HomeMy WebLinkAboutTabulation DetailedTABULATION -DETAILED IFB 211224 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AlA Transportation Inc Air B School Bus Transportation Inc Diplomat Coach, Inc. International Limo of South Florida Liz 1 & A Hernandez Corp M&M Marroquin Bus Service, Inc. Safeguard America, Inc. d/b/a Americas Transportation Unit Price Item 8 Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price .::111i"'CATEGORY1: SCHOOL BUSES :. -' " - - M , , 81.1 19 to 30 Passenger School Bus Hour 1 $45.00 * $29.00 N O B D N D B D $40.00 N O B ) D 365.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 65 64 47 32 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 65 64 56 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 65 64 56 39 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 65 64 65 41 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes Yes Yes If your answer above Is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 52 buses w/ 65 passenger capacity 44 Buses 64 passengers each 6, 65 Passenger For this category, we own 12 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 19 to 57 seats ff 1.2 31 to42 Passenger School Bus Hour 1 $45.00 .* $29.00 N D B I D N D B I D $40.00 N 0 B 1 D $69.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 65 64 47 32 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 65 64 56 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 65 64 56 39 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 65 64 65 41 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes Yes Yes If your answer above is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 52 Buses w/ 65 passenger capacity 44 Buses 64 passengers each 6, 65 Passenger For this category we own 12 buses and our passenger capacity starts at 31 to 57 seats. if 1.3 43 to 54 Passenger School Bus Hour 1 $45.00 '" $29.00 N O B I D N O B I - D $40.00 N 0 B I D $69.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 65 64 56 47 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 65 64 56 51 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 65 64 65 55 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 65 64 65 55 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes Yes Yes If your answer above Is "Yes", indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 52 buses w/65 passenger capacity 44 Buses 64 passengers each 5, 65 Passenger For this category we own 8 buses and our passenger capacity starts at 43 to 57 ca P Y seats. 8 1.4 55 to 64 Passenger School Bus Hour 1 $45.00 $29.00 N Q N O B I D $40.00 N D $69.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 65 • 64 .56 55 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 65 64 56 55 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 65 64 65 55 indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 65 64 65 55 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes B Yes B Yes If your answer above Is "Yes", indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 52 buses w/ 65 passenger capacity 44 Buses 64 passengers each I D 5, 65 Passenger I D For this category we own 8 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 55 to 57 seats. Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 7/30/2010 1 of Approved b, Defiartment Director or Designee TABULATION -DETAILED IFB 211224 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES A1A Transportation Inc Alr B School Bus Trans•ortatlonInt Diplomat Coach, Inc. International Umo of South FloridaUc 1 & A Hernandez Corp M&M Marroquln Bus Service, Inc. Safeguard America, Inc. d/b/a Americas Transportation Item 11 Desert .Hon Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price �� .�'11i1S'i1Li�- Unit Price N 1.5 65 or more Passenger School Bus 1 $45.00 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D N 0 B I D $40.00 30.00 per hour 4 to 6 hrs. 525.00 per hour 7 to B hrs. 4 hour minimum. A 5 < discount will be appged to tho price e on each wee.I's 'ni I�C�y aye RESPONSIVE N 0 B i D Indicate maximum ca •achy of passengers for Bus 1: MIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIM _- -11111.1111MIN 65 Indicate maximum ca •acity of passen; ers for Bus 2: 65 Indicate maximum capacity of passen; ers for Bus 3: 65 65 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: _ - n Yes 65 Yes Do you own more than four (4 buses? Yes or No? _- Yes If your answer above is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: ■ 52 Buses w/ 65 passenger capacity 3, 65 Passenger 25, 05 Passenger f12 EMI' CATEGORY 2: LUXURY VANS AND BUSES -_-� Deemed nooresponsive pursuant to Section 2.10 for requiring a 4 tour minimum amount of hours far rental of vehicles. 62.1 10 to 15 Passenger Van Hour _- _- II= 1 N 0 B I p N 0 B 1 D N O B 1 D MIIIIIME N 0 B I D N 0 B I D Ilirinr1.1.111 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 1: 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 2: Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 3: IMEMIE31111111. 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 4: III= _- MIIMIEMIIII=1 14 Do you own more than four (4 vans? Yes or No? Yes Yes If your answer above is "Yes", indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers ers g for each: 2 Units (11 Passenger Van) 2 Units 110- Passenger Van) Total of 4 Vans For this category we own 17 vans of 14 passenger 62.2 10 to 15 Passenger Van Day 1 N O B I D N O B ( 0 N O B I D $440.00 N 0 8 I D $350.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 1: _- _- _- _- _- N Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 2: 11 0 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 3: 11 IMIIIIIMMEIME Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 4: 11 14 Do you own more than four (4) vans? Yes or No? Yes B If your answer above Is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 2 Units (11 Passenger Van) 2 Units (10-15 Passenger Van) Total of 4 Van: I D For this atwe own 17 agory vans of 14 passenger Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 7/30/2010 2 of 7 apartment Director or Designee TABULATION -DETAILED IFB 211224 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES A1A Transportation Inc Air B School Bus Transportation Inc Diplomat Coach, Inc. International Limo of South Florida Llc 1 & A Hernandez Corp M&M Marroquln Bus Service, Inc. Safeguard America, Inc. d/b/a Americas Transportation Item 11 Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price N 2.3 10 to 15 Passenger Van Week 1 N Q B I D N O B I D N O B I D $3,080.00 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D $2,300.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 1: 11 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 2: 11 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 3: 11 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 4: 11 14 Do you own more than four (4) vans? Yes or No? Yes Yes If your answer above Is "yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 2 Units (11 Passenger van) 2 Units (10-15 Passenger Van) total of 4 vans For this category we own 17 vans of 14 passenger it2.4 lO to lS Passenger Van Month 1 N 0 B I D N D B I D N D B 1 D $12,320.00 N 0 B I D N 0 - B I D $8,400.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 1: 11 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 2: 11 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 3: 11 14 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Van 4: 11 14 Do you own more than four (4) vans? Yes or No? Yes Yes If your answer above Is "Yee,, Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 2 Units (11 Passenger Van) 2 Units (10-I5 Passenger Van) Total of 4 Vans For this category we own 17 vans of 14 passenger N 2.5 16 to 36 Passenger Mini -Bus Hour 1 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D N 0 B I D $70.00 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D $65.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 16 to 38 passengers 32 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 16 to 38 passengers 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 16 to 38 passengers 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus4: 16 to 38 passengers 41 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes If your answer above is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 1 Unit: 24 Passenger 1 Unit: 25 Passenger - ADA Minibus with Wheel (hair lift 2 Units: 28 Passenger 2 Units: 38 Passenger Total of 6 minibuses For this category we own 6 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 16 to 36 y seats Created by: yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 7/30/2010 3 of 7 Approved b 1,7 partment Director or Designee TABULATION -DETAILED IFS 211224 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AlA Transportation Inc Air B School Bus Transportatlon Inc Diplomat Coach, Inc. International limo of South Florida Llc 1 & A Hernandez Corp M&M Marroquln Bus Service, Inc. Safeguard America, Inc. d/b/a Americas Transportation Item H Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price 112.6 16 to 36 Passenger Mini -Bus Day 1 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D N O B 1 D $560.00 N O B I D N O B I D $520.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 16 to 38 passengers 32 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 16 to 38 passengers 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 16 to 38 passengers 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 16 to 38 passengers 41 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes If your answer above is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 1 Unit: 24 Passenger 1 Unit: 25 Passenger- ADA Minibus with Wheel Chair Lift 2 Units: 28 Passenger 2 Units: 38 Passenger Total of 6 minibuses For this category we own 6 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 16 to 36 seats 82.7 16 to 36 Passenger Mini -Bus Week 1 N 0 B 1 D N 0 B I D N 0 B 1 D $3,920.00 N O B I D N O B I D $2,600.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 16 to 24 passenger 32 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 16 to 28 passenger 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 16 to 38 passenger 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 16 to 38 passenger 41 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes If your answer above is "yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 1 Unit: 24 Passenger 1 Unit: 25 Passenger - ADA Minibus with Wheel Chair Uft 2 Units: 28 Passenger 2 Units: 38 Passenger Total of 6 minibuses For this category we own 6 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 16 to 36 seats 112.8 16 to 36 Passenger Mini -Bus Month 1 N 0 B 1 D N 0 B 1 D N O B I D $15,680.00 N O B I D N O B I D $10,000.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 16 to 38 passengers 32 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 16 to 38 passengers 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 16 to 38 passengers 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 16 to 38 passengers 41 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes If your answer above Is "Yes", indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 1 Unit: 24 Passenger 1 Unit: 25 Passenger - ADA Minibus with Wheel Chair Lift 2 Units: 28 Passenger 2 Units: 38 Passenger Total of 6 minibuses For this category we own 6 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 16 to 36 seats Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 7/30/2010 Approved b 4 of 7 D ment Director or Designee L TABULATION -DETAILED IFB 211224 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AlA Transportation Inc Alr B School Bus Transportation Inc Diplomat Coach, Inc. International limo of South Florida llc 1 & A Hernandez Corp M&M Marroquln Bus Service, Inc. Safeguard America, Inc. d/b/a Americas Transportation Item H Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price N 2.9 37 to 61 Passenger Charter Bus/Deluxe Motor Coach Hour 1 N O B ( D N 0 B I D 580.00 __ _ N��I 'RESPt iSIVE— 585.00 57 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D $69.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 37 indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 57 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 57 41 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 50 NON— 47 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Deemedresponsron pa,wam m sectio" '1. fu' minimua a SS hoes minimum amount of hoax for rental of vehicles. _• is p to_ nG�r ��'`1vCC 1 Unit: Deluxe Motorcoach - 97 Passenger Yes If your answer above is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: For this category we own 11 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 37 to 57 seats. N 2.10 37 to 61 Passenger Charter Bus/Deluxe Motor Coach Day 1 0 B I D 5350.00 N 0 B I D $680.00 N 0 B 1 D N 0 B 1 D 5552.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 47 NON- ............. N' .57 ................. 5y . 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: ___ RESPONSIVE 57 41 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: (Failfile_to 47 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No7 No _ Yes owtl/lease-four(4) l onimor.e:busesrat, - np's5f-W%{ tl�" VI VI`^ Yes • If your answer above Is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: snare to own/lease lour (4) e buses at time of bld submittal, pursuant to Section For this category we own 11 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 37 to 57 seats. 2.10. submittal, a 2.11 37 to 61 Passenger Charter Bus/Deluxe Motor Coach Week 1 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D N 0 B I D PU! s ,iJ ,lvtO N O B I D N 0 B I D 52,760.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: —Seetic ii2.10)_ 5i7 ............................................................................ 57 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: 41 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 57 47 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes Yes . If your answer above is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 1 Unit: Deluxe Motor coach • 57 Passenger For this category we own 11 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 37 to 57 seats. 02.12 37 to 61 Passenger Charter Bus/Deluxe Motor Coach Month 1 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D N 0 B I D _ �_$19,040.00 _- 577 N 0 B I D N 0 B I D $10,000.00 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 1: 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 2: 37 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 3: N(rye 1 __..RESPONSIVE-_ Yes 41 Indicate maximum capacity of passengers for Bus 4: 47 Do you own more than four (4) buses? Yes or No? Yes If your answer above is "Yes", Indicate how many and the maximum capacity of passengers for each: 1 Unit: Deluxe Motorcoach - 57 Passenger For this category we own 11 buses and their passenger capacity starts at 37 to 57 seats. Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 7/30/2010 Sof7 Depart/fient Director or Designe TABULATION -DETAILED IFB 211224 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES A1A Transportation Inc Air 8 School Bus Transportation Inc Diplomat Coach, Inc. International Limo of South Florlda Lic 1 & A Hernandez Corp M&M Marroquln Bus Service, Inc. Safeguard America, Inc. d/b/a Americas Transportation Item g Descriptlon Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price 82.13 9 to 18 Passenger Entertainer Coach/Sleeper Hour NO BID NO BID NO BID -`-------------~`-'----'-------- .11 ;':,<�;.. �, • r F .:: t,• �! ,rr,r �VON- NO BID NO BID NO BID How many buses do you own or lease? What Is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? II 2.14 9 to 18 Passenger Entertainer Coach/Sleeper Day 1 NO BID NO BID NO BID RESPO.NSIVE. ''1'`°' VAIIdee'tb" r "` own/lease.-vehicle meetin --------- --- g-----�--- specifications, :!'! !''. Ott " purs0rif `4br' `;''° Section 3 1) NO BID NO BID NO BID How many buses do you own or lease? What is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? 82.15 9 to 18 Passenger Entertainer Coach/Sleeper Week 1 NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID How many buses do you own or lease? What is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? 9 2.16 9 to 18 Passenger Entertainer Coach/Sleeper Month 1 NO BID NO BID - NO BID `..'.. �; 04 -I'--------------. .!!: P:;::-- i.>r F. 'I Irni 11. NO BID NO BID NO BID How many buses do you own or lease? What Is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 7/30/2010 Approved by 6of7 Depart ent Director or Desf TABULATION -DETAILED IFB 211224 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES A1A Transportation Inc Alr B School Bus Transportation Inc Diplomat Coach, Inc. International Limo of South Florida Llc 1 & A Hernandez Corp M&M Marroquln Bus Service, Inc. Safeguard America, Inc. d/b/a Americas Transportation Item 11 Description Unit Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price Unit Price 8 2.17 10 to 41 Passenger Executive Coach/Day Coach Hour 1 NO BID NO BID NO BID ., „, t%' �==':�:, + ""'NON='''"' a.., RESP,ON51VC, NO BID NO BID NON- RESPONSIVE ..... .... (Failure to own/lease vehicle meeting specifications, ........ How many buses do you own or lease? What is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? II 2.18 10 to 41 Passenger Executive Coach/Day Coach Day 1 NO BID NO BID NO BID `(p'ailliF ltin.""' t.,, �1;-ac=;1: r<r own%leasg, vt3hicle t--me'eting,'''!: sp 'cl(ciiiOfis;' r• putsuent to NO BID NO BID How many buses do you own or lease? What is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? 8 2.19 10 to 41 Passenger Executive Coach/Day Coach Week 1 NO BID NO BID NO 81D ................Se. tici' ::3.1}................ .....:.1 `,,i F::... .-: -,7•otrl. >.,,,, r:r.:. :.I. .i'rc " 1 :..:. ,.:j. ..'Pass.-unr NOW, RESP. NSIVE. ,,:.Q;,,,,,,;,; .:+�. (::..7!: "u!s;:rgcr :: r::. Ili. .....- .. r - NO BID NO BID '' l "pUf5t7Bitti0�eCtlOn' 31} NOW: RESPONSIVE How many buses do you own or lease? What is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? II2.20 10 to 41Passenger Executive Coach/Day Coach Month 1 NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID NO BID How many buses do you own or lease? What Is the maximum capacity of passengers for each of the buses you own or lease? Through City's letter dated 7/2/2010, bidder agreed to extend Unit Price bid for Line 1.4 to line items 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 Created by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB 7/30/2010 Approved by: 7 of7 Depart, ent Director or Des