HomeMy WebLinkAbout16-00382 Submittal-Pieter-Bockweg-Redev PlanOmni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
Overall Vision Diagram
1.) improved Connectivity
2.) Miami Herald and Surrounding
Properties Redevelopment
3.) Performing Arts Center
4.) Area Capture Parking
5.) Media/Entertainment District
6.) Baywalk
7.) Sbeetscapes
8.) Historic Preservation
9.) Neighborhood Greenspace
10.) Variety of Housing
11.) Neighborhood School
Clerk of the Board
I(v-00382-SUbrnitta-i-Reier Bockvq_3-DMrJi etA kcau. a.n
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1986 Land Use Plan
1986 Transportation
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
As stated in the Introduction, the Plan Update replaces the redevelopment proposals in the original
1986 Plan. However, the 1986 Plan contains a number of sound conceptual guidelines and redevelopment
objectives and, as such, applicable objectives have been incorporated and are embodied in the Plan
Update objectives in following sections. On the other hand, proposals within the 1986 plan that do not
support and would, potentially, counteract the updated vision for the area, are detailed below and
therefore, not included in the Plan Update.
The 1986 plan proposes to divide the Omni CRA into two general sub -areas, delineated by NE 2nd
Avenue. Generally, the plan proposes high intensity residential/commercial uses to the east and lower
intensity commercial/industrial uses to the west. While the Plan Update recognizes the appropriateness
of the division of development intensities, the proposed segregation of uses is problematic. Given the
recent explosion of high end/luxury residential development along Miami's waterfront and the regional
proximity of major employment centers, a fundamental component of the Plan Update is the promotion
of the development of a variety of housing types (and pricing) within the western portions of the CRA.
To relegate this area solely to nonresidential uses would be a missed opportunity in achieving mixed -
income, sustainable neighborhoods.
The 1986 Plan promotes the closure of a number of streets in order to promote site assembly and
presumably, the development of mega -projects which were popular at the time of the Plan's inception.
As is the case with the existing Omni Mall, these projects, more often than not, have proved to deteriorate
the existing fabric of the city and often become barriers to further redevelopment. A fundamental
component of the Plan Update is to diminish the impact of existing urban barriers and to promote
connectivity within the area. While there are certain cases where street closures may be appropriate,
the Plan Update does not support the magnitude of closures illustrated in the 1986 Plan, as they would
be counterproductive to the overall vision.
Clerk of the Board
C. Variety of Housing : Provide incentives for the development of a variety of housing choices, including affordable, special;
needs and workforce housing.
This objective embodies the following objectives provided in the 1986 plan:
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
The overall goal of the Plan Update is to provide a strategic framework which provides guidance for
the CRA Board and Staff when making decisions impacting the redevelopment of the Omni area. The
following objectives, including components of the 1986 Plan, have been developed to reach that goal
and should be the basis for future redevelopment efforts and CRA support:
A. Connectivity • Provide for greater connectivity by diminishing the impact of existing urban barriers to redevelopment
. and promoting regional transportation.
This objective embodies the following objectives provided in the 1986 plan:
E-1. Resolve existing and future transportation conflicts;
E-2. Set priorities within the transportation network for pedestrians, cars, service and transit vehicles;
• E-3. Improve access to existing and planned major activity areas such as the Central Business
District and Civic Center; and
E-5. Provide adequate parking to serve the needs of area residents, visitors and employees.
B. Sustainable Regional : Create a sustainable regional destination and identity by capitalizing on the development of the
Destination : Performing Arts Center and the Media/Entertainment District.
This objective embodies the following objectives provided in the 1986 plan:
B-3. Create economic magnets to draw more businesses to the Omni area to compliment
established activities in the surrounding area;
• B-4. Promote concentrations of similar business activities that reinforce each other and improve
the area -wide economic climate; and
• n_5 Provide employment opportunities and upward job mobility cfor residents.
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D-i . Maximize conditions for residents to continue to live in the area; -0 E o
• D-2. Achieve rehabilitation of the maximum number of housing units: and `o ~
• D-3. Provide incentives for construction of new housing to attract downtown workers.
Clerk of the Board
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
D, improvements to the • Create opportunities for new development through improvements to the public realm.
Public Realm •
This objective embodies the following objectives provided in the 1986 plan:
A-2. Eliminate conditions which contribute to blight;
C-1. Provide adequate public utilities and services for the area's residents and businesses;
C-2. Provide a system of public open spaces;
C-3. Maximize access and views to Biscayne Bay;
C-4. Encourage preservation and restoration of historic buildings; and
C-5. Enhance the area's visual attractiveness to businesses and residents.
E. Strategies for Public! : Provide incentives and strategies for public/private development.
Private Development
This objective embodies the following objectives provided in the 1986 plan:
• A-1. Provide incentives for redevelopment of blighted properties;
• A-3. Promote rehabilitation and maintenance of existing viable uses and structures;
• A-4. Achieve orderly and efficient use of land;
• B-2. Reinforce the property tax base; and
• D-7. Minimize condemnation and relocation.
Clerk of the Board
Variety of Housing
Public/Private Stratrtgies
Miami Herald
Museum Park
City of Miami Properties
School Board Properties
PAC Parking
Convention Facilities
Eegutatory Stratenies
Entertainment District Expansion
Zoning Strategies
Design Guidelines
lmorovingthe Public Realm
Historic Preservation
Neighborhood Greenspace
Port Tunnel Project
Transportation Upgrades
97th Street/FEC Crossing
Street Reconstruction
2-way Streets
Water and Sewer Upgrades
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
The Omni area, and other parts of Miami in general, experienced a real estate boom in luxury residential
development. This development is primarily in areas near the waterfront and the housing costs are
generally at higher income market rates than those affordable by the primary workforce. Strategically
located among major job centers in the Miami area, the western areas of Omni present an opportunity
for the development of affordable, workforce, and mixed income housing. Workforce housing refers to
the ability of people who work in and around a community to be able to find housing that they can
afford to live in within the community. Mixed income housing is a term used to describe developments
that consist of units which are affordable to families with different income levels.
Numerous strategies and programs, outlined in Appendix D: Omni Housing Policy and Housing Plan,
may be implemented in order to attain these goals. The primary mechanism should be the
implementation of inclusionary zoning in the area which provides regulatory incentives for development
of built affordable and workforce housing units, both on a mandatory and voluntary basis. The inclusionary
zoning (see section 5.2) must include some type of subsidy to the developer in exchange for providing
the desired housing units and types.
Targeted Housing Area
Clerk of the Board
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
In addition, the Miami -Dade School Board owns several properties which could potentially be developed
with housing to serve the needs of the local workforce and lower income families. This type of housing
could be accomplished through private development with land incentives and inclusionary zoning
incentives such as density and height bonuses.
City of Miami 8 School •
Board Properties
1) School Board Administrator.
2) Potential Public/Private
Workforce Housing Development
Typical Block:
264 Workforce Residential Units
Potential redevelopment of the Miami Skills Center building
Workforce li tsing Deveioomenf
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Clerk of the Board
Project Priorities and
Action items
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
The following is a summary of action items that the CRA should pursue in order to implement the
projects and strategies outlined in the Plan Update. Action items are prioritized to take advantage of
and build upon existing and future assets of the Omni area, which will, in tum, catalyze the redevelopment
of the Omni CRA in its entirety.
High priority items are those that will make a relativeiy immediate impact and serve to catalyze
redevelopment efforts. Initial CRA efforts should be focused on improving the areas surrounding the
Media/Entertainment District, including the Performing Arts Center, Bicentennial Park/Museum Park, the
Motion Picture districts, and in general, areas east of NW 1st Place and the area surrounding the Wynwood
Free Trade Zone site. The redevelopment of these areas will provide the Omni area with a sustainable
identity and will entice further projects from the private development community. This focus includes
the following components:
Uparade water. sanitary sewer and storm water sewer capacities to meet current standards and the
development potential of the Omni CRA. (Projects 23 and 24) Upgrades should be focused on those
areas west of Biscayne Boulevard as these areas contain the greatest degree of slum and blight conditions
and the least amount of development interest. Upgrading these infrastructure items will serve to spark
development interest by reducing the amount of investment required by the private development
improve the Omni CRA streetscapes to provide a cohesive and inviting public realm and pedestrian
environment. (Projects 16) The Performing Arts Center serves as a catalyst to the revitalization of the
area and as such, improvement should initially be focused on those areas surrounding the PAC to help
ensure its success. Additionally, the Media/Entertainment district, west of the PAC, will see increased `' _
development interest and should also be prioritized. Streetscape improvements should be focused on a Ta c vI C
providing a cohesive pedestrian network between the Media/Entertainment District, the PAC and the Y ° n E
SEOPW Entertainment Districts to the South and West. ° c m =
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Improve the transportation network by supporting City and County Agencies and their respective projects _ �0 -0
within the Omni CRA. (Projects 19, 21 and 22) This includes the Port of Miami Tunnel project and the E c w P.
reconstruction of several streets. Additionally, it includes the conversion of one-way streets to two way �'n v —
traffic flow to improve overall connectivity in the area and to provide a cohesive Zink (under 1-395) to
Clerk of the Board
Public Parking
Historic Preservation
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
the Park West Entertainment District and west to the Overtown Entertainment District.
Provide off-street parking to support the PAC and the Media/Entertainment District. (Projects 2 and 5)
The CRA should work with the Performing Arts Center Trust, the Miami -Dade School Board (loth Street
properties), City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, and private developers to create public parking facilities
to support the PAC and Media/Entertainment District. These facilities should be developed jointly with
other compatible mixed uses as capture parking. In turn, parking requirements for future development
(media and entertainment uses) along loth Street may be permanently relaxed, thus allowing the
redevelopment of adjacent properties to comply with pedestrian oriented development objectives
and making these developments more financially feasible.
Support the preservation of the Fire Station No. 2 and the Citizens Bank. (Project 17) The CRA should
focus on supporting the preservation of the Fire Station No. 2 and the Citizen's Bank building given their
location at the intersection of 14th Street and N. Miami Avenue and their potential to catalyze the
redevelopment of 14th Street.
Work with the City of Miami (and "Miami 21") to implement zoning changes to incentivize and contra/
redevelopment. (Projects 8, 9, 10. 1 1. 12. 13 and 14) Develop appropriate zoning ordinances to ensure
that future projects contribute to the goals and objectives of the plan update, including: 1.) Media/
Entertainment District design guidelines•to ensure a pedestrian oriented development pattern; 2.) Media/
Entertainment District residential development restrictions, special exceptions and noise abatement
strategies; 3.) Media/Entertainment District parking reductions in conjunction with the development of
off-street public parking facilities on nearby properties; 4.) Zoning changes adjacent to the PAC to
make the development of public parking more feasible; 5.) PAC area design guidelines to ensure
pedestrian oriented and compatible adjacent uses; and 6.) Affordable and workforce housing incentives
the development of a sustainable neighborhood with a mix of housing choices.
Clerk of the Board
Ornni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
Medium priority items are those which will enhance private development efforts and serve to ensure
those efforts support the objectives of the CRA Plan Update. The CRA should focus on augmenting
private development efforts, and to support the redevelopment of publicly owned properties and
facilities. CRA support should be in the form of funding components of those projects that serve the
public good.
Upgrade water. sanitary sewer and storm water sewer capacities to meet current standards and the
development potential of the Omni CRA. (Projects 23 and 24) Upgrades should be focused on those
east of NE 2nd Avenue. Given the amount of existing and pending development, the CRA should focus
on supporting these upgrades on o project by project basis, rather than the holistic approach required
for the areas west of NE 2nd Avenue.
Improve the Omni CRA streetscaoes to provide a cohesive and inviting public realm and pedestian
environment./Project i6) The CRA should focus on streetscape projects which serve to connect the east
and west areas of the Omni CRA, including proposals for new streets. In addition, The CRA should
augment projects by other agencies (e.g.. FDOT Biscayne Boulevard Improvements) to ensure that the
improvements are consistent in character with other CRA improvements.
Transportation • Eromote the improvement of transportation components that will improve overall regional access and
connectivity to the Omni CRA. The CRA should, to the extent possible, promote the improvement of I-
395 and its associated interchanges {e.g.. Bayshore Drive extension and the Miami Truck Tunnel Project)
which will help enforce and sustain the overall redevelopment efforts of the Omni CRA. u t
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Greenspace Augment private development projects by supporting the development of additional areenspace. s o cv c
/Projects 1. 2. 3, 4, 5 and 18J In order to provide a cohesive greenspace network within the Omni CRA, c v M
the CRA should support and encourage private developments to incorporate additional and meaningful c o o m
green and open spaces into their projects. vo
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Regulatory 12
Regulatory : Work with the City of Miami to expand the Media/Entertainment District. (Project 7) Once the Media/ ; v—'
Entertainment District begins to redevelop, the District should be expanded to support its relationship `� `
and connectivity with the SEOPW Entertainment Districts.
Clerk of the Board
Convention Facilities
Omni CRA Redevelopment Plan FINAL DRAFT
Low priority items are those which will sustain redevelopment efforts or that necessarily have long lead
times with respect to their implementation. Given this, these items should have a relatively high priority
with respect to beginning the implementation process.
Work with the Florida East Coast Railway to secure a railroad crossing at NW 17th Street. (Project 2D) The
CRA should begin discussion with the Florida East Coast Railway and appropriate transportation agencies
to secure an additional railroad crossing at NW 17th Street. This crossing will serve to sustain future
redevelopment efforts of both the OMNI and SEOPW CRA's and the areas between the two.
Work with the City of Miami. Miami -Dade Couniv`s Department of Environmental Resources Management
(DERM) and other appropriate aaencies to provide a continuous Saywalk. (Project 151 The CRA should
begin discussion with appropriate agencies to create a continuous Baywalk that will provide additional
greenspace and improved connectivity with the remainder of the City's waterfront.
Support the development of convention related facilities (Project 6) The CRA should support the
development of convention related facilities in so far as it meets the objective of creating a sustainable
regional destination.
Clerk of the Board