HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2010-09-27 AdvertisementBB FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24.2010 Al LOCAL & STATE M0015501a1dc0m/Metro 1 THE MIAMI HERALD MIAMI-DADE EVERGLADES Client Name: Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK Insertion Number: Section/Page/Zone: Metro And State/B6/Dade 0 U V) 0) O CO iT)N a C- 0 m O O x 3 2 0 0 Jr m m 10 m 0 c A E 0 )- D. l0 m m 'D m CL c >, 0 0. m O S O o E m Man shot during police probe Ar.16-yearman s crmally mum. atter a Marto -Dane oetecttve snot AIM eunng an 10000tlgatton. 9` JENNIFER LEBDVI51 A Miasu-Dams poi._ roc. nerecdve Mier a young mar Wednesday nigh: aner fie hunger iot the officer s gun. pobce said.Marcus Rogers. :Ewes taker re Kraer Trauma Center is critical condi- tion es moth. said he had oegy she: three tines. and that aoctorr toid her if he lived. he would be pan. hzed He was charged with armed robber' with a are- aa anti armed bmgiary. A robber; investigation led officers to 2 home 10 the 1900 block of North- west 45th Sane: after I190 pm Two officers went inside. police say. where the teen hmg d for an offi- cer's gun The office:. whose tome was not released fired his weapon Five other men were taken into custody follow- ing the shooting and were still being questioned late Thursday. No one else has Dees cna.re= Rogers mouim. nerued - son was ,each s. me officer firearm "He was no: eom_ for a gut.' said F_imoenv Rogers. nar nothing to du wi woat nresd pas•. n.ra Recoras shoe' Rogers DUE times "for evioient 27200. often 111200 02' vv.pom. Police said the incident started when two people from Paim Beach County. responding to a Caigslim posting for Honda for sale. wen, to the 4400 bioci of Norther.; _nd Court with cash to look a: tie cat. Toe vehicle was adver- tised for a few thousand dollars. said Cmdr. Nancy Perez. a Miami -Dade police spokeswoman Rogers told one of the victims the fir was in a backyard. and when the man hesitated, Rogers pulled a gun and told the man to get on me ground the arrest report said. Two other men alleg- edly armed with guns told the other victim to get down. Charges are pend- bing. Those me were eing questiondn The mei- mole ELOOC ant beer to a wu^-ar car Inc coopte caber police Info:manor let dete, lives whit roe Robbery interse0uoo Detail to the residence of Rogers' aunt o: Northwes. 45th Sae._ Jac seems the deter- s. sevens. men whc Per. said. Two officers en._,-.1 and ordered everyone to get now . : It=gec 107 the offs tert gar_'' Perez said o. Roger.' saog2ec. and the Officer dis- charged.- But owe family mem- bers inside Suring the shooting disputed :fie police account Mamie Parke:. GT. Rogers' aunt and owner of the home. said Rogers told her the police had arrived. She said she wen to the living room. where a handitu of other relatives wag- along with Rogers and two of - orderShe said they ed him to sit down "Marcus go: ready to tam and go out the door.' she said. "He could have been reaching to the door knob. The officer aught EOM on the shoulder." Then she heard gun- shots. co.. Wai:e- Lootu'e: LE. w tr.me 2 700... said officers toid Rogers EC SEE or Me contr. and he headed mere.. officer yanked life mummer: ' " had one band o 50011120. the other hand was o;. Marcus bane reach of the he said Peret said officers recovered C handguns .fie hoe. as well . proper. that had socg n m prior root e,ies. Records show Rogers was armed sseve:a titer a juvenile for charges inaludin aggravated assault with al deadly weapon aggravated bat- reT with a oeadiy weapon and resisting an officer without viole.e_ The dis- positions of mom, of the cases were unclear bemuse he was a juvenile He was charged ss an adult with robber; with a firearm oe deadh weapon but the charge was 10 l2 In )one_ he was arrested by Miramar police o charges including battery on a law enforcement offi- ce. and resisting an officer with violence NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The City of Miami has tentatively adopted a budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. A public hearing to make a FINAL DECISION on the will be held on budget AND TAXES Monday, September 27, 2010 at 5:05 pm at City Hall, City Commission Chambers, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. .m. +.es BUDGET SUMMARY / CITY OF MIAMI - F1SCAL YEAR 2010-2011 * THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDRURES OF THE CRY OF MIAMI ARE 3.8% LESS THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES. General Fern 72740 Vam8 Dint 02701 MERU SP®AL DENT 11a6T Mem=NSVDAS RAID REVOKE MANX as MEW, COAL Tawas Mace TM 61000 M Valben Tam 7.6740 214,237,412 214,277,412 M Valorem Tan 0.97111 (Nand 08D0 28,999205 23.999205 Women NI Valorem Len 6.200000 9.200.000 1OLAAr Valuate Taal 100000 100,000 F020012 Feat a OtherTaa 36.269.000 62439,304 105.708.304 80002 1.500000 2.003 1502,000 Foes a Fedeams 14,133.112 14.133.112 IMAIMennental Revenue 43.4111282 11265.627 54.784.939 Llmtses and Permits 30444.313 30,444,313 Omer Ravenna 11,050.000 900.000 11,950.000 01w9es for Santa 82.582.763 6806547 89,399,360 1O02180109105 442935.882 B9.513228 28.999.605 560,442015 T04860(84n 57,076.360 13.229.987 35.347,789 105254.556 Fend 96eaa4amverNel Assets 0 70004801391035, TRA3SPE S a 500.012.742 101.743,435 64.347.394 1366.103.571 BALANCES DO' NTIMAIES General 08=00e11 41,835,179 2904,027 4/.739.206 Pla9a,g 8 Devecgmem 7.753.072 74,003 C0mmmM Dnao7ment 196.824 7.827.072 196,824 Pubic Wale 49.804,631 49.804631 Pub. Safely 196.633.133 196,633.133 Pomc Amines 4.226.509 4,364.7E2 8.591271 Pala end Pebanto 22-964.797 900.050 23264,787 Risk R0009e11e11 628.4.050 62.844250 Name 72.239.756 72.239,756 000-08=614116 20517.699 20.517.69/3 Debt Services 64.347,394 64.347,394 TOTAL 6XPENDITU ES 478.218.824 8.439.613 64.347294 551.005.831 51100e6-0111 16.793.9113 93.3133.822 740 Rod Baa,tr1Peseva.MtAssea 110,097, 5.000200 5.000.40 TOOL APPROPRIATED NIMURES. TRANSFERS. ROOMS & BALANCES 500.012.742 101243435 64247.394 666303.571 11E IVOT 1NE. A170P1ED. N4D/01 RIVAL BUDGETS ARE ON ALE IN TEE OFFICE OF RE ABOVE MENTIONED TAMS AUTHORITY AS A RBUC RECORD. Prosciasa.lhomosso. CRC Oty Cleric nor +ns: BUDGET SUMMARY Wage of Key Biscayne - Fiscal Year 2011 1HE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET FIIPBIDf1URES OF THE VILLAGE OF IQ:Y BISCAYNE ARE 1.83% MORE THAN LAST YEARS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES avawe Dam ®A Dom aRm meelm TOOL 71210121110001 RIO WERE 11126E NOS CAMS tom 02001.11100 a11u.iiv usat4n 0 0 0 MAW,14vauf0 team 0 0 0 xsom sasrA� Dom n+m 4 2 00070 �a�ar,v Lauer arm tan am4er ta® 12122 400 tOOlOOO 2000 anus numrn 30 >aa �A 18� stelae 0 e Darn luting 112001 a nLw.00 aw�be.® I resit 0•2•00 w,.*a Cttrae 0 mile me.,n Lena ownan 02 4 �a v ar 0 4 010 a 200 Wbrra11s 4 0 a1 B �,�W],!1a, m4.a, MAWS lamas —G be.b,___Illairl_r..e f4Lw sn92 ram w7n� lamp trt:va rliirliar 020704021162212•4211002. a>a Y.mee.0•2,.1.a.a 2W..A.C•.elb...w 0220• a.n a aww, lama tr d ~ Glades work progress slow. report says • AMOR/DOA. FROM 1E pro -' . 1 and engimeering studies s coun:iess meetings and endless re'_ tape. Still. :he 27.-page report ma's_ clear :hat the -r.aSenges have only grows more difOcul: — particulariy from water ooiluricn —and the need accelerateto project_ more pressing. ss"The overriding mes- sage is this resto00don is going to take longer and re expensive than ...rally planned." said Frank Davis. an environ- mental science processor a: the University of Cali- fornia and the mm coittee 01 Li scientists who wrote the conpres- sionally mandated analy- sis. 'It's critical to star showing real ecological improvement to convince poiiaymakers and the pub- lic that you're efficiently managing these projects." KEY CHALLENGE The key hurdle, Davis said remains the project's original goal -Getting the rigb1" will demand new approaches and pro- jects to supply enough dean water to mimic his- toric flow in the River of Grass before it was reduced to half its original size by development and bottled op by roads and flood -control levees With the state falling short in meeting the pris- tine standards required to protect native plants in the Glades. the council report calls fora massive 54,000-ace ezpansion of a nerwork of marshes used to scrub phosphorus flow- ing into the Glades from farms, ranches and sub- urbs The concerns echo recent filings from the US. Envirotlmental Pro- tection Agency and a court -appointed special master in two federal law- suits over Everglades pol- lution. It has become clear, Davis said, that the original Everglades resto- ration pl. approved by Congress in 2000 -under- estimated the water qual- ity cha lenges.' With pollution cleanup a state responsibility, that could mean an estimated S1 n billion expense for water managers already cutting budgets with a chain saw. CRIST DEAL The council report also echoed the EPA and spe- cial master in supporting Gov. Charlie Crist's con- troversial 3197 million i land deal with US. Sugar Corp., which has been approved bywater manag- en but not yet finalized. Plans call for eventually converting the 27,000 aces to water storage and treatment areas. The report from the council, part of the non- ; profit National Academy of Sciences, was the third in a series of biennial rode- ' pendent assessments • 7 n!' C-Pi1U:' enn'i muifes dray ai the 1'nciiena1-s l i r L: fr-giaci e_ '. 'eslooafion Fj7Ct'L have grown MON' difilCUIL ordered oy COtl:ess ant' e 10-year mark o - effort jointly managed by the CS. Arms Corps_ of Engineers and the South Florida Ware: Managemem Disci` Ir struck a de0deiy gen- tler tone than a blistering review issued in 200E. which bemoaned state - federal lnreragency nu( battles, waffling political support, excessive red rape and lengthy eonsmtr Lion delays — all com- pounded by ballooning cos: estimates that still will likely double or triple the original S6 billion price tag. This time, the council found a long -delayed boost in federal funding had helped fill a drop in state funds by kickstaetiog four construction projects and other smaller pilot projects Most of them are in Miami -Dade, including fie -mile bridge across the Tamiami Trail intended to improve water flows to the parched east- ern side of Everglades National Park and two others to improve fresh water flow to Biscayne Bay and Florida Bay. And at least one part of the environment has dra- matically improved. Water managers and the Corps finally agreed on a contentious ntentious cost -sharing agreement and, the report noted. "there have been notewor- thy improvements in the pare of implementation and in the relationship between the federal and state pantries.' UNRESOLVED But the report also found many problems remain unresolved — most notably, water man- agement conflicts that periodically flood Micro- sukee Tube Iands — and that much of the great marsh and its wildlife remains in decline. While the endangered Florida Panther and Cape Sable seaside sparrow popula- tions have stabilized the Everglades snail kite has largely vanished from its namesake home Water managers didn't quibble with the report. In a joint letter sent Thursday to the research committee, Mimi Drew, secretary of the Florida Department of Environ- mental Protection, and Carol Ann Wehle, execu- tive director of the South Florida Water Manage- ment District, said they concurred with the "over- all evaluation" and said the state's commitment to the work remained strong. Want some opinion with your omelet?" .1200 Fen 200 .in 0aNa d.g122 a6.4IBIS Jd.vgwt 1-800-441-0444 Village of Key Biscayne NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The Vilna of Key Biscayne has tentatively adopted a budget to fiscal year 2010-2011 A PW9c Hearing to make a FINAL DECISION m the budget AND TAXES sr! be held on Tuesday, September 213, 2010 7d10 P.M. Connell Chamber 560 Crandon Boulevard Kay Blerayne, Ronda Conchae H. Alvarez. MMC Milano Clerk i CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK Client Name: 854333201 Ad Number: CLZ IESZI,LOCALES Cargos en tarjeta del Partido vuelve a debate eimmemeMm 4 VmMES 24 DE SEP1M2E 0E1.2010 8111310 ',still., cc a r. ouc cam:: iaauranc nor gamma aODA Runic. vermo do AS'+1n' y pre...me ac is Cams a es:acal e: ortncma: concmcame de: gaae-tacm- CnarU0 C:s c represemant'. democrat: Ken. amok Meci: d< Mum,. parr e. Senadc ieolra_. :a mane at, Cns: he cr. mac quc Ruble reveie mar docu• tn. corn, aeca_aou nes r lcorn,e<an0ueslO, ma. tOe ^_S.aam ere emotes Oe SW tar las be: on. -sled "Rook ya m. acmtnec nape- uSa0c 12 term:: at credtto a° so artist par nada maims au: 516.000 cr. dos atom earn tom. dos. male_. reparamones a. autos y reumone.s famiisates 5. Rums nc na uihzaae conmiou- cmnes nolin:a5 coma so :alert automantc °°clonal pm a.. ma: nem. moo: ,O esc ao: ou uCmi. n a, tancra< (le leant"". dim c. mmoaaa tieCa bane..' Kanner Hats. of It camoafu ao kuot, ditc one no SO revc:arar. cods esmoos de cuerpu 'Nos naSa:'tamos C rem at le :amoana resnondlendc a nouse drone, :181:t1,15 c. nine: amcs due tomar medical cane red cue un alarm: po:inec. eesconteru nac::n:. uacusaclo-' a11: mar... esc::oc aaema5 mot (laces comenta::os pair::coy er. os lit. l._>ererena "len.royr. E: °ra 20 cincc• ce. caoe^naoo- C:111 mutt, antes at out sL popula: mac en e. pane°: repo ,L2an2 5< :der: . 001,00. ourartc mesea Inman: ap0yc is dampen:. a Rumc cr.treec Tne Herdic 'Tunes utter:ammo: as urn. c R.um< : annll:ar oua.. dole: ,coo maclat. necar., sod, st. rane-a ae (leant "Est: rc se rctzc Nc ha- r r.• mu: procueme m. tare 'arc cask manor en - aims out Sansotn er. 1 ` escrioa Rum. ur. emaf. (lc-: oe dlmomorc. rcamentiose a: Camara °- or^_Ste^_its cc la ac Ray Sansom "5, huiner0"er15t10L ur. nro0iem0 elms lc cum^_rar. necn° ouoilcc cnrreos me:mimeos en los qu< coot MUM, 11_^mo:' Ex primera dama de Cuba muere con 85 anos DAN, vEF5'✓_ J.0Aii`L'.16 Como primers dams. Tarrero de Prio foe una presencia active perm dim. meta. Amyd diversas cau- ses fiilantrapicas y soma - come ins hogares pare segos. Tambien foe pio- nera er. la prorecoion de los animaies. "Vega a Palacio pro- duct° de un gobierno iegl- timo'". dijo Prio de Odio. "Foe, verdaderamente. Primera Dame de todos los =banes". Cuando en matzo de 1952 el golpe mitt. de Fulge0ci0 Batista pose fen a la demomaoa cabana. el matrimoaio se esilid en Mexico v despues en Este. dos Unidos. Una breve amnistia les permfti6 vol. ver en 1956. En u0a ocasiin, cuando efemivos de la pollcia betistiana secuestraron a su esposo, Tartva de Prio los persiguid er. su auto- movil. En en el exilic. Todo listo para las elecciones al Parlatino VOTO Y],E:1 _;. a.a1.52 99 cos en mar remora electoral. "Nosotros tenemos 31 mesas de 0otacior. que e5mran lines pare prod°. mar los rasa 11.000 Memo. res que ester: inscitos er. A ♦ Miami." dirt Hernandez. "No hap otro centrc de vom0ion mar grand° QUO este dentro o fuera de _ Venezuela". Anadi6 que probable- . meote el numero de elec- tor. que participen en est°s mmic105 podria ser inferior. pero que igual- mente el personal del cen- tre de vomcion °scam pre- paredo pars atender a todos los ins0]r05. "Estamas dispuestos a `- recibir a los mar de 16.000 o° electores". subray6 5 Elemendrx. Los represemmtites de 1a °position en Miami dijeron esperar que 95 mayor parre de los electo- rechaz6 a puma de pismla admire mas su volentie y "Nunca guise sec fore res se pronuncien a favor de le puetta de su case a companion", dijo Marla de atencian". dijo Maria de los candidams de la ten sicario enviado a ame- Elena Elena. "I' era sabia. una Mesa pare el Parlatino. narar a la familiar En enero de 1959. la majer de peso". senalando que este orga- "Aonque era conocida familia volvio a Cuba. Le sobreviven. edemas nismo serial un buen fora par su belle.. siempre Pero Prio se desenranto de sus hijas, sus nietos pare denunriar las "talus- - - - . titles" que se cometen en Venezuela a manes del Estado. Pero el organismo tam- bte° serviria de plata. forma pare develar ante los ojos de la °pin ets publtm internacional los esfuerzos del gobierno veoezolano per intervenir en los esuntos interns de elms poises letinoameri- canos. °cote Pedro Mena. director de FOVEB 1' LA EX prbntrn dome de Cuba Ma & Torero de Prio an ern bar& con su osposo Cart Prio Sommer. oI i00110 president° constauciorlal dela Isla. Foto de anat.. J - -....--- - - `w _ " u,.,` a a a.d d. r. <w,.,,o, •^-...-- .- Yo Soy M D 7 'Sotta9tario de la revolu- yer0o Cesar Odle entre ' clot de Fidel Castro v onus._ abandon6 1a isle porn Una miss solemne. . nonce volver. En 1977 se abierta al public°. sera 'suicide de un diaper° en colebrada el sabado 25 de Miami Brach septiembre a las 10 de la Fue un golpe demole- mana°a en 1a iglesia ' dor pars Tarrero de Prio. Saints Peter & Paul. 900 El rests de su vide vivib SW 26th. Road. Miami. El - con su hermana Ana, sepelio se roali.ra des- ' fallecida en e12008. Dosde plies en Woodlawn Park : blade mas de una decade Cemetery, 3260 SW Calle '., padeda de Alzheimer. Och0, Miami. tweeze fsmim hd®&la P*10,6 Bgfse M,.., I1adr' ,� (,,Ik.;uv AVISO DE AUDIENCIA DE PRESUPUESTO La Cuidad de Miami ha adoptado, tentativamente su presupuesto para el ano fiscal 2010-2011. Se tomara una DECISION FINAL a cerca el presupuesto E IMPUESTOS el lunes, 27 de septiembre del 2010 a 5:05 pm en La Alcaldia de Miami 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. uer 1. 11 RESUMEN PRESUPUESTARIO / CIUDAD DE MIAMI - ANO FISCAL 2010-2011 ' LOS GASTOS DEL PRESUPUESTO DE OPERACION PROPUESTOS PARA LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI SON 3.8% MEMOS OUE LOS GASTOS TOTALES DE OPERACION DEL ANO PASADO. Fondo Genarel 7.6740 Daub pm Vmo 1187171 FON00 OE 8011110 DE FON000 EN FON00 INGRESOS SERVIGO EDE10011150 ESBMA00 DE PERMS GENERAL ESPECNLES OE OEOO,AS 0 COMO AGENTS TOTAL Impostor Ml•dmes el Oiler per 21000 Impacme par Ankle 78740 214227,412 214237012 Impontos par Arable (per Mo108701 25899005 28049005 endorsees dor AAab30 An®tl& 9200000 9.200.000 &mimercs eaem bores& par Malin 1apa00 100.000 Camas de Fn0OW2 y 0bm mouemm 36.269.000 69.439304 105.708.304 Masses 1500.000 2.000 1.502000 Mabry rantnemones 14,133,112 14,133,112 homes Imerpubememeudea 43.419282 11.365.627 54.784909 iterates y Pe&901 30,4M,313 30.144,313 ODu Inns= 11,050,000 900,000 11.950,000 Cargos porsemedas 82,582.763 60116.597 89389060 TOTAL DE FUENTES OE 12110E50 412.935,862 88,513.528 28.999.605 560.449.015 Tlanslerendes Redbirds 57.078,860 13.229,907 35347,789 105,654,556 Said° de Fana&DbaerruUC5ru Nebo 0 TOTAL DE 1009E500,T021590E0011C9*5 500,012.742 101,743.435 64,347,394 666,103.571 V 6ALD05 DASTOSICOSTOS Gabler& Genera 41.835.179 2,901.027 44.739.206 lialked&n y Gemrollo 7,753,072 71000 7.827.072 Deealdb Comu2Mno 196,824 196824 Maas PGDlbai 49,804.831 49801.631 05051050 Pdelm 196,633.133 195,633,133 0006810*119012110 t 4,226.509 4,961,762 8.591271 pdbn 02 Pukes y flecru,384,797 900.000 23,284,797 Admlm0badde as Mesas 62E144.050 82,844,050 Pen do 72.239.756 72239.756 Guess no Deoanmemaes 20,517,688 20,517,698 Codas de Demos 64,347,394 64.347,394 TOTAL DE 0AST051COSTOS 478,218.824 8,139,619 64047094 551.005031 TraWaendn 010193dee 16,793,918 93.303,822 110,097.740 SEao Os Form0Meserres/Ac Bros tidos 5.000.000 5.000.000 TOTAL OE 600105 APROPRI8000, 505012,742 101,743,435 64.947,394 886,103.571 TMNSFERENCWB, RFBERVAS V SALD05 LOS PRESUPUESTOS PROVE1O14ALFS.ADOPTA0050/0 DEFOR(NOS SE ENCUENTMNARCNNADOS EN IA OR0NA DE LA ANTES MEN- 00NADAAU ORIDAD RStla COMO REGI57580 POB000. Pried& &Thompson, CMC C119 Can AO 14a1 representante de is Mesa de Umoad Dem3mvd:a er. e: "Chavez ha entregado macho, recursos do los venerolanos a passes como Nicaragua c Bolivia'. agrego Mena. "i@uer. le pile rendiribc de cuentas a Chaves. la presencia de Venezuela va a surer en el Parietmo pare permitir qua los Oene9olano5 y los latinoameriranos sepan en que se ha mvertido ese dinero entre5ado por Cha- vez: pare que sepan que se ha becho con ese dinero en Nicaragua. en Bolivia. en Ecuador. y en Cuba. done sc ester entregando petreleo gramit0 pare mantener a ere regimen Mena diddle que la vandal: dor el Parlatino tambien podria ser mues- tra de la form:°. de le oposcion dentro de Vene- zuela. a diferencia de to que sucedere durance las eiecmones parlamenta- ries. donde los cambios en la ley electoral permiti- rian a1 gobierno samr coal diputados que la oposi- clan. incluso en el rasp de que obtenga un manor oilmen) de votes. Le Ilnim forme de medir el voto popular es travel del fore latinoamn rime°". cooclu, a Mena. "Si 18 °position obtiene. per ejemDlo. 7 millones de votes. y el gobierno 6 mllloues. era difetencia de on millan de votes le va a decir al gobierno que. en e12012. pierde las eleccio' nes 1presidendalesl". Grupos infantiles de danza visitan Florida 11611705 V6E 30 LA PKAN19 "Casi no puede seer que Memos logrado baser este , dijo la mare, Elise Garay. "Se me estaba atoraodo la Barge= cuando los vireos en el aernpuerto". El gropo hard cinco ptesentaoiones durante su gird per la Florida. incluyendo one en Jupiter el jueves Blanc a rem audimcia de lomigraatos goatemaltecos. "la idea es a ver si logramos hater que suspiren un pore por su tierra", dijo Rolando Aguilar, director del . C1'500 mayor Waisbaqudb Betz El director del grape garifuna. Mario Ellington. dijo que to cods importante pare el es que los javenes no pierdan el Idioms prlfuna. Varies 0rganl++01®es y ageocias esmdounidenses y guatemaltecas ayudaron econdmicameate pare trier e1 : geupo a Miami Entre ellos el Guatemalan Trade Office y la Office of Economic Development and International Trade del mnded° Miami -Dade Los boleros pars la presentaci60 en el Julius Litt- man. 17011 NE 19th Ave.. North Miami Beach, cuestan 510. E1 diner° remudado se empleara en Never a los jbvenes a Disney World en Orlando la pr&ame nemane Para mas informed. sabre Yasmanth Bame a1 (786)8534486 o visite www.yasmamn.or9. COMO CONTACTARNOS: '. • Stedman. 305-95342M i • Amnon tlamoaac 2m4IF2111 ■ Dam ereaarba 305375403/ ■ Pan b mode de s&Oka 305502111 • Poe arum d mobM2 wneeb1ammraa.0Wmnbo Oh beo seeym epeub76 no rmt000 Cam efts de in 6 ant (710 m Ales a moral Ned lm mesDedo WM.Cam14m110n0AD 0 11 am Ares ea 10 am se ernes woes nl an.. Aix es een08) 1 ybgapmaegmVim nmmmfl sermeaaS8 rdmam 1 PAM On =OM. 10.Or n =Mann =WU rem. dime awad. OBMRm01m OE 1Mn0Ai • Nei Le RedaA& 385411II13 • Garb y 6mtivemlo: ff5481-2181 l ■Rerma Rvata' #0316NA • DOW. 554114549 • Caop00 3t5S164812 • Itlmee bodeoec M54752119 •� ■ Gored 3e0d1.235 mums DE1A RfOAm,r. e2Nv0A Dam 1.9H43 mpseeueramas 1 As1emadam Waxen ft.. 059521E esegamelhernazers Eeele ems imalsO4meb 0b376310 gireeerauslusa Ad1 0*10 . PARA 18MPPWR Geo 601906mmdenew map a D Nano Nan tali:M coed hod Dognpr Ad Pa try Oe amass de Mmlb a prom rmmmw0am m Roma6090.Pn mWtrrmem5n Len aed wen.?Wags. Fdm' dirt. 30.3363714: Wnmm: AedRood deds. Mad° serve e 1-Meil1-4531,11m1a Nn4t 3O59E61153 ow and l Wawa. OnGndmdiCan olt000A A DOMm=o 1 6 Od o1e p0 W w omm0 S2•: goes l mom. 3191 dam f peep. n 1 Moehm¢niaNpmvel296:1sesa om50111:.8 5,11ai b2l •nib OM& n 19 ee®G hNm en Mao m rer°eur dare 5050. y 5m, S pm 1180.Enemp003.8.8 650ymnarea0m ma Mama 9M•Ima a Asa arms NeYp bl *visa wt Di •Nar1e[. Y n*ewe d aebemad 15 blamed red pep d Da•RmmriM, 06 • pfa d Oar dd Tort d 25 • mwnee yd 08 • boded' MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA, who on oath says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of (#14830) CITY OF MIAMI PROPOSED ORDINANCES - SEPT. 27, 2010 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 09/17/2010 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, re - = = ••' sion or refund for the purpose of securing r •ublication in the said new Swor j,t• subscribed before me this 17 day of PTEMBER (SEAL) MARIA MESA personally known to 2010 + Notary Puolic State of Florida veronica Perez G • My Gommiaaion 00819771 "40,,,.oT Expires 09/03/2012 E l f... l.i iu.. i lr4a �✓ 2010 SEP 2 I AM 10: 42 PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK CITYOKSIASIt TIPDIRIDA1I; FL ,... NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES - Notice is hereby.given that the City Commission of the City of Miami,' Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on September:; 27; . 2010 commencing at .5:05; p.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at 3500 .Pan American Drive, Miami, . ORDINANCE .AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE,TERRITORIAL LIMITS FOR THE,CITY OF MIAMI FOR THE PURPOSE OF 'TAXATION; FIXING- THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES.IN THE'CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAFR•BEGINNING-OCTOBER 1, 2010 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2011; CONTAININGA SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI'CITY.COMMISSION, WITH ATTACH; MENT(S), RELATED TO TAXATION, DEFINING AND DESIGNATING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS. OF THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA; FIXING THE MILLAGE AND LEVYING TAXES IN SAID DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT DIS- TRICT FOR THE FISCAL.YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2010 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 201'1', AT.FIVE.TENTHS (5) MILLS ON THE DOLLAR OF NONEXEMPT•ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY IN SAID•DISTRICT; PROVIDING -THAT SAID MILLAGE AND THE.LEVYING OF -TAXES WITHIN,THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") AS 'REFLECTED. IN THE CITY'S MILLAGE LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE AFORESAID FISCAL YEAR WHICH IS REQUIRED BY CITY CHARTER SECTION 27; PRO- VIDING THAT THE FIXING OF THE MILLAGE AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES HEREIN • SHALL BE -INr ADDITION.. TO -SPECIAL ASSESS- MENTS; PROVIDING THAT THIS. ORDINANCE SHALL NOT BE DEEMED AS REPEALING OR AMENDING ANY OTHER ORDINANCE FIXING MILLAGE OR LEVYING TAXES; BUT SHALL BE DEEMED SUPPLEMENTAL AND IN ADDITION THERETO; CONTAINING A SEV- ERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said proposed ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or at http://www.mlamlgov.com/Agendas/pubmeet.asa, five days before the date of the Commission Meeting. All interested persons may appear at the meeting and may be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be con- sidered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC - City Clerk 10-4-86/1564602