HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 2GLENN tMARCOS CARLOS A. MIGOYA ChiefProcurement Officer City M.waeer ADDENDUM NO. 1 RFP No. 220240 July 19, 2010 Request for Proposals (RFP) for Physical Examination Services TO: ALL PROSPECTIVE PROPOSERS: The following changes, additions, clarifications, and deletions amend the RFQ documents of the above captioned RFQ, and shall become an integral part of the Contract Documents. Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Please note the contents herein and reflect same on the documents you have on hand. Section A. 2. Laboratory Work-Uo, of the City's Medical Protocol has been amended as shown below. Prospective Proposers shall refer to the enclosed revised City of Miami Medical Protocol. 2. .LABORATORY WORK -UP a. Complete Blood Count (CBC), with Differential b. B_ochcmi3try Profile 25 Comprehensive Metabolic PanelT Complete Lipid Prc=ilc with ratioc, and T2-I c. Complete Lipid Profile with ratios d. TSH e. RPR 'Urinalysis (Microscopic) g• h. EKG (12 lead with rhythm strip) shall be interpreted by a cardiologist certified by the American Board,of Internal Medicine. Cardiovascular Stress Test, shall be performed by a Cardiologist (Police Officer, Police Auxiliary/Reserve, Detention Officer, and Firefighter) Page I Q1: Please provide information on the current provider of this service and the current price paid by the City of Miami. Al: The City's current provider of Physical Examination Services is: Mercy Medical Development d/b/a Mercy Outpatient Center. The current prices paid by the City for Physical Examination Services are shown in the enclosed copy of Amendment No. 1 to RFP 03-04-079, Pre -Employment Physical Examination Services. Q2: Please provide a copy of the current contract from the City of Miami for Physical Examination Services. A2: Enclosed please find a copy of the City's current contract for Physical Examination Services. • Q3: Must the proposal include fees for all four (4) groups or can it be a partial proposal, say for just non sworn classifications? A3: Proposer's Fee Proposal must include proposed fees for all of the line items shown in the RFP solicitation document, as required in Section 4.1-,Submission Requirements, which states: 6. FEE PROPOSAL a) Proposer shall use the Lines section of this RFP to provide the proposed fee(s) on an annual basis for the provision of Employment and Promotional Physical Examinations for Non Sworn Classifications; Employment Physical Examinations for Firefighters; Employment Physical Examinations for Police Officers; and Return to Work Physical Examinations for all Classifications. Q4: Can a Prospective Proposer submit photos of its' facilities along with the descriptions? A4: Yes, a Prospective Proposer may submit photos along with the description of its' facilities. Q5: May a Prospective Proposer see the prices that have been paid for these services in the past? A5: Yes. The current prices paid by the City for Physical Examination Services are shown in the enclosed copy of Amendment No. 1 to RFP 03-04-079, Pre -Employment Physical Examination Services. Q6: Is any drug testing included in this Request for Proposals (RFP)? A6: No, drug testing services are not part of the services required under this Request for Proposals. Q7: Can physicians who have the experience and background, but are not Board Certified in Family Practice or Internal Medicine, perform the physicals? A7: No, only Physicians that are Board Certified in Internal Medicine or Family Practice are allowed to perform physicals under this RFP as stipulated in Section 3.1.2, Scope of Work, which states as follows: "Pre -Employment, Promotional, and Return to Work Physical Examinations. 1. Examinations must be performed by a physician licensed in the State of Florida. Physician(s) performing pre -employment, promotional, and/or return to work physicals must be Board certified in internal Medicine or Family Practice. A minimum of two (2) physicians must be available on staff to perform examinations on an as -needed basis, A licensed male and female physician, in addition to a full-time physician, must be available to perform examinations upon the City's request." Q8: - Please clarify Section 1.11, Bid Bond/Bid Security. Prospective Proposer does not understand this section. A8: As stated in Section 1.11, a bid bond "guarantees that a bidder/proposer will accept the order or contract/agreement, as bid/proposed, if it is awarded to bidder/proposer." A bid bond is not applicable to this RFP. Page 2 Q9: Prospective Proposer has a question regarding submission and receipt of responses. Are responses for this RFP to be submitted both electronically and hardcopy or hardcopy only? A9: Pursuant to Section 4.1, Submission Requirements, "All responses shall be submitted in hard copy format only to include one (1) original and five (5) copies." Q10: Regarding Section 2.10, Insurance Requirements, does bidder provide Bid Bond at time of bid submittal or after award? A10: A bid bond is not applicable to this RFP. Prospective Proposers should note that this solicitation is not a "bid"; it is a Requesf for Proposals (RFP). Additionally, Section 2.10, Insurance Requirements, does not address bid bonds, it addresses the insurance requirements the Successful Proposer will be required to comply with pursuant to this Request for Proposal. Prospective Proposers are not required to submit proof of insurance coverage at time of proposal submittal. Q11: With regards to Hepatitis Screening, please clarify which of the following two (2) hepatitis tests are to be performed under this RFP by the Successful Proposer: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen or anti-HBS (immune status)? A11: The hepatitis test to be performed under this RFP by the Successful Proposer is the Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Q12: The "Biochemistry Profile-25" (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel) specified in Section A.2., Laboratory Work -Up, of the City of Miami Medical Protocol, consists of 14 tests. Please provide a breakdown of each test. Al2: Although the basic CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel) consists of 14 blood tests, the City's current provider of Physical Examination Services provides a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel of 22 blood tests. These tests are outlined below: 1. Iron 2. Glucose 3. BUN 4. Creatinine 5. BUN/Great Ratio 6. Sodium 7. Potassium 8. Chloride 9. Carbon Dioxide 10. Anion GAP 11. Uric Acid 12. Calcium 13. Phosphorous 14. Total Protein 15. Albumin 16. Globulin 17. Alb/Glob Ratio 18. T Bill 19. AST 20. ALK 21. ALK Phos 22. LDH Q13: Please clarify what is meant by "complaints filed" against doctors in Section 4, Professional Experience. Is this referring to malpractice cases? If so, how many years back does a Prospective Proposer need to research? A13: Complaints filed would include, but not be limited to, malpractice cases within the past five (5) years. -Q14:---Is--the-City-requesting-a "Price-in-Full"-for-the-RFP,-or-just-the-itemized pricing -list -with -the -Unit --Price.- - and Total per Line Item? A14: Pursuant to Section 4.1, Submission Reouirements, subsection 6 a), Fee Proposal, "Proposer shall use the Lines section of this RFP to provide the proposed fee(s) on an annual basis for the provision of Employment and Promotional Physical Examinations for Non Sworn Classifications; Employment Physical Examinations for Firefighters; Employment Physical Examinations for Police Officers; and Return to Work Physical Examinations for all Classifications." Page 3 Q15: Professional Services Agreement Package - Does this package need to be prepared and submitted along with the proposal response or after award? A15: Prospective Proposers are not required to submit the Professional Services Agreement at time of proposal submittal. A copy of the Professional Services Agreement is being provided as a sample of the type of agreement that will be executed between the City and Successful Proposer. Pursuant to Section 2.8, Contract Execution, the following is stated: The selected Proposer(s) evaluated and ranked in accordance with the requirements of this Solicitation, shall be awarded an opportunity to negotiate a contract Professional Services Agreement with the City. The City reserves the right to execute or not execute, as applicable a Professional Services Agreerr ent-with-th-e-selected Proposser(s) that -is -determined fo be most advantageous -and -in the City's hest interest. Such Professional Services Agreement will be furnished by the 'City, will contain certain terms as are in the City's best interests, and will be subject to approval as to legal form by the City Attorney. For reference purposes only, Prospective Propose-T(s)nay obtain a draft copy or the Professional Services Agreement by downloading the file named "Professional Services Agreement DRAFT", located in the Header/ Notes and Attachments section of the RFP, in the Oracle Sourcing system. Q16: Corporate Resolution - Does this form need to be filled out and signed at the time of proposal submittal or after award? A16: The Corporate Resolution is part of the Professional Services Agreement and therefore Prospective Proposers are not required to submit said document at time of proposal submittal, a sample is being provided for informational purposes. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE IFB REMAIN THE SAME. GP" -- GM/LR/yg Cc: Bid File Page 4 PO, CPPB, FCPM; FCPA curement Officer City of Miami Medical Protocol Pre-Employment/Promotional and Return Examinations A. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION COMPONENTS Attachment A to Work Physical PHASE I 1. MEDICAL HISTORY SHEET: Applicant/Employee will complete a family and personal medical history to be reviewed by the physician with him/her at the time of the physical exam. Note: Additional medical forms may be required for Sworn Police Officer and Firefighter applicants. The return to work physical examination involves the physician evaluating the employee to determine if he or she is physically fit to return to work from a personal illness or injury. 2 LABORATORY WORK -UP a. Complete Blood Count (CBC), with Differential b. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel c. Complete Lipid Profile with ratios d. TSH e. RPR f. Urinalysis (Microscopic) 9• EKG (12 lead with rhythm strip) shall be interpreted by a cardiologist certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. h. Cardiovascular Stress Test, shall be performed by a Cardiologist Auxiliary/Reserve, Firefighter) (Police Officer, Police Detention Officer, and 3. PPD SKIN TEST/CHEST X-RAY -performed by Mantoux Method (required). If PPD test results are positive, a Chest X-Ray must be performed (standard size posterior - anterior view). Chest X-ray must be interpreted by a radiologist. City ofMiaini, Florida Physical Examination Services RFP 223228 4. EYE TEST The acuity test should screen for both near and for distance acuity on a scientifically accurate instrument that checks for keenness of vision, depth perception, balance of eye muscles, and the ability to differentiate colors. Examination should be conducted with and without corrective lenses. There are specific vision requirements for Police Officer, Police Auxiliary/Reserve, Detention Officer, Public Service Aide (PSA) and Firefighter applicants. Requirements are as follows: Police Officer, Police Auxiliary/Reserve, Detention Officer, and Public Service Aide (PSA) Vision Requirements: 20/50 each eye, separately without corrective lenses of any kind - including contact lenses; with glasses, each eye should be corrected to 20/30 (NO CONTACT LENSES ALLOWED). Firefighter Vision Requirements: Far Visual acuity shall be at least 20/40 binocular, corrected with contact lenses or spectacles. Far visual acuity uncorrected shall be at least 20/100 binocular for wearers of hard contacts or spectacles. 5. AUDIOLOGICAL CHECK: Will test the normal hearing range, 500 to 4000 HERTZ, using high quality equipment. Provide written interpretation of results. PHASE. II A. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION BY: Inspection, Palpation Percussion, Auscultation Must be performed by Board Certified Physician To include the following: Vital signs - - TPR, Blood pressure (both arms) Height Weight General Appearance Head, scalp, face Neck (thyroid, lymphs, vessels) Endocrine system Eyes (fundi, focus) general Ocular motility Pupils (equality and reaction) Ears (internal and external canals and cerumen,) Ciq, ojMiarni, Florida Physical Examination Services RFP 223226'' Ear drums (perforation) Nose (sinuses) Mouth (tongue, teeth, and gums) Throat (condition of tonsils) Lungs, chest (OPTIONAL - include breasts; PHYSICIAN WILL OFFER TO PERFORM BREAST EXAMINATION) Heart (thrust, size, rhythm, sounds) Abdomen, Viscera (check for hernias) -EVALUATION BY INSPECTION, PALPATION, PERCUSSION & AUSCULTATION) External Genitalia - EVALUATION BY INSPECTION, PALPATION, PERCUSSION & AUSCULTATION) ANUS AND RECTUM EVALUATION BY VISUAL INSPECTION FOR HEMORRHOIDS & FISSURES. Upper extremities (strength, range of motion) Lower extremities (strength, range of motion) Vascular System (varicosities, etc.) Spine, other musculoskeletal Skin (scars, rashes,) lymphatics Mental Status, memory, orientation, judgment, affect Neurological Equilibrium B. Additional/Optional Items - required for Police Officer, Public Service Aide (PSA), Police Auxiliary/Reserve, , Detention Officers, Firefighters, Crime Scene Investigator, and Property Specialist ADDITIONAL 1. Chest X-ray (SWORN POLICE AND FIRE) Anterior/posterior and lateral views. Provide written interpretation of results. Deliver results to the Department of Employee Relations within 72 hours. 2. HIV Testing and Counseling required for Firefighter, Crime Scene Investigator, and Property Specialist applicants/employees (NOTE: These applicants/employees have the option to decline HIV Testing) Consent forms signed by the applicant/employee will be provided at the time of the physical examination. All HIV test results must be provided to the City of Miami, Department of Employee Relations in a sealed envelope and marked CONFIDENTIAL. 3. Hepatitis A, B, and C Screening required for Firefighter, Police Officer, Crime Scene Investigator, and Property Specialist applicants/employees (NOTE: These applicants/employees have the option to decline HIV Testing). Consent forms signed by the applicant/employee will be provided at the time of the physical examination. A11 HIV test results must be City oflvliarni. Florida Physical Examination Services RFP 223228 provided to the City of Miami, Department of Employee Relations in a sealed envelope and marked CONFIDENTIAL. OPTIONAL 1. Back X-ray (requested by City as needed) Provide two views of the back;. lumbo-sacral spine and pelvis. Provide written interpretation of results from a Radiologist. 2. Pulmonary Function Test (requested by City as needed) Provide three (3) valid tracings of a forced vital capacity from which the Forced Expiratory Volume in one second can be delivered. 3.Blood Type and Rh Typing (requested by City as needed) 4. Rubella Titer (requested by City as needed) 5. Rubella Immunization (requested by City as needed) 6. Tetanus vaccine (requested by City as needed) 7. Review and provide written interpretation and/or medical resume of employee/applicant medical records from another agency. CITYOF MIAMI, FLORIDA • IE F� -OFF C ilP.7l'Ji0FLANDUilfr, TO Rosalie Mark, Director Department of Employee Relations G1ennMarcos, Director FROM Purchasing Department DATE : SUG;IECT: • March -5, 2007 FILE : Pre -Employment Physical Examination RFP No. 03-04-079(10) REFER : AMENDMENT NO. 1 ENCLOSURES: Effective immediately, the Department of Purchasing approved the right to use Professional Services Agreement Section 5.A. Compensation. Thereby, reflecting a 5% increase for items awarded to Mercy Medical Development, Inc., for the provision of Pre -Employment Physical Examination, to be utilized by various City Departments. Please attach this amendment to the contract previously issued to you for future reference. When in need of any of these services, please refer to the contract to identify the vendor name, description and respective unit price. Should you require any additional information, please contact Maritza Suarez, Sr. Procurement Supervisor at (305) 416-1907 for assistance. C: Bid File CONTRACT AWARD AMENDMENT NO. 1 RFP NO.: 03-04-079(10) DESCRIPTION: Pre -Employment Physical Examination Services CONTRACT PERIOD: November 23, 2004 through November 22, 2006 RENEWAL PERIOD: November 23, 2006 through November 22, 2008 ORIGINAL TERM OF CONTRACT: Two (2) Years with the OTR for Two (2) Additional Two Year Periods COMMODITY CODE: 918-78; 948-42; 948-44; 948-55; 948-73; 948-74; 953-48 (SECTION #1 - VENDOR AWARD Mercy Medical Development d/ba/:Mercy,,Outpatierit:Center, 3661 South Miami Avenue =- Miami, FL 33133 Contact: Reuben J. Camp Phone: (305) 285-2944 - Fax: (305) 285-2927 , _ ` • E-mail: scamo(aimercvmiami.orp LSECT1ON #2 — AWARD/BACKGROUND' INFORMATION C.C. AWARD DATE: .'SEPTEMBER2'6, 2004 :AMENDED AMOUNT''N/A RESOLUTION. NO: 05-067.1;.04-06.17. _INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: YES ANNUAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: See Below : PERFORMANCE BOND; N/A Pursuant to R-06-0629,,all term contracts have been converted';li to citywide contracts:with'funds allocated from the various sources.of funds_ofthe end -user -departments,. subject -to , the availability offunds and budgetary approval:atthe"time of need. SECTION #3 - REQUESTING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYEE -RELATIONS -: ;* Contract Administrator.:-: i•Rosalie.Mark- Phone: (305) 416-2110 Fax: (305) 416-2115 SECTION #4 - PROCURING AGENCY CITY OF MIAMI, PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Sr. Buyer: Maritza Suarez Phone: (305) 416-1907 Fax: (305) 416-1925 Prepared By: Aimee Gandarilla, 3/5/07 Cll,. r,[Mu mi. •Florida ATTACHMENT 0 Pre-Emptoymrnt Physical Examination Serviacs NFP 03.W-079 6.7. PRICE PROPOSAL FORM PRE -EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL EXAMINATION SER'VICES Employment, Promotional and Miscellaneous (Excludinz_Firefitihters and Pollee Of(leers) The following must be fully completed and returned with Proposal. Est. Extended 1.Xj1-i" Description Quantity Unit Price Price 1�1 .A. Basic Physical Examination 425 $ion _ nn 5 49 , Snn Op I b5't'a (including lab work, visual exam, and audiological exam) B. Abbreviated Return to Work -400 Physical C. Optional Examination Components (Included at this time to obtain quote) 1, 'PPE) test 400 $10.00 $ 4000.00 { D ' Sv 2. BackX-Ray 5 :$ fin on $ n0 00 3. ChcstX-Ray .25 $70.00. . 1750.00 ! tS0 -4, EKG (12 lend) .425 $ 45.00 :$ 19,,1.25.00 y } J 5 $33.00 $.i4,000'.0O 5. Rubella Titer S $ 30.00 $ 150.00 1, 6. Rubella immunization .5 5 30. 00 .3 150. 00 34 ,ST) 7. Review et -Miscellaneous 5 $ 1.5.00 . 75. 00 15 r775 Medical Records 8. Hepatitis A, B, and C Screening 5 5 10 Op 5 L5n nn (' 9. Measles, Mumps, Rubella 5 5 40 . no $'nn . ntt ' 2 immunization 10. Tetanus Vaccine 11. 'Please list any other charges associated with fulfilling this RFP and describe below: 3 5 17.00 $ fin _nrL 14D Subtotal 45 S 5 82,460.OD City grAdiaml, Florida Pre -Employment Physical Examinnrion Services RF° 03.04-079 • Enlytoylnent Physical Examinations — Firefighters The following must be fully completed and returned with Proposal. Descriotiot) Est. Extended Quantity Unit Price Price A. Basic Physical Examination 60 $ 140.00 3 8400.00 J i , (including lab work, visual exam, and audiological exam) H =Additional/-optional.ExeMination_Components (Ineluded at this time to obtain quote) I, ChestX-Ray 60 .5 70.00 $ 4200,00 2. EKG 60 $ 45.00 s 2700.00 3. H1V Testing & Counseling a. ELBSA Test 60 $ 38. 00 $ 2280.00 SC1 'L1' D b. Western Blot 60 S L0 . S t)0 jp, a c. Pre Counseling 60 S lit S S d. Post Counseling 60 .0$0UU.o0ti.0 4. PPD test 60 5 10.00 S 600. 00 ‘ b. So 5. Hepatitis A,13 and C Screening 60 $ 35 00 .s 2100. 00 3C' ieD C. Please List any other $:barges associated with fulfilling this RFP.and describe below: Subtotal: $. 4 s 21480.00 Emotovment Physical Examinations —Police Officers Est. Extended, Description Ouentity Unit Price Prjce A. Basic Physical Examination 100 $ 140.00 .$ 14, 000.00 '1 H rl' 0' b (including lab work, visual exam, and audiological exam) B. Additional/Optional Examination Components (Included at this time to obtain quote) I. Chest X-Ray 100 -- 46 s 70.00 $ 7000.OD t ,fi�t-' 100---,---$.-45, 0_0 _ __ $ 6150 .00 4q'v.5 Cloy a(Hl1amJ. Florida pre-Emplvymrnt Physical Examination Srrvices RFP 03-04-079 3. Hack X-Ray 1 $ 125.00 $ 125.04 _ 131 '.e 4. Hepatitis A, B. and C Screening 100 . 35. 00 5 3500.00 3(2' 1 5. Pulmonary Function 1 4 120,00 S 120.00 1ptue, . tit 15.00 15.00 �J . _l dJ 6,-Blood-T-ype-&-Rlt Typing 1 $ S .7. P.ubeliaTiter 1 S 30.00 $ 30.00 Jt ' 50 ,. 8. Rubella Immunization 1 $ 40.00 4 0.00 1-t. t (� 9. Review & provide written interpretation 50 $ 15.00 $ 750.00 t ' of medical.rscord 10. Cardiovascular Stress Test C. Please list any other charges associated with fulfilling this RFP and describe below: 47 S 425.00 S 425.00 4tet. Subtotal .5-32753.00 TOTAL: S 136695,00 Titu CONTRACT AWARD SECOND AND FINAL RENEWAL RFP NO.: DESCRIPTION: TERM-OF_CONTRACT.:_—__—_—. CONTRACT PERIOD: FIRST RENEWAL: SECOND AND FINAL RENEWAL: COMMODITY CODE: 03-04-079(10) PRE -EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL EXAMINATION SERVICES TI.UO-(2)YEARSWITH.THE_OTR_F_OR. _T_WO_(2)AD.DITI.O.NAL_ _ O_Y.EAR_FERI.OD.S SEPTEMBER.27, 2004 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 26, 2006 SEPTEMBER 27, 2006 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 26, 2008 SEPTEMBER 27, 2008 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 918-78; 948-42;:948=44;,948-55; 948-73; 948-74; 953-48 SECTION #1 - VENDOR AWARD Mercy Medical Development d/baFMercy;Outpatien 3661 South Miami Avenue Miami, FL 33133 Contact: Reuben J. Camp_ Phone: (305) 285-2944 Fax: (305) 285-2927 E-mail: scamp(6imercymiami.orq (SECTION #2 — AWARD/BACKGROUND INFORMATION•A'PPLICABLE ORDINANCE /NOTES C.C. AWARD DATE: SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 RESOLUTION NO: 050671; 04-0617 ANNUAL CONTRACTAMOUN?:• See"Below Pursuant to R-06-0629, alfterm.contracts have been converted to citywide contracts with -funds allocated from the various. sources of funds of the end -:user. departments;=subjecti-to;:_,:- the availability of funds and budgetary:approval:atthe'time of need.. 'AMENDED'AMOUNT: N/A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: YES PERFORMANCE:BOND: N/A APPLICABLE ORDINANCE: N/A NOTES: THERE HAS BEEN A CORRECTION TO THE+'CONTRACT' PERIOD VIA -AMENDMENT NO. 1. CONTRACT PERIOD, FROM: NOVEMBER 22, 2008 TO SEPTEMBER26;'2008., TYPO THIS CONTRACT AWARD SHEET REPRESENTS THE;':SECOND::AND"'FINAL RENEWAL FOR THE PROVISION OF PRE- EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL EXAMINATION, SEPTEMBER 27, 2008 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 26, 2010. SECTION #3 - REQUESTING DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Contract Administrator: Ana Cobelo Phone: (305) 416-2101 Fax: (305) 400 5206 -SECTION #4 - PROCURING AGENCY__ .... CITY OF MIAMI, PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Sr. Buyer: Yusbel Gonzalez Phone: (305) 416-1958 Fax: (305) 400-5104 Prepared By: Deborah Buchanan, 9/5/08 NOTE: This contract has been reassigned from Commodity Team 1 to Commodity Team.2; therefore, Pam Burns is no longer the buyer. This contract has been reassigned to Yusbel Gonzalez. A CONTRACT AWARD SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE TO ASSIST YOU WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS AVAILABLE IN THE (SUPPLIER INFORMATION SECTION OF OUR WEBPAGE AT: WWW. MIAMIGOV.COM/PROCUREMENT .PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT •This °AWreetnent-is.entered into this. 2 :dny of .September ,.2004 .hy.and between the Cit) of=Miami: a-municipal-corporation-of-the-State-07-Florida-(-'C-ity4)-and-ivlercv-Medical Duval onment dlhta'1Jt erev Onion tient: Center. ("Provider"), RECTTAL The'City :has issued a Request :for.Proposals "(`"REP_") for the provision of:pre- • •emnlovment-phvsical examination services ("Services") -and Provider's proposal {"Proposal"),in responsethereto, -has beon :selected .as .the nrost..qualii ed:.proposal for .the. provision .of .the. Services, The'RFP and the.: Proposal:are sometimes referred to nerein,:.collectively,:as'- :Solicitation Dricuments,.and are •by.this •reference incorporated• into and made-aparr.o _agreement. B. • • The Comniission ofthe.^,ityof:ManiL byResolution'ho.:R=04-.0475,.adopted on 31i]v:22.:2004,-apuroved the selection of Provider: and: authorized The 'City Manager•to execute:a ;cotitraet,aurder the terms: and.conditionsset'forth .herein•. • .NOW,.TFILREFORE,:in. consideration .of:fhezinnia; :covenants.and .prornises herein :contained,lProviderand:the•City agrec as follows: 1: :I2EGITALSr The.reci i:a:partofthis Agreement, :TERMS ate:trueand:correct:andare°herebyincorporated-into. and:made GERM: ':The term : of this Anrecment :shrill : be : for : en initial 2 :;v .zr :period: cotnmencingon the effectivedateatcreof 'a OPTION TO EXTEND: Thu City -shall have Swo option(s)..to.extendthc,term .hereof .for two. (2) additional .nvo year periods, subjeetan -uv iifnbiiity and oppropriation ti`E'funds. City :Commission .approvalshallrnot:.bc•required.113longpsihc.toml.extended John :doesnot.exceed icuRt4)1eius. .-4. 'SCOP.0 Ol SElWiCE:. :T?rovider.aerees to providethe `Scivices:as specifically:described,.and .under .the , specri]'.terms and conditions :.sei.forflt:in.Atincbrnent`Ut hereto, uhloh:by ..this 'refereriee::is :incorporated'into-and:tnodc ;.part,ofifits erecolon li. >Provtidcr represents, -Iind avernints`.tta ::the:City ':rout: gualificaiinns, licenses ;and rsxp tise :mgttire'ii ulider..thc 'Solicitation ...Documents :for'.;thc p`rformnnce:of:the Services ;:(ii) ii is'1xot.dClinqucnt:in:fhe payment of -.any sums;duethc City,: iuclnding:paym nl;of:_.permit•:fccs.; opetipuuonai::licenscs tc.,'nor in'the:perforntanee.of::any . tibtieatiott�.ttithC City.; ,(iii) all personneb:asigneii:.to;peribmiithc:Services:are.and shtitl:bc;:atli11 4tiniec :during:-.the::term•hereof,':ialiv , itelifteil : tnr1 traiaci -to:periomt;ths tsrsl s'a5sigrted;m cncl;; . anti;.(iv)thc.Seruices.mifl:bv nerforrned-in Ihe manner:describedin.:Atiacitmerrr':A".. 5... CO ''FP1fNSATIOA: . . .:'The-amounttifeompettsaiioa;payable:byIlteGiiyubProvider.sball:bebuseii:onihe rates -and ;schciiules::describcdinAtiacinnent "12 hereto which byihis.reference 'issincorporated JTito. dri5-', 'reerneat; projidcd, Irn}YeyCT>':that Ill�no fovent Sltali->inL:'amntlnt:'oi ieonlpensation c.execetl:S JI 69S U(r;iper yc.nJ A7i:::incteuse;not to <cxcced Ste; in file amouni,.of witichshati:he:effectirie;ortiho nrst:tia+ itiliO:first opripil:pp rrod and re reitetval::term l'ite..se-concl tico+f2 ar:zetl sval.tsslibjccrto:anincce • remoin<in .ffe iive Burin, tfte scoand'tsir tl >ICritl . ` mpensation.' ccr'through •the 10 .Uniess .othenvise•spceffictaly provided:in -ikunehment ".13". pnyment.shall be.matic within 'luny Jive .(45) drays niter receipt cif :Provider's . in voice. :Which shall "beiiciompanied .by sufficient _supponing .doeumemation and:contain :sufficient Attutit, ••10•111i0IV :proper-1mM. of apenditure:,7-Shonabeity-require:one,tobe-..perfonneMAFProvider,is-entitierbto-reimbursunent of travel :.-expenses Attachment 7B" :includes :trait? ..eriptinses -as •41 ....5necific Atm .of conmensinionb.thenaill bilis-for travel:expenses shall. be submitted in itCCordance:with Section 112.061, Florida Statutea. 6. ::1)WINE12.5111P--OF:DOCIINTENTS: . ;Provider ..understands :and mEtrees -that tany _information, doeument,:report "or :Av.:other' mamrial whatsoever. nth ichis..giv.etilirthe .:City. Pv!dcror1iIi.otherwist: obittined,ocnrepared.b:Providerpursuant to:or-under the:MMIS AgreCniettLiS.Utid,thlilLnutfil times -remain thetinopt-rty. cif the City. 1?1-43viticrAgrees-norio :use...atty.:such purpos . . :Avtitten ...consent •of'Zity, 'which may tbr, 'withheld •. conditioned .11.3, :the in :its:soic 7. .A(.11)17' 4,ND INSPECTION:RIGHTS: • A. '.111e City:111[w, reasonable rues; :and„:for .:period of itp i'threc .11) 'years • • •... : • -.following:the date offirtilrnitymerir.brirte-.cityito"'Provider-under:tbis 'A.grecntent,•,:andlt., or.ethise.'" . . to be:audited,tihose ibook4-.and •reconis,..of:Provicler4bieliartildiated:to;Provider1s:.perfumiance . „ . . •••.' .. • •: • •• • ••• . utitierabisAgratiment: .1rovider.agrcesqo: maintain ,:all-sunaltoolts:an&Meords•In • " ' .. • . . .• .: • „ • .. lace :lif,:business -'for perod or „three ::(3) :years 'after::"Enitipaymeni .is -made under tni Acre:mom Cjry. ;at ...reasonabli-iiimes daring The tcrm :hereof, :inspect 4aelliiies :and .perfunt Bubb tens, its'iht..City.deria.reasonably necessarv,-..tu determine %Au:filer" the goods or services required. to be provided-hy-Provide under this Agreement canform to the terms hereof and%or the terms of the Solicitation Documents, if applicable. 'Provider shall make .available to the .City. all reasonable facilities:and assistance to facilitate the -performance oftests or inspections-breity-representatives lPtestss-and inspectionsshall-bc-subject T. oTand-made-in accordanecwith, the provisions ofSection'I -5$ 2 of:the Code of the City of. Miami,'Florida, as sarne.mayrno, amended or supplemented, from time to time. b. ;AWARD OF AGREEMENT: • Provider represents and warrants to.the .Citythat it has:not employed or:retained anynerson or company -employed by the City to solicit or secure -This :Agreement -:and :that it -has not -offered -to _pay; paid, M. named to pay any -person any fec, commission, :percentage, :brokerage :fcc, :or gift 'of any kind contingent upon or..in .connneti on with., the award of this -Am -cement 9, PUBL1C RECORDS: Provider understands that tite;public shall have access; ara11 reasonable s times to.iill:documents:.and..infonnari on. .periaining to.Ciw.contracts, -snbject to tile: provisions -of Chapter:119,Fiorida:Starutes;mid agreesYo. allow :access.. by the City.and.the,public;,.., •to all documents :subject-to:disclosurc:under applicable law. Provider's;` failure -or -refusal to comply with Int. provisions of thts section shall :result in the- immediate cancellation of this:. Agreentent:bytbe City: L{!: COMPLIrANCr:Wt1 ii:FEDERAL. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS: Provider :understands that agreements between .private:eoutis-and'local governments era subjece:to certain .laws :and :.regulations,.including "laws ,pcnaining to publie:records, conflict: of -interest,. record keeping, etc Citl.and Prortder agree to complyw ith.and nbservc.al!.applicable taves;.con sand::: ordinanecsas-they mayibaamended from time to time: c�st:rsn z: camttc.,, Moir:zaat .• 11. i DEA'!' YlFIG.STit)1: Provider .indemnify, .de lend and hold 'harmless 'the City and .its official:...employces.and.ngents (collectively referred to.as'Indemnitees") and'each aPaltem'from .and :against. al r loss,.costs,' pc;rdties, fines, damages, •cl iims, .espenscs:.(includin:; attomere ffees)or.ltaGhties.icollcctivelmitiler ',Liuothus•' bycreasonof, any injurvtoor death.df.any person a .dannage 10 or demruetion or.loss of any property ursine out :of,.resulting ,:front,• orineonnectiouwith : (i)'titc perfomr,mcc or non-performance cif the services contemplated bytitis Agreement,itibich isor. is alleged to bedirectly or -indirectly caused. in whole orin part: by .any.act.,ornission,tiefattlior. megbgenee (whethertenveor,passive) of Provider or us employees, :,agents, or subcontraciors (collectively referred to. as '.'Provider",), regardless of*hether-it:is, orris 'alleged :to be; .caused in whole-orpnrt.(whether. joint, :concurrent- orcontribnting)- by any yam, omission,:dafntilt ornc ligcncc.(whetheructivea; passive)-ofthe..ludemmiitecs, or.anv.of.them.or (it);.the: iaiiurc nfahe :Provider=to:crnnply with:army:ofthe, pare_ raphs''herein,or the failure of:the Provider .to -conform -.to.:statutes, ordinances, •or either :regulations :o govcmmentaP:authority4 dcrel•orstatc, in connection;with:the..ocrfnrmancc:df:1hisAgrecment : 1'rovider.exprossiy.agreey fo rind=rnnifv:and: hold'itarrriless:tee:'indcmtiiutes, or. anyorthem; from • yantlttgatnst:all.haiiilitiesti:luehmay�beasserted hy.ter emploveenrformeremployeoofProvider. or'ratty :of ite atibcontcaetors, :as .ptovided'abovc, ::fors 1n h.tlie;Prov det`s habit nr:,to sucia. 'employee :or form r:employenavonid.:otlrcnvise:be limited -so payments:ender:stagye Workers' • .Compensation: or:similar.:laws M.. DEFAULT: IfProvidcr:iniisito.campls iih:anyterm.ar.conditionofxhis orfails:a.performany<of.ttobbgaeons'iterennder,'alien':Taovider.ahail b an:&lin& :Lipoolthe ;ooeurren etifa.default:hereundertheCity,in:addition•rotatl:remedies.available:toatby1,3- inay immediately,upon -written noiictt<to:t?iavider,;termlute this Agreement -whereupon al) payments, adeanees, ur other.compensation paid hy.theCity to Provider while -Provider was -in .defaultshall . :be..immediateiyreturned to ih 'City.'Providerunderstands:and.algres:ihat tennination:ofahis flgeewent:under.this ;seetionsi I mot relcase:Providerfrom.anyoblintiCM. necru ingprior aothe effeetivecdatcofiermitmtion Should:i'rtnitlerbe-unabkrorumviliin to -co mence-toperform the Services within -the timc.provided orzontentplated.iterein; ert,.in addition to the foreeoirtg, Provider shall, be'Iiable to the City for..ulL.cxpenses:incurred .by.the City.in preparation and :negotiation oPthis Agreentent,:as;w»ll.asmll costs:and expenses-incmxedaby..the:Glyan:fhe, re - preen ref:pent: ofitcServiecs,:ineluding.eonseduential.and: ncidental.damages. 13.•1(.LSOLLtfTIOr,'::OF:COt1TRr:CTDISPIrCES:.:.Provider.undcistands.andagrees:that all. disputes between' Prot+ider.und the City:based upon' an:illleeed violation -of. the.terms.of;this. Agreement. by: the 'City s1m11:=bc submitted w the City''Mauager.for iiis(ber:resolution,.prior :Prna.ider':being ,entitied :to :seek,.junicinI:refief <in.connection therewith. .in :The _event :that: the amount of .compensation : hereunder ;exceeds ;$25,O00, :the: City ,Managers decision Shall : be :approved dr:disappmved b} tho:CityConnuission.:Provider:Sh511.not.be.entitied to seek judiaial .• relief unless: .(t) tt:ha�first.re eivctl Citj'Manager's wrinen..decision;::approved.bv::tiic City Commission ir:titeramount-of:comnensationihereunder.rxeeeds:S25,000,or(ii).:petiod-of:sixt (fi0;i.day bus .e pired,:itfter.submittin, to.tlts7:Cityviuttugsr:a.dctailetl:starementdf thedispute; itccompanieii:bv:alisnpponine.itocumentation (90:daysifCity f*inigerts decisionissubjec to Liiv'Camrtiissian:nppiovaC) or (iiij ::city bas:wait'od omplian..u:With .theproceduteao ortain. this sec by written instruments, signed by:the City Manager. 3h. Ctirl'?S`rEltNI/rAr1ON.:1RIGHTS: 'l hr. City. Shell:have.i'nc right::ioiemiinsir li is Agreement =.in iis1ole discretion, at an\ iuu h} eiVing.writtcnnotice :to*Provider. at i..ast;five:(5) bus'mess cm' r ys priotoihc effective .;CdPi:l'4h bCo tinn.Aieter2IHOI • .duce: ofsueh .termination. in such event, the City shalt pav iv Provider compensation•forsnrvices rendered. and xpenses incurred prior to the.effeetivs:data,oF•termination. •in no•event-shah the .Chvbe'liablc'to Provider.for v additionaI cantpcusation,.oilier than Char provided. hcrein,.orfor •uny crtscquintittl orincidental'damages, :B. The City shall hnvc Bic 'right :ro :terminate :this Agreement, :without :notice .to :Provider,upon the occurrence .ofnn.eventofdefeult'hercunder. Insuch event, the Cityshall-nor. be obligated to pay anycamottnts.to:Provider.undProvidershalhreimburse to tho'Ciry:allamounts received vhilcfiroviderwas-in default under this Agreement. 15. ,INSURANCE: . Pmvider. shaft .ntadl'times,during:thetent ',hereof, :maintain : such insurance coverage asmay e:required.byriheCiq. _Ail-suclr:insurance.inciutiingrenewalsahall be suhicct:tothy. :approval ofihe.City:ror.udequncy.of protection and evidence:ofsuch coverage • hah:lie.:furnishetltoahc•City:on:Certificatesofinsurance indicaring.suchinsurance..-to'bean:force . and-effcct.nrid.providbrr drat.it.tviltnol.bcsanceled'during,thr.performance.oftheservices:tmder t$is<contraei witbont Thirty: (30):caterrdor.dayc;.-prior .written notice to%the City. •Comptetul • ••Ceniftcntes •Of -insurance shall :be 'filed .with the tt t�y prior. to the ,performance.:orservices. he wndcr, providcd.<however.:that.Providershn119ttanyiime:upon requesfile. duplicate bodies •oflho;policies oi:sucnJnsurancc:with:titc Cite, %Ii to thejudgment:of-.the:Lity,:prevailing.condiiionswarrnnvtheprovisiori`by:Provideraif adtlitionitl'.lialtiiny`ituurattee'coverago.or coyerige:which' is.different in::kord,.ahc:City reserves. themight ar.:rcquirethe ;provision hj:Provider:d1'*an:amount:Of-Coverage:differenr:from' the. :.amounts :or kind ;previously :requtred.rand <�}rall .:afford ,written nonce of such :change requirements thirty -(30) :days ;prior ID the. date :on which the requirements shall -take ...effect. Should • the:Providcr -fail: or refuse to aatisfy:the Terttiirernent af;changed •Co1,1:1:4n &Corp ItehoMen.:3cu 4 (3n):duy+s'1'oJlowing the City's written. nonce; this'•Contmctshtill be. considered,.terminuted.onthe :t3ate: than the mooirctl change in-policy.coveragawould otherwise titkc:effect. 114 .'NONDISCRIiiiINATION:.Provider'represents .and wurrnnts:to the City that.Providcr doentt ii&willmor,ettgage-in,discriminatory_ practices.anti thambere_shuiliie. Rio,diseriminatimi in connection with-Provider's:performance .under this. grecment•.on account of.race,:color, sex, "religion,:age,-:hantlicap, marital:stouts'or national -origin. 3'rovi der-i'urther covenants that no, othcrnasc zltrditier] indii'idtui slkill,. Solely.hy reason•.of9usllterrace,:color, scr.,'rcllgiou,:uge, twndicap, marital 5latut;.or national origin; be:exoluded from participation in, bedenicd services, :. orbe•subjecrto ihscrimutatinn underanvprnvision of this:2tereement. `rVIINORITY ,AND 'WOKEN 'BUSINESS AFFAIRS'AND -PROCt3REMrN'7' • P.ROGRAT7::The :Cily :has established .:a tMinoritw':ant Women -:Business :Affairs rand urement::l'ragratn -,.,Dbe 'Id/ATE :Program")..desip9 d ••:to increase .the •volume .of. Ctty „procurement :anc comrtcts •:witit <Blaeks,:1iispanic and 1.'omen-nwned::business. 'T:hc ilvI?lY$E #rntntl.3n'Ordinnnce:No..1.0(162 r.copy of<wl ich has- been 'tiePsrered to and rec tat.of :4dlticl; is`hereb ,acknowici1 e t b) Provider.:iProctder:;understands:and:agrees-tuar:tbelCinyrsball. itnvnlheiit+ht:ro erminatc:and.emcef:tlii5:A'areement, without_noticc:or:penaltyF:to.:tii Zity,:on( -to :oiiminatel'rovtderfront .corisidorauon untl'participaiion in'Iuture.City:contracts ii'hrntnder, :in . -the;preparation-vnd/Qr;submission:of:the Proposal: submitted false of mis3e din , information: as to its smtusuas:131uctr. ilispanic.andior Wonien ovvned.business utiidlor the•yuain ltnd/oritype:Of . • -nuooriry:or ivomen:ownettbusiness,participation. S8._ 4Sfi[C.'llt4rl:f: 'his.Agrerm.n[:snag: 'tot:bc.asstnneil:btProvide:; itt aehol or 9n • ,patt, tvithoittthe priar.written consent ofthe Citys, whicti,may be withheld or:eontliilonetl, it> the ::. it:"s sole.tliscretioti. • ::uht:PS. .1,9^ y$INn .19. NOTICES: All notices or. other. .i ontmun:callon: required under this: A.greemcni shall he in writing ane:shall"he liven by hand delivery or by:n:;_rstered certified .U.S.:Mail., return receipt requested, addressed to -the oiher .nany a1'the .nddress.indicated herein or to such.other aridress:as.n,pnrty:rnayacsijttme-by WIN c rven:as uermn.pruvitied. Nonce -Shull be decmcd . .;given on tits day oirwhieh 1tersonaliy deiiveredt:. or, if by.mail,+on the :fifth duya ttcr'hejng posted or the dale ofueutal receipt, whiehever:is curlier. :TO:PIZOVIDER: :Sandrrr:Cohun . Administrator; Merorflolpaticnt..Center 'Mercy Medical.Developinent .dtbin-,Mercy OutpntienrCeutcr.' °3661'Soutlt Miami Avenue Tvl.cmti, E L' 1113.3 .TO THE.CIT.Y:: :Joe Anion .:Chien:Administrator/City'Mm ager -City.ofMiami . '33011.Nan American Drive _W7innri.:? lnritht :3: 1:33 • wrrfl 'A -COPY TO: loroeL: cernandez City Attorney Citrof'it iami -,Orlicedirhe,CityArtonicy z14 S\ l2.".Avenne.:SUit'e.tf Miutni.:i?Yorida ;33:E 30 20. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISION: A. '. :This: Agreement.shaif.ac, construed .and. enforced necorditngan the inns of;the'State c.nnd:ptrn!_ntp'licadia_s.are prcertveient:elcrcitcettnd:nn-nota:par:lnk:this ilgreemen • f21,1thi'S7..e. Cmp Lira. Mer.�•7+ni.f C. waive.: i r•breach of tinyprovision-of this Agreement shall constitute'a waiver ofatny subsequent breach orthe same or any other provision hereof, and no :waiver.Shalt .be :.cffcctivr unless trade in:writing. • -lE— Shoiild.:any pruvtston, .pnrneriph: saritiuce, word •or:phrase. contained :In this .'Acreetnem be.dctermined :bra jurisdiction to -be invalid,. illegal or otherwise unenforceable under .the Iawr • of .the .State •o; -.Florida or the -"City :of'Nfiami,:such.provisrion, .paragraph, sentence::a ord.or phrase:shall be deemed,modified-to:tlte.extcni necessary in order to • conformavith such laws, or: if:not modifiable, :then sanii:shall.be:deemedseverable,:and in either event, die -remaining ;terms .und provisions of.this:Agrectneni Shull remain unmadifiedand in-itilI :toree.and:trica or limitation ofits use, 'This' Agreement constitutes the ;sole :and *entire agrecntent:between'the parties o. :No modification -or amendment`.hereto.,shalzbe:valid unless :in writing.arid execated:by ;properly authorized representativesor the,parties hereto. 'SUCCESSORS AND..ASSIC:NS:..'This <:f1greement,shall-be bindints upon,:the parties: o,..their heirs; cseciuors,>lsgal representatives, succ:ssors, or assigns. PNnr r&Dtr r'COr TkslCTb2: t'rnvrdcr has 'been ,:ntocuredl.and is betas • • euaaeeil m.:provide_services:;tn:the-Cif .as..rot',independent.contractor,mnd,not as:.an'.agent:or :employ .af. aiie::l ily.: �ccotdutgl,,:l rm idar : shnil::not_aitain,::nor',etc:entitlaii .to, : tgr .risltts:;or • benefits_:under theffivil'Scrvio.-ar'Tension ,Ordinances:ofllhe City, :nor .:any .riehis ;eenera11y afforded Classified or :unclassified employees. .Prowidcr :further _nnderstands.Mtnt Florida Compensationbenefits avdilable.to employees.nV.tlte Citynrenotavailableao:ProvSiiei; atiil .agrocs;to,provide woracrs'.eompen tniat, insurance inr:any: employee tir.agent.gf Provider rendering services ta.theiCity:under.this Agrt:ement. {br .lirgi gtr4:2eil? ATTEST: Aluj.Z.1 Priscilla -A Thonipson, City/Jul: • . AITEST: CITY OFAUA.uniiinkpil1 . no tion molt trAdministnatorititylVlanacr • "Provider" iterey -Medical :Development ;dba,lierci7Outpn tiont peter . • a not or ,proElteorportnion • By: • flint am::: ittli''haShburn ;?rint Ndnic: ;Jahn iatis6kr 'Title: ,.Cieiperate Secretary Tre.sident • :APPROVED AV/n.17012.141 AND APPROVED ASID INSUPANCE -CORRECTOESSi REQUIRENENTS: . raindez • ' • :City::: TrAnIcy i744/ tbAtt'Sit-A cora ii=comerps taw A 4.. L:f-: LL., .0 .DaniaT. Carrillo RiSiz_Manaitenitnt Administrator •, . ..... -Chy t4rMionri.. Fitoicia PhilLsomimMm.knwo &FP 0.1-0$479 Attachment A 'Medical 'Protocol • (Physical -Examinations-- Emoloyment, :Promotional and Miscellaneous) .A. pHysicat EXAMINATION COMPOKENTS TAtABB:I 1. MEDICAL HISTORY SREET, :Examinee will complete a *family •and personal :medical history to be reviewed hy he physician •wir.t1 him/her at the t;irrie. of the ,physioe.1 .exem. 2.IABOBATORY WORV--tIB :a. Complete .Elocd Count (CDC), with I:titter:tent:is:1 .33. :Biodhemistry :oi12 Complete Lipid Proli:le with ratios, and rSR APR Drinalvsis (MicroscopiC) e. - th .rhychm :scrip 2. PPD ariu TEST -performed :by .Mantoux Matho (required) - ' ...... 4., TYE TEST . . . .. . . . • . . . . • . . .. . . .. • . . . .• • . . 'The acuity ..test ..shotild -.:screen ,.for :both .near :.and 't ar .' .:distlance .acuity,.. -on .a .aclentifically .accurate'.instrument :that :abed.}:5 tor.':kewmess...of orision, .cienth ;-pei-.cteptioa, • .musdles,. ..and the _ability ..,to .-- - diff=-entiate :colors. Tx:Retinal:ion ,filioulti :be ,conducted. Se' th-Ascrui-sii7tuaut.,corrective ler.ses- Thei-,, ,are.ognerific vision -.requirements for .-pelice :offi.cer and ttirei.okIner -.applicants.:4equirements..a.re :as -tollowsz . 0”:ice - AUTO,Oh Mageiremantn: 20/50 .-each aye, :separately .without corrective lenses .of any kind including -Contact lenses; 120/ 3-0 .with classes :(No :CONTACT :was Piref,ichter vision -neouionments: Par visual acuity •.shall -be at •leant .2-o/30 binocular, •corrected contact. lenses or -speccaeles. Par vlsua2 aCild:tY • uncorrectei.t shall •he at least 20/100 bluoc-ular S.Qr.- eare=s o'f hard contacts or spectacles_ GayojMiami. Fk.ida pcc-Eaplaymem Physical Esaminmion Services RFP 03.04.079 .5. AUDIOLOGICAL CHECK: 'Will test the .normal hearing .range,:S00 to 4700:HERTZ, using high quality equipment. P.rovide•written interpretation of results. .PHASE II si A. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION.:BY: 'Inspection, :Palpation .Percussion, Auscultation Must be,performed by Board Certified 'Physician To .include •the •following: ... Vital ..:TPR,.:Blood.,pressure (both arms) Aeight.. Weight 'General :Appearance - Head, .-ecalp, .face • Neck (thyroid, lymphs., vessels) !Endocrine syssem Eyes .(:Eundi, :focus) general Ocular motility Pupils (equality and.reactivness) Ears.(internal and external canals and cerumen,) ' -Ear drums (perforation .Noes (sinuses) :Mouth (tongue., teeth, .:and: gums) • 'Throat :(condition of tonsils) :Lungs, chest (OPTIONAL.- .include .breasts.: WILL.OFFER TO .PERFORM BREAST EXAMINATION) Heart .(thrust, size, ibythm, sounds) Abdomen, 'Viscera (check for hernias) -EVALUATION BY :INSPECTION,.PAIiPATION, :PERCUSSION.a AUSCULTATION) ':External :Genitalia - '.EVALUATION -BY INSPECTION, .PALPATION, PERCUSSION.& AUSCULTATION) • ANUS :AND RECTUM - EVALUATION •BY VISUAL 'INSPECTION FOR HEMORRHOIDS-4.FISSURES.. Upper.extremities qstrength,.range:of motion) Lower -.extremities -(strength, :range of.motion) 'Vascular -.:System :(Varicosities, etc,:) Spina, ,tithe: ' musculoskeietal• :Skin :(:scars, cashes,) lymphatics Mental Status,:memory, orientation, judgement, affect .Neurological - .• Equilibrium • City ofMiami. Florida Pre -Employment Plrvsical Examination Services • ., ury of Mtami.:Florida Pre•Emplo meat PinysimItreniaanart'.$ jcn . RiP03-91.07V 'E Addition-0? /OQtional Items - re_2ui.red •far `Prj ce Office - Public Service .Aida (aSAL -Polite Auxiliary- Sr. C3:ci2en .Guard "SCAM, , .ritefighcers and 2_p. 'Technicians .ADDITIONAL 1. Chest .X.-ray (POLICE AND FIRE) Anteriar/posterior and' lateral views. :Provide • written Ineerp_ecation-al .results. ;Deliver results 'to the Department of •:E mpioyee 'Relation s :within -72 •hours . REP 03-04-079 2..• FIT' Testing :and .:Counseling - Required :for ire -(HOWEVER, ;FIRz APPLICANT HAS ::OPTION 7r0 :DECLINE 'li2v_ • TEST) and :ID S•echnicien<employment physical:. 3.,.. :Hepatitis .A, t8, :and. 'C :Screening -= :Required for .:I�ia, :Technician,- .SWORN _FIRE AND .APPLICANTS.} •:employment physical, • ::OPTIONAL Batk;x-ray.(teauestedby':Cft3r.as.:needed) flrovide .two views •d! .the 2pack;":2umbo-sacral :snipe and • pelvis.. • P-ac!ide ..a_,titten :interpretation :af ;results., 2_ Pulmonary Punctipn'Teat.-(xequesced:.by::City as :needed) .:Provide h3 ree (3) :valid :tra'ei:ngs •;.cif ,a ::fenced vital •capacity trom-whidh :the:Forced:Erpi:atory Volume.in::one :second :ran .be delivered. " :Blood Type :and ::Rh Raping ::(-egvested iby .City ,as needed) Rubella 'Titer (requested :by City .as .:needed) S. Rubella Immunization (requested.bv :City .as .needed) 6_r:Tetanus vaccine. -(requested by City:as: needed) 7 :Review and ;prnride •written interpretation aid/or medical ;resume :;of employeef:applicant medical .records' from: anotheragency.., cB. Eardiauas:aller Stress Test 50 ZI C10, pi -Miami. Florida Pre EsnpinymentPI+•vsica1Examination Services Gm ndM ,,n. Florida. A'l J'ACal1E"T E Prc:Entpinymeni Phys,r_i Esuminntian Srmtrra •(Uri:.T- .079 4.7. ;PRICE .P.ROPOSAL :FORM ':P.RE;EMP.LO.YMENT PJWSICAL EEAMINATIQM"SERVICES £motovment;'Promotion/snd 41ist•CIitibt is (Eatludinn'Fireliahters"and Police Officers' Tnc following mustbe fully" completed "andaetumed-with Proposal. ;Eat. Extended Description Opontity " linRPricc Price •,A.:Basic Physical ',Examination .425'510F 'no r5 4:1. Snn OD (including -lab work,nisual ceam,and____, audiologi a1.exam) iS. .Abbreviated:Retum.to Work 400:535.00 :C. OptionaC.Examination Conponems . • (included: at:thistime to obtain . quote) 1. 'PPD. teat 400 2. .8aek'7: Ray • t5 . 23. 'Chest 7C'Rny Zc EKG (I2.lead) RubeI Titer 5 fi.-Annelle Immunization 7. :Review.o (Miscellaneous ::Medicnt-3tecaids E.:3-lcpatitrs:A, J?;:anstaSore 9. :)vlcastes, Mumps, : Rubella '_....:..:....:...immunization :10. TetanueNaceine ;Please list any:other.cltargcsaasocinted • - with ulftlliu thisRFP:znetdescribebelow 50 ,.a(0.00 r.s "4000,00 en n0 •- S-Inn on 470:00 s 1750.-00 .5 45.00 $:29;125.00 5.30.00 .5'150.00' s `30..00 :5'130.00 .S d5 00 . 75.00 Subtotal s £2;960..00 r.. r, Cin+ofMianti. Florida Pre -Employment Ph•vsical Examination Services REP 03-04-079 Crry of mmi. ,Florida Pre-EmPlcymenr Pbv sa1 Examirtariort S<ntle , RIP 03.04.879 Employment Physical Examinations— Firefmhters The fallowing must be fully completed and returned with Proposal. Est. Extended Description Quantity Unit ?flee Price A. Basic Physical Examination 60 .$ 140.00 5 .8400.00 (including lab work, visual exam, and . audiological exam) .B. Add itianaVOptional Examination Components (Included at this time to obtain quote) 1...ChsuX-Ray - - 70.0D s •4200.00 Z EKG 60 3..00 s :2700.00 3. Fif V Testing & Counseling 38. D0 2280.00 a. EL1SATest • 60 :S g b. WestemBlot 6D c. Prc.Counseling '60 LU.UO S 600.0U .d.PostCounseling 60 F.1U.00 a oUU.UU 10 00 600.00 4.PPDtut 60 3 3 3, Fiepaiitis A; B and CScrcriing 6D S "35.00 $ 2100 :00 C. Please list:anv o1hercharges associated .with fulfilling this PIP andd:scrib. below: :E oolavment Phvsicat:Ex aminations = Police Officers Est. Extended • 'Description Ouaniitry Unit Price Price :'A.JBasic Physical :Examination 100 :S ..140.00 :$ 14, 000..:00 (including lab work, visual exam; and audialggical:exam) ubtotal: S ;S 21480.00 it..lidditional/OptionatExamination.Components (Included.atlhistime to obtain quote) 1. Chest X-Ray 100 50 City of Miami. Florida Pre-Employmeat Plr.vsical Frantination Services CR). pjAhom, —Pry•Entploymeel PRtucul Exam) nsfistmjemiers RFP 03.434X7; I rS , OD .4. Hepatitis A, B, and C Screen:mg 100 '4 35 . -00 4, 1500. 00 120 ;00 120. 00 .Puirnonacv amnion 15 00 L5.00 6. 'Blood "type & Rh Typing . S 30 . 00 30.00 ?. itabctlaTiter S ;$ S, bella Immunization I 4 a : :14: 00 4 40.00 4. -Review &provide written interpretation '56 s •13:00 750.00 5 of:medical record 10. Cardiovascular -Stress -Test • . . :C. Please' list any other charges associated •with futiltfhis 1167.and•describe below: 50 REP 03-04-079 F4: 45, 100 :s -- ,'42:5‘:00 • :4 • Subtotal: -.J/.Op TOTAL: .S 136695 .110 Mount Sinai MEDICAL CENTER July 21, 2010 City of Miami — City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Re: RFP NO. 220240 — Request for Proposals for Physical Examination Services, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Occupational Health Center located at 4300 Alton Road, Lowenstein Building, Miami Beach, FL 33140, Telephone Number (305) 674-2312, Fax Number (305) 674-2413, Federal Employer Identification Number 59-262442 is formally responding to .your Request for Proposal No. 220240, Request for Proposals for Physical Examination Services for the Provision of Various Medical Services that may be necessary or required by the City of Miami, Local, State, and Federal Laws: The Proposer is appointing Ms. Linda Arama as the primary contact person for this RFP; she can be reached at (305) 674-3910 (office) and 305-535-7904 (fax), e-mail address is Laramaamsmc.com. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Lja Arama Director Occupational Health Center Certification Statement Plcase quote on this form, if applicable, net prices for the item(s) listed. Return signed original and retain a copy for your files. Prices should include al] costs, including transportation to destination. The City reserves the right to accept or reject all or any part of this submission. Prices should be firm for a minimum of 180 days following the time set for closing of the submissions, in the event of errors in extension of totals, the unit prices shall govern in determining the quoted prices, We (I) certify that we have read your solicitation, completed the necessary documents, and propose to furnish and deliver, F.O.B. DESTINATION, the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party nor any of its principal owners or personnel have been convicted of any of the violations, or debarred or suspended as set in section 18-107 or Ordinance No. 12271. All exceptions to this submission have been documented in the section below (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTIONS: We (1) certify that any and all information contained in this submission is true; and we (i).further certify that this submission is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a submission for the same materials, supplies, equipment, or service, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. We (I) agree to abide by all terms and conditions of this solicitation and certify that I ant authorized to sign this submission for the submittcr. Please print the following and sign your name: SUPPLIER NAME: Moo (Fr CL`41 1 r) RL A- c V ADDRFSS �O 0 A L-Tb r(� erg 1V i Lf vt�t �� P/L�(� PHONE: .CGS (o1 c4 � FAX. '3O (07 - .2001 EMAIL: c11 Lt+i", ft) 6) e: (:nr' BEEPER: �'S b�� - SIGNED BY — TITLE: 176; .G v(L C,ZLrL �L!/yc^-L DATE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE. SIGN, AND RETURN THIS FORM SHALL DISQUALIFY THIS IHI). Page 2 of 41 Certifications Legal Name of Firma c Entity Type: Partnership, Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, etc. 0.e +.E v o' FLo e); t,.A Year Established: Office Location: City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, or Other M\omi e[jka {-Lo33t ! U Occupational License Number: Occupational License Issuing Agency: Occupational License Expiration Date: •3 Hio Ta //ij- Respondent certifies that (s) he has read and understood the provisions of City of Miami Ordinance No. 10032 (Section 18-105 of the City Code) pertaining to the implementation of a "First Source Hiring Agreement.": r No) Do you expect to create new positions in your company in the event your company was awarded a Contract by the City? (Yes or Nod In the event your answer to question above is yes, how many new positions would you create to perfonn this work? NIA Please list the title, rate of pay, summary of duties, number of positions, and expected length or duration of all new positions which might be created_as.a result of this award of a Contract. Page 3 of 41 Lineal Description: Employment and Promotional Physical Examinations for Nun Sworn Classifications Line: 1.1 Description: Basic Physical Examination (including lab work, visual exam, and audiological exam) Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: , c,;(:) • 0 C'' Line: 1.2 Number of Units: 425 Total: $ 3'i5 000 C10 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: PPD Test Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 5: Ct U Line: 1.3 Number of Units: 600 Total: 5 3 000 . Cad Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Back X-Ray Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 6+0. 0 0 Line: 1.4 Number of Units: 5 Total: $ 3C)0 , DO Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Chest X-Ray Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 1i-0. DO Number of Units: 50 Total: 5 ),000, 0 0 Page4 of41 Line: 1.5 Description: AdditionaUOptional Examination Components: EICC (I2 lead) Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 3S.oL) Line: 1.6 Number of Units: 425 Total: $ I L\-701I .00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Rubella Titer Cateeory:94874-50 Unil of Measure: Each Unil Price: $ a5.O0 Line: 1.7 Number of Units: 5 Total: $ I -6 . 0,10 Description: AdditionallOptional Examination Components: Rubella Immunization Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ Number of Units: 5 Line: 1.8 Total: — (7)%a1uu. -eft A(.t,..p.. j J�i1 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Review of Miscellaneous Medical Records .Category:.94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 15.00 Number of Units: 5 Total: $ 76 ' D D Page 5 of 41 Line: 1.9 Uescripuon: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Hepatitis A, B, and C Screening Cateeorv: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price:5 t}D'DO Line: 1.10 Number of Units: 25 Total: $ l, 000.00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: IJJV Testing & Counseling - ELISA Test Category: 94874-50 Unit of .Measure: Each Unit Price: $ .;25;'0 0 Line: 1.11 Number of Units: 25 Total: 5 lilay .0E) Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - Western Blot Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: 5 •0 v Line: 1.12 Number of Units: 25 Total: $ , 0 O Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - Pre Counseling Category:.94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: 5 _��L__ Number of Units: 25 Total: $ Page 6 of 41 Line: 1.13 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: I1tV Testing & Counseling - Post Counseling Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Price: .5 /e Line: 1.14 Number of Units: 25 Total: e1— Desci iption: Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - Measles, Mumps, Rubella Immunization Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price:. bp, 00 Line: 1.15 Number of Units: 5 Total: .3 300 too Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - Tetanus Vaccine Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: 13O.GC=: Line: 2 Number of Units: 5 Total:5 i5i)-°O Description: Employment Physical Examinations for Firefighters (Examination shall be conducted pursuant to current NFPA 1582 Guidelines and City of Miami Medical Protocols) Line: 2.1 Description: Basic Physical Examination (including lab work, visual exam, and audiological exam) Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Page 7 of 41 Unit Price: $ V • DC' Line: 2.2 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ 4, YD8.00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Chest X-Ray Category: 94874-50 Unii of Measure: Each Unit .Price: $ y0,0 0 Line: 2.3 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ '4 D•00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: EKG Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ � 5 . cj 0 Line:2.4 Number of Units: 60 Total:$ .21t00t1C> Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Back X-Ray Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ (,Or 00 Line: 2.5 Number of Units: 1 Total: $ (r 0 00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Cardiovascular Stress Test Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ .5 0 U Number of Units: 60 Total: $ Ub0,)c' Page 8of41 Line: 2.6 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - ELISA Test Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ t9C 0 C' Line : 2.7 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ i;500.QC Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - Western Blot Category: 94874-50 Unii of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ a 5 • �L Line: 2.8 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ 1 00.00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - Pre Counseling Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ Er r Line: 2.9 Number of Units: 60 Total. $ Description:Additional/Optional Examination Components: HIV Testing & Counseling - Post Counseling Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: Number of Units: 60 Total: $ Y Page 9 of 41 Line. 2 10 . Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: PPD Test Category:94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ `j . 00 Line: 2.11 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ 30L, OC3 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Hepatitis A, B and C Screening Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 1+0 • °C) Line: 3 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ 2, oc),t'C Description: Employment Physical Examinations for Police Officers (Examination shall be conducted pursuant to current California Peace Officer Standards and City of Miami Protocol) Line: 3.1 Description: Basic Physical Examination (including lab work, visual exam, and audiological exam) Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ $C ,0'> 0 Line: 3.2 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ 4-).g7)0. 00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Chest X-Ray Category: 94874-50 Page 10 of 4 I Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: ,uC) Line: 3.3 Number of Units: 60 Total: $,Z Lift l . 00 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: EKG Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: . 3> . Do • Line: 3.4 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ t IOO.O C� Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Cardiovascular Stress Test Category' 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 5'D, C 0 Line: 3.5 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ IS,f)DO-t2 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Back X-Ray Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 100 t LD Line: 3,6 Number of Units: 1 Total: $ , C) C? - Description: Additional/Optional Examination -Components: Hepatitis A, B, and-C-Screening- Calegoty: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ C)L� Number of Units: 60 Total: $ ,)t i-f-00•1912 Page 1 1 of 41 Line: 3.7 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: PPD Test Category: 94874-50 lJnit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 5, 00 Line: 3.8 Number of Units: 60 Total: $ 3 0 0 - 0' U Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Pulmonary Function Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 2 S . 0 0 Line: 3.9 Number of Units: i Total: S 02-S 0 D Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Blood Type & Rh Typing Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 2 tJ,O 0 Line: 3.10 Number of Units: 1 Total: $ 2. y. 0 0 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Rubella Titer Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ ,2 r},0 0 Number of Units: 1 Total: $ 'f,00 Page 12 of 41 Line: 3.11 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Rubella Immunization Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ Line: 3.12 Number of Units: 1 Total: $ tt(tt4l• a.r ea'"`r- 1 Description: Additional/Optional Examination Components: Review & Provide Written Interpretation of Medical Records Categoty:94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ 2-5 •C C} Line: 4 Number of Units: 1 Total: $ ,21-•t9 C? Description: Return to Work Physical Examinations for all Classifications Line: 4.1 Description: Return to Work Physical Examinations Category: 94874-50 Unit of Measure: Each Unit Price: $ SD , (DO Number of Units: 400 Total: $ (,)De). h0 Page 13 of 41 Mount Sinai MEDICAL CENTER Table of Contents A. Executive Summary ..................... .............................................page 1 B. Professional Experience............................................................page 2 C. Occupational Health Staffing... page 3 Occupational Health Staffing (cont'd)............................................page 4 Occupational Health Staffing (cont'd)............................................page 5 Resume, Curriculum Vitae, Certificates, Licenses Attachment A D. HIPPA - Privacy Notice of Privacy Practices - Policy & Procedures... Attachment B E. Proposer's Clients List............ ..... ........... ..... ............................. page 6 Proposer's Clients List(cont'd)....................................................page 7 Proposer's Clients List(cont'd)....................................................page 8 F. Proposer's Facility and Location ............................................. page 9 Fee Proposal.................................... ............. ...................... Attachment C Campus Map of Mount Sinai Medical Center...............................Attachment D Departmental Brochure....... ..Attachment E