Approximately Between Interstate 95 & SW 1st Avenue and
Between W Flagler Street and SR 970/Downtown Distributor
File ID 10-011321u
The proposal is for a change to the Future Land Use Map of the Miami Comprehensive
Neighborhood Plan extending the "River Quadrant" Residential Density Increase Area (A
complete legal description is on file at the Hearing Boards Office).
Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Policy LU-1.6.1 established future land use
categories according to the 2020 Future Land Use Map and the "Interpretation of the Future
Land Use Map."
Areas designated as "Restricted Commercial" allow residential uses (except rescue missions)
to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same
limiting conditions and a finding by the Planning Director that the proposed site's proximity to
other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing
residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to
accommodate the needs of potential residents; transitory residential facilities such as hotels and
motels. This category also allows general office use; clinics and laboratories, auditoriums,
libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools. Also
allowed are commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of
the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or
collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real
estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general
entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or
entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are
similar in nature to those uses described above. This category also includes commercial
marinas and living quarters on vessels as permissible.
The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as "Restricted
Commercial" allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 7.0 times the net lot area of the subject
property; such FLR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the
applicable land development regulations; however, may not exceed a total FLR of 11.0 times
the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated as "Restricted Commercial" in the
Edgewater Area allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 17.0 times the net lot area of the
subject property. Properties designated as "Restricted Commercial" in the Urban Central
Business District and Buena Vista Yards Regional Activity Center allow a maximum floor lot
ratio (FLR) of 37.0 times the net lot area of the subject property.
All such uses and mixes of uses shall be subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land
development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and
services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements.
Nonresidential floor area is the floor area that supports nonresidential uses within the inside
perimeter of the outside walls of the building including hallways, stairs, closets, thickness of
walls, columns and other features, and parking and loading areas, and excluding only open air
corridors, porches, balconies and roof areas.
Areas designated "High Density Multifamily Residential" allow residential structures to a
maximum density of 150 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the
applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for
facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements.
Higher densities may be allowed as shown for these specially -designated areas:
Little Havana Target Area 200 units per acre
Southeast Overtown/Park West 300 units per acre
Brickell, Omni, and River Quadrant 500 units per acre
Supporting services such as offices and commercial services and other accessory activities that
are clearly incidental to principal uses are permitted; community -based residential facilities (14
clients or less, not including drug, alcohol or correctional rehabilitation facilities) will be allowed
pursuant to applicable state law; community -based residential facilities (15+ clients), places of
worship, primary and secondary schools, and day care centers for children and adults may be
permissible in suitable locations.
The subject area consists of twenty-four (24) parcels comprising approximately 4.05 acres.
These parcels are generally located in the area west of Interstate 95, east of SW 1st Avenue,
south of W Flagler Street, and north of State Road 970/Downtown Distributor. The site is
currently designated "Restricted Commercial". The area to the north is designated "Major
Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, and Utilities" and the area to the east is
designated "Central Business District". The subject site is in the OVERTOWN NET Service
Center Area.
The Planning Department is recommending APPROVAL of the amendment as presented
based on the following findings:
• The MCNP Interpretation of the 2020 Future Land Use Map indicates that the
"Restricted Commercial" land use category allows residential structures up to a density
equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" which is 150 dwelling units per acre.
The extension of the "River Quadrant" Residential Density Increase Area overlay will
permit a maximum density of 500 dwelling units per acre.
• MCNP Goal LU-1 states that the City will maintain a land use pattern that (1) protects
and enhances the quality of life in the City's neighborhoods; (2) fosters redevelopment
and revitalization of blighted or declining areas; (3) promotes and facilitates economic
development and the growth of job opportunities in the city; (4) fosters the growth and
development of downtown as a regional center of domestic and international commerce,
culture and entertainment; (5) promotes the efficient use of land and minimizes land use
conflicts while protecting and preserving residential sections within neighborhoods; (6)
protects and conserves the city's significant natural and coastal resources; and (7)
protects the integrity and quality of the City's existing neighborhoods by insuring public
notice, input and appellant rights regarding changes in existing zoning and land use
regulations. Extending the River Quadrant to the north will allow for greater
development potential within the downtown area and encourage downtown's growth as
a regional center of domestic and international commerce, culture and entertainment.
The area is well buffered from other neighborhoods by major roadways, so land use
conflicts will be minimal. The land is well served by infrastructure and would serve more
efficiently if it permitted higher densities.
• MCNP Objective LU-1.4 states that the City will continue the growth of Downtown Miami,
expand its role as a center of domestic and international commerce, further its
development as a regional center for the performing arts and other cultural and
entertainment activities and develop an urban residential base. Extending the River
Quadrant will increase the potential to develop an urban residential base and expand the
role of Downtown as an international commerce center by increasing the potential to
develop hotels.
• MCNP Policy LU-1.6.10 states that the City's land development regulations and policies
will allow for the provision of safe and convenient on -site traffic flow and vehicle parking
and will provide access by a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism,
bicycles, automobiles, and transit. The site is adjacent to a major bus transfer area that
is served by over 10 Metrobus routes. It is also located approximately 340 feet from a
Metrorail and Metromover station.
• MCNP Policy LU-3.1.3 designates the Downtown Miami Master Plan area an Urban
Central Business District in order to increase the Development of Regional Impact
threshold for development within those portions of downtown Miami that are not already
in the DRI area. The subject site is located within the Urban Central Business District
and is therefore appropriate for very high densities.
• MCNP Housing Policy HO-1.1.7 states the City will continue to control, through
restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive
commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential
neighborhood and will provide appropriate transitions between high-rise and low-rise
residential developments. The site is located adjacent to an area with a future land use
designation of "Central Business District" which permits densities up to 1,000 dwelling
units per acre. Designating the subject area as part of the "River Quadrant" Residential
Density Increase Area will provide for an appropriate transition to areas to the west of
Interstate 95, where the maximum density is 150 dwelling units per acre.
• MCNP Policy TR-1.1.1 states that the City hereby adopts designation of the City,
excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay that
have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Infill Area
pursuant to Miami -Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east
of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Within this area, the
concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be
emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and
the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant
parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, the redevelopment of
substandard sites, downtown revitalization and the development of projects that promote
public transportation. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this
designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in
accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards and the
City of Miami Person -Trip Methodology as set forth in Policies TR-1.1.2 and TR-1.1.3 of
the Transportation Element of the MCNP. (See Land Use Policy LU-1.1.11.) The subject
site is located in downtown area, which is a major center of activity. Therefore
concentration and intensification of development will be encouraged by the extension of
the River Quadrant. The site is located in close proximity to public transportation and
can support very high densities.
• MCNP Land Use Policy 1.1.1 provides that new development or redevelopment that
results in an increase in density or intensity of land use shall be contingent upon
availability of public facilities and services that meet or exceed the minimum LOS
standards adopted in the Capital Improvements Element.
• The Miami 21 zoning designation currently approved on this parcel is T6-36B-O —
"Urban Center'.
0 SE Zi p O1:01
Proposal No 10-
Date: 09-xx-10
Applicant City of Miami
Address: Between Interstate 95 and Southwest 1st Avenue and Between
W Flagler Street and State Road 970/ Downtown Distributor
Boundary Streets: North: W FLAGLER ST East: SW 1 AV
South: STATE RD 970 West: 1-95
Proposed Change: From: Restricted Commercial (Density 150 DU per acre)
To: Restricted Commercial (DI 500 du per acre)
Existing Designation, Maximum Land Use Intensity
Residential 4.0480 acres @ 150 DU/acre 607 DU's
Peak Hour Person -Trip Generation, Residential 322
Other sq.ft. @ FAR 0 sq.ft.
Peak Hour Person -Trip Generation, Other
Proposed Designation, Maximum Land Use Intensity
Residential 4.0480 acres @ 500 DU/acre
Peak Hour Person -Trip Generation, Residential
Other sq.ft. @ FAR
Peak Hour Person -Trip Generation, Other
Net Increment With Proposed Change:
Dwelling Units
Peak Hour Person -Trips
Planning District
County Wastewater Collection Zone
Drainage Subcatchment Basin
Solid Waste Collection Route
Transportation Corridor Name
2,024 DU's
0 sq.ft.
Population Increment, Residents 3,641
Space Requirement, acres 4.73
Excess Capacity Before Change 182.80
Excess Capacity After Change 178.07
Concurrency Checkoff OK
Population Increment, Residents 3,641
Transmission Requirement, gpd 815,623
Excess Capacity Before Change >2% above demand
Excess Capacity After Change >2% above demand
Concurrency Checkoff OK
Population Increment, Residents
Transmission Requirement, gpd
Excess Capacity Before Change
Excess Capacity After Change
Concurrency Checkoff
See Note 1.
See Note 1.
WASD Permit Required
Exfiltration System Before Change
Exfiltration System After Change
Concurrency Checkoff
On -site
On -site
Land Use Goal LU-1
Land Use Objective LU-1.1
Land Use Policy 1.1.1
Capital Improvements Goal CI-1
Capital Improvements Objective CI-1.2
Capital Improvements Policy 1.2.3 a - g
(See attachment 1)
Population Increment, Residents
Solid Waste Generation, tons/year
Excess Capacity Before Change
Excess Capacity After Change
Concurrency Checkoff
Population Increment, Residents
Peak -Hour Person -Trip Generation
LOS Before Change
LOS After Change
Concurrency Checkoff
NOTES: 1. Permit for sanitary sewer connection must be issued by Metro Dade Water and Sewer Department
(WASD). Excess capacity, if any, is currently not known.
CM 1 IN 03/13/90
Population increment is assumed to be all new residents. Peak -period trip
generation is based on ITE Trip Generation, 5th Edition at 1.4 ppv average
occupancy for private passenger vehicles. Transportation Corridor capacities and
LOS are from Table PT-2(R1), Transportation Corridors report.
Potable water and wastewater transmission capacities are in accordance with
Metro -Dade County stated capacities and are assumed correct. Service
connections to water and sewer mains are assumed to be of adequate size; if not,
new connections are to be installed at owners expense.
Recreation/Open Space acreage requirements are assumed with proposed
change made.
Solid Waste Collection Capacity shall be assessed and Levels of Service will
be maintained prior to any development order being approved. This analysis is
based on maximum potential, not a specific development proposal.