HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-Monthly Financial Statementwiscilla A. 7homp3011 City �`� Year to Date Year to Date 1/12th Current 1/12th 1 udget'* Actual* Variance Budget Month Actual* Budget Variance f Revenues: Property Tax Into the . City of Miami record in Conn Monthly Financial Statement - General Fund Only nri1 on `•I + ( Annual Budget vs. YTD Actual ■ Year to Date October 31, 2010 Franchise and Other Taxes Occupational Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures Intergovernmental Charges for Services Interest Other Total Revenues 223,537,412 2,001,375 221,536,037 18,628,118 2,001,375 16,626,743 36,269,000 31 36,268,969 3,022,417 31 3,022,386 30,794,313 9,111,095 21,683,218 2,556,193 9,111,095 (6,544,903) 14,133,112 180,943 13,952,169 1,177,759 180,943 996,816 43,419,282 1,003,858 42,415,424 3,618,274 1,003,858 2,614,416 81,549,665 5,381,738 76,167,927 6,795,805 5,381,738 1,414,067 1,500,000 160,305 1,339,695 125,000 160,305 {35,305) 11,050,000 1,359,712 9,690,288 920,833 1,359,712 (438,878) 442,252,784 19,199,057 423,053,727 36,854,399 19,199,057 17,655,341 '• Expenditures: „ Mayor 643,722 55,615 588,107 53,644 55,615 (1,972) Board of Commissioners 1,700,000 128,689 1,571,311 141,667 128,689 12,978 "Is-- Office of City Manager 1,683,504 189,902 1,493,602 140,292 189,902 (49,610) Office of NET 2,254,545 250,399 2,004,146 187,879 250,399 (62,520) Office of Code Enforcement 2,762,326 314,947 2,447,379 230,194 314,947 (84,753) Office of City Clerk 1,061,146 74,244 986,902 88,429 74,244 14,185 Office of Civil Service 292,626 23,319 269,307 24,386 23,319 1,067 Office of Auditor General 858,420 55,058 803,362 71,535 55,058 16,477 Office of Communication 728,704 47,384 681,320 60,725 47,384 13,341 Office of City Attorney 5,238,951 519,296 4,719,655 436,579 519,296 {82,717) Office of Audiovisual & Broadcast Operatic)! - - - Office of Bearing Boards 756,763 756,763 63,064 63,064 Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity Pro 247,719 247,719 20,643 20,643 Budget 1,384,387 85,033 1,299,354 115,366 85,033 30,332 t ) Employee Relations 2,386,146 174,531 2,211,615 198,846 174,531 24,314 Finance 6,320,160 548,472 5,775,688 526,680 544,472 {17,792) CapitallmprovementsAdministraton 1,052,732 48,411 1,004,321 87,728 48,411 39,317 •-�1_ Information Technology 10,890,204 598,697 10,291,507 907,517 598,697 308,820 Purchasing 1,121,183 64,730 1,056,453 93,432 64,730 28,702 Total General Government 41,383,238 3,174,727 38,208,511 3,448,603 3,174,727 273,876 ID Building 5,146,364 421,859 4,724,505 428,854 421,859 7,005 Planning 1,834,861 186,583 1,648,278 152,905 186,583 (33,678) Office of Zoning 7$3,526 65,666 717,860 65,294 65,666 (372) Total Planning and Development 7,764,751 674,108 7,090,643 647,063 674,108 (27,045) General Service Administration 16,025,173 945,986 15,079,187 1,335,431 945,986 389,445 Public Works 14,396,026 1,423,430 12,972,596 1,199,669 1,423,430 {223,761) Solid. Waste 19,358,548 918,241 18,440,307 1,613,212 918,241 694,971 Total Public Works 49,779,747 3,287,658 46,492,089 4,148,312 3,2137,658 860,655 Fire 72,315,697 5,604,906 66,710,791 6,026,308 5,604,906 421,402 Police 124.317,436 10,230,938 114,086,498 10,359.786 10,230,938 128,849 Total Public Safety 196,633,133 15,835,844 180,797,269 16,386,094 15,835,844 550,250 Public Facilities 4,226,509 401,304 3,825,205 352,209 401,304 (49,095) Parks and Recreation 22,364,797 1,560,531 20,804,266 1,863,733 1,560,531 303,202 Risk Management 62,844,050 4,788,807 S8,055,243 5,237,004 4,788,807 448,197 Total Other 89,435,356 6,750,643 82,684,713 7,452,946 6,750,643 702,303 Office of Grants Administration 509,695 27,132 481,563 42,475 27,132 15,342 Office of Sustainable Initiatives - 1,756 (1,756) - 1,756 (1,756) Non -Departmental 25,151,000 691,963 24,459,037 2,095,917 691,963 1,403,954 Total Non -Departmental 25,660,695 720,851 24,939,844 2,138,391 720,851 1,417,540 Expenditures before Pensions & Transfers 410,656,920 30,443,831 380,213,089 34,221,410 30,443,831 3,777,579 Pensions 72,079,756 16,574,181 55,505,575 6,006,646 16,574,181 (10,567,535) Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (40,483,892) (27,818,955) (12,664,937) (3,373,658) (27,818,955) 24,445,297 Operating transfers in 57,076,860 57,076,860 4,756,405 4,756,405 Operating transfers out {16,592,968) - (16,592,968) {1,382,747) (1,382,747) Other Financing5ources/(Uses) 40,483,892 40,483,892 3,373,658 - 3,373,658 Total Revenues Over/(Under) Expenditures (27,818,955) 27,818,955 (27,818,955) 27,818,955 Unaudited, As adjusted through October 31, 2010 **Amounts obtained from Budget Dept