Approximately 3227-3247 Charles Ave
File ID 11-001131u1
The proposal is for a change to the Future Land Use Map of the Miami Comprehensive
Neighborhood Plan designation of certain properties from "Single Family Residential" to
"Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities". (A complete legal
description is on file at the Hearing Boards Office).
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Policy LU-1.6.1 established future
land use categories according to the 2020 Future Land Use Map and the "Interpretation
of the Future Land Use Map."
The "Single Family Residential" future land use category allows single family
structures of one dwelling unit each to a maximum density of 9 dwelling units per acre,
subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the
maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's
adopted concurrency management requirements.
Supporting services such as foster homes and family day care homes for children and/or
adults; and community based residential facilities (6 clients or less, not including drug,
alcohol or correctional rehabilitation facilities also will be allowed pursuant to applicable
state law. Places of worship, primary and secondary schools, child day care centers and
adult day care centers are permissible in suitable locations within single family
residential areas.
Professional offices, tourist and guest homes, museums, and private clubs or lodges are
allowed only in contributing structures within historic sites or historic districts that have
been designated by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board and are in
suitable locations within single family residential areas, pursuant to applicable land
development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for such
uses. Density and intensity limitations for said uses shall be restricted to those of the
contributing structure(s).
The "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" future land
use category allows facilities for federal, state and local government activities, major
public or private health, recreational, cultural, religious or educational activities, and
major transportation facilities and public utilities. Residential facilities ancillary to these
uses are allowed up to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily
Residential" or if applicable the least intense abutting/adjacent residential zoning district,
subject to the same limiting conditions.
Areas designated as "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities"
allow nonresidential uses to a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 6.0 times the net lot area
of the subject property. Properties designated "Major Institutional, Public Facilities,
Transportation and Utilities" in the Health / Civic Center District allow a maximum floor
lot ratio (FLR) of 8.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated
"Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" in the Urban Central
Business District allow a maximum FLR of 37.0 times the net lot area of the subject
The subject area consists of two parcels comprising approximately 0.243 acres. These
parcels are located on the block that is bounded by William Avenue to the north, Main
Highway to the east, Charles Avenue to the south, and Hibiscus Street to the west. The
site and the surrounding areas to the south and west are designated "Single Family
Residential"; "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" is located
to the north and east along Main Highway. The subject site is in the COCONUT GROVE
NET Service Center Area.
The Planning Department is recommending DENIAL of the amendment as
presented based on the following findings:
• MCNP Housing Policy HO-1.1.7 states the City will continue to control, through
restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive
commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any
residential neighborhood and will provide appropriate transitions between high-rise
and low-rise residential developments. Since the subject area is surrounded by an
established Single Family Residential neighborhood to the south and west, the
proposed designation will NOT provide for an appropriate transition between the
higher permitted intensities to the east and north to the surrounding residential
neighborhoods. A transitional category such as "Low Density Restricted
Commercial" would be more appropriate for this location.
• The MCNP Interpretation of the 2020 Future Land Use Map indicates that the "Major
Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" land use category states
that residential facilities ancillary to the primary uses are allowed up to a maximum
density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" or if applicable the least
intense abutting/adjacent residential zoning district. Since the requested "Major
Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" designation is adjacent to
a "Single Family Residential" neighborhood, the maximum permitted residential
density is 9 dwelling units per acre, however, as previously noted, they must be
ancillary to the primary use.
• MCNP Policy LU-1.3.15, states that the City will continue to encourage a
development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a
balanced mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and
recreation in close proximity to each other. This change will allow for the addition of
commercial uses and increased housing capacity which will serve the surrounding
residential neighborhoods. However, the designation allows for Intensities and uses
that are out of scale and character with the surrounding Single Family Residential
neighborhoods. "Low Density Restricted Commercial" allows for additional uses,
however at a lower scale that provides for appropriate transitions from the higher
intensities permitted to the east into the residential neighborhoods.
• MCNP Policy LU-1.3.6 states that the City will continue to encourage a diversification
in the mix of industrial and commercial activities and tenants through strategic and
comprehensive marketing and promotion efforts so that the designated
Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZ), the Empowerment Zone, the Enterprise
Zone, the Brownfield Redevelopment Area, Commercial Business Corridors, and
other targeted areas are buffered from national and international cycles. The subject
area is located in the Coconut Grove NDZ, and the proposed designation will allow
for an increased mix of activities and tenants in the area. Though a lower scale of
uses would be more appropriate for the surrounding neighborhood.
• MCNP Policy LU-1.6.10 states that the City's land development regulations and
policies will allow for the provision of safe and convenient on -site traffic flow and
vehicle parking and will provide access by a variety of transportation modes,
including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and transit. This site is in close
proximity to a Miami -Dade County Metrobus Route and the Coconut Grove Circulator
and may support additional density and commercial uses.
• MCNP Land Use Policy 1.1.1 provides that new development or redevelopment that
results in an increase in density or intensity of land use shall be contingent upon
availability of public facilities and services that meet or exceed the minimum LOS
standards adopted in the Capital Improvements Element.
These findings support the position that the Future Land Use Map at this location and for
this neighborhood should NOT be changed to the proposed designation.