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Grady Muhammad <gradymuhammad@gmail.com>
Fwd:Raw sewage n apt. 4 n 741 build n My unit
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17863898248@mymetropcs.com <17863898248@mymetropcs.com>
To: gradymuhammad@gmail.com
Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:28 AM
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Grnail - FpJd:Raw sewage n apt. 4 n 741 build n My unit
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Grady Muhammad <gradymuhammad@gmail.com>
Fwd:Raw sewage n apt. 4 n 741 build n My unit
1 message
17863898248@mymetropcs.com <17863898248@mymetropcs.com>
To: gradymuhammad@gmail.com
Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 9:28 AM
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Xi1g of 4iTinii
Date: January 24, 201t
Mr. Grady Muhammad
721 NW 56 Street, #12
Miami, FL 33127
Dear Mr. Grady Muhammad,
City Manager
Submitted Into the public
record.in connecti9n w.th
item VU. I on 3�
Priscilla A. Thompson
- . City Cleft
The City of Miami has established an Optional Relocation Assistance Policy ("Policy") to assist residents
who are required to move either permanently or temporarily due to unsafe housing caused as a result of fire,
man-made catastrophic event, natural disaster, or weather -related circumstances.
A copy of this Policy is attached for your review. This Policy explains and clarifies the assistance that might
be available to approved applicants who were or will be forced to move as a result of one of the above listed
reasons. Residential applicants who do apply for assistance under this Policy may be required, as appropriate
i. Complete a needs assessment including housing cost and utility- related information, and
housing occupancy and mobility needs.
ii. Resident must provide proof of residency which may include. copies of a lease, utilit ✓ bills,
driver license, or voter registration card.
iii. Show proof of age which may include a driver license, Social Security documents, birth
certificate, or other documents the City may request.
iv. Provide income information as deemed necessary and appropriate, that might include tax
records, pay stubs, Social Security award documents, or other income -related information
the City may request.
v. Obtain statements, notarized if requested, regarding information submitted and claims made
in the applicant's application.
vi. Submit to the City, if and/ or when requested, any invoices, vouchers, bills, or receipts to
document costs.
Homeowners and/ or residential tenants who meet the above eligibility criteria and income requirements, and
who are issued a Notice of Award, will be eligible for the following assistance:
1 Due to the nature of events likely to cause displacement, in many occasions, immediate access to documentation
many not be available or may have been destroyed. The City will accept affidavits during the initial intake process,
and will provide, if appropriate, monetary assistance for a period of up to 30 days. After 30 days, it will be
necessary for the assisted household to acquire replacement documentation to ensure compliance and continue
receiving assistance.
444S.W. 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor / Miami, Florida 33130 / (305) 416-2080 / Fax: (305) 416-2090
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708-0708 Miami, FL 33233-0708
a. When possible, the City may assist an applicant in locating additional services available in the
b. Eligible applicants may be referred to other agencies for monetary assistance and/ or other
humanitarian or social services.
c. Housing Advisory services and assistance in locating temporary or permanent replacement housing,
and other advisory services the City deems appropriate.
d. Eligible applicants may be provided monetary assistance under this Policy within the limits set, and
for the eligible items specified and approved. Financial assistance might include one or more of the
• Housing Assistance Payment(s)
• Move Assistance Payment
• Return Move Assistance Payment
• Storage of Personal Property Payment
The City has designated the contact person listed here to work with residents who are interested in applying
for assistance under this Policy. If you would like to learn more about the assistance available under this
Policy, and/ or wish to apply for that assistance, please call or write to the City of Miami to the following
City of Miami — Department of Community Development
Attn.: Lori Soto, Contract Compliance Analyst
444 SW 2 Avenue, 2 Floor
Miami, FL 33130
(305) 416-2084
Alfredo DuT. �eputy Director
Department' ommunity Development
Submitted Into,the public
recordin connection with
item VU I on 0I2q{i11
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
Acknowledgement of hand -delivered receipt by residing tenant:
Mr. Grady Muhammad
721 NW 56 Street, #12
Miami, FL 33127
G •
Date Received: / _/
Printed Name- %(/%%1f,{`jm,r,-� ignature; /-2/`/. ���7GG
177w i..- ^ j.yh- rA...r•ry7"v f4�C TPlwiR'.�'.M'/-�M):Pis: �3i
February 2, 2011
I Grady Muhammad attest, that I am a Black Man born in America, in the City of Miami, Dade
County, Florida.
I attest, that I am a Tenant, with a Valid Lease with from manager/owners of the COPI
Building(s). Who resides at 721 NW 56 Street, Unit 12 Miami, Florida 33127.
I am requesting assistance from the City to find a decent, safe, sanitary unit to relocate to
either in the city of Miami, Miami -Dade County or anywhere else in Florida.
Per the letter date Jan. 24, 2011, from Alfredo Duran, Deputy Director City of Miami's
Community Development Dept.
I am trying to get to the City a copy of a Picture ID, Birth certificate, my son and my Social
Security Cards, etc.
There will be no mail with the current address, because it has been stated by the City and CD
that the building is condemned. Anyone has now and all ways had access to the "Open
Mailboxes". No Intelligent person would risk their mail being "taken by strangers".
I do not now have nor did I ever have a US Passport.
Grady Muhammad
721 NW 56 Street COPI, Inc. Tenant
Submitted Into the public
recorip ci °" on 31gqz with
item (M
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
'Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine
Page 1 of 4
Select Year: 1997
The 1997 Florida Statutes
Submitted Into the pubtiC"
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in nectign th � ,
stern ' i—on
Priscilla .A. Thompson'
_ City Clerk
Title XLVI
Chapter 775
Definitions; General Penalties; Registration Of Criminals
775.082 Penalties; mandatory minimum sentences for certain reoffenders previously released from
(1) A person who has been convicted of a capital felony shall be punished by death if the proceeding
held to determine sentence according to the procedure set forth in s. 921.141 results in findings by the
court that such person shall be punished by death, otherwise such person shall be punished by life
imprisonment and shall be ineligible for parole.
(2) In the event the death penalty in a capital felony is held to be unconstitutional by the Florida
Supreme Court or the United States Supreme Court, the court having jurisdiction over a person
previously sentenced to death for a capital felony shall cause such person to be brought before the
court, and the court shall sentence such person to life imprisonment as provided in subsection (1).
(3) A person who has been convicted of any other designated felony may be punished as follows:
1. For a life felony committed prior to October 1, 1983, by a term of imprisonment for life or for a term
of years not less than 30.
2. For a life felony committed on or after October 1, 1983, by a term of imprisonment for life or by a
term of imprisonment not exceeding 40 years.
3. For a life felony committed on or after July 1, 1995, by a term of imprisonment for life or by
imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life imprisonment.
(b) For a felony of the first degree, by a term of imprisonment not exceeding 30 years or, when
specifically provided by statute, by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life imprisonment.
(c) For a felony of the second degree, by a term of imprisonment not exceeding 15 years.
(d) For a felony of the third degree, by a term of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years.
(4) A person who has been convicted of a designated misdemeanor may be sentenced as follows:
(a) For a misdemeanor of the first degree, by a definite term of imprisonment not exceeding 1 year;
http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String... 3/24/2011
February 28, 2011
Grady Muhammad
721 NW 56th St #12
Miami, FI 33127
Dear Grady Muhammad:
(fag af *Miami
Pic( eL9
Submitted Into the public
record in connection with
item J on `j I21{(1 i
Priscilla A. Thompson!
City Clerk
City Manager
On January 27, 2010, Comprehensive Outreach Programs, Inc. ("COPI") notified you of
proposed plans to acquire and rehabilitate the property you currently occupy at 721 NW
56th St #12, Miami with the funding assistance from U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development ("HUD") under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
On June 10, 2010, COPI issued a Notice of Nondisplacement ("Notice") explaining that
you will not be required to move permanently as a result of the rehabilitation. The Notice
guaranteed to you that upon completion of the rehabilitation, you will be able to lease and
occupy your present apartment or another suitable, decent, safe and sanitary apartment in
the same building/complex under reasonable terms and conditions. In addition, if you
must move temporarily so that the rehabilitation can be completed, you will be
reimbursed for all your extra expenses, including the cost of moving to and from
temporary housing and any increased interim housing costs. It also stated that if you
elect to move for your own reasons, you will not receive any relocation assistance.
The City of Miami will make every effort to acconunodate your needs. Because federal
funding is involved in this project, you are protected by the Uniform Relocation
Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended.
Pursuant to Public Law 105-117, all persons seeping relocation assistance will be
required to certify that they are a United States citizen or national, or an alien
lawfully present in the United States.
Currently, the City of Miami is still pending picture ID and Social Security Card for you,
Birth Certificate and School Records for your son. Please be advised that without the
required documentation, the City will not be able to certify your eligibility and proceed
with the provision of the aforementioned relocation benefits.
444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 2nd Floor / Miami, Florida 33130 / (305) 416-2080 / Fax: (305) 416-2090
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 330708-0708 Miami, FL 33233-0708
If you . rive any questions, about this notice or proposed project, please, contact Dollila
P. kh.;.v at 305-416-2184 or Lori Soto at 305-416-2084 to set up an appointment.
D Director, Community Development
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Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
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From ; 178638982480mymetropcs.com
To ; gradyn2004@juno.com
Subject ; Inside apt
Date ; Wed, Jul 21, 2010 02:05 PM
Inside apt all thy did was paint over it
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February 19, 2011
In Allah (God) and His Christ Name. I Hope this email finds you all in the best of Health
and Spirits.
Mr. George Mensah
City of Miami's CD Dept. Director
444 SW 2 Ave. 2 Floor
Miami, FL 33130
Good morning, Sir.
RE: Why are Projects in the Black Community, taking 4 ever?
Mr. Director, why are most of the Projects CD Staff and or the Liberty City Trust have
recommended in the Black Community are "Taking Years to Complete".
Below is long list of projects who start dated have been years ago. With no completion
date any this soon Why?
1) 1371 NW 61 Street was approved to assist, Girls Aging out of the Foster Care System.
The only person living at this City owned and rebuilt 2-story 10-unit Apt, deeded to
Some Rev, to assist Girls Aging out of the Foster Care System.
2) Miami -Dream Homes. 1525 NW 60 St. Deeded property by City in 2005, for 1 new
Single family house. It then became a 7-unit 3-Story Apt. Six (6) years later, it is no
closer to completion. In fact the city and the developers, have just figured out an elevator
needs to be installed now. Who is approving this Stuff?
3) OSUN Village/ 7th Ave Commercial Rehab whatever you call it. It is Six years and
not to do major rehab, (Interior -Exterior). No it's just to do Doors and Windows.
4) RHHEDC is doing NE 2 Ave, very well and timely. Why are all the other District 5
Projects taking forever? They are to also start 15 Ave. Why has NW 7 Ave taking almost
(6) six years when that are doing NE 2 in Months?
Remember, Mr. Director, the City Commission originally Approved a $500,000 for the
Project. When it was recaptured, it was only $427,000.
What happened to the other $72,000.00? And what services did NANA or the City
received for those funds being paid out?
Submitted Into the public
recor i connec qn w th
item r l on D 12y 1I
Priscilla A. Th .iuson
Chi 2,1erk
5) 1240 NW 61 St (Kings Heights)City was supposes to make this housing for Ex -Felons.
36 families were evicted and now the building sits vacate and owned by city, no RFP put
out on this property went anywhere.
6) $250,000 was allocated to Mother's Learning Care Center & Shrimp Wings and
That was 2007-08; all this projects are taking for ever. WHY? Who is suppose to
Monitor, theses projects to ensure completion?
Mr. Director, Please explain these projects.
m regards,
Grady Muhammad
Miami -Dade First, Inc.
Submitted Into the public
record,i � °non Qlwith
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
City Commission
Meeting Minutes January 13, 2011
Chair Gort: it's a good way to use the funds. Okay, all in favor, state it by saying eye."
The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Submitted Into the public
Chair Gort: Unanimously. record " Connect) n W th
10-01428 City Clerk
10-01428 Summary Form.pdf
10-01428 Corrected Public Notice.pdf
10-01428 Public Notice.pdf
10-01428 RHHED Request for Funding.pdf
10-01428 RHHED detail by Entity Name.pdf
10-01428 Rebuild Together Request for Finding.pdf
10-01428 Rebuild Together Detail by Entity Name.pdf
10-01428 Rebuild Together Financial Statements.pdf
10-01428 Legislation.pdf
10-01428 Exhibit 1.pdf
10-01428 Exhibit 2.pdf
Motion by Commissioner Sarnoff, seconded by Commissioner Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: 5 - Commissioner(s) Gort, Sarnoff, Carollo, Suarez and Dunn 11
Chair Gort: PH.11.
George Mensah (Director, Community Development): PH.11 is the allocation of 200,000 from
District 2 Economic Development Reserve to -- 100,000 to Rafael Hernandez Housing and
Economic Development and another 100,000 to Rebuilding Together and (UNINTELLIGIBLE)
to provide single-family rehabilitation services in District 2 Wynwood and Coconut Grove areas.
Chair Gort: Okay, thank you. Public hearings, anyone like to speak on PH.11?
Grady Muhammad: Grady Muhammad, resident (UNINTELLIGIBLE), 72/ Northwest 56th
Street, Apartment 12. The City is given NSP (Neighborhood Stabilization Program) dollars to
(UNINTELLIGIBLE), $1,834,000 to acquire and renovate multifamily housing. I'm a tenant in
one of the units with no running water since July. 1 have a lease signed. No heat with my
City of -Miami
Page 36 Printed on 2/1/2011
City Commission Meeting Minutes
Submitted Into the public
recor n connectiqn with
item rH . I on 2211.4
Priscilla A. T/�hompps4 .
January 13, 2011City Cfet�
five -year -old son, but I'm a tenant in a (UNINTELLIGIBLE) unit. The funds have been released
as of October 1. No renovation has been done. I sent an e-mail (electronic) to the owner, Ms.
Johnson, and Community Development, all of them, why. Because there's no quote/unquote to
secure the property. The property is open. Therefore, people look like it is a vacant, abandoned
building. They're now stealing all of the windows, breaking the windows to gel the aluminum
and everything, and it's going to cost the City of Miami a whole lot more to secure if we don't
secure this property ASAP (As Soon As Possible). But again, I'm a tenant in the building with no
running water. They're demanding I pay rent. I said I'll pay the rent with the court, but i don't
intend on paying the rent to the landlord when 1 have no running water, no heat, no refrigerator,
no stove, but I'm a tenant and they gave me this lease, and I'm bringing it to the Commission
only for informational purposes, but I'm waiting for the renovations. And that's what also the
Affordable Housing and Loan Committee requested seven -- eight months ago when they gave
the additional monies, that they secure the property. Thal has not been taken to secure the
property. Now people are tearing the windows off, the boards off. And like / say, if you continue
10 allow it, whatever money you had towards renovating is going to be doubled because these are
going to be unanticipated costs. Thank you.
Chair Gort: Thank you. Let me ask a question. We -- this is a problem that we've had through
all the City of Miami --
Mr. Mensah: Yes.
Chair Gort: -- with the abandoned homes and buildings that are being occupied by squatters.
Mr. Mensah: That's correct.
Chair Gort: And Code Enforcement has been very active in boarding up those homes to make
sure -- and secure this home. What's the problem with this particular building? This has been
here a couple of times already.
Mr. Mensah: Yes.
Chair Gort: Who's the owner?
Mr. Mensah: We have the owner here, Ms. Mary. This is an issue that I received an e-mail
yesterday that this is the case. The owners are constantly on the property. Mr. Muhammad is
living in a property which was abandoned. There's no water because of the fact that nobody
actually lives in that particular building. The -- FPL (Florida Power & Light) has cut the lights,
that's my understanding, and the owner has been making an attempt to move Mr. Muhammad to
the building where there are other people are living. We are waiting for HUD's (Department of
Housing and Urban Development) approval to be able to spend money on the project manager
That is required to do this project. Without a letter from HUD, we can't move forward and do
anything with this project, so that's what we're waiting. We've had meetings with Mr.
Muhammad. We've -- the owner has, you know, tried to accommodate everything that Mr.
Muhammad wanted, but at this point I will meet him again and to see what else is going on so
that whatever assistance we can provide, we'll provide that.
Chair Gort: Thank you.
Mr. Muhammad: But to say it's abandoned and 1 have a valid lease is, you know, a red herring.
Chair Gort: My understanding. Thank you.
Mary Johnson: Yes. My name is Mary Johnson, owner of the building that Mr. Muhammad live
in. In July we did meet with him. He had come before the Commission and said that he was
City of Miami
Page 37 Primed on 2/1 2011
City Commission Meeting Minutes
Submitted Into the public
recor in connectio with
f H4 I on 31214 11 I
Priscilla A. Thompson
January 13, 2011 City Clerk
living in the building and whatever. We gave him a lease. I offered him to move into the
building that had other tenants in it. And we met with him, CD, the attorneys. He opted to stay
in that apartment. He wanted to stay in even though we offered him to come over to the other
apartment. He said that the apartment had mildew --
Mr. Muhammad: Mold and mildew.
Chair Gort: Excuse me.
Ms. Johnson: -- mold and mildew.
Chair Gort: I'm conducting the meeting.
Ms. Johnson: We've had an environmental done in the building. There was no mold and mildew
found. We've done all the repairs in there, we've done everything, even put down new tile
throughout the whole apartment to accommodate Mr. Muhammad.
Chair Gort: !'d like for you to get together. This is more like a legal matter. I don't think we
can lake any action here that could help, but ! hope you all gel together and come up with some
kind of solution. At the same time, if it's an abandoned home, 1 don't think you should be able to
give out -- I'm not an attorney -- should be giving out a lease. So 1 think that's something you
need to discuss with the legal.
Ms. Johnson: He said he was staying in there.
Chair Gort: Thank you.
Commissioner Sarnoff. So move and for discussion.
Commissioner Suarez: Second for discussion.
Chair Gort: Move and second for discussion.
Commissioner Sarnoff Thank you, Mr. Chair. For those ofyou that don't know this particular
program, this is Rebuilding Together. And to give you a little background on them, through no
government subsidy for the past probably seven to ten years now --1 may be a little over. It
might be seven years -- they have been restoring retired veterans' homes, disabled people's
homes or extremely elderly people's homes in Coconut Grove, and they have done over 200
homes. 1 have personally, actually with a hammer, nail, learned how to do much of what they
do, painting. I'm not the greatest painter in the world, but have been doing this for the better
part offour orfive years myself. Actually, before 1 became Commissioner. We started talking
last year about giving them some help with this program, and now this program is going to
actually not only stay in the Grove, but it's also going to go to W'nwood and we're going to
partner with somebody who knows Wynwood pretty well, which is Rafael Hernandez, in selecting
people's homes, not people who can pay to have their homes rehabilitated, but either a disabled
person or a military veteran that is not able to do his own home, or a person who is so elderly
that it's no longer practical for them to do their home. To me, this is what government could do.
This is setting the table for dinner but not serving the food to those who maybe could serve their
own food. So 1 wholeheartedly endorse this. And for those ofyou that don't know Rebuilding
Together, this is a volunteer group of organizations from builders throughout South Florida who
bring extra wood, plumbing material, invest their profits into those who cannot afford and
cannot sustain themselves and do it without costing any amount of money. Now we're able to
give them a little bit of effort, a little bit of help. They could do some more profound
foundational work. They could do some roofing work, the things that you and I consider very,
very expensive work, such as changing people's windows. The two areas they're going to
City ofMiami
Page 38 Primed an 2/1/201 /