HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCRA 2020-08-31 MinutesCity of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Monday, August 31, 2020 10:00 AM (OR THEREAFTER) Virtual Regular Meeting City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Ken Russell, Chair, District Two Joe Carollo, Vice Chair, District Three Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Board Member, District One Manolo Reyes, Board Member, District Four Keon Hardemon, Board Member, District Five ************************* MIDTOWN CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 1401 N. Miami Avenue, 2"d Floor, Miami 33136 Phone: (305) 679-6868 www.miamicra.com Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 CALL TO ORDER ORDER OF THE DAY Present: Chair Russell, Vice Chair Carollo, Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla and Commissioner Hardemon Absent: Commissioner Reyes On the 31st day of August, 2020, the Board of Commissioners of the Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami, conducted and broadcasted a virtual meeting from City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, in regular session. The Commission Meeting was called to order by Chair Russell at 10:30 a.m., and adjourned at 10:46 a.m. Note for the Record: Vice Chair Carollo entered the meeting at 10:33 a.rn. ALSO PRESENT: Miguel A. Valentin, Finance Officer, CRA Victoria Mendez, General Counsel Xavier Alban, Assistant General Counsel Todd B. Hannon, Clerk of the Board Chair Russell: If we are adjourned with the Omni CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), can we begin the Midtown CRA meeting, Mr. Clerk? Todd B. Hannon (Clerk of the Board): Yes, sir. We're continuing the recording, so you may begin. And just for the record, I do have the vote for the previous motion as 3-0, the amended motion on the Omni CRA budget. Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: Correct. Chair Russell: Thank you. I'd like to call to order the Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency meeting of 8/31/2020. Here in attendance, I am your Chair, Ken Russell. We also have Commissioners Alex Diaz de la Portilla and Commissioner Keon Hardemon present. If the City Attorney could please read the script in the agenda with regard to the virtual meetings. Xavier Alban (Assistant City Attorney): Thank you, Chair. Pursuant to Executive Order Number 20-69, extended by Executive Order 20-193 by the Office of Governor Ron DeSantis on August 7, 2020, the Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners is conducting this meeting without having a quorum of its members present physically or at any specific location and utilizing communications, media technology, such as telephonic or video conferencing software as provided by Section 120.54(5)0)(2) Florida Statute. The Midtown CRA is using the Zoom platform to hold its August 31, 2020 virtual meeting. Zoom is a cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, collaboration, chat, and webinars across mobile devices, desktops, telephones and room systems. In order to ensure that the public has the ability to view the meeting, the City of Miami's Communications Department will broadcast the meeting through all the usual channels and avenues that are provided when a City Commission meeting is held fully at a physical location. The Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 1 Printed on 9/03/2021 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 meeting can he viewed live on Miami TV, miamigov.com/tv, through the City's YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/user/cityofmiamigov, or Comcast Channel 77, City of Miami. The broadcast will also have closed captioning. Additionally, the City of Miami has not selected a virtual platform that requires the public to purchase or download any additional software equipment to watch this meeting. Aside from the Zoom platform and that the participants will be appearing remotely; the public will have no discernible difference in their ability to watch the meeting. Since this is a virtual meeting as authorized by the Governor of the State of Florida, members of the public wishing to address the body may do so by visiting miamigov.com/virtualboards, as published in the notice to submit written comments via the online comment forum. Members of the public may also call 305-250-5340 to provide comments via a dedicated Midtown CRA public comment voicemail. All comments submitted will be included as part of the public record for this virtual meeting and will be considered by the Board of Commissioners prior to taking any action. The Midtown CRA will also accommodate any speaker desiring to appear in person at City Hall subject to all applicable emergency measures in place to prevent the further spread of COVID-19. Speakers who appear in person will be subject to screening for symptoms of COVID-19. Any persons exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 will not be permitted to enter City Hall. All interested parties are required to abide by all State, County, and local emergency orders, and are urged to remain at home, practice social distancing, and cover their mouth and nose. Section 286.0114(4)(c) Florida Statutes specifically authorizes the Midtown CRA to prescribe procedures or forums for an individual to use in order to inform the Board of Commissioners of a desire to be heard to indicate his or her support, opposition, or neutrality on a proposition. The Midtown CRA through its multiple comment options has provided different procedures and forums indicated among other things his or her support, opposition or neutrality on the items and topics to be discussed at the virtual Midtown CRA meeting. The Midtown CRA provided information on how to submit comments in the Notice to the Public and on the Midtown CRA's web page. All of these public comment options and procedures for the Midtown CRA meeting comply with Section 286.0114 and Section 120.54 Florida Statutes. If the proposition is being continued or rescheduled, the opportunity to be heard may, be at such later date before the Board of Commissioners takes action on such proposition. When the Board of Commissioners takes action or votes on any proposition before it, it shall do so by roll call vote, which shall he reported by the C'lerk and included in the record. Commissioners are you comfortable with the notice provisions set forth in the uniform rules of procedure we have established by this virtual meeting? Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: I arn. Chair Russell: Yes. Mr. Alban: Thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you, Mr. Alban. Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 2 Printed on 9/03/2021 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 APPROVING THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETING(S) 1. MIDTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - REGULAR MEETING - SEP 12. 2019 12:00 PM MOTION TO: Approve RESULT: APPROVED MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Board Member, District One SECONDER: Ken Russell, Board Member, District Two AYES: Russell, Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla, Hardemon ABSENT: Reyes Chair Russell: I'll open the floor for public comment on both the minutes of the September 12, 2019 meeting, as well as the item approving the 2021 budget. Is there any public comment? Anything pre-recorded? Anything sent in? All right. I'll close public -- Unidentified Speaker: There is none. Chair Russell: Thank you. I'll close public comment. Can I get a motion approving the minutes of September 12, 2019, please? Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: So move. Chair Russell: Seconded by the Chair. Is there any further comment? Hearing none, all in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes. Thank you. Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 3 Printed on 9/03/2021 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 MCRA RESOLUTION(S) 1. MCRA RESOLUTION 7795 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE MIDTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), ACCEPTING AND APPROVING THE 2021 PROPOSED BUDGET OF THE CRA, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED AS EXHIBIT "A", IN THE AMOUNT OF $15,279,146 FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2020 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2021; DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THE BUDGET TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. ENACTMENT NUMBER: MCRA-R-20-0001 MOTION TO: Adopt with Modification(s) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATION(S) MOVER: Alex Diaz de la Portilla, Board Member, District One SECONDER: Ken Russell, Board Member, District Two AYES: Russell, Carollo, Diaz de la Portilla, Hardemon ABSENT: Reyes Chair Russell: I'd like to present our single item. A resolution of the Board of the Commissioners of the Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency, with attachments, accepting and approving the 2021 proposed budget of the CRA, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A," in the amount of $15,279,146 for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2020 and ending September 30, 2021; directing the Executive Director to transmit a copy of the budget to the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County. Is there a motion to approve this budget? Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: Moved. Xavier Alban (Assistant City Attorney): Commissioner, 1 believe there's a substitution for that item. Chair Russell: Oh, I'm sorry. Have you got that handy, please? Todd Hannon (Clerk of the Board): Chair, there's -- it's two documents that are going to be added to the exhibit. One is titled, "Debt Service Requirements." The other one is titled, "Special Assessments and Tax Increment Revenue." Those will be the additional documents included with the exhibit amending the item. Chair Russell: Are those -- those are not listed in the printed agenda? Mr. Hannon: No, .sir. Chair Russell: What are the substantive changes? Mr. Hannon: I would defer to the Finance Officer for the Midtown CRA. Miguel Valentin (Finance Officer, Midtown CRA): Good morning. No, there are no substantial, Commissioner. It's just on a document that the City Attorneys Office wanted to add to the budget. Chair Russell: And what does it basically state? Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 4 Printed on 9/03/2021 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 Mr. Valentin: It basically -- Chair Russell: What does it clarify? Mr. Valentin: Yeah. It is outlining the new debt service that the Midtown CRA used to contribute to the Midtown CDD. Chair Russell: And it doesn't have an adjustment in the amount? What is the --? I mean, that's been clearly' established, though, correct? So what is the reason for the substitution? Mr. Valentin: Well, what happened is that from this point forward, the CRA, the Midtown CRA, we're going to contribute only the debt service payments to the Midtown CDD. In the past, we used to contribute 99 percent of the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) revenue. That is going to change. And since -- you know -- we are dealing with the City Attorney's Office in that regard, they were recommending us to add that document for further reference in the future. Chair Russell: And the delta between the debt service and the actual TIF revenue? Mr. Valentin: I will say it might be between 3 million to 4 million. Chair Russell: Correct. But my question is, what would happen to that? Mr. Valentin: Well, in the future, that money is going to go to the taxing authority. Still, we don't know how we're going to be distributing that money, but in the future, this is what is going to be happening. Chair Russell: So is it stated in the interlocal, in the event of TIF revenue in excess of the debt service payments, what's to happen to that money? Mr. Valentin: That money is -- it needs to go to the City, as well as to the County. Chair Russell: Thank you. So, gentlemen, what this is referring to is part of an audit that was requested by Commissioner Reyes a while back, and some of the findings of that audit could yield a windfall to the City, which is a positive. The audit hasn't been finalized yet, so I want to wait and see what the end audit does say, but it does also point out that we may have some redundant costs here in terms of our expenditures, and oversized Administration costs for the work that's being done in the Midtown. Miguel, I know, handles the multiple budgets; and so, he could easily do so from the Omni budget with that one percent that we're spending. But with regard to this, I agree. I didn't realize it was coming in as a substitution on this budget; and so, we'll go ahead and consider those added to the exhibit. Are there any questions on that change, gentlemen? All right. Is there a motion to approve the item? Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: Moved. Mr. Hannon: Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla has already moved it. We're just waiting on a second. Chair Russell: Seconded by the Chair, please. Thank you. Board Member Carollo: Discussion. Chair Russell: Yes. Good morning, Commissioner Carollo. Board Member Carollo: Good morning. I've just got a couple of questions. I know we're living in the times that if you don't agree with me, you've got to be destroyed, Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 5 Printed on 9/03/2021 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 words don't matter. But I do remember -- and that's without even getting into signed contracts between the County, the City, the CRA, the $2 million a year that were supposed to go to Ferre Park. But I do remember after that when we approved, Commissioner Russell, the extension for additional years that you had agreed, and all the members that worked there, the -- I'm talking about the staff the staff that out of a $15 million budget, there's about $1,250, 000 that goes to it. Chair Russell: Are you talking about the -- I'm sorry, Commissioner. Are you talking the Omni CRA or the Midtown? Board Member Carollo: I'm talking about the Omni CRA. Are you on the Midtown right now? Chair Russell: Yes. Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla already completed the Omni CRA budget, and now we're into the Midtown. But I am interested in talking about this with you. I just don't know if this is the right forum to make any substantive decisions, seeing that we're in the Midtown, but we're happy to have the discussion. Board Member Carollo: Okay. Well, if we're in the Midtown, we're not in the appropriate meeting to have it in, so I don't think it would be appropriate for me to bring up anything else at this point in time. Chair Russell: No problem. And you don't get destroyed; you only get cancelled. 1 think that's the right -- Board Member Carollo: No, no, no. It's -- you know exactly what I'm talking about; if not, go call your buddy, Eleazar. He'll explain to you how it's done well. Chair Russell: So that item that you're speaking about, I believe it is in conjunction with the extension, so when that extension is realized, I'm sure those obligations will be, as well. Board Member Carollo: Okay. So -- that's okay, gentlemen. I -- well, we'll move forward. Chair Russell: Thank you very, much. Board Member Carollo: Well -- Chair Russell: There's a motion; there's a second. Is there any discussion on the Board with regard to the Midtown CRA budget? Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: I wanted to -- Chair Russell: Yes, Commissioner. Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: I do want to make a comment. Commissioner, before -- we already closed our Omni CRA meeting, but I also made some statements about some obligations that -- some global agreements that we have with the County that talks a little bit about the Children's Trust and Miami Port Tunnel and other things like that, that we're going to re-examine or try to take a second look at those global agreements and interlocal agreements that we have, so 1 don't believe it's the time to be giving the County any money, so I didn't have a discussion, because you weren't at the meeting, but I commit to you publicly that we're going to have another CRA meeting, and that obligation will be met. As Chair of the Omni CRA, you have that commitment today that we'll meet that obligation faithfully, okay? Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 6 Printed on 9/03/2021 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 Board Member Carollo: Well, what 1 want to say to all of you is that in the past, I tried to go along and look at some of the bigger pictures, hut every year that we have voted for the CRA item -- and we haven't placed where the obligations were coming from, which I keep piling them up. Staff has told us that it's fine to do it that way, because -- you know -- it's convenient for staff to tell us that. But I will say this to you that the State of Florida has a very clear law that says that we're not the Federal Government. We can't print money and give it away, as much as we want. We have to have a balanced budget. And if you have real debts that you have to pay and they're due, and you don't have the money or you don't budget for them, then you do not have a balanced budget. I have not done anything in the past years, but I assure you -- like I do things, not behind the back, like some people like to do it -- I will personally sign a complaint with the State of Florida that this CRA does not have, nor has it had a balanced budget in the past, and then let the chips fall where they may. But either we do things by contract, which is what there was in the past when these monies were allocated, and do things by what the statute says that we have to do them by, or if not, then -- you know -- there's no rule of law. You do whatever you please. And frankly, this is what I've seen in the CRA. And it don't matter throughout the years who I've seen that's been there, the pissing of money away has been sickening, and I don't see what we've accomplished there throughout the years, no matter what anybody wants to tell me. But anyway, I've said enough for today. Thank you. Chair Russell: Thank you. Commissioner, did anyone imply to you that the Ferre park obligation was going to he changed? Because as far as I know, that is still completely on the books as an intention. Board Member Carollo: Well, it's not the intention. The intention is all well and done. It's the fact that those dollars cannot be put into a budget that has to be balanced, and all that you say is, "Well, well pay it sometime into the future." That's not what the State statute says. It's a balanced budget. Imagine if we would be doing that with our own City of Miami budget. It -- I think you all know the consequence that we would have there. Here, because nobody really looks at it, nobody cares much about it except for a very few people, nothing has happened. But I'm playing it straight that if things are not done right by it, I personally am going to sign my name to complaints throughout all the years that we have been playing this shell game where the CRA has not had balanced budgets, and then let happen whatever has to happen to the CRA. Chair Russell: Thank you. I'll defer to the Chair of that CRA. I'm sure that'll be brought up in the next meeting that we have. Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: Well -- Chair Russell: Thank you. All right. Are there any further comments on the Midtown CRA budget? We've already closed public comment, as well. If there are no further comments from the dais, all in favor of the budget with the substitutions, say "aye." Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: Ave. Board Member Carollo: Aye. Chair Russell: Any opposed? Motion passes. Thank you very much. We're adjourned. Board Member Diaz de la Portilla: Bye, gentlemen. Victoria Mendez (City Attorney): Thank you. Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 7 Printed on 9/03/2021 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes August 31, 2020 ADJOURNMENT Chair Russell: Good to see you all. Take care. The meeting adjourned at 10:46 a.m. Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Page 8 Printed on 9/03/2021