HomeMy WebLinkAboutMCRA 2011-02-28 MinutesCity of Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Meeting Minutes Monday, February 28, 2011 5:00 PM Villa 221 221 N.E. 17th Street Miami, Florida Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Francis Suarez, Chairman Wifredo (Willy) Gort, Vice Chairman Marc David Sarnoff, Commissioner Frank Carollo, Commissioner Richard P. Dunn II, Commissioner CRA OFFICE ADDRESS: 49 NW 5th ST, SUITE 100, Miami, FL 33128 Phone: (305) 679-6800, Fax: (305) 679-6835 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 FINANCIALS 1. 11-00135 RESOLUTIONS Present: Vice Chair Gort, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Dunn II, Commissioner Sarnoff and Chair Suarez On the 28th day of February 2011, the Board of Commissioners of the Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Miami met in regular session at Villa 221, 221 N.E. 17th Street, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order by Chair Suarez at 7: 37 p.m. and was adjourned at 7:50 p. m. Note for the Record: Commissioner Carollo entered the meeting at 7: 39 p.m. and Vice Chair Gort entered the meeting at 7: 40 p.m. ALSO PRESENT: Pieter Bockweg, Executive Director, CRA Veronica Xiques, Assistant General Counsel, CRA Priscilla A. Thompson, Clerk of the Board CRA REPORT PRESENTATION OF EXTERNAL AUDIT REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010. File 11-00135 02-28-2011 Cover Memo.pdf File 11-00135 02-28-2011 Audited FY2010 Financial Statements.pdf File 11-00135 02-28-2011 2010 Audit Results.pdf PRESENTED Chair Suarez: We'll begin with the CRA report, financial report, external audit. Richie Tandoc: Good evening, Chairman and board members. Again, my name is Richie Tandoc, partner with Sansone Kline Jacomino & Company, in charge of the Midtown CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency's) audit engagement for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2010. Again, you should have a copy of my presentation. This presentation is identical to the Omni presentation, so I won't go through every point. I'll just go over the more pertinent points. Starting on page 1, we issued our unqualified opinion, which again, is a clean opinion on the agency's basic financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2010. We also issued our report on the agency's internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters. For the year ended September 30, 2010, we noted no material weaknesses or material noncompliance issues and both reports were dated January 19, 2011. Regarding significant and/or unadjusted audit adjustments, we had none during the year -- during the audit. Again, any adjustments that were made during the audit were proposed by the finance officer and approved by us, by the auditors. Regarding fraud and illegal acts, we are not aware of any fraud or illegal acts that occurred during the fiscal year involving senior management or any fraud or illegal acts involving any employee that would cause a material misstatement of the financial statements. With regards to independence, we are independent with regards to the agency, the City, and any other related entity. And lastly, the management letter, we have issued a management letter in accordance with the rules of the auditor general of the state of Florida, and that report is January -- dated January 19, 2011. And we had no new observations for the current year. If you have any questions about the audit report or management letter, I'd be happy to address those. Chair Suarez: Any questions, board members? Moving along to item -- Thank you very much. City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 8/29/2011 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 2. 11-00136 MCRA RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE MIDTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CRA'S AMENDED SPECIAL REVENUE FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2010 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2011; FURTHER DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO TRANSMIT COPY OF THE AMENDED BUDGET TO THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. File 11-00136 02-28-2011 Cover Memo.pdf File 11-00136 02-28-2011 Legislation.pdf File 11-00136 02-28-2011 Legislation (Attachment).pdf File 11-00136 02-28-2011 Legislation (Version 2).pdf File # 11-00136 2-28-2011 Legislation (Signed).pdf Motion by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Dunn II, that this matter be ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Aye: Vice Chair Gort, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Sarnoff, Commissioner Dunn II and Chair Suarez MCRA-R-11-0001 Chair Suarez: Moving along to item number 2. Executive Director or Miguel. Miguel Valentin (Financial Officer, Community Redevelopment Agency): A resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency, with attachments, approving and adopting the CRA's (Community Redevelopment Agency's) amended special revenue fund budget for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2010 and ending September 30, 2011; further directing the executive director to transmit a copy of the amended budget to the City of Miami and Miami -Dade County. Again, we're asking you to approve this budget. Basically, the Midtown CRA is a single purpose CRA. Ninety-nine percent of the TIF (Tax Increment Fund) revenue collected it needs to go to the Midtown CDD (Community Development District) debt service. And only 1 percent is going to be used towards administration. Chair Suarez: Thank you. Is there any question from the board or any members of the public that would like to -- Vice Chair Gort: Move it. Chair Suarez: -- discuss this issue? Commissioner Carollo: So moved. Commissioner Dunn: Second. Chair Suarez: It's been moved by Board Member Carollo, seconded by Board Member Dunn. All in favor --? Priscilla A. Thompson (Clerk of the Board): No. Chair Suarez: Yes. Board Member Sarnoff, you're recognized for the record. City of Miami Page 3 Printed on 8/29/2011 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 Commissioner Sarnoff. Who's the executive director that we'll be directing? Chair Suarez: That will be coming on item -- agenda item number 5, if (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- Commissioner Sarnoff Okay. Chair Suarez: Thank you. Veronica Xiques (Assistant General Counsel): Commissioners, just as a cleanup reminder that this is being voted on as modified. There were just simple typos that were corrected after the item went to print. Commissioner Carollo: Mr. Chairman. Chair Suarez: Mr. -- Board Member Carollo, you're recognized for the record. Commissioner Carollo: Thank you. It seems like we keep hearing the same thing over and over about these simple mistakes or so forth. Do you think in the near future there'll be meetings where there're not all these mistakes or substitutions or revisions or so forth? Do you think we could get to that point? Ms. Xiques: Commissioner, the way the CRA agenda works is it's drafted by their staff counsel and his deadlines are often some -- not something that he's able to provide the items to me in time to -- for me to proofread and have them printed correctly. We are striving for a better schedule so that you don't have to have modifications, but it is being worked on. Commissioner Carollo: Question. Who's their staff counsel? Mr. Bockweg: The staff counsel for the Midtown -- for the CRA, all three of them, is Jamil Fraser. Commissioner, this -- these simple corrections, it was because of deadline constraints and I know that he had to be unavailable at some point. There was something else as well that we're working on. It's not an excuse. It won't happen again. And this was the first time it's happened since I know that I've been here at the CRA, but it will not happen again. You have my assurance on that. Commissioner Carollo: Okay, yeah, and I -- if possible, if staff counsel -- I'm not going to get into any details about staff counsel, but it seems like we have attorneys left and right here. But anyhow -- Commissioner Sarnoff.- That's always been the accountants' complaint. Commissioner Carollo: If staff counsel could work with our City Attorney's office to make sure that as far as timing and so forth, you know, that they provide the information to the City Attorney's office for, I guess, review at an adequate amount of time. Mr. Bockweg: We work very closely with the City Attorneys office. This won't happen again, Commissioner. Commissioner Carollo: Okay. And speaking about that -- I mean, I haven't brought it to the agenda yet as far as the five-day rule and so forth, but you know how that's a item that -- or -- Mr. Bockweg: Oh, I know. Commissioner Carollo: -- an issue with me that, you know -- anyways, okay, that's it. City of Miami Page 4 Printed on 8/29/2011 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 Chair Suarez: Thank you. Have we voted on this item already? Ms. Thompson: No, not yet. Commissioner Carollo: No. Chair Suarez: All those in favor, signify by saying aye." The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Suarez: Any opposed have the same right. 3. MCRA RESOLUTION 11-00164 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE MIDTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA"), WITH ATTACHMENT(S), APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE NEW LOGO FOR THE CRA. File 11-00164 02-28-2011 Cover Memo.pdf File 11-00164 02-28-2011 Legislation.pdf File 11-00164 02-28-2011 Legislation (Attachment).pdf File 11-00164 02-28-2011 Legislation (Version 2).pdf File # 11-00164 2-28-2011 Legislation (Signed).pdf Motion by Commissioner Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Dunn II, that this matter be ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Aye: Vice Chair Gort, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Sarnoff, Commissioner Dunn II and Chair Suarez MCRA-R-11-0002 Chair Suarez: Item number 4 [sic]. Pieter Bockweg (Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Mr. Chairman, item number 4 [sic] is the acceptance of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) logo. If you recall, we have done this for Omni and Midtown. We had not had an opportunity to do this for -- Omni and Overtown -- Midtown. Commissioner Carollo: Item number 3, correct? Mr. Bockweg: Number 3, Commissioner. Chair Suarez: Yeah, I think we skipped one accidentally, yeah. Okay. Commissioner Carollo: So move. Commissioner Dunn: Second. Chair Suarez: There's been a motion by Board Member Carollo, second by Board Member Dunn. All those in -- Veronica Xiques (Assistant General Counsel): I apologize. It's also going to be adopted with modifications. Commissioner Suarez: All those in favor, signify by saying aye." City of Miami Page 5 Printed on 8/29/2011 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Suarez: Any opposed have the same right. 4. MCRA RESOLUTION 11-00131 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE MIDTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING A PAYMENT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,576,072, TO THE MIDTOWN MIAMI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT ("CDD"), PURSUANT TO THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT DATED MAY 28, 2004; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM MIDTOWN TAX INCREMENT FUND, "OTHER CURRENT CHARGES AND OBLIGATIONS," ACCOUNT CODE NO. 10000.920101.549000.0000.00000. File 11-00131 02-28-2011 Cover Memo.pdf File 11-00131 02-28-2011 Financial Form.pdf File 11-00131 02-28-2011 Legislation.pdf File # 11-00131 2-28-2011 Legislation (Signed).pdf Motion by Vice Chair Gort, seconded by Commissioner Dunn II, that this matter be ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Aye: Vice Chair Gort, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Sarnoff, Commissioner Dunn II and Chair Suarez MCRA-R-11-0003 Chair Suarez: Item number 4, executive director. Pieter Bockweg (Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): Item number 4, Commissioner, is the payment of $1, 576, 072 to the CDD (Community Development District) for the debt service payment. Vice Chair Gort: Move it. Commissioner Dunn: Second. Chair Suarez: Motion by Board Member Gort, second by Board Member Dunn. Anyone from the public wishing to speak on this item or anyone from the board wishing to speak on this item? All in favor, signify by saying aye." The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Suarez: Any in opposition have the same right to say hay."I think it passed unanimously. 5. MCRA RESOLUTION 11-00165 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE MIDTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") APPOINTING PIETER A. BOCKWEG AS THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE AGENCY. File 11-00165 02-28-2011 Cover Memo.pdf File 11-00165 02-28-2011 Legislation.pdf File 11-00165 02-28-2011 Legislation (Version 2).pdf File # 11-00165 2-28-2011 Legislation (Signed).pdf City of Miami Page 6 Printed on 8/29/2011 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 Motion by Member Sarnoff, seconded by Commissioner Dunn II, that this matter be ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS PASSED by the following vote. Votes: Aye: Vice Chair Gort, Commissioner Carollo, Commissioner Sarnoff, Commissioner Dunn II and Chair Suarez MCRA-R-11-0004 Chair Suarez: Last item is item number 5. I think I can take this one here, Mr. Bockweg. As the -- as Board Member Dunn mentioned -- I don't know who the Vice Chairman of this board is. I wonder -- is it you? I don't know. Is it you? Priscilla A. Thompson (Clerk of the Board): Commissioner Gort. Chair Suarez: I'm sorry. Commissioner Dunn: Oh, okay. Chair Suarez: My apologies. Board Member Dunn mentioned at the beginning of the meeting, the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) -- this CRA lost its executive director, and we took a moment to -- in honor of him and the work that he's done for the CRA, for all CRAs, and for his family. And I've spoken with the CRA director of the Omni and Overtown CRA, and he has graciously agreed to also be the executive director of the Midtown CRA and has waived his right to receive a salary. We were paying the prior CRA director $12, 000 a year, and he has agreed to assume those additional responsibilities for the salary that he's been paid for Omni and Overtown CRA. So I'd like to recognize that, and I think -- I don't think we could get a better deal than a free executive director if we were to go outside. I think -- I don't think we have to go to Procurement for that. So I just wanted to make that comment. I wanted to thank the executive director for his generosity in accepting that additional responsibility without additional compensation. And I think it's recognition of what's been going on in the City and in -- with our CRAs and in our efforts to reflect what's been going on in the private sector. And also, obviously from the perspective of the City itself, avoid financial catastrophe. So is there a motion on this item or any discussions? Commissioner Sarnoff. So move. Commissioner Carollo: Second. Commissioner Dunn: Second. VeronicaXiques (Assistant General Counsel): Commissioners, excuse me. This resolution should be further modified. It's subject to City Commission approval for Mr. Bockweg's appointment. Chair Suarez: And I believe that will be coming -- can that also be brought on the March 10? Pieter Bockweg (Executive Director, Community Redevelopment Agency): No. It has to go in front of the City Commission. And my understanding is the agenda for March 10, Commissioner, has already -- Chair Suarez: Has already been printed. Mr. Bockweg: -- been printed. Chair Suarez: Okay. City of Miami Page 7 Printed on 8/29/2011 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 NON -AGENDA ITEMS NA.1 11-00215 Mr. Bockweg: I don't know if you want to do a pocket item on March 10 or one of your pages, but -- Chair Suarez: No. I think we'll bring it the following one. I don't think there's -- Commissioner Carollo: March 24. Chair Suarez: Yeah, I don't think there's any -- is there a particular rush? Mr. Bockweg: No. Commissioner Carollo: No. Chair Suarez: Okay. Okay, then I guess we'll take it up on March 24. And does the maker of the motion accept that modification? Ms. Thompson: I'm sorry, Chair. I didn't -- Chair Suarez: Yeah. There was about four people that -- Ms. Thompson: Thank you, so you can -- Chair Suarez: Okay. Who made the motion? Commissioner Sarnof I did. And you -- what you're saying, if I'm -- I'm sorry, Mr. Chair. Chair Suarez: No, no, please. Commissioner Sarnoff. You're saying that -- Chair Suarez: I think I know where you're going with this. Commissioner Sarnoff: -- the City Commission has to vote first before we can hire him as the CRA director? Ms. Xiques: No. What we're doing here is we're approving it at the Midtown CRA level subject to City Commission approval. So on March 24, the City Commission will move and also confirm the appointment. Commissioner Sarnoff: As stated. Understood. The seconder? Chair Suarez: Do we have a second? Commissioner Dunn: Second. Chair Suarez: Second by Board Member Dunn. All those in favor, please signify by saying hye." The Commissioners (Collectively): Aye. Chair Suarez: Any in opposition have the same right, say Ray. "Unanimous so -- CRA DISCUSSION City of Miami Page 8 Printed on 8/29/2011 Midtown Community Redevelopment Agency Meeting Minutes February 28, 2011 NA.2 11-00216 MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEMBRANCE OF JAMES H. VILLACORTA, PREVIOUS DIRECTOR OF THE MIDTOWN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY. DISCUSSED Chair Suarez: Board Member Dunn, you're recognized for the record. Commissioner Dunn: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I wanted to, for the record, because we did not -- and again, many times decisions are made up here and sometimes it can be interpreted as personal, and certainly, we want to keep it on a professional level. And so I wanted to ask -- I don't know if we did -- had an opportunity to do so, but I think it's apropos to do it during this particular CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) part of the Midtown, that at least we bow our heads in a moment of silent mediation for Mr. Jim Villacorta, his family. In his passing, I just feel that we should do that out of respect for the time that he served in the CRA. Chair Suarez: Thank you. Thank you so much. CRA DISCUSSION BRIEF DISCUSSION REGARDING CONNECTION OF MEETING VENUE, VILLA221, AND BAY OF PIGS INVASION. DISCUSSED Vice Chair Gort: Before we adjourn, I'd like to -- for all of you that are not aware, this house is a historical site. The Bay of Pig [sic] invasion began -- all the plans began in this house back in 1961, and I had to cut my hair quite a few times to do certain interviews and so on. So when I walked in and started looking at the place, it brought a lot of memories, but it's very -- this is where the whole thing was planned. Thank you. Move to adjourn. Commissioner Carollo: Second. City of Miami Page 9 Printed on 8/29/2011