HomeMy WebLinkAboutMemos and Legislation from Miami DadeDate:
December 3, 2009
Mandana Dashtaki,/A istant County Attorney
Miami -Dade Cq y ttomey's Office
David Raymon utive Director
Miami -Dade Coomeless Trust
Approval of Agreement
0 Sub -recipient ❑ U.S. HUD Grant Agreement ❑ State
0 Other: Primary Care
Attached, please find for your review and approval, three (3) originals of the referenced Grant Agreement
between Miami -Dade County, through the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust and the agency listed below:
Agency: The City of Miami
Contract Number / Narne: PC-0910-MOA MOA Program
Contract Amount: S34,0,000.00
Authorized by Resolution:
Authorized by A) 3-38:
# R-1 ] 7-08
❑ Q
New Renewal
0 ❑
New Renewal
We are requesting your sistance with reviewing and approving the Agreement as to form and legal sufficiency as soon as possible.
Please contact our ice once the Agreements have been signed at (305) 375-1490. As always, thank you for your assistance.
� I approve the above referenced agreement for form and legal sufficiency.
i "laPp G- w_
• Mandana Dashtaki & ate
Assistant County Attorney
O I do not approve the above referenced agreement for form and legal
sufficiency because:
Please resubmit again for review after these problems have been addressed.
City of Miami. — MOA program/ Pale 20 of 20
The Provider will provide Memoranda- of Agreement ("MOA") services as specified
below. The MOA participating entities are Miami -Dade County Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation, The Florida Department of Corrections, The Florida
Department of Children and Families, The State of Florida 11 h Judicial Circuit, Jackson
Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust, Our Kids, Inc. and Community Mental Health
Facilities ("MOA Entities".
The following services will be provided:
• Homeless outreach services from 5:00 pm. to 8:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and 24
hour homeless outreach on Saturdays and Sundays County -wide. Outreach services will
include staffing the Homeless Helpline during these hours and accepting calls from MOA
participating entities as described above and as outlined in the MOA document
(Attachment A-1):
• Establish a team of three (3) Housing Specialists, (dedicated staff who will develop
housing resources) linked to the Homeless Helpline, who will accept referrals and serve
as appropriate within available resources, homeless individuals or those at risk of
homelessness, from all of the other parties involved in this Agreement. These specialists
may be located at strategic locations (e.g. The Justice Center) or other sites to be
determined by the Homeless Trust and will accept referrals from MOA entities in need of
services for individuals and families at risk of homelessness who are exiting their
. systems.
• . Housing Specialists shall assist those clients with housing search and placement into
affordable housing and or appropriate homeless/other programs.
• Housing Specialists shall develop/identify an inventory of appropriate housing and
services for individuals referred by the MOA Entities. •
• Identify housing and services, within available resources, or through the development of
new resources within budgetary and legal limitations, for homeless individuals or those at
risk of homelessness referred by the 1\40A Entities.
• Utilize the Homeless Trust Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) for client
referral, tracking, and cas.:.management purposes.
• Work with the' other agencies under this Agreement to collect data on those individuals
referred, placed, and/or unable to be served; to identify trends, high utilizers, unmet
needs, and barriers to placement.
• Identify Chronically Homeless -High Utilizers of multiple systems of care who will be
referred to the Homeless Trust coordinated outreach progrann (operated by Citrus Health
Network) to facilitate referals to low demand permanent supportive housing, or other
housing and services as available and appropriate.
• Provide bus tokens to individuals in need of transportation assistance referred by the
MOA Entities. •
• Provide 30, 90, 180 and 365 day post -placement reporting via HMIS and narrative data
on people placed through this program.
Memorandum '.01itlit
February 5, 2006
Honorable Chairman Bruno A. Barreiro
and Me:iabers, Board of County Commissioners
George ivl. Bue9ess- F'
Colin y`MMnager
Memorandum of Agreement regarding Discharge Planning Policies for Homeless
Aggenda item No. 10(C)(11(.A)
It is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) adopt the attached resolution
authorizing the County Mayor or his designee to execute, in substantially the same form as attached, the
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that includes the participation of Miami -Dade County's Homeless Trust
and Corrections and Rehabilitation Department,. the Florida Department of Corrections, the Florida
Department of Children & Families, the 11e Judicial Circuit, Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust,
Our Kids, Inc., and various community mental health facilities.
The MOA details the responsibilities of all parties under this agreement. The impact of this MOA is
Fiscal Irrpact/Fundinq Source
A proposed discharge planning budget illustrating the estimated costs is attached to the MOA; howeverthe
anticipated costs in the current fiscal year will be for six months only. A fiscal impact of no more than
$170,250 will be generated in the current year as a result of the implementation of this MOA.
The additional ful(-time equivalent (FTEs) required will not be in the Country's table of organization, rather
services and staffing will be 'provided by a community based organization(s) selected via a Request for
Application process. The Homeless Trust does not provide direct services, thus the proposed services as
described in the MOA report would .be procured through a competitive process.
Funding for these services will be provided via private sector funding and additional unanticipated Food
and Beverage tax carryover funds from the previous fiscal year that were not included in the FY 2007-08
Adopted Budget. However, prior to utilizing additional Food and Beverage tax funds, the Homeless Trust is
securing potential private sector funding through community partners such as the Miami Coalition forthe
Homeless to reduce the need to fully fund these services with Food and Beverage Tax funding. The
Homeless Trust has -already secured $40,000 from Community Partnership for the Homeless in FY 2007-
The Homeless Trust will continue to work with community partners to identify private funding far recurring
costs of this project which are projected to be no more than $340,500 on an annual basis as detailed in the
attached budget to the MCA.
Honorable Chairman Bruno A. Barreiro
and Members, Board of County Commissioners
Page 2
Track Record/Monitor
The agreement shall be monitored by the Homeless Trust.
On April 24, 2007, under the sponsorship of Vice -Chair Barbara J. Jordan, the BCC passed a Resolution
(R-432-07) which directed the Homeless Trust to develop and recommend an tvi0A establishing discharge
polices for agencies in Miami -Dade County who provide services to homeless persons or those at risk of
homelessness as recommended by the Community Affordable Housing Strategies Alliance Taskforce.
Resolution R-432-07 required that the Homeless Trust present the recommendations and memoranda to
the BCC within 120 days of its passage. A memorandum dated August 21, 2007 was sent on behalf of the
Chairman of the Homeless Trust requesting additional time io complete this work because issues regarding
individuals with mental health issues residing in County jails needed to be resolved.
On November 6, 2007, the BCC adopted Resolution R-1238-07, extending the reporting deadline by an
additional 90 days from the date of passage. The attached report is the work of the Homeless Trust.
The goal of this MOA is to prevent homelessness, by setting forth discharge planning policies, and the
identification of roles and responsibilities of each participating entity related to the discharge of homeless
individuals or those who are at risk of homelessness.
Beginning in May 2007 the Homeless Trust implemented a planning process related to establishing a
MOA. A series of meetings were held with all pertinent parties, which were led by Ronald L. Book,
Chairman of the Homeless Trust. Additionally, sub -committees met over the course of several months
related to various special populations including: the felony population, civil court probate cases, individuals
with mental health, sexual predators/offenders, youth exiting Foster Care and families involved with the
Department of Children & Families. Recommendations were made, discussed, and shared with
representatives from the systems of care representing all of the above referenced entities as well as the
Public Defender's Office, the State Attorney's Office, law enforcement agencies and other key
stakeholders. •The result of this group's work was approved by the Homeless Trust Board and is presented
as an MOA for the consideration of the BCC. Additionally, the ongoing monitoring of this agreement and
further work of this group will be conducted under the auspices of the Homeless Trust and will be reported
to the Board of County Commissioners as requested.
This MOA was approved by the Homeless Trust Board an October 26, 2007 and by the representatives of
all participatinu entities.
e •
"Assistant CouriTy Manager
Approved Mayor Agenda Item No: 10(C)(1)(A)
Veto 02-05-08
WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the
accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference,
authorizes to the County Mayor or his designee to execute, in substantially the same form
as attached, the Memorandum of Agreement (MCA) that includes the participation of the
Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust, the Miami -Dade County Corrections & Rehabilitation,
the Fiorida Department of Corrections, the Florida Department of Children & Families, the
1 1th Judicial Circuit, Jack on Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust, Our Kids, ':,c., and
Community Mental Health Facilities to file and execute the MOA and any necessary
amendments to the MOA; following approval• by -the County-Attorne.ys_.Qffice. for and on
behalf of Miami -Dade County, Florida, and to exercise any amendment, modification,
renewal, cancellation and termination clauses of the MOA on behalf of Miami -Dade
County, Florida.
AnnJlcm No. 1O(c) (1) (A)
Pa,.c No.
The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner
who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner
and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows:
Bruno A. Barreiro, Chairman
Barbara J. Jordan, Vice -Chairwoman
Jose "Pepe" Diaz Audrey M. Edmonson
Carlos A. Gimenez Sally A. Heyman
Joe A. Martinez Dennis C. Moss
Dorrin D. Rolle Natacha Seijas
Katy Sorenson Rebeca Sosa
Sen. Javier D. Souto
The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and
adopted this 5th day of February, 2008. This resolution shall become effective ten
(10) days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed,
shall become effective only upon an override by this Board.
• By:
Deputy Clerk
Approved by County Attorney as --
to form and legal sufficiency. 717L7
Mann ana Dashzak
i Re.visedj
FRO ): R. A. C fie.. s, .1
County Ato;, ey.
SUBJECT: :A; .enda 1Cf(C) (1) (Ay
Please note any items checked.
"4-Day Ralc" ("3-Day Rule" for committees) applicable if raised
6 weeks required hetwcen first reading and pubiic hearing
4 weeks notification to municipal officials required prior to public
Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget
Budget required
Statement of fiscal impact required
Bid waiver requiring County Manager's written recommendation
Ordinance creating a new hoard requires detailed County Manager's
report for public hearing
a-lousciccepingitem (no poiicy.decisian:required)..
No committee r-eview.
Jrd r 1?i: .onsczfnij? Uf \ 1C--1-1:aIrcrdatl. •.'c SV!1J7;71_
Dade 'County Board of County C:onmii-sisn rs (PCs) passed a Resolution
aJ;ich direct°d the. Hooterass Trust to develop aid recommend Ivlenlurandu of Aareemein
(hereinafter referred tr as A.'-rr•e.emetl1) estabiishill_^ UlScllar2.c;' polices Tor aL!ti1Cits i;1
Miami -Dade: County )' who provide stet -tires to homeless iiersOits err those ai risk of
homelessness in an effort to prevent homelessness Js rye onllllcndt'd by the Coniirii Lui11ry
Affordable Housing S'u;lte:�ies :111imlcc Taa:force. Tit Resolution required that the
Homeless Trust present the r�cotnmenda.tions and memoranda to the BCC' +Within 120
clays of the Resolution. On November 6, 2007, the L'CC passed a Resolution extending
'the reporting deadline an additional 90 days front the date of the Resolution. The
following is the report of the work ofMiami-Dad County Horrieless Trust-(h::reinaficr
referred to as _Honleless Trust or "Trust") related to this issue and the proposed
Memoranda of Aittreelnent.
Memoranda of Ag cement
The Miami -Dade Couniy Homeless Tnist
Miami -Dade Count' Corrections &Rehabilitation
'The Florida Deparunent of Corrections
The Florida Department of Children & Fanlihes
- And
The State of Florida) 1 `h .Judicial Circuit
And •
.Jackson Memorial hospital/Public Health Trust
Our Kids, Inc
community mental health facilities
BeBonin u in May_ 2,00.7 the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust niiplemen.ted a
planninct process related to establishing Memoranda of Agreement in,ol,;,, the,
aforementioned panics. A series of nleetinfus were held with all pertinent parties, which
were teal by Ronald L. Book,.Lsq., Chairman of the Homeless Trust. Additionally_ sun-,-
C:L11111111tteCS also met reilatc:d to various special populations including: !he Felony
population, civil Chun (probarc division), medical, ll'•elltal health, sexual
predators offenclers. youth c:;:i:ir._r rosier Cara and I0 n i! cs ineed ved %vitt) the Department
f Children & .F ntilic_.
• R:Cciitilleridati,tins Cli:ci.sseci, yeitieti :uc shared w.th rapreseiltati from
systems (it :arc r- ..acni;il, all cif ill; above referen.;d 7lliil._ :ll .. lilt P;i:)lC
idr Ci2c.St3 017/C.t,Cr000L:!Ild C•Crr:":
croup Pr"ntnti.'d For -the consiciertiticn of
Ccunr/ Horncie,, Tres :12":6Eird of
the onuciinU rrionitorinu of this agreement anci ruri-itr work of this uroup.
v;i1i bc. conducted under the auspices of the Miaini-Ducie County 1-lorneiCSS T.7051 and as
requested will be reponed to the Board el County Coinmissioners
The uoal of this Interagency Agreement is 10 provenhomelessness, by settinu, forth
ciiseliarue planning policies, and the identification of roles and responsibilities relaled to
the discharue. of homeless individuals or those who :11-C i.11 On1D)11C.1[2511CSS..
Agreement Goals
Tire goals of this Ac-recinent in chide the following:
1. To establish formal linkaues, traininu policies, and discharge polices between the
Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust and all of the above referenced parties. •
2.. To establish dischartie policies between the State of Florida Department of
• Corrections (DOC) and the Miami -Dade County Homeless Tntst for State
3. To establish discharec policies between the Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust
and the Miami -Dade County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for
County jail inmates_ • •
To establish discharge policies between the .Mrami-Dade County Homeless Trust
and Jackson Memorial Hospital/Pubic Health Trust for homeless patients or those
at risk of horneleSsness.
5. To establish discharce policies between the State of Florida 1 Judicial Circuit
and the Miarni-Da.de County Homeless Trust for homeless persons and those
persons. . at risk of homelessness involved with the 1 Ih Judicial Circuit •
- • (misdemeanor, felony,-civi) and diversion cases).
G. To establish discharge policies between Our Kids. Inc and the Miarni-Dadc
County Homeless Trust for Youth Exitinu Foster Care who are at -risk of
• homelessness.
7. To establish discharge policies between community mental licalt'n coolers and
facilities -for homeless perSons ciiting mental health facilities and centers.
S. To establish linkages between :f Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust und The
Florida Dcipanient of Children & :Families related to families at risk of
116mclessness. •
9. To establish. discbari:c policies between hospitals and the. Miami -Dade County
Hcioleluss Trust for homeless persons and ihOsc at ri Li k of homelessness:
Tern.: of A 2,1-ec n
Thc of this A fzrozni 111 sh:111 he for ,l-hve t5) years from the dine cif its :7N-tienon. This
Aiyecnicnt 711CY thCICLI 11 Cr 101" \ '7:(5) successive fiYc-yeur tns +mon thc.
wrirtc...ia mutual consent of the parties.
faint F;rs; nnsif;i;irics
in en terina, into this aL'reonj•_n: ail rases a'Jrti:" 10 C3Ty. OW t.;it ioilo inu respoi sibiiit,s
1. To a„ sl_'Jl appropriate representati'.'es to the Mimi -Dade County Homeless Trust
Services Detvelopnlcnt Committee for ongcina dialo'ue, refinement, and
monitoring of the pro_ress of this Agreement on a minimum of a quarterly basis.
2. To establish and rnaimain the use of a data system (Homeless 1\l rta'aenLcnt
Information System) to identify, refer, and track: homeless individuals served by
mutual systems, particularly high utilizers of scrvics of multiple systems of care.
3. To create and review systems data in teens of the number of homeless people or
people al rill: of homelessness entering and exiting. each ;'deal of care involved
in this Agreement and to identify trends and unmet meads, and the identification of
chronically homeless people who arc Malt utilisers of multiple syslenls of care.
4. To provide cross -systems Gaining to appropriate personnel of all systems related
to resources, rules, and regulations pertinent to homeless people and those at risk
of homelessness.
5. To refer, and accept as appropriate, homeless persons, or those at risk of
homelessness into housing and services, as available and appropriate.
Agency Responsibilities:
Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust
1. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust will provide a minimum of quarterly
trainin° sessions on Homeless Trust resources to the other entities involved in this
agreement. The training will be provided 1o, but not be limited to: • Drug Court
case managers., Judges, Bailiffs, Probate Bar, Miami -Dade Correctional
Counselors or appropriate Corrections staff, DOC Classification and Probation
Officers, HART (Homeless Assessment Referral and Tracking) staff, JMH/Pub]ic.
Health Trust Social Workers or appropriate staff, Hospital Social •Workers,
Community Mental Health Centers.and Facilities staff, State kttorrrey's Office,
Public Defenders Office, Guardianship pr oara;n staff, .DCF staff, Our Kids staff.
2. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust will provide access to and training on
the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) for client referral,
tracking, and case management purposes.
3. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust will establish a team of Housing,
Specialists, linked to the Homeless Helpline, who will accepi referrals and serve
as appropriate within available resources, homeless i,;dividuals or those at risk of
homelessness, from all of the other parties involved in this Agreement. These
.specialists may be located at sh-atc_[ic locations (c.a. The Justice Center) or other
sites to be d ternlined by the Hoanelcss Trusi.
4. 'Pie Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust will identify hoes i to,. and services,
within available resources, or through the development of nev, resources lvithin
budi'et.ary and l000al ]ir,-;11nlions• for homeless individuals or Those al risk of
homelessness referred by al I other Panics under this Agreement.
The: frf iami-Dade. County Homeless Trust will work with the other a ecncies under
this .1,ro rneni io collect data on those individu;]s refeir d• placed, and or unable
1.0 h served, iC id'entify trends, Inuit;uti]1 err, unmet needs, anti harriers to
placement. `1'.-_ r.''Pr»cless Trust ,:111 o;'1: 1! ieltriffy ;--sotti.ee 10 n;._. .1•11)1_'1
i]eeC; IOc!"I!]c(1 \'la th:S prOCeis.
r--'. The !' aJni-Dade C-UJn v r:on1'.l•_ss Trust will identify Chronicall`, He nleless
- igh Utilizers of mu hiplc s','slonms of cart' who \:'ill be referred to and receive ln'a,
• demand permanent supportive housins, or other ilousing and services as available
and appropriate.
7 The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust %HI! rcvicp,' and tictenriint policy
related to p,-ioritiving "court involved clients" in IC1Tns of Trust funded bed
availability for inental health and substance abuse treatment programs.
The State, of Florida 11"',l.udie.io1 Circuit
8. The l 1't' Judicial Circuit will ensure that .Judges, Judicial Assistants. the Probate
Bar, Bailiffs, HomcJess Assessment Referral and Tracking (HART) pros, and staff,
Drug Court staff, and other appropriate staff are trained in the use of homeless
Trust resources.
cl. The 11'' Judicial Circuit will ensure that appropriate program staff is Trained in
the use of the Homeless Managen]ent information System.
10. The 11 II' Judicial Circuit will identify appropriate. staff and utilize the HM_lS to
make referrals, L-ack clients, and identify high utilizers of services, and special
needs popuiations.
13. The 11''' judicial Circuit will ensure that homeless individuals will provide
referrals to the homeless outreach teams on site at the Justice Center for homeless
individuals in need of emergency housing placement a.'ho arc involved with
misdemeanors and felonies
12. The 1 1"' .judicial Circuit will identify and provide. in -kind office space for an on-
. site ]lousing specialist as made available through the Homeless Trust, who will
provide housing referrals to homeless individuals or those at risk of homelessness
who are involved with misdemeanors, felonies, civil and probate divisions.
Tvliami-Dade County Denartnent of Corrections a.nd Rehabilitation:
13. Upon intake at booking, The Miarni-Dadc County Department of Corrections and
Rehabilitation will identify all homeless• individuals as designated by means of
arrest affidavits indicator.
14. The Miami -Dade County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will
ensure that Correctional Counselors and other employees as may he appropriate
arc traine^ ,-n the use of Homeless Trust resources at a minimum of quarterly, at
no cost to the f\4iami-Dade County Department of Corrections and Reh ii ilitation.
1.5. The J\4iarni-Dadc County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will
ensure that Correctional Counselors and other employees as may he appropriate
arc trained in the. use of the Tiomcle'ss Management information S'sicm.
1('I. The J\1ianli-Dadc County Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will
utilize the HM IS to nlakc refen;l!s, each'portieres; clients, and idientif, hi_il
utilizers ofsen ices, and special needs populations.
.17. Tr! l: fvtiillii- 1:ICi: (_'ciuult1 Department of COITCCUons, thJriL1"h the Corroctinns
!Health Services 11v4H!P]-JT) shall utilize LI CaIo001 n.1Cn1Li h ai:h scaanlcni 10o)
as a_r' cd upon '\. c,n"octions, the I n!Idi::al Circuit and .1A1-11r'H1. (Not'_:
Ells Js also refit.red In 1t:ni = .! u pail c Cci:cctIo_j,
Services section.)
s incorporated into this crrecment, tit Col;:.,.!;ns and
Rehabilitation shall govern themselves by their Standard Opera: n ?r,,cedut_s
pursuant to its policies for mental health services, recoeni ..ine and super isinri
mentally ill inmates, and release of inmates- with special needs, as may he
amended as necessary.
19. The .114iarrti-Dade County Department of Corrections vial) tissist homeless
individuals exitin<, the jails by referring them to appropriate housinn, services,
and community resources via homeless outreach staff or housing specialists
provided by the lv5iami=Dade County Homeless Trust.
Florida Department of Crn-reciionsNiiami-Dade Cotu tv Homeless Trust
20. The Florida Department of Corrections will ensure that classincation officers
develop appropriate discharuc plans for inmates at least ISO days prior to release.
21. The Florida Department of Convections will forward discharge plans from
classification officers to the Homeless Trust Housing Specialists for those
individuals who will become homeless upon release within 150 days of release,
with the consent of the innat; or for those inmates on probation, community
corrections staff (probation officer) will submit their placement requests .to the
Homeless Trust Housing Specialists within 30 days of release with the consent of
the inmate
22. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust Housing Specialists will review the.
discharge plans and respond to the DOC classification officers within 30 days of
receiving the discharge plan as to the availability of housing and resources within
Miami -Dade County.
23. The Miami -Dade County Homeless Trust Housing Specialists will respond in
writin,.to the classification officers as to any placement barriers (e.g. 2,500 foot
rule for sexual predators) so as to provide sufficient time to identify alternative
Florida Department ofChi ildren & Farniiies (Circuit11):
24. The Florida Department of Children c&_ Families will ensure that eligibility
Specialists and protective investigators, attorneys, and other appropriate staff are
trained as to Homeless Trust resources.
- 25. The Florida Department of "hildren & Families will ensure chat homeless
individuals and fammrilies or those at risk of homelessness are referred to
appropriate housing, scr'ices, lrousing specialists and community resources by
protective investi r_•ators and clicibility spcci gists. and will Doti fy the Homeless
Trust as to any harriers in acc:essine these services.
2b. The Florida Departmcnp of Children. & Families will pose -Homeless licipline,
1---lotistrilt Locator and other homeless resdtucc information in DCF Dfiic;a and
"Access— sites.
2 . -The Florida Department of C hildren & Families will provide trainina to Homcicss
Trust providers r_ lilted to appropriate reporinu of' abuse and neglect
2_. .ric cparittu est 0. _hild en F1771;.-_ a;:.r:rt .. ..''^` _ :,..•. 1:...
_ Vie:.., related to i;7' ter._, n.....: 1''as
available t hrc• :=']i _)CF or !n fit: 1
Our kids. Inc r,f 1-iiami-Dade and :NI nnroe County
2P. Our !Kits. Inc. will consul's that full case r7ian:1 !CMCnt
and indepenclunt living- program staff refer homeless indi';icunis, famihiic. or
those al risk of homelessness t0 appropriate housin3', services, hoistnn specialists
and community resources uti ailahlc tnrouc,ii the Homeless Trust or other entities:
all. Our Kids, Inc. will ensure that "independent Liyin_r" and oilier ajprapnaic staff.
as identified by Our 1 dills, Inc. are hiiined by the J-inmeless Trust in the use of the
1-JMIS and Homeless Trust resources.
31. Our Kids, Inc will ensure that independent Living staff -utilizes the H:tdJS io make
referrals, track clients, and identify those youth at•nsb: of l7omcicssncst upon exit
r-nry Foster Caro.
32. Our Kids, Inc. Will Narork with the Homeless Trust 1.o identify unmet needs and
will maximize the coordination of monetary and community resources utilized for
move in and rental assistance to youth exiting foster cars.
Jackson R'Iernorial HOstaital/PuhI1c Health Trust
__. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will ensure that JMJ-IfFHT Social
Workers and other appropriate staff arc trained in the use of Homeless Trust
resourc es.
34. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will establish linkages with
Homeless Trust funded outreach teams.
35..lackson Memorial Hospitai/publicHealth Trust will ensure chat JMl-LPI-IT Social •
Workers are trained in the use of the HMJS.
36. ;Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will utilize the HMI_S to make
referrals, identify, and track homeless people and those at ris}; of homelessness
?..iaclson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust will identify horneless nigh
. utilizers of Hospital, Emerriency Rootn and Mental Health Crisis Services and
refer and link them to the Homeless Trust chronic outreach team
38. Jackson Memorial Hospital/Public Health Trust. will work with the }Homeless
Trust to identify and realign resources to serve individualsit-e.g. undocumented
innnijants) in the least restrictive setting's and to utilize currently funded
Homeless Trust funded programs (e.g. The Homeless Assistance Ccnicrs or
ALFsj where appropriate..
3J..Jackson Memorial .Hospital/Public .Health Trust will screen and refer those
patients at risk of homelessness to t: c Homeless Trust Housing, Specialists as
4(1, Jackson . Memorial Hospital/Jackson Memorial hospital shall amend the
Memoranda of A_rrec:nicont between i\9iam1-Dale • County Department of
I o1Tec.tions ;rod Reihabilitatienl ;rncl .1M.11T'HT to reflect the revisions le the
menial he:,lli, scr_ nin'g instrument :is clescrih_J in Number 15 abov.e.
Cornmunitr;ti7cutal Health ('cr.u'1-s {C741-;Cs1 and'Iental Health F:Iciiit:es:
(' «if1Cs and Mental }7 i.,.-. ii: rG=7'..,_.. ..71i _..:thi:.:ii linkaties Homeless !'_•s,
Fancied outreach learns.
42. Ci`.I.P,C_ and Menial J-]ca:tii, Facilities ,ril'. ensure ti;ai Criss _nit Sock., 6.`cirkets
and other enpr!1pr ti'c• stall are. trailed in the use of Horn eiess Trust resources
4?. C?v4HCs and Menial Health Facilities ;•iii enst!rcthat Crisis Unit Social Wur:c-s •
and other appropriate staff are trained in the use of the H1rf1S ht- the J-lorlelcss
44. CivilrICs and Mental Health Facilities will utilize the iIMIS to make referrals,
trackclients, and identify homeless people and those rlt risk: of homelessness in
need of housing and services.
45. CMHCs and Mental Health Facilities will identify homeless hiuh •utilizers of
Crisis Services and refer and link then to the Homeless Trust chronic outreach
46. CMi-3Cs and. Mental Health Facilities will screen and refer those homeless
. patients to the Homeless Trust. Housing Specialists as appropriate. •
State Attornev's Office
47. The State Attorney's Office shall recommend that the Grand .lury re-examine
their report and the progress and remaining barriers on mental health and the
criminal justice system.
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of this Agreement
The success of this agreement shall be evaluated on ,a quarterly basis by the Homeless
Trust Board and appropriate Committees based on thc.following criteria:
identification of Baseline data on the number of homeless people and those al risk
of homelessness served by the entities involved in this ant -cement
Annual reduction of the number of homeless persons ensc:in„, exiting and
recidivists involved with all entities involved in this agreement-- percentage to he
T Parties to this Agreement (Parties) understand that durin�a the course of
performing the Services hereunder, each party may have accr.rt_;o certain confidential
and proprietary in;niiation and materials of the other party in order to fvrihcr
performance of the .Ser ices. The Parties shall protect confidential information and
comply v:ih applicalpic federal and stoic, iao.'s on confidentiality. io -prevent
unauthoriti.ed use. dissent -dilation -or paltiication of rnnfidential information as each
party uses to protect its own confidential information in a like manner. The Panics
shill] not disclose the o nfldcntial information to any third parry or to any Ct?li�t0':'CC
or contractor v,,tho i3OCs not have a ;fount to know such info111at1(5), which need i3
,J101ed 10 perftornia'lce of a responsibility hereunder. 'However. ihlF _J1mCf?i
i a1p01o, nci obiinauon ti oil the I'ao tom. with respect .a contidentitil information ' irih
(2) U5 2V.iLj0 )-:;1.:0A2 1.0 tht before if:et-tot from the other; (hi j: or
ht,C07i12S 3 matter of public 1:nov;ir.cl tiirou'At 22fatil; of the receiYine is
receivt:•:•-d by receivim, pan., front 3 lhird par.y without restriction on
disclosure; (d) is indeperidently deloped hy or for the piiry j s disclosed
op cr:Ition if itiw; (f) is disclosed by the receivingParty tvith the other Pany's prier
wriititin approval. The confidentiality provision of this Agreement shall remain in fui!
force 31)6 effect ;ACT the termination of this
Financial Ohli?ations of the Parties
The parties actknowledt!e that this Agreement is not intended to matt financial
obligations between the parties_ However, in the event that costs are incurred 115 2 result
of any party performing their roles under this Agreement, each party agrees to be
responsible for their own costs.
Termination of Arrreement
The. Parties s-ee that this „A Preernent may be terminated by any party hereto by written
notices to the other parties of such intent to lerminatc.at !cast thirty (30) calendar days
prior to the effective dale of such termination. Termination of the Agreement as to one
party will not affeei the Ai,-reement as to the remaining parties.
Agency Contacts
The following individuals are named as Agency Contacts for purpose of dministration of
this ALmeement:
(To be completed upon exec ion)
Effective Date
This Am-eement shall become effective on .Tanuary 2008
The following parties have caused this page document to bc implemented by their
authorized officials
(To be completed upon execution
Fai-ther Recnmmenda:inr:s Ho he es:niored by the lvii:tmi-Bade County Homeless
Truss via th<• Services flrvelonm nt Committee. locluriin^ rrr)reNentally es from this
Ivor k',rouu:
Sexual Pre.datol-s
• identify National Re. istrn• of Sexual Predators and how uh access
• We have dctcnnincd that the Miami -Dade Police Department maintains mapping
of 2,500 foot rule and have produced a map of the County identifying, those areas
where sexual predators may/may not reside We have also been advised that an
inlet -net rased mapping program is in Lhe process of development which will
allow the public to review and check Specific 'areas where sexual predators reside.
• Reproduce map (with a disclaimer stating, that addresses must be officially cleared
by the Miami -Dade County Police Sexual Crimes Bureau), which can he utilized
by; Classification, Corrections and Probation Officers, and Housing Specialists,
sexual predators and offenders, and other interested entities.
• Re\ iew state statutes related' to sexual predators and offenders, - New "Romeo
and Juliet" exemptions for noun<e adults classifications
• Explore Legislative changes to State Statutes requirinn a residential address for
inmates as pan of the discharge plan prior to release into Ole community
• Ongoing need for data- How many people convicted, serving sentences, released?
Obtain numeric data from the Department o f Corrections
• Explore Risk Assessment based placements for sex offenders versus sexual
predators -Offenders with certain sentences could be placed at 3,000 feet versus
sexual predators at 2,500 feet. Review Best Practices Models in New York and or
ocher communities.
• , Explore development. of specialized facilities/scattered site placements
• Explore linkages with South Florida Workforce for employanent opportunities
• Baker Act training of J-Iomcless Trust providers
• Identify Jackson Meworial Hospital/Public Health Trust (JMl-1!PJ-JT) funded
programs- Assisted Living Facilities, Salvation Anny, Guardianship Placements,
and the potential realignment ofresources
• Explore funding Assisted Living Facilitics.,'Nursing ]--tome placements
• Identify funding for TA./PHT guars": iuship placements.
• .Explore ,Agency for Persons with Disabilities Vacancies as potential placemchit
Florida 1 i ih Jut-fief:it Circuit
• Establish ]inkaees to the. Homeless 'Frust and the South Florida Provider
Coalition retalcd tit acc ssine pcmtuncalt supportive, :ir c d;rhlc, or oi.hcr
appropriate hciusine and services for cl icnts exiling Stale fondled, treatment
prn,�rams referred by the 1 1' Judicial C irc:lil (Obis linkaec e.iploration ni:ly r,
i1L''1'Q 111i Cloud non ived Cures).
° r_xpicire t an'oc,%a1Ji,Jh r,?',1ions tlnr:ens or free 1r.,iwiitaS"n IOr Cillri :!?' ...C'J
I1'__ _..1:anspon.atlon for court appe.ran__; a17C --Fcr-iial:,Li;:1.''se ..__
• Need i0r (1:13- IE _ Wnll"_ Paper) rr.fitied to a Goal need. ;1_nlr_r c'1 : nicl'ess
individuals an•este'd, pr<eirial, in need 0i manta] health and Or substance abuse
• Need to obtain Monthly Reports from HAFT from the Miami -Dade County
Department of:Fluman Services
• Obtain .Florida Department of Children & Families data on mental health clients
aWaitin, placement and those placed into State C.'ivil and Forensic Hospitals
• E:cplore issues of youth involved in criminal justice system al - risk of
homelessness- include the Department of Juvenile Justice and the Juvenile
Assessment Center
• Provide training on the SOAR program which expedites the processing of Social
Security benefits.
Youth Exitin!_i Foster Care
• Explore mentorinmir programs for youth exitin; foster care- Link: to Educate
Tomorrow, currently prog_ram starts at 17 years of age, we need to start at 13
years of age- need for k'olunteers
• Explore Formal Training- Best Practices, 211, 31 I, Switchboard
• Our Kids is drafting an invitation to negotiate for intensive ease management- for
independent living programs- explore incorporation of housing specialists
• identify Our Kids After Care budget for youth exiting foster care move in
assistance- Can Housing Assistance Grant, Emergency Food & Shelter Board,
Homeless Trust and other community resources to fund these services?
•., identify individuals with Developmental Disabilities and barriers to their care -
advocate for -State funding of these young adults via the Medicaid Waiver
DCF Families
• Explore linkages with Neighborhood Centers to explore need for night. and
weekend access to outreach
• Cash for' Protective Investigators flex funds- can we link to Camillus new
prevention program.
Slat;_:.ai'torncv's Office
The Stale Attor ley's Office. has a present policy that all doc.amcff i'tion and papenvork for
".No Action" cases where a defendant is still in custody is processed by the SAO and
delivered to corrections and rehabilitation staff by 4: ;tip.m. Monday -Friday.
The State Attorney's Office shall work with other entities in an effort to sci up a process
tuhercb•.' .Iackson h]emorial Hospital'Correciioris Health Services, :Jnd!or the Department
of Corrections will notify the SAO and identify persons in custody who, via an
assessment. arc dctetniinc.dd io have a mental iIinss and whcf arc av,'aitinr arrai Amen! n;l
new cw,cs. The SAE) will use ±his prior notiflca ann to expedite the process fkti .
$i brnittini all doCufnentiii ion related i0 "No Action by the St:il0" .:J:so so:' these
and forss`iit� thi li:f��?'1:..t1:,., .ii i;'.'_ L1_ _CT11 �1?1 ,1 C ,_5ticin
Ih 4::il
Other Issues
S�s(cm capacity issues must be explored in tams of available emergency, tr;nisiiionel,
perrnaneni supportive housing'. supportive services, c%;I$:er Act Beds, as ,x:cll ;is nfiordaIlc
Potential. Partners/Funders
• t liami Co lilion for the Homeless
• Community Partnership for Homeless
▪ Miami -Dade County Children's Trust
• Dade Community Fo initiation
• L.Jnited \k'ay
• Health Foundation of South Florida
• Mental Health Foundation
• South Florida Providers Coalition
• Alliance for A�in;, Jnc.
Miarni4Dade County Homeless Trust
Memoranda of Agreement (MOA)
Discharge Planning Budget
On April 24, 2007, under the sponsorship of Vice -Chair Barbara J. Jordan, the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) passed a Resolution (R ;32-07) which directed the Homeless Trust to develop
and recommend a Memoranda of Agreement establishing discharge polices for agencies in Miami -
Dade County who provide services to homeless persons or those at risk of homelessness in an effort to
prevent homelessness. as recommended by the Community Affordable Housing Strategies Alliance
The Homeless Trust also directed that a budget reflective of the SCORE of recommended
enhancements be created and attached as a sunplement to the MOA. A draft of this budget
follows for your review:
Housing Specialists 2 FTE's: one stationed at Justice Center S110.000
Weekend Outreach
Night Outreach
Bus Tokens
2-4 FTE's 5 16 hours/week S55,000-110.000
2 FTE's: Must address system capacity $110.000
.prior to funding positions.
City of Mismi already performing 24
hour outreach on a limited and taroeted
7.000 r $1.50 each $10.500