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Submittal-Monthly Financial Statement
CByol Muhl Monthly Financial Statement -General Fund Only YTO Actual Ya. Budget whit Projections Year 10 Data August 31, 2010 Revenue Pmpery Tax TRIM Adjustment Franchise end Other Taxes o5upsllonel Licenses and Pennds Fines and Forfeitures Intergovernmental Chimes for Services Interest Ober Subtotal bider. Transfers In Translate In Public Services Tan Local Odd. Gas Tax Contnbullen from Community Development Transfer In from Eon Dev • ACCESS Poverty !dilative Program Tronslor In tram other funds Tow Transfer. In Total Revenues Expenditures: Mayor Board of Commissioners Ocoee of ON Manager Neighborhood Enhoncemenl Team (NET Code Enlortelnenl Off of City Clerk Office of Civil Service O0b! of Auditor General 011ce of Communication Office of Qly A11on0y Office of Hewing Boards Budget Employee Relation. EEOP Faience Carnal Improvements Adminislrallon Inlormelion Tedmobgy Pumhasing Total General Government Budding Planning Olnoe of Zoning Total Planning and Development General Service Adm0l stretion Public Works Solid Waale Total Public Werke Fee Porte 7o0a1 Poeiic Safety Pubtit Fat414es Perks end Retrea4on Rick Management Total Other Office of Grenls Adminisksli0n Office of Sustainable Inlll9 hues Noo-5004rtmenlal Total Non.oepartmentaJ GEOE 6 FIPO Subtotal before Transfer. Out Transrera 0u1 Economic Development SRF Bay5om89verfr0nl Land Acquisition TruSI (Rouse Trust Fund) City -Wide Vehicle Replacement Homeless Special Revenue FundHomale95 Program Communlly Development Fund Elderly Scotto. Upgrade PC 5mlwere and Hmdwere Public Fec6ees Special Revenue FundP00llc Facilities -Manna 10% Revenue General Special Revenue FundFY'10 Padang Surcharge Conlrt'bulion to Street Bonds Community Development FendRepaymenl to U.S De p0Oment of 9lmeing and Urban Development (HUD) Ceplal Improvement Fund tormweler Utility Fee Fee Rescue Equipment Tr.naler to Capital Impr0vemonI Fund - Niece Pradde% Transfer to Capital Impmvem enl FundParlung Surcharge Contribution Gnpnal Improvement Fund New Solid Wae1e Equipment Total Transfers out loather Fund. Tptel Expenditure. FY Ended 2010 Veer to Dare Remaining Projected UMW et 1131f10 Months Projection Current FY Revised Budget)" Variance Favorable? (Unfavorable) 237,622,791 20,739,087 22.953,250 3.706,537 33.855.538 72,305,444 2,501,108 12,631,732 412,606,588 33,945,877 3,414,064 344,442 37,704,073 9,440.096 247,262887 9101930 2.164,611 775,140 6,287,540 6,155,593 9,1342 739.566 37,256,314 10,779,480 1,069,149 114,614 38,444,017 25,128,061 4,462,783 42,123,079 78,542,027 2,510,751 13,371,295 449 894,902 44,725,357 4483,200 459,256 275,000 275,000 12,235,440 49,942,913 251,942,455 38,689,168 20.172.818 8,742,451 41,375,150 131,118.035 3,825,224 7,111,830 487,257,876 (14,679.569) (245,149) (4 044.855) (7 859,67a) 747,891 (2,575,e05) (1,114,474) 9,179,665 (17,392,974) 09,070,829 5,848,728 4,403,200 1,059,256 (900.000) 275,000 10,000,000 (70,000,000) 54,619,095 (4,870 .1711 450,310,961 818,511 1199052 1,969,032 2,557.762 2,800.760 1,146,174 271,373 640,177 691512 4848.189 735,440 1,153,408 2,974,514 5,005,839 1,228,627 9,120,842 1,181 899 39,356,930 5,407,879 2,007.915 502,017 6,217,511 14,525,274 11,613,151 18,95(1.530 43,297.956 76,321,183 122,314,398 199,835,582 3,810,744 21 683,127 56 488,288 81,980,139 315.451 81,543 9,04,080 9,444,074 49,498,754 459,807,715 521,576,961 12,906 71,294 (57,254) 233,920 328.783 163,017 25,404 59.397 05,797 658,453 63,701 101,544 38,572 971,528 (44,417) 1839,268 (141,511) 4,164464 848,542 102,301 59.145 920.398 1,806,736 2,094,325 21318,809 6,717,889 7, 241343 12,935.800 20,182,543 730.829 2,485.480 5,517.938 6,720,027 15,528 (67,804) 2608,950 2,847,874 629,497 1,570,346 1,931,778 2 891,883 3,207,463 2,111 992 269,777 699,574 783,30e 5,402,642 799,221 1,254,950 3,011,085 5,977 367 1,185,210 10,789,110 1,040,109 43,541,393 8,056,721 2.109,916 871 162 9,037,798 18,332,010 13,907,478 19,778,330 50.015,825 83,568,505 135,249,998 215,818,505 4.547,374 24,145,557 52,004,205 90,700,168 336,978 (6,061) 11,751 030 12,091,949 643,722 1,700,000 2,193,981 2,927,530 3,306.611 2,282,769 304.417 690,953 529,392 5,210.071 820.493 1,464,057 3,143,930 8,137,855 2,032,972 11 782,345 1,225,888 48,179,105 9,094,973 1,880,005 502,706 5,537,694 15,518048 16,578,459 20,322014 52,415.321 65,797,657 136,143,203 222,140,580 4,810,875 24202,141 60,473470 59,489,488 493,475 3,382,829 3,858,304 122,069,246) 14,225 129,654 202,203 (489,153) 128.346 151,597 7,640 (8,621) 66,093 (192,571) 21,272 159,107 134,745 160,468 647,762 993,235 165,699 2627,713 38,252 (229,911) (306456) (000.114) (813,162) 2,670,983 545,875 2,403,496 3,229,151 893.205 4,122,385 263.5Cb 53,554 (1530735L (1,213,877) 156,497 8,081 (8,398.201) (6,235,844) 62959,704 1,827,879 89,597,553 10,539,758 952,072.67 468691,975 44,901,444 513,792,318 513,958,520 74,000 196,824 382,500 415 858 859,938 1,511,197 324,000 1,990,052 2,113,744 7648,131 138822 74 803 74,000 198624 195,524 162,500 362,50o 554,488 554,488 559.938 130,586 f 641,885 324,000 1,990,082 2,113,744 269,310 7,917,441 859.936 1,641,885 324,000 1,990.052 2,113,744 7,917,441 188,202 Total Revenue, Ov6N(Under) Expeedlturen Fund Balance Beginning of Year (1Olt 109) Fund Balance End of Year (9130(10) • UNAUDITED 475,540,001 45,170,754 521,711,759 521,876,961 128,229,044) 4.318,000 (21,103,0441 39,972,587 _9,089,513 166,202 (21,903,0441 ` 19.0 Ate. eseqursfed evade 81411.44831. 2010 ••Alnaab 41Yte4 ham B1d94r D.V1 1 01272-Subrmltad- ortnly acr►a.I S±ca_temera Page 1 of 1