HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter and Backup documents'ROM : FR> NO. Date: 7/15/2010 Time: IS:03 PM TO: 30559E195 y of Miami Page: 004 GLENN MARCOS hUar Procuremont ofllcor Mr. Jorge Hamandez ; & A Hernandez-Gorp:-; • c,i400 SW 16 Street . Miami, FL 33174 • caxer. July 14, 2010 rul. 16 2010 09:15PM P2 CAFILOS • cloy mnniag¢ S.ENT,VIA FAX AND E=M R> I iFE 21'1:224`f:r r!ansportailon.Servtce Deer Mr, Hernandez: i 111e City of Miami is in receipt of your response to the: Olt s letter dated July , 201.0. In orcer.tgiassist us in Ole Evaluation process, we need additional inforrnation/cl riflotlon rogerding your response. For )_Ine 1.1-19 to 30 Passenper School Sus, you' indicated: 1 °'On the category 19 to 30 passengers School' i us: Pot! Example, If the 10• buses oYan ere ire: d In this, category for 1 hour our charges will be $40 pp.? btrs -• Or hour for e total of $400 for th, e 104 uses in; ah hours work." •i Pease. answer the following question: i Jf me, City rents one (1) bus under this batogdr, , WM Your tee of $40 per o r sit • [Ades, my 'Unit' Price of $40 per hour bull apt !ies fdr tI rerital oil one CO bus,[ ] No, my Unit Price of $40 per hour is not a( lalicatile tc the reniEli of one; (1) bus. •I• For Line 1.2 —31 to 42 PasaeAAer School 6tas,1'ou; rid'icate ; cr' ,'I 'On the category 31 to 42 passengers: For ex:arhp•I , iY Lhe 10 buses owiri• ere used in tins; ceteggory fir 1 : hour our changes will be $40 per bus — per hay,' fora .torsi of $'400 'bribe 10 buses in an haure work["i w pi, a.- F'iease answer the fotlewtng question: { ' i • I .e : a • I: 4 If the City rent one (1) bus under this t ate9.tl. Will:yeu.• Un]t Prigs of $40 per hour still a�' [VJ Yes, my UnitiPrice of $40 per hour still sop' :ie.pfar is rental of one (1,), bus:: (,_1 No, my Unit Price of $40 per hour is not a0.12l1ca*. io th 're_ital .9ne, j1) kius,. For Line 1.3 - 43 is 54 Passorwer School Bus, you, mdlc, ted: 'On the category 43 to 54 passengers. For thh: oe1teiory, We. can Provide:9 buaos.. If the 9 b es Aro used for 1 hour at our rate of $40 per hour per bus ft.vilk bee tota(bf, $3t30 for'the 9 buses In arrt h. urn wont. "i• is i. I. 1, :i.': F tease answer the foliciawing question: s• If the Cily rQ11Lne (11 bus under this yatenoi•••t, wlii your Unit !trice 91 $40 oerhour,stIll [1 Yes, my Unit Price of $40 per hour still applles.f� ttie reirital; of one (1'•),bui,• i 1 No_ my Unit Price of 540 per hour is not abullcabld'to the rental cif one (1) bus.• • Ct :ROM : FAX NO. : • )ate: 7/15/2010 Time: 8:03 PM To: 3055595895 / of Miami Page: 005 Mr. Jorge Hernandez July 14, 20.10 tige 2 I • . ' • . . Tul. 16 2010 09:16RM P3 • , . ! : • .• : . ! ' 1 oor j-inet.4- 5540.4_4 Pusenger School Sus, yoii indicated' ; . , 1 • . • . • ', , .. • i; • ; . . "On the category 55 to 84 passengers. For th Is Caregorx, we iari provide 9 buses. If the 9 uses.are tor 1 hour at Pls. rata of $40 per hour per buS it Willtbe. n iota! of $350 fortha .9 bUses In 'an ours work." .. i . ! l• ' .. Is ,.. . Please answer the following question: if the Citv rentsone (1) bus under this;catly:yil japil/g111246' Of $74.6 per howjjll ao iyl 1 • 1 . Yes, niFtliiftliFiCeirS'46-FerTo-u-r7iitiliabfriiiis-TOTtRe rentiliii'if one (17,Y bus, • ' , [ ] No, my Unit:Price of $40 per hour is not appljp.FAile to the rental of orlie (i). bus... !. • :or Lino 1.5-65 or More Passenger School Bus, you inblcisied: , ; i i • : . ' i , . il ' i : • , 1 "On the beteg* 85 or more passengers, For tie tifetepory; v0 can proWde 7 buses. ff the: used for I hour' at our rate of $40 per hour per bus ft Al be a total 01'080 fpr the 7 buses i work.' Please answer the following question: ; ; : • If the City renis,one '(1) bus Linger this categ t.y,i Vita Unit iPl4oe of so per hour still my Unit Price of $40 per hour still applieS for the rental oir one 01) Ws, I j No, my Unit Price of $40 per hour it not applicable tc:: the rental of one (1) bus. • tiuses * hoUrsi ._,HA .2---"/°: . ille • Date • , _ _ , , • • • : 1: i i 1 • il ;• • . I , , . : . A response to the abbve listed questions must be :Spbriitted ki the attention Of Yusliel Ocin• ISZ, vie ernell: yaggzilezatmismigoV.dorn or fax:305-400-5104, by i•ilo 'later then ThOrstialv, July t. 201b, at 3E0 PIM. F Ogre Ito iespond by the stipulated date end time may deem yburibid npri-respcinsive. i - i• . •11, 1; . : ! . • : , . . . . : 1 • 1 1" , i i " , i • i (our Interest in doing business with the City &Miami ii ialwayi a ppiiciatecl, , . . . . , Please sign laerouv to cdnfirm your response to'the qstIons fringe abbtre: - "•i ••: •; •••: ycFed ,• Print Neme • • : . //Ze' Afeite.1 • 1! . . I3M: lyg Co: Sid File. 0,i9PPB, FM, FOP ••• Pro vreinent Officer : • ; t =RDM : FRX ND. : 7ul. 16 2010 09:15AM P1 Fax Cover Sheet J & A HERNANDEZ CORP J A BUS SERVICE 9400 SW 15TH STREET, MIAMI, FL 33174 PHONE: 305-559-6771 / FAX: 305-559-5995 CELL: 786-236-3800 E-mail: iahernandezcorp@h 6psouth.net Send to: City of Miami From: Jorge L. Hernandez Attention: Yusbel Gonzalez Date: July 16, 2010 Office Location: Fax Number: 305-416-1925 Phone Number: Cl Urgent D Reply ASAP ❑ Please comment D Please Review G For your Information Total pages, including cover: Comments: Mr. Gonzalez, Here are the documents that you sent me. Thanks, Jorge L. Hernandez tt of GI.ENN MARC:OS CARLOS A. MIGOY.A Chief 1'rocuremcm 01licer City 1\9tmaeer ADDENDUM NO. 1 IFB No. 211224 June 14, 2010 Invitation For Bid (IFB) for Transportation Services TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, and deletions amend the Bid Documents of the above captioned IFB, and shall become an integral part of the Contract Documents. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Please note the contents herein and reflect same on the documents you have on hand. Q1. Prospective Bidder would like to know if a Bond is required for this bid, pursuant to Section 1.60 Al. No, a Performance/Payment Bond is not required under this Invitation for Bid (IFB). Q2. Can the bid response be sent via email? How can the documentation for insurance, Occupational License, copies of Drivers Licenses, and bus inspections be submitted? A2. No, bid responses cannot be sent via email. Prospective Bidders must submit their response in accordance with the requirements and instructions in Section 1.12, 1.61, and 1.79, copied below. Prospective Bidders may respond electronically via the Oracle system or via hardcopy format to the City Clerk, City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133-5504. If responding electronically, Prospective Bidders may scan and attach to their electronic response documentation such as Occupational License, Driver License, bus inspections...etc. For hardcopy responses, Prospective Bidders may.include,. along with itheir bid, any documentation which must be provided at the time of bid submittal. Section 1.12 RESPONSE FORM (HARDCOPY FORMAT) All forms should be completed, signed and submitted accordingly. Section 1.61 PREPARATION OF RESPONSES (HARDCOPY FORMAT) Bidders/Proposers are expected to examine the specifications, required delivery, drawings, and all special and general conditions. All bid/proposed amounts, if required, shall be either typewritten or entered into the space provided with ink. Failure to do so will be at the Bidder's/Proposer's risk. A. Each Bidder/Proposer shall furnish the information required in the Formal Solicitation. The Bidder/Proposer shall sign the Response and print in ink or type the name of the Bidder/Proposer, address, and telephone number on the face page and on each continuation sheet thereof on which he/she makes an entry, as required. B. if so required, the unit price for each unit offered shall be shown, and such price shall include packaging, handling and shipping, and F.O.B. Miami delivery inside City premises unless otherwise specified. Bidder/Proposer shall include in the response all taxes, insurance, social security, workmen's compensation, and any other benefits normally paid by the Bidder/Proposer to its employees. Page 1 If applicable, a unit price shall be entered in the "Unit Price" column for each item. Based upon estimated quantity, an extended price shall be entered in the "Extended Price" column for each item offered. In case of a discrepancy between the unit price and extended price, the unit price will be presumed correct. C. The Bidder/Proposer must state a definite time, if required, in calendar days for delivery of goods and/or services. D. The Bidder/Proposer should retain a copy of all response documents for future reference. E. All responses, as described, must be fully completed and typed or printed in ink and must be signed in ink with the firms name and by an officer or employee having authority to bind the company or firm by his/her signature. Bids/Proposals having any erasures or corrections must be initialed in ink by person signing the response or the response may be rejected. F. Responses are to remain valid for at least 180 days. Upon award of a contract, the content of the Successful Bidder's/Proposer's response may be included as part of the contract, at the City's discretion. G. The City of Miami's Response Forms shall be used when Bidder/Proposer is submitting its response in hardcopy format. Use of any other forms will result in the rejection of the response. IF SUBMITTING HARDCOPY FORMAT, THE ORIGINAL AND THREE (3) COPIES OF THESE SETS OF FORMS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, AND ANY REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE CITY OR YOUR RESPONSE MAY BE DEEMED NON -RESPONSIVE. Section 1.79 SUBMISSION AND RECEIPT OF RESPONSES Responses shall be submitted electronically via the Oracle System or responses may be submitted in hardcopy format to the City Clerk, City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida 33133-5504, at or before, the specified closing date and time as designated in the IFB, RFP, RFQ, or RFLI. NO EXCEPTIONS. Bidders/Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation closing; however, no award will be made at that time. A. Hardcopy responses shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, box package. The face of the envelope, box or package must show the hour and date specified for receipt of responses, the solicitation number and title, and the name and return address of the Bidder/Proposer. Hardcopy responses not submitted on the requisite Response Forms may be rejected. Hardcopy responses received at any other location than the specified shall be deemed non -responsive. Directions to City Hall: FROM THE NORTH: I-95 SOUTH UNTIL IT TURNS INTO UST. UST SOUTH TO 27TH AVE., TURN LEFT, PROCEED SOUTH TO SO. BAYSHORE DR. (3RD TRAFFIC LIGHT), TURN LEFT, 1 BLOCK TURN RIGHT ON PAN AMERICAN DR. CITY HALL iS AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR. PARKING IS ON RIGHT. FROM THE SOUTH: UST NORTH TO 27TH AVENUE, TURN RIGHT, PROCEED SOUTH TO SO. BAYSHORE DR. (3RD TRAFFIC LIGHT), TURN LEFT, 1 BLOCK TURN RIGHT ON PAN AMERICAN DR. CITY HALL IS AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR. PARKING iS ON RIGHT. B. Facsimile responses will not be considered. C. Failure to follow these procedures is cause for rejection of bid/proposal. D. The responsibility for obtaining and submitting a response on or before the close date is solely and strictly the responsibility of Bidder/Proposer. The City of Miami is not responsible for delays caused by the United States mail delivery or caused by any other occurrence. Responses received after the solicitation closing date and time will be returned unopened, and will not be considered for award. Page 2 E. Late responses will be rejected. F. All responses are subject to the conditions specified herein. Those which do not comply with these conditions are subject to rejection. G. Modification of responses already submitted will be considered only if received at the City before the time and date set for closing of solicitation responses. All modifications must be submitted via the Oracle System or in writing. Once a solicitation closes (closed date and/or time expires), the City will not consider any subsequent submission which alters the responses. H. If hardcopy responses are submitted at the same time for different solicitations, each response must be placed in a separate envelope, box, or package and each envelope, box or package must contain the information previously stated in 1.82.A. Q3. In our Certificate of Insurance, we have the City of Miami as a Certificate Holder. Does the City require the Bid number to shown on the Certificate? Where will it have to be placed? A3. Yes, the bid number must show on the certificate. In addition to the bid number, the bid title must also show. This information may be included in the "Description" box located right above the "Certificate Holder" area in the Certificate of Insurance. Prospective Bidder(s) are reminded that it is not a requirement to submit evidence of insurance at the time of bid submittal. Section 1.47, Insurance, states: "Within ten (10) days after receipt of Notice of Award, the successful Contractor, shall furnish Evidence of Insurance to the Purchasing Department, if applicable. Submitted evidence of coverage shall demonstrate strict compliance to all requirements listed on the Special Conditions entitled `Insurance Requirements". The City shall be listed as an `Additional Insured"." Q4. When is the closing date and closing time to submit the bids? A4. The IFB closing date and time is Monday. June 21st, 2010 at 12:00 PM. Q5. Company A has 10 buses in total. One (1) bus fits up to 47 passengers, two (2) buses that fit up to 56 passengers (with NC and wheelchair facilities), and seven (7) that fit up to 65 passengers. This gives us the possibility of offering our services for all categories since we can transport from 1 to 65 passengers. Could we apply for all categories? A5. Section 2.9, Method of Award states: "Award of this contract will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) on an item by item, a combination of items or a total of all items basis, whichever is in the. best interest of the City. Bidders may bid on one or all items." Therefore, Prospective Bidder(s) may choose which categories and which items within each category to bid on. Each Prospective Bidder(s) shall determine, after reading the bid requirements, which line items to submit a bid for. Q6: When the bid response is submitted, do we include 3 copies of the bid with our response? Do we have to put Name Address and Telephone # on each page? A6: If submitting a hardcopy bid response, Prospective Bidder(s) must submit one (1) original and three (3) copies of these sets of forms, unless otherwise specified, and any required attachments must be returned to the city or your response may be deemed non -responsive. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IFB REMAIN THE SAME. G M/L R/yg Page 3 ,CPPB,FCPM,FCPA ement Officer