HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter from St. Matthews Free Will Baptist Church, Inc.02/03/2019 10:05 83399857515102
St,Matthews Free Wilt93aptist Clu rrf, 2racorponitei
Bishop Abe Randall, Pastor
Deacon Grady Dixon, Chairman, Deacon Board
Brother Theodore Williams, Board of Trustees
Mr, Koteles Alexander/Chief of Staff
3S00 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
From Sister Willie M. Thompson
Requesting Street name for Bishop Abe Randall
November 30, 2010
Dear Mr. Koteles Alexander.
P. O. Box 510036
Miami, Florida 33151
On behalf of our Pastor, Bishop Abe Randall and the entire St. Matthews Free
Will Baptist Church Family, we are again humbly requesting that our Pastor,
Bishop Abe Randall's name be made a part of the street which he has unselfishly
labored for 42 years.
Our Pastor was honored with a proclamation from the city in May 2008 and we
were and are still honored because we know that he were deserving of it.
Bishop Abe Randall is a man of honor, integrity and a man called by God. As we
journey together, we look to our Pastor for the Word of God - declared and
rightly divided. Spiritual guidance, nurturing, prayer, support for our families,
wise counsel for those who stray, a kind word when necessary, corrective
measures and most of all, a man who will love the church family and community
unconditionally and who is willing and able with the help of the Almighty God to
lead us on the straight and narrow path of righteousness.
He is a giant in the community as we continue to move forward with the Food
&-tiothirig Tviirrlstr ,Substance Abuse-Ministry-a7rd-marryother-enierlstrles-thatis
needed such as a Board Member at Children's Hospital, 5000 role models, AACCC,
Baptist Minister's Council and Election Pool.
Bishop Abe Randall is only the 2' Pastor here at St. Matthews and has labored
long and hard and we truly believe he is deserving of having a street named after
him while he is yet alive and can smell the fragrance of the roses,
6700 Northwest 2"d Avenue — Miami, Florida 33150 — Fax N 1305) 751-5102
02/03/2019 1B:05 83399857515102
Ma. 0-4
Bishop Abe Randall will be celebrating his 431.d Anniversary on Sunday, May 22,
2011 during the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service.
The Bishop Abe Randall is a native of Monticello, Florida and a graduate of
Harcourt High School of Washington, D.C. He received a Theological Diploma in
Pastoral Ministries from the External Education Division of Seminaries of the
Southern and National Baptist Conventions, A Certificate in Church Program
Training, and a Certificate of Clinical Pastoral Training with the Baptist Hospital
School of Clinical Pastoral Education. Bishop Abe Randall is the Pastor of the St.
Matthews Free Will Baptist Church of Miami, Florida for (42) years, Moderator of
the South Florida "B" Division Conference, Second Vice -General Bishop of the
United American Free Will Baptist General Conference, Inc. and a member of the
Advisory Board of the National Baptist Convention of Free Will Baptist U.S.A.
Bishop Abe Randall has received numerous awards due to his dedication in
God's Service and an anointed man of God.
He is a family man, husband of a lovely wife (Patricia), he is the father of four
children, two sons and two daughters — Wilbert and wife (Ruby) of Lakeland,
Florida, Eugene of Ohio, Virginia of Miami, Florida, Monica of Jacksonville, Florida,
six grand children, (of which one is deceased) and two great grand.
In His Service,
Sister Willie Mae Thompson
(305) 836-0450
(305) 751-4251— Church #
(305) 751-5102 — Fax #
Applicant 0-c; C.e e_ernrYICSSIUti Telephone 305- D.50 - 6,3 q6
RI.druct P. Oonn it
Address ssoo Ran Arrte7'i'e2n 06%/e Ft-- 33133
Type of designation requested: (X) Location (Street):
1. Marker (Place)
2. Plaza
3. Street Codesignation
C-100 kW and Nie,
Brig reason for codesignation request:
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(Attach additional background information if necessary)
'understand, as stated in the City Code, Section 54-92, all expenses on the part of the City or any
other governmental agency plazas shall be paid by the applicant in addition to any fees. This
application carries a non-refundable fee as stated in Section 54-93 ()film City Code.
e o Applicant Date
*If the application is approved by the City Commission, additional fees will be required.