redevelopment Agency. I'm your Chair, Commissioner Ken Russell, and I'd like to
thank you all for coming to our first meeting to be held out here at Chapman; thank them as our
hosts; and a very big thank you to Jason Walker and his staff for arranging this. The idea here is
to be close to the community that we are meant to make decisions about, so that representatives
of the community can come and let us hear what they'd like; and, of course, most importantly, we
also make sure that everything is very transparent and televised, so Jason's organized for this to
be taped both audio and video, which will be on the Omni website, or on the City website at
some point very soon. So thank you very much. I'll let each of the Board Members introduce
themselves to those of you who don't know us, and then we'll move forward with our agenda.
Board Member Gort: I'm Wifredo Willy'Gort. I've been a City Commissioner back from 1993 to
2001. I stayed away for eight years, and I came back in 2010. I been part of the CRA
(Community Redevelopment Agency) from the beginning.
Vice Chair Suarez: I'm Commissioner Suarez. I was born when Willy Gort started in 1993 -- no,
I'm just kidding, just kidding, just kidding. I was born in 1977. No, it's -- I'm a City of Miami
Board Member Gort: You taught me everything you know.
Vice Chair Suarez: I learn every day. He's the master here. I'm a City of Miami Commissioner
and Board Member.
Board Member Carollo: Frank Carollo, Commissioner, District 3 and CRA Board Member.
Chair Russell: And we also have with us our City Clerk, Todd Hannon. We have City of Miami
Deputy General Counsel, Barnaby Min. He's here for legal advice, as we need. And your
executive director here is Jason Walker, of the CRA. I'm very proud of him, of what he's done in
the last few months in a breath of fresh air and new direction for this CRA, and I'm very excited
about some of the things he's putting together. Jason, I'll let you take over here in a moment, but
I hope that you also take a few minutes to explain some of the projects that we are doing, and
that may come at the budget time. I know we're looking at the budget and some of those items.
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Yeah. I was
going to do it after the budget.
Chair Russell: Wherever you feel appropriate.
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16-01279 Cover Memo.pdf
16-01279 Legislation.pdf
16-01279 Grand Jury Report.pdf
Motion by Board Member Carollo, seconded by Vice -Chair Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Suarez, Chair Russell, Commissioner Gort and Commissioner Carollo
Absent: Commissioner Hardemon
Chair Russell: So we'll start with our first resolution, and I'll hand it over to you, sir.
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Thank you,
Chairman. CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Resolution 16-01279 is a resolution of the
Board of the Commissioners of the Omni Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment
Agency, designating a minimum of 10 percent of the 2016-2017 fiscal year general operating
and Tax Increment Fund budget to be expended towards and benefit of low- and
moderate -income affordable housing. As you all recall, this is one of the recommendations that
came out of the grand jury report, and the staff is recommending that we adopt it. We have put in
the 10 percent as a part of this budget for this year.
Board Member Carollo: Move it.
Vice Chair Suarez: Second. Discussion.
Chair Russell: It's been moved and seconded for discussion.
Vice Chair Suarez: Thank you, Mr. Chair. May I be recognized?
Chair Russell: Of course.
Vice Chair Suarez: Thank you. I know that the grand jury report calls for a minimum level of 10
percent. I think the Chair of the CRA -- and I think all of us -- have hoped that the CRA will now
sort of turn in a direction of doing more affordable housing; the Omni CRA. I think the
Overtown CRA has -- I think at one point, we calculated -- or I calculated close to 80 percent of
the dollars that were spent in Overtown were going to some sort of affordable housing project,
whether it be rehab project or new construction. And so, I know that the 10 percent was the
floor, and I guess my hope is that it not be, you know, the ceiling for us. You know what I mean?
I really, really think that we -- even though, you know, that we may be setting this as the floor, I
really think that we should strive to do more than 10 percent.
Chair Russell: Do I hear an amendment?
Vice Chair Suarez: Yes.
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Board Member Gort: Yeah.
Vice Chair Suarez: Look --
Chair Russell: So you'll see our 10 percent and raise it?
Vice Chair Suarez: I would raise it, at least 25 percent, I would think.
Mr. Walker: I would agree with you, sir; however --
Vice Chair Suarez: Keep going.
Mr. Walker: -- I would agree with you, sir, going to 125 percent, but as I'm sure you know, this
particular CRA has limitations on some of our funding --
Vice Chair Suarez: Right.
Mr. Walker: -- through debt that we've incurred for some big projects east of Biscayne
Boulevard. And so, I agree with you, and I do want to talk about other things that we can do
later on, after we've discussed the budget, to increase that amount, because we actually have a
couple of viable projects that we'd like to present to you at the next meeting to actually build
more than 50 affordable housing units in Overtown --
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Mr. Walker: -- this year.
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: Just a moment; ifI could ask a question, then. Let's put this into numbers, what
we're looking at. What is the fiscal year general operating and Tax Increment Fund budget, of
which this 10 percent will apply to?
Mr. Walker: 17, 639, 000.
Chair Russell: 17 million. And of that 17 million, what is already allocated by your contract
through -- other obligation that's already --?
Mr. Walker: Roughly, sir; roughly, it would -- roughly, 12 to 13 million.
Chair Russell: Of the 13 million?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir. We have 4.2 million for the tunnel payment; we have 6.1 million for the
Performing Arts Center; we also have $2 million for the transfer for Museum Park.
Chair Russell: So 10 percent of 17 million would be 1.7.
Board Member Gort: 1.7.
Chair Russell: What --
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: -- is the difference between what you said is already allocated, or spoken for?
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What is our universe of available funds which we can make decisions?
Mr. Walker: Approximately $3 million.
Chair Russell: 3 million. So 10 percent would already be a little more than half of that.
Commissioner Suarez.
Vice Chair Suarez: No -- yeah, I was going to say it's -- that it's a little more than 50 percent of
the unencumbered money. What I would suggest is, then, based on that, so we would maintain
the 10 percent of already existing funds. And I would say, of incremental dollars going forward,
we should dedicate, then, 25, 50 percent of the incremental funds; in other words, from this point
forward, because, obviously, that -- our budget is static as of right now, you know -- except 13
million is dedicated to already existing resources. And if we do 10 percent of the whole -- or
about 50 percent of unencumbered resources --
Chair Russell: Yeah.
Vice Chair Suarez: -- so what I'm saying is that whatever goes beyond that --
Chair Russell: New TIF (Tax Increment Fund).
Vice Chair Suarez: -- new TIF. That's what I'm looking at, because I think there, we have an
opportunity to do far more than just the 10 percent.
Mr. Walker: And Commissioner, through the Chair, one of the things that we'll talk about later
is the possibility of going out and -- we can't bond, and Barnaby can talk to you about that -- but
we can go out and get a loan. There's some -- there are two projects that we'd like to focus on
that would bring affordable rental units to Overtown, and we'd like to harp on those projects
soon, and that would allow us to commit future dollars up -- above and beyond the 1.7 minimum
threshold we're setting today in the future to go towards affordable housing, which I think we
have the capacity to do.
Vice Chair Suarez: So I will -- we didn't get a chance to brief yesterday, because we both had a
tragic situation that, unfortunately, we had to attend to. So I -- you know, I don't have the
benefit of having discussed this -- some of this stuff with you beforehand, because we could've
hashed this out in our briefing, but I'd be more than happy to sort of hang tight, if that's what you
guys want me to do.
Board Member Carollo: Yeah, only because -- exactly what I was saying -- right now, we don't
have the capacity. So you can't just increase a percentage without really going into the budget
and saying, Okay, this is the amount that we have, 'or so forth. So that's why I was trying to hold
it back until we see exactly where we're at.
Vice Chair Suarez: And I agree with that. I -- my intent after I -- my initial sort of -- well, I was
sort of prompted to push the number up -- was to talk about new dollars beyond this budget, like
future dollars, but what I'll do is, I'll just wait until you and I get a chance to sit down and talk
about these projects, because if you have a plan, you know, I'd rather listen to your plan and
then, you know, we'll reflect on that, and go from there.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Of course.
Board Member Carollo: And I would -- if this really is the will of this Board, which it may be -- I
know I'm onboard with moving forward in this direction of affordable and workforce housing -- I
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think we should look at all options, even monies that has been spent in the past that we could
possibly bring back into the CRA to actually put to use for affordable housing and workforce
housing. And I'll leave it at that, but I think we should have all options available.
Chair Russell: Thank you. I --
Board Member Gort: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: Yes, of course, Commissioner Gort.
Board Member Gort: There's all kinds of options, and we have leverage. With 1.7 million, we
can -- we have a lot of leverage and we can do a lot of the things. And I agree with you that
we've taken care of the east side of it, and we spent a lot of funds for the -- it was required of us
to do so. And now, we see you, the new Chairperson, and you want us to create more affordable
housing, which we all agree on that. I mean, in my district, there's a lot of affordable housing
that was created there. In Carollo's district, we created affordable housing, with mixed -use --
affordable housing market rate, and that works. That works and that's the ideal combination.
What I like in the future, if possible -- I understand we're going through the grand jury, but the
grand jury look -- I think it's maybe 15 different CRA. They found a lot of faults in a lot of the
CRAs. We are guided our self [sic] by this 163 State Statute that tells you the 20 percent. The
only thing we didn't go with it was the 10 percent for public housing, but all the others, we -- I'm
sure we complied with it.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Gort: So I want to make sure we understand that, because we keep bringing the
grand jury. The grand jury was addressing people who are using 80 percent of their funds for
administration. We never went beyond that.
Chair Russell: Right.
Board Member Gort: We never went beyond 10 percent, so I want to make sure we're clear on
that. And I agree with you, there's a lot of leveraging we can do with 1.7, plus we can bring out
additional funds. Carollo just came up with an idea of a certain facility, and then we might want
to sell it, and we can use those funds to do affordable housing.
Chair Russell: Thank you. I'd like to open the floor for public comment at this time on this
particular item, if anyone would like to address the Board in the public with regard to this
concept of allocating 10 percent of our budget towards affordable housing. And I think the
message you hear from all of the Commissioners here is there is a strong will to do this. If you're
not familiar with the Omni CRA, it'd be great to look at a map, and you can find it on the
website, which is, Jason? Miamicra.com. You can see the maps of the various CRAs that are in
the area. And the way it works is, when you see this map, there's a loop around an area, and the
goal of this body is to eliminate slum and blight within that area, using the tax money that's
generated in that area, and kept there. And so, what the CRA has been very successful in doing,
which in many opinions, falls under the definition of eliminating slum and blight, is build very
beautiful things. We have a $20 million movie studio. We have a beautiful Performing Arts
Center to the west -- I mean to the east. The eastern side of the Omni CRA is very healthy. The
western side needs a lot of love, and that's where opportunities are for affordable housing. There
is a lot of blight: empty lots, chain link fence, homelessness. Chapman, right here, is in the
western side, and I believe Jason will probably go into a little bit of how we're going to start --
form some partnerships with Chapman to really be a part of this neighborhood, that we would
like to be, and work together. There's 10 blocks of residential Overtown on the west side of the
CRA, and we really want to reach out to this community and see what we can do to make it
better. We're going to be working on the Dorsey Library, but from affordable housing, that's the
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next step, and you can see the will is here to commit dollars and efforts toward doing that. So
would anyone like to speak on this issue? Please state your name for the record.
Derek Cole: Derek Cole. Good evening. Derek Cole, 1010 Northwest 11 th Street, Overtown.
Unencumber some of the money that's already encumbered. Figure out a way between you all to
unencumber some, take some of that money back, because 10 percent is like, Ihm-hmm."
Chair Russell: Thank you very much. That would need quite a legal opinion that I don't know if
Barnaby's willing to weigh in on today, but that is something we can definitely look at. There's a
lot of agreements and contracts that do encumber that money for many things that, in my
opinion, are not within the Omni CRA and may not be within the purview of what we should be
doing. These are past agreements and past decisions. Whether they can be legally challenged,
that shall remain to be seen. Anyone else like to speak on this issue? Being no further public
discussion, I'll close the public discussion. Any further comments from the dais? All in favor,
say bbye. "
The Board (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes.
16-01280 Cover Memo.pdf
16-01280 Legislation.pdf
16-01280 Grand Jury Report.pdf
Motion by Board Member Carollo, seconded by Vice -Chair Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Suarez, Chair Russell, Commissioner Gort and Commissioner Carollo
Absent: Commissioner Hardemon
CRA-R-1 6-0041
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Mr. Chairman,
the next item is CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Resolution Number 16-01280: A
resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Omni Redevelopment District Community
Redevelopment Agency, setting a cap of 20 percent of the 2016-2017 fiscal year operating and
Tax Increment Fund budget to be expended towards any administrative costs. And just so you
know, we are already well below the 20 percent. We are currently at 5 percent.
Board Member Carollo: Move it.
Mr. Walker: This is also a grand jury recommendation.
Vice Chair Suarez: Second.
Chair Russell: It's been moved and seconded. I'll open the floor for any discussion. Clearly,
this is another initiative of the grand jury invest -- report, correct?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
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Chair Russell: And just to clarify, you said that the report suggests no more than 20 percent of
our funds should be used on administrative, and you're telling us that we only use currently
about 5?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: Is there any comment from the dais?
Board Member Gort: I believe we used about 7 in the past, so we been in compliance with 196
State laws.
Chair Russell: Easily. Any comment from the public? Hearing none, all in favor, say aye."
The Board (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes.
16-01281 Cover Memo.pdf
16-01281 Legislation.pdf
16-01281 Grand Jury Report.pdf
Motion by Board Member Carollo, seconded by Vice -Chair Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Suarez, Chair Russell, Commissioner Gort and Commissioner Carollo
Absent: Commissioner Hardemon
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Mr. Chairman,
this is another resolution pertaining to the grand jury report. CRA (Community Redevelopment
Agency) Resolution 16-01281: A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Omni
Redevelopment District Community Redevelopment Agency, adopting the City of Miami's
Procurement Ordinance, as may be amended from time to time, as the process in which any and
all services and goods shall be procured by the CRA.
Board Member Carollo: Move it.
Vice Chair Suarez: Second.
Chair Russell: It's been moved and seconded It's my understanding -- and Bert, you've been
here the longest within the group -- that the Omni CRA has followed actual procurement
processes when hiring and contracting; it simply hasn't been concretized in legislation. This is
another recommendation of the grand jury report, and something we'd like to take up, I believe.
Is there any comment from the dais? Any comment from the public? Closing public hearing. All
in favor, say aye."
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The Board (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Russell: Motion passes. Thank you.
16-01282 Cover Memo.pdf
16-01282 Legislation.pdf
16-01282 ExhibitA-SUB.pdf
16-01282 Submittal-OMNI CRA-Interlocal Agreement with MDC.pdf
Motion by Board Member Carollo, seconded by Vice -Chair Suarez, that this matter be
Votes: Ayes: Vice Chair Suarez, Chair Russell, Commissioner Gort and Commissioner Carollo
Absent: Commissioner Hardemon
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Mr. Chairman,
the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Resolution 16-01282, I'd like to add a substitution
Hilda, if you can pass out the substitution. We wanted to clarify, after our conversation with
Commissioner Carollo, the 1.7 for the affordable housing, so we made that change, so it's clear
in the budget, and I can point that out to you when we get there. Before, it was separated; and
now, we've put it into one item. That was the only change made.
Chair Russell: So there's a difference between --
Mr. Walker: When I get the replacement, I can show it to you.
Chair Russell: This will simply replace the third page and the fourth page with what you've
given us now, right?
Mr. Walker: Yeah. First and fourth; sorry. Well, I don't know how you guys usually go through
this. Would you like for me to go line by line, or do you --?
Board Member Carollo: No. I make a motion to move --
Vice Chair Suarez: Second.
Board Member Carollo: -- the CRA budget.
Board Member Gort: And now, of course, it doesn't count.
Chair Russell: It's been moved and second. We're open for discussion on the dais. This is the
CRA budget. Jason, could you just go through a couple of the points with me, please?
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Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: The grant for PAMM (Perez Art Museum Miami), that is in here?
Mr. Walker: The grant for PAMM is in here, only because they have not submitted -- they
recently submitted the invoice for some of the money for this year.
Chair Russell: Mm-hmm.
Mr. Walker: We don't expect to get that paid before September 30, so basically carrying over the
million dollars to pay them from last year's grant.
Board Member Carollo: Exactly.
Mr. Walker: It's not a new $1 million.
Chair Russell: But we were able to come to an agreement after the last meeting with PAMM on
that million dollars; is that correct?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir, and that was approved by the Board in July, and I'll talk more about one of
the projects that we received out of that renegotiated contract during my executive director's
report. The 1 million is not a new 1 million; it's just a carryover from last year.
Chair Russell: Thank you. There was a $2 million commitment, I understand, from the City
Manager, with regard to Museum Park. Could you tell us a little bit about that? Is that in here?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir. There is an agreement -- and Hilda, if you can help me out one more time.
There's a blue tab.
Board Member Gort: Is that a part of the global agreement?
Mr. Walker: Yes. This is the first letter I received from the City Manager when I -- first day on
the job. Basically, it was the part of the global agreement that requires the CRA, according to
the City, to contribute $2 million a year towards capital project improvement to Museum Park
for the next -- until 2030. That -- this payment has never been made by the CRA.
Chair Russell: When was it scheduled to begin, the payments?
Mr. Walker: The payments were scheduled to begin after substantial completion of the park,
which was on August 27, 2014. And so, that -- and they sent us a letter, saying that we owe them
$6 million, but between Barnaby and I, we figured out that it was only $4 million. When you do
the calendar date from gubstantially completed,'ft would only be $2 million. So I've had
conversations with Commissioner Carollo and the Manager regarding this amount. I think
there's some wiggle room with the City in terms of going forward with this payment, because I
think all of us agree that $30 million is a lot of money coming from the Omni CRA to Museum
Park for capital improvements; especially for a park that's mostly complete. So -- but this is --
they've threatened legal action in the past. We've kind of calmed them down. The Manager and I
have had a very --
Chair Russell: And since you've been here?
Mr. Walker: Yes.
Chair Russell: Now, was there an explanation for why it wasn't collected in the past?
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Mr. Walker: It was an oversight.
Chair Russell: Okay.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Carollo: I don't know if it was an oversight, or -- it wasn't addressed with the
Omni CRA at the time, but it was not an oversight. As a matter of fact, when there was
conversations about a conservancy, I wrote a editorial to the Herald, and I mentioned this
amount of money. So I could say, at least from our part, it was not an oversight.
Mr. Walker: The comment of the oversight came from the City Manager's Office. It was
something that they were looking into -- They were looking for something else -- back in
December or January, Barnaby? And they ran across this particular item in the agreement, and
so, they sent a letter -- I believe the letter was dated March 24 -- asking for payment of the back.
Chair Russell: Right. I'm referring to now Page 12, which you have the blue tab on, and I'm
going to ask for a legal opinion, Barnaby, if you can help out here. What it says is Museum Park
-- and this is part of the global agreement, correct? This says, An amount necessary to fund 16
million for capital improvements to the park component of the project to be funded by the Omni
CRA, completed by the City no later than January 2012, and an annual contribution to the Parks
Capital Expenditure Fund of 2 million, payable commencing on the date substantial completion
of the park component of the project through 2030. "Is it 16 million or 30-something million? I
thought you said 30-something million.
Mr. Walker: The 30 million would be -- First of all, let me back up. From our calculation --
Bert, correct me if I'm wrong -- the City -- the CRA has already spent close to 14 million.
Chair Russell: But that wasn't with regard to this commitment, right?
Barnaby Min (Deputy City Attorney): No.
Mr. Walker: My understanding is that it was --
Unidentified Speaker: (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
Chair Russell: Right. So the Omni CRA was investing in the park and the capital expenditure,
but this particular agreement has to do with $16 million of capital improvements to the park
component of the project to be funded by the Omni CRA, and completed by the City no later than
January 2012. Was that amount of capital improvements completed by the City no late -- Well,
first of all, has $68 million be spent on --
H. Bert Gonzalez: No.
Chair Russell: -- Museum Park?
Mr. Gonzalez: No, it has not.
Chair Russell: And if it hasn't, was it completed before 2012, whatever it was? So from a legal
perspective, wouldn't that relieve the Omni CRA of continuing to fund something that was not
spent -- not done, and didn't meet deadline?
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Mr. Min: I believe that is an argument. There are other provisions in the interlocal agreement
concerning noncompliance and -- I mean, as far as coming into noncompliance.
Board Member Gort: Yeah.
Mr. Min: So the entire agreement needs to be read in totality. What I've discussed with Mr.
Walker in the past is, I'm in the unique situation of having to advocate on behalf of the City of
Miami, as well as the Omni CRA, which obviously has a dispute on this particular issue. So I've
Vice Chair Suarez: You obviously can't do that.
Mr. Min: Exactly. So I've suggested to Mr. Walker various names, as far as obtaining outside
counsel on this particular issue.
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner.
Vice Chair Suarez: I've just looked into this contract now; not really anticipating this specific
issue, because, like I said, I wasn't able to brief with the executive director. You know, this
agreement, having looked at it, leaves a lot to be desired, to be completely frank with you. To
have a commitment of that magnitude without a definition for 5'ubstantial completion,'ivhich is
the first thing that you look for -- What is Abstantial completion? "I mean, that's the trigger
mechanism. I mean, if that's the trigger mechanism and that's not defined, that leaves to the
imagination a very, very ambiguous, yet significant term. And I think, you know -- I mean, is this
substantially completed? I mean, they're building a museum right now on there. I mean, it's not
-- that's not CO'd (certificate of occupancy). You know, I mean, how does that interplay with the
park? You know, I mean, is that part of substantial completion? I have no idea, because it's not
defined in the document. There certainly hasn't been $68 million invested in the park, that's for
sure. There's nowhere near that kind of money invested in the park. There was supposed to be
an underground parking garage. That was never built; which, I think, alone, I think, was like
over $20 million, so.
Chair Russell: I'm not fully understanding the math, though, because at $2 million a year until
2030, and it started at 2014, that's only 32 million, right?
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes, sir.
Board Member Carollo: We're looking -- we're comingling two separate things: One is what it
would cost; the capital amount that it would cost to build the park.
Chair Russell: Mm-hmm.
Board Member Carollo: The second part, which is the 2 million a year, is the capital amount to
maintain the park and focus on anything that it may need in the future; not necessarily to build
the park. So you're talking two separate amounts.
Chair Russell: Mm-hmm.
Board Member Carollo: Just because you have a building, for example, doesn't mean that you,
in the future, are not going to need to -- I don't know -- fix a roof you know; add some type of
enhancement and put into the capital. So that's what those 2 millions [sic] are. With regards to
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the 68 million, the decision was made not to put any more monies into the park. As a matter of
fact, one of the reasons that I consistently voted against the budget is because we were putting
monies into a movie studio when, in reality, there was a commitment that the Omni CRA had
made to Museum Park, and it was not being met.
Chair Russell: Aha.
Board Member Carollo: So when you look at that, you have to, you know, really see if, really,
we were putting the monies where we were supposed to or not. With that said, the park has been
completed as it was deemed that this is the way the new park was going to be; that's why I think
those $2 million would go a long ways into really enhancing the park to where it should be. And
again, as part of the global agreement, you know, I'll let the attorneys now fight it out and see
where we're at with it.
Board Member Gort: That was before any of us were here.
Board Member Carollo: Yes.
Board Member Gort: The global agreement. I mean, we're not part of that.
Board Member Carollo: Yes. This global agreement was definitely before any of us was here.
As a matter of fact -- I'm going now on memories. I haven't read this in a while, but somewhere
in there, I think it stipulates, even if the City was in some type of dire financial situation that once
it would come out of that situation, they would still have to focus on paying the $68 million.
Now, that's something that I read way back when, when I first got here in early 2010/late 2009.
I'm going on memory, but again, I believe the commitment should be there for the 2 million. And
that doesn't mean that we can't discuss it, and I expected that we're going to have long
discussions on this, but it's part of the global agreement. And again, I'm a CPA (Certified Public
Accountant). I'm not an attorney. I'm sure all the attorneys will pretty soon be deliberating over
this and what should and should not be, and so forth.
Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner.
Vice Chair Suarez: I agree with the Commissioner. I think the attorneys are going to be
deliberating over this for a long time, because I think it's pretty poorly drafted, so I think it's
going to create a lot of discussion. If we, as a policy Board, want to make it an issue -- I mean,
it's clear, for example in the preceding paragraph, in B,'bn Port Tunnel that the Port Tunnel was
completed I mean, there's no discrepancy about whether -- was it 75 percent completed; was it
80 percent completed; was it 90 percent? No, no, it was not only substantially completed, it was
completed. So I think, you know, the issue is it was a billion dollar project. You know, they
didn't build a $750 million tunnel and then not CO it, and not complete it. With respect to the
Museum Park, it seems like there was a $68 million project contemplated, and that is nowhere
near $68 million. So the question is, I think -- You know, if you're asking the CRA to put in, you
know, 32 to $34 million, you know, is that diminished -- which is approximately half of the 68 --
by the fact that the City never put in the 68 to begin with? And so, I think that -- like it -- it's like
saying, if the tunnel was only half built -- you know, it was a $500 million tunnel -- and it's not
open and it's not built, does the CRA have that full commitment to fund its part? Does it have
only a partial commitment --
Chair Russell: Right.
Vice Chair Suarez: -- or no commitment at all? Because, in reality, a partially built tunnel is not
functional; a partially built park is, obviously, because it's functioning today, but it's not, you
know, obviously, to the level that it was promised.
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Mr. Walker: Mr. Chairman.
Board Member Carollo: And that's where -- it's not to that level; that's where I want to see if
some of these millions of dollars -- at least these first 2 millions [sic], and that's where -- the
discussion I had with Mr. Walker. Let's put these 2 millions [sic] in, because it'll go a long ways,
and then we could have further discussions on the future.
Chair Russell: I do disagree and I'll tell you why, and I'll finish that with a commitment of how
we will find the money. You know, for the neighbors to understand what a CRA should or
shouldn't do, or shouldn't spend its money on, it kind of has a smell test for me. And the
elimination of slum and blight is pretty specific. If there was a, you know, dead patch of land,
and we wanted to turn it into a park, I believe that's a very valid expenditure of CRA funds. If
you got a high -end park that's there, and you want to improve it, I don't think that's our job. I
believe that's the job of the City, of our parks impact fees. Museum Park is in District 2. It's
managed by the Bayfront Park Trust, and I would be very glad to give my commitment that $2
million will go into that park from my District 2 parks impact fees to bring it up to speed. I've
actually already met with a representative of the PAMM, who is very interested in having some
sort of sunshine meeting with us together. I'm a new board member on the Frost Museum, and I
think if we get a nice roundtable of what sort of amenities should be in that park, between the
Bayfront Park Trust, the district itself and the two museums adjacent, we can have some -- you
know, whether it's bringing in dog parks, kid parks, more lighting, more trees -- that budget is
there to do that from the correct sources. I simply don't feel in my heart that the CRA is the right
well of money for something like that; especially when Jason's budget is so limited on the
projects we are really excited about going into more on the west side of the Omni. That being
said I believe that there may be a legal opinion that would say that we may be relieved of this
particular debt. And if -- I'm giving you my commitment that we will find it elsewhere, and that
we will improve that park in a significant way that makes it very useable. I was out there this
weekend for the art days and the science barge, and it is quite barren. It needs a lot of shade,
needs a lot of trees, needs a lot of amenities. It's great for Frisbee and football, but it's a wide
open space right now. It's a blank canvas to be a better park. I absolutely agree with you.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Carollo: So going back to how you initially started, if it was empty space, slum
and blight and we're going to make it a park, then you feel the money should be going for that?
Chair Russell: It could be a good expenditure of the CRA funds, yes.
Board Member Carollo: Exactly. But that was the original intent. Unfortunately, a park was
built, but it wasn't the original intent of building a signature park, a world -class park. So now, a
park has been built, and you're saying, !ley, if you want to enhance the park, it's not a good
source of those"- These types of funds. "But I think where there's a disconnect is that, originally, it
was slum and blight for many, many years.
Chair Russell: Sure.
Board Member Carollo: And the monies were put into making it a park. Unfortunately, it wasn't
the park that originally was envisioned in the meg -- in the global agreement. And what I'm
saying is, I think we should enhance it, at least, with these 2 million. I'll give you an example.
I'm foreseeing having -- being able to have water activities for the first time in the FEC (Florida
East Coast Railway) slip, and we're doing that -- and I spoke to Mr. Walker about this --
Bayfront Park is fronting the -- I think it's 225, 000, somewhere around that, to make sure that we
have a floating dock. With that floating dock, number one, we will be able to have the public
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actually go down to the EEC slip in the water. They'll be able to paddleboard; they'll be able to
do water activities. Number two, it would be very beneficial for a water taxi in the future, when
we do the Miami Boat Show. And I don't know if you know the numbers, but Bayfront Park was
the highest location where water taxis were used to and from the Miami Marine Stadium. So
we're already taking some of the lead; but, again, so much more can be done. We talk about
shade trees. Even some of the capital that was done, already, you know, some of your neighbors
are complaining that -- and very rightly so -- some of the things there already need, again,
improvement in the capital, because it's breaking down.
Mr. Walker: Yeah.
Board Member Carollo: I mentioned it to -- I know I didn't mention it to the Manager. I think I
mentioned it to Mr. Walker. If you go in front of Museum Park, you have five, six aisles where --
it's some type of material that's breaking down; it looks like it's crumbling. And that's something
that could be an easy frx; but at the very least, it should be fixed. You mentioned a kids'
playground, dog park,- I mean, all that. And we've taken it into consideration for a long time, but
we're just trying to see the funding source.
Chair Russell: Yes. And one of the things you mentioned -- trees -- in District 2, we have a tree
trust specifically for District 2, and with all the litigation and tree removals that have happened
in the Grove, we're actually flush with money in that account to where Quatisha is telling me,
You know, I don't need any more trees right now; I'm good. I got no place to put them. "And I
think we've got some place, and there's a budget for that, that's set aside, that's sitting with
money in it. I would rather take it from there than take it from our goal of affordable housing,
slum and blight. Jason, could you tell us, the 2 million that would be committed from this
budget, would that further encumber the amount you said, or is that including that already?
Mr. Walker: It's including.
Chair Russell: So if it weren't for that amount of money, how much would we have available to
spend on other initiatives?
Vice Chair Suarez: 5 million.
Mr. Walker: Close to 5 million.
Chair Russell: About 5 million.
Mr. Walker: And just if I may, Mr. Chairman, I've been going back and forth with Commissioner
Carollo and the Manager about this, and the City -- and I hope I'm not speaking out of turn -- I
think they're flexible on this. I think they're -- they understand that they probably don't need the
entire $34 million for the park. They understand the commitment that we have to redeveloping
the west side of 2ndAvenue; the west side of the tracks. They understand that this money for the
Omni CRA will go a long way for us in developing affordable and workforce housing, number
one; number two, also creating a sense of -- for job creation in the area. So, you know, if I may
make a suggestion: That we, you know, look at other revenue sources; we put this on hold for
now. We won't commit it -- anything -- until there's a resolution at a later date, but we just kind
of table it until we could come up with the 2 million that Commissioner Carollo is requesting.
And he's told me about, you know, their plans there, and those are great things for the park, but
we can do that; you know, hold out 2 million now until you guys have a sunshine meeting with
the other partners, to see how much you can come up with.
Chair Russell: How many parcels have you identified in the west side of the Omni that you feel
we could develop for affordable housing projects, community centers, arts, whatever?
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Mr. Walker: There's one parcel that's ready to go right now, which I was going to talk to you
about in our report. This is a parcel that I first started working on when I started. It has a City
property and four different private property owners on one block of Overtown. We've been able
to bring together the four private property owners to come together with the City. The City's
willing to donate the land to the CRA for affordable housing. We're still vetting this project right
now, but this project alone would -- could put 54 units, two-bedroom/one-bedroom rental in
Overtown within the next year. We're -- you know, again, we're running the numbers, but this is
a $7 million investment -- could be -- for the CRA; something that we can do today. There's --
Chair Russell: But if we only got 2 or 3 million unencumbered; how are we going to do that?
Mr. Walker: Well, that's -- that would -- you know, we would have to go borrow against future
TIF money (Tax Increment Fund) money, but, you know, the extra 2 mill -- and that's what we
would use -- some of the money that we could use to borrow the money, because we could say,
!ley, this 2 million a year until 2030 is now freed up. We're going to use that as our leverage for
these type of projects. "There's also a rooming house at one -- again, this is all a part of my
report, but there's a rooming house that could be used for a rehab facility. There's also a City
property -- a parking lot across from Temple Israel -- where, you know, there's -- it's not a park;
I'm not talking about the park space. I'm talking about the empty parking lot and the PULSE
(People United to Lead the Struggle for Equality) building --
Board Member Gort: Yeah.
Mr. Walker: -- that's there. That's a City -owned building that could be developed into a huge
mixed -use affordable housing project. And there are other scatter sites that we've identified.
And also, we received an unsolicited proposal from St. John CDC (Community Development
Corporation) to build a similar project directly across from this project on 6th and Northwest 1st,
which would have a huge impact on that area. So these are things that we're still in the process
of vetting. I was going to talk to you more about it during my report; but, yes, this type of money
could help us move towards projects.
Chair Russell: My other concern is, if we allocate it now for this, it sets a precedent for the next
15 years, potentially. But I would like us to get a legal opinion that if we are not encumbered to
this -- let's say we want to spend 2 million just for the sake of spending 2 million. We can make
that decision separately or at a midyear, or at any point. I'm worried that getting into this
commitment at this point, when I feel that there's enough vague wording and doubt that we could
potentially get a separate opinion, but I don't think we should allocate it for this. If we want to
set it aside until we get a legal opinion, we can make sure we don't spend it. But what is your
communication with the Manager? When you said flexible'bn this, what did he mean? He
doesn't need it this year, he said?
Mr. Walker: The Manager said that he was flexible. I went to him with various projects that we
were looking at and told him -- and this is before my meeting with Board Member Carollo.
Chair Russell: Yep.
Mr. Walker: And both of our main concern -- because Board Member Carollo had expressed to
us some of his desire to bring that money to the park --
Chair Russell: Yep.
Mr. Walker: -- and so, he basically said, Well, you know, I'll be flexible, but you have to make
sure that Commissioner Carollo's onboard,'and that's basically what happened, so.
Chair Russell: And I could understand his concerns. If this park is left in its current state, it's
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not meeting its full potential. I'll tell you, I -- in my heart, what we have the ability to do here is
not improve paddle -boarding access to the water, and that's something I should really care
about, because I have a paddleboard business. I will find the ways for us to do that, because I
think it's a great thing to do, especially FEC slip and the museum, and everything. I just really
want us to have the highest reputation of spending; that every dollar we allocate goes toward
elimination of slum and blight, improving the quality of life, keeping people in their homes,
removing the potential for displacement. One of the new things we were looking to invest in --
and it's in this budget, and I appreciate that you all have moved already to accept this budget, as
is -- is Guitars Over Guns. It's a not -for -profit that's putting together a homeless choir in
Camillus House, and they're going to move it to here, at Chapman, I hope, as well. They're
getting kids off the street, instead of getting into gangs and gun violence, they're learning music,
rap, poetry, piano, guitar. It's an amazing charity, and it's exactly, to my mind, something that
could be the mission of this, and the type of spending I'd like to see. Commissioner Suarez.
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair, a couple things: One, I respect your philosophy on where you
think the money should be spent and what you think it shouldn't be spent on, insofar as CRA
money being used in the park. You know, I -- you know, and I'm supportive of it, because we
had, I think, the last two years, if I'm not mistaken -- maybe my numbers are off a little bit --
somewhere north of $70 million in park impact fees generated in the City. I know we have over 8
million in unspent; at least, unspent park acquisition impact fee money. So I think, you know,
there are opportunities going forward, but I can tell you what a legal opinion, just to save your
breath -- I mean, if you want to get it, you might -- you're more than welcome to. I don't -- I
never would counsel you against getting it, but what it's going to tell you is, if -- I'm going to
give you the comfort or sort of a definitive answer, because that's just not what's going to
happen. And Barnaby sort of gave like a half smirk, but the truth of the matter is, after having
looked at it myself, this is a contract and, you know, they're going to say, if you litigate it, there's
a chance that -- you know -- a jury will feel that, you know, something was substantially
completed so we have some sort of obligation; but, clearly, the full amount -- the full 68 wasn't
done. I mean, that's a clear fact. So I think, you know, I think the best thing to do is for us to
have a conversation, you know, with the City Manager -- maybe a sunshine meeting, maybe, you
know, in a Commission meeting as a discussion item -- and say, Look, what are our plans for the
park?"Okay? We have some good ideas. I'm sure you have some good ideas. What are our
plans for the park? How are we going to pay for them? Let's come up with a plan to pay for
them and then let's"- By agreement, let's dissolve this obligation, because litigating this
obligation'L- you know, we may --
Chair Russell: (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
Vice Chair Suarez: Look, we may win, we may lose. I don't know. You know, it's going to take
time. It's going to prevent us from using the money that we want to use, anyways, you know,
because it's going to -- you're going to have some sort of fiduciary accounting duty, sort of like
we have in Overtown, where Miguel is asking us, I think on an FECI (Florida East Coast
Industries) matter to withhold a certain amount of money, because of some longstanding legal
dispute as to whether something is TIF revenue or not TIF revenue. So what'll end up happening
is, he's going to have no choice but to segregate this money, because it's a contingent liability,
because it's subject to some potential obligation, and we're never going to -- you know, it may
take years for us to unwind this. I think the best way to resolve this is to come together, have a
discussion. What do we want to do? What are some of the things we want to accomplish? And
there are -- How do we -- how are we going to pay for them? Because I agree with you. I think
we're -- there's going to be plenty of sources of funds --
Board Member Gort: Mr. Chairman.
Vice Chair Suarez: -- to pay for them, and then, you know, we just get -- come up to -- with a
settlement on that issue, and move on.
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Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes. Oh, I'm sorry; Commissioner Gort and then Commissioner Carollo.
Board Member Gort: My understanding, there's a lot of individuals that are interested in doing
something in that park. That could become sort of like a Central Park from New York for the
City of Miami. Now my question: Is there a plan already established that wants to be --?
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Board Member Gort: I know you -- the Trust is working in several plans and you have several
plans, but I think we can bring the City, we can bring DDA (Downtown Development Authority),
we can bring a lot of individuals that'll be interested in it once we have a plan.
Chair Russell: Thank you. Commissioner Carollo.
Board Member Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. So a lot's been said. So let's talk about
what Commissioner Gort has said. Okay, with regards to trees, I asked our executive director at
Bayfront Park, which manages our Museum Park at no cost to the City -- or to anyone, for that
matter -- to start looking into the purchase of trees and what would be the cost. So as far as
adding trees to the park, it's always our envision [sic] to add a lot more trees and shade. So we
have their numbers of what cost would be and so forth. So as far as plans, Commissioner Gort,
that you mentioned, we do have plans to do things of that sort; however, some may feel that the
City really short-changed -- the City or the Omni CRA really short-changed all the residents in
cutting the cost of what was actually going to be placed in that park from its original state --
from its state of slum and blight -- in a way that really hurt what should have been given to all
the residents of the City of Miami. So, for instance, do we look into updating the original Cooper
Robinson plan and see if we still do some of those original intended plans, like the underground
garage, the water features and some of that? I could tell you that from our perspective, and now
being, you know, the Chairman of Bayfront Park for numerous years, we would have issues with
some of the things that were originally proposed, only because of the maintenance and what can
actually be done or not; sea level rise; the water features, you have to go underneath the water,
and stuff of that magnitude. However, that's something that can be explored in the future. But
what we're doing -- or what at least we were looking at, some of the things that I know for a fact
the residents have asked for: the dog park feature, the playground; the water feature, which is,
you know, the floating dock, so you could actually access for once, access the water; which,
again, something the residents want. So that's what we're trying to do as of right now;
overlooking at least the start. And you know what? Where I guess my position is, let's give these
$2 million and then let the lawyers fight it out for the rest. I do want to point out, you know,
although I welcome the Manager's participation, and I'm glad that Mr. Walker's saying that he's
flexible, the bottom line is, we are the decision makers, you know. It's us here; we're the ones
who make the determination what's going to happen; other than, yes, the legal opinions.
Mr. Walker: Mr. Chairman -- I'm sorry. Mr. Chairman, I just thought of this right now, and
maybe it's a compromise, because of what the Chairman said in the beginning: If we can --
because we don't want to, you know, give in already, before we get the legal opinion. So if we
can, Commissioner Carollo -- this is just a thought -- take the $2 million, and instead of
approving that as a transfer for Museum Park, we approve it as a part of our reserve. In our
reserve right now, we have 2 million in reserve. We just add 2 million into the reserve to -- an
additional 2 million to make it 4, with the understanding that however it gets resolved, that 2
million is --
Vice Chair Suarez: Designated.
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Mr. Walker: -- designated for --
Vice Chair Suarez: A resolution of this issue.
Mr. Walker: -- a resolution of the -- we won't touch it, we won't -- you know, we won't come back
and ask for it; it's just sitting there. But at least, when they give us a legal opinion, they won't
have our -- let's say our payment already in place by saying, Look, well, you already paid it, so
you obviously must agree with it. "But if we put it into the reserve, then it's set aside for whatever
the resolution may be after we get this legal opinion; or whatever money the Chairman can come
up with from park impact fees to satisfy the needs of the Bayfront Park. I just thought of it right
now, and it's just a suggestion that we can do, which is to take the 2 million, put it aside, and put
it into reserve.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Carollo: It's not necessarily the need to the Bayfront Park. I mean, with no
fundings, whatsoever, from the City -- or from the Omni CRA, for that matter -- we have been
managing Museum Park. So it's not necessarily for the need of Bayfront Park; it's actually for
the residents. And what I would not want to see is that money being reserved for months after
months, year after year; and in the meantime, you know, we have a park that we can make it, you
know, substantially better in the meantime. So, again, what I was hoping we would do is pass
this budget, where it has $2 million going towards the park, and then we'll figure out, with all the
legal langering [sic] and so forth, what'll happen in the future if the -- if this, you know, contract
can be broken or not, or what, because it's part of a bigger, you know, contract. But anyways,
that's what I was hoping we would do, because, in the meantime, the only one who's going to
suffer are the residents that aren't going to receive, you know, a better quality park.
Chair Russell: Or the residents on this side of the Omni, who aren't going to get any of it.
Board Member Carollo: I --
Vice Chair Suarez: And by the way, I mean, there's a lot of other funding sources. I mean, I
don't know how much a floating dock is going to cost. I don't know if you have a cost estimate
on that.
Board Member Carollo: I already mentioned the 225. But we're --
Vice Chair Suarez: 225,000?
Board Member Carollo: Yes.
Vice Chair Suarez: I mean --
Unidentified Speaker: (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah. I mean, $225,000 is not a lot of money in the grand scheme of things.
There's a million ways that we can pay for it. I think the executive director's compromise, I think
it's a good compromise, so we don't have like a little short on it -- OK Corral'here. You know,
you guys will have good positions. I understand where you're coming from. I understand where
he's coming from. Let's pass the budget, subject to putting the monies in reserve, subject to this
dispute being resolved in some form or fashion, and let's move on. It's the last item on your --
Chair Russell: Yes, because if we don't get a legal opinion, if I'm not mistaken, the Manager
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actually doesn't have the right to give up the request. If, in his mind, it's contractually obligated,
he can't say, out of the goodness of his heart, because if it's --
Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah.
Chair Russell: -- dedicated to the City --
Vice Chair Suarez: He can't, exactly.
Chair Russell: -- we would need a legal opinion.
Mr. Walker: No, he would -- What was suggested was that he would go back to the City
Commission and the Board of Directors of the Omni. And because this is -- this particular
agreement is only between the City and the CRA, that we would sign a separate interlocal --
Vice Chair Suarez: Right.
Mr. Walker: Now, we do not -- On that paragraph.
Vice Chair Suarez: That makes total sense.
Mr. Walker: -- between the Omni CRA and the City.
Chair Russell: Yeah.
Vice Chair Suarez: Makes sense.
Board Member Gort: There's only one issue. The development with the museum, was it part of
landscaping? Has it been finished or --? I mean, the museum are not finished, and Miami -Dade
County is very much involved in it --
Board Member Carollo: Separate --
Board Member Gort: -- with the financing.
Board Member Carollo: Museum Park is separate from the Science Museum. They're different
Vice Chair Suarez: We have --
Board Member Carollo: -- parcels.
Vice Chair Suarez: -- two issues here. Issue number one is whether or not we're obligated as a
CR -- now we're going to -- acting as a Board -- whether or not we're obligated to provide the
$34 million, when it's clear the City did not provide the other $34 million. So I think that's a
pretty clear answer, but -- I'm not so sure a legal opinion is going to make you feel better about
it, but I know where I would stand on that issue. That's a pretty clear issue. The second issue is,
your broader concern, which is whether any money should be spent from the CRA on that park at
this point, because you feel that it's not curing slum and blight, and I think that's our -- that's a
different issue. And I think what you're saying is, Look, we can find other pots of money to
substitute potentially the investment right? -- which you feel are more appropriate. And I think
we should act collegiately, which we always have; we always get along. And let's put the money
aside, so we don't have to necessarily spend it at this particular juncture and everybody's happy,
and we resolve this issue, because, as you just said, we're going to be resolving it in another
capacity, as City Commissioners, most likely, acting in that capacity to try to resolve this issue,
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because that one paragraph -- I guess it's Paragraph D' - that's a paragraph that is really only
between -- the interlocal and the global agreement is really only between the City and the CRA.
So we can all -- we can -- and that's the best way to resolve it, by the way; litigating is not.
Chair Russell: No, I agree, but we get our legal opinion, then we sit down at the table --
Vice Chair Suarez: Okay.
Chair Russell: -- and start to come together with something. And, certainly -- and I know you're
on the right side of this, Commissioner Carollo, because I know that you, in the past, have
spoken many times about CRAs and their objectives, and their expenditures; and I know, from
your background, you watch the numbers very carefully. I know where you're coming from on
this: that a commitment is a commitment.
Board Member Carollo: Museum Park was short-changed. Museum Park was short-changed.
The residents were short-changed. And what I'm saying is -- Listen, I'm not saying bring them
all the way back to that $68 million plan; I'm not saying that. But the residents were
short-changed Museum Park was short-changed --
Chair Russell: I --
Board Member Carollo: -- so what I'm saying is, at least bring it to a point that, with very little
money -- yes, 225,000 for the floating dock, but it's not just that, you know. It's the playground,
it's the trees, it's -- you know, which $2 million would come a long --
Chair Russell: Right.
Board Member Carollo: -- long ways.
Chair Russell: We have it; we have money available for trees. And in my personal opinion -- So
there was a -- the Omni put a dog park in Margaret Pace Park a couple years ago, and to -- in
my personal opinion, that was a mistake. You have a beautiful park there. Was it improved by
giving a dog park? Was it a nice amenity to some very well-to-do residents on the waterfront?
Absolutely. Is that the mission of the CRA? Absolutely not. And I'll be damned if we're going to
put another fancy, expensive dog park in another park. I mean --
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: -- I want us to do the right stuff with this money.
Board Member Carollo: Chairman Russell, I can assure you, it is not a fancy, you know, all-out
dog park, no. It's what the residents --
Chair Russell: I would like a fancy dog park there; just not with this money.
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Board Member Carollo: Well, I'm telling you, we're not looking at a fancy dog park, but it is
what your residents wanted.
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: Yes, sir.
Vice Chair Suarez: I think both residents were short-changed. You know, the residents in front of
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the park were short-changed. The residents of the Omni CRA have been short-changed from the
perspective of not having sufficient affordable housing. You know, we dedicated in one year to
Regatta Park -- I forget how much in park impact fees. It was one year -- it was two years ago.
And we dedicated, just alone, like $18 million in one year of park impact fees. And, again, we've
generated, I think, like $70 million in the last couple of years, or more. So what I'm saying is,
you know, there's really no reason -- I mean, there are some things that we can do, but there are
plenty of sources of funds that we can -- that we have available to do the things that we need to
do so that things don't get left out, like the floating dock; we have the trees that can be purchased
with the Tree Trust, but, I mean, there are funds available to do all those things while we resolve
this issue. We shouldn't short-change the residents of downtown, certainly; and I think we can
make them whole, in a way that hasn't happened, through collaboration with all of us.
Chair Russell: So I would entertain an amendment, if there is one --
Vice Chair Suarez: I'll make the amendment.
Board Member Carollo: Before you do, Mr. Chairman, something that I had mentioned before:
I want to make sure that, if you're really that passionate that we open -- that we look at all -- and
explore all different avenues; in other words, are there assets that the City -- that the Omni owns
that realistically can be put up for sale?
Vice Chair Suarez: There's several. Several.
Board Member Carollo: And which are they? And let's bring it to this Board so we could
discuss it.
Chair Russell: You're talking movie theaters?
Vice Chair Suarez: He's talking -- he's talking -- the building that they're in. I mean, there's a
bunch of them.
Board Member Carollo: I'm open.
Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah.
Board Member Carollo: I'm open.
Chair Russell: That could generate enough.
Vice Chair Suarez: Of course, it can. I'm open to it, too.
Board Member Carollo: Again, you know -- but again, the only point that I'm bringing is, don't
short-change Museum Park.
Chair Russell: You bet. Those are my constituents.
Board Member Carollo: Do not short-change --
Chair Russell: I guarantee --
Board Member Carollo: -- Museum Park.
Chair Russell: -- if the -- as their Commissioner, I am dedicated to them. As the Chairman of
the CRA, I am dedicated to the residents who are in need in the CRA.
Board Member Carollo: Okay. So I'm at least showing my perspective of different ways that you
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could bring in more monies to do what you need to do, but what I'm saying is, don't short-change
Museum Park, because, realistically, all these years, I thought -- I really thought that they were
short-changed; matter of fact, that's why you saw me continuously -- And listen, you think it's
easy for me to vote against a budget where a fellow Commissioner is the Chairman? You know,
it's -- no, it's not easy, you know. But, really, I thought the monies were going to places where it
shouldn't be going. When -- and when you look at something like Museum Park that,
realistically, I mean, let's do now the museums and what it could be. You know, realistically,
what I'm saying is, do not short-change Museum Park.
Chair Russell: And you have my commitment that we will get it there.
Board Member Carollo: And not two or three years from now. I think it should be now. I mean,
we're ready to move forward with plans.
Mr. Walker: Agreed.
Board Member Carollo: So, you know, and that's why, again, I'm very hesitant of putting this
money into reserves, but I'm not -- I'm still not onboard with that. I think, you know, for too
many years -- you know.
Chair Russell: I think, short of our legal opinion, that we put ourselves in a very weak position if
we do make this first payment with regard to this agreement.
Board Member Carollo: I agree.
Vice Chair Suarez: Totally agree.
Chair Russell: We lose a lot of leverage to --
Vice Chair Suarez: Possession is 9/10ths of the law.
Chair Russell: -- then say, the next 30 million that we won't owe it, and then, we've really done
ourselves and this neighborhood a very disservice.
Board Member Carollo: So let -- if I may. First of all, I'm going to want our attorney here to
chime in on whether we put ourselves in a -- as a Board, the Omni CRA puts ourselves in a worse
situation. But with that said, I mean, I don't think -- in my opinion, I don't think that you would
want to do these improvements to Museum Park because you have to, but rather that you would
want to, because, again, if you don't think that Museum Park was short-changed and the
residents were short-changed, I mean --
Chair Russell: I'm with you. And so, if the Omni were to spend even up to $2 million in Museum
Park, I would want it done because we want to; not because of this agreement, because I think
this agreement is flawed, and I think we should try to get out of it, and then we make our own
decision on how to spend that money. And if we believe that's where it should be spent, that's
where we spend it. But the reserves actually doesn't take away from, you the potential of what
you'd like to accomplish. Even at our very next meeting, we could allocate, on Jason's
recommendation, exactly to what you're pointing toward. And you can bet over that next month,
I will be scrambling as the district Commissioner to find those funds to do it in another way. The
end result for you, I believe, is that it gets done. And if it gets done and the funds are spent
appropriately in the -- most importantly, I think it's a win for everybody; and then, Jason will
have the -- an extra $2 million a year to do amazing things where it's most needed. But I'm not
going to short-change the residents of Museum Park.
Vice Chair Suarez: I'm willing to amend the -- but it's his motion, so I can't amend his motion.
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He can either amend it or we can vote on it and --
Board Member Gort: Make an amendment.
Vice Chair Suarez: Huh? Yeah. I mean, I suggested, but I don't know if he's going to accept it.
Board Member Carollo: I'd like to hear from Mr. Min regarding the position of --
Mr. Min: Unfortunately, Commissioner, on this particular issue, I have to wear the City of
Miami hat, which is why I am not in a position to give a legal opinion on this particular issue on
behalf of the CRA. And I do need direction from the Board. I believe one of the reasons Mr.
Walker has not retained outside counsel is because we've been working cordially with the City
Manager in trying to reach a mutual agreement, without the need for additional lawyers
involved. But if the desire is for the Board to retain outside counsel, I will do so.
Chair Russell: Would you agree and can you make an opinion on if you make a payment on a --
Vice Chair Suarez: He's not going to be able to make it.
Chair Russell: -- an alleged debt that actually implies consent to that debt?
Mr. Min: That is a legal theory; yes, sir.
Chair Russell: For that reason, I think very much, until we get that outside legal opinion, we
should not allocate this money for that specific purpose, but I'm very open to setting it aside so
that it's not spent on anything else until we come to a further decision. But we need to work with
the will of this Board. We have a motion on the floor. If carried through as is, I will vote against
the budget, which is crazy, because I really want this budget to pass. I'm really willing to set that
money aside, and I'm dedicating to you that I will find the money to improve Museum Park to
levels of your satisfaction and that of the residents around it.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes, sir.
Board Member Carollo: You know, I'm in a tough position and I'll tell you why. Because for
many years, I have sat there, voting on this budget, because of the monies that were actually
going for what you're saying shouldn't be going for. So now that, finally, it's set aside for
something that I really believed in, where by -- like I've stipulated -- I think Museum Park and
the residents got short-changed now or saying, Well, let's put it in reserves. "And I'm saying, Well,
how much longer do we have to wait? "I mean, you know, so I'm in a tough position, because I
don't want to vote against this budget. I don't want to pull my motion on this budget, because
from -- you know, speaking with our executive director, you know, I let him know, Hey, I'm good
with this budget, 'you know. Hopefully, it should be quick. And nothing in the City, nothing is
ever quick, necessarily easy. So, again, I just want to hold firm that, yes, that money should go
to Museum Park.
Unidentified Speaker: (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
Board Member Carollo: Because it's been too many years, and I want to hold firm on that.
Chair Russell: As the Commissioner of the district where Museum Park is, and all of those
residents around there, even the ones that are -- technically, the residents facing Museum Park
are all in the Overtown CRA; they're not in the Omni CRA, but they are my constituents. And in
the nine months that I've been in office, I don't believe I've received a single complaint about the
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quality of Museum Park. I'm looking at my chief of staff to tell me I'm wrong. I have not
received one complaint from a resident, a business owner, a constituent, a condo homeowners
association, but I agree with you that it is short-changed. I don't know where the voice is, but
why they haven't contacted their Commissioner to say, Make this better and do it right"- but I
want to say again, I agree with you, it needs improvement.
Board Member Carollo: Well, that's twofold. Number one is because of the great work that the
Museum Park Management Trust does managing that park, so that's number one.
Chair Russell: With what is there, it is absolutely beautiful, it's true. But is it lacking in
amenities? You bet.
Board Member Carollo: Yes. And I could tell you, I've spoken to your residents; it really is. And
the amenities that I'm mentioning isn't grandiose, isn't luxurious, you know, but it's basic; you
know, playgrounds for a kid.
Chair Russell: Agreed.
Board Member Carollo: Dog park. And, you know, I told Mr. Walker that in the future, we'll do
a sunshine meeting so you could see some of these locations, because we've already panned it
out and looked at it, and stuff like that. But I can very much tell you, yes, they're not calling to
complain, because, yes, the park is still -- you know, I think it's still very nice, even though some
will argue against me, and they have argued against me that the park is not very nice. But with
that said, I also believe that, you know, we do provide very, very good services --
Vice Chair Suarez: True.
Board Member Carollo: -- to the park.
Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah. And I think there should be a broader conversation, to be completely
honest with you, because we have a lot of parks that have dog parks. We have a lot of parks that
have children's playgrounds. Bayfront Park, just on the other side, has a children's playground.
Many parks have dog parks. Not many parks are just passive parks. Also, I've gotten a lot of
constituents in my district and in other districts that talk about a need for passive parks. And
one of the biggest issues and one of the biggest deficiencies of the plan that was never built was
there's not sufficient parking; in other words, you know, you take your life in your hands if you're
a condo owner and you have to cross Biscayne; or, you know, there's a very small parking lot to
actually go and actually enjoy the park. So there was going to be an -- essentially, a submerged
parking garage, which was going to be bermed over, and it was going to be -- it wasn't going to
infringe on the size of the park, and that never got built. So that is a huge issue, because you
could have a lot more people and increase the use of the park, just simply because more people
can go to the park. How many of our parks -- your parks are overflowing, and one of the biggest
issues in the parks -- and in my parks, and I'm sure in your parks -- is the lack of parking, the
lack of ability to actually access the park. So it's not so much of a lack of amenities; although, I
do agree with some of the amenities that he's talked about. I do think we should have a broader
conversation on whether there should be like -- because once you start putting a dog park and a
child playground, and then, all of a sudden -- it's not a huge parcel, either. So now, it's the one
parcel where you have a waterfront park, and it's a beautiful park, and more trees is probably
good for the park, but I don't know that you want to stack it up with a variety of other things,
because then, it loses its passivity, which I think, to me, is one of the most charming aspects of
the park,- that it's just open green space, which is not something that we have --
Chair Russell: Rare.
Vice Chair Suarez: -- it's rare, you know, in our --
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Chair Russell: I can see what -- Commissioner Carollo is not asking to make the thing
chop -the -block --
Board Member Carollo: No, I'm not.
Chair Russell: -- but he's -- there's basic amenities that are missing. He's absolutely right. I
will absolutely make sure that they're put in there.
Board Member Carollo: And by the way, as far as not being a big park, that's somewhat a little
bruising to me, because you could put all the parks in District 3 inside Museum Park and still
have a long, long way to go. So I -- you know, Little Havana's really, really lacking in park
space. So -- but anyhow, with that said, listen, Commissioner, I'm willing to accept the
amendment and put it in the reserves; however, within the next month or so, I really want to have
some type of --
Vice Chair Suarez: Resolution.
Board Member Carollo: -- resolution to this; at the very least, for these initial $2 million,
because I could tell you, these initial $2 million will go a very, very long ways. And you're
talking to the Chairman of Bayfront Park that has managed Museum Park, and we have done it
putting in capital to both sides, Bayfront and Museum Park; and we have done it, maintaining
both parks, without any fundings [sic], whatsoever, from the City of Miami; you know that. I
think your residents will tell you we've done a very good job. I'll tell you, there are one or two
residents that may have a complaint. I often wonder if that one or two is really legit. But
anyways, with that said, you know, I'm willing to make the amendment to put into reserves;
however, within the next month --
Vice Chair Suarez: I acceptt.
Board Member Carollo: -- I really want to make sure that we --
Chair Russell: I sincerely appreciate that, because I really can see how passionate you are
about this, and I will do my best to work not only on this end of it, in the legal side of it and with
the global agreement, but also on my side, as a next -door neighbor Commissioner.
Board Member Carollo: Commissioner Russell, I can tell you, we could do so much better; just
with those $2 million, we could do so much there. And realistically, it will go a long, long ways,
and that's why I'm passionate about it.
Chair Russell: If we move another Ultra in, can we get a second Ultra in? I'm kidding.
Board Member Carollo: I will not recommend to get another Ultra there. I think you will have a
lot of residents that will be upset. It has -- that -- by the way, that's something that I have been
very passionate about; that the participants in Ultra do not encroach into Museum Park.
Chair Russell: We have a motion, we have a second, we have an amendment. Barnaby, are you
clear on the amendment?
Mr. Min: Yes; although, again, I just need clarification. Do you want us to engage outside
counsel to give a legal opinion, or do you also want them to potentially renegotiate --?
Chair Russell: Do you need that as a second directive, a second motion?
Vice Chair Suarez: No, I second the motion.
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Mr. Walker: Mr. Chairman, I -- my opinion would be that we hold out on the outside counsel
until you and Commissioner Carollo have a chance to talk. I've spoken with the Manager --
Vice Chair Suarez: Have a sunshine meeting.
Mr. Walker: -- and a sunshine meeting.
Vice Chair Suarez: Right.
Mr. Walker: I spoke with the Manager. We can invite him to the sunshine meeting. I think we
can solve this issue.
Chair Russell: You're worried that outside counsel shows an aggressive stance.
Mr. Walker: I don't --
Chair Russell: I don't think it has to, honestly; depends on what they say and what they fund.
But I think to actually have them just start studying the global agreement --
Chair Russell: -- and the Manager knows where we're coming from on this.
Mr. Walker: Yeah.
Chair Russell: He's heard this side of it, so it wouldn't be an aggressive posturing, I don't think,
but that's up to the will of this Board. I would be in favor of at least seeking that legal opinion. I
would have done it from Barnaby, but knowing that he can't, the conflict, this is -- you know,
we're filing something. We're not -- we're moving -- not moving aggressively. We just need an
interpretation that will even allow the Manager to allow us out of it, if you -- if he so wills. But
you're right, we have some ground to cover in our sunshine meetings, and we'll do so. What do
you guys think about the legal opinion? That's where I am on it.
Vice Chair Suarez: I have no problem with it.
Board Member Carollo: I will vote against a legal opinion.
Chair Russell: Okay. Commissioner Gort.
Board Member Gort: I think we could probably get someone pro bono you can talk to. They can
look at it, can give you an idea before you hire anyone else. I think --
Mr. Min: We've spoken with some attorneys who have given very reasonable rates. I will try and
negotiate for even lower rates, if that's the desire of the Board.
Chair Russell: But you're saying an unofficial glance at it.
Board Member Gort: Right. We have a lot of individual that willing to look at it, and we have a
lot of connections; people who we can ask them, Look at this. What do you think?"
Chair Russell: All right.
Board Member Gort: And then from there, we can go on.
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Vice Chair Suarez: It's not going to be that expensive, and it may not give you the comfort that
you want.
Chair Russell: Right.
Board Member Gort: No, but it'll give you an idea.
Chair Russell: There's no urgency on this.
Board Member Gort: Right.
Chair Russell: And I feel -- I smell the will of two to two here on that, so I'm going to leave that
alone, and let's see if we can pass our budget, as is, with the amendment of the reserve portion.
Is there any other part of the budget that anyone has a comment on?
Board Member Carollo: Yeah. I just want to mention, it is on the reserve, pending whatever
outcome, but it's still -- as of right now, it's in the reserves, pending whatever outcomes, so it
should be going to Museum Park, pending the outcome. So, again, it's locked in.
Mr. Walker: Right.
Chair Russell: It can't be used for anything else --
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: -- until we make a decision on this as a Board.
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: Agreed. Is there any public commentary on the budget as a whole, which would
include everything -- I don't know if it's been publicly accessible, the budget. Mr. Walker --
Mr. Walker: Right.
Chair Russell: -- has the public had access to see the budget to make commentary on it?
Mr. Walker: Umm --
Chair Russell: Been in our agenda, that's been noticed?
Mr. Walker: Yes, yes.
Chair Russell: Does anyone have any questions? Would anyone like any more specifics on the
budget, any of the other initiatives, or how it's spent?
Mr. Walker: I would just like to -- oh, okay.
Chair Russell: Please feel free to approach and just -- name, address and --
Mark Lesniak: Mark Lesniak, 133 Northeast 2nd Avenue. I really just want to thank you guys
for the meeting, but to speak to Mr. -- Commissioner Carollo's point, and a lot of those residents
-- and I agree, you guys are doing a great job with what you've been handling with Museum
Park. I see it every day getting better. A lot of those same residents that are complaining and
want -- like the -- you get it repaved and stuff like that -- they are, I mean, friends of mine. I go
to Museum Park all the time, and I talk to those same residents, and when I explain to them that
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the money from the CRA is coming out of the pockets from West Omni, they change their tune a
lot. A lot of them will say, Well, then let's find another place to get the money. "So I feel like we
all agree that we need to get those things done, you know. And I'll volunteer as much time as
you -- I'll stop by and I'll help out, you know. I mean, you know me. I'm committed to this stuff.
I want Miami to be the marquee, wonderful place that it is and should be. And -- but a lot of the
same residents, when they understand exactly where that money's going to come from, they go,
Oh, you know what? No. That money should stay there. Let's find another solution, 'and they
just don't necessarily understand, and it's complicated stuff. So to the extent that we can get it
done from other places pretty easily, I think we should do that. I mean, it's -- you know, we can
cobble it together from other places pretty easily -- pretty quickly, I think. So I just put that out
there for you guys to discuss when you meet.
Chair Russell: Thank you. Any other comments on the budget? Hearing none, any further
comments from the Board? All in favor, say bye."
The Board (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Russell: Any opposed?
Vice Chair Suarez: No.
Chair Russell: Motion passes. No? Did you say, lio?
Vice Chair Suarez: I said, No other comments."
Chair Russell: Got it.
Chair Russell: Jason, prior to adjournment, did you want to --?
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): I would just like
to give the Board some update of what we've been doing the past four months. This is our
roadmap forward, the budget, and some of the things that you all have approved is: Number
one, there's a home rehab program that we're going to bring back to you to approve; a home
rehab program that you guys will have to approve, but it's in the budget, and that will be
focusing on the homes that are in Overtown, west of the tracks. Residents and building owners
will be able to access this money to do facade improvement to their homes, and to deal with any
Code Enforcement issues within their property. Also, we're looking at trying to set up a
$900,000 now business incentive program for businesses that are coming into the Omni area,
similar to what the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County offers in terms of you know, bringing
more businesses to the area. There are a lot of people that want to come, but they -- no one
wants to be the first. We're also working with the Miami Parking Authority in looking at --
parking is a big issue, so we've been working with the Parking Authority and Miami -Dade
County Public Schools to come up with a short-term and long-term parking solution. There are
businesses that want to come in, but they don't have parking. So we've reached out to the County
School Board. We're working with Lisa Martinez to do a temporary lease on two parking --
surface parking spaces that the Miami -Dade School Board owns, and that's going pretty
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successful so far. Also, what you've approved in this budget is an expansion of the Green Shirt --
not the Green Shirt -- the Yellow Shirt Team that the DDA (Downtown Development Authority)
has; and the Purple Shirt, I think is in -- the Purple Shirt will be us, but it's a cleanup team, a
crew that will be focused on the Overtown and also the Media and Entertainment District. You
approved that in this budget, as well. We'll be contracting with the DDA for that stuff. One of
the things that you also should know is that also within this budget was a new item, which was
almost $80, 000 for insurance. The big film studio that we're talking about that we've spent so
much money on, we realized we haven't found any proof that we have insurance on it, so we've
been looking for insurance. We have a meeting this --
Chair Russell: 80,000 a year?
Mr. Walker: Yeah.
Chair Russell: To insure that movie studio?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir. So we're looking at insurance companies to do that. We'll bring that back
to you once we have the quotes.
Board Member Gort: Are we -- insures the equipment inside the --?
Mr. Walker: The building itself --
Board Member Gort: Right.
Mr. Walker: -- and the liability for what happens with -- inside the building; not the equipment.
The equipment, the lease --
Board Member Gort: But doesn't the lessor has the --?
Mr. Walker: For the equipment inside the building, but not the actual physical building.
Chair Russell: I -- you know --
Vice Chair Suarez: That's kind of high.
Chair Russell: -- what was the -- there was a very new idea, but brought up of the potential to
sell that movie studio, and that's something I really want to explore, because the way that lease is
written on that movie studio, ifI understand right, we lease to EUE/Screen Gems.
Mr. Walker: Yes.
Chair Russell: And we get a fee and a percentage of their profit.
Mr. Walker: Yes.
Chair Russell: And they're not making movies.
Mr. Walker: No.
Chair Russell: They're sub -leasing to Viacom Studios.
Mr. Walker: Yes.
Chair Russell: And Viacom Studies could make the next Star Wars or Titanic, get a billion
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dollars, and we do not get a percentage of that profit.
Mr. Walker: Right now, currently, we're doing $100,000 a year in base rent.
Chair Russell: And now, we have to pay 80,000 of that to insurance.
Mr. Walker: Yes; not only that, but there's also an issue with taxes that I'll talk to you about.
There was some discrepancy in terms of what they thought they were going to have to pay in
taxes. It's come out to almost two to three times more than that, so that's an issue, but we have to
pay it, and they have to reimburse us for those taxes.
Chair Russell: Clearly, we're not very savvy movie producers. I think we need to get out of that
business and get into the business of eliminating slum and blight.
Mr. Walker: Yes. So we're dealing with that issue, as well. There was an issue that was
contemplated in the -- I'm not a big fan of mural and billboards, but this keeps popping up,
because this was an issue that was contemplated in the contract to use part of the building for a
mural to bring in extra revenue. That's something that is on Barnaby's list of things to do. He
contacts us once a month, What are we doing with this? "So that's something for the Board to
contemplate. I personally will not be an advocate for it, but if that's --
Chair Russell: Putting up murals on the side of the movie studio to make money?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: Wouldn't that be technically increasing blight?
Mr. Walker: Like I said, I would -- I'm not advocating for it, but if that's something that the
Board wants to do, that has --
Chair Russell: How much revenue would we make from that if they put those billboards up?
Mr. Walker: Bert?
H. Bert Gonzalez: (UNINTELLIGIBLE).
Chair Russell: A year?
Mr. Walker: A year.
Chair Russell: So it's nothing to sneeze at, for sure, but it's a policy decision that we need to --
Mr. Walker: Yes.
Chair Russell: -- look into.
Mr. Walker: And Barnaby's ready to pull the trigger, but we've put him on hold until you guys
have the opportunity to --
Chair Russell: I'm sure it would increase the value of the sale of that building.
Mr. Walker: Yeah.
Board Member Gort: Half a million, yes.
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OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes September 13, 2016
Chair Russell: Yeah.
Board Member Gort: That would increase the value of the building.
Mr. Walker: The other thing that we're working on is we -- a part of the revised agreement with
PAMM (Perez Art Museum Miami) is to open up what we call a pop-up art park on three FDOT
(Florida Department of Transportation) properties that surround -- or are acjacent to 1-395.
This would be temporary parks with art installations, and also, some type of activity to activate
the park. We put aside -- not the whole entire 750,000, but we've put inside this budget 750,000
for those type of efforts within the area. And my -- and the Perez Art Museum has also
committed an additional 150, 000. I wish I would have had a timeline of how we're going to get
there, but that meeting is not until Thursday at 2, so I could --
Chair Russell: This is a great idea. It's going to be beautiful. The PAMM has commissioned an
artist who is going to take all the chain link fence from around these blighted empty lots and
create a sculpture from that chain link fence, and then we're going to activate it with -- who
knows what --
Board Member Gort: Great idea.
Chair Russell: -- from garlands to active space to --
Board Member Gort: Let me ask you a question. We have all the empty spaces underneath the
1-95 and the State's -- have you talked to them and see if we can use them for parking?
Mr. Walker: Right now they -- those spaces are actually contracted to Miami Parking Authority,
and they can be used for parking. As a matter of fact, our studio is in talks with Miami Parking
Authority to use that parking for some of their events. Unfortunately, the places that we're trying
to help out, they're far away from --
Board Member Gort: Too far away.
Mr. Walker: -- that space to have an impact; but, yes, they've -- and actually, how we're -- we'll
structure the deal with FDOT for this temporary parking is through Miami Parking Authority. It
cuts down on the bureaucracy, because they already have an existing contract. They would just
extend that to these three properties, but we would be the funding agency as far as that. But
we're looking at other properties, as well, in the district to activate. Whether -- I don't know if
any of you have had the opportunity to go to Miami Flea, but there are certain events that we'd
like to continue and further promote, and create new events for the area to start bringing people
back to the neighborhood. Also, as I explained earlier in a meeting, there -- we've been working
on two or three -- possibly four -- big affordable, high impact affordable -- well, what --
accessible housing,'7 guess, is the word that people want to use now -- accessible housing
projects within the area; I think they're possible. We have one right now that we've already
submitted to the City for their approval, so that they can bring -- to transfer the land to us. We've
been in talks with the City Manager about the Temple Israel site as a possibility for a potential
development; but, again, we need the money in order to do this stuff. But these are the projects
that we're baking, and hopefully, within the next couple of months, we'll bring -- we'll be able to
bring them back to you for your approval.
Chair Russell: That's great. Well, thank you very much. And thank you all for coming tonight.
We'll adjourn this meeting. This is our first time here at Chapman, and I think it was a big
success. So I really hope that you let other neighbors know as these come on new agendas, to
come and have their voices heard, and let us know how we should be spending this money. So
thank you very much, everybody. Have a good night.
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OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes September 13, 2016
The meeting adjourned at 7: 47 p.m.
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