HomeMy WebLinkAboutOMNI CRA 2015-10-22 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com f.: Ier tt,. ^ e _ ,�,r.% . ime9RP aRaii: IP AO Meeting Minutes Thursday, October 22, 2015 12:00 PM Miami City Hall OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Marc David Sarnoff, Chair Francis Suarez, Vice Chair Wifredo (Wily) Gort, Commissioner Frank Carollo, Commissioner Keon Hardemon, Commissioner OMNI & MIDTOWN CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 1401 N. Miami Avenue, 2nd Floor, Miami 33136 Phone: (305) 679-6868 www.miamicra.com OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes October 22, 2015 RESOLUTIONS 1. 15-01384 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Present: Chair Sarnoff, Vice Chair Suarez, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Gort and Commissioner Hardemon On the 22nd day of October 2015, the Board of Commissioners of the OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency of the City ofMiami met in regular session at Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Sarnoff at 12: 43 p.m., and was adjourned at 12:52 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Pieter A. Bockweg, Executive Director, CRA Barnaby L. Min, Assistant General Counsel, CRA Nicole N. Ewan, Assistant Clerk of the Board CRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A GRANT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SEVEN HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($710,000.00) TO THE CITY OF MIAMI TO UNDERWRITE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH AN EXPANDED POLICE PROGRAM WITHIN THE OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AREA; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, AT HIS DISCRETION, TO DISBURSE FUNDS ON A REIMBURSEMENT BASIS OR DIRECTLY TO VENDORS, UPON PRESENTATION OF INVOICES AND SATISFACTORY DOCUMENTATION; AUTHORIZING THE AUTOMATIC RENEWAL OF SAID GRANT SUBJECT TO AVAILABLE FUNDING; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR SAID PURPOSE, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO GENERAL COUNSEL; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM OMNI TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER GRANTS AND AIDS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10040.920101.883000.0000.00000. 15-01384 Cover Memo.pdf 15-01384 Legislation.pdf 15-01384 Backup Document.pdf Motion by Board Member Gort, seconded by Board Member Hardemon, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Ayes: Commissioner Hardemon, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Gort, Vice Chair Suarez and Chair Sarnoff CRA-R-15-0043 Nicole N. Ewan (Assistant City Clerk): Chair, we're ready. Chair Sarnoff I want to welcome everybody to the October 22, 2015 Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) Redevelopment meeting. Mr. Director, can you take us through Reso Number 1? Pieter Bockweg (Executive Director, Omni Community Redevelopment Agency): Reso -- and only -- Reso Number 1 and the only reso is the Police grant that we do for the enhanced police services. This is our second year. The money allocated is a total of $710, 000. City ofMiami Page 2 Printed on 1/21/2016 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes October 22, 2015 Chair Sarnoff Is there a motion? Board Member Gort: Move it. Chair Sarnoff We have a motion by the Chair [sic]; second by the Vice Chair. Any -- Board Member Carollo: Discussion. Chair Sarnoff Go ahead; you're recognized for discussion. Board Member Carollo: Thankyou, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Executive Director, in our budget, you're showing an inter fund transfer of 1, 646, 204, and that inter fund transfer, if you go into the details, is $710, 000, which is what we are speaking about now -- andl agree -- and then carryover funds, carryover fund balance of 486,204 and 450, 000. How come these monies, even though we're showing it in our budget as an inter fund transfer, are not going to the City coffers for police services? Mr. Bockweg: They go to City services and for City coffer on a reimbursement basis, so once we get invoiced for overtime, guns and things like that, a couple of those line items, which is 130, 000 for overtime and maintenance on vehicles, so that all of that could get carried over to the following year. So we do that on a reimbursement basis; we do not put the money into the City coffer. And then the City pays, and we pay it on a reimbursement basis. Board Member Carollo: So what you're saying is that the City didn't provide additional police services to that area in the amount of 900 and some thousand dollars the previous year; and this year, are they aware that that money is available? Mr. Bockweg: No, sir, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is -- well, first of all, they are aware that there is a carryover for the monies not used from last year to next year; they are aware of that. What I'm saying to you is that certain line items in the budget from last year were not used; for example, guns, equipment, maintenance, overtime. That automatically gets carried over to next year. Board Member Carollo: Yeah. And my question is, if there's such a need, how come that was not used? And since we are carrying it over to this year, and it's budgeted as an inter fund transfer to, you would think, the City Government, the City is not then making use of this; or do they even know? Mr. Bockweg: Well, they do know. I can't speak to the Police Department's operational aspect as far as what they need. I can tell you that certain line items have not been used; like new guns have not been purchased, all the overtime has not been used; and the maintenance on the cars, and the vehicles and the other equipment have not been used, either. I can tell you that, to date, the biggest line items that we have paid are for the cars, bicycles, and their salaries that were a part of the budget. And I'm sorry, Commissioner, also, we have also installed the nine cameras, the license plate readers in the Omni CRA, which was about $275, 000 of that original budget. Board Member Carollo: Thankyou. I see our Budget director. Mr. Rose, could you come up, please? Andl know I mentioned to you -- mentioned this to you during budget time. We had discussed that they -- the Omni CRA has a line item in inter fund transfers of $1.6 million, a little more than that; and 900 and some thousand dollars of that is carryover, which the executive director is saying that was not used last year to purchase guns, or purchase cars, or whatever. I want to make sure that the City is aware this money is there, and if it's there, are we going to use it this year? Because I think there's a need for public safety. Mr. Bockweg: Chris, if I may answer that. Commissioner, just to let you know, the 1.6 number City ofMiami Page 3 Printed on 1/21/2016 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes October 22, 2015 that you're seeing is money that has not been actually reconciled from last year budget, as well. I can tell you that I've already spend -- signed off on invoices for over $600,000 in salaries for the police; that that number shows when this budget was prepared was not provided as far as me signing off and will be in the reconciled number. I can assure you, when I come to the amended budget in February that that numbers will be reconciled, and it will not be $1.6 million. You'll see that drastically drop for salaries paid from last year. Chair Sarnoff I think the easier way to describe this is -- Commissioner Carollo andl both had an expectation that the six Omni -- six, isn't it? Mr. Bockweg: Right. Chair Sarnoff -- six Omni officers were going to be new officers. Turns out they were not new officers; correct, they were already on the Police Department? Mr. Bockweg: Correct. Chair Sarnoff Right. So we -- so they already had their guns; they already had their uniforms; they already had their badges; they already had -- I thought we bought cars, but I may be wrong on that. Mr. Bockweg: We did. Chair Sarnoff Okay. So those savings are there so that when the new police officers come in, it can go to their guns; it can go to their badges; it can go to their uniforms. I think that is the reasonable explanation for it. Mr. Bockweg: Well, the numbers have not been reconciled in totality, either, Commissioner. Like I said, I just signed off on $620, 000 for salaries; that gets invoiced to me, and then I pay. Board Member Carollo: When did you sign off on them; and that was for equipment that was purchased when? Mr. Bockweg: No, the equipment was purchased immediately, so the cars, the bikes -- Board Member Carollo: What's tinmediately,"in October? Mr. Bockweg: I -- Board Member Carollo: A month ago? Mr. Bockweg: -- invoiced for the cars, ifI recall correctly, was November of last year, and that was about $35, 000, according to the line item budget. So the salaries of the police officers, I was invoiced for that, I believe it was end of July? End of July, around that time, in that time? Christopher Rose (Director, Office ofManagement & Budget): I think in August, actually. Mr. Bockweg: August, probably. And so when I have -- when I provided the budget to you in July, that number had not been reconciled, so I have to show you the actual numbers when I present the budget to you. Board Member Carollo: Yeah, but you already presented the budget to us. Mr. Bockweg: Correct. City ofMiami Page 4 Printed on 1/21/2016 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes October 22, 2015 Board Member Carollo: If you're talking November of last year -- Mr. Bockweg: No, no, no -- Board Member Carollo: -- shouldn't that reimbursed already? Mr. Bockweg: It already has. We're talking about the cars and the bikes. That's already been reimbursed. That's out of that number. Board Member Carollo: Right. And you have 900 and some thousand dollars carryover that were not reimbursed. Mr. Bockweg: Not as of the time when I presented you the budget. So from the time I presented the budget in the end of July, I was invoiced close to over $600, 000 for the salaries; that's why that number is not shown in that budget. When I -- again, when I bring you the budget in February, that number will be drastically reduced, because the numbers will be reconciled with the City and the CRA through our audit and our amended budget, but I can assure you that that $900, 000 is drastically less. I can tell you the lines items that are -- we have not touched is -- well, we've touched a portion of the overtime. We have not touched maintenance for vehicles and repairs. Actually, I will be getting invoiced pretty soon for new guns that have been purchased, all according to the police requirements and how they do things, as well as uniforms. Once I get those invoices that, obviously, will come out of that line item. The $710, 000 is the monies for next year's salaries, with a little bit of extra for other police services that they might recommend. Board Member Carollo: Next year's salaries,'j,ou mean current year's salaries? Because we're already in -- well, I think it's what you think of liext year. "We're already in the current year. Mr. Bockweg: Yes, sir, we are. Board Member Carollo: So it's for this current year? Mr. Bockweg: The seven -ten is only for this current year. Board Member Carollo: Understood, but I'm talking about the carryover from last year's. Mr. Bockweg: That will be carried over, and it will be part of the reconciled budget when I provide you the amended budget in February. Mr. Rose: Commissioner, ifI may. They will do a closeout in February, just like we do a closeout in November, and if there is money left on the table, we'll know at that point. My understanding in our discussions is that there's not money left on the table, but if there is, that's the time we'll report it to you, sir. Board Member Carollo: Understood, but think that -- they're showing a 900-and-some-thousand-dollar carryover in an area that's extremely important, so if there really isn't money, you know, left on the table, then I don't think that in our budget, they should be showing 900 and some thousand dollars in carryover. I think it should be managed a little bit better. Mr. Bockweg: Well, I cannot pay unless I get invoiced, and this money does not go into the City coffer. It goes on a reimbursement basis once I get invoiced, so I pay those invoices once I get them, andl can assure you from the numbers there, it is not the actual number; that is the number that it was when I presented you the budget in July. Board Member Gort: Okay, any further discussion? Oh, I'm sorry. City ofMiami Page 5 Printed on 1/21/2016 OMNI Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes October 22, 2015 ADJOURNMENT Chair Sarnoff Oh, no, that's cool, you could do it. Any further discussion? We -- for the -- please say iiye. " The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Sarnoff Thank you. Mr. Bockweg: Thank you, Commissioner, and congratulations on your last board meeting. The meeting adjourned at 12: 52 p.m. City ofMiami Page 6 Printed on 1/21/2016