HomeMy WebLinkAboutOMNI CRA 2016-05-26 MinutesCity of Miami
City Hall
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 26, 2016
12:00 PM
Miami City Hall
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Ken Russell, Chair
Francis Suarez, Vice Chair
Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Commissioner
Frank Carollo, Commissioner
Keon Hardemon, Commissioner
1401 N. Miami Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami 33136
Phone: (305) 679-6868
OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency
Meeting Minutes May 26, 2016
Present: Vice Chair Suarez, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Gort, Commissioner
Hardemon and Chair Russell
On the 26th day of May 2016, the Board of Commissioners of the OMNI Community
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan
American Drive, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Russell at 4: 06 p.m.,
and was adjourned at 4: 59 p.m.
Note for the Record: Vice Chair Suarez entered the Commission chamber at 4: 06 p.m., and
Commissioner Gort entered the Commission chamber at 4: 07 p.m.
Jason Walker, Executive Director, CRA
Barnaby L. Min, Assistant General Counsel, CRA
Todd B. Hannon, Clerk of the Board
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16-00373 Report-OMNI External Audit for FY2015.pdf
Chair Russell: Sony, but we're in the meeting of the Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment
Agency). First item, we have a presentation of external audit report for fiscal year.
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Mr. Chairman,
the auditor had another meeting and he had to leave, so they won't be here today, but you have
the report in your agenda. They can come back at the next meeting, or meet with you
individually to discuss the audit.
Chair Russell: Thank you. There's no action on the item?
Mr. Walker: There's no action item, and it was a clean audit.
Chair Russell: Thank you, Mr. Executive Director.
Mr. Walker: You're welcome.
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16-00374 Legislation.pdf
16-00374 Backup.pdf
Motion by Vice -Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Carollo, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: Commissioner Gort, Vice Chair Suarez, Chair Russell, Commissioner Hardemon and
Commissioner Carollo
CRA-R-1 6-0027
Chair Russell: First resolution.
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): First resolution
is an amendment to the agreement with SFRTA (South Florida Regional Transportation
Authority), regarding the Tri-Rail connection. I believe this has gone before all of the funding
agencies, including the City of Miami. This is requiring a -- Basically, FDOT (Florida
Department of Transportation) backed out of the funding formula.
Vice Chair Suarez: Move it.
Board Member Carollo: Second.
Chair Russell: There's been a motion and a second. Mr. Director, if you'd just like to finish
explaining what it is really quickly?
Mr. Walker: Basically, it's a amendment to the SFRTA agreement for the Tri-Rail connection,
substituting FDOT for -- what's the name of the organization?
Vice Chair Suarez: SFRTA.
Mr. Walker: SFRTA.
Board Member Carollo: SFRTA.
Mr. Walker: And also changing the payments from an annual payment to a monthly payment.
And we've budgeted 1.8 million from this year's budget and 1.8 million from next year's budget.
Chair Russell: So the amendment won't change any of the commitment from the CRA
(Community Redevelopment Agency) or anything like that?
Mr. Walker: No; only -- the only thing would change is that we would submit a monthly payment
instead of an annual payment.
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Chair Russell: Thank you. It's been moved' it's been seconded. Is there any discussion from the
public? We'll open for public discussion. Hearing none, we'll close public discussion. Any
discussion from the dais? No. Do we need a roll call on this?
Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): No, sir. You can call the question.
Chair Russell: Thank you. All in favor?
The Board (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes.
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16-00381 Exhibit.pdf
Motion by Board Member Carollo, seconded by Vice -Chair Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: Commissioner Gort, Vice Chair Suarez, Commissioner Hardemon and Commissioner
Noes: Chair Russell
Chair Russell: Item number 2.
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 2,
Mr. Chairman, is the amendment to the fiscal year '15/16 budget. There was a slight decrease
from the previous adopted budget in the City of Miami increment fiords. We've also made a
couple of changes in the budget reserve, where we've taken out 1.7 million in future capital
improvement projects that were not determined at the time, so we took that back and put it into
the reserve. We've also saved money on our lobbyists. We're not going to renew their contract as
of June 1. We'll wait a couple of months until session is actually -- or committees are actually
starting before we engage them. We've also cut back on the PR (public relations) firm, Wragg &
Casas, to save money there. Those are the basic highlights. And one of the other things that
we've done is, instead of reserving 100 percent of future debt payment, we've only reserved 50
percent, so that's created a reserve balance of nearly $3.7 million for now until September.
Chair Russell: Thank you. So everyone understands, these are some changes -- recommended
changes from the executive director --
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: -- to the original budget.
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Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: And we're voting on the amended budget, including these changes.
Mr. Walker: Yes. And if you'd like for me to go line by line -- I'm not sure what the will of the
Commission is, but we can go --
Chair Russell: Have you visited with each of the Commissioners on these items so they know
what --?
Mr. Walker: I visited with each of the Commissioners. One of the biggest changes is, we also
transferred $850, 000 in this new budget for the rehabilitation of the Dorsey Library to
supplement City of Miami funds for that.
Vice Chair Suarez: Move it.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Carollo: I was going to move it.
Vice Chair Suarez: Go ahead.
Board Member Carollo: I'll move it.
Vice Chair Suarez: 171 second it.
Board Member Carollo: And discussion. I think one of the areas that our executive director
failed to mention was also reductions in administrative expenses; those were also cuts that were
made. And I also want to mention that -- briefly -- there might be a future commitment that the
CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) has, regarding Museum Park. I don't think now is the
time to get into the details, but I just want to make sure of it. The executive director knows what
I'm speaking about, and I think it's something that will --
Chair Russell: It's not included in this budget, though, right?
Board Member Carollo: No, it is not, so that's why I'm mentioning it. It's not that I'm blind to it;
it's just that, once again, it's something that I think we could take up in the future, at a later date,
but with that said, you know, I move the item.
Vice Chair Suarez: I second the board member's motion.
Mr. Walker: Mr. Chairman, to piggyback on Commissioner Carollo, he's absolutely right. As
you all know, we received a letter from the City Manager's Office, regarding a $2 million a year
commitment that was made in the global agreement for public -- for capital improvements to
Museum Park going forward. There's $4 million in arrears that we're at right now. I've talked to
the City Manager. He's willing to work with us on a payment plan; and also, to develop a
project and a vision for what that money is to be used for. Because of those conversations, we're
going to deal with the debt and future payments in future budgets, starting in September.
Chair Russell: Well, we will need to discuss that, because I don't like surprises. And for sure --
for some reason, this hasn't been collected in years past, and suddenly, it's a bill we owe for
years past, correct?
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Mr. Walker: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: So we will need to discuss about that later, but that's not in this budget. It's been
moved; it's been seconded. I would like to offer an amendment, ifI may, with the gavel. Is that
Vice Chair Suarez: You can offer it, and we'll -- I mean, you can entertain it.
Chair Russell: Of the recommended changes, one of the changes that wasn't made was
regarding the -- a new grant to the PAMM (Perez Art Museum Miami) Museum, and I wanted to
open it up for discussion, rather than just putting it in as an assumption on the amended budget.
And so, my amendment would be to remove that from this budget. My opinion -- and I've been --
I haven't been shy about this from the days I was campaigning to the day I became the Chair of
the CRA -- we are tasked with eliminating slum and blight. We are capturing tax monies that
would otherwise go to the City and the County for services in the general fund, and our job is to
spend it to eliminate slum and blight. We had two things that are the smell test for me of what we
can spend money on: Does it generate TIF (Tax Increment Fund)? Will it create more money for
us to then attack slum and blight, or does that money actually attack slum and blight? Creating
a museum from scratch in a blighted area, absolutely, I think that's a worthy cause; creating a
park in a blighted area, absolutely, a worthy cause. Spending money to run an existing museum
or park, especially on the eastern side of the Omni CRA, where I think we are pretty much at
ihission accomplished'L- we have eliminated slum and blight on the eastern side of the Omni
CRA -- I don't think it's the correct expenditure. And ifI understand correctly, this was a
one-time grant that was given last year. This was not a continuing obligation; there was no
inference of a promise of continued obligation. And Mr. Executive Director, if you could tell us
what sorts of expenses that million dollars went toward, or were requested for, when it was to be
reimbursed. I'm a little curious as to what we, as a body that's tasked with eliminating slum and
blight, actually spent that money on. And I want to make sure everybody realizes this is not a
negative statement about the museum or that the museum should get support, but where it comes
from is important; where it comes from does matter. And because the CRA has a large pot of
money, so it seems, we're often the easy access for that money, but I think there are very clear
rules on how we are meant to spend or not spend that money. Mr. Bierman, I'll give you a
moment in just a second, for sure. You don't have to go line by line for the full million dollars,
but if you could give us some examples.
Mr. Walker: Examples would be -- I mean, there's a second Saturday/first Thursday event that
was supported through this grant. Also, there were --
Chair Russell: What is that?
Mr. Walker: It's basically a -- if you want to explain?
Board Member Carollo: Yeah. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Sirmans is here.
Franklin Sirmans: Hi. Franklin Sirmans, director of Perez Art Museum Miami. Thank you,
Chairman Russell; thank you, Commissioners; thank you, Jason Walker. That money that you're
talking about goes towards funding a variety of programs, and you mentioned a couple of them.
I'd like to point out a couple more, and I would just say that we're greatly appreciative of the past
funding, approved in 2014 and paid in 2015. We were informed we would get a second cycle of
funding -- a million dollars -- in September 2015, and approved and committed to our fiscal year
2016 budget, based on this information. One of those programs -- one of them, of the many that
I'm incredibly proud of, and I just -- I have to say, you know, thank you for the opportunity in this
context, because this is what we're here for; we're here for the City of Miami and its citizens.
PAMM in the Neighborhood is one of those programs. We serve 7,000 people through that
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program, and what it does is, it allows for us to have programs for youth that are in summer
camp, youth that are in youth programs that already exist; it allows for them to come to the
museum to be served freely; that is one of them. Another one that I'm particularly proud of right
now is our Brick by Brick Program, which serves specifically community residents who are not
so well off, those who cannot afford to come to the museum. It's a program that was just
recently, within the last month, recognized by the National Endowment of Humanities as one of
the most important programs for youth and art space learning in our country for the year 2015.
We're one of 50 honorees and nominations that have been put forward in that regard. We also
have free daily drop -in tours, and this is something that has been incredibly good for senior
citizens, in particular. We've run programs that are specifically around things like Alzheimer's,
where we have our docents, and there are about 40 different docents who are at the museum, and
there to serve whoever would like to have a specific tour around the museum. These are a few of
the ways; I could go on. There are about 10, 12 programs that have been funded by the money
from the CRA.
Chair Russell: Thank you very much. And I understand some of it goes to programming, but a
lot of it goes to marketing, as well, I understand, from the expenses: events, parties, DJs (disc
jockeys); these are all things that this money goes to. I don't want to give the false impression
that all of this money goes toward folks of poverty or folks of need, because I understand it's
helping the bottom line of the museum operate.
Mr. Sirmans: Yes, but it's going very specifically towards initiatives that are about our
surrounding community; all of those programs are about that. And the DJs that are there, are
there on those evenings when we are free; not other times. So it's very specifically tied to making
sure people in our community can come into the museum for free at that time.
Chair Russell: I'm very appreciative and sensitive of the idea of having free evenings at the
museum, but just based on the geography of the museum and the neighborhood, I'm wondering,
how many folks from the actual western portion of the Omni District, where folks of need
actually use those Thursday evening parties or -- you know. And I just feel like the -- we have a
job here, and we are subsidizing an effort for a very good cause, but not the cause we are tasked
with, and that's my concern. I feel that if we, as a City, believe it's important to subsidize the
museums within our City, we should do that as a cultural, scientific, artistic effort, as an
initiative of the City, but not from money that's been given to us by the taxpayers to eliminate
slum and blight in a very specific district that still has areas of residential poverty; still has
homeless tent encampments; still has the Dorsey Library, with the roof caved in; all these things
that we haven't been doing as a CRA that we should be doing that I'm excited to get down and do
it. And we won't be able to do as well without the million dollars we'd be spending --
Mr. Sirmans: I'm right there with you. I'm here to talk about the money that we've been
promised, and that, specifically. What happens beyond that, I think, is a conversation that we're
certainly open to. Just to give you an idea of some of the specific places that it's gone; not on the
eastern side, but on the western side: Girl Power, in Liberty City and Overtown; Edison Senior
High School, in Little Haiti; Miami Bridge, in Little Havana. Those are three of the people that
we are directly working with on these programs, and that's specifically Brick by Brick, the one
that is -- probably hits most closely, in terms of being there and initiated specifically to affect
people who would not be coming into the museum normally. I definitely understand your
Board Member Carollo: Mr. --
Chair Russell: Thank you.
Board Member Carollo: -- Chairman --
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Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Carollo: -- ifI may? I don't necessarily disagree with what you're saying. What
I am also seeing is this was originally passed October or September of last year. So even though
at the time and now, I still haven't seen all the programs, I have heard Mr. Sirmans say about
summer camp or -- summer school or summer camp, and we're around the corner. So I don't
want to jeopardize a program that they already were considering, because of a vote that a
previous board already took back in September. So going forward, I will tell you that I am in
agreement with what you're saying. I just don't know right now if that cut should be completely,
or what percentage of that cut should occur.
Chair Russell: I understand. I guess --
Board Member Carollo: Because of commitments, because of commitments that -- and by the
way, I did not vote for the budget. I did not vote for the budget, so let's start by there. But I also
understand that a previous CRA Board made a commitment. I believe PAMM has acted in a
commitment -- I could tell you firsthand, I have seen that they have reached out to various
communities' at -risk youth and so forth, to bring them into PAMM and offer them arts and
another avenue; not just, you know, streets and gangs. Now, with that said, doesn't mean that I
disagree with you. I just think, if there's been commitments already made and they're acting on
some of those commitments, I don't want halfway during the -- you know, I don't want to say
kame"- but during the time to pull the rug under them.
Chair Russell: Thank you. But you --
Board Member Carollo: That's what I'm saying.
Chair Russell: Thank you very much, Commissioner Carollo. You used two words, though; that
you said, We had 'promised' it, and we had 'committed' it. "And I'm going to look to our attorney
to help me understand exactly the budgeting process. Was this money promised to anybody?
Was this committed? Has a check been written? Is there anything on which that PAMM should
have acted with confidence that this money was theirs?
Barnaby Min (Deputy City Attorney): Mr. Chair, without speaking on behalf of the Perez Art
Museum, what occurred is, in June or July of 2015, the CRA -- the Board of Commissioners of
the CRA approved a budget, which included a line item for the Perez Art Museum. That budget
was subsequently approved by both the City Commission and the Miami -Dade County Board of
Chair Russell: For last year or for this year?
Mr. Min: 2015; for this current fiscal year.
Chair Russell: For this current --
Mr. Min: However, what I would suggest is, as was done last year, last fiscal year, in order to
award a grant, there would be a grant agreement that says everything that -- the expectations,
what the money is supposed to be used for, how it's going to be used for, how it's going to be
reimbursed. That occurred in 2014/2015. While the budget was approved with a line item for
2015/2016, no such agreement has ever been approved by the Board of Commissioners of the
Omni CRA, nor has an agreement been executed between the two parties; the Omni CRA, nor the
Perez Art Museum. So in my humble opinion, there is no agreement that says money is to be
forwarded to the Perez Art Museum, or how that money is to be expended.
Chair Russell: So there's no -- not even a draft agreement in place on what that grant would
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consist of and how it could or should be spent?
Mr. Min: No, sir.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Vice Chair Suarez: I think what the Commissioner is trying to say is that there was an
expectation. You know, maybe there wasn't a formal agreement, but there was an expectation
that it was going to happen. And I understand where you're coming from, because coming in --
First of all, you were very -- like you said, you were very adamant about your position on this
issue. And I think, secondly, you inherit, essentially, a CRA that you're looking to do good with,
you know, and you're finding -- trying to find the resources to do it with. And I think it's hard,
because a lot of those resources were pledged to other things that maybe you would not have
pledged them to. And I -- you know, it's perfectly fair and -- you know -- but I do somewhat feel,
similar to Commissioner Carollo, that, you know, this board, rightfully or wrongfully, committed
to this in a variety of different contexts, and, you know, I think it's a little bit -- I don't know if the
word is -- I don't if it's wrong to -- you know, I don't want them to feel that we're trying to pull the
rug out from under them. The policy that you've articulated, I think you've articulated and
backed it up very well. You know, we can de -- we can have a very long debate here about it,
whether it, you know, makes sense or doesn't make sense. I think, you know, we give a lot of
deference, rightfully or wrongfully, on each of our boards to our Chairperson on our CRAs. I
know I -- and as Midtown CRA Chair, I get a lot of deference from you guys, but -- that was a
joke -- but, you know, the point is that we do; and particularly, on public policy matters, partly
because it -- the reason why you guys have historically been the Chair of your districts is
because, you know, these areas are mostly encompassed in the district, so -- and I think that's
what the -- you know -- sort of what the Commission has done in the six years that, you know,
we've --
Chair Russell: I may be about to regret requesting collaborative input from everybody, and
maybe I should be the iron -fisted Chair, because I do welcome the input, and I do see where
you're coming from. I think part of the problem has been there always has been this expectation
of what a CRA will pay for, and I'm here to say that's got to stop. We have a job, and I'm very
excited about the opportunity of what we can do. And I'm certainly not trying to pull the rug, but
I don't think that the expectation was solidified, and that's why I'm proffering this amendment.
So --
Board Member Gort: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Gort: My understanding, in going back in the '90s, one of the main purpose of
the CRA, according to the people that got -- put the -- allocated the most funds, it was to really
create the museum, because they believe the museum was going to be very helpful. I mean, we
were there the other day for a press conference, and we saw the buses of kids going to the
museum; kids that probably never had an opportunity to do so. Although I understand what
you're saying, they receive notice that a budget was approved for them, so they planned and they
have their budget according to this. To cut it today, this could be a lot of harm. I understand
where you coming and you're the Chairperson and you have a right to change all the plans and
so on, but I think this is something that's ongoing already, and it'll be a hard feel [sic] for them --
it'd be a hardship.
Vice Chair Suarez: And I would say you're being very firm. I think they've got the message; I'm
pretty sure.
Mr. Sirmans: Absolutely.
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Mr. Walker: Excuse me, Chair.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Mr. Walker: I have a question for the attorney that I'd like to put on the record.
Chair Russell: Of course.
Mr. Alfonso: It was pointed out that there is no current agreement. We're already in June. So
are we to be paying for expenses that have already been made prior to --? I mean, we have no
formal agreement. There's only a couple more months left in this budget season. So are we
retroactively paying back? Or when do we come back with an agreement; in July, June?
Mitch Bierman: Mr. Chair, may I just be heard on this issue of the agreement for one moment?
We had in place an agreement for the '14/15 budget. We had always understood that that
agreement would -- because the grant was, you know, on the same grounds and everything --
that that agreement was essentially being renewed, along with the budget. So we proceeded on
that, and we proceeded and -- I'm sorry. I'm Mitch Bierman, with Weiss, Serota, Helfman,
Kohen, Bierman, and I'm pro bono counsel to the museum. We had proceeded under the
understanding that we were proceeding under the same agreement, which had us submit our
request for reimbursement of funds expended in furtherance of the programs that we were
funding through the grant, so we would have expected that to work the same way during this
year. And as the director has said, we do -- we have performed a lot of those programs, and we
still have some to come, including the summer camp.
Chair Russell: Understood. So I've offered a friendly amendment to the mover. You have the
choice, obviously, to accept the amendment and we vote on the amendment, or -- I'm sorry -- no,
we wouldn't be voting on the amendment. We would accept the amendment to vote on the issue --
on the item.
Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): That's correct, sir. So, essentially, what you're asking is for the
mover and the seconder to accept a friendly amendment; if they do so and there's no further
discussion, then you may call the question.
Chair Russell: And at which point, they would either have to -- so they either have the choice to
accept the amendment, and we vote up or down the entire thing; or not accept the amendment,
and we vote on it, as is.
Mr. Hannon: That's absolutely correct, sir.
Chair Russell: Thank you.
Board Member Hardemon: May I clarify for the record?
Chair Russell: Please.
Board Member Hardemon: What the -- is the amendment to remove $1 million from the
program? I just --
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Hardemon: -- because I stepped out.
Chair Russell: Yes. The rest of the budget would stay as amended; that the executive director
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already has made some changes.
Board Member Hardemon: The -- and that million dollars was for the programming that you do
for children and youth, et cetera?
Chair Russell: Also marketing and nighttime parties, and DJs.
Board Member Hardemon: I've been to one of those parties before; they're pretty good.
Chair Russell: I just don't want to dress it up for what -- it does very good things, but I don't
want to say that's all -- you know, that's -- it's not all about children. This is about the bottom
line of the museum that we are subsidizing: their marketing budget, their events budget. I
understand we were even requested to reimburse parking tickets at one point, which we rejected
as a CRA, but this isn't just about programming for kids.
Board Member Hardemon: The thing I'd like to --
Mr. Sirmans: The majority --
Board Member Hardemon: -- ifI could. I've taken over a CRA and had to make some tough
decisions. I did it before, and my colleagues supported me. And there were some individuals
that were upset about some of the programs that I stopped. And I stopped it because there were
many people in the community who lived in the area that really told me that they weren't really
benefiting from those programs. And the one thing that I've learned about CRAs in all of my
reading about them and in sitting as Chairman is that a CRA -- it does improve upon an area,
but one thing it does, also, is attract people to the area. And so, CRAs can use their budgets to
attract individuals to an area, especially if they've never been there before. I would dare to say
that when you attract young kids from very different backgrounds to experience art and culture,
that's something that they probably could not have done before. I know that, just looking at the
structure, which is incredible, I can see that, even ifI were someone making below median
income in Miami, I probably would be afraid to drive into it --
Vice Chair Suarez: No doubt.
Board Member Hardemon: -- because I would think that the parking would be, you know, $25.
Speaking of $25 parking, I parked on Miami Beach in one of those fancy parking garages that
didn't have a price on it. I think everyone knows which one it is.
Vice Chair Suarez: 40 bucks or something like that.
Board Member Hardemon: It was incredible. And I was there for an hour and a half. I'm glad I
had money or they might not have let me out. But, no, I say that in all seriousness to say that
structures like that can be very intimidating. And so, when you give a grant and you have parties
and you have festivals or programming or things of that nature, it's all intended, I believe, to
attract people to the area and to that asset, because it makes no sense for us to build this
wonderful place if no one comes to it. And so, I can foresee you saying, Look, I think that if you
can"- The bottom line is this: Even if you believe that that's the right -- I believe that's a
perfectly good expense. If you have to make the choice between that expense and something
else, because you're trying to really bring some changes to your area, sometimes we have to
make tough choices, and I can support you in making a choice, one way or the other. But for the
record, I think that the expense, from what I've heard, is an allowable expense under the CRA.
But when you have to choose between this and that, you know, we'd love to follow your direction
on it. The only thing that I don't -- I wouldn't like is that kotcha''pirit that's -- Okay, we don't
have the agreement because of X ' 'Y,' and 'Z.' Gotcha. "You know, I think that that's the only
thing that makes me a little uncomfortable about it. The gentleman who is now the new -- what
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do they call you? They call you &irector, T fight? -- director of the -- of this facility, he certainly
didn't create the budget, didn't create the programming; he walked into this. And it would be, I
think, unfair to him, running an organization as such, to start in the hole, if you will. But like I
say, I think the CRAs -- and I saw the numbers that you tried to crunch, Jason -- I think there's a
harsh reality that we face when it comes to the CRA and our ability to be able to do things within
it, because there's a money deficiency that we have in operating budget each year, and I think
that that's -- I'm -- and I'm with you in trying to figure out how we do it. I don't know if everyone
-- and I can -- and you can sense everyone's kind of uneasiness about it, and I know many times,
like on our last vote, I wasn't -- I didn't want it to -- I wanted to go one way, and not another
way. I didn't want to compromise on that, because I felt like it would send the wrong message.
Maybe on this issue, you would earn some support if you modifir the amount, maybe, but not just
outright taking it out. And I don't know if that'll work. I don't know if everyone feels
comfortable with that, either --
Vice Chair Suarez: If I may?
Board Member Hardemon: -- but just -- I'm just -- I just don't want -- I don't want to be a part of
an outright --
Chair Russell: I understand what you're saying; that we try to wiggle out on a technicality --
Board Member Hardemon: Right.
Chair Russell: -- where there was a promise or commitment made, and I think that's where --
and obviously, I wasn't here back then, so not knowing whether this was an expectation that it
would just be renewed on an annual basis going forward and it was just put in a line item, or if
there was an actual promise and commitment, and the grant was in any way discussed on what it
would be. If the previous year's grant was reviewed was it spent well? I would love to know
what sort of outreach was done to the actual area of need within the Omni CRA --
Vice Chair Suarez: That's fair.
Chair Russell: -- because, you know, I -- like you say, the -- someone who's not of means would
drive by that museum and not feel invited. And just because there's a free party going on there,
they may not know of -- even about the free party. Who communicated that? That -- what
outreach was done to that area of need? And so these are concerns that I have; that if we're
going to spend the money that it's very laser focused on eliminating slum and blight. And I
would say that the CRA has done a good job of eliminating that slum and blight on the eastern
side of that CRA. Now, we've got to get to the western side, which has been left ignored.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: So this is an alternative suggestion, which I had not thought about, which I
would be open to thinking about, but obviously, that would take some time for us to consider
what that amount would be. We'd need to talk with the museum, see where they are on their
spending. You know, I'm certainly not trying to pull the rug, as you say, but what I see is, we
have an assumption of monies that we're going to spend that have not yet been committed, and in
that sense, I need to interject my opinion that I don't think we should be spending them in this
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Carollo: Also, I heard that in the previous year, we paid on a reimbursement, so
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we could set parameters on what they can't spend it on, because, as I remember, from the past,
and even now, I haven't seen a plan on what they're spending it on, or what they would like to
spend it on. I heard, with regards to summer youth programs and things of that nature. And
again, I'm not -- listen, I voted against the budget, so -- and you took a 4-1 vote the other day.
It's not the easiest things, you know. We actually do work as a collegial body up here, and
nothing is personal, okay? I consistently voted against that budget; many different reasons we
could discuss in the future. But with that said, I also understand that there is expectations, if
you'd rather use that word. And with that said, that doesn't mean that it should be a blanket
check. I think there should be checks and balances.
Chair Russell: An analysis of last year's grant and see how it was spent, and what could change
for this year. I think all of that should have been done before committing for the next year. But,
yeah, I hear you.
Board Member Carollo: Well --
Mr. Walker: Mr. Chair.
Board Member Carollo: -- I'm not going to say again that I voted against the budget --
Chair Russell: I know.
Board Member Carollo: -- but with that said, I don't think we should outright take the money
out. I think maybe we should do an analysis; and not only that, for this -- I don't want to call it a
krant' - I guess it is a grant -- but I just don't -- I don't want anyone to think that we're just going
to write out a check and hand it to them. It's on a reimbursement, so it depends on what they're
spending it on. We will write -- you know, we will write a check and reimburse them, and maybe
that's your opportunity to do parameters. And again, we could say, subject to it coming back to
this board and voting on it, and agreeing.
Chair Russell: I mean, in my opinion, museums should be offering free days to children of need
Board Member Carollo: Yes.
Chair Russell: -- with or without our help.
Board Member Carollo: Yes.
Chair Russell: If we feel it's good to buy tickets for kids of need, we could do that as a CRA, but
to give a -- I know a million dollars of tickets to kids of need are not going out. This is -- it's a
big expenditure for the CRA that could be spent better. And if that hole were created, there are
parties who could and should fill it. Maybe we, as a City, should be looking at subsidizing it and
supporting it. Maybe the philanthropic name at the top of the museum itself should be helping
fill that gap. I mean, I was invited to --and, thankfully, very much -- a nice gala, where -- I
mean, it was tremendous, the amount of fundraising that was going on there, and it's good to see
that sort of philanthropic community in Miami coming together and supporting these efforts, but
I don't think it should be at the expense of money that could be spent for families of need, a
community of need that we have the job to take care of.
Board Member Carollo: So, Mr. Chairman, ifI may, consider this -- andl guess I'm trying to
find consensus. Consider this: Just because it's in the budget doesn't mean we're going to spend
the money.
Chair Russell: Well, if we approve the budget at this point, I would definitely feel that it's a bait
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and switch to not go forward with it at that point. Is that what you're implying; that we would
approve this, but --?
Board Member Carollo: That doesn't mean that we make -- that we actually spent the money. I
mean, go back in history. The CRAs have done it for years. But anyways -- so, realistically,
that's what I'm saying. You could set parameters, and just because it's in the budget doesn't
mean we have -- you know, we could say that we bring it back to this board to approve any of
those reimbursement expenses towards that million dollars.
Chair Russell: Right.
Board Member Carollo: So, in other words, that doesn't mean that $1 million is going to be
expense and that's it, it's gone. No. You know, there are carryovers; and like I said, if you look
back in history, there's a lot of carryovers in the CRAB. So that million could be carried over; or,
once again, we could approve what it should be spent on, you know, regarding PAMM.
Vice Chair Suarez: I think he said it.
Chair Russell: Oh, that's what you were --?
Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah. I think he said it. I think he got it all.
Chair Russell: Yeah. If this -- I mean, if this budget gets approved, which, I mean, if you voted
for it in the past -- If I had been there then, I would have voted against it, as well, and that's why,
if this portion of it --
Board Member Carollo: That was two. You need three.
Chair Russell: Yeah. Well, if it stays the way it is, I would vote against it now; my own budget,
as the Chair. I'd --
Board Member Carollo: Adjusted budget.
Chair Russell: Yes. So I've proffered an amendment. You guys can do with it as you will. So
does the mover and the seconder accept the amendment to remove this amount from the budget --
from the original budget?
Board Member Carollo: To eliminate the whole $1 million?
Board Member Gort: Yeah.
Chair Russell: I'm sorry?
Board Member Carollo: To eliminate the whole $1 million from the budget? And if we eliminate
that $1 million, where is it going to go to?
Chair Russell: That would be up to our executive director at our next session, as we start laying
out the plans for the CRA as we move forward here. There's a lot of good ideas that are already
brewing, and I'm really excited for him to present to us what he's already found in his own, you
know, few weeks of being in the -- as the executive director. Yes.
Mr. Walker: Mr. Chairman, I'm sorry. I would just like to put my two cents on the table. First
of all, Chairman Hardemon, when I brought up the agreement, it wasn't to play P-otcha,'but it
was to bring up exactly what Commissioner Carollo said, which is, maybe if you don't do the full
million, you can do some of it for half of the year that's left in the budget, if that's what your will
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is, so that we could come up with an agreement from now -- from June until September for them
to spend the money at a less amount. My other opinion -- and I've told this to the museum, and
I've told this to each one of you -- if I were doing the budget back in September, I would not have
recommended this be in the budget; and September coming, this year, I will not be
recommending that it be in the budget for next year, so.
Chair Russell: Mr. Bierman.
Mr. Bierman: Thank you. If I may just have one more moment of your time. The -- what I hope
that you can understand is that we began our -- we made our budget based on the total amount
of funds that we believed were available, including the more than two-thirds of our budget that is
paid for that is not public subsidy of any kind all right? That's all earned revenue, donated
revenue. I mean, it's very unusual for a world -class cultural institution in Miami -Dade County
to fund itself at that level and rely that little on subsidy from government. Honestly, the goal for
this museum from the beginning has been to create an endowment that will eliminate completely
the need for any public subsidy. And then, there'll be the occasionally grant, or you can buy
tickets and all that. But in -- when we created this year's budget, and we spent in accord with
that budget, it included the entire million dollars. And so, a great part of that is already done.
At this point, to reduce that substantially, to reduce the amount of public subsidy that we get in a
very substantial way -- I mean, it actually means like sending employees home and it means
eliminating programs, and it means that the -- I mean, there are just so many, so many incredible
disruptions that would happen, and hardships, as a result of a significant change in the expected
funding, so I hope you'll consider that. I agree with you that on a going forward basis, we have
no expectation of coming back here, and, you know, we -- our partnership with the CRA will take
a very different form. But I -- for this past -- for this year, which is more than halfway over, we --
you know, that -- a significant disruption like that would be, I dare to say, devastating to the
programming that we're trying to provide for this entire community.
Chair Russell: So ifI'm under -- to understand correctly, it's not just programming that the
monies went toward; you've actually already hired employees on which this money that is going
to be coming --
Mr. Bierman: We have not hired employees. We haven't hired specific employees, but our
employees have various responsibilities, and we have a budget that is a whole budget. And then
the -- certainly, the money that we have gotten from the CRA has paid for programs up to this
point, through this fiscal year, and is intended to pay for them through the end of the fiscal year.
If that money disappears and we don't have any of it, we have to make a lot of cuts to make up
for that --
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Mr. Bierman: -- and that would include employees.
Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: So -- and I don't mean this in a scolding way in any sense, because people are
still kind of getting used to me and how I am and operate, and I've only been lobbied now for
about four months. But those who have lobbied me know that I love to hear the full story so that
I could make a complete decision, rather than getting, you know, the parts that the lobby -- that
suit the lobbyists, and then I have to talk to the other side and hear the other side of the story,
and then do this puzzle. So to make the impression that this money is going toward programming
for children is not accurate; I mean, that is happening, but there is not a million dollars of
programming for children happening. This is supporting the bottom line of a museum.
Mr. Bierman: Well, you know, all of our grants that we receive support the bottom line to -- of
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the museum; I mean, that's true. And if we didn't have this money, we would still try to find a
way to do the kinds of programs that we're doing. We certainly wouldn't be able to do all of
them. We wouldn't be able to make the museum free for as many, as often as we do; it would just
-- it can't be done. It sounds easy, but it requires, you know, having people on duty that whole
time and it requires all -- you know -- security and it affects insurance rate -- and it affects
everything. So to say that you can, yes, isolate something and take it out and all that, it's not that
simple. We've got a -- you know -- an overall budget and overall costs, and costs are allocated
to those free programs and those programs for children from the total. So, you know, in fairness
Chair Russell: I understand. And I actually apologize, because I don't -- I'm very passionate
about this, and I don't mean in any way to demonize the museum in any of the efforts you do,
because none of the expenditures you make -- I'm not trying to make a judgment about them.
What the museum does is good, and what you choose to spend your funds on is the decision of
the museum. How we task the grant, I think we should be very specific on, and if -- I'm hearing
from a couple of my fellow Commissioners there is a potential appetite to alter; ifI were to alter
my amendment within the amount that there might be some interest; is that a potential? I'm open
to that. I had not thought of that before.
Vice Chair Suarez: Can we -- can I offer another solution?
Chair Russell: Yes.
Vice Chair Suarez: Maybe you can break it up into two parts, and the second part's subject to
your analysis that you wanted to see as to how funds were spent in the past, which you wanted to
analyze, and, you know, I think that's a very appropriate analysis, but maybe break up the
potential grant into two allocations and subject to your review of the way that they spent the
money and in that way, you have sort of -- you keep the other half on your side of the ledger until
you feel satisfied and comfortable that the money's been spent in the way that they've promised to
spend it.
Chair Russell: I do, because that's -- I think that's an excellent idea, and it's really the executive
director's analysis and his recommendation to us that we would act upon. I'm -- you know,
because to write a blanket check and then it gets spent, for me, if it's spent improperly, that's our
name on it, because we didn't watch it carefully enough; and not improperly in the sense of
deception; improperly in the sense of what we are tasked with spending our money on. And --
Mr. Min: Mr. Chair.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Mr. Min: Can I make another suggestion?
Chair Russell: Please.
Mr. Min: I will respectfully disagree with counsel for the Perez Art Museum. The agreement
that was executed on August 26, 2014, indicates that it expires upon the full payment of the $1
million. I don't know if that full payment has been made, but assuming it has, then this new $1
million, if that's what's going to be approved by this board, effective September -- October 1,
2015, that would be subject to a new agreement. So if this board wanted to pass a resolution
directing the executive director to draft a new agreement, subject to general counsel's approval,
we could work with putting in the language that you want, as far as ensuring that the payments
are for the proper types of expenses that you're expecting, to ensure that it's done in a more
thorough review that you're expecting; if you want it to be reported to the board on a quarterly
basis, a monthly basis, whatever it is that this body wants that's something you can draft into the
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agreement. But right now, there is no agreement for the October 1, 2015 through September 30,
Chair Russell: There's just an assumption.
Mr. Min: There is an assumption. So if you want to grant $1 million, there needs to be some
kind of a document that ties how that $1 million will be ex -- will be spent, and that is something
that -- if you want to direct the executive director how to ensure that money is spent correctly,
that's something that we can work with.
Board Member Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Carollo: And that's what I was saying, and that document would have to come
back or should come back to the CRA Board.
Chair Russell: Which document?
Board Member Carollo: Whatever --
Vice Chair Suarez: Whatever agreement.
Board Member Carollo: Yes. So, once again, just because it's in our budget doesn't mean that
they're getting a blanket check, and that we're going to expend that money. We still need to do
the agreement, and that's why I said that you will have the opportunity or latitude in order to
draft language with board counsel as to if it's a reimbursement, exactly what is going to be
reimbursed and things of that magnitude.
Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah.
Chair Russell: That's an easy direction to make.
Vice Chair Suarez: Yeah.
Chair Russell: My amendment still stands as it is, but if I have a recommendation from an
alternative amendment, I would be open to change that.
Vice Chair Suarez: So the alternative is, according to what the board Commissioner has -- I
guess we'll say Board member'in these forums -- but to what the board member has suggested,
which is to leave the amended budget as is, but to direct the CRA director to come back and work
with this board on the grant agreement itself that sets the parameters for how the money is spent.
Chair Russell: Mm-hmm.
Mr. Min: And if may --
Board Member Hardemon: The other --
Mr. Min: -- I would just add that there should be a time period that's added, only because we
are now --
Board Member Gort: Yeah.
Vice Chair Suarez: 30 days.
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Mr. Min: -- closer to the termination of the fiscal year.
Vice Chair Suarez: 30 days.
Chair Russell: I mean, that's --
Board Member Gort: It's got to be less than 30 days.
Chair Russell: -- you know, if this was approved last September --
Board Member Carollo: Yes.
Mr. Min: By the Board of Commissioners, it's either June or July of 2015; by the City of Miami
and Miami -Dade County, in September of 2015.
Chair Russell: Yet, no grant agreement was put together between then and December, when I
was placed in --
Mr. Min: Yes, sir.
Chair Russell: Yeah. And so, I mean, I -- I'm stuck.
Board Member Hardemon: Mr. Chairman, I mean --
Chair Russell: I can't -- I -- my amendment -- I'm -- I would be going against my own principle
to simply remove my amendment. I mean, if we're going to start -- if we're going to regulate how
they spend the money with a very strict grant agreement, each item is going to have to pass the
test of the CRA, and, really, what can that budget be spent on, other than free entrance for kids;
perhaps programming that's directed toward --? That's a lot of programming.
Board Member Hardemon: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Russell: Yes.
Board Member Hardemon: When you read your Florida Redevelopment Act, the monies can be
spent on a plethora of different things. The grant -- whatever the grant was approved for, do you
have an idea of what they intend to spend the dollars on? Because in the grant agreement -- or
even when the resolution or whatever it may be that they submitted to the CRA, it would stipulate
that there are some things that they're looking to do with that money. I have yet to see someone
say, f want a grant of $1 million, 'and then have no details about what it's for. Now, and what
we're trying to explain to you is that there's no such thing as a blanket check, if you will; blank
check or check that's just overarching, pays for everything, because the CRAs operate on a
reimbursement system. And so, therefore, every time an expense is created, it's submitted to the
CRA; as I understand, it's submitted to the CRA. The CRA then reviews that expense to
determine whether or not it meets the test of the chapter that pertains to the CRA; if it does, it's
something that's allowed; if it's not, then it's rejected; and if it's rejected, then it's an expense that
they have to take care of. So there is a system in place. The system is as good as the executive
Chair Russell: Understood. All right. So I will take that as my amendment to the amended
budget has not been accepted by the mover and/or the seconder. So if there's no further
discussion, we will go ahead and vote on the budget as is; the amended budget, as is. Any
further discussion? Is this an fill in favor,'br is this a roll call vote?
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Mr. Hannon: Up or down.
Chair Russell: Up or down. You have another thing, please?
Board Member Carollo: Yes. I want to make sure that, if we vote in favor of this budget that that
$1 million is not a blanket check; that there is an agreement that has to come back to this board,
and we discuss what would be a adequate reimbursement item and what will not be.
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir. We will schedule another CRA meeting for next month, and at that
meeting, we will sit -- between now and that meeting, we will sit down with the museum to come
up with a new grant agreement.
Chair Russell: And you'll analyze the previous grant? I know you haven't had much time yet.
Mr. Walker: Yeah, because -- yes, because, I mean, some of the stuff that I've looked at, you
know, I don't think we should be spending money on, period.
Board Member Carollo: And, again, no funds will be expense [sic] until it comes back to this
Mr. Walker: We can't expend the funds until the grant agreement is approved by the board.
Board Member Carollo: I just wanted to confirm that.
Chair Russell: But by approving this within the budget -- this is not an lip to $1 million grant."
This is a million dollar grant.
Mr. Walker: So a million dollar grant, but if you don't approve the --
Chair Russell: Expenses, of course.
Mr. Walker: -- agreement next month, for example --
Mr. Min: My legal advice to the body is, just because the budget has been approved does not
mean the money can be spent.
Mr. Walker: No.
Board Member Carollo: Exactly. And that was my point the whole time.
Chair Russell: Understood. Yes, okay, so all in favor?
Chair Suarez: Aye.
Board Member Gort: Aye.
Board Member Hardemon: Aye.
Board Member Carollo: Aye.
Chair Russell: All opposed? No. Motion passes.
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Vice Chair Suarez: Mr. Chair, if we can go back to the regular agenda --
Chair Russell: Thank you.
Vice Chair Suarez: -- because I have to leave soon?
Chair Russell: Absolutely.
Vice Chair Suarez: I know the FOP (Fraternal Order of Police) --
Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): Sorry, Chair. Just briefly, there are two discussion items. If they
only take a minute for each one, we can knock it out?
Jason Walker (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Yeah, we could
take one. We'll defer --
Chair Russell: Just the first one, and we'll defer the second one, which is a general discussion of
future plans, but I believe the firehouse issue is something that's a bit time sensitive.
Mr. Walker: Yes. Board Members, there is a -- as you all know, there is a lease that was -- an
RFP (Request for Proposals) went out. It was responded for a restaurant -type facility at the
bottom of the Firehouse Station 2. There is a lease signed with FH-2 LLC (Limited Liability
Company). They subsequently were asked by the former Administration to cease their due
diligence during their contract period, where they were supposed to start submitting rent
payments. There was an 18-month period. The board voted in December of 2015 to put the
property up for sale. So for the four to six months that the property was up for sale, they asked
for an additional time in order to come up with their first lease payment; that would have taken
them to February of 2016. So, technically, now, because they have not made a payment in
February of 2016, they would be in default of the lease. We're bringing this back to you just so
that you know, and if you -- without objection, you know, we're willing to remedy the default and
move forward. They promised that they can have this thing running in -- by August or
September. They've already submitted a deposit and the rent check for May; not February or
March, but for May of this year, which we have not deposited depending on this vote, but that
would be our recommendation, to move forward.
Chair Russell: Thank you. So you feel that they stopped paying rent on good faith --
Vice Chair Suarez: Representations.
Chair Russell: -- representation from our executive director at the time that the building was
going to be sold, so they shouldn't waste their money?
Mr. Walker: Yes, sir. And it's a matter of public record that the building was up for sale. It's a
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matter of public record that you took it off of the market --
Chair Russell: Understood. And we're willing to remedy that now?
Mr. Walker: And they're willing to remedy that now, and we'll give them this one chance to do
that. I think that it is time that we see some activity on that corner in that area. I think a
restaurant space will entice other type of businesses to open up in the area, instead of delaying
the process more.
Chair Russell: Do you need specific action from this board, or just a direction?
Mr. Walker: I don't believe I need a specific action. We just wanted to bring this to you in a
manner of transparency, to see if you had any objection; and if there is no objection, we would
move forward.
Chair Russell: I have none.
Vice Chair Suarez: I have none.
Chair Russell: Thank you, gentlemen. I think we are adjourned with the CRA.
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Note for the Record: The OMNI CRA Board, via unanimous consent of all members present on
the dais, continued Discussion Item #2 to the next Regular OMNI CRA Meeting.
Todd B. Hannon (City Clerk): And sorry, Chair. Just for the record, item --
Chair Russell: Yes.
Mr. Hannon: -- discussion item 2 will be continued to the next Omni CRA (Community
Redevelopment Agency) meeting.
Chair Russell: Yes. Thank you, Mr. Clerk.
Mr. Hannon: Thank you.
Chair Russell: Adjourned.
Mr. Hannon: And Chair Hardemon, I just need two minutes just to change over.
The meeting adjourned at 4: 59 p.m.
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