HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysisANALYSIS FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION FIRE STATION No. 13 990 NE 79th STREET Case No. 10-01179xc APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT WITH CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE 11000 AND CITY CODE, AS AMENDED, AND ALL APPLICABLE CRITERIA, CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR OTHER REGULATIONS. The proposed development CITY OF MIAMI FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE STATION No. 13 will be comprised of a new Fire Station Facility of approximately 11,020 square feet of gross area with 9 off-street parking spaces including one accessible parking space. The maximum height of the building will be 42 feet 0 inches (hose tower). Pursuant to Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for CITY OF MIAMI FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE STATION No. 13 at 990 N.E. 79TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33138, has been submitted and reviewed to allow an application for Special Exception Permit with City Commission approval, subject to all applicable criteria; SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per Article 4, Section 4.01, Under Conditional Principal Uses (24) of C-1 Restricted Commercial, to allow a new Fire Station; This SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT encompasses the following Special Permit: CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 908.2, to allow driveway width greater than 25 feet. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 922.4, to allow maneuvering of trucks on public rights -of -ways, with referral to the Public Works Director. In determining the appropriateness of the Special Exception for the proposed project the following findings have been made: • It is found that the proposed development Fire Station No. 13 consist of 11,020 square feet of gross area with 9 off-street parking spaces. • It is found that the Special Exception is required in order to allow a Fire Station in a C-1 (Restricted Commercial) Zoning District. • It is found that the approved Miami 21 zoning designation for this parcel is T5-O and the proposed use is allowed by Warrant. • It is found that the proposed Fire Station No 13 is compatible with and beneficial to the area by providing a necessary emergency service to the neighborhood. • It is found that all subordinate Special Permits (Class II) to the Special Exception have been reviewed and found in compliance. • It is found that with respect to all additional criteria as specified in Section 1305 of the Zoning Ordinance 11000, the proposal has been reviewed and found to be adequate; the project, as proposed, will have no adverse effects on the adjacent area. Based on these findings, the Planning Department is recommending approval of the requested project as presented. SECTION 1305.2 Criteria Matrix *Compliance is subject to conditions Application Type: Special Exception (File No. 10-01179xc) Project Name: Fire Station No. 13 Project Address: 990 NE 79th Street, Miami c. Pursuant to Section 1305.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the specific site plan aspects of the PROJECT that have been found by the City Commission (based upon facts and reports prepared or submitted by staff or others) to adhere to the following Design Review Criteria subject to the any applicable conditions in the Development Order herein: DESIGN REVIEW CRITERIA I) Site and Urban Planning: Applicability Compliance (1) Respond to the physical contextual environment Yes Yes taking into consideration urban form and natural features; (2) Siting should minimize the impact of automobile Yes Yes parking and driveways on the pedestrian environment and adjacent properties; (3) Buildings on corner lots should be oriented to the Yes Yes corner and public street fronts II) Architecture and Landscape Architecture: Applicability Compliance (1) A project shall be designed to comply with all Yes Yes applicable landscape ordinances; (2) Respond to the neighborhood context; Yes Yes (3) Create a transition in bulk and scale; Yes Yes (4) Use architectural styles and details (such as roof Yes Yes lines and fenestration), colors and materials derivative from surrounding area; (5) Articulate the building facade vertically and Yes Yes horizontally in intervals that conform to the existing structures in the vicinity. III) Pedestrian Oriented Development: Applicability Compliance (1) Promote pedestrian interaction; Yes Yes (2) Design facades that respond primarily to the Yes Yes human scale; (3) Provide active, not blank facades. Where blank Yes Yes walls are unavoidable, they should receive design treatment. SECTION 1305.2 Criteria Matrix *Compliance is subject to conditions IV) Streetscape and Open Space: Applicability Compliance (1) Provide usable open space that allows for Yes Yes convenient and visible pedestrian access from the public sidewalk; (2) Landscaping, including plant material, trellises, Yes Yes* special pavements, screen walls, planters and similar features should be appropriately incorporated to enhance the project. V) Vehicular Access and Parking: Applicability Compliance (1) Design for pedestrian and vehicular safety to Yes Yes minimize conflict points; (2) Minimize the number and width of driveways and Yes Yes curb cuts; (3) Parking adjacent to a street front should be Yes Yes minimized and where possible should be located behind the building; (4) Use surface parking areas as district buffer. N/A VI) Screening: Applicability Compliance (1) Provide landscaping that screen undesirable Yes Yes* elements, such as surface parking Tots, and that enhances space and architecture; (2) Building sites should locate service elements like Yes Yes trash dumpster, loading docks, and mechanical equipment away from street front where possible. When elements such as dumpsters, utility meters, mechanical units and service areas cannot be located away from the street front they should be situated and screened from view to street and adjacent properties; (3) Screen parking garage structures with program Yes Yes* uses. Where program uses are not feasible soften the garage structure with trellises, landscaping, and/or other suitable design element. SECTION 1305.2 Criteria Matrix *Compliance is subject to conditions VII) Signage and Lighting: Applicability Compliance (1) Design signage appropriate for the scale and Yes Yes character of the project and immediate neighborhood; (2) Provide lighting as a design feature to the N/A building facade, on and around landscape areas, special building or site features, and/or signage; (3) Orient outside lighting to minimize glare to N/A adjacent properties; (4) Provide visible signage identifying building N/A addresses at the entrance(s) as a functional and aesthetic consideration. VIII) Preservation of Natural Features: Applicability Compliance (1) Preserve existing vegetation and/or geological N/A features whenever possible. IX) Modification of Nonconformities: Applicability Compliance (1) For modifications of nonconforming structures, no N/A increase in the degree of nonconformity shall be allowed; (2) Modifications that conform to current regulations N/A shall be designed to conform to the scale and context of the nonconforming structure.