HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2010-08-31 Advertisementr i CIUDAD DE MIAMI AVISO DE REUNION ESPECIAL DE LA JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS „ rto�' De acuerdo con Ia Seccion 2-33 (I) del Codigo de Ia Ciudad de Miami, Florida, segun fue enmendado, una reunion especial de la Junta de Comisionados de Ia Ciudad ha sido senalada para el mattes, 31 de agosto del 2010, a Ia 1:00 PM, en el Ayuntamiento de Ia Ciudad de Miami, en el 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida. El proposito de esta reunion especial es considerar y tomar action tal como se contempla. por considerarlo de interes publico (a) adoption de una ordenanza de emergencia y ratification de un Memorandum de Entendimiento. permitiendo una temprana option de retiro para miembros del "General Employees'y "Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust" y (b) La modification urgente de propuestas financieras de Ia ciudad de Miami sobre los acuerdos de negociaciones colectivas de: "International Association of Fire Fighters, Orden Fraternal de Ia Policia. AFSMCE 1907. AFSCME 871, de conformidad a Ia Declaration de Ia Ciudad de urgencia Financiera y bajo el Estatuto de la Florida, Seccion 447.4095. No se tratara asunto alguno adicional o se hard votacion en una reunion especial de Ia Comision de la Ciudad a no ser sobre los asuntos por los que esta reunion fue Ilamada. Se invita a todas las personas interesadas en asistir a esta reunion. Si alguna persona desea apelar cualquier decision de la Comision de Ia Ciudad con respecto a cualquier asunto considerado en esta reunion, esa persona debera asegurarse de que se haga una copia exacta (verbatim) de las actas, incluyendo todos los testimonios y evidencias sobre los cuales cualquier apelacion pueda ser basada. (F.S.286.0105). De acuerdo con la Ley Americanos con Impedimentos Fisicos de 1990, las personas que necesiten acomodo especial para participaren estaAudiencia Publica pueden Ilamar a Ia Oficina de la Secretaria de la Ciudad (305) 250- 5360 (Voz) no mas tarde de dos (2) dias laborables antes de Ia reunion o Ilamar al (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no mas • tarde de tres (3) dias laborables antes de la reunion. Priscilla A. Thompson CMC (#14815) Secretaria Municipal THE MIAMI HERALD MemMerelo.ror. LOCAL & STATE D- SUNDA`.. 40051 :2_i,2011 55 BROWARD PARKS Client Name: 853447901 Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK Insertion Number: ikc Uiarni llcralb Section/Page/Zone: Metro And State/I35IDade Le) cO X C) 0 a U Cn a) 05 CO 2-day closings at some parks likely won't end Samme-s wee:. wets • man.' brewers • are na.-r_ uem- rimier Tuesaays ant W eane5ears - a rmee5are Ussery ter extend one nee: year. roars= YtL'ar_ The reourracc .7 so:. Bsomsd _--Co•.s•Psz-is teSta. Or. :Rose ect -- most. BrowarO resuraa pores 21.f. now Oast, When the neo- nude : yt stems t_ Drtober. 'satyr_ a^_ the tsvc-day Mosta. — begRun ism year — en _ Niro veke_ whc m Friday atternode pia? to or= he sme me Da, 001- rnei_ to - nc 10 LT, =-,Ines • nth o_ - nee e soX n-- - __ear' drt-- non mmses the- :II, sel s-'_.o4: tar sue: whey 0117 srn0o. e--s so me srRettit titleweeh Bemuse Coan:• lean= haste vet ter approve : huh. e: tot the :set year tin: rats O = :. the reauced bout, are terhnicalir oar' oral. Setr_ 30 Bur budges realities =Stied eon__ [milky, :km nee, year's parks DEATHS sthems, ss FT' 00271- .00.0001 mo- sure az thous oN Li pv_rs r e=ers - zn: ts'eno-sm- arms- e_< anma: -r_e:u :0_ :n-seaus a: mov.-.r_ psk ',211121 anther pernr-osrhm• move I:'! Ms possible thr. pill: 0.0.1101.1.001 c.— ir.meased. "We're an course of a leas. pain -army: tit^ t. oo mon= of cats c a u�_ have now.- seat lroecard Camay Issas Obi'^a' Cori Founder of Florida A&M's Marching 100 TALLAHASSEE — CAP) — William F. Toms. coedits with =ors= a much -imitated high-aep- pim sryie as founder and longtime duel r of Ian Florida AStM Marching 100 band. died Saturday. Be was 9- Fose: died s Tallahas- see. uoivesiry officials said Try didmt release [muse of death Toner served as the marching band's director from 1946 ,mall his retire- ment it 199fi He anted more than 200 belt -time pageants for the band at the hisro:ialy black uni- versity. "William Foster was suck a gees infineaor in so many lives." mid ]Lodes H. Hartley Jr.. 75, of Cutler Bay, who was a member of his band in 19-sZ "He was m icon in band music Many of his sID- deas became band direc- tors and so at al me their sorer to his His death is a great loss to the nnive- siry and everyone be touched." He is credited with anorexia marda. band tecmeiooes. including a high neooiot style imi- tated be high school and college bands mtiasoed "There's a psychology to Tan- ning hand," Foster told The 1\ e or h Times in 1 989. Ttk 'People want to bear the songs they bear eo the radio: it gives them an immediate relationship with you. And then there's the energy. lots of energy in playing and marching Dazzle them with it. Over the years, mem- bers of the Marching 100 have played at Super Bowls, the Olympia. the rammy Awards and the inaugurations of Presi- dents Bill Cis and Bar - act Olaama The Marching 100 won the Sadler Intercollegiate Marching Band Trophy in 1985 and in 1992, Sports IDassated declared. them the best meechms band in the cam. The band has grown to more than 400 =mcd= who wear green and orange uniforms. Many go on to caress as band directors and professional performers. One of the best-known was lam alto suophonist Julian -Cam nsmbal" Addetlev. AS a visionary leads,': (Foster) atilt America's+ greaten band by deysting from the standard renames and maneuvers to show - see band pageantry: said FAMLIPr adem Lames H. Ammons. An on -campus memo- : rial service is scheduled for Friday, with funeral on Sartirday. In lien of Dowers, dona- tions are requested to be made to the "William P. and Mary Ann Foster. Endowed Scholarship pond" ar FAMU in sappy of FAMU band scholar- ships Miami Herald staff. Write Jose Casson contra-. col to this report CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Pursuant to Section 2-33 (1) of the Code of the City of Miertu, Felicia. a5 =aided. a special emotion of the Musa City Commission has boon aciseduled for Tuesday, August 31, 2010 et 1.90 PM, et Mani City Hats located et 3500 Pen American Drive, Miami, Ronde. The nurmse ot ors soeaa: ee+rnct h to mr r+ led mkr psis action a' a Mourn, to Ise RI the roarer miens ermremate let edamliot of on eRbaerity ertimense and ratification of Memorandum of Underathralalu eilowi n to- c+nkrnr.s' Fehremmet True! and m1 tie eiKs Inmate unwary er=nowt -ter mMKrarnn re ere ruby -few burpeinew neronte000 o! harrtrtiorol Aocoirrun el Foe Fmmrre %ten. Omer roe Phew. AeSMI:E 19d7 AFWiMF ri71 rnevmmt in kite CiNs deaaretion a! F)Mnrair larnm0re saner- and,. erm,rrev Stbdinn 447 aT90 No other business shad be mnduttad oiume of that for which the spatial meeting is ailed. AO aemested pesos may appear at the meeting and may be beard with respect 'to these man= Should arty person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respeot to any pane to be considered at the meeting. Chet person shed ensure oho a vetati a record of the proceedings is made including as testimony end evidence tarpon "Mich any appeal nay be based (ES. 285.01051. b accordance With the Americans wall Disabilities Act of 1990, parsons reeding special eemtenooebors to participate In the emending may contact the Office of the City perk et PDS) 2503380 (Voice) no later than two 12) business days prior to ne proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (r no late than tree (3) buaasees days prior tone proceeding. ('14B1s) Presents A T orrgson, C2dC City Clerk OBITUARIES •EM EXERT LOTS' 0.11.1 7IL or or. roors-sol. F.-ae=tat _e • v.e•l lay TWO-, WO-, .er r' _aid the sarimen MSc-. man.m, c. — ..— hem admi:ix-a:or= ::n a the narks. gel the dame, ear saiovc mat 1f the cpcom n_ Monet 9IL par out as QDeraes. Brava-5 parks v.-iE have lost 235 empvee nos)- d mere mil• lion ix =cling thoSe0 the pas. dive Sims-Fag;Tea ties is one Of the 02031.1"F reuom that loa gove - me ro art eaviw enable rn Tnis yes alone. prop- erty vein. paps 1_ =- rent in Brossard Comuy. accorcam to the prearmr- am-c sat rob released in tuna Other local govem- :'a,ri. hurt remo0a, a-. ____: • ems... _• ._c c rari 7.7 -400,0 s'esa:en or a1. e. miss s_r. a: _ - - - srrr rd.r__._ w..:arra ma roTra o_=_,_-vc__.__0_ menu .mudmr Allan_- -: "mecca. ir mam- a 50770,es Me Lath of sno:,,.s co- -l to_.:bougi Maas - Dade. iaas ere: to irmsrsuenr. ears Mors= Mai= to Proa-aml L- the coming weeks. Brower d County coama.- moros sera caeca whemer to rats re to rave oc deeper to services ours s . libraries ma mmassansBut raising taxes during a csion, while boosting govern- metmsbout=inte.whacm props:r owners is a tins wits many are stet to simply keep up with 'r me.hardest chic; has been m is bark a_ ors rots.," _ BrTya-d Co'_ .7-.They re rissios 0111 - mane: ioo_ RO.r_o... ;. because one" Lavt sr. no: beause mT wan: tar. and rhos, people rely on cot but cc go to wes- Rocs-cos said ise has% had too man- CorsdmmL compair oho¢ the psi cloys. — perhaps. be yes e they're rned uto the current omit =es Rod- :om speculated that maybe baring pars rinser ou eras days ma= peo- ple apprecate them more whet they're open: be: then be stopped and car - reseed is"e)r nines wishful thinitire on me part," he saic Advantage or Advanced ee.ogy3 - Fo1'.tnot'e 11110 Or 30 End the campus near you. visit` www.mdc.edu/ere ma0'ittts vuccrdia:Ie� nut tuntie: a:tL: Pay.. td-,1'dIion r:i�nat.t._,tr,�_a.,n. • MEMORIALS • SERVICES enneffilesulganddneedeansaries letani-Orale 306376E601 I Oman 050.52L7SE6 Ten Fie. I,BB68®,f3000,ett.9W1 .:EfilETERY I.OrS '_ i:M1;1'IIRI' LOTS. :TM ETETIY LOTS E10E TFRY LOTS tnt.t'tIOV SERVICES WOODIAWN pomp SECTION 24 LOT 5D0U91E LOTS VALUED 5395 ASKING 2300, LUIS 2 CFMETFRn tors IN MOUNr 3 lakeside Mersa. Park plate 30.5-ma-29asena19-775-0&Tr Nolo cam -ram 15B.R6. LOT for oak 3 Lakeside plots for she 617R111I. P1015-iak>aDe Me- 1 SPACES 1 AND 4. GRFA7K0- 3 meenee piers as Woodburn ttntel emu= 4mdudesepea- 7 PLOTS MMAAR MPUFont Wpemawa North Maouvka. G7100 CALL OR TER7 FOR MOTU For Lot 12 Smean26 imam/ dosinges mesas PARK 5PIOiSSme ET SIDE LOT paw Corridor Name A rememp most. Park Miy� pIm. mast MORE DaTADSDos 510-2551 a 125e03. ma maket.CmenFid an- 1095 2 Sine SY mOO 1m 1066 W00[14.100 WLS%S00.cec.5at 7152993 OR766612-Nor mcsce-o56-519U. 11pona506ca-459i 01500E401321-210-2525 l30514453927