HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021 CRA Miscellaneous AdvertisementsMIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared GUILLERMO GARCIA, who on oath says that he or she is the DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 36417 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - RFP 21-01 - DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 06/15/2021 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 ay of 4JJf�I E„Q. D. 2021 (SEAL) GUILLERMO G Commission # GG 277771 �• —' ;; "'�, as Expires November 19, 2022 Bonded 'Nu Troy Fain Insurance 800-385-7019 •.,t'or cam. 2#7/ JUN23 oFf-„c n Qy 9. 52 Le(` nt//Li' PUBLIC NOTICE RFP 21-01 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 318 NW 10TH STREET, MIAMI, FL 33136 The Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA"), pursuant to Florida Statute 163.380, is declaring its intent to dispose of its interest in a vacant parcel of property owned by the SEOPW CRA located at 318 NW 10th Street, Miami, FL, 33136. The SEOPW CRA may sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the parcel for uses in accordance with the 2018 SEOPW CRA Redevelopment Plan Update ("Redevelopment Plan"). As such, the SEOPW CRA is inviting proposals from private developers, or any persons interested in undertaking the development of the aforementioned parcel in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment Plan may be obtained from the SEOPW CRA office, 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Honda 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage: http://www.miamicra.com/seopwcraLpages/default.html . RFP documents may be obtained on or after Tuesday, June 15, 2021, from the SEOPW CRA office, 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage: http://www.miamicra.com/seopwcra/pages/ -ocurement.html. Completed Responses must be delivered to the City of Miami - City Clerk's Office, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 no later than Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 11:00am. Any Responses received after the above date and time or delivered to a different address or location will not be considered. The SEOPW CRA reserves the right to accept any Responses deemed to be in the best interest of the SEOPW CRA, to waive any minor irregularities, omissions, and/or technicalities in any Responses, or to reject any or all Responses and to re -advertise for new Responses as deemed necessary by the SEOPW CRA without notice. For more information please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-6800. #36417 6/15 21-29/0000535399M MLMI TODAY A Singular Voice in an Evolving City MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Diana Uribe Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: City of Miami Publication Notice #36417 SEOPW CRA RFP No. 21-01-NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 318 NW 10T" STREET, MIAMI, FL 33136 Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: June 17, 2021 Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida fora period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate or commission ur• refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Diana Uribe, Account Notary to and t1l:scribed before me this PUBLIC NOTICE RFP 21.01 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWNFPARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 318 NW 10TH STREET, MIAMI, FL 33136 The Southeast Overlown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ('SEOPW CRA-), pursuant to Florida Statute 163 380. is declaring its intent to dispose of its interest in a va- cant parcel O1 property owned by the SEOPW CRA located et 318 NW 10th Street, Miami. FL, 33136 The SEOPW CRA may sell. lease or otherwise transfer the parcel for uses in accordance with the 2018 SEOPW CRA Redevelopment Plan Update t'Redevelopment Plan I As such. the SEOPW CRA inviting proposals from private developersor any per- sons interested in undertaking the development of the aforementioned parcel in accordance with Inc Redevelopment Plan The Recnvelnpment Plan may be obtained from the SEOPW CRA office. 819 NW 2nd Ave. 3td Flout `taint Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRAwebpage http.rhvvnv.mlamtcra. comrseopwcraipagee,default html RFP documents may be obtained on or after Tuesday, June 15, 2021. from the SEOPW CRA office 819 NW 2nd Ave. 3rd Floor Miami. Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpege imp ' VrWW 'mamma coin:seopwcralpbgesrprocuremenl.html Completed Responses must be delivered to the City of Miemt • City Clerk's Office. 3500 Pan American Once Mramr. Florida 33133 no later than Thursday. July 15, 2021 at 11:00am. Any Responses reserved atter the above date and time or delivered to a drtleler! OJdress ur location will not he considered r n., •.i rue, r AA reserves 11.e tight 1c arccpr, any Respo;rsos deemed to be in the best in- , r . Ire .1% PN t RA to wand! anv .m nor ,r•eguinrques Omiss onsand/Or teehmeaaties ,,,, ' r....,.erc n reWcl anv a+ an Responses am1 to re- advertrse for new Responses a% deame:: racassary by the bEUPW CRA wdnput notice For more nformauon please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-8800 z36417 010111U1146,, y tit' • �7Y• bell •Ti #GG 230311 O•�o i 9 9'A°tided kk4°•'� r WEEK OF THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 2021 TODAY'S NEWS MIAMI TODAY 13 Office buildings' owner makes large investment in upgrades BY ABRAHAM GALVAN Spearheaded by JLL's property management division, innovative upgrades were completed at three Nuveen Real Estate office properties operated in Miami, an investment worth over $55 million. During the past year, as many businesses were still having em- ployees work remotely, JLL led major renovations at 801 Brickell, 701 }Stickel' and the Waterford Business District. Both areas saw net leased space decline in the first quarter of this year even as rental asking prices rose. "As moreofthe workforce returns to an office setting, updates such as touchless technology, tenant experi- ence apps and outdoor spaces are valued by tenants who are already expressing their satisfaction with the completed renovation work," said Amarjit Bains, executive vice president at JLL. "As part of the significant investment Nuveen Real Estate is making in the capital improvements underway at 701 Brickell, 801 Brickell and Waterford Business District, we are delivering upgrades and new amenities that will benefit our current and future tenants for years to come." At701 Brickell, a685,835-square- foot tower in Brickell financial dis- trict, the main lobby was renovated with modem design features and furniture, a firll-service fitness cen- 701 Brickell's lobby was renovated with modern designs and furniture. An amenity Boor was completed. ter was added, and touchless entry points for tenants were installed. As part of these capital improvements, an amenity floor was completed with a tenants -only lounge and state-of-the-art conference center facility. Currently, 701 Brickell is home to tenants including Holland & Knight, Kaseya, Expedia, and the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau, Ms. Baines said. Nearby at 801 Brickell, the 411,613-square-foot tower under- went a complete lobby enhance- ment, an amenity floor that will feature a conference center, tenant lounge and a fitness center. Otherup- grades being made include common Beach property inventory may sell above estimates BY Knew HFJa¢as Five Miami Beach -owned prop- erties that could soon go up for sale may be worth more than originally expected The city's Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee has repeat- edly discussed the possibility of putting these assets on the market to fill funding gaps for capital improve- ment projects, and last week they moved to full commission with a favorable recommendation an item conceming moving forward the process of competitive solicitation. Together, said Chief Financial Officer John Woodruff the five properties could be worth $16.2 million — roughly a third higher than the $10 million they were originally thought to be valued at. "The time," said Commissioner Mark Samuelian, "is ideal for us to take these less productive assets and tum them into something." Administration, he said, needs more time to decide whether to put the properties on the market as list- ings or request proposals. Since all will be individual transactions, he said, Ihecitydoesn'tneccesssariily have to sell them all or accept an offer. "Selling city assets," Com- missioner Ricky Aniola said, "is a serious matter." But, he said, unloading less -productive assets to fund improvements to the city's economy and quality of life may be worthwhile. Thefirstpropaty, an8,700-squate- foot lot at 8100 Hawthorne Ave., is valued at about $984,000. The second, a 15,313-square-foot lot at 226 87th Tetrace, is valued at S4.6 million. The third, a 12,105-square- foot lot on Pine Tree Drive, is 'The time is idea/{or us to take these less produc- tive assets and turn them into something.' Mara Samuelian valued at $3.4 million. The next, a 2,757-square-foot lot on Commerce Street, could be worth $1.5 million/ The last, a31,808-square-foot to on Sunset Drive, could be worth $5.7 million. The city, Miami Today reported, is also considering selling the North Shore Branch Library at 7505 Col- lins Ave. once a new library is built as part of a larger aquatic and com- munitycomplex on 72ndStreet. The existing library andparking lot sit on five parcels of land, which together are valued at $75 million. Since three of these parcels are waterfront, however, they would require a voter referendum before being sold. The two non -waterfront parcels, which border Collins Avenue, are together worth $10.5 million. This item is to be further addressed Friday at a committee budget briefing regarding the city's next fiscal year. area renovations, as well as HVAC system improvements, according to JLL property management. The 801 building also just l aunched a tenant experiencemobile app powered by HqO that will keep tenants informed of renovation up- dates, virtual events, neighborhood promotions and access to public transportation options. Among 801 tenants home are MasterCard, the US Securities & Exchange Commission, Bessemer Trust and Komodo Miami. The 15 class A office towers in the Brickell market combined for a net vacancy of 15.9% in space occupancy in the first quaver of this year, according to the most re- cent market report by Colliers. The Brickell market vacancy increased by a total of 164,343 square feet during the quarter, Col liersreported, while asking rates for leasing stood atanaverage$65.61 persquarefoot. After working with Nuveen's two Brickell assets, Ms. Baines said, JLL was selected to provide property management services for Nuveen Real Estate and Allianz Real Estate's current 1.65 million - square -foot Waterford Business District property portfolio in the Blue Lagoon potion of the Miami International Airport area. The remodeling includes new landscaping features, upgrades to re- strooms and common areas, HVAC improvements, modemization of elevators and the addition of spec suites.As part of the renovation, the district recently opened a new cafe and a conference center, installed electric vehicle charging stations and placed new monument signage throughout the property. Tenants include Marriott lntemational and Nicklaus Children's Hospital. The Miami International Airport area includes 50 Class A office buildings, according to Colliers, and had a 23.8% vacancy rate in the first quarter of this year. More than 300,000 square feet of office space was added to the vacancy pool during the quarter, Colliers said, as asking lease prices stood at $37.58 per square foot. "The capital improvement pro- grams underway at assets in our South Florida portfolio are part of our long -tens investment to further enhance the tenant experience and provide best -in -class services for the many businesses that occupy our premier office buildings," said Charles Russo, senior director and office sector southeast regional head for Nuveen Real Estate. "JLL has been a valuable partner as we complete these property enhance- ments, which will ensure our properties remain attractive forboth existing tenants and new -to -market companies." PUBLIC NOTICE RFP 21-01 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 318 NW 10TH STREET, MIAMI, FL 33138 The Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA"), pursuant to Florida Statute 163.380, is declaring its intent to dispose of its interest in a va- cant parcel of property owned by the SEOPW CRA located at 318 NW 10th Street, Miami, FL, 33136. The SEOPW CRA may sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the parcel for uses in accordance with the 2018 SEOPW CRA Redevelopment Plan Update ("Redevelopment Plan"). As such, the SEOPW CRA is inviting proposals from private developers, or any per- sons interested in undertaking the development of the aforementioned parcel in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment Plan may be obtained from the SEOPW CRA office, 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage: http://www.miamicra. com/seopwcra/pages/default.html. RFP documents may be obtained on or after Tuesday, June 15, 2021, from the SEOPW CRA office, 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage: http://www.miamicra.com/seopwcra/pages/procurement.html. Completed Responses must be delivered to the City of Miami - City Clerk's Office, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 no later than Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 11:00am. Any Responses received after the above date and time or delivered to a different address or location will not be considered. The SEOPW CRA reserves the right to accept any Responses deemed to be in the best in- terest of the SEOPW CRA, to waive any minor irregularities, omissions, and/or technicalities in any Responses, or to reject any or all Responses and to re -advertise for new Responses as deemed necessary by the SEOPW CRA without notice. For more Information please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-6800. #36417 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared GUILLERMO GARCIA, who on oath says that he or she is the DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of 36459 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - PUBLIC NOTICE - RFP NO: 21-0 2 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 10/12/2021 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami, in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Sworn 12 (S ) GUILLERM and subscribed before me this A.D. 2021 �;;ri e, •.., CHRISTI4 LYNN RAVIX '$' �- Commission # GG 277771 o, Expires November 19, 2022 y9'Fo °P` Bonded Thru Troy Fain Insurance 800.3851019 RECEIVED 2021 OCT 20 AM 10: 44 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC NOTICE RFP NO: 21-02 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 1.56-ACRE ASSEMBLAGE OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE HISTORIC OVERTOWN CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT The Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA") pursuant to Florida Statute 163.380(3)(a), is declaring its intent to dispose of its interest in property owned by the SEOPW CRA located at 345 NW 10th ST, 1016 NW 3rd AVE, 316 NW 11th ST, 324 NW 11th ST, and 334 NW 11th ST, Miami, FL 33136. The SEOPW CRA may sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the parcels for uses in accordance with the 2018 SEOPW CRA Redevelopment Plan Update ("Redevelopment Plan"). The SEOPW CRA is seeking proposals from private developers, or any persons interested in undertaking to develop the property in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and the Historic Overtown Culture and Entertainment District Master Plan ("Master Plan"). Completed responses must be delivered to the City of Miami - City Clerk's Office, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 no later than 11:00am on December 14, 2021. Any Responses received after the above date and time or delivered to a different address or location will not be considered. The Redevelopment Plan and the Master Plan may be obtained from the SEOPW CRA office at 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage at: http://www.miamicra.com/seopwcra/pages/default.html. RFP documents may be obtained on or after October 12, 2021, from the SEOPW CRA office at 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage at: http://www.miamicra.com/seopwcra/pages/procurement.html A non -mandatory pre -submittal meeting will be held at the SEOPW CRA office on November 3, 2021 at 11:00am. It is the sole responsibility of all firms to ensure the receipt of any addendum and it is recommended that firms periodically check the SEOPW CRA webpage for updates and the issuance of addenda. The SEOPW CRA reserves the right to accept any responses deemed to be in the best interest of the SEOPW CRA, to waive any minor irregularities, omissions, and/or technicalities in any responses, or to reject any or all responses and to re -advertise for new responses as deemed necessary by the SEOPW CRA without notice. For more information, please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-6800. AD NO. 36459 10/12 2I2 21-49/0000556661M r rn Miii TODAY A Singular Voice in an Evolving City MIAMI TODAY Published Weekly Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared: Diana Uribe Who on oath says that he/she is: Accounting Director of Miami Today, a weekly newspaper published at Miami in, Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of a notice of publication: Public Notice RE: City of Miami Publication Notice #36459 SEOPW CRA - PUBLIC NOTICE RFP 21-02- NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 1.56-ACRE ASSEMBLAGE OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE HISTORIC OVERTOWN CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT Was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of: October 14, 2021 Affidavit further says that the said Miami Today is a Newspaper published at Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in Miami -Dade County, Florida each week and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Miami, in the said Miami -Dade County, Florida for a period of one year preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate or commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. Diana Uribe, Ac ounting Director Notary orn to an subscribed before me this divA PUBLIC NOTICE RFP NO: 21-02 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 1.56-ACRE ASSEMBLAGE OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE HISTORIC OVERTOWN CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT The Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (•SEOPW CRA") pursuant to Florida Statute 163.380(3)(a), is declaring its intent to dispose of its interest in property owned by the SEOPW CRA located at 345 NW 101h ST. 1016 NW 3rd AVE. 316 NW - 11th ST. 324 NW tlth ST. and 334 NW 11th ST. Miami. FL 33136. The SEOPW CRA may sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the parcels for uses in accordance with the 2018 SEOPW CRA Redevelopment Plan Update ('Retcvaiopmant Plari). The SEOPW CRA is seeking '.. proposals from private developers, or any persons interested in undertaking to develop the property in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and the Historic Overtown Culture and Entertainment District Master Plan ("Master Plan'). Completed responses must be delivered to the City of Miami - City Clerk's Office, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133 no later than 11:00am on December 14, 2021. Any Responses received after the above date and time or delivered to a different address or location will not be considered. The Redevelopment Plan and the Master Plan may be obtained from the SEOPW CRA office at 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33138, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage at: http J/wwwmiamicra con/seopwcralpagesidefault.html. • RFP documents may be obtained on or after October 12, 2021, from the SEOPW CRA office • at 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage at: httpJtwww.miamicra.corrvseopwcra/pages/procurement.html A non -mandatory pre -submittal meeting will be held at the SEOPW CRA office on November 3, 2021 at 11:00am. It is the sole responsibility of all firms to ensure the receipt of any ad- dendum and it is recommended that firms periodically check the SEOPW CRA webpage for updates and the issuance of addenda The SEOPW CRA reserves the right to accept any responses deemed to be in the best in- terest of the SEOPW CRA, to waive any minor irregularities, omissions, and/or technicalities in any responses, or to reject any or all responses and to re -advertise for new responses as deemed necessary by the SEOPW CRA without notice. For more information, please contact the SEOPW CRA age at 3� Ad No. 38459 •'g• c-� •-3 0 cv CJ7 0 rn i PUBLIC NOTICE RFP NO: 21-02 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY NOTICE OF DISPOSITION AND REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 1.56-ACRE ASSEMBLAGE OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE HISTORIC OVERTOWN CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT The Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ("SEOPW CRA") pursuant to Florida Statute 163.380(3)(a), is declaring its intent to dispose of its interest in property owned by the SEOPW CRA located at 345 NW 10th ST, 1016 NW 3rd AVE, 316 NW 11th ST, 324 NW 11th ST, and 334 NW 11th ST, Miami, FL 33136. The SEOPW CRA may sell, lease, or otherwise transfer the parcels for uses in accordance with the 2018 SEOPW CRA Redevelopment Plan Update ("Redevelopment Plan"). The SEOPW CRA is seeking proposals from private developers, or any persons interested in undertaking to develop the property in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan and the Historic Overtown Culture and Entertainment District Master Plan ("Master Plan"). Completed responses must be delivered to the City of Miami - City Clerk's Office, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami Florida 33133 no later than 11:00am on December 14, 2021. Any Responses received after the above date and time or delivered to a different address or location will not be considered. The Redevelopment Plan and the Master Plan may be obtained from the SEOPW CRA office at 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor. Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage at: http://www.miamicra.com/seopwcra/pages/default.html. RFP documents may be obtained on or after October 12, 2021, from the SEOPW CRA office at 819 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, or from the SEOPW CRA webpage at: http://www.miamicra.com/seopwcra/pages/procurement.html A non -mandatory pre -submittal meeting will be held at the SEOPW CRA office on November 3, 2021 at 11:00am. It is the sole responsibility of all firms to ensure the receipt of any ad- dendum and it is recommended that firms periodically check the SEOPW CRA webpage for updates and the issuance of addenda. The SEOPW CRA reserves the right to accept any responses deemed to be in the best in- terest of the SEOPW CRA, to waive any minor irregularities, omissions, and/or technicalities in any responses, or to reject any or all responses and to re -advertise for new responses as deemed necessary by the SEOPW CRA without notice. For more information, please contact the SEOPW CRA office at (305) 679-6800. Ad No. 36459 odaq