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Submittal-General Fund Monthly Forecast
X."\\X Total Revenues Over(Under) ExpendituresUse w/Fund Balance "��������������� City of Miami General Fund Mon hly Forecast Remaining Projected Balance Ex en { s SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM 14A:Li ONc pio Full Fiscal Year Pr c ion Projected Protected (Over)/Under nt on Budoet \\\‘\%\ , ‘s\N.: (22,021,026.10): Changes From June Revenue Loss of Tax Revenue (Certificate Tax Sales reduced from $14m In FY09 to $10m in FY10) 3,700,000.00 Other Revenue Improvements (400,000.00) Total Revenue Loss 3,300,000.00 Expenditure Additional One Time Pays Projection 1,300,000.00 FOP Health Trust Shortfall from FY09 955,000.00 IRS Payroll Penalty Payment for late Payment on payroll taxes 110,000.00 Total New Expenditures 2,365,000.00 Special Revenue Funds of Concerns Economic Development (DR1 Fees transferred to the General Fund in FY07) 2,200,000.00 Public Works Special Revenue Fund 136,659.00 NET/Code SpecalRevenue Fund 1,386,203.00 Strategic Initiatives (Parks Rollover) 549,966.00 Parks Special Revenue Fund (Partnership Study for Prevention of Violence 251.00 Parks Special Revenue Fund (Out of School Time Snack Program) 2,285.00 4,275,364.00 Return of CRA Unused Bond Proceeds (3,100,000.00) Total GF Impact (13,196,390.10) Current Fund Balance 39,972,587.00 Estimated Fund Balance i 9/30/10 16,776,196.90 i0 -p117,2-Subm; rra - Genera. t Fungi (TO rih EreraSt Cho of 4iam€ Monthly Flna4Cl4l 814407t6€rt - 5440741 Fund Only YTD Actual es- 8ed001 with Projections YAW 4o Cores July 31, 2010 Rev Property Fax 4.9041ndja4lnwnl Franchise sod Mar 78451 535-20pa(icaai Lzcn,e0 and Permds Fowl sift Forfedssaa Iniergessavnent4E CHotge7 for Borvices In10f85I oleer Subtotal b410rt Tr4asvera In Transfe sin PoNto Oorol el Tax 6a640 064ton Gan Tan Contn14Fxn Can Commun,15 Osetecpn onl T.40ster In. tram Ertel DO..ACCESS ppypr1s Initiative 19,494e775 Tsarist's( In town oiler fonds Total Transfers In Total Rese1)U94 E8p8n4fturea: 0815 r 9rsm of Gaminlssioners :47734 o1 Oils al0na907 nisionisvi,w.o'O.mos aria Town NET fie 3.9.19,66575674 trawl Set tag Csp919tIammvaa3enis 04,450.lal Tots 010444 4f Zon5 Total 7 4.005ffaa Ge0i:r21 Sew). 504919is1Rs8on PuM4c'Aorks Sold Waste TAtai Public Worts 04 ... PY En9nd-2410 Ye37 0o14 RANElfl7tigZ Aquas at 7F3ff16 40n106 Fr, o48on Variance R4v14ad Favorable/ Projeoff4 8o49et7' (UnlSvorebla) FY 2011 235886,684 7,646,988 248.257,032 261.9424463 (18,585,4041 273537412 22.302.673 12.815,920 35,098823 38,489,166 (890,273} 36,289.000 21,488,605 5,027812 23,495457 29,172,016 (2571495E 30,443 613 2,864,770 945046 3,044828 5142451 (2862,635) 14,144112 26,816906 51,745515 41,884,520 41.376,188 188,332 43,419,282 47,9433.214 9.530512 77,403725 161,115336E t3625,1091 62,502,782 2,385,951 472,714 2655.634 3,625.724 7,705.630) 5 550,230 11,598,852 2,524,813 14,121,606 7,191,609 6930,030 15,050,060 397,055,362 50,838403 447700784 467,267,476 910,557,1121 __- 442,635,662 35,945 377 12,779460 44 726.357 39075679 5,3 6,726 3.414,054 1.040 140 4,453,25 4,483,200 344,442 114,814 459,266 5,050,256 (502 €1001 275000 270,033 - 275000 10.000,000 710 0P0,002) 37,794,373 12,238,440 40,443,413 54,614,045 ;;4678;272 - 434,769,735 32D73543 497,4435 77 521478,981 453233,3443 41 478.113 4,758747 450,1204 549,706 40,387 630,036 543,722 13646 603.722 1,3551242 174,268 1.525,511 1.700,430 174,469 1,7E0E39 1,744,341 118,980 1,943,447 2,103,401 294974 3.247,220 2.880,484 472,234 3,032,704 2,427,536 (606,174) 2.408319 2,671 415 561,483 3,233,300 1,338611 103,511 2,673,736 934 754 17 03,114 2,044,440 3,240,789 247,909 1413,547 247,112 86383 267479 354417 65542 305474 581849 11E470 301,410 698953 (108571 803,144 637,312 125,,056 757.306 629,392 72,024 728,704 4,139.454 980,188 5,129540 6,210,071 60,431 5760,230 6E3,395 115,553 890,235 420,493 20,256 7E1,986 1 064 059 193.03, 1,366,832 1465057 197,209 84445.90 2,783,839 237,109 1020,639 3345030 125,191 3,85 709 260,918 4,521493 1,305,545 5917,438 8,137455 220,4/7 5,653,245 1206,402 411 705 1,370,106 2,032,972 763,663 1,113823 3.312,356 2504791 18,877,1E0 "1762,345 1583165 11,347,634 659635 142,436 1,037,274 5225,833 1 ,,044 8463235 34,925,285 4,309,485 43.264,774 46,179,100 2,944,332 43,845567 4,034.377 1.145.313 5.074.603 5,054,973 15.233 5,523,616 1,826,374 418,287 2.044,861 1,660,096 (164.E561 1,905686 736255 1454 78$ 871,051 552 705 (308,365( 769,280 7.241,017 9 734,386 4,895,402 4537,054 (487,718} 8,412 882 13,205 086 3,128 720 10,208 671 3 480230 16,021,913 3,773,854 __- 3 B,As0,OT0 10.346.510 15,337,612 13,728,5b7 10799 987 40,863,888 15,518 648 16 578,459 20.322,014 53,410,321 (a9e,D64) 2.831,552 522,812 2,558,436 16,703204 14,867,580 19,506,717 53908;si91 Fes 84.409,999 15719,463 64,520,307 56,795557 2,268,290 72,841,255 Police 110500,724 23,009,765 __. 1330 0,489 126,543,263 2,552,2(4 125,540,553 Total Public 58059 779,390,828 38,Y29.228 ?76,119,$56 222,940,$80 4,821,004 19$,461;84$'... P346369030119 Parks and Newest on 51l444a8a96m0nl Tatsi0111er GE33 9 PtPO 9ubtatat before Transfers Out Ba(1204 P b909 id Acquisition TAW Are Fur4HmNN895 rundEtderly FBmnuw row FundPublc 0gaeral .." R.eyen19 FeexiFY'19 Potions 59767018550146) 4ti IG 5tr841 eo Cerrutt40,p 45074465215191) 0084990 11.5 Depa l owai or 105044353 ens Urban Deesto7ment(}1U#). Cep7ai Shorowmsrt Pilad310mtwaier €11I49 Fro FX9 Resale EQs89405 a. ............. Tran3ler 1n G`fiues+5rs0roraencrd ff utM POaca Fro.ac€s Trans rkr In 9530474 977000047481 FoodParlans Sramzt-4eCantdoetion G41Rt1ai 1Yn044 ernen1 Fund New SNtd Wafts Estapm0 4 Tout Traryofer* Out to 011497F148+34 Tots Eepend8.uraa 3 455,115 5,078504 4,532.019 4,810,878 278,859 4,404,586 19,505.978 4,414,597 253124,095 24,202141 58946 23.105.7E6. 34329104 19,328,713 61,055,907 80,473,470 41942,4171 62906541 74.393497 15,218,134 90312,021 55,456,486 1025,332) 50,471,401 349,758 6,678 369.444 492475 137,031 40,907 2,397 43.244 - (43,204) 9474,502 2,348,i94 11418,776 3,302,820 (7,455,947} _.4142 9.456 8,281;155 2,339.286 11,413424 1,83E354 45742,420) 10,796.928 57,939,4130 1,461,330 88,600,71f4 30,539,756 838,587,40 72,239,758 432496,602 79,344,644 511,747.163 512,558539 2,313,358 483318,824 74 000 - 74000 74,000 3821824 362,509 125,624 190,424 530,170 74,009 3,202.677 196.624 352.500 367.600 92,690 3,350,002 415505 138622 514,488 554.468 - 554,488 659,035 - 659,938 559928 - 1,881,805 1,956500 1,515,197 324 500 1,050,092 1,61,665 1,544 355 324,000 324,520 1.880,062 1.890,032 2193.744 2,513,744 0 7,014,441 76817,441 76415,970 _..'61 Qy¢,Q.4,001 Total Re40ODes 049# itndsr( 010804itUras (5,278,694j 416,742,32U) Fund ®glance 8agl4ning of Year(1071R!8) F9nd Balance End of Year (436150) - 471474lDITED e7 1,647,855 590.000 1,235 195 1,,.-7,.,,.,,478f Poo.1ai1