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City Hall
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
1:00 PM
City Hall Commission Chambers
City Commission
Tomas Regalado, Mayor
Marc David Sarnoff, Chairman
Frank Carollo, Vice -Chairman
Commissioner District One
Francis Suarez, Commissioner District Four
Commissioner District Five
Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager
Julie O. Bru, City Attorney
Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk
City Commission
Meeting Minutes November 25, 2009
Present: Vice Chairman Carollo, Chair Sarnoff and Commissioner Suarez
On the 25th day of November 2009, the City Commission of the City ofMiami, Florida, met at its
regular meeting place in City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, in special
session. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Marc D. Sarnoff at 1: 04 p.m., and
adjourned at 2:34 p.m.
Julie O. Bru, City Attorney
Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager
Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk
Chair Sarnoff Before we do that, though, I suspect the best thing we should do is allow our City
Clerk to lead us in prayer and then followed by that, allow Commissioner Suarez to lead us in
the pledge of allegiance.
Priscilla A. Thompson (City Clerk): Good afternoon to all of you and welcome to City Hall.
Invocation and pledge of allegiance delivered.
Chair Sarnoff (INAUDIBLE) special meeting for the City ofMiami Commission. We actually
for I guess about two weeks now have a quorum; and I'd like to welcome my two colleagues on
the dais and that would be the two Commissioners, Commissioner Suarez and Commissioner
Carollo. Andl think everybody should give them a round of applause that we now have a
Chair Sarnoff The order of the business today is set out in the agenda. To say it a little simply,
obviously, today we will debate, conduct and determine whether we have elections or whether we
appoint for District 1. It appears, as a result of timing in District 5, we will call for a special
election; and of course, the third thing we will discuss today is when we will next meet and
conduct the business for the City ofMiami.
09-01336 Memo.pdf
Discussion on the item resulted in the resolution below:
(SP.1) 09-01336a RESOLUTION
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Motion by Vice Chairman Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: 3 - Commissioner Carollo, Sarnoff and Suarez
Chair Sarnoff Slight point of privilege, if you all will for a moment, because when I first came
up on this dais, there was only one friendly face and that was a man to my right. His name is
Commissioner Regalado. I guess, to me he'll always be Commissioner Regalado. I mean that
with all due respect. He was sort of the rock of Gibraltar. He was the voice of reason and in
sometimes a very unreasonable setting. So I do, as Chair, look forward to working very closely
with the Mayor. I thinkl have the good fortune of being one of the few people here that went
three for three in this election. I endorsed the Mayor, I endorsed Commissioner Carollo, andl
endorsed Commissioner Suarez, so I think I feel pretty fortunate that I had my trifecta, and
think you have the right people representing the City of Miami. And while I think we all have a
lot to learn, I think we all have a lot to offer. So with that, let's get to the people's business. And
Madam City Attorney, if we could take SP.1 and SP.2 to some degree together. I think the
discussion would be relevant to some degree together, but if you could guide us a little bit, I'd
appreciate that.
Ms. Bru: The agenda that you have set for this special meeting has three items, three discrete
items. The first item is discussing filling the vacancy in District 1. Obviously, you are still within
the time period allowed under the Charter to make an appointment but you can also -- if you fail
to make an appointment for whatever reason, you could also set a special election to fill that
vacancy. The second item is a discussion to set the election for District 5. That one there is no
discretion at this point, and it's a matter of the logistics of setting the date and the qualfing
period. If it is the will of the Chair and the Commission just to discuss generally whether or not
one method of filling the vacancy is more acceptable than the other, then you could just open up
the discussion to that general topic.
Chair Sarnoff Ordinarily, we do things here by motion and we get a second. I think with three
Commissioners, it may be worthwhile if you guys -- sorry -- my fellow Commissioners would -- if
we just have a general discussion on the basis of whether we should have a special election or
whether we should have an appointment with regard to certainly District 1 and, of course, you
know we're going to have to set the date for District 5. So what I'm going to recommend we do is
we just have a discussion about it and possibly start out with one of the Commissioners starting
out with a discussion; we'll open a public hearing; I'd like to bring it back to the Commission,
and then we'll make a motion if that's within the province of what you'd like to do. Is that all
right? All right, why don't we start, if we could, with Commissioner Suarez?
Commissioner Suarez: Thank you, Chairman Sarnoff. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. Thank you, City
Attorney and Mr. Manager. This is my first official act, and so because it's my first official act,
obviously it's something that gave it an incredible amount of thought, debate, internally and
with my staff and the only overriding concern, the only overriding decision for me was what was
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in the best interest of the City ofMiami, what's in the best interest as a District 4 Commissioner
of my district, and also what's in the best interest of District 1? I presume we can start talking
about District 1 before District 5. I guess on District 5 we're simply going to be setting an
election date. And there is some interplay between the District 5 discussion and the District 1
from the purposes of efficiencies, if the Commission so chooses to set a special election for
District 1. But the analysis for me focused on -- you know, the first point for me was we live in a
democracy where people's right to choose their elected leaders is a fundamental right of this
democracy, and for me that was one of the most impactful arguments in favor of making a
decision on whether or not there should be a special election or whether or not there should be
an appointment in this seat. I think there is also other considerations, but for me that was the
fundamental principle that I started from. I've also received many, many, many calls from
constituents from District 1 and from other districts regarding fairness issues in reference to
there being an election essentially in district number 5 and whether or not there would be an
election in district number 1. So many constituents expressed a concern that they felt it would be
unfair for there to be an election in district number 5 and not have an election in district number
1. Some of you may recall that this situation came up in my district actually, a very similar
situation, andl became very familiar with the governing charter provisions, Charter provision
number 7 and Charter provision number 12, which talk about the succession in the event that a
Commissioner is removed from office or resigns. And so, in my particular case, I felt at the time
that it would have been very unfair for the Commission to appoint someone other than myself as
a candidate because I felt that it would make it very, very difficult for myself as a candidate to
mount an effective campaign against someone who had the power of incumbency basically. And
I think had the Commission not taken the decision that the Commission took at that time in
appointing then Commissioner Regalado and now Mayor Regalado, I may not be here today. I
won a very, very hard-fought election by a very small margin, and you know, had there been an
appointed person there, I may not be here in this situation. So that was something that very
much considered in terms of what decision I wanted to make. Also the incumbency is a very,
very powerful tool or it's a very, very powerful instrument. And you know, whatl used to tell
voters when I was going door to door was that the decision that you make today or in their case
on November 3 and on November 17 is a decision that may affect you for the next ten years.
because the Commissioner who gets elected in District 4, in my case, can serve the remainder of
former Commissioner Regalado now Mayor Regalado's term and an additional two four-year
terms so, you know, it is for me very difficult to imagine a situation where I would presume to
know what is in the best interest of a specific district for the next decade, and that is something
that weighed very heavily on me in terms of which way I wanted to lean, whether it was in favor
of a special election or in favor of an appointment. Obviously one of the major, major
arguments against the special election are the costs. We have -- you know, we had some issues
with our fiscal year 2009 budget. We had a very, very difficult time balancing our budget for
fiscal year 2010, and we're going to have challenges in the upcoming fiscal year 2011 budget.
And one of the things that's been mentioned is, you know, what are those costs going to be? The
City Clerk's Office was kind enough to request from the Department of Elechons for Miami -Dade
County a cost breakdown of what it would take for an election to be held in District 1. We --
obviously, we know there will be one in District 5 and that's going to have its own costs, but
there are efficiencies that are created by having two elections simultaneously. The costs, as per
the Clerk's office, for a District 1 election are approximately $173, 718. There happen to be in
that district -- in my district there's about 36,000 registered voters. In that district there are
28,000 -- as of the county that I was given, 28,767 registered voters. So while the cost in sum, in
total may seem daunting to some who think, you know, that we are going into lean budget years,
and you know, cost -- every single penny must be considered, and I agree with that sentiment --
when you divide the eligible voters who are going to be eligible for the right to vote in that
election by the costs of having that election, it comes out to be $6.04 per eligible voter. So for
someone to have the right to vote and to choose their elected representative, a right that may
decide their fate for the next ten years, for the next decade, they're going to be paying for that
right $6.04, so we always have to put a perspective on a gross number. To give you another
perspective on that gross number, as a percentage of our whole entire budget, it is about -- let
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me see ifI get this right -- three one -hundredths of I percent of the City's budget. So when you
consider that the incoming Commissioner, whether they're elected or whether they are --
depending on what the Commission decides -- appointed, will be controlling a budget of a little
more than half a billion dollars, you put that against the cost for having someone elected by the
people being three one -hundredths of I percent of the City's budget. So for me, that was how I
analyzed the issue and that is what essentially has driven my decision on this issue. Andl
welcome the public's input. This is my first decision, and as with many, many decisions in the
future, I am not decided until cast my vote. So I welcome whatever discussion the public has
and whatever input they have on this decision, andl look forward to hearing from them.
Chair Sarnoff Commissioner Carollo?
Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you, Mr. Chair. When I first came to the conclusion that I was going
to have to make a decision, the first thing came to mind was what's best for the City ofMiami.
And the truth of the matter is this is a democracy, and the truth of the matter is once again, we
should let the people decide. I also think about fairness. What's fair for possibly two
Commissioners or maybe three to appoint someone, or to have the possibility of 28, 000 plus
elect their representatives? Again, going back to fairness, I can tell you right now I have not
seen one job application, I have not seen one resume, andl can assure you that every employee
of the City ofMiami turns in at least an application, sometimes both an application and a
resume, so how wouldl be able to choose someone ifI don't even have an application or a
resume? I don't think that's fair to any of the employees of the City ofMiami. Andl am
someone, having been in government and in the corporate world, know the true meaning of
morale. Andl could tell you right now that am not ready to appoint someone that has not been
vetted, that we don't know if they actually live in the district or not, what their background is. So
in all fairness, I truly believe the right thing to do would be to request a special election. As far
as the costs, I would like to address that issue a little later on, if possible, but think I've said
where I stand. I truly believe the fairest thing to do, living in a democracy, would be to have a
special election.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you. You know, interestingly enough, the power of the incumbency, is it
powerful? Does it matter today? Is it significant? Probably the only Commissioner up here that
ran against an incumbent Commissioner was myself when $850, 000 and the Mayor's
endorsement and every Commissioner sitting up here -- I apologize, Tom; it was even you --
endorsed her and that wasn't enough to give somebody a vote. And just be aware of one thing,
there will be three elections in District 5, not one. In January, if we decide to do so, there will be
an election; $200, 000, let's say. In November '010, there will be an election; $200, 000. In
November '11, there will be an election; $200, 000. Now, why do I bring up the costs? Because
democracy is a priceless venture. Well, I do so because of where we really find ourselves.
Probably being the only Commissioner on this dais that at one time was told during the Marlins
conversation things are fine, things are great. Four months later, we couldn't close budget
holes. Those costs alone for one election mean three and three-quarter police officers. Three
and a half people -- three and three-quarters people that we probably won't be able to have a job
for. And to give you an idea where our finances are right now, our '09 budget is not yet
complete. We will dip into the reserves and probably hit as low as $68 million. The following
year the budget will be much more difficult, and remember, we have an ordinance that requires
us to have a plan to get back to the necessary reserves. Anybody that says that democracy
doesn't work by appointment, bear in mind one thing, and that is that the Charter itself was voted
on by the citizens ofMiami, and those citizens voted if the remaining City Commissioners shall
fail or refuse to fill such vacancy within ten days after it occurs, then there will be a special
election. But it contemplated Commissioners up here appointing people. It contemplated us
making that decision. Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I absolutely have decided
that it's proper to appoint 'cause I'd like to hear from the general public, but don't let anybody up
here tell you that this is no cost to us because at the end of the day, it will probably mean three
and a half to four people will have to be fired from the City ofMiami; and if it's not you, I guess
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it's not a big deal. And if it means three police officers, I guess it's not pressing if you didn't need
that police officer. In my district right now we have a rapist. I would hate to see three police
officers not be available because we didn't budget for these elections. I'm more than willing and
more than satisfied that we should have a healthy debate on why we should go through three
consecutive elections. Again, January of '010, November of '010. And November of '011, but
don't be blind. That is $600, 000 in elections. That is a lot of money, and that is a lot of input
from the public. So with that, my mind is certainly not made up. Very rarely do I ever make a
decision until have public input, and I'd like to hear from the public. So anybody wishing to be
heard in regard to whether there should be a special election or whether there should be an
appointment, why don't you step up to the microphone. Does anybody intend on speaking? They
want to raise their hands. Why don't you start forming a line up now and we can start the
conversation with the public.
Vice Chair Carollo: Mr. Chairman, before we start that. As you know, this is my first meeting,
and I'm usually low key. However, going back with what my colleague said, Madam City Clerk
provided us the estimates for a special election, and you mentioned that we would have -- this
will actually be three elections. I don't see where the third election comes into play. And at the
same time I would like to, you know, speak with regards to some of these numbers. Some of
these numbers, I don't see the meaning behind them because we have economies of scales; and in
economies of scales, if we have two elections, some costs will be the same whether it's one
election or two elections, andl see that. When it comes to ballot creation, post election, audit
fees, it's one fee for both elections. However, I don't understand how if we have two elections on
the same day, the cost of personnel increases three times, three fold or more than three fold I
think questions like that need to be asked of the County because it just doesn't make sense to me,
so I don't understand if it's really 281,000 for both elections, which then, when you start adding,
what you said, it was 600,000 or if it's really less than that. I think we need to question these
estimates and not just go by the numbers that are given to us.
Priscilla A. Thompson (City Clerk): Would you like my response, Commissioner?
Vice Chair Carollo: Please, ma'am.
Ms. Thompson: Thank you, Vice Chair. The difference there that you just mentioned in
personnel -- I'm sorry; let me say this first. I have requested of the Miami -Dade County
Supervisor of Election [sic] more information regarding your pricing, but we need to understand
that if we have the two elections, we're actually dealing with two districts. In District 1 there are
30 precincts, so you have to man those precincts with personnel. If you have just District 5,
there are 25 precincts, you have to man those, so that's why you have a larger personnel cost
because you're actually dealing now with, I think we can count, 55 precincts. And like I said,
that's why we have more people, two different areas that we're covering now, okay, on that
personnel cost.
Vice Chair Carollo: Ma'am, but it seems to me -- I understand we have five additional precincts.
Do you know the size of those precincts, and can -- those precincts be in one polling place? And
the reason I ask, even though there's five additional precincts, realistically there's 11,000 less
voters in District 1 than there is in District 5.
Ms. Thompson: I'm sorry ifI didn't make myself clear. I'm sorry, Commissioner. District 1 is 30
precincts, okay. District 5 is 25, so we have a total of 55. On one hand it's 25; on one hand it's
30. So in District 1 you have more than double, just five more. More than doubled, okay? You
also have locations, but again, I am asking them for further detail just to know that -- and let you
know that there are certain requirements they have to follow by state regulations. There are
certain formulas, certain checks and balances that have to come into place that requires certain
personnel in going down that whole line of what you have to do. But, again, we will get further
information for you on that. Rest assured, though, that we will work with the Commissioners and
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the Miami -Dade Supervisor of Elections to come to an agreement on the costs involved for the
Vice Chair Carollo: Thank you, Madam Clerk.
Chair Sarnoff All right, why don't we allow the public hearing to start, and we'll bring it back
to the Commission at the end? State your name for the record. And I'm going to make one
admonition, Mr. Cruz, since I'm now the Chair, stay on subject. The subject of your
conversation is about an election.
Mariano Cruz: Election, yeah.
Chair Sarnoff Whether you're a taxpayer or not is not relevant, okay?
Mr. Cruz: I vote, irregardless.
Chair Sarnoff So state -- all I'm asking you to do is --
Mr. Cruz: I don't pay taxes to the City, a debt service --
Chair Sarnoff I know that.
Mr. Cruz: -- but I still pay indirect taxes to the City.
Chair Sarnoff I'm going to say this once to you, Mr. Cruz.
Mr. Cruz: Veteran.
Chair Sarnoff Stay on subject about your conversation about the election.
Mr. Cruz: Oh, sure, sure.
Ms. Thompson: Excuse me, Chair.
Chair Sarnoff Okay, go ahead.
Ms. Thompson: Excuse me. Before you start, I need to let you know that unfortunately we have
a malfunctioning with our clocks, so we don't have our timer.
Mr. Cruz: I don't need more than two minutes.
Ms. Thompson: Thank you, Chair.
Chair Sarnoff I'll count them out for you.
Mr. Cruz: Mariano Cruz, 1227 Northwest 26 Street, Miami, Florida. I live in the district before
even it was a district. I live and work there since 1963 before you -- I think you -- before you
were born probably. And, you know, I got to say -- I was going to say like Senator
(UNINTELLIGIBLE) say one there. We got a big power in the Senate and they asking how come
you don't make speeches here? He say, oh, I don't have to make speeches ifI have the votes, you
know. I remember that senator. He got a lot of power. He say why should make a speech ifI
have the votes? I don't get (UNINTELLIGIBLE) today (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Well, remember,
one man, one vote -- Constitution of the United States -- is a vote -- Constitution of the State of
Florida, Dade County Charter, Miami Charter all say one man, one vote. I am a member of
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), and read the first amendment. Remember, it's not
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(UNINTELLIGIBLE). The petition of the people for -- to address grievances, and we have
grievances. That's why we're here, okay? I don't need to be a lawyer to read everything. I serve
a quasi judicial board. It's case law. It's (UNINTELLIGIBLE). It takes only one person of
District 1 to sue the City, one person only that wasn't treated properly, or remember, what
(UNINTELLIGIBLE). Money. Read the Biscayne Times here not too long ago. Ninety-seven
employees of the City ofMiami made more than $200, 000 a year, 97 employees. Don't tell me
that you're saving money. Nobody is saving anything. Ninety-seven, retirement, whatever it is.
Was not one, two, or three employees; 97 employees. Not only that, how much money was spent
in Miami 21 ? Three and a half million dollars when we have a Planning Department. What
about our planners? Planners from the City Planning Department, they were out -- they were
consultants making a lot more money with Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk there, okay, because that was
a way to pay political debt, very legal, as long as you pay your IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
tax or your 1099. That's it. That's all you need to do. They won't touch you if you pay your IRS,
okay? So (UNINTELLIGIBLE) pages and pages to the Miami Herald, advertising in the Herald,
full pages, eighteen thousand nine hundred -- twenty -some thousand dollars of the Miami
Herald. You talking me about saving money? Oh, come on. Don't make me laugh. Don't make
me laugh on that. We need the election because I don't know. Maybe I decide to run too. Who
knows? Nobody know, right? You want me to run? Yeah, okay. (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Why
not? Run. Or he say (Comments in Spanish not translated). I can't run now. Okay, thank you.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you.
Derek Cole: Derek Cole, 1010 Northwest 11 th Street, District 5. I'm concerned about having an
election or having an appointment on District 5 because if you look at the election, you had three
people running, you had someone that came in second, David Chiverton. Shouldn't he
automatically go into that seat?
Chair Sarnoff Thank you. Next?
Miriam Urra: Good afternoon, Commissioners, Mr. Chairman. My name is Miriam Urra. I
reside at 1819 Northwest 22nd Place, in Allapattah, District 1. Because you might be taking a
very important decision today here in regards to filling the vacancies in our community, I'm here
today. And I'm here today because it concerns me a lot that our community might not be offered
a fair process. I have faith in you as our representatives, and I'm here to ask you, before you
vote, to give a great consideration to what steps are going to be taken here today in -- to that
regard. I think our community deserves a fair process. And a fair process to us, to me will be
elections. Our community does not deserve less than any other community. I know we're going
through very hard economic times and unfortunately, we're facing all that. It's not only Miami,
you know. It's a situation that is worldwide. And, of course, we are concerned about our city,
our community, our County. Please consider your decision, and hope it will be for the
betterment of our community, our citizens in District 1. Thank you very much.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you. Next?
Patrick Sessions: My name is Patrick Sessions. I'm here personally. I'm on the Coconut Grove
Village Council, but I am not here representing them. I want to make it clear, very clear. I'd like
to say that I think some serious consideration when you make this vote should be given to how
we got here and what the mood of the City is, what the mood of the people are, and what's
happened over the last few weeks in this City. We've got two Commissioners removed from
office. We've got a new police chief. We have you all who are new, with the exception of
Commissioner Sarnoff, and business seems to have come to pretty much a halt around City Hall,
at least from my perspective. That's really not relevant. What is relevant is that what this City
doesn't need is the perception that the new Commission is going to stack the Commission. We
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need to have full transparency right now more than ever in this city government, andl
understand it's going to cost money. I don't like it, either. I don't agree with Commissioner
Sarnoff that it's going to cost us three jobs. If it does, shame on you. There are plenty of places
to save money in this City right now, and we should be able to find those areas. If we don't have
to fix a pothole this week, let it go. The people deserve to vote. I'm not in that district. It doesn't
affect me directly but it does affect me in going forward for the next ten years, as you pointed
out, Commissioner Suarez, that someone is going to be representing them and taking votes on
things that are going to affect my district as well. So I would implore you to go forward with this
election. Thankyou.
Julio Balsera: Good afternoon. My name is Julio Balsera. I live in Flagami area for 48 years.
I live in district number 1. I support both elections District 1 and District 5. Now the City of
Miami have the change. Now is the time of the change. Before many persons there are board
appointed. We don't have any more people board appointment. We got people for the election.
That's the legal. That's the community either. Thankyou so much.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you.
Mike Suarez: Okay. Good afternoon, Commissioners. My name is Mike Suarez. I am also a
resident of the district. This for me is very important because I also -- I was also a candidate in
2007 against Commissioner Angel Gonzalez. I ran in the district. I campaigned. I visited over
6,000 homes. When it was all said and done, I got over 40 percent of the votes in the district.
And I'm here to say, even with all the work thatl did, ifI were to be named, I would not accept it
because in my heart, I believe that the residents of District 1 have a right to elect their
representatives. That's what I'm here -- that's why I'm here today because I want our district to
have the right to vote. Thankyou very much.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you. Yes, sir.
Richard Tapia: Richard Tapia, 5077 Northwest 7th Street. I am a declared candidate for
District 1. I've declared for the 2011 election, andl will not be accepting an appointee onto the
Commission. I wanted a special election, just like Mr. Suarez had stated. I ran in 2001. I got
the Miami Herald's endorsement when I ran in 2001. And I've heard this Commission talk about
costs, but the lives of our American patriots have been the true cost of democracy. Over a
million American patriots have given their lives to defend democracy, and it is the cornerstone of
our society, of our civil society, and we have to enforce it at the local level. We have to have an
election in January. I feel it is the fairest way to go, as a candidate and as a non -candidate, but
as a lifelong resident of District 1. I was born and raised in that district, andl believe that's the
fairest way to go. Andl respect the opinions of my fellow Commission -- of my Miami
Commission up here, butt really do believe the fairest way to go is to have a fair election in
January, and that's what I'm here to say. Thank you.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you.
Christina Lalama-Suarez: Good afternoon. Christina Lalama-Suarez. I'm also a resident of
District 1, andl am here to ask you to really consider elections for our district. I do think it's
unfair to take that right away from the citizens and the residents of District 1. Also, I think it's
unfair to inject fear into the residents of the City ofMiami by reminding them that there is a
rapist on the loose in the Grove, as far as that having possibly impeding people's safety. I think
with all the costs, if you really do look at the budget, I think you really can find that the citizens
deserve the right to vote in their district and to choose their elected leader. Thank you.
Marva Lightbourne: My name is Marva Lightbourne. I'm the chairperson of Concerned
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Citizens. My address is 5561 Northwest 7th Court. I am a resident here in District 5, andl am
very appalled at what has been happening here, andl even notified Governor Charlie Crist
'cause he can do something about this. He can appoint someone just like he did in Broward
County with Eggleston, andl know that he can appoint someone that would hold this chair until
we get this mess cleared up. I have talked with people in District 5. I be out there canvassing
the neighborhood. They are not happy with what is going on. They feel as though they have no
representation in this district. Projects that has been on the table under Commissioner Spence
[sic] might be either eradicated or not followed through. We need representation in District 5
and we want it now. And as an appointee, you can also appoint -- my personal preference is
Reverend Dunn. He has been here for the late Arthur Teele, who we greatly admired. And l feel
as though an appointment until this mess is over. What else is waiting for Commissioner Spence
[sic] once she is voted in a special election? They got another charge against her in the wing
waiting? And then we going through the same thing. As you did say, Commissioner Sarnoff,
that the cost is tremendous, and we don't need no more cost. I personally was against the
Marlins Stadium and still is, and look at the fiasco that's in. Then you're talking about the tunnel
and all this other crap. You know, we are in a dire straits and we need the money here for the
people, and the people are not getting their fair share of the deal. My late pioneer relative was
one of the original signers of this Charter for the City ofMiami, A. C. Lightbourne, and he's
rolling in his grave right now if he can see what is happening. We have to have an appointee
here at least for District 5. That's who I'm speaking on behalf of. Thank you very much. God
bless. Happy Thanksgiving.
Beba Mann: Good afternoon, Mr. Chair, Commissioners. My name is Beba Sardina Mann,
1665 Southwest 23rd Street. I'm here to speak about two very important things I've heard, and
that's why I had to get up and stand up and speak about. One is democracy, which is very, very
important to us, and another one is fairness, which is also very important to us. Right now
District 1 and District 5 have a very unique situation: They do not have a Commissioner. Yes,
they do need the process. They do need an election. However, I don't believe that it's fair to
District 1 or District 5 to hold an election, in particular to District 1, in January giving a
candidate only one month to campaign. As a candidate myself who campaigned for seven
months versus a year and a half of the other candidates, I can tell you that one month is not
enough. So what are you going to have, a Mickey Mouse election? Because that's what it is
going to be. Nobody is going to really be able to know anything about the candidates. I think
it's time that you all sit here -- you know who the appointees are or could be. You know their
background. You know what they are. This is not the first time it happens in City Hall, and you
should do that, appoint somebody for District 1 and District 5. Thank you very much.
Ruby Feria: Good afternoon, Chairman, Commissioners. My name is Ruby Feria, and I'm just
only here to voice the opinion of some of the voters in District 1. I do not live in District 1, but it
would not be fair for me to just listen to them and not being able to come forward and tell you
that their sentiment is pro elections. The reason why I do that is because I believe that before the
concern about how much we are spending on this election -- andl would like to know the
difference between the one election that we are going to have already, which has been
established, and the add -up of the cost of election in District 1 so thatl can understand if that
money really, really, really significantly surpasses the need to listen to the people's voice. And
the reason for that is that later on we're going to come here and listen to talks about the 90 or I
don't know how many millions we're going to have to spend on a parking lot for the stadium, and
then now we're discussing probably 500, maybe $160, 000, or I don't know how much, andl think
it's really totally out of context to be talking about how a -- in this case -- andl don't think it's
right and the appropriate term, but think it's -- yeah, appropriate to say that measly $500, 000
when they have spent millions and billions of dollars of our taxpayers' money for things that we
don't even know what they are and whether we need them or not. I think we need elections. I
think the people right to election is way above our concerns for $600, 000 expenditure. Over
this, I should only probably say that I agree with the statement that everybody has made here,
except the one that our dear and lovely Beba Mann did because if the election is only one month
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and she only had the opportunity to campaign for so long, it was because she made the decision
to come in late. And besides, if it's a month, everybody's going to get the same deal, the same
fair and square share deal, so it doesn't make it a part from one person to another. Moreover, I
think the opportunity that it was given to district number 4 to elect whoever they want to lead
their district should be given to district number 1, then we will all feel comfortable that the right
thing was done. Otherwise, we will always have a doubt as to why are we treated differently in
District 1? Why the emphasis on -- at this particular time when we have so many problems and
we should be moving on and working for the citizens ofMiami are we involved in the discussion
as to why should we give this district a different treatment over this district? I don't think it's
right. Thank you very much.
Chair Sarnoff Yes, sir.
Juan Carlos Garrido: Good afternoon. My name is Juan Carlos Garrido. People call me J.C.,
J.C. Garrido. It's okay. In any event, I think we have to have an election for District 1. That is
the correct thing to do. I brought here my certificate of authenticity when I became a U.S.
(United States) citizen back in May 1 of 1972. I went through a lot of hassles since I was born.
Leaving Cuba going to the Dominican Republic and going through a Revolution in 1965, and
I'm sure Mayor -- our Mayor knows about that 'cause he's a great reporter and he's a great
person, and he knows about these things. What I'm saying is this. I brought my certificate here.
Here it is. May I approach, Mr. Chairman?
Chair Sarnoff Sure.
Mr. Garrido: Thank you.
Chair Sarnoff You haven't aged much.
Mr. Garrido: What's that?
Chair Sarnoff You haven't aged much.
Mr. Garrido: I haven't?
Chair Sarnoff No. You look good.
Mr. Garrido: Oh, I appreciate that. But in any event, I'm very proud of that because we became
American citizens, right, and this is a country of freedom. And what's happening here right now,
we need to have votes 'cause this cannot be a Cuba. I'm here not politicizing anything, you
know. We know 50 years of the battles and we all have suffered, especially the father of Tomas
Regalado was -- he was in prison for a big time and a lot of other people. But in any event, let's
get to the point. The point is basically is you should put in District 1 -- District 1, go for a vote
and see what happens. Let the voice speak. Martin Luther King said it and -- when he spoke out
there on Washington, D.C., and he said it. Andl -- basically, I'm going to say the following. Go
and look what he said and, you know, memorize that. That's something really big, something
really strong. And, Mr. Chairman, I know that maybe you want to get somebody here really
right away, but you already have a quorum. It's okay. Take it easy. It's okay. The great thing
that's going to happen to my children and my grandchildren which, hopefully, soon they'll be
there, it's a good thing. It's a good thing. Just to finalize, this sir here, Francis Suarez and Mr.
Carollo -- I don't know you. I really don't know you, but I know this gentleman here. And you
know what, you guys are doing something great. And the thing is to have something for the
future of our children and grandchildren. I'm not going to keep talking 'cause ifI keep talking,
it'll be something else. But I think you should go to an election and let the people speak. Let the
voice be heard. That's -- I think it's something that is going to be -- you know, the good Lord is
going to bless everyone, one way or the other. But you should let the voice speak of the people,
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whoever it is. You should not appoint anybody here. That's my opinion and -- not a suggestion,
just an opinion. May God bless you all, all right. And congratulations, Mr. Carollo, Francis
(Comments made in Spanish not translated) and Chairman Sarnoff, (Comments made in Spanish
not translated).
Chair Sarnoff Thank you.
Mr. Garrido: (Comments made in Spanish not translated).
Chair Sarnoff Felicidad to all of us. I think you have one more behind you, Mr. Mayor.
Mayor Regalado: Oh, sorry.
Miguel A. Gabela: Miguel A. Gabela, 1701 Northwest South River Drive, Miami, Florida
33125. Good evening -- good afternoon, Commissioners. Also a member of the Zoning Board,
City ofMiami. We live in the United States of America. I said it about four times when I was on
the Zoning Board about three years ago when I got myself into some trouble because I defended
the residents of the City ofMiami against someone of big interests. Andl always said it that the
-- we have to follow the rules. We're a democratic nation with democratic principles. I believe,
on the one hand, we have the issue of making a special appointment. On the other hand, we
have the other issue of making a one -month -- having a 30-day election. The problem with the
30-day election is that there's not enough time and the guy that has the most money is probably
going to win. The other problem that I see is if you have the August election that coincides with
the Metro -Dade elections in August of 2010, then who's going to run the show for District 1 ?
Who's going to do the business for District 1 ? Who's going to represent District 1 ? Who's going
to do business for District 1 ? Nonetheless, at the end of the day, whatever you gentlemen do, I
hope you do it in fairness to everybody that is going to run so everybody has a chance to
represent -- those of us that want to represent the district have a fair chance and have a fair
open-minded process until we get to the election. My only problem with this 60-day window is
that what's it going to be, you know? Who are you going to talk to? Who are we going to -- you
know? There's not enough time, you know, and that's my only worry in this matter that we might
get somebody that was able to raise enough money real fast but we didn't speak about the issues.
We didn't speak about, you know, what happens to District 1, what's a real concern of District 1.
I would hope you gentlemen sort that out and keep that in mind. Me, personally, I wouldn't have
a problem with an appointment being made to hold the elections in August of next year 2010, but
there would have to be a stipulation for the appointee that he's not going to run and that would
be fair because he won't be -- he won't run as an incumbent so he won't have, you know, an
advantage over anybody. I heard Mike was here --
Mr. Cruz: Me, Mariano Cruz.
Mr. Gabela: Mariano Cruz was here -- I'm going to mention your name -- Richard Tapia, and
also myself, which I will be a candidate. And that's all wanted to say. And hope you
gentlemen make the right decision for District 1 and please remember we also need
representation. Please, if you are going to make an appointment to somebody with you, do not
make an appointment for one year and then that gentleman has a chance -- he or she has a
chance to run again. I would hope that if you do make an appointment and it's going to be --
and the elections are going to be in 2010 of August of next year, that that person -- or there's an
ordinance made that that person cannot run in 2010. Thank you very much. I appreciate your
Chair Sarnoff Thank you.
Grace Solares: Good afternoon, Commissioners. Grace Solares, 60 Southwest 30th Road. You
have a very tough decision to make today, no question. With respect to the -- your concern,
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Commissioner Suarez, that you said that the people in District 1 saying why are they having an
election on 5 and a possible appointment on 1 ? The answer is if you go by the City Attorney's
instructions, the time to appoint someone to 5 has expired. My personal opinion hasn't --
because my personal opinion is -- and it's been run by my office. You know I work for lawyers --
that there is no vacancy on District 5. There is suspension. If this lady were to go to trial
tomorrow and be found not guilty, she comes back and picks up her seat. A vacancy is the
resignation, what Angel Gonzalez did. There's nobody there. It needs to be filled. And it has to
be done within the period of time that the Charter tells you to do it. So we have that going.
Another issue that is important is that if you elect to have elections, you will give 45 days for the
people of the district and the people ofMiami 'cause sometimes people from other districts come
to help the Commissioners in other districts because, after all, your decision is going to have an
impact on my district, and your decision as well, and your decision as well, Commissioner
Sarnoff. So it is very important. How can you get to know the candidates? You walked for two
years. So did you. You came to forums. We had the ability of hearing you, of formulating an
opinion about the candidates. You will not be able to do so now. That's another one. With
respect to what happened on this district, Commissioner -- ex -Commissioner Gonzalez, now an
admitted criminal, knew a year and a half before that there was an investigation going on about
him. At that point in time, he started changing people from Zoning Boards. For example --
Gabela just said it -- he was removed and then Gonzalez came and put somebody else who now
is running for a position in District 1. Therefore, there could be some people that a heads -up --
had a heads -up on what was happening on that district and they were already contacting the
electorate to the injustice of the rest of the people who may be running now. So that is another
issue. With respect to appoint -- with respect to the appointment, you have now the most
important decision to make and you know why? Because the person who sits there, whether it is
by appointment or by election, will have to deal with enormous issues between now and the next
budget. If it's somebody that does not have the qualifications to really study what is going to be
presented is going to be a disaster. We have the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission)
investigating the bonds. We have the County not extending the CRA (Community Redevelopment
Agency) in order for you -- for us, for the City ofMiami, to have the money to put in the tunnel,
which Mr. Hernandez appeared before the Dade County -- was very disturbed that day 'cause I
was watching. Because what they did is an enormous problem with the City. We have the issue
of the bonds now and the Marlins and the garage. We don't know what is going to happen. You
need to think. There has to be somebody in there in this position between now and the next
budget who has the capability to help you guys do this. He's going to be in a terrible position at
the next budget, the City Manager. So this is an extremely important issue. About those of you
who are worried about an incumbent -- you call an incumbent somebody who you appoint today
being in here for the ten years, that is an absolute and total fallacy. Why? Because Linda
Haskins was appointed to that seat when Johnny Winton left. What happened to Linda Haskins?
I walked -- this man didn't have any money, $70, 000 -- I think he had 780. We, the people,
walked for him. We, the people, wrote letters for him. We, the people, got people to vote for
him. With $70, 000 against $800, 000, she lost; he won. So to say here today that you cannot
appoint someone to a seat only because that person is going to be there for the next ten years to
me is outrageous. There is an election in the next ten months, an election. If that person does
not -- if it's appointed and does not do well, the people of District 1 will remove that person
faster than you can say no, but you have to have somebody there that knows about business, that
knows about numbers, that has an education, that supports that type of qualification. So I ask
you -- it is very important. Weigh what I've actually told you today and come back with a right
decision. Thank you.
Chair Sarnoff Wait. Stay there, Grace. Grace, come back. You take the position that there's
not a vacancy, so Section 12 of the Charter doesn't apply?
Ms. Solares: I take the position, yes, sir. I've taken it before.
Chair Sarnoff What --
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Ms. Solares: That -- the District 5 --
Chair Sarnoff Right.
Ms. Solares: -- since it's not a vacancy -- because a vacancy is because of resignation. This
lady is still holding that seat.
Chair Sarnoff What --
Ms. Solares: She's suspended from exercising any rights, any voting in this dais.
Chair Sarnoff -- provision of the Charter applies if 12 doesn't apply?
Ms. Solares: I can send it to you as soon as I get back to the office. I don't have it here. I didn't
think you were going to ask me this.
Chair Sarnoff But there is a section, in your opinion and maybe other lawyers' opinions, that
applies other than Section 12?
Ms. Solares: If you read Section 12, it tells you about a vacancy.
Chair Sarnoff Right.
Ms. Solares: Right?
Chair Sarnoff Right.
Ms. Solares: A vacancy is there's nobody there. A vacancy is not hers because it's a suspension.
The woman has been suspended from giving a vote here; but if she were to go to trial tomorrow,
she immediately comes -- and be found not guilty, she immediately comes back and sits there.
Nothing is required for her to do because it's her seat. It has not been vacated. It's not a
vacancy. It's not empty.
Chair Sarnoff Is there any case law that you're aware of to support --
Ms. Solares: I -- right now, no.
Chair Sarnoff -- vacancies?
Ms. Solares: I would have to go to the office back to do it. I just read the interpreta -- what we
have interpreted the word "vacancy" to mean and that's exactly what I'm basing myself in.
Chair Sarnoff But are you basing your definition of vacancy on case law or just on dictionary
law or --?
Ms. Solares: Dictionary law. Case law, we can go and do it but that's my interpretation.
Chair Sarnoff But have you done that?
Ms. Solares: I mean, I'm sorry for not having written to you before on this 'cause that question
you're asking me would have come back to me and then we would have actually researched it in
the office. Right now what can you want me -- that is my position, though. However, between
the words "vacancy" and "suspension" is clear. Thank you.
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Chair Sarnoff Let me ask the City Attorney. Is there any distinction in our Charter for a
vacancy versus a suspension?
Ms. Bru: Commissioner -- Mr. Chair, let me just go through what has happened here. The
Governor of the state of Florida made a decision, made an interpretation of the law that
informed him that he had the authority to suspend the Commissioner. There are those who
believe that perhaps he did not have that authority because the law under which he suspended
the Commissioner is an act of the Legislature, and the Governor's authority to suspend is found
in the Constitution and it rests with a suspension caused by an indictment, which the
Commissioner was not indicted. Now, having said that, the Governor acted and he acted under
State Statute 112.51 that says that if a municipal officer is arrested for a felony, he has the power
to suspend and so he did. That statute also says that when the Governor suspends such a
municipal official, there is a temporary vacancy that is created. And that law also tells us that
then we have to fill that temporary vacancy in the same manner and by the same authority that
fills a permanent vacancy. And thus, although our Charter Section 12 doesn't distinguish
between a permanent vacancy and a temporary vacancy, we follow the state law, we follow what
the Governor has done, and we are filling our temporary vacancy in the same manner that we fill
our permanent. And that is why we're following the Charter and it tells us that we have ten days
to fill the vacancy by appointment. You were unable to do so because we had no quorum, and
then our Charter instructs us that if you fail to do so -- it doesn't say why. It just says if you fail
to do so, you shall have an election. And if there's ever any ambiguity, the ambiguity according
to our principles and our case law is always construed in depositing with the people the power
and the opportunity to elect their officials.
Chair Sarnoff To answer -- I know Beba Mann said it, but I think Martha Lightbourne also said
it, that if we appoint somebody to District 5, it is your opinion that it's out of our hands?
Ms. Bru: At this point, because of the lapse of the ten days mandated by the Charter, it is out of
your hands.
Vice Chair Carollo: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Sarnoff Yes, sir.
Vice Chair Carollo: I know we're combining SP.1 and SP.2; however, it's two distinct situations.
The large majority of the people here spoke on SP.1, which is District 1. I think the large
majority of the people here mentioned that they want elections. However, there was a couple
that had some issues andl would like to address them. They mentioned the 45 days was not
enough. It's not enough to know the candidates in 45 days, who they are, their qualifications
and so forth. However, you want me to make a decision on a candidate and appoint someone
with two days when I don't have a resume, when I don't have an application?
Vice Chair Carollo: So if your argument that 45 days is not enough, how can then I have two
days where I still don't even have a resume or an application? I don't think that's fair. I don't
think it's fair to all of the employees of the City of Miami, not to mention the 28,000 residents or
voters in District 1. Another thing that was mentioned, once again, 45 days. Forty five days is
not enough time to campaign. Obviously, a lot of you didn't understand my commercials. I
could truly sit here and see that a lot of you still don't get it. You know what? I think the
residents don't want to start to get to know their candidates now. They want candidates that
have been working there for a long time and that was my message. I worked in my district for
many years, and yes, I started campaigning a year ahead of time. You know why? To take it to
that next level and that next level was to win without a run-off. So again, I hear the arguments
but, at the same time, I also see that you're not understanding. I think, realistically, a lot of these
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candidates, should there be a special election, really should have been working for their
community for a long time by now.
Vice Chair Carollo: Most of the residents should already know who they are, like they knew in
my case. And that's why many people didn't understand my commercials. But I'll tell you what,
it's obvious that people in the District 3 understood my commercials and that's why I got elected
in the first round. With that said, Mr. Chairman, I would like to move for a special election in
District 1.
Chair Sarnoff All right.
Commissioner Suarez: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Sarnoff Wait a minute. Let me just close the public hearing. The public hearing was
opened. Anybody wishing to present? The public hearing is now closed. We have a motion for
a special election on District 1. Is there a second?
Commissioner Suarez: Mr. Chairman, I'll second that motion. I'd like to open it up for
discussion on that --
Chair Sarnoff Go ahead.
Commissioner Suarez: -- item, please. I think the Chairman made a very, very, very good
argument when he said and he highlighted -- just as I did when I made my opening comments --
when you have cost figures, there are many, many different ways that you can look at those cost
figures. And don't think that we should minimize the Chairman's comments with reference to
the impact that it will have on our community, the decision that we make today. To have three
less police officers is a significant decision and it is a significant impact. Nevertheless, one of
the things that I wanted clarification from the Clerk on -- Madam Clerk, one of the things that I
wanted clarification on was regardless of whether or not there is an election or an appointment,
please correct me if I'm wrong, but there will be an election in District 1 on November of 2010?
Priscilla A. Thompson (City Clerk): That is correct.
Commissioner Suarez: And there will be an election in District 1 in November 2011?
Ms. Thompson: That is correct.
Commissioner Suarez: Okay. So regardless of whether there is a special election for District 1,
there will still be those two additional elections?
Ms. Thompson: That is correct, but might I just give you some information.
Commissioner Suarez: Sure.
Ms. Thompson: The one in November of 2010, we will be piggybacking on the Dade County
election, therefore, the cost will be substantially less.
Commissioner Suarez: Thank you for that clarification. In my case, in my election, I wasn't as
fortunate as Commissioner Carollo to have avoided a run-offAnd this is a similar situation in
that, you know, the citizens don't get to decide from a cost perspective whether or not there is a
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run-off in a particular district. In my case, I did not receive more than 50 percent of the vote the
first election. I got very close, but I did not get there. So there was a run-off election which, in
essence, is a special election which cost the voters money, you know, and it is expensive. But,
you know, I don't think anyone would offer to change that system so that the voters of the district
can decide by a majority who represents them. I want to address some other comments that were
made by the public, andl want to recognize in a special way Mr. Julio Balsera who made a
comment. Mr. Balsera is someone who has led an initiative for tax reform countywide, so he's
been someone who has been a proponent of reducing costs in government. And for him -- it
means a lot to me to have him stand here today and weigh the costs of an election against the
movement that he has been so passionately advocating for the last few years. I think also I
wanted to recognize some of the comments made by Ms. Mann. I think she makes a very good
argument that -- and some of the other people here have made that argument that, you know,
there are some disadvantages to having a short election. Definitely, there are. I think if we
could sit here and decide on an election date, maybe things would be different Unfortunately,
the Charter mandates the way that the election procedure must be enacted and selected so there
are going to be advantages and disadvantages to the system as envisioned by the drafters of the
Charter. But I just want to say that, you know, one of the things that did explore was the option
of selecting someone as a caretaker for this seat and did meet with a couple of people regarding
that option to give the candidates, whoever they may be, and the voters additional time to
contemplate who would be representing them in the district. Unfortunately, none of the
candidates that met with were interested and they gave very good reasons not to be interested
in accepting a caretaker role. Principally, their argument was that they did not want to be
viewed as a lame duck, as someone who would be up here without any real authority. We have
some serious issues that we have to confront in the next year in the City ofMiami and that
person, whoever that person would be, felt or would feel that, you know, they may -- their
decision or their comments may be viewed with less impact. So, you know, that option for me
really kind of dissolved. You know, and in terms of Ms. Solares, who I'm not sure if she's still
here, if her com -- you know, in reference to her comments, I think she makes a very, very good
point. Regarding having someone who is imminently qualified to deal with the issues that are
going to be before this Commission, dealing with, as the Chairman mentioned, still cleaning up
for fiscal year 2009 -- God knows what, if any, clean-up we'll have to do for fiscal year 2010 and
then, of course, setting the priorities for fiscal year 2011. But am supremely confident in the
vote -- the wisdom of the voters to choose that person. They did it in the case of Chairman
Sarnoff, they did it in the case of Commissioner Carollo, and I'd like to think that they made a
wise choice in my case as well.
Commissioner Suarez: Thank you. That's my uncle. Thank you for that. At least somebody
agrees with you -- or agrees with me. You know, so I have a lot of faith in the voters of the City
ofMiami. There was a time in the City where voters were disenfranchised or votes were not
counted and you know, I think as a community we need to strive for the maximum amount of
participation in the democratic process and we need to have faith in the process and faith in
those who make the decisions that will ultimately govern our future. Thank you, Chairman.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you. I think the Mayor would like to say something.
Mayor Regalado: Just for the record. And I'm sure that --
Unidentified Speaker: Name and address.
Mayor Regalado: My name is Tomas Regalado, 2424 Southwest 20th Street. For the record,
I'm sure you know, but the minute that the Governor removed Commissioner from District 5, I
spoke to the Manager and we agreed -- and he has done that -- that we should have the office
open and functioning. And the office of District 5 is being -- functioning normally without a
Commissioner, but they're taking complaints, they're taking different input from the residents.
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Our office has also been very proactive in attending to the matters of District 5 and it will
continue to do that if you choose to have -- well, when the time of the election. In terms of
District 1, also we had, the Manager andl, the discussion, and he has also decide to let District
1 have part of the staff and is working and getting complaints and taking the business of the
district. So I just want to make that clear because I know that there is some concern about, you
know, that if you choose to have an election that there will be no attention to the residents of
both districts and this is going on. I just want to make that thing clear. And the other thing is,
Commissioner Suarez, as you andl discussed, many, many month [sic] ago, the Charter had
several ways to look at what wanted to do, andl chose to resign in order for us to have an
election in District 4. I could have stayed until November 3 and then the Commission would
have to appoint somebody, but thought that the voters and the residents of District 4 deserve to
have the person that will lead them in the next -- andl'm very glad that you were that person.
Had the Commission and the Chairman would not have taken the lead in reappointing me, well,
we could have had another person or we could have had the empty seat, but the important thing
is that we did and the Commission did whatever was necessary for the people of District 4 to
vote, andl just want to remind that. Butl was just here to tell you that the office of District 5
and District I are working. They continue to -- the work for the residents, and the Mayor's office
is ready to support, as well as the Manager's office, in taking care of the business of District I
and District 5. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice Chairman, Commissioner.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
Chair Sarnoff Let me just close the discussion by suggesting a couple of things. One, you'll find
oftentimes I'm going to take the unpopular other side to make sure that there is a fair and
balanced debate on something. And you have to understand, I look to my left andl look to my
right andl can't even believe I'm the senior guy up here. And we -- January of this year, we
were told the City of Miami's financial condition was excellent. We were debating the Marlins.
The three Commissioners that voted for the Marlins -- andl'm not going to dwell on it -- are no
longer up here. The two that voted for [sic] it, one's upstairs, one moved to the center. Right
after that debate, we went into what I considered the biggest grind we've ever had in the City of
Miami. We debated Miami 21, we debated a budget that, I guess, forgive me, Mr. Cruz, you and
I used to call it a tale of two cities.
Mr. Cruz: Tale of Two Cities, right.
Chair Sarnoff Right. There was the tale that was told to us in January, and then there became
the tale that was told to us in late June, July, August, and September. And it wasn't until
September -- andl think even this City Manager --I actually think he became a better city
manager having gone through that budget crisis -- when it became infinitely clear that every 60,
$50, 000 decision we made meant a person's job. I watched Commissioner Gonzalez fight for 35
jobs on September 25, 2009. Andl watched other Commissioners up here, job by job, fighting as
all of the sudden 30, 50, $60, 000 started to mean something 'cause, as Mr. Cruz points out and
others, it's only money, there's plenty of it, and you'll find it one way or another. I'm going to do
this a lot this year andl want you all to listen. There is no more money. It's not stuffed in the
cushions of the Mayor's office. If you read the paper closely today, his budget was depleted 39
percent. If you go up to the City Manager's office, there are no dollar bills stuffed in his
cushions. There is no more money. Your reserves will be depleted by the time we balance the
2009 budget by 22 million more dollars. You cannot continue to exist the way this City exists.
With saying that, I want everyone to know that every time we make a financial decision, it really
does come down to a job, it really comes down to real people. There are no longer sluff
(phonetic) funds. There are no longer -- whatever you guys like to think that this City did in the
years past -- there's no longer reserves. There's no longer this cushion, if you will, out there
existing. Yet, I hear the people out there loud and clear, andl think in a city like Miami where
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there is such a robust and such a energized immigrant community -- everybody came here for
one reason, a right to vote, the ability to put in a good and the ability to put in a bad elected
official because just 'cause you vote doesn't mean you put the right woman or man in office.
Case in point, we have two that were voted in that are now no longer in office. So it's not to say
that we get it right, but you know what it is? It is our right to get it wrong. And that is the
American way. The American way is the right to get it wrong. So with that being said, I can
endorse a special election, but every time we have an expenditure in the City ofMiami, I want
you all to know it comes at a cost and at a price. That's all ask. Everybody go into this eyes
wide open, but undoubtedly, it is our right as Americans to get it right and it is unfortunately our
right as Americans to get it wrong. But you know what? We make that decision and no one
makes it for us. So what I would like to do is amend your motion to include a date of July --
excuse me, of January 12, 2010, which would be a -- I believe it's a Monday -- Tuesday, excuse
me. And would the maker of the motion accept that amendment?
Vice Chair Carollo: Yes, I will, Mr. Chairman.
Chair Sarnoff Would the seconder of the motion accept that amendment?
Commissioner Suarez: Yes. I will second that motion.
Chair Sarnoff I'm going to call the question. All in favor, please say "aye."
The Commission (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Sarnoff Okay, it passes unanimously.
09-01338 Memo.pdf
Discussion on the item resulted in the resolution below:
(SP.2) 09-01338a RESOLUTION
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09-01338a Exhibit.pdf
Motion by Vice Chairman Carollo, seconded by Commissioner Suarez, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: 3 - Commissioner Carollo, Sarnoff and Suarez
Chair Sarnoff We have to do an election for District 5. I would recommend -- maybe there's
some cost efficiencies if we do it the exact same day, Madam Clerk?
Priscilla A. Thompson (City Clerk): That is correct.
Commissioner Carollo: Move to do it the same day.
Commissioner Suarez: I will second that motion.
Chair Sarnoff All right. So the motion is for a special election to be held January 12, 2010 in
District 5.
Commissioner Carollo: That's correct.
Chair Sarnoff All right. Motion and a second. Any further discussion? All in favor, please say
The Commission (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Sarnoff Okay.
Julie O. Bru (City Attorney): Mr. Chair, just for clarification purposes, the -- this last motion
that you voted on, there's just a slight distinction between the election that will be held for
District 1 and for District 5, which is that for District 5 the election is subject to displacement.
As we know, based on the law, should the Commissioner be acquitted, she is entitled to retake
her seat, to be restored into office, so it's subject to displacement.
Chair Sarnoff She's also -- could be displaced by the Governor taking her out one more time.
Is that not correct?
Ms. Bru: I've spoken to Governor's counsel and they have not determined whether he has that
Chair Sarnoff Okay.
Ms. Thompson: And just for the record, Chair, if we might. City Attorney, we just want to state
on the record --
Chair Sarnoff Folks, it'll be another two minutes. You could just hear the exciting news on the
next Commission date.
Ms. Thompson: Just for clarification on the record and for inclusion in our resolutions, we want
to make sure to state on the record the opening of the required five-day qualifying period in
order to have the election on January 12 will begin on Monday, November 30.
Chair Sarnoff Does that need to be by a motion or is that just on the record?
Ms. Thompson: No. It is included in your resolution. It's already included there. Just making
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sure that we state all of that on the record.
Chair Sarnoff Okay.
Ms. Thompson: Thank you.
Chair Sarnoff We did take the vote on District 5, did we not?
Ms. Thompson: Yes, you did, sir.
DECEMBER 10TH, 2009 AT 9 A.M.
09-01339 Memo.pdf
Discussion on the item resulted in the resolution below:
(SP.3) 09-01339a RESOLUTION
DECEMBER 3, 2009, TO BE HELD ON DECEMBER 10, 2009 AT 9:00 AM.
Motion by Commissioner Suarez, seconded by Vice Chairman Carollo, that this matter be
ADOPTED PASSED by the following vote.
Votes: Ayes: 3 - Commissioner Carollo, Sarnoff and Suarez
Chair Sarnoff The only order of business left for this Commission is setting its next agendaed
meeting. December 10 seems likely. We'll have a full Commission of three of us, as one of
returns from Paris. I won't say who.
Commissioner Suarez: You had to say that, huh? I will make a motion to change the next
Commission meeting from December 3 to December 10.
Commissioner Carollo: Second.
Chair Sarnoff All right. We have a motion and a second. All in favor, please say "aye."
The Commission (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Sarnoff All right.
Commissioner Suarez: My wife thanks you.
Chair Sarnoff Just bring me back a small item, under $25, so that I don't have any issues.
Commissioner Suarez: No problem.
Chair Sarnoff All right. I guess we just need --
Pedro G. Hernandez (City Manager): Mr. Chairman.
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Chair Sarnoff -- a motion to adjourn.
Mr. Hernandez: Mr. Chairman.
Chair Sarnoff Yes, sir.
Mr. Hernandez: Just to have one word in. That means that in the month of December, the two
regularly scheduled meetings of the City Commission will be December 10 and then December
Chair Sarnoff That is my understanding.
Priscilla A. Thompson (City Clerk): That is correct.
Chair Sarnoff Madam City Attorney, do you need to read anything into the record?
Julie O. Bru (City Attorney): Mr. Chair, first of all, good afternoon and congratulations on your
appointment as Chair.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you.
Ms. Bru: And members of the Commission, is this intended to be a public hearing? Okay. Then
I will read briefly some of the provisions.
Chair Sarnoff Do you -- do we need to do the disclosure ordinance or --?
Ms. Bru: No.
Chair Sarnoff No? Okay. Why don't we allow the Mayor to address us? This is his first
Commission meeting, and think maybe his words would have a role to play here today. Mr.
Mayor Regalado: Good afternoon, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice Chairman, Commissioner Suarez.
Thank you. I feel different here, but I'm proud. I am excited with this new Commission. You
know, I have read in the press and heard people say, well, this is new Commissioners with no
experience. Andl tell them all the time they do have a lot of experience. I walk along Frank and
Francis for more than a year in their district and they understand the needs of their district. I
will tell you that I'm so proud that these two new Commissioners will be serving their district
because they know each and every corner of the district and each and every need of the district.
They know people by name. And predict that they are going to be both great Commissioners,
and I'm very proud to serve with you. As for the Chairman, it's been my colleague for these
years, and sometimes we were on the side of the votes but it was worth it because we fought
many causes; we won some; we lost some, but I'm proud to have served with Marc Sarnoff as the
City Commissioner. What we have here today is just a preview of what you all going to have in
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the next month. Hard decisions are going to have to be addressed, andl know that you are
ready for this task. I will tell you that as the Mayor, I know what a City Commissioner needs,
andl am willing to work with the Administration to serve each and every district of the City of
Miami. And today we have a very special meeting. Today you are about to make decisions for
the future of two fifths of the population of the City ofMiami, and this is a great responsibility;
andl believe that you are going to do the right thing for the City ofMiami. We -- as the
Chairman said, we have an agenda that we have to set an election for one district and discuss
the future of the other vacant in another district. I know that it's going to be a difficult thing, but
I know that you will, as I said, do the right thing. Personally, I believe that all of you, like me
and the Chairman, we all had a good fight in the campaign; and we -- I believe that we earned
the results because we were out there for more than a year campaigning, and we are the results
of election. Hopefully, you will consider to have two elections in the City ofMiami, but that
would be your decision. Whatever you do, as your Mayor, I will support, and I'm ready to hear
the debate, andl am looking forward for the next meeting so the City Commission -- we will have
many, many items, many issues and many plans, and I'm looking forward to work with you, so
thank you for having me. It is a pleasure to work with the new City Commission of the City of
Miami. Thank you.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you, Mr. Mayor.
Commissioner Suarez: I just want to say something before adjourning. I just want to invite
everyone who is here in the chamber to my swearing -in ceremony, which will be this evening at 6
here in these chambers. You're all welcome to be there. Thankyou.
Chair Sarnoff Is -- do any of the Commissioners -- you're both aware now it's the 10th and the
17th, correct, for the December meetings? Okay. I think we're aware of it, Mr. Manager. I
think we're okay with it. Are we impeding one of your vacation plans?
Pedro G. Hernandez (City Manager): No, sir, you're not.
Chair Sarnoff Okay. I don't want --
Mr. Hernandez: We'll be here --
Chair Sarnoff -- (UNINTELLIGIBLE) mad at me.
Mr. Hernandez: No, no. We'll be here the 10th and the 17th.
Chair Sarnoff Okay.
Mr. Hernandez: Thankyou.
Chair Sarnoff Motion to adjourn?
Commissioner Suarez: I second that motion.
Chair Sarnoff All right, all in favor?
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The Commission (Collectively): Aye.
Chair Sarnoff Thank you all.
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