HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlansCITY OF MIAMI FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE STATION No. 13 990 NE 79TH STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 33138 C-1 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT WITH CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE 11000 AND CITY CODE, AS AMENDED, AND ALL APPLICABLE CRITERIA, CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR OTHER REGULATIONS. The proposed development CITY OF MIAMI FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE STATION No. 13 will be comprised of a new Fire Station Facility of approximately 11,020 square feet of gross area with 9 off-street parking spaces including one accessible parking space. The maximum height of the building will be 42 feet 0 inches (hose tower). Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for CITY OF MIAMI FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE STATION No. 13 at 990 N.E. 79TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33138, has been submitted and reviewed to allow an application for Special Exception Permit with City Commission approval, subject to all applicable criteria; SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per Article 4, Section 4.01, Under Conditional Principal Uses (24) of C-1 Restricted Commercial, to allow a new Fire Station; This SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT encompasses the following Special Permit and Request: CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 908.2, to allow driveway width greater than 25 feet. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 922.4, to allow maneuvering of trucks on public rights -of -ways, with referral to the Public Works Director. REQUEST for a VARIANCE as per ARTICLE 19, Section 1901, ARTICLE 4, Sect.401, C-1 Restricted Commercial, to allow a relaxation of the terms of the ordinance on required off- street parking spaces, subject to all applicable criteria; Minimum required 10 Proposed (Surface Parking Lot) 9 Request to be waived: 1 Gonz. lez Plans Examiner E7'' d' 3/%0 LEGEND AS• .Nphler PN BBO •Barbra BM .Bench Mae CB •Catch bvh CBS •CacNeStrh Struceae CN •Cecil 6 *Centre De LIf .Chin lAkreo Crew o •o..d CC 1.v.q.0an Covey RN OrHge o maw. a Mairearwie Earns/ • Fire H• ydrae FAR. • Found ionflebar FPl •Fier. Power lye P.I.P. Found ...Pie • . Neva M _ gApp.e NTS .Not to St* • •05 OaerM000WALies ON ....are P Phi PC Poul gGoae PG Pam g .man P P,Y: Parkway " • • Nape, D,. PL P.O.S. Pointof Bowies P.P.M.Pemine.ReNrsm Monument R • Po.. Taw., Rev . Name ar3 •Range MA ...ad PSM •Prg.o.eak,W Swgv FUW Rmaw. Oamy MP) •Tma • •T q A TWP NE Vwa� we swore. W.M.. WaterMeler LOT 9 BLOCK 21 SKETCH OF SURVEY A=23.51' 7 0=5353'4a"•f.• ... � ... ....... O ..........., yA ..... 'I'... . .: ':.:.q .cYWG••::: A y::::: ":. � ......1 .. . .::. �:.�:.... .: :.A ::::::: :•A� .: :• O� .QQL ter®ran-e�r2S.00' �y�!p.!��`,'�p-->/—•-a---•-�a9••-�1•.s••g��g�qD�--•r•v^i..���.t��-ptl�pL�y� .•-w--+•s �eaElygq.� Ikt<GYIIIia"�.�Ve'A�68dir:1 " ,' r `11 �R % yll!�'sr. MatailMMIEWO-__M. 1_ SG�="y 90L,"'",K,._s a�=�• !•SON .•.:<;�a...b:? ..-�� s•zs o ono r :::::.::•:.oa':.•::.v:: P:. 1 8 6�cOVSaYlC1/aV . Am oo,.00 a', J•.id;_ i ::! 0. 5 �� alao• FJP. WI LOT 29 BLOCK 21 (THERE ARE NO TREES WITHIN THIS PROPERTY) ? ��� ••• �• "Zy, WE( QRB � 6 a �w _ QRB 'Lba PA44 d'E 2>b• a LOT 30 BLOCK 21 Bearing, i1 any, shown based on N/A (reference) N/A P. o LOT 31 BLOCK 21 oB P 1/2• Les WALL 119.65 LOT 4 BLOCK 21 LOT 3 BLOCK 21 NOTE: Zona l aVuol Anos bused on CO el Muni Atlas 9M. •NE C/4.510 •/• • SEC 17-53-12 • ATC NGNT !ERICA', Ibis property described as: Lot 7less North S het & Lot 8lees the Norh S foot of the East 112 ofLot 8, Block 21 SHORECRE,S"T according to the plat thereof asrecorded iPlat Book 10, Pege(s)23, oftile Public Records ofMiami Dado Cowry, Florida. Folio #(01-3207-0163520, 013207-0163530) AND Lots less do North 5feet afL016 Blook21, SHORE CREST, according to tho Plat 6emo4 nmaadcd in Plet Book 14 Page 23, ofthoPublic Rcmrd+ofMlemi Dado Cow%, Fhaida Folio M.(01-3207-016-3510) CERTIFIED Tar CIO, Ofbfieml A Muni4a1 Carpmation Of The Mato OfFloride Weisbord Eisen &Possonti, PA. First America" Tidolnsurance Company 958-990NB nth Strew Miami, FL33138 "THIS SURVEY DECLARATION 15 MADE ON THE FIELD DATE INDICATED, TO THE OWNER(S) LISTED. IT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS." REVISIONS: DRAWING REVISED ON AUGUST30.2010 FLOOD ZONE 001.11.No. PANEL No. SUFFIX ELEVATION NOTE: (IF APPLICABLE) Nol validun s AS 120014 01a1 V L.F.EI0v.= i/&_30ns1 02.blolwr ebv.Ibn). 0boa,000 Elovo.lan.0 1beroun nlgN N.G.VD.1023. agnmur00200 Lowusl0ElocanI0m400Nvodun= Nm ul[(Flei iced F.I.R.RIDATE F.I.RAINDEX BASE ELEV. soul [(Florida BAI oya„•.a NIA,Ern OS IO2/Ss m/17195 am e.N.O.V.D. Gmm�O Elov.= r,[EmEI a etsa L.c.'s almq. oyq BOUNDARY SURVEY. I HEREBY CERTIFY: W. Nis survey nega Ne minimum..chn col .Ier0Ne es ss1 bM fry Ibe FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS In chop... 61017E FIN'rL AdnieibeRe Code. puenl to Smbon 472.e27F.Me SNhm. RENE AIGUESVIVES 00/04/10 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER No.4327. Mateo( Florida. Alvarez, Aiguesvlves and Associates, Inc. Surveyors, Mappers and Land Planners 5701 S.W. 107th Avenue, Stele 206, MMmI, FL 33173 Phone 305.220.2424 Fax 305.552.8181 L.B. No. Gael / E-moll: aeosorvey@oorcom Field Dale Scale: Drawn by: Dnvg. No. 06/18/08 1"=20' D.G. 08-12806 • Marc SartiOff - :Frank Carollo Ft -antis i-t:tare. Wilfredo port : ) c0.11131 Mt. 1, 01 II I I 1 FAR. 6.005S.F. NONFM En 5.900 .. TOTAL GROSS O.F. 11,030 SF. FA.RAREA PLAN 43-01 -110 'rr Aff: IlfRlb... . I BUILDING 000100IN0 10.066 U.F. GREEN SPACE 4.6069F. PAVED AREA BAA0F. ROOM AREA SCHEDULE ROOK R04m R00M SPACE AREA CGDMI.1AW� Aew AAW 55000 93f Oq4 MACo•wm APRRNIdmew -7dI MVO. NM la LCP420 0E0 41. is OLUCIIC. lm 1OWEW0 1Mtn .ANa0M m0wNRY AEERisis .PNnalao 13000.10w uyauAx5wB Amu NI 101121 (•InrYa,W1 NF IASIMN OA DI ONA6 OT5P1511 nS LtL040 _ Ua .... RR00411.... 11EmT15WPA(TSISn1Gw ATN1110OI M. I 114 109.1.803.0011.0101.. nr la EATI POW ROM oe CCAM.• aGl 0*.oNe . mRom Row Ns.N LIN COCOON NC 0.014.1 COSMO131100040.32040011ee6Eriaa1 • A00A bwRaltROA Mai 31 t N PCPPO04 ECKWaL tPAYA,pmAW PAOI N5E aaaum1AgA11 LIa wALLAAFx 1410 _JU11 U, APAND=]ROOM 0000 BP 101330.010.000 11.0x006F SITE DATA 1010.30.4.110N ' 1NRN0W 5111110.3.3L3101.1.11001.101.1103.113131.13..131.0 CPE90 N13.. e4ROOA<,OHROB10w.Pgln Ob try1oN 301.NN.0N105U15]6g1 MO Ed PI I*I1.2w 0040 4144145 aI0PSCP•=b.RvNI. bvx4" t✓e1ro14101A16NI0) ZONING IMEC04 K61LOrRwAVRAI a033LOIMIA(0.A) NA515F A IN BOOR AREA RATIO CALCULATIONS ALLOWED PROVIDED .NE FAR 1.71 A 01Am ICIAF NAw OP m?101P AwNP GREEN SPACE REQUIRED PROVIDED 10C C1040111m.3,rw51 RAGS3F BUILDING FOOTPRINT ALLURED PROVIDED MOP GIA]x.Wr15pg4F A 1.mx6P BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED PRONGED IMMO BUILDING SETBACKS REQUIRED PROVIDED ]CEa0.+.111fr� Rov PObutegal 60ED0BU1w0R1 .wtPP.ur .3RO it te OFF STREET PAWING REQUIRED PROVIDED PLIMOSOI SPACEPN6mN • vAAYR012E0153010.10411).1030013005N0P0Am z I I LTA 59o& fk ��i1�E13€dTu `7i1tlE'L"ail'{L9i3i7711P #3.�HirT3�i:7i'��®�RiY�i�>t31�. ILIVAGREI +�td4' °91"�3_] 1524I+7141eni47fig'EJ" 37F�. ' EIri� d� aI laP NM Wrath KOSO LOT COVERAGE/LANDSCAPE PLAN CITY .1F NET LOT AREA NG I,249TiOSIP GROSS LOT AREA ',MIMT, .1,R.11 !ARO INDEX OF DRAWINGS o01 N N.TNAR[ACNCRA110w .wEaEAAN]NNNwNa „1..1 6'4BNOM10131.3103011010011311136G0LT 11m UBWERPUN CML: 04 P.0100.0.3 PUN A45 OITAAA WATERAIGONV01PLAV SIGNAUZATION: 131 011MNC11MPL01 MEMO LANOBCAPINOI IRRIGATION: L4 W. 1114 1M1.1101 PIN1 1St wO91011W00A13 ' ARCHITECTURE: AM OUS MIO• 10*5 0EEAu mIIE]0E1Au ALAI 6IRCEras Alm OM 11910.1.110/1/4.3 MI CROW ALCM PAN W01 MMIMEOCOIROR/R3 ACCARAN K0 RCM NOEL 1,301 Ip 111104 WTREM1.9 b.w AMYL LEYA1.9 Nwx. Mq B4W0406[CPOq ACMA1.M PMRN.610MREE EF EMGM. Atm q.a AR. KAN 3/00.i 3510113 NIONA AIm ECRU PM RLL V LN W. O]EYAl l al . SECT.. DAM00. 13. um SMOMMINO10E111.W Nm 1.009 5ar5CN OM Aim comm.. WEEMa MS wawuE.w Lsr+ucB Nm ioiGGG aLurorRCaRTwm Ae01 00450050E Nm 000ACNMa 3103 MOITRI0W1t K.w OONtlBA0EIAA] A0.01 3101 • 1N /31.1l OAeEf i> iG3EY11.111 R1UAGENC 113111 A1OW NO 014.00.0001.3 2oMdI06PN61C Eiq 03.3 A1APt001 0LIC10 uu 2401 APIAG P 3 BW1RX g.03 g 110313LUHOACT ORAL T 01100.ONLWA31. STRUCTURAL: 34 6OW 800.3.0014.11 Rm 34 HwKROCP IMMO PUNAW OOALA SMOG >t NORM OW MECHANICAL: ALRR0m100610I1C4]LS110A0 PM OVERALL ROMPIN MVAC 1.1301 IiETONIXE SLUM P W) NYAC 43.02 ORPAGPCG01 NIAC MOO MOM 00.1.900-00. u,D1 OEEI2]4•HIPAC C ELECTRICAL:MIC RCOaM3110 1 LG.. .1.9.113113330 €I.06 N1.ICLOP .: RNNYW+P111011 ® Tim FIRE PROTECTION: P10011 MEOLR0.01,1NCFIEAR NOTE] reLM 091EE�E,YL.'w'rwA/ 1.1111 nnv 111301 0E13E3.101EPAOIECON, mat mrsmi .41.1.0133140.110134PROM,4 090110.111.10.11311WOO AA¢ED. MCNICRAMS MEGA. MCISINIONNIA P.03 LLIMBIN011.01a.LEOGO MO M EM 11,31EE aBOGuRM URAN•001 0C WPM ISMN. a4PALLR50FP .01AP. www MO6 qd 00.000311.COPRANG1.1. RC. PlR .RC 10401E104913.310013R1. ROOM OOgAIIC 1101.13... LO,a W l OMOA.YOW GRC OL.PA1.RINOM 1161311343111.110 003031.0.0.0 CORM PLO.. CONLI. AMR. P d4740134gP4 031. ...,r 3 1.tI A.: e. AM MSG 1104.1N 0100011140 004wLMRW.3.13 . 1IIL,Ad4u0 • •ORIRRY.1• MA OON .FIIgtlMO0l10 1R1w.1 SG1EFL331m FA MGM. CIO view 6z Fool COD a Nadi VII CM a mEg Rim mB E Il / I /1r6 11. 01..PRIwO COL NM ORS/.>ro AN101 MISP001 dF 03.00 ® KVA. Ba NO Gum 0ATM MM EACALCIDON9 T0.01 ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOL LEGEND MATERIAL LEGEND NL REMSPR000C19 OR SYSI EVNAIEO ANY MOT BE TM n116 CONTRACT TNOTE El6F R L ENV o0000 FINISHED FLOOR EA EACH LBL UBEL Rf0 ROOF ORAN ASC NOVESU9PIINCW CEEYq LF FAd10010 WI 10000 E(01 WG110FEOM ACCESS EW RM. ACC AP ACCESS FNEL EIEC ELECTRIC xl) IA011 L 10000 R AC ACOUSTICAL EP ELECTRICAL PANEL EDAM UV LAVATORY RS RN:MERSA. ACP ACOUSTICALCEKPAPNEL E.IECTRICWAT00 COOLER LBW LEA0 SHELVEDImI00Y/ ACT ACOUSTICAL ERE EWE ELECTRICWATERNEATER LN LEPTHAND S ACO POCS.. EL ELEVATION L UNIT ELEVATOR LT SANITARY SEATER ADP AONWO FLIER ...GENET LC ITEM SCREEN ENE E) LIT ITEIRWEIGHT WIER SITE SdEA1WIV1LEO1 Ea�x SITE sEmETARr EQUIP LLEL LCII SEC AC EC MFR SECT 3.110.51 i ALTERNATE ro EN EGST EVMIWG TEXHAUST BR LOWER LIVE O SHEET AUG MdKH1AGE),IW) W EPFAHM011 BOLT LP LOWF00rt SH SNEU.SIIELVPIU 8R As AN00 MOONED up EXPOSE U)ET �ENr AI 60SWIM., APIL APPROXIMATE ENT ETOER0R MM MV.OFA000REI0) SCA SIMIUR MCI. ATIONEC1(NE).(MALT MN EYEWASH MRB SL SO SOLID SLEEVE MSLST ASSISTANCE F - A SP SOUNDPROOF 0 in AT MORALOPFM NxnL,A,ro FM Enamor/ALL 3 SOUTH LENT 0 Lc MIECHA.(ALLI K R FOS FACEOFSTUO9 ERNO L SPECIAL ECU FAN COIL min SPEC SpECIFICA1101110 am UN FAST-MM. PPR NE NELIR SPR Pw1NxLm T, FOOT s0 sOVME FEETel METAL GPL BSRC EARS* OPIATE ERSOMO UT SETAE. F VII15X FLOOR NM .RuSM1n0 89Ma )0 EMIMETNBOO BEE BEVELED FT N0. N Ex STA 61N1(000S FLOUT UNETED FLOOR A� MILLW'OR0 METER 1ST _ BLOOM FEL a810 STORAGEft STEEL 00 BOND EAELARM INIUM lemon 81n STRINCTUNRE4M1 BL edUMWEDLGNr eFxmWnl>FA u•ECElUNEOUs STTUC O91 FIRE HOSE CABINETGERN� M000W1 AIR OW BOMWAT FP BOT EIREFROOFIEO.INBI ImssTURERFsn(01 SAT EMEDACOUS0UL TEE IAMLM. ETRYBTAL) N W TU W mov SYS BOBTTOMO IITIO FU FL ETD. sir MOUNT LUNG) 6 srsTEl DIBUREN FEEL RA F10001WG1 LIMO u'IUTOOON FLw FLOCRCLBU OUT Nr T C FD FLOOR.... RRESCENi/IL GAUP. TKB T BOARD MT F0411 0 PM . TEL1KKE Ncm rrorw.cEWETM ¢enswr' Ea VERTICAL DARAI TEMP TEMPER. CPT CARPPET,R MEMO 01 ECLVICREI FTC RAMER/1.LRIG)MCA HMI. 111 Nc CEILING LCANKIM) E FA ... ! MR OmESMLDI.INE651 CXr CERRg0E10Nr ENURE10x roscBe vm TOILETELT nox RTLNNo) FB FmN1M1EBa1O0IERA3 MC NOT El COMPACT TFo PErFMmIXSFEr6m EERNB rHee poem _ EURN Ei1KTURE ECU@Mmr 0 TW TOLERANCE 2. CENTERFURRAVED SHOT OBSCURE ITi 0 TONGUE AND GROOVE FM FUTURE pp CRAM TAB TOPNM BOTTOM Cr CCEWOCIRE 0 CPO CPER. TOP OFF BOAR a MDaN RE °p.p ...T PENOEFICE 000 aAop oF sus MPLI GALLONS ANSFERM I!. CPPPE 0001M.A.01TOWEL OM CO l01 OUT...AM ER TREAD CLR EVIWNCE GALVNI¢EOWttI OVERALL TYP TYPICAL w101 xerlEo) w OVFmIEw U ow cOLD ROLLED RAcr1aR1 P CCCdORME r cc OUSS.Gm.USIN ITC UwERCUT O COL MSS MO. PlIE FANTLE.. COMM COUTUNICATICITS Gs MB BAR PIA P/NEL UE WinTITSU110101 COMM xE DOM MITRE LL UNE00MOmSLABORMO Y COMER >wNEss(EDL00'n.O0LE) GRWT TOWEL DISPENSER w11 Ux1E5501N0x wM 00005E GWPw Om0U1100ARo A Tax w FHO PARTICLEBOARD EMU CORM. MASOME2 CONT EC0WLo `n U� He HARDIC.11 wr 000001 - V 0EE0 COME CONSTRUCT (E LIMO HMEwM PERI PERIMETER F ma Gwen rvNErcl carol. Ae� oR HARDWaco FFw llcuumwT: VERT VERiiMxvelncAL �N RUC Fl/5 INT FL FLOE VE9r VESTIBULE Nur CO E%TUEI(OWN AIFUIGNI CULT PO FUIEGL S TM NCH POUF RV1W Nti N000 vyCM.8A5� ETLf 10.1 HOLLOW METAL UTRWI VINYL FABRIC CZ =ARM.. pCF mums PG. GIAAG RIOT W USK CPI. 11110000000PLER R� RAM HOT NEATER S IrAE19CUT PSF FOUNDS PER SCUARE FOOT CPI HA HOUR NM IYNLTOWALL p • ARCONOHICxYM N PUSH BMW WI �V. EIMO RWOSET OPR DAMPER 1 4 WP WE WAE ND1NF(NGI WM WINI WINDOW LOAD.1T DEAN ELAC ISn. M.A.! R.- ...REP..., r OMAR,. • CAAI oEArolrtrtAeLE IN MITLAMEIER WO WITHOUT CEP DEPRESS ISM I0),IMO E WO WOOD osiT OEM.. MO ONGONAL NTEL INTERIOR WOO W000 BASF RAO onn ON ONAIETER) m NIG) OVA OXENSOMYR RIM ATATEPLEACEn CO CTI10 1WROR9CLOSRI RECEPTAOE.RECEFiM11 OR pry ours . JF ,pMIT REF NFnl ro REERm1GERAtOn CWe E UST 0REGISTERREINFORCE LOLINGI DTA De wMNIOlIeGK n oNF Ernn DOVETAIL uM•.On¢Or REM REV RESILIENT GOWN.. OS 1.11nrel SPOUT RES KCFL NEENES ...OPUS.. RET RETURN NICK P.M FeA RETURN MVO ORAVAILO KIT NEN Or CR..*FONTAN NO NNDUOUT MOXINNO EL RISER TE RE R NOTE 1. U OWNw000000I0ODE0MAYMreE USED IN MIS CONTRA. 2. 111E NOTES AIM SYMBOLS NI nn5 DRAPmC ME F011 TIE GUIUATICE Of ALL TRADES INVOLVED 1l1 THE PRO.ECi N10 MUST BE fOLLONED TO EXECUTE 111E PORK AS IME110E0. PLAN BDIEEDEMEMIC CMUPMn1IO11 1102141ESS AS DIMENSIONED LIELAL IUD PMT.nIICIWESS AS UPIESSIONEE OREM ANORYMilYPE950IWUlE CORD COLSEESm00)0 RED. FIRE ETINGUI511m Caitiff. SEE cuam ONE oov.NroN TM O/A1.01 REFERENCE DI MINO TIMER WHERE ELEVATIOIISOMWx — — — LONRMTUIRLIHE ra EEC SPECS FOR CUSS AND SUE ..TO wNLw PM111NW T0RElwl SCCFIONS/OETAlS - j FLIP EXL ALLMPM...1E00E OLISHED CoxclNxn anMLOINEVAlew9, ASNVAT PAv6.O 12 Nro I ®® VFNIRMTUION — Ye w I 1 2HOUR PNERATED WALL4Mn110N QM DOOR MUIBFA Ea Eig _ I ANTI. =11n . '.. •.. gig '��' r; ;1: ���� ;yj r/r'n I/ ! I/I ® ALUMINA. CWJIICIUFRAVm ERE COUPAC1wfLL cOlc CUULONCRETEM1u50MY UNrt • GRAVEL.. WSUL-RMro UISUI-BAIT PL,WOpOODTAAsI I STEEL -F0Rm1T MosuadNNa.NosE Nr WOoODLOCMIO-Cd1r Qn 011wt LNTdR TOIETACCESSORY ME A A UCNUIE WT meow TwEOv.NUuaRR1 PROTECTED ® BL1 BORROWED LIGIrt 9PENL• NUMBER) CM CNR0N.VWNL TYPE 1150• 1NN0ml SF1 010109MH00090 )5i •1NAnERl FURNITURE. FIXTURE ORENOAERT LI LOUVER TYPE TNe. CERI iNCOTRACT r — nNEFOIURE OR EQUIPMENT I ov0A1En01M1 L _ _J PM nrrox ttPenenER6RANEm) A6.02 slaEroulmER LARK Q INTERIOR ELEVATOR IIETT0) I A32R CODE 90900wamfaiuneon900900Nr INO iO O u0m 0I1WALL SECTIONS �- RMiW OIISdIE0ULE50ETIm10EA COMM o--- A —CmleilME REYMNRE6®ml 1 L HORIZONTAL VERTICAL L@ERA nne RE9nrnxcenalWEa RE eroP cu'InmExn FOR 0UR01NOELmER14 1 n BUILDING ELEMENT TYPE IA B(Om° VNIweI Veers *Elm. Wen,. Iare, S. / W OIWAE ORE EL ROONYSPACE NUMBER AND ELEVATIONSRE TIVE TO TONS ELOA' ONREUTNETONIFm R„ wau 4r IweeaLrov+,Pik P°Anla° EAlnbr SEE TABLE B02 WWUIESONECIroNO110090 NhVE AJy` TPEvn REumBm 9uB wpfiEclMIILEr1ER '`(' EL D Fe rinrLna II IWaACMYORRI, EAE9 a 0 .� REFMERMEORAWWTIONNA6ERAMEREHOE 2 SEOMNI9 CRAW.VB 1 .FiVA1t)' 3 ROOM INTERIOR EIEVAIK119 A4110 sl servmwsrte/ Twry CRKWI A _ Ni9000403•4bs1.....Ta 2° trd , N.anaa1NU, (Itt8 INDMAIW OIEC110N OF COMM PUWE 5EC1ro11MLBER O M� „+*U1n v,....„ U•n•a,•.r•.m...,.„f ,w,,.... „. r......«k .,V W�cs' yam— =rW nT,--r .,RW,rr1Rv. 5 / � � II` IEGMIEIMTFIRNLTMSEELw1FIi1AL Ero SHEET SECi101119 COMA E . \ DeTNLMwum ryry OF P!!':.Ir ARUM FIRE RESMTNMEMnNW RCV.NYIONGlTOR EXTERIOR suit] YA9E0 ON ENE SEPARATION ANCEInnI coxalRurnox GROUP le to EEOf IA. `_ J� Ip: • . ,1.. r, Ono^, „� SHEET °rolesm. ) _• sDDS! TWEIA : DE ... - c, ..OTT /.G (9110 _ "' `-- _ ID 20 niE1A 2 > META I FNPNI9MIINNNTOEI-IYPEI'EMBW) _--�-- H�-.. .I. _ ME IA 0 P- R.sr., .M1• _ 1.I1D M eruuE°n lLa°i. IC,M 1 r....... go •+• flC&P IZO CAfl RENo 6 PARTNERS .T..rrfa F.12..<an A 00:121KF ONNMItu n1R0AN1RN onsTAERIls 51.1,4IXwa4Em aurAOAM •011YOfR4111- ¢ nwr6.A110100 elOVM rxrs 124 URN s.¢E ENEH Immo IAA IC COFCC CiP W m M a C2 CC W_ Q co =� d. yG is CC CD O g .jii STALT LIKurea Tuner." 133010113110111 ISSUE OM 11/1E/1009 RUGS. OSCEPTEN OW SYMBOLS NIB ABOREVEIl9NS TO.02 ) N.E. 79th STREET (STATE ROAD 934) g017 O —_ pJ/ b/ I a/ a/ F.LP. I/2 A (5' 0/3 SOUTH 1 b/ -2 42! • .1. 3�.'3 LOT 9 BLOCK 21 15' 02 0.10' C4 F.I.P. 1/2'0 LOT 29 BLOCK 21 13060 NORTH LINE 57' ASPHALT PAVEM S.E. 1/4 (70' TOTAL R/V/) SEC. 7-53-42 (EATSRNG) 5/GN- 24.90425, '-- q" •;k 5' ZONED STREET NE PER CITY 1 5' ATLAS 0, LOT 8 BLOCK 21 _0.3' LOT 30 BLOCK 21 ORIGINAL LOT LINE i/qa CONC. q1 nPOLE ? �� .1 17.7 13 a ASPHALT1PAVEMENT Po C.B. CB. 2300' '1 NCI UE( O.R.B. JJ, D.R.B. 1/200 P.P. h6' OV 001. ;NT 0 ,0 WATER VA1 w ,rcn .R \O�e. 2 $./ (TYPICA� L) g...0 af- ¢\lOUT\'' SOUTH MOLINE PER 0.0.T. I/VI MAP A VE 5' CGNC. 51'rll 6' CONSTRUCTION FENCE (TSPICAL) I 4 hi 184.63 CONC. SIDEWALK +[;_ OUSBE C ADVERTISING SIGN (THER ARE NO TREES WITHIN THIS PROPERTY) LOT 7 BLOCK 21 CLF. (TYP) LOT 31 12' ARCH CC 2.78 PACE 278) LOT 6 b / BLOCK 21 o 3j 0.15' CLR (TYP .50 , I/2" 35' C05 WALL 1.00020, _LOT LINE (TYPICAL) TRAFFIC LIGHT (OVERHEAD LINE II TRAFFIC UGNT nl o ry� IlOVERIIEAO hp I 901 ph 3G 4 3q ' OU.L. SUSSTOP. 4�SIG /•:• PROPOSED 0 Fl 25' RADIUS eh ASPHALT PARKING AREA----__J LOT 5 BLOCK 21 Or 117105 STORM RAIN M.H. C.B. �6' WRE FENCE 119.55' LOT 4 BLOCK 21 CITY OF M1AM1 MIRING BOARDS PLAN' 11:+/IIY/ Ilya'N Rand, o r,_�C. xo7P.za, ySsbv m� :" bv4A°.Ii— ELEVAnda OFBM Le Lr...orl e�tn.MPUCApx0 o1029 L $1.0ca,m ...Kw. 100.. ovyeFlw. tuA .E,o. 3 3.57' R=25.00' A=23.51 ' D=5353'48" d. ON rd. OH (0/S 0.30' 010R 11) Fd. CITY (MONUMENT (I I I TRAFFIC SIGNAL 1.) , POLE 1.15 NE CORNER N.E. 1/4, S.E. 1/4 SEC. 7-53-42 \9. TRAP I.15' OVER ---- 1 IRAh30-Sbq ,6NAL--- - t 1605 'S \2 --D lNy.'L4: \- EN DS I I C TRAFFILLL��O •< `\ UGHT CONTROL I�OX • f IO. 55: ' So \1 I \ am 1u \I 51� u. s I ® kEk- w, I ERTIFIED TO: at, Uf5Uo,,y,106,, rWl Lbryocarlon Of]bestare OfFlarydl II'esbenL Eisen RPanenti, PA. Fief Amnirn„ Tide fntluanecCbmpv,y 918.9903.E 79thstmt, Miami FL331.18 dunless P. 1.wGF 34 A _ZONEETED U71E ;- -OE". 1 1 )'... eL P q/ I� I Tblspmpertydendbedu: Lot 71cu Nosb Jfeel ,F Lot8lrss the A'anhsf,el of theh'sn I2n17.o0 S. B1nek21 SHORE CREST. according to she plat thereof a recorded Ha Book 10 l"a8,Y)23, ofdmPublic Recontrofhfiami-DadeC nnty, Floods. Folio d.(013207.016J520 Ol-J207.016J5J0) AND LuB5and 0!en theNonb5led ofL010 010421, SHORE CREST, tmNing lathe Plat thereof; monied Pdit Book 10 Page 21, of the Publie Record r oflh'and-Dade County, Rorid, Folio 1401-3207.016.)510) dCoa P.mna Soc. maomn,..s.A.,. RENE/UGUESVIVES 0020N0 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANO MAPPERIIo.4027. SANel FlAIFF. Alvarez, Aiguesvives and Associates, Inc Smvoyon.610000s and Land Planners 57015. W. 10710 Avenue. Suite 100. Assml. FL 00170 Phone 005.22U.M24 Fea 0U5 023,,l 1 . No. 60071 [ gnit aeawvey(WoLcom Field Dab 00/16'00 Stab: P=10' Omwn by: MAR. NA 08-12000 RCBP -C11111.1101111. oIIARNMIXI0ICAIIEAIIM,M1y p1RR PRP01111612!e SEAL MUNROE WARN (S50F RAIL 0A5Rro7 FO+4V;: R m m uEAcaram0750 p.pn BOMA. SWIM T1.01 SOUTH MOLINE PER 0.0.T. I/VI MAP A VE 5' CGNC. 51'rll 6' CONSTRUCTION FENCE (TSPICAL) I 4 hi 184.63 CONC. SIDEWALK +[;_ OUSBE ADVERTISING SIGN (THER ARE NO TREES WITHIN THIS PROPERTY) LOT 7 BLOCK 21 CLF. (TYP) LOT 31 12' ARCH CC 2.78 PACE 278) LOT 6 b / BLOCK 21 o 3j 0.15' CLR (TYP .50 , I/2" 35' C05 WALL 1.00020, _LOT LINE (TYPICAL) TRAFFIC LIGHT (OVERHEAD LINE II TRAFFIC UGNT nl o ry� IlOVERIIEAO hp I 901 ph 3G 4 3q ' OU.L. SUSSTOP. 4�SIG /•:• PROPOSED 0 Fl 25' RADIUS eh ASPHALT PARKING AREA----__J LOT 5 BLOCK 21 Or 117105 STORM RAIN M.H. C.B. �6' WRE FENCE 119.55' LOT 4 BLOCK 21 CITY OF M1AM1 MIRING BOARDS PLAN' 11:+/IIY/ Ilya'N Rand, o r,_�C. xo7P.za, ySsbv m� :" bv4A°.Ii— ELEVAnda OFBM Le Lr...orl e�tn.MPUCApx0 o1029 L $1.0ca,m ...Kw. 100.. ovyeFlw. tuA .E,o. 3 3.57' R=25.00' A=23.51 ' D=5353'48" d. ON rd. OH (0/S 0.30' 010R 11) Fd. CITY (MONUMENT (I I I TRAFFIC SIGNAL 1.) , POLE 1.15 NE CORNER N.E. 1/4, S.E. 1/4 SEC. 7-53-42 \9. TRAP I.15' OVER ---- 1 IRAh30-Sbq ,6NAL--- - t 1605 'S \2 --D lNy.'L4: \- EN DS I I C TRAFFILLL��O •< `\ UGHT CONTROL I�OX • f IO. 55: ' So \1 I \ am 1u \I 51� u. s I ® kEk- w, I ERTIFIED TO: at, Uf5Uo,,y,106,, rWl Lbryocarlon Of]bestare OfFlarydl II'esbenL Eisen RPanenti, PA. Fief Amnirn„ Tide fntluanecCbmpv,y 918.9903.E 79thstmt, Miami FL331.18 dunless P. 1.wGF 34 A _ZONEETED U71E ;- -OE". 1 1 )'... eL P q/ I� I Tblspmpertydendbedu: Lot 71cu Nosb Jfeel ,F Lot8lrss the A'anhsf,el of theh'sn I2n17.o0 S. B1nek21 SHORE CREST. according to she plat thereof a recorded Ha Book 10 l"a8,Y)23, ofdmPublic Recontrofhfiami-DadeC nnty, Floods. Folio d.(013207.016J520 Ol-J207.016J5J0) AND LuB5and 0!en theNonb5led ofL010 010421, SHORE CREST, tmNing lathe Plat thereof; monied Pdit Book 10 Page 21, of the Publie Record r oflh'and-Dade County, Rorid, Folio 1401-3207.016.)510) dCoa P.mna Soc. maomn,..s.A.,. RENE/UGUESVIVES 0020N0 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANO MAPPERIIo.4027. SANel FlAIFF. Alvarez, Aiguesvives and Associates, Inc Smvoyon.610000s and Land Planners 57015. W. 10710 Avenue. Suite 100. Assml. FL 00170 Phone 005.22U.M24 Fea 0U5 023,,l 1 . No. 60071 [ gnit aeawvey(WoLcom Field Dab 00/16'00 Stab: P=10' Omwn by: MAR. NA 08-12000 RCBP -C11111.1101111. oIIARNMIXI0ICAIIEAIIM,M1y p1RR PRP01111612!e SEAL MUNROE WARN (S50F RAIL 0A5Rro7 FO+4V;: R m m uEAcaram0750 p.pn BOMA. SWIM T1.01 ERTIFIED TO: at, Uf5Uo,,y,106,, rWl Lbryocarlon Of]bestare OfFlarydl II'esbenL Eisen RPanenti, PA. Fief Amnirn„ Tide fntluanecCbmpv,y 918.9903.E 79thstmt, Miami FL331.18 dunless P. 1.wGF 34 A _ZONEETED U71E ;- -OE". 1 1 )'... eL P q/ I� I Tblspmpertydendbedu: Lot 71cu Nosb Jfeel ,F Lot8lrss the A'anhsf,el of theh'sn I2n17.o0 S. B1nek21 SHORE CREST. according to she plat thereof a recorded Ha Book 10 l"a8,Y)23, ofdmPublic Recontrofhfiami-DadeC nnty, Floods. Folio d.(013207.016J520 Ol-J207.016J5J0) AND LuB5and 0!en theNonb5led ofL010 010421, SHORE CREST, tmNing lathe Plat thereof; monied Pdit Book 10 Page 21, of the Publie Record r oflh'and-Dade County, Rorid, Folio 1401-3207.016.)510) dCoa P.mna Soc. maomn,..s.A.,. RENE/UGUESVIVES 0020N0 PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR ANO MAPPERIIo.4027. SANel FlAIFF. Alvarez, Aiguesvives and Associates, Inc Smvoyon.610000s and Land Planners 57015. W. 10710 Avenue. Suite 100. Assml. FL 00170 Phone 005.22U.M24 Fea 0U5 023,,l 1 . No. 60071 [ gnit aeawvey(WoLcom Field Dab 00/16'00 Stab: P=10' Omwn by: MAR. NA 08-12000 RCBP -C11111.1101111. oIIARNMIXI0ICAIIEAIIM,M1y p1RR PRP01111612!e SEAL MUNROE WARN (S50F RAIL 0A5Rro7 FO+4V;: R m m uEAcaram0750 p.pn BOMA. SWIM T1.01 VIEW'S LOOKING WEST . VIEW 'e LOOKING- SOUTHWEST VIEW LOCKING NORTH WEST •Ei'LOOKING; WEST V E W''3 : LO^KING:.WEST IELL4"S,LOOKING-'SCUTH• - VIEW 2. LOOKINGSOUTH EAST VIEW •4 LOCKING NOETH EAST ' VIEW" 4 LOCKING SOUTH WEST. •al -bmarkOn-•' YIMMrVnlfnll ury3\v �MA,EIN.t N,Jlln • naceunr.,zN!:. , NE. T5TH 6TREEY OCCUPANCY LOAD & ECRESS CAPACITY nowo =meow 3ono e.11e rwaaD I'm dr.onoee. YOM OCG LOAD x RELIC EGRESS CAPACITY Aa Para *eV PROVORCI 1110 at DI at Ed•EN PCOO Pw0v010 FRI DO a) • no x e • 000 Rb, NRD 087I 31OHA )31506 0 DRAorne )A POYIRae QV L'ONY) CEO LOLL 0¢ r6RDT1OE 000OLL6 PON THMENDOe er'Oes vO HMO. WA. ALL Cart UNRTUAxe ae4N11 • 111.1T17, um Gxonoun an cars, on 1001 .Px10aVealolra'-- pdJGiP1Ga CRrnyU iP CO caewarereaa To x e••o• arxrre•e nw SARONG .. RDPTDuxw •PISCFICADOtlA OFIRE EXTINGUISHER DETAIL lIW ••. INNNp NON RAM OUWALLO 1 GROUND FLOOR LIFE SAFETY PLAN Pad ax)0.10HBR fA.LYOCOD O1WxD)e rA µLUOPoEe on ENAU D000pILe3D5� 75100.060 aHRI Les xL aces a w•n+DnuD em 006 ME)I�IXr80E01*0337753 CCNT..UCMAK SMART • Jr. )7TP) • PRE 1 Ree alpoolAIiN4H rA �T De uenoos OR GOJR.A Nme, TO CARNET OPG.W 1BS e'•0• APR 116F00 TOP wTeulaN0C10 4 .' "l)t Da.,,.n'; r.IARDS r ::v) aptDOA':. _•D �'L1' F.1r,t•: . i0... z •••...."/r .._ FIRE EXTINGUISHER DETAIL .. aGTI.11m T.•• LIFE SAFETY LEGEND 0. L9 r1 b 0 FL N WN60FEESESSLD. RAROWNL THAMIEDNa1L o RMEONNL At1UVEOM'RnPIIKAPSEYALM.0.I IAPPLOU WSW 70065 • DUENEN MKTN011 PA EOx VaONeawon• axauOw.Nrt ANNWPAL0W{N slamouTCW L70 *OMUDHDIN 7MNLOSWN0 NIM0NPA1HDE WAR DEMAND L'ESAFETY CICTERIA Pu5NR1 ErCUP a (FOC iaoa 304. ) MONO ROE ME-V. A(ia 0775TED A.133a311Y ICCESTRITUTY I ONRI I0 FOR a OPJOLED 005014 AREanOt UM Toot ALL PMNNWOIR OCCOMMEEGl Nags MO TAM Wm ow fM NAND MC art IRE MET NYESR LIFE SAFETY CONDITIONS TM WO 01.1611013: No miff'• mane ;WO' MAmOi nu CUM. 0 axor AS LOOMED D¢as r.< .1r AAuaPD r,`,. (i) uM.DU4EL pOD.YCE K as fit IfaYf iD 4 WU. 01 b6INAt=or I I. SWAT 6:10. 11.NM UOUOO ro agla (ISMS 02INN[ .) coTW(FAIT iGOA DT Loa. 1a. T TI DCODMO OEC1eYJL AW 0.(OG.1 MOM CtVC0.1L Dona 11 ME F m 61,c3 TIMOU04311T one woo on �aOCOO P MISR RARE 0A591.11010 la COYLY WIN* COIXS ROM aeoesa CODE 7O laPA 101 UTE SKEET CON DOOR P.M MaA NK 0.011. OCE flan 03,0MOOR MNLS ea 3.3 BG 1 1/L• M REWADCt 9TIPR RA N.S/o1ORs 1w 1E DC1 Mr MANNA= • ENG (WM) (N.) GAT. NOCM aO )/t NR Oat Ico 1.216 u IA RC..P ••a. 1111•111+•Len upn1O3A0 ROM. I41.0311ECR MgAlµ1R wl luuOL•A 33. 103.531aav 1.....e113•3. •tlnYY1Wa1 • tli1MTIMII1013AM1e11RPNWa1O aN.67 1A 11611 aft COD kiwi I ca ea w N.E. 79TH STREET EXISTING SURFACE LOT C-1 1 p I_I 1 TT -. lreu �/ C3 iI I ■ W ZO SUFFER PLANING BETWEEN DISSIMILAR LAND USES WATER VALVE • OPE LINE ZONED ZONED R3 CRUSHED GREY GRANITE - BLACK ALUMINUM LANDSCAPE CHIP GRAVEL MULCH EDGING BETWEEN GRAVEL AND 4A.714• 1' SIZE 2' DEPTH MULCH RED WE WELEEDo a9511040,413 EGMD WPUCDCI NRLOTMEA IDOOEDLOrAPN: IAWPANACGW.ATI01 .M� .1DRs ro4 AWNEF.BDLOEMFA fl. WV4HIANNNffALDDDIFEA'ERIED. FW DNIN (ZAMN). W EAOR. TMEe ANGLE TAFESPEGMFDK NDLDTAIASIIAFESPSIAON-NNONT,r01.) EWUM.I IPFE BEUR.Pdl ESkP.NDDANNE!REWcmIYA• GSiPFEi1PEE9AlAE0R01% 1DFEPMNDCfDrOOJ• IZln.rn.rGAsoDwEix SWUM A ID.cFTMW FIEDMED%ID.H1DE*RUMNLG.1RDaK IrHT) 6 N.MENNIM PNURNM TYA!,o.cf IGW FNEMSIEGPED SURER VNLWNLIDTM.ENDNI ATNEOMWNEDG,TOG 25' SIGHT SETBACK TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE 1 • o E To Oe. MIMED PPMDfO AN,dFEf.NM fJNNG. TITrTE'E3' TMES 9 2_ 9 2_ lIq ITREFS IlMH9 I N fiko zD CANNNDO S PANTN€RS DDNro=�� ••. TE,••lE•.. a, K4.RA. TORIIMEIMML&PA ommouIPa TMWJAallVNOMFd s NISK.F%Fn5,1NFN 147 ERIC Iwo sim ip M O O CEO a a SUL IErROWNPIN�1 rs.E,AE: •per,Nq F[YPYI: •AYANp NI? L-1 TREE PLANTING & GUYING DETAIL vx.wumm w mro...m °iw awassowesas obi W IFL -III -11k III I' -1�111 IILIIL9, E1IllIr N.T.S. SPECIMEN TREE GUYING DETAIL N.T.S. PLANT LIST FIRESTATION # 13 TREES ANO SWAB att ERA 1107ASECAL RUM COMMON NWE RIOT LER HT./ SPEC. INSTALLED 11130117 AT SIASURItt CAROPY CIAMESER AT NAME EW Wa NEW SEW SEW 61.1 Wa4'.WM..%. W.. Lassa . Sat cartes. WI. OW dpra6.. .a1A MAO. 12 20. FRS .EN YES 110 saIr AC 16a301000..yu Palm Pain itr /11.. canes IAA 111 YES RES SHRUBS �O-ONOCOMER9 C1 Ewen Gm31a4 Sv. ES1.' ac 3iT Clm 1..T.......'..ea vw R Rtnrswlap.n S. WMoc 1E3 C li.p.dm.Nrra " 1 n'. Eon SW N3� 12Y1 10 .c FN..ww r.N Nman. 10.vEn..1.s3.y Om. me v.. v1. .10 trZiariES I I_ PALM PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. 12-31. .w,.9.wn.na....1 awm.u°r rorol I—.."°� 'irsR�"i1rn SHRUB & GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL cirr OF noarn 03, 0 0:1 f•,A1103 r ::...Naxsvi RC P •ummwu- RIPARU uromvnunnsonWwu NSW.Stl.AYP IWASU.0000 011.4000111M1E0 Ci di C=O COD caeX Ildho Ym C= �..1 CO M vo Fco cm+ C. xg OCO S. era 0w: {114it) GNC. rwr &.x.mpawq..beMr luN0100nMOo Issue OAB uM110.0 n0na1: 0aOMIN 0A0E ®..1r1001,w<0000020000 .1R1111NNYT1MIE L-2 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS 1.00 GENERAL 1.01 The Contactor is reminded thatthe General Conditions and/ or Spedal Conditions of this contract govern the work of this section of the Specifications whether °gashed hereto or not. Subcontractors undertaking la perform work under this Section shall be made fully aware of these documents and of their responsibilities and obllgerom thereunder. In the event of any discrepancies between the drawings and specifications and the following 'Scope of Work, the Taller shag prevail. 2.00 SCOPE OF WORK 2.01 The work of this Section shag Include all labor, malenlad, equipment appliances, and accessodes necessary for the complete performance of all excavation. grading, planting and backfi1 work in zcoofdance with these Specifications and the Contract 0mvdng• Without restricting the generality of the foregoing. the items fisted below and similar items shown on Me Contract Drawings shag constitute the wank of this Section: A. Finish grading and final site preparation of all areas to be landscaped. 8. Furnishing and Incorporating fertif¢er and other soil amendments. C. Furnishing plant materials and grass materials and instating same. D. Furnishing and placing Planting Mature and other miscellaneous gems to compete the work. E. Replacement of unsatisfactory plant material F. Clean-up. 3.00 SRE PREPARATION and SITE SREWARDSHIP FOR SUSTAINABLE SITES 3.01 The Contractor shall provide finish grading and anal preparation of all areas to ha landscaped to within 6' of finish grade. Thls will require raking and pubredzmg of all areas to order to aumble did, clogs and /ar debris. The Landscape Contraclar shag be responsible for finish grading. which is the lop 6' of the site. 3.02 The Contactor must perform the following preventative measures for erosion controls during construction: Stockpile and Protect disturbed Topsoil from erosion; Control the path and velocity of funol(vvith ll fencing or equivalent; Protect sewer inlets, streams, and lakes with straw bales or sill fencing; Provide wales to divert surface wafer from hiflsides, use tier, erosion blankets. compost blankets, etc on sloped areas. 3.03 Contractor must minimize disturbed area of site where site is not previously developed by following tree / plant protection plan and enforcing 'No Disturbance Zones' quarantined by a of Construction tape or Fencing. When site Is previously developed. Contractor must enforce Tree/ Plant protection Plan and use Hay bales, silt fencing. etc. for erosion controls. 3.04 All Landscaping must be 24' from finish wall of slrudures for pest central measures. 4.00 MATERIALS 4.01 Plant maledals shall be furnished by the Landscape Contractor and as indicated on the plans. MI plant materials shall meal or exceed the following standards. A. Plant species and sizes shall conform with pled fist NanendaMe shall conform to Standardized plant names, In accordance with the latest edition of the Fbrida Department ofAgriculture's Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants. B.A0 plants shall he nursery grown or as stipulated herein and shall comply with all required Inspections, grading standards and plant regulations as set forth in ter Florida Department of Agdwiture'Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants', Including revisions. Ensure that plant materials are shipped with lags slating the botanical and common name of the plant C. The minimum grade for all trees, palms, shrubs. and grdndc0ver shall be Florida No.1 and shall meet or exceed the size and quality standards of the American Association of Nursery Slack, sponsored by the Ameddn Association of Nurserymen. latest addition. unless otherwise Indicated and all plants shall be sauna, healthy and vigorous. well -branched and densely foliated when in lea(. They shall have healthy well developed root systems and shall befree of disease and Insect pests, eggs or larvae. Florida Fancy material shall be provided where plant fist specifies 'specimen.. D. The determining measurements for bees shag be the height and spread, and shall be measured born the lop of the plant to the roil crown• not to lnolude gse Inmledtale lamina! grow. Theirwldlh shall be measured across the normal spread of the branches. Both measuremenb shall be made with the plantain their normal position. E. Plants larger In ooze Than those specified maybe used with approval of the Landscape Architect al no additional cost to the Owner. If the use of the larger plants is approved, the ball of earth or spread of roofs shall be increased proportionately. F. Container grown planhthe same quality as balled andbobpped plants may be substituted in Mu thereof. Plants grown in containers shall be delivered andmmain in the container in a shady location until planted. Plants in container shall be watered prior to transportation and shall be kept moist until planted. The container must be removed prior to planting, with care as not to injure the raw. G. Grass materials shag consist of the following: 1. Sad: Solid sod shall be as indicated on t e drawings. Sod must be strongly rooted and free of pernicious weeds. Mao to a height not to exceed 112'before Elting. UILs shall have a uniform thickness of 1 inch fa 1 1R inches. Sad conleining nulgmss, lippia water sedge, dollar weed, or other common ludweed species (I applicable), will not be accepted. 2. Sodding Meta/hem a) Sodding shall be done as soon as practical (encoring finish grading. Ground shag be covered with a 4' blanket of sal using specified 60/40 tap sal mature where necessary to create a 4' l blanket. The day before sal installation, the contactor shall rake 50t Mamganile per 1000 sf of area to receive sod. Ground shall be leveled win the back of a rake and sad laid with joints closely bulled so that no voids am visible. keeping surface of sad flush with the adjoining seeded areas and or pavements. lay sod to forma solid masswith tigh0y fitted Mints. Butt ends and sides of sal ships; do not overlap. Hand lamp to ensure corn -lava. subgmde. and water thorough)/ withal a spray Inunedoiely after laying. b) After sod is In place, it shall be lop dressedwilhsmfidenl sharp, clean60% sand/40%muck soil mix to fill all voids remaining and thoroughly watered to wash the lop dressing Into the sodded sudace. c) All sod areas shall then be rolled using a vibrating //1500 sad roger. The contractor shall apply a preemer9enl herbkkie to all sodded areas. d) It is the Landscape Contractors responsiMtily armee new sad property watered until completion of the contract Ail miming shag meet specltiaflons according to 'Grades and Standards Secloe 003. H. Substitutions to plant species or sizewrit! be made only with pax wdllenpermissan ofthe Landscape Architect 1. If. In the opinion of the Landscape Architect, materials and/or wade do not conform with the plans and specifications, it may be rejected and upon rejection, must be removed Immediately from the site by the Contractor and replaced. J. The Contractor shall be responsible for the certification and Inspection of Want material that may be required by local, slate, or federal authorities and shall ben ire cost of the same. it any. 4.02 Materials used to Install the job shall meet or exceed the following standards: A. Planting mix to be used feel' soil blankets and bankable mound bees shag be: 60% coarse sand / 40% Inland Glades Muck. 70%sand /30%muck shall be used in planters areasor otitis poor drainage. B. Fertilizers: Fertilizer shall be delivered mixed as specified Invended bags, sealed, and showing weight by analysis and name of manufacturer. Fob&er shag be stored In weatherproof storage and in such a manner that its effectiveness wN nmlba Impaired. C. Mulch: Mulch shall he shredded eucalyptus, Grade B, clean, bright and free of weeds, moss, sticks, and other debris. D. Water. All water required for the execution Mille wort[ shall be supplied at the site by the Owner. 5.00 INSTALLATION 9.01 The Planting operations used to install the job shall meal or exceed the following standards: A Excavation of Plant Pits: Plant pit excavations shall be roughly cy6ndddl In shape, with their side approximately vertcal. Pit shall be excavated so that bottom of pit is same depth as root ball. Plano shall be centered In the (hole, with the bunk bargee as shown In the plans. Hates for balled and budapped plants shall be large enough to allow 12' minimum (depending on root ball size)of back fill around the sides of the foot ball. and 12' of back fill beneath the root ball. In all cases the diameter of the punt hole shall be hold the diameter of the fool ball. Where excess material has been excavated from the plant hole, the excavated maledal may be used to baskfill to the proper level. Ma existing excavated material In 50k / 50% fallo with now planting soil mix. The Conhaceq in excavation for plantings shall lake care not to damage underground utilities or other sub -surface obsbuetans, and shall bo held liable for their repair. LIdamaged. B. Selling Penh: NI trees shall be set so, that when settled, are top of the root ball will he flush vdth the surrounding area of the finish grade or slightly above finish grade. Each plant shall be planted in planting sail mix In the center of the pit. Shrubs shag be set flush with rho surrounding finish grade of the planting area. The back fit shall he made vrith pfepaned planting to mature as specified herein and shall be Wily and watered, so . that no air -pockets remain. The quantity of water applied Immediately upon planing shall be sufficient to thoroughly moisten all of the backfilled earl. Plants shag be kept in a moistened condition the duration of the planting. C. Slaking and Guying: All bees shall bo slaked or guyed as shown In the deals and according to the following specifications. 1. Use wide plastic, rubber or other flexible slopping materials to support the tree to stakes or ground anchors that will give as the tree moves in any up to30 degrees. Use strapping maledal'Nbor Tle' by Deep Rod1100) 450-7660 dark green color, or approved equal. Do not use rope or wire through a hose. Use guy chords, hose or any other thin bracing or anchorage material which has a minimum 12'1300 mor) length of high visibility gagging tape secured to tuts - midway between the tree and stakes for safety. 2. Stake bees larger than 1' )25 mm1 diameter and smaller than 2' )50fmnj diameter with a 2' by 2' (50 by 50 ram( slake, set at least 2' )016 m) In ground and extending to the crown of the plant. Firmly fasten the plant tome stake with flexible strapping maerbis as noted above. - 3. TREES OF 2 TO 39.150 MM TO 90 MMl CAUPER: Slake at bees• other than palm bees, lager than 2' )50 mmj caliper and smaller than 3 yr' )90 ram) caliper with Iwo 2' by4' )50 by 100 ram( slakes, 0' )2.4 m) long, sett' [0.13 m) in the ground. Place the bee midway between the slakes and hold it firmly In place by flexible strapping materials as noted above. 4. LARGE TREES: Guy all bees, ogler than palm bees, larger Man 35b'190mnd caliper, from al least tree paints, with flexible snapping maledals as noted above. Anchor flexible snapping to 2' by 4' by 24' L50 by 100 by 600 mm1 slakes. driven Info tie ground such that the lop MIN, slake 19 al leasl3' 175 mmj below the finished ground. 5. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PALM TREES: Brace palms which are to be slaked with three 2' by 4. (50 by 100 mmj wood braces, lae-neled locleats which are securely banded at two paints to the palm, at a point one Hid the height of the hunk. Pad the hunk with five layers of burlap under the deals. Place braces approxmately 120 degrees apart and secure them underground by 2' by 4' by 12' (50 by 100 by300 mmj stake pads. Paint wood gal dark green exterior paint two coals. 6. TREE PROTECTION AND ROOT BARRIERS: Install bee balers when called for In the Contract Documents or by the Landscape Nchilecl to protect Wang bees from damage during project construction. Place barricades at the drip Eno of the tree foliage or as far from the base of the tree trunk as possible. Barricades shall be able to wlhslaod bumps by heavy equipment and trucks. Maintain ba0ddes la good condition. When caned Lorin the Contract Documents, Mali root barriers or fabrics in accordance with the details shown. O. Pruning: All broken or damaged owls or branches shall be col smoothly and the tops of as trees shall be pruned Ina manner complying with standard hagaleral practice. At OM time pruning is completed, all remaining wood shall be alive. E. Mulching: Wiein one week after planting, mulch material, consisting of shredded Eucalyptus or Pinebark shall be uniformly applied to a minlmum loose lankness of 2 Inches. over the entire area of the hankfilled hole or bed. The mulch shall be maintained continuously in place until the lime of final Inspection, and must be a minimum of 2 inches thick to be accepted. Mulch shall not be placed against stems or hunks. _ F. Fertilizing: Feeding of all trees and specimen shrubs shall be done with slow release. Wooded' Briquettes, 17 gram, tablet fertilizer, analysis 14-3-3. as per manufacturers Instructions. Fertilizing shall not occur until aver flush of new firmwth. 6.00 MAINTENANCE 6.01 Maintenance and hand watering of all trees, shrubs and groundaover by the Landscape Contractor shall terminate upon final acceptance al such work, but shall not discharge gm Landscape Contractor from his responsibility to honor the guarantee period. Maintenance prior to final acceptance shall include the removal stall dead or dying MAgs and branches. the weeding. wafering and normal pmning of plant material. 7.00 GUARANTEE 7.01 The Landscape Contactor shall guarantee and maintain all new field grown trees for a period of 100 days, and ad field gram palms fora period of one year. All conlakledzed shrubs and groundcovas fora period of 90 days, and all sod fora paded of 90 days. 111e Landscape Contractor shall replace at the direction of the Landscape Architect all Imes, shrubs. or groundcowersdeemed by the landscape Architect to be unacceptable, due to death or damage: acts of God. Owner negligence and vandalism excepted. 7.02 Now material used to replace material unacceptable to the Landscape Architect, shall be guaranteed for similar period from date of Installation 0.00 FINAL INSPECTION MID ACCEPTANCE 6.01 The Landscape Contractor shall advise the Landscape Architect In writing at the end of the guarantee period Thal the project Is ready for final Inspection. Only upon notification to the Landscape Architect by the landscape Contractor In codling and subsequent Inspection attended by the Landsdpo Contractor shall the requirements of the guarantee be meL 0.00 CLEAN-UP 9.01 Upon completion of all work under this section, and lnlermitten0y as required, to Landscape Contractor shag dear the site of all debris, superfluous material and all equipment to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect 0.02 End CITY OF MIAMI HEADING BOARDS PLANT- .IEVLSW nw:rma -n:d _.78: Yr:a n.1w 4_ CC P 01111RIVE 01.10110 mums wow tit AMM Nf0renn 11000jagnrr1111s r at tilit dAVEYede•0LANa RLpaB11g1fe3 CID wag COD ttttt� ICC Nara IMMO OJEOT NUMBER: B-60453A -111LrP G%s1ho a1 s.mmroo 0e0xdnsMo.s ISSNnN01010f ISSUE DAM II/1000e molt Df3v adi "Am rminmefrlanpnhena L-3 /ua fain I L .••, • I.. ZONED R-1 ------- , analcruta. rag Z0113 • 1.06,1110.• +or., N.E. 79TH STREET _ • - ral000 02.11Yta< • ./110 VALA4 MY 40 111.1 OWE ,,,,,uary pin MI 1 STORY HIGH FIRE STATION 11,020 GSF 10 SURFACE PARKING SPACES ZONED R-3 pow saw. eitteAcK SITE PLAN GORY. WEN= 01.1.0.,111WATEIITOBECOOMIDVA11NTIE Ff01111,41G. NECIO.PIANSAIORtteta KNAVOilLIEINtSAOCALCIltATICNS PFSEITOLHOSCAPE MINIMS RABAIMCS OFLNFOMMION AMONG IWO 11 SOFT SCAM. FERN MO. MUMPS MR AU.= INFORMATION SUWON GEOMEMY,PANNO, ORM110, ORADA06 1.1•ACE.BAMOIN•004401EONEVIAK CUM:IMO GUM MIMI. WT1121410=1 Srlfi KNOW 100T(0,14.1.5,043 0100.1411X SOLVICOMPLPROJECIIMS, NOT EtOrECOXIT.AREAllOWEOINTO REQUIRED BEEK& NET toTAREACM 08059 LOT APEMOVI MALMO MOIFF011' adeami tra. 104011. nano to se rbonto / valratrs.• RUN 8‘111.. • 0 • OTH AVENUE OARItrit, PARTMUS Tar. new.. 4100a oi 0011141.01 0i10000 IN11.441i11.1 C.141.00. ...“40(.011.10ollt tOlet•OPItt....113.1, 1111•1.0U,. 41171,111M • INIARIMOU WOWS& (0)4161206 .1.13•10 MOM C IL I 404000 014 ‘00. vote •o•no• ot 111.1101.11111110_ MC :AM: tiPtAtel Fr... £LIUWW, Ulf Zee 0••••••••••• can =tom_ ••••• 414 0.0111.1./.00100. 06440 Ter10.262,1•00 A, ow anwernacr =teem... 1111 '' m+.aea n an+re sssssssssss �r` ` �__�� mil Q "e""■■P .� -- i nnlnrrraa,r,IrKu.. —� - —, - 1111 mmWIME oanal.pwAAmaq lent.WrtnrlMlaYrttr yzavat .. rat .wurc ..... ` a.m.. II III 4111 .` �� ♦ • I.1rwr CM ..m •'... .....�.� w16.7 I 1111.1111 �•,mw• I ` M.w �ivPnwu pp' Wm Ir .+ee■ ; r' ' aa.�m \\\� NI o- la ARV llr-►iu�aall. _ a , •" r - !� �r. C , '►- wear 1 e�' ® -r ♦� L r MI Mvu7MlH tunlrmyaa rlaa _.el .1.. rw ad11ZCIa a� Pom a°� kr I \ ♦♦♦ \ �♦ �,--li aaa.nm.alm �3 illi_\ j O r,p ` ♦ re . ,,,,a., y p l9 7 ^ OlMm1A1SVA ALEWW MISLALMS WIg0.Mlm I.pmelalta COD an I� p� e%a 11 Leo : EINEM i NE `�+ = a Ilh•rnwa Al t.+mua...u...re.“.• ' 1411111111 RMI op M i I r� .10 �..i ♦. �` ♦ ..... �� ^ = r -`� \ ♦� ♦� ace •- n,,r, • i �� m, , ` ., ; ♦ `\ uW • . v r. rai ..r�uan I ' I u rraa u � lw A a � � L ^^ ��• - 0— e u J — — - �r --�n>M _ .4 1 MMus :I ' 'Y�*. a I1� »^� a � .W �" .r as--- A. =°, s— ©-- M I►�'�� 1�1�I� .no�e3'oii — �aWL11Y1�C� In t Icy n �e < AO 'y a era ^ ca�srwacwvv� vaamv PSIS lomapa 1?!i .�.,,,,,,..matt,.�... 0.di r maw ta..r.....m am --Il1;1_ ♦:! __ I'a:" •■ 3�G - {I li;lfiiil�'i� i ila t a. 1'._ ra ` asap _ ... 0MA 5 �1w. ��� .. 0 .� _ -•_ �I'�� I IEr � 0. � =T .. ;��i•,�;rlr��li1� �� 7 ° I!� � �i�� — 1R .7�. _,,.1� fir,. I _ice Y er Ie. E !v e..anr. 7 II�� - iww'VP� ' I- 5 y..m - y'j�j!I .�!• B � I� l Jn IIS IS p .. Y -� III i AM _ Cl Ibm Vol, 14 7+.'�3�.7fert r• Arai. . D!.,\_ !►L {Dr. ^JR� 1/L..O ... '�� �.. .Mg �' `9J — ,ia�a 3a E' IA i i'r.-. - y ��� �p YY"rra�:��i•y L 0 . b, �. 'm �t �o o" 07 � ® -� ; o WI O 11��HECI �jI � ,I , i! s�- 1 -- iI� i ii i �� '� L. � t-- br1 as• . H .ma �p��siise m nc ¢t �ti= Wn y ' mma . Mm — �' __ _ aa� _ Z r _ 'MINK atilt 1r111111�1� I11� liWa = _ �!J!1N�1l�1l4! ar.e emr� I a I t o ° - aw �, a Iy— _. ._ ff lit aon �; � uar_a ' , . 1I ' �� dog; aa,sfr�, am i 'y�i a� _aJ, `. ,glTl� i 7 nR �0�� Q O e © ZDNEDR3 J s oy�iGo 7+ I I OM ;® w n .; '- Iry ' i GEM AVeF: rnn Macr aAra i s+ar ••� N Py Y In. Lt p,..,,,,. ..M iLLWA“,..,. 11X x react mamma Yu. MAW Mal Ian mootvriW I. nu ow*. Jac to Mta aca II 1 a arulw �.` iaw YY A»e.aua�}-� Ma m CAI ma OM. WYax Mkt TALUS SOO. AND lO melICram LWl rMI-IIl IMMLar6 umwr1v oOA'O Ila a MA III "Zen". Lora. COMM ABM main m A1r OMR iW'raM MmlJa mach aRan NM TAN ViC01 HMAa M CA. r. aRaa l MUM PAW m a A Mal OW Mn/AMII IN i, .VIY MIKIUE WSdM mmala rM cirt .o. WLLt Kama rM mart snorman & mama mow at 0^ a. EW... Ra 141NlaTl m twat 9FSH sou am'MW rem /u mama n SarcRD 11EA,.. 11. COMAEO6IAiAMMM fb]a1a YHYOmQr toaai IN MOM. WTWOEa1 VW MA MIDI + h MIA, 1 MAR nlamlalMM rJ a!A u-c I'/n/ami } 4.. K.,II - �-'���'T�._ .. _ ,R wuv w �" [r rvvi ^^�� � e ¢.�r� (� __ J• �_ h J"y I T�Yjh Fl2&:. AC':;Y Mmar MC MOO I Wr6HO M ) i. NI aaNr W a MIRo M wow J. MESS MOW MU M ter Lr[ IMM+f mvror_ N•- mown tuttanM ma lc WN.AOSsW aM[ la MIMIIOI ONaKMWaWL OaO.. MVL rm.[i Wt. [aWrAM.I Lraa. hl twatat MP.eM aftl W 3 AI[.r we •9;,_II 0, sauna J�OAW 9r' LY9fWM9I NIW 9_ I1SM.iYSa N110SOi �YI1Wp'MIf X aRSHR Vmtl4NL MA OW a/e•Ir•. 1.XWEeama n• m'I�1. stow malMaa NBIICIOC MI rW ID ai x« a na IOOP1pII rEiNlto rmBR 11L euu-n rwm oc cm w rIl a uMs fNmtl ' Mml aial.t§n__. .yYF�.... .. Grout Ma) l am DM SUS W SA aaaMallate a nit MR MSIN 914E0100,M aB[6aaa.. AW, m JeltMbmaO aNYe, et °M ar Male AMA TAL WIL%C. zvy en. 3 ra-oL:C mum rglrMlSMYu 19m4 aaeuoe Am 'meat HIV WlMt(1y MIS WIOamNID ralEtlAx Bai/ _ MrGaE was Am RWaWR Lmal�W camel rX6'f APOUIDn A MhIX L' 4 C aW 1ALWao emI NeBmAmrmai�+r •an 'a %JLG9C: :(l.Vn'r+H Nr[ _. Q ammo— A aIri ., tii mwrmlr.alwl /Q raunprt.0alrna w•a.�r ralrver.eenmwlar 1.nr miwfa/aIr swr "„ •r— It aaaan MO MC MAC SYMN eMfl MEM 6!LL °WM FM 9 BICATH MIAOW; MOIL MIA eWb, •*! aaeM4mrRfMramrnr ZONED R•1 rr 4 I-rw«.ar. +.. > - -y.,.., mIIR NW AMU M Nr.IA-NQta/m rrMe Ool Rmh xa MOM( nHuei% Ste MOW/ OW mi.. mcm aW swrsl sau IaI rwn. tmnwlt am rttw WC «: 09.4010...0 '° :�^• MI rM BLGMJL rmal.tr M tta am €AO56WI iM OMA IMMO MIMS NOME la= MUM IW11Ewln a laal'a a me WIWI ocawatvim nominal O� .ri•ume.. .. .._._ Q O � ® ohAAQ. tuwmw mmua ra aaawa mar MOO Lamm �1 GROUND I L00R PLAN Lf PIWO.eI J ro[ a/111YS a p/WM Mt n000 aWL(S) 1£ W[Bpm MwM`4 iao Ma to WWI M. XL la Mal IOA IMAM 304 Ma HB=Id We AII.I/AILW �',/ •Y •� ,� "i° 0 O HOSE TOWER PLAN -4 0 m. y.. ..,, dd T d_ 'I �. , .dd ,dd tr.. T �- ed Y ar T T T T I 1 9 © o ------f — — — — ——r-----------r---r----- I I I I I I I I I Ili -----rT-- 2 w.nrmPLAN Hamm q 4 T-t- ..d 1as1.1IMIMIIIMIA, . t .0. et.e .. tali=1 Ma g 7 1 i x : �.1 =- a� ! 3 POW ° r - — — — — ©� �� I L TO I I ��_ n °ri ° ._ _ , -r L POP' n Lds.� d ,.. v. 4 r it 1 I -r- I -I___-I I I F 7 7 ,. \-; {. -r no.wv..vdv AA I mR�I 'A,a I I L I Y A Old j j j I ,d.d d 11 d.d e.. cr6r 'Iv 1: ..,; � 0 I . __ b b .L . I —r —ob a- _0 .. afT00015. tams. toms MO UMW MS . ry Ild I C' I I SEE 1760,3.01 rm rARnnal m.s a oa. Tool PLATFORM PLAN a _R p� . � ,y MR fl.AS6F0 SVR PINS RAILu c. �� Aar r v O { 2) V.e; PITU- ALn Nn . Opn. S.Y6...AYEUWl6LT1T ntoI ,.1012J6 Con SICiC COM Mai CITY OF MIAMI PROJECT NUMBER: B-60453A C0 1 W M CC (/1 =• N en co r, mai azc 0 M uuu mum. PI/11911. ISSUE BAIL II/I6/1XG Rmxc 06SWnra Dnt axevivirra•aver6n66Y66rlm A2.02 41 ZONEDR4 T 1 I1 A ® mongol. op•pears• tea ___DH.3 Wit. 8.84.41,001 40 L00 PAN. C'. G'. O D'. 600DOSR0 DIM ON POERAL SWALEo 70001 a, A. NLLT AOISR6o 6T61W 67Rl V000,1.1015.19.460133.000LATtal A6D ACCE0PCRF901RUL ACCGPS 1GE TOMWPAL IMITS REOlOSSLRFOR COMER 081SR1A I KTALLAIIG b.6iANc6 OS�t Eva, GOrLeiidLT! 49,1 e6a C. V'AGIORY WMAL CLA06' RATED - R'I.00 W.IFT LLA66PGATIOI PER Mal1.04 O. OOOLLIT S6KW 0 LPR0llonl T 14oloorl011 10 HINI BAT Roo.'A5 4A03[00. O0IOR6160•30 F61.111b[607EFEO.R'OPLA616: atirvrWA o6e.> o1 0. NLLY A61eo 6T610101N PSREIER 00Gt60-tor FLAW., 0a01-A1R.i OPPPLATMENC RHU.vOR aOARO.O Wf•OOLN OIOAGEAFC6 GMKS[OINAL DOLLAR LNL11[.]O TAIM 0aot WARRANT, co. . CURVY COrt4NC0 11.3114 DOR N WU, R'OYRP ENT6 • 6D R VALIE FOa ROC. ARIA ACME AG 6PAOE6 In R•60. 000 000r CeL0AAN061 IOR WRKAEOI POMP 00ACOITU I RC "OAT EARR6M60 PrU e"6 A!L[[aEHVE:4.ML[6 •aa.[0af01 1,0.1.0n 001a1.1 OM A[d O[IIR[ tOIALMAZIVAAIGOMILIMS I0L•a-at 4muW6u- RF 311010b6WO6WI60YlYoll t R Sw. 54 A'IE 6OR L M1 03I00 N.D100.016 4-4 Fad+ 6ATA •13 TYPO ppmWOOAPEA �0FECIAP8o a AL I 1"A 4 10S. OARIAPIL DECOR 31 LL moVlono 440 0.5 Ua e1.• Op. TOP 000501. 1,160 e.. 66P1D0PIm Mel 01061. I,4e el. o1CI TOP Poor•G' 5166P 500MCOPIE0 161. 400.t Rev61: 0PPITOP POMO. u606p pa6Y.o60R0 a6L 406L ll'ii.•ef.�'�.l6RBIS LL OVERLO[ 5OWPERe AFL Dye 0 TO Y TOT 6' AOOVE R0.-PN� XR . ..,,, ! j�' Il' �ll l�l ♦► O .Rc00F PLAN NST 6N o COD saa Nam e W � g m aaJ CO � o a eaesni IO6O MM O! [d0 wc. .'nano-+ :envRY. ur. ® euteeu 0 moP[vq[DoOV.00.IRane A rtarc 77e7griiiirro71 Um, am;---7---�--,— o �ae�o-� 0- 0a Aa...e 0 0 Ttt II _IL IL CD 0 cow, ErEi PEI u O .EAST ELEVATION , KEYNOTE LEGEND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II I,4Y I 1—L__I—l--- 1-- 11 1 TI H 0 .,,.. 0 I J J I tI CITY OF IANOS PENT"' LVIEW O NORTH ELEVATION I$. �.,N, gLLF{�. ._.90lL_ wM+o By -CIIYNIWNW- CD`MIMLKIDie NPIINIIY000CIM1NIi IIISW. n0,5i NW$11.SIb 02 I3311I1I00IDIMII CEXUllen entt ln. mMwu„vm .e.un NNNINM1G MST 1111111111111 I. A5.01 J_ nJ 0 © t t O WEST ELEVATION KEYNGIELEGEN6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.11 7 (AMAMI h..�� ' O SOUTH ELEVATION 7477/0 BC&P 0111p11(51N1 GG1111114 MIGR4601:1 low Imuarve.53(.1.1, SRLac*LIle -AOP6IRGR1- RIPARSMIKIRIRRPrtALiRPR6SIMRlR 4419.1V.AVEIrt .ILSII]9 PIL11.1JM11161?6S Inas ICC pima immam m Lama CITY OF MIAMI PROJECT NUMBER: B-OO453A CO CC M y' 4 mai cn 22 co M SUM 155R1RIRRPggG ISM RAIF: 11/16/I2RR RLS69Gl R(SCRPikl RAIL W R I11RR6 M113P LLIRARIRR A5.02 0 PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION 0 PARTIAL SOUTH ELEVATION 0 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION 0 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION .4.411,,o• KUNOIELEGEND 0 ELF,E=V2.°1,111.FL.M. 0 STAI•AESSVEM1111:0,1STO 0 0 cafra,apaaourom trove re.cgzarturazazoaaat fa.`74=7442.7" EFEELTZ.= 0 0 0 IgIrLIZI1'"""'" =:.1,OSCIAV4,A[9(11 0 E:=1"=.71VaLLL 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELLB1=7`..r. 0 taxaoransteueclaamanato, 0 0 0 VilommouTLPprrill +Men., 0 0 'L.L;.°1:0',Traltt'aL CITY OF VIALII IIP 'AIMS ,, , "7.V/ nlEo cannarto a s•alaests CORPO./E 0==.01t.6.701 11,,11•1100 •••.feldoslyn.oes IRS111014 IMACI10(31. 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