HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnalysis and MapsCity of Miami Planning Department PURL/ NOTICE This submittal needs to to scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applies de decision -making bodywiIL review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final deed on. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 RE V� r Ew COVS STAFF ANALYSIS FOR A FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 Addresses 20 and 25 Southeast 10 Street Folio Number(s) 01-0207-0301-011, 01-0207-0201-070 Area 10,872 sq. ft. (0.249 ac) Commission District District 3 (City Commissioner: Joe Carollo) Commissioner District Office Downtown Brickell Existing FLU Designation Public Parks and Recreation Proposed FLU Designation Restricted Commercial Applicant Name Mr. Arthur Noriega, City Manager, City of Miami Applicant Email anoreiga@miamigov.com Applicant Representative Victoria Mendez, Esq. Applicant Representative Email vmendez@miamigov.com Property Owner City of Miami Planner Sevanne Steiner, Assistant Planning Director ssteiner@miamigov.com Recommendation Approval A. Proposal Pursuant to Policy LU-1.6.4 of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP"), the City of Miami, ("the Applicant") is requesting an amendment to Ordinance No. 10544, the Future Land Use Map ("FLUM") of the MCNP to change the Future Land Use (FLU) designation of the Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 1 of12 9/29/2023 properties 20 and 25 Southeast 10 Street, ("the Subject Property") from "Public Parks and Recreation" to "Restricted Commercial". The proposed amendment contains approximately 0.277 acres. Small-scale comprehensive plan amendments are those that involve less than 50 acres of property and are subject to the Small -Scale Review Process, as set forth in Section 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Concurrently, the Applicant is requesting a change to the Miami 21 Zoning Atlas as a companion item (ePlan ID PZ-23-17014). The companion application seeks to change the zoning designation of the parcels at 20, and 25 Southeast 10 Street from "CS" Civic Space This submRtal needs to be schedu let fora public hearing In accordance whh tl melines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The eppllwble derision -making body will rSewthe information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final beciaon. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 2 of12 9/29/2023 Transect Zone to "T6-48B-O" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open. The Property is legally described in the attached Exhibit "A". The table below summarizes the request. This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. -The appli l o decision -malting body will roldew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decia on. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 Address Folio Area Existing FLUM Designation Proposed FLUM Designation Existing Zoning Proposed Zoning 20 Southeast 01-0207-0301- 3,092 Public Parks Restricted CS T6-48B-O 10 Street 011 sq. ft. and Commercial (0.070 ac) Recreation 25 Southeast 01-0207-0201- 9,000 Public Parks Restricted CS T6-48B-O 10 Street 070 sq. ft. and Commercial (0.206 ac) Recreation 12.092 sq. ft. Total (0.277 ac) Table 1: Summary of the Existing and Proposed FLU Designations and Zoning Designations for the Subject Property B. Recommendation Pursuant to Article 7, Section of Miami 21, as amended, the Planning Department recommends Approval for the requested land use change, based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. C. Project Data Property History Both parcels were once owned by Allen Morris. The Property was ceded to the City in December 1974 on the condition that it would remain a public park, and if it were to be sold by the City to another person/entity, it would also remain a public park. The contract also stated in an "automatic reverter clause" that if it was no longer used as a park, rights to the property would revert to the original owner. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 3 of12 9/29/2023 Tills submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing In accordance wkh timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bcdywlll review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. The settlement agreement executed on August 14, 2023 between the City of Miami, Florida and 1000 Brickell, Ltd, the Agreement states that the City Commission directs the City Manager to process a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment to Restricted Commercial and rezoning to T6-48b-O, Urban Core Transect Zone to restore the FLUM and zoning designations of the subject parcels identified as Folio Nos. 01-0207-020-1070 (the "Northern Parcel") and 01-0207-030-1011 (the "Southern Parcel"), as the same are legally described in Exhibit "A," to Restricted Commercial and "T6-48b-O, Urban Core Transect Zone — Open, and negotiate and execute a license agreement by and between the City of Miami and 1000 BRICKELL, LTD for use of the Northern Parcel as a privately -owned, public park for a limited term or 18 months. On July 27, 2023, the City Commission approved the above -reference Settlement Agreement by Resolution R-23-0349. The conditions of the Settlement Agreement requires the City Manager or designee to present applications to seek the change of the FLUM and zoning district of subject parcels within 60 days of the execution of the Settlement Agreement. The Settlement Agreement requires the city to bear all costs and expenses of the applications. Lastly, the Settlement Agreement requires for the applications proceed to City Commission in November 2023. Adjacent Properties and their associated Land Use designation(s), Transect Zone(s), and Existing Use(s) Based on the surrounding existing Uses, refer to Table 2, the Property is surrounded by high- rises of 20 stories or greater except for one (1) parcel to the east that is a high-rise with offices for government agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard District 7, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Department of Labor. SURROUNDING USES Miami 21 MCNP / Density Existing Use North "T6-48B-O" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Restricted Commercial High -Density Multi- Family Residential South "T6-48B-O" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Restricted Commercial High -Density Multi- Family Residential East T6-48B-O" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Restricted Commercial High -Density Multi- Family Residential Government/Public Administration West T6-48B-O" Urban Core Transect Zone — Open Restricted Commercial High -Density Multi- Family Residential Table 2: Surrounding Uses The Subject Property consists of two (2) parcels with an approximate area of 12,0092 square feet (0.277 acres). The aerial image below shows the site, outlined in red, and the immediately surrounding context. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 4 of12 9/29/2023 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with b mellnes set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body will roslew the information at the public hearing to render a recommended on or a final decla on. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 Figure 1: Aerial Photo of Subject Site (red outline) D. Existing Future Land Designation The parcels at 20 and 25 Southeast 10 Street included in this request have an existing, underlying FLU designation of "Public Parks and Recreation", which is defined by the MCNP as: The primary intent of this land use classification is to conserve open space and green spaces of a park while allowing access and uses which will not interfere with the preservation of any significant environmental features which may exist within the park. This land use designation allows only open space and park uses with recreational and cultural uses where the total building footprints and impervious parking area surfaces in parks of one (1) acre of more may cover no more than 25% of the park land area (See related Policy PR-2.1.3.). Both passive and active recreational uses shall be permitted including but not limited to nature trails, interpretive centers, picnic areas, playgrounds, canoe trails and launches, small concession stands, restrooms, gyms, swimming pools, athletic fields, cultural facilities, marine and marina facilities and other facilities supporting passive and active recreational and cultural uses. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 5 of 12 9/29/2023 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The appli®Lie decision -malting body will roslew the information at the public hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. Lands under this designation with specific qualities that make them desirable for commercial photography shall be allowed to be used in this manner conditionally, and only when it is determined that conducting such commercial photography will not endanger significant environmental features within the area. E. Proposed Future Land Designations The Applicant is seeking to change the existing, underlying FLU designation of "Restricted Commercial", which is defined by the MCNP as: PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 Areas designated as "Restricted Commercial" allow residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions and a finding by the Planning Director that the proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents; transitory residential facilities such as hotels and motels. This category also allows general office use; clinics and laboratories, auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools. Also allowed are commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses described above. This category also includes commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels as permissible. The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as "Restricted Commercial" allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 7.0 times the net lot area of the subject property; such FLR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations; however, may not exceed a total FLR of 11.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated as "Restricted Commercial" in the Edgewater Area allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 17.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. Properties designated as "Restricted Commercial" in the Urban Central Business District and Buena Vista Yards Intensity Preservation Area allow a maximum floor lot ratio (FLR) of 37.0 times the net lot area of the subject property. All such uses and mixes of uses shall be subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 6 of 12 9/29/2023 This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing In accordance wkh timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code.The applicable decision -making body review the Information at the pubic hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. Nonresidential floor area is the floor area that supports nonresidential uses within the inside perimeter of the outside walls of the building including hallways, stairs, closets, thickness of walls, columns and other features, and parking and loading areas, and excluding only open air corridors, porches, balconies and roof areas. Figure 2: Existing Future Land Use Map Figure 3: Proposed Future Land Use Map Neighborhood Context- Sociodemographics The Applicant's Properties are located within the 2020 United States Census Tract "12086006702" (the "Census Tract"). Topic — United States 2020 Census Census Tract 67.02 City of Miami Population 9,011 442,241 Households 6,411 180,676 Average Household Size 2.7 2.5 Families in Poverty 11.91% 17.14% Owner -Occupied Housing 21.15% 30.37% Renter -Occupied Housing 49.57% 69.63% Vacant Housing 29.27% 13.62% Median Family Income $100,656 $48,003 Median Gross Rent $2,215 $1,242 Table 3: Source: 2021 U.S. Census data for rents, and the 2019 American Community Survey for rents Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 7 of12 9/29/2023 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. -The apptiwde decision -malting body will roslew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decia on. NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT: GEOSPATIAL ANALYSIS Based on Miami 21 Code, Article 7, Section in amending the current MCNP's FLUM, an analysis of the properties within a one-half mile radius (the "Study Area") of the subject property regarding the existing condition of the radius properties and the current Future Land Use designations of the radius properties. Please note that the corresponding zoning is approximately similar in terms of residential density and intensity of Uses. Study Area — Findings PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 • Based on Table 3, the top three (3) FLU designations for the Study Area in terms of the percentage of the total acreage, Restricted Commercial is first (64.08%), with Central Business District (3.64%) and Major Institutions (2.84%) coming as a distant second and third • The proposed FLUM amendment would convert the properties to "Restricted Commercial", which would be consistent with the majority of study area. • The majority of the buildings were built post 2000. • 21 % of the Study Area is water (Figure 4) • Apart from Brickell Key, the study area is within a TOD Citywide - Findings • Based on Table 3, the highest top three (3) FLU designations for the Citywide Area in terms of the percentage of the total acreage, "Single Family Residential" comes first (27.36%), "Duplex Residential" is second (17.45%), and "Restricted Commercial" comes third (17.05%). • Regarding the difference between the Study Area and Citywide, high -density urban uses such as "Restricted Commercial" represent almost all of the uses for this area when water is excluded • The only land use designations that have a similar proportional acreage between the Study Area and the City as a whole are Conservation and High -Density Multi -Family Residential Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 8 of12 9/29/2023 4 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -malting body will review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 04- V� sew COV Study Area Citywide FLUM Designation Acreage % Total Acreage % Total Central Business District 18.30 3.64% 199.22 0.88% Conservation 8.52 1.69% 330.14 1.46% Duplex - Residential 0.00 0.00% 3,938.65 17.45% General Commercial 2.38 0.47% 991.97 4.40% High -Density Multifamily Residential 9.87 1.96% 223.53 0.99% Industrial 1.77 0.35% 449.46 1.99% Light Industrial 0.00 0.00% 511.86 2.27% Low Density Multifamily Residential 0.00 0.00% 54.97 0.24% Low Density Restricted Commercial 0.38 0.07% 144.44 0.64% Major Inst, Public Facilities, Transp And 14.28 2.84% 2,080.83 9.22% Medium Density Multifamily Residential 3.42 0.68% 1,428.38 6.33% Medium Density Restricted Commercial 1.24 0.25% 860.06 3.81 % Public Parks and Recreation 9.85 1.96% 1,330.59 5.90% Restricted Commercial 324.11 64.48% 3,847.13 17.05% Single Family Residential 3.23 0.64% 6,174.95 27.36% Total 393.75 79.05% 15,135.45 100% Table 4: FL UM comparison analysis between the Study Area vs. Citywide Figure 4: Half -Mile (0.5-mile) Study Area radius (solid black outline), Subject Property (blue dot) Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 9 of12 9/29/2023 PHOTOS This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The appLIca o decision -malting body will roldew the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 North: Looking north towards 25 Southeast 10th Street, there is a huge banyan tree in the middle of the park. West: Looking west towards 20 Southeast Street, 20 Southeast Street is an unusable landscape area South: Looking south towards 25 Southeast 10th street, there is a bench and a sidewalk, but no other amenities Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 10 of 12 9/29/2023 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. -The appli l o decision -malting body will roldew the information at the public hearing to render e recommendation or a final decia on. F. Concurrency Analysis The Planning Department tested levels of service as required for this application. The Levels of Service (LOS) testing is based on a potential increase in population for this area. Schools On 10/02/2023, Miami Dade County Public Schools stated that the Levels of Service (LOS) are met for the nearby Southside Elementary School under the current Concurrency Study Area (CSA) and the Shanandoah Middle School under the Current CSA 5 Year Plan. The Levels of Service for the Brooker T Washington High School are not met. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 Recreation and Open Space The Parks Master Plan requires a 5-minute 0.25-mile barrier -free walk within the downtown core to a park entrance to meet public Levels of Service (LOS). This is a park, so it would meet LOS standards by default, but a land use change would create insufficient LOS for surrounding properties in the Brickell area. Potable Water The MCNP LOS standard for potable water service is 92.05 gallons per capita per day (PCPD). Consumption is assumed to be approximately 35,347 gallons per day by residential uses; however, LOS standards do not take into consideration the consumption of non-residential use. Sanitary Sewer Transmission The MCNP LOS standard for Sanitary Sewer is 141 GPCD. The MCNP does not require testing of this County service. A Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department permit is required. Solid Waste Collection The City's LOS standard for Solid Waste is 1.28 tons/resident/year. The Franchise Agreement the City maintains provides flexibility to address fluctuations in solid waste production. Transportation Based on existing and proposed FLR and density for the applications for the project located at 20 Southeast 10 Street, the maximum potential impact as it relates to trip generation was calculated. The proposed FLR and density have the potential to result in an increase of approximately 9,400 daily trips and 1,300 P.M. peak hour trips. Based on this preliminary analysis, no additional information is needed to help determine the impact of this application. At the time of redevelopment, a traffic study may be required. Any traffic studies required in future proposals should include traffic mitigation if significant impacts to operating levels of service are identified. Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 11 of12 9/29/2023 G.Comprehensive Plan Analysis The following is an analysis of the application relative to the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the MCNP. This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -malting body will review the Information at the public hearing to render e recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 Criteria 1 Policy LU-1.6.4: "Any proposal to amend the City's Zoning Atlas that has been deemed to require an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Map by the Planning Department shall require a level of service (LOS) review and a finding from the Planning Department that the proposed amendment will not result in a LOS that falls below the adopted minimum standards described in Policy CI-1.2.3, and will not conflict with any element of the MCNP. Based on its evaluation, and other relevant planning considerations, the Planning Department will forward a recommended action on said amendment to the Planning Advisory Board, which will then forward its recommendation to the City Commission." Analysis 1 Planning Department staff conducted a concurrency management analysis for Recreation & Open Space, Sanitary Sewer, and Solid Waste. Staff found the proposed FLUM amendment to pass LOS. A request for School Concurrency analysis was submitted to the MDCPS. Per MDCPS, LOS service are met for the elementary school, are forecast to be met for the middle school per the 5 year plan, and are not forecast to be met for the local high-school. The City of Miami conducted concurrency testing for Transportation Concurrency. The City of Miami found the proposal would generate additional trips but due to the number of trips, a traffic study is not required. Finding 1 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy LU-1.6.4. Criteria 2 Future Land Use Park Policy PR-2.1.1 The City has a no -net -loss policy for public park land and will adopt procedures to this effect for park land in the City Zoning Ordinances, as described in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan. Analysis 2 As a part of the litigation between 1000 Brickell, LTD and the City, 1000 Brickell has offered to maintain the use as a "private park" for a "limited period of time" with a "minimum term of 18 months". Furthermore, the parcel at 1628 Northwest 6 Street, which is 15,000 square feet, has been acquired by the City of Miami. The parcel will be subsequently rezoned to "CS" Civic Space Transect Zone in a future application by the Parks Department. Notably, both parcels are within District 3 and support mixed -use environments. Finding 2 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy PR-2.1.1 Criteria 3 Future Land Use Policy LU-1.1.10: "The City's land development regulations will encourage high density residential development and redevelopment in close proximity to Metrorail and Metromover stations.(See Transportation Policy TR-2.1.3 and Housing Policy HO-1.1.9.) Analysis 3 This Property is located approximately 56 feet from the 10th Street Metromover or approximately a one (1) minute walk. Finding 3 Staff finds the request consistent with Policy LU-1.1.10 Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 12 of 12 9/29/2023 4 G 0 a. "nay NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applica de decision -making bodywill renew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 "Pt 4,01' sew co' Criteria 4 Objective TR-2.7: Encourage transit -supportive development patterns that promote walkable, mixed use neighborhoods that help to increase transit ridership, reduce automobile trips, and provide increased mobility for all people. Analysis 4 Given The Property's proximity to a bus station (abutting), Metromover station, and Metrorail station. The Metrorail station is approximately a third of mile away or a short six (6) minute walk this would allow intense commercial and high density residential to develop relative to transit. Finding 4 Staff finds the request consistent with Objective TR-2.7 H. Conclusion The Applicant's requested Future Land Designation change for the Subject Property from the current "Public Parks and Recreation" to "Restricted Commercial" was reviewed based on the general purpose of preserving easily accessible public spaces within a highly -developed built up area, as well as compliance with Miami 21 and the MCNP. This proposed land use change is inconsistent with both Miami 21 and the MCNP. Therefore, the Planning Department recommends "Approval" of the proposed land use change, based upon the facts and findings in this staff report. -DocuSigned by: (Atis6 �nLt -7F45FFFOC'6C;349F Lakisha Hull, AICP, LEED AP BD+C Planning Director ,-DocuSigned by: --1A7Fr A('FAF7FddA Sevanne Steiner CNU-A, Assistant Planning Director Attachments: Attachment 1 — Concurrency Analyses Staff Analysis Report No. PZ-23-17016 20 SE 10 ST Comprehensive Plan Application — Page 13 of12 9/29/2023 AERIAL EPLAN ID: PZ-23-17016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESS(ES) : 20,25 SE 10 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet 1 This submittal needs to be schebu led bra public hearing In accordance wto timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The appllcade deolalon-making burly will review the Information at the public hearing to render a recommended on or a final decision. PZ-23-17016 09/29/23 FUTURE LAND USE MAP (PROPOSED) EPLAN ID: PZ-23-17016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESS(ES): 20,25 SE 10 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet This submittal needs to be schebu Led bra public hearing In accordance wilt timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The appll®de deolalon-making body will review the Informagon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final deci5lon. PZ-23-17016 09/29/23 &i stTN.cTx " X X X‘ \ n fir- 8TH S FUTURE LAND USE MAP (PROPOSED) EPLAN ID: PZ-23-17016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ADDRESS(ES): 20,25 SE 10 ST 0 125 250 500 Feet This submittal needs to be schebu Led bra public hearing In accordance wilt timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appll®de deolalon-making body will review the Informagon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final deci5lon. PZ-23-17016 09/29/23 NTH S CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING IMPACT OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO FUTURE LAND USE MAP PROJECT DETAILS Project Dox Number: Date: Applicant: Address: PZ-23-17016 9/13/2023 City of Miami 20 SE 10 ST and 25 SE 10 ST Boundary Streets: North: South: SE 9 ST SE 11ST East: West SE 1AV S MIAMI AV Existing Future Land Use Designation: Public Parks & Recreation Residential Density: 0.28 acres @ 0 DU/acre DUs Assumed Population ;a Persons Proposed Future Land Use Designation: Restricted Commercial/Brickell RDIA Residential Density 0.28 acres @ 500 DU/acre DUs Assumed Population with Increase 344. Persons NEIGHBORHOOD INFORMATION Commission District Office WASD Sewer Pump Station Basin Moratorium? Drainage Subcatchment Basin Downtown/Brickell/Roads D2 Office Basin 0003 (1-35) NO K1 RELEVANT MCNP GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES Future Land Use Goal LU-1 Future Land Use Objective LU-1.1 Future Land Use Policy LU-1.1.1 Capital Improvements Goal CI-1.2 Capital Improvements Objective CI-1.2 Capital Improvements Policy 1.2.3, a-g Transportation Objective TR-1.6 Transportation Objective TR-1.5 PAWN Code The applicalle deoslon rnalvng body rern.elnforrnacon at the pleb: M1..9 to render PZ-23-17016 17016 10/25/23 CONCURRENCY ANALYSIS Increase in Population: 384 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE MCNP Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Policy PR-1.1.4 requires a 10-minute (1/2-mile) barrier -free walk to a park entrance. Concurrency Test Result: PASS POTABLE WATER Level of Service standard: 92.05 Transmission potential with FLUM change Policy PW-1.2.1 Excess capacity assumed to be 2% after change Concurrency Test Result: GCPD 35,347 OK SANITARY SEWER TRANSMISSION Level of Service standard: 141 GPCD Policy SS-1.3.1 Excess capacity: See Note 1 below. Concurrency Test Result: WASD Permit Required STORM SEWER CAPACITY Exfiltration system before change Exfiltration system after change Concurrency Test Result: On -site On -site OK SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Solid waste generation, 1.28 tons/resident/year Excess capacity before change Excess capacity after change Concurrency Test Result: 492 800 (308) OK TRANSPORTATION Level of Service standards in Objectives TR-1.6 and TR-1.7 Concurrency Test Result: SEE NOTES NOTES Permit for sanitary sewer connection must be issued by Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD). Excess capacity, if any, is currently not known Assumed population with increase is assumed to be all new residents as permitted by the proposed future land use designation's base density ascribed through the Interpretation of the 2020 Future Land Use Map and associated Correspondence Table. Additional density may potentially be attainable subject to the detailed provisions of applicable land development regulations. Transportation Concurrency is addressed in a separate memorandum provided by the Office of Capital Improvements. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Level of Service PZ-23-17016 (EXISTING LOS) NOTICE 23 ,74,:igrffit+,517.11. 10/25/23 SW 8TH ST 17e SW 9TH ST 6990030 STp- -SW 11THST ST ST SE 8TH ST ST ST City Boundary 0 Subject Parcels rI Parcels PM City -Owned Park 0.25 Mile Walking DistanceSE 8TH 0.25 to 0.5 Mile Walking Distance 2111111 NMI tOfftia, 1 0 125 250 500 Feet W E Created by: City of Miami Planning Department Date created: September 13, 2023 N:\Planning\GIS\Concurrency City Boundary 0 Subject Parcels r� Parcels 0.25 to 0.5 Mile Walking Distance 0.25 Mile Walking DistanceSE 8TH ST rI City -Owned Park Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Level of Service PZ-23-17016 (LOS WITH PROPOSED FLUM CHANGE) SE 8TH ST SE 9TH ST 0 125 250 500 Feet W E Created by: City of Miami Planning Department Date created: September 13, 2023 N:\Planning\GIS\Concurrency WAIVER REQUEST FROM PUBLIC SCHOOL CONCURRENCY REVIEW FEES Waiver request fees will be granted upon meeting the following conditions: This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The applica de decision -making body will review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 1. Local government is the applicant 2. Local Government is the owner of the land associated with the application 3. Submit Waiver Request Form for each .application 4. The exemption request must be pre -approved by the District via concurrencydadeschools.net, prior to submitting application through the concurrency management system PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 Application Information Local Government: City of Miami Application Name: PZ-23-17016 - PH0123091300479 Address: 20 SE 10 ST Folio Number (s): 0102070301011 and 0102070201070 Land Owner of Record: City of Miami Type of Application: Public Hearing - Land Use Number of Residential Units: 137 Authorized Administrator Signature: (Print your name and title) Date: M-DCPS Use Only Authorized ❑ M-DCPS Authorized Administrator Signature: (Print your name and title) Unauthorized Explain: Date: Planning, Design and Susfarnablrty+ Department Ana Rijo-Conde, A/CP. Eco-Susternebilrty Officer • School Board Adrnin stration 8viithng • 1450 N.E. 2nd Ave. • Suite 525• Miami, FL 33132 305-995-7285.305-995-4760 (FAX) • anjo{rgdadeschools.net Page 17 of 22 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY MEMORANDUM NOTICE bony 4n9 Karol Code The applicalle decision -me FIng body 411 PZ-23-17016 Sue Trone, AICP DATE: September 14, 2023 Chief, Community Planning FILE: PZ-23-17016 10/25/23 SUBJECT Transportation Concurrency Analysis REFERENCES: PZAB File ID 23-17016 FROM: Charles Alfaro ENCLOSURES: Assistant Director Department of Resilience and Public Works CC: Collin Worth Transportation Project Manager Based on existing and proposed FLR and density for the applications for the project located at 20/25 SE 10th Street, the maximum potential impact as it relates to trip generation was calculated. The proposed FLR and density have the potential to result in an increase of approximately 9,400 daily trips and 1,300 P.M. peak hour trips. Based on this preliminary analysis, additional information is needed to help determine the impact of this application. At the time of redevelopment, a traffic study may be required. The traffic study should include traffic mitigation if significant impacts to operating levels of service are identified. DAILY TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON EXISTING DAILY TRIP GENERATION NOTICE PZ-23-17016� 10/25/23 ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION BASELINE TRIPS MULTIMODAL REDUCTION GROSS TRIPS INTERNAL CAPTURE EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Land Use ITE Edition ITE Code Scale ITE Units Percent In Out Total Percent MR Trips In Out Total Percent IC Trips In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out Total In Out G R O U P 1 1 Public Park 11 411 0.28 acre 50% 50% 44 43 87 0.0% 0 44 43 87 0.0 % 0 44 43 87 40.0% 35 26 26 52 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ITE Land Use Code Ra e or Equa 'on Total: 44 43 87 0.0% 0 44 43 87 0.0 % 0 44 43 87 40.2% 35 26 26 52 411 Y=0.64`(X)+88.46 PROPOSED DAILY TRIP GENERATION ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION BASELINE TRIPS MULTIMODAL REDUCTION GROSS TRIPS INTERNAL CAPTURE EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Land Use ITE Edition ITE Code Scale ITE Units Percent In Out Total Percent MR Trips In Out Total Percent IC Trips In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out Total In Out G R O U P 2 1 Shopping Center (>150k) 11 820 451.2816 ksf 50% 50% 5,852 5,851 11,703 0.0% 0 5,852 5,851 11,703 0.0% 0 5,852 5,851 11,703 19.0% 2,224 4,740 4,739 9,479 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ITE Land Use Code Ra e or Equa 'on Total: 5,852 5,851 11,703 0.0% 0 5,852 5,851 11,703 0.0% 0 5,852 5,851 11,703 19.0% 2,224 4,740 4,739 9,479 820 Y=26.11 (X)+-81.53 K:\FTLTPTO\042258128-WO#28 In-house Support\Correspondence\FLUM\September 2023\TRIP GEN 11 Redevelopment PZ-23-17016.xlsx: PRINT -DAILY 9/14/2023,5:16 PM IN OUT TOTAL NET NEW TRIPS 4,714 4,713 9,427 PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION COMPARISON EXISTING WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION NOTICE PZ-23-17016� 10/25/23 ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION BASELINE TRIPS MULTIMODAL REDUCTION GROSS TRIPS INTERNAL CAPTURE EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Land Use ITE Edition ITE Code Scale ITE Units Percent In Out Total Percent MR Trips In Out Total Percent IC Trips In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out Total In Out G R O U P 1 1 Public Park 11 411 0.28 acre 55% 45% 13 10 23 0.0% 0 13 10 23 0.0% 0 13 10 23 0.0% 0 13 10 23 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ITE Land Use Code Rate or Equa on Total: 13 10 23 0.0% 0 13 10 23 0.0% 0 13 10 23 0.0% 0 13 10 23 411 Y=0.06`(X)+22.6 PROPOSED WEEKDAY PM PEAK HOUR TRIP GENERATION ITE TRIP GENERATION CHARACTERISTICS DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION BASELINE TRIPS MULTIMODAL REDUCTION GROSS TRIPS INTERNAL CAPTURE EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS PASS -BY CAPTURE NET NEW EXTERNAL TRIPS Land Use ITE Edition ITE Code Scale ITE Units Percent In Out Total Percent MR Trips In Out Total Percent IC Trips In Out Total Percent PB Trips In Out Total In Out G R O U P 2 1 Shopping Center (>150k) 11 820 451.2816 ksf 48% 52% 802 868 1,670 0.0% 0 802 868 1,670 0.0% 0 802 868 1,670 19.0% 317 650 703 1,353 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ITE Land Use Code Rate or Equa on Total: 802 868 1,670 0.0% 0 802 868 1,670 0.0% 0 802 868 1,670 19.0% 317 650 703 1,353 820 LN(Y) = 0.72`LN(X)+3.02 K:\FTLTPTO\042258128-WO#28 In-house Support\Correspondence\FLUM\September 2023\TRIP GEN 11 Redevelopment PZ-23-17016.xlsx: PRINT -PM PEAK HOUR 9/14/2023,5:16 PM IN OUT TOTAL NET NEW TRIPS 637 693 1,330