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From: /% t
Subject: FW: RE: Governor Crist Signed CS HB 1271 / On Demand Transportation Into Law
Date: Monday, July 12, 2010 4:37:23 PM
Attachments: 276-10).pcif
From: Medina, Lilia I.
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2010 3:45 PM
To: Crapp Jr., Tony
Subject: FW: RE: Governor Crist Signed CS HB 1271 / On Demand Transportation Into
Lilia I. Medina, AMCP
email: limedinarnirimigov.cor
wehs to., ww:nr nhiamigov. om
From: Bokor, Alexander (CAO) [mailto:abokor@miamidade.govj
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 3:42 PM
To: Medina, Lilia I.
Cc: Scurr, Charles (CITT); Toledo, Nestor (CITT); Libhaber, Bruce (CAO)
Subject: RE: RE: Governor Crist Signed CS HB 1271 / On Demand Transportation Into
Dear Ms. Medina..
It is our opinion that the addition of on -demand services in CS/HB 't271 constitutes a new use of surtax
funds not allowed at the time the voters implemented the half penny surtax Accordingly, this law makes
funding of can-dernand services through a transit surtax permissible but it would first require approval by the
One of the "whereas" clauses of the attached resolution tR-276--10. adopted 312/2010) is instructive and
consistenl with this op+riior'.
WHEREAS, this Board desires to urge the Legislature to amend section 212.055
/0-0/a97- Sc,brnritr 4-'i.ce Chi(main Caro! to
to authorize the use of Charter County Transportation System. Surtax proceeds
for on -demand transit service for low-income senior citizens in the event the half-
penny transit surtax goes back to the voters at some future date,
Our interpretation reflected in the language of that "whereas" clause, is that the amendment by the
Legislature was the first step in allowing surtax funds to be used for on -demand transit serrices, the next
required step before such usage is permitted would be approval or rejection of that usage by the voters.
hope this is responsive to your inquiry and pease let me know if you have any additional questions.
Very Truly Yours,
Alex Bokor
Alexander S. Bokor
Assistant County Attorney
Miami -Dade County Attorney's Office
111 N.W. lst Street. Suite 2810
Miami, FL 33128
Direct Line 305-375-2348
Fax Line 305-375.561 t
abokor miamidade_gov
From: Medina, Lilia I.[mailto:LiiiaMedina@miamigov.com]
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 11:20 AM
To: Bokor, Alexander (CAO); Libhaber, Bruce (CAO)
Cc: Scurr, Charles (CITE); Toledo, Nestor (CITY)
Subject: FW: RE: Governor Crist Signed CS HB 1271 / On Demand Transportation Into
Importance: High
(-ilia I. Medina, AICP
Submitted Into the public
recorA in connection with
item rli ' on ,iv- -rya
Priscilla A. Thompson
City Clerk
magi:Ilmedri (4Thiamryov.com
website: www.rnramigov,com
Submitted Into the public -
record in connection with
item �I 2 on
Priscilla A. Thompson
(.itv ('.iPrk