HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2009-09-10 AdvertisementMIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the VICE PRESIDENT , Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Honda; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of (4003281) CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES - SEPT. 10, 2009 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 08/31/2009 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing thi dvertis or publication in the said newspaper Sworn to and subscribed before me this (SEAL) O.V. FERBEYRE personally known to me MARIA I. MESA MY COMMISSION & DO 750170 EXPIRES: March 4,2012 Bert ad MN Notary Public Underwriters CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES ' Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, will consider the following ordinances on second and final reading on September 10, 2009 commencing at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida: - - ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE IV, OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENTS,' BY REPEALING CODE SECTIONS 2-581 THROUGH 2-582 IN THEIR ENTIRETY AND REPEALING SECTIONS 2-693 AND 694 IN THEIR ENTIRETY, AND SUBSTITUTING IN LIEU THEREOF A DIVISION 15, WHICH CREATES THE OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND DIVERSITY PROGRAMS; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND DIVERSITY PROGRAMS (EODP) ADMINISTRATOR BY THE CITY MANAGER; DESIGNAT- ING THE EODP ADMINISTRATOR AS THE CITY'S EQUAL OPPORTUNITY OFFICER (A/K/A) AFFIRMATIVE ACTION OFFICER; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 17, ENTITLED 'ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION,' AND CHAPTER 54, ENTITLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS,' OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTIONS, AS STATED HEREIN, AMENDING DEFINITIONS AND CONCERNING THE ADMINISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY USE PERMITS ISSUED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO CONFORM TO NEW LAND MANAGEMENT AND ELECTRONIC PERMITTING PROCEDURES; TO FURTHER CLARIFY AND UPDATE THE . EXTENT OF THE CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR RESPONSIBILITIES BY PROPERTY OWNERS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS;; REVISING THE APPEAL PROVISION FOR PERMITS; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Said proposed ordinances may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or at htto://www.miamiaov.com/Aaendas/oubmeet.aso five days before the date of the Commission Meeting. All interested persons may appear at the meeting and may be heard with respect to the proposed ordinances. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (4003281) 8/31 Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk 09-4-106/1297954M TIE MIAMI HERALD 1 Mlam*Heram.t on, PALM LEACH COUNTY LOCAL & STATE MONDAY. AUGUST 31. 2009 155 Client Name: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK 1n r O 3� co co co co co et 03 03 Ad Number: Insertion Number: eel CO �hc?i�i�mi �Hcrnll Elderly Care or E The court caw against the deugnter and son -In-law of an Alzheimer's-stricken woman woo died amid fifth will begin Monday. By MUSSY 0*02 seewe Oa Larry spent the lut of her 89 veers in a orate of eareme mental decay, Liv- ing in a locked. unventi- lated room where she smeared ezeremem on the wells and existed on a diet of honey bums and Rumen noodles. according to police reponc When sbe died, Lorey's frame had withered to 80 pounds. Despite the unde- niable signs of advanced Alzheimer's dimes. she received no medial care Did her daughter and tan-in4w do the best they could under difficult cir- cumnanees? Or did their actions constiNle elder abuse and minder? It will be up to a Palm Beach County jury to decide. Keratin and Toby Fenn face life imprisonment if convicted et their trial, which is scheduled to be Monday. ]f !the Penns] commit- ted a crime, an have thou• sends of people across the country who care for Al, heimers patients at home, - said attorney Michael Sal - nick. who with co -counsel Ian Goldstein represents Keestvt Fenn 53. and Toby Fenn. 50. Almost a year after Lot- ey's September 2005 dead in the (amily's four -bed. mom. two -bathroom home west of Boca Raton, a grand Lary indicted the couple on charges of first - degree murder and aggro• rated abuse of the elderly. Lorey died of starvation and dehydration. accord- ing to the Palm Beach County Medical Eremite err office Assisram sure Anomey Angels Killer declined to comment on the ace. Salwek says his clients never mistreated larey and that the case mullet them "is not in any way. shape or forma cul•and• dried cue for the prose. tion- 'Ins a very gut -wrench - log case beotue I believe hat happened to Toby and Keratin Fenn could happen to anybody." he said "To take cue of a loved one that you loved so much and now be accused of first -degree murder, in my opinion is one of the worst things 1 can think of." FOCUS ON TREATMENT Much of the testimony is likely to focus on the treatment Loney received at the Ferns' home Prosecutors will present evidence that Lore)• lived in a locked room, where wood titmice covered a sliding glass door leading to the outside and pizza box tops were nailed over the room's air-condition- ing vents in ao effort to keep the stench from spreading through the rat of the house A maid cleaned the Fun home but refused to enter Lorey's room, abuse trial: deadly neglect? Porn. ran TRAGEDY; In the care or he. tlaughte• anti sor-an0-aw. EIry- Lorel - B5 wire. Alzheimer's - dreo of starvation anti dehydrator, it 2DC5 It SOO T. F9m according to a Palm Reach Couocy Sheriffs Office report Kerwin Fenn told police that the home was beauti- ful when they bought it but that her mother had "desroyed" it Cultural differences — larey came from Austria — and a lack of Imowledpe about treatment options caw greatly influence cue - givers' decisions. accord- ing to Dr. Nauahira Pan- dya. chair of the geriatrics depatmeo, at Nowt South- eastern Unlversiry and director of the school's geriatric -education center. 'CULTURAL NORMS' "We're Judgirtg People by our cultural Dorms where we get a yearly physical and we go m the doctor it we start coughing or sneezing." Pandya said In some cultures that loer- cable fading and decline of an elder is accepted." Medication cam help Aleheimers patients man- age their physical and behavioral syroyeoms. Pso' dye said but if the family doesn't seek medical care. is fuoteetelly strapped or believe there is is stigma attached to the disease, they may not pursue it. And despite being fed. it is ern®on for Alzheime's patient to lose weight But Pandya thinks some of the Fears' alleged actions may constitute negligence, such u lotting Loney in her room. If Lorry mu the much of a daoge she should not have been left alone. Pandys said •'Perhaps caregiver bona was an issue' she said. "This family should have really asked (m help and go it somehow." At Ike Funs' trial, some of the country's premier forensic and geriatric phy- sitinas will square off on their opinions testify on subjects such as nutntioo, home healthcare and Ale• helmet's disease. On the defense side la forensic parhologin Dr. Michael Baden. who her testified in dozens of high• profile cases including O.). Simpson and actor John Belushi, and her his own documentary series on HBO. For prosecutors is Dr. Vincent DiMaio, who most recently testified in the LOTTERY Big jackpots roll over 0,0oo0.d wen The Florida Lotto and multistate Powerball jack- pots grew agate Saturday night when no one ticket matched all six oumbets drawn bi either game. Saturday's Lotto num- bers were 4, 16, 29, 30. 40 and 53. With no winner, the top prize for Wednes- day's drawing will be 59 mifloa the Florida ]at - eery said Sunday. The Powerba9 numbers were L 20. 37. 52 and 53, and the Powerba1 was 33. Wednesday's jackpot will he S45 realism Frve tickets matched the first five numbers. but not the Powerbali. to win wallet prim Thrae were S1 tickets sold it Arizona, Rhode Island and South Dakota, and areworth $200,000 apie. Two were S2 Poem Play Mints sold in Nord Carolina and Pennsylvania, worth SI million each. In Florida's Fantasy 7 drawing Samrday right, ram tickets matched e0 five numbers to wlo 5125.012.61 each. the lottery said Saturday's Fantasy 5 umbers were LL 2125, 26 numbers 29. The w nnett .rare sold in Delray Beach and Lake Mary. the Iarery said murder trial of music pro- ducer Phil Speme. 1t will be a cough case for a jury. Salmck said "This cue could really impact miry one of us any time we take care of our mews." he said. "God for- bid you don't call a doctor and do it yourself, you could be accused of a crime. 1 think this case is going to raise a lot of those macs for people." NEWS,VIEWS,& REVIEWS... you get to choose! Get newsletters from MarnoHo^wdcorn oehaered to your e-mail odor. Sign up todm (or Dave Harry. Movie & Delmg ROOMS Sports Talk. SNbnute Herein and more MiamiHerald.zom® POBUC NOTICE Thmeery, September 24. 2001. at 1 D30 am. Oty of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan Amangn Drive Miami. R 33133 raawrr. reawn.e i.rwrr9 us nxwrmer o' emmrgm wen Powwow nun Yrmwv..a.r K t erwew summon ewe. hum •otr. ma 031Ommrrreu es our.Ser) KA Mrowr Tr mace were c tor macaw wave e' t lop * e Ierm Pr.we, W save blown; Pups 0Mu.e we." • wawa twear. beam. teveeearawew.r ImlimlYm111m Wee hetemeas aWw POaa Car MWm • a.rra. aw••••r 'renew etas= a. sr Neale wr.lr-sosYwer wows 0eww.e r.rp aeae.ra.WM" sw.e o0rre.re•s..r. hate far te. oar are. r. Cm rarwe trwm wren 72e fir. r woman s lr arare e.e •tr ewri. ea Imo, m r fa'rmrra.erer r oar a... a fir' .ors H ewa.e CO a areatauFr ararwr mi moor a w. awY woo Om IS ma tow A ammo mot Yew Yrwaaa aaawra. LOW we w iwera, Swale ONO Ise Moo arw..e e Y arrroY tr t.aaen r aer r taoo.. fair• et sib rww.. aongl t Cora Dam .e INMOO ..q el W10•w•••. r arweos mewl e Am Mr Id r ra a.*0 aorsr aYw.r�I••• haw r.mm. ws5 a haetwfirr Ammar/ ar. Mml.aa1 MOM. Iwo soil son ardoilr rem ararr.use.rrr r w.rar NM*. Iass IY.... elsmauve I Milrwao Y ra .arere e.p.m..Y Oewl oavwa a Pei e..tfr se an am a mrr haw mil Poe swoon. wive, CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Miami City Commission will hold its first public hearing concerning the City of Miami Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Budget on Thursday. September 10.2009 at 5:05 p.m. A second public hearing regarding same is tentatively scheduled for Thursday. September 24. 2009 at 5:05 p.m. Both meetings will take dace in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall. 3500 Pan American Drive. Miami. Florida. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing. that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S.285.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. persons needing special accommodations to participate In this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5350 (voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (rfl") no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. 1003280 Prisciga A Thompson, CMC City Clerk NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO THE CITY OF MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES IS REQUIRED TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CMT / CLERK PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTT/TIES BEFORE CRY STAFF BOARDS, COMMITTEES OR THE CFfY COMMISSION. A COPY OF THE APPUCABLE ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL). LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. ATTHE SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA. ON THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10.2009. AT MIAMI CITY HALL 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, THE MIAMI CT' COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING ITEM RELATED TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING AGENDA. NOT BEFORE 1000 AM: File ID 09-00874zt AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11000. AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 10, SECTION 10.1, ENTITLED"PURPOSE OF SIGN REGULATIONS: APPUCABILITY: CRITERIA", BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 10.1.8 TO CLARIFY THE INTENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI TO OPT OUT OF CHAPTER 33, ARTICLE VI, DIVISION 5 OF THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED "COMMERCIAL SIGNS ON EXPRESSWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY,' IN ACCORDANCE WfTH SECTION 33-121.11 THEREOF, SPECIFICALLY REGARDING SIGNS IN PROXIMITY TO EXPRESSWAYS; CONTAINING A SEVERABLITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTNE DATE. Copies Of the proposed resolutions and ordinances are available for review at the Department of Hearing Boards, 444 SW 2. Avenue, 7' Floor, during regular working hours. Phone: (305) 416-2030. The Miami City Commission requests all interested parties be present or represented at this meeting and are Invited to express their views. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, all persons whc require special accommodations in order to participate in this meeting should contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 at least three business days prior to the proceeding. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person Shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F/S 285.0105). Department of Hearing Boards (Ad No. 004431) THE MIAMI HERALD 1 MlemlHeRln.onVMetrr. GAINESVILLE FLORIDA 0:TUESo4`. AUGUST 1i. 2009 I 5B CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK a) It R CO N 2 E) 2 0 N N m cL a•`C , LL o Z m c i C a 5 -00 alp) 0 U Q (n D r 0 O r r r O CT.-0 N • 0 OI{ 00 o La tit Ad Number: MO MORE As many as 100 oats died when the 00. house et university of Florida collapsed Swaay 1.IF bat house collapses; 200,000 left homeless _ a_.Ym0-ve93wum Toed were preparing for their Sunday evening mo., just vim dusk. when tragedy :w* The stilt -style home althey had nestled in most decades col- lapsed, killing as man.' as 100. displacing 200.000, and leaving a messy heap et- plywood and guano. Toe University of Flori- da's bat house in Gaines - rage. built in 1991 to lure Brazilian nee -tailed bats L-ay from campus build- 1000 and Ben Rill Griffin Stadium suffered a total s crural failure. School officials. who have students arriving for fall classes this week. are alertingcommunity to re on theelookout our bats hips(' b era advivw against touch- ing an injured bee. "We're Nn but peat Ple to be vigilant that thee is no cause fopanic or mass hysteria: said Kral Glover. au expert m urban peat management and coordinator of UFs envi- ronmental health and sraery division "My guess is the colony will aanaut and go of( in groups of dozers or hundreds Glover believes the eight of the bats caused the collapse. Wh0e guano drops the ground beneath to house and is dmatm to organic garden- bys bat urine is absorbed the plywood ad could add to its weight There were no outward signs of structural week- oess, but officials knew the cesidence was ping inerary. "We're guessing there were 200000 hat in there but 1 haven't figured OUT away how much 200.000 bat weigh" he Said - The stilts and the stee- ple of the house remain bran What mu were :1,1We plywood roosting vs that the bat liked t0 wedge themselves into Building a new bee house. which would Cmt about S60.000. had been under discussion before Sundays collapse. Glover estimated repairs to the .uesia0000- Sin vie 1 • sic* nmh-0*—1 awstow. mmum I ®SaECEL SUMER,. eix 1 *TREE OF LIFE 0ORECATICfi I HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES 2009 Aur 00 n[awx' e miniziaRix emu WI be ISM pnl-srgaare" �i (000*0m e0N0 aW Ab agerma0• 4 0133 itl lnN M0 WerlNlllce RPIe current house would coat about 510.000. ad he hoped to have [hem com- pleted within a few wee.. The nightly flight bats ryo .house to feed' m and Gaines - vine's Lake Mary had "People attraction a there, every eight to out the bats come out.' said LW spokesman Sieve Orlando. 'They all emerge a[ once' end tend to fly right over your head I, e1tocan rake Glover said he received ived' C+11shortly ytaftc p.m. o'to Sunday 11 him about the collapse. Initially, he fhllen tuust a p ot, andwas shaeed' prised at the extent of the damage he uo Monday' moko'There some dead'. and injured were mere that the resident hawks were hein-gciclean up: Glover Good thing' s How about some crosswords with your croissant?" Sominc goat pram: w.hl'brcndast than TM nilami Iierald. °tiitered. 1-800-441-0444 PUBLIC NOTICE Housing & Commercial Loan Committee Meeting September 10, 2009 a19:00 e.m, City Hall, Commission chambers (/ ly.. 3500 Pan American Drive \ 07 Miami, Florida 33133 1a GOc w. rmem armmera,son roman wM maim a Mt MARipe0a0M maim ®a.e000rmew nem ,man. Dmilsomecormi monomo emlm MOM as mme&Munmm,s]Jaaremamlenrre Mom 3 amend, rasa oat irNewitamocraaudramafroiliam res9l „ ..Gm I in Ise lam to. »m.a learomn.. B.. a a.onr Leon and..wmla. n..Join'. o Mon Grin( CLIDAM MP OM enon0 Pe MI5 min mi. mom.. riot ulmr.alew.m00090WWmnt^ WC's Peonage Mannlmeu (moLeamp,0mn. of Yyhmema0WMa0em. Droop cr.m, 0.00000 masons weed. 151. summon es Lamp w am,wmlamme14am1 we enaeanole It snot tens lime mamMrlm'mmeeemaaammamm.wpanto main; Tim Meng 000 mr9010_neltatMaw01' Icanna..ama, Notice of Early Public Review Of a Proposal to Support Activity in the 100-year Floodplain Flood Plain Executive Order 11988 On Flood Plain Management To al Interest. A moo. Groups. w1 Moidua0 TM is t0 give retire mat to cm.. o Moml's Caronen: or COmM nlry Development M1 vie ovnlmrlp an app1apm tc is Me 100 HUDi et e.nemir). 01 promo: .m,e, armem ma^eteMouse mom oral tninganommen n w tnwpennomie ter in ewcomevmotcommotion u a aowm 2.000 S. o1 m4W-40-430 Sv1 et Lime neighborhood mean prom. m,.mme Count), n Mimi) be tundra Inue in the East anme amour, sa ono o001f HOME Movem toms0mbe] mine U.S. Deponent of Hptaanp anti Development through the Pm City of Ma. cooped wa St,00n000a momtne Clryol Miami Retl', Dosing lrmv. ust Fund. This pPxt Is being meveamel w Biscayne Hymn Group. tYe. 11u robce a rwatem tit Section 3e311141 of E.ectmve Om, , lase our Rmapen Mango: me ..and is omolem.mem by Puri Regulation mood of CFREaswml tot th. Hu0 anon t0'.le wows- were, elects 1e0000er.. 06mkempm maybe mamma 00 come mg me Pry a Main 0mmmrem 00omrunm Dev0nynen: IMS1l-2wen eeat at holes en e: teelsem s: ctin. Venni u pwpnmF to rt W IM Daem0M C Communi Oarswomen:. at aWTPwow.50 oo,, Maim Mar. 13130„.*Mntart Enuveom,ertl Proms. once Mde Fnon'. September 4, mo. 15,44007943) :CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE'CF,PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ;OF HEARING:TO MPOSE AND,PROVIDE r OkCOLLECT10N OF, SOLID,WASTE'SPECIAL 1ASSESSMENTS Notice is given that the Gry Commission of the City of WPM: will conduct a public hearing to consider Imposing Solid Waste special assessments for the pool n of Solid Waste services within Ina Coy of Miami for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1. 2009 and ending September 30, 2010. The neanno will be held at 5:05 p.m. on September 10, 2009, in the City Commission enamoers of city Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Finnan for the purpose of receiving public COMmeM on me proposed assessments. All affected property ownens have a right to appeal at the Mang and to file written obje'lbns with the City Commission within 20 days of this notice. fl a person decides to appeal any dectmn made by the City ooenmts'Ignas with respect to any mane considered a: the nean1g. atlas- person will need a record W the proceedings and may need f0 elute theta vemabm surd is made, incllalrg the ter mdry end evidence upon wroo Ina apnea' is to he made. In accordance with the Americans with Dsa0L'a¢ lira_ persons needing a Special aamnmoda0on or an interpreter to oartig0Te In trio proceeding should conta0110o Ciry Gart a (JOs1250-53EO 01 least sweat days pn0'10 the date of me Mang. The asaessmem ter each parcel of property will De based upon MCP pesters dassdlce0on and the total number of 040o unite attributed to unit parcel. Tie total estimated Solid Ware Assessed costs to be assessed and colored forme Fes's! Yea! commencing October 1, 2000, Is $27,913,730. The Wowing table reflects the proposed Solid Waste assessment schedule. • `RESIDENTIAL 1' PROPERTY USE' CATEGORIES', Single Family ' PER EACH DWELLING UNIT'''-9 tots.0o Conies of tn. Solid Waste Assessment Ordinance, Inset Assessment Resolution and the preliminary assessment roll are available for inspection at the Office of the Cry G¢M of Miami. Ponds, 3500 Pen Amencan Dnve, Miami, Florida. Unless Imps steps zae mibated in a caul of competent jwed'otoo to secure relief within 20 days from Ine date 00 City Commuon aphon al bin above hearing f000ludmg the method of apportionment. the rate M assessment and the imposlt's ol assessmeMs). such action shall be the anal adjudication o: the Issues presented. The assessments will be collected 0o the same bill as ad valorem taxes. Failure to soy the assessment will result in saner the commencement of foreclosure proceedings or cause a tax certificate to be issued again% the properly wilier' may result in e loss of tiue. If you have any questions, please contact the City of Miami at (3051416-1570, Monday through Friday between 0.30 a.m, and 4,30 P.M. bit), icsirc PRISCILLA A THOMPSON, CMC CT( CLERK ON OF MIAMI, FLORIDA (10032041