HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2009-08-06 AdvertisementCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: DATE : FILE : Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk July 29, 2009 SUBJECT Special City Commission Meeting To be held on August 6th, 2009 FROM: REFERENCES: Manuel Dia Mayor ENCLOSURES: Pursuant to Section 2-33 of the Z;ode of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, I would like to call a special meeting of the Miami City Commission on August 6, 2009 at 1:45 PM, at Miami City Hall located at 3500 Pan American Drive. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the amendment to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement executed on March 31, 1983 between the City, Miami -Dade County and the Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade County, Florida, on July 23, 2009. No other business shall be conducted outside of that indicated above. cc: Honorable Members of the Miami City Commission Pedro G. Hernandez, City Manager m ,, Julie O. Bru, City Attorney un�a 0r Crn --`— r- "7 T{ 0 tri n MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Puolisnod Jaay except $arumal. Sunda, anc Legal ltolydays Miami. MiamrDaoe County. Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared V. PEREZ. wno on oatn says that he or she is the LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review lh,/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of PO # 003272 CITY OF MIAMI - NOTICE OF AUGUST 6, 2009 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING in the XXXX Court, • was published in said newspaper in the issues of 07/31/2009 Adiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, tor a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. 7 � Sworn to and subscribed befores4 is 31 day of JULY , A.D. 2009 • (SEAL) V. PEREZ personally known to me Of r: i; M'3ry '•A�:. crM:;n DD7c1tg(1 CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF AUGUST 6, 2009 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Pursuant to Section 2-33 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, Mayor Manuel Diaz hes called ■ special meeting of the Mlaml Cfty Conlmlaabn on August 6, 2009 et 1:45 VY, at Miami City Hail located at 3500 Van American Drive. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the amendment to the Inter -local Cooperation Agreement executed on March 31, 1983 between the City, Miami -Dade County and The Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency approved by the Board of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade County, Fonda, on July 23, 2009. No other business shall be conducted outside of that indicated above. All interested persons may appear at the meeting with respect to this matter. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings S made Including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance wtth the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate In this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) ne later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. (t003272) Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk 7/31 09-4-161/12505.69M CITY OF MIAMI NOTCCE OF AUGUST, 6, 2009 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETINGfcr , G Pursuant to Section 2-33 of the Code of the City of Miami;' Florida,) as amended, Mayor Manuel Diaz has called a special meeting of the Miami City.Commission on August 6, 2009 at 1:45 PM,•';at Miami City Hall located at 3500 Pan American Drive. The _purpose •of this meeting is to consider the amendment to the Interlocal. Cooperation Agreerwt executed on March 31, 1983 between the City, Miami -Dade r. -County and the Southeast Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency ' approvedby the Board of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade County, Florida, on July 23, 2009. No other business shall be conducted outside of that indicated above. • I All interested persons may appear at the meeting with respect to this matter. Should M any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter to be considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be. based (F.S. 286.0105).' . • In accordancewith the Americans with, Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing: 'special"accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at,(305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to ( :the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to ttie proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC City Clerk` • 4 COLIDAD DE RAOARAO, AVISO DE REUNION ESIPECOAL DE LA JUNTA DE CO ° SOSOONAi.OS . EL 6 DE AGOSTO DEL 2009 En conformidad con la Secci6n 2-33 del Codigo de la Ciu- dad de Miami, Florida, segun fue enmendado, el Alcalde Manuel Diaz ha citado para una reunion especial de la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, para el 6 de agosto del 2009, a las 1:45 PM; en el Ayunta- miento (Miami City Hall), situado en el 3500 de Pan American .Drive. El prop6sito de esta reunion es consi- derar la enmienda al Acuerdo de Cooperation "Interlocal ejecutado el 31 de marzo de 1883, entre la Ciudad, Miami- . Dade County y la Agencia de desarrollo del "Southeast Overtown Park West Community", aprobado por la Junta de Comisionado del Condado Miami -Dade, Florida, el 23 de julio de1.2009. No se tratara asunto adicional,.al antes serlalado en esta reunion. ' Se invita a comparecer y ser oidas a'todas las perso- nas en relacion con este asunto. Si alguna persona de- seara apelar cualquier decision de la Junta de Comisio- nados de la Ciudad en relacion con cualquier asunto tratado en esta "audiencia, dicha persona debera ase- gu(arsede que seproduzca_una transcription literal de clu las ,actuaciones, inyendo todos los testimbnie reevi- dencias que pudieran servir de base a cualquier apelaci6n (ES. 286.0105). De acuerdo con la Ley denominada Americans with Disa- bilities de 1990, aquellas personas que necesiten acomo- daciones especiales para participar en este procedimiento pueden ponerse en contacto con la Oficina de la Secreta- ria Municipal (Office of the City Clerk) Ilamando al (305) 250-5360 (Voice) a mas tardar con dos (2) dias laborables ' previos a esta audiencia o al (305) 250-5472 (TTY) a mas tardar con tres (3) dias laborables antes de la reunion. Priscilla A.•Thompson, CMC (#003272) Secretaria Municipal 1HE MIAMI HERALD I MranaMernln.COM DEATHS ! POBEPT LEE WHrTE. 51 BROWARD PLUS Om SATURDAY AUGUST '.2009 I SB PEMBROKE PINES Client Nam 837718901 Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK Advertiser: CO ti i0) M CO Insertion Number: Metro And State/B5/Dade Section/Page/Zone Maven re Mr woe et012 PROUD HOMERS: President Ronald Reagan was among the dtgndanes that Robert Lee White met while playing with the U.S. Army Band. Miamian played the drums for U.S. Army Band BY EUNOR 1, 5RfCNER a> Rented Master Sgt. Robert Lee White a standout drummer in the Mum: Central High School and Ronda ALYM University bands who played for presidents, prime ministers and the military's honored dead with the Untied Stow Army Band. died June 17 at age 53. Watt. of Maryland, had an aggressive form of lung cancer although he never smoked. said his older sister, Yvonne Har- ris of Plnnmdan. Known as "Pershing's Own." the elite. 260- mmnbee band was formed in 1922 by Army Chief of Staff )oho 1. Pershing, and is based at Fon Myer. V. Once accepted, White made o three-year com- mitment to the Army and went through basic train- ing. He stayed for 22 years. After retinae from the Army in 2000. White took Ms high -security clear- ance to the federal Office of Personnel Manage- ment. where. as a special agent. he planned security systems for government buildings. his sister said ARLINGTON BURIAL White was boned July 3 in the Pershing's Own fiction of Arlington National Cemetery. As part of the Army's Cere- monial Band — a 70-im strument ensemble drawn from the main band — he had honored scores of fallen icrvkr members at Arlington funerals. His band mates did the sane for him 'The Ceremonial Band plays at official arrival functions and parades in the D.C. ran but its main commitment is Arling- ton: " said Sgt. Maj. Bob Powers. a euphonium player and White: Mend In addition, White wax e of three percussion- ists wish the band's even more specialised U.S. Army Herald Trumpets. which Powers called "the official fanfare trumpets for the White House." He mastered the "rope" straw drum — tuned with rope embed- ded in the drum hoop rather than a with a key — and the timpani. or kettle drum. He played for the presidential Inaugura- tlnna of limmy Carter, Ronald Reagan. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clin- ton — and at a presiden- tial funeral: that of Lyn- don B. Johnson in 1973. He played at the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics the 1990 Hour on Ge Summit. and for foreign dignitaries around the world Kenneth Talbert. Ccn- tnl's band director from 1971 to 1985. called White "the best student I had in 31 yeah. The rust thing 3 noticed about him was that he was very mature He was totally into the playing of his (04530- menC Even after rehearsing at school. "he'd practice additional two. three hours a day." Tolbert recalled. 'He became sec- tion leader as a ninth - grader." the aunt year he Darned Central's firs "superior" medal in all - state band On Saturdays. he would lead matching - band members through the neighborhood near Awola Park. "recruiting for the band," Tolbert said. "He was very- hum- ble, and all the kids respected him" Robert Lee White. born al home in Ovar- town and raised in Lib- erty City, traced his ancestry to the Bahamas In the 1920s. his parents. Nathaniel and Agatha Fin- ley While, moved from Key Welt t0 Miami. where. Harris said, Nathaniel became one of the Greyhound bus com- pany's first black mechan- ics first snsoru- ment was the trumpet. which his sister said he began playing in an Over - town youth club. An older brother got him inter- ested in the drums "He lust took to it like a duck to water,- Harris said. "He took his drum- sticks wherever he went ... He loved to practice." Ronnie Wilson, a pro- fessional drummer from Carol City. remembers meeting White at a Miaml-Dade County junior high band festival. While attended what is now Madison Middle School: Wilson attended Allapattah They played in all - county and all -state bands at Central and became roommates at FAMU. NATURAL LEADER Religious. unselfish and a natural leader, White was named coordi- nator of the Marching 100's 28-member percus- sion section, Wilson said. and jumped al the chance to audition when the President's Sand gave a moon st FAMU. Wilson said he "wasn't urpr,,nd" when hi, friend made the cut. "Robert had a keen 0walenos and keen sense of the music." Wilson said. "He's a great sight reader — second to none." In addition to his sis• ter. White — divorced from the mother of his three children — is sur- vived by his wire of foot years. Michelle, and daughter Kimberly of Upper Marlboro, Md. son Stephen of Baltimore, and Mothers Nathaniel and Vincent of Miami San Robert Leon White died in an Army tank -training accident at Fort Hood. Texas. in 2002. He wes20. netlike that hat heart- break. her brother "was very grateful for life he had" Harris said. 'He had wonderful family and great friends. and he (rav- eled all over the world and saw all kinds of thing." A memorial service is scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Saturday at- Sr. Mary's Wesleyan Methoditt Church, 4798 NW Eighth Ave The family welcomes memortal donations to FAMU's Marching 100 or the 5t. Mary's expansion fund. City wrestles with $39M hole a Pembroke Pines Adopting the plan as is would clean released a bud9.t with a gut mdhon hole, filling the gap with city sayings, leaving unanswered an option that could severely diminish how the city will fill the p gals. the emergency reserve fund. BY OaNA 905KOylt1 wivesnvoban,ec poisic:w„ After a summer of uncertainty over how Pem- broke fines would recon- cile a nearly $39 vllion budget hole. City Manager Charles F. Dodge has left the decision in the hands of commissioners Dodge released a $313.8 million spending plan Thursday that included a S23.8 million deficit in the city's main operating fund and a $15.1 million hole in the utility fund Commissioner, have multiple options to close these gaps at their first LEGISLATURE budget workshop. ached• uled for Aug 12. They could raise taxes and fees or make more cuts to vices Adopting the plan as o would mean filling the gap with city savings, an option than could severely diminish the emergency reserve fund. Dodge's plan never aug• gests taking money out of reserves. But it gives few cl.r suggestiuto nn how to close the gap. "We started at close to $30 million when we started the processµ and some changes already made that brought it down to 123 million" said Dodge of the operat- ing delrciL Dodge crafted a budget that usea this year's tax rate of 4.4312 for every S1000 of a home's taxable value. Home values i Pines dropped 11 percent percent this year. which means keeping the same tax rate would lower sex bills — but also leave the city with 15.1 million less in property race revenue. But the proposal ups city spending. The general fund alone goes from $158 million to S168 mil- lion. Dodge attributed the jump to personnel cost.. such so pensions. The city it In negntia- withuit three unions negotia- tions represent my workers — police. fire and general employees Without cut- ting cam or raising taxes. the ciy would have to dip into its savings. Goy policy recommends keeping 10 percent of each mnd's bud- get in reserves So a $168 million operating budget should hair SIP., million set mote for emergencies. Toe utility fund shop• fall will be mode up through a bond issue and tones fees. The fund at one pant held more money, but was depleed. in port,through the contro- versial Gay Center proJece a downtown -like develop- ment that has cost about S. million but has yet to fully get off the ground. New details in Sansom case B More details emerge In the criminal investigation Into relationship between former House Speaker Ray Sansom and Inc North Florida college that gave him a $110,000-a-year, part-time lob the saes• day he was sworn In. SY ALEX VARY tit Pieemb +a I,•fYri The college rrudee and college president vrere chatting when the subject turned to stale Rep Ray Sansom "1 was leasing him. 1 sod, 'You know Ray San• son has been a represenu- live of the College and got us a lot of good projects and I really appreciate that. Maybe we need to have a patty for him or tell him we thank him: " trustee Wesley Wilkerson recalled. "He laid.'I'll do better than that, I'd like to give him. job. a part-time Obi** Bob Richburg indeed gave Samoan a 5110,000 job t Northwest Florida Sate College — on the same day last November that San- som war twOrn in u House speaker. But he and Sanaom instal It was not payback for tens of mil• lions of dollars tnd other favors Sansom did for his hometown college during his political ascendancy. Wilterson's observation is just one of many new details to emerge Friday m the criminal case against Sansom. R-De.tin, and Richburg. A state invud- .4 stale investigator conducted interviews Ivith college officials and leaden in the city of Uestin and Ukaloosa County. ggator conducted inter• w, with college officials and leaders in the cityof Destin and Okaloosa County. which add context to the case. Audio from the me madeVieWL were public after being given to defense attomcys Among the details: • College vice presi- dent Gary Yancey sheds light on die ideality of the 'User" who would be stor- ing "multiple aircraft" in a 16 million airport building Sanaom seemed funding for. Yancey said he assumed the architect who sent the a -mad to him was referring to lay Odom. • developer and friend of Sansom's who had once tried to get state funding for hanger and planned to lease space in the col- lege building for his corpo- rate jet business. Destin Jet. Yancey said it was his intention all along w make the building • henget, so could possibly park airplatks in there. It didn't matter who was doing it.' Investigator Jim Anderson asked if there were discus- ' a about anyone other r!himDes! in Jet using the Li0S0N apace. "Only theoreti• rally,' Yancey replied.'1 mean. we never mentioned anybody by name" "Oh. yes." Yancey replied. A college aroketwnman has repeatedly refused to identify the user of the hangar space for the . And the •rchnecl has not returned phone ails o. e-mails. Yancey's disclosure is notable because the e-mail appears to undercut San- som's contention that Odom was never going to use the building. CLASSROOM SPACE • Several college trust- eessaid there was never a stated need for classroom space in Darin before San- om got the S6 million for a building the college said would have been used for emergency operations training and response. And ucollege official said ,t was nusual for the school to get an appropriation and then develop a necdranal- ysis and curriculum. Usu• ally it is the other way around. Sansom hes said money became available during the 2007 legislative session d that he celled the col- lege to see t(a could use a building. • Sansom has also said there his been a long- standing desire for an emergency operations cen- ter m Destin. But while several officials told the investigator it would be a good idea They said there were no plant before to Odom's proposal. What's more. O1aloosa Coonry Commissioner Don Amends sod he wor- ried that a satellite EOC could hurt funding for a built'county center being on the college cam- pus in Nlceville An FBI agent sat m on the Amunds interview and Le cal oth- ers onfirm - n of (edvra interest in the am - LAND INQUIRIES • Destin Cily Manager Greg Kisela told the inves- tigator that Kichburg inquired about other 1an6 in the area that would be suitable for the college building. Kisels said he pointed out some private land and said at least one owner war "more than willing. to sell. But Rich - burg never followed up, Kisela said, instead going with the airport land. neat to DOdom s corporate jet laminae. • Another college trustee. Dale Rice. said he expressed concern when Kichburg told him he was going to hire Stinson. "1 knew we had been blessed with a good amount o money." Rice said And "in my little country boy mind Ray was over there m Tal- lahassee when that was all going on. It lust doesn't sound right" Alex Leary can be reached at leery@spumes. corn Car Trouble? ea fair, Y r Y. aRwAn (6r1w.Hole® CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF AUGUST 6, 2009 SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING Pursuant to Section 2-13 of the Code of the Clty of Marro. Flonda, az amended, Mayor Manual Diaz has caged a special meeting of the Miami City Commission on August 6, 2009 at 1:45 PM. at Miami City Hell located a1 3500 Pan American Drive. The purpose of tins meeting is to canoeist the amendment tD the Intenocal Cooperation Agreement executed on March 31. 1983 between me Crry. Mamo-Dade County and the Soot:most Overtown Park West Community Redevelopment Agency approved by the Boatel of County Commissioners of Warm -Cede County, Florida, on July 23, 2009. No other business shall bo Conducted Outside of that ind,cele6 above. All Inter.ted persons may appear as the meeting wnh respect to this matter. Srlould any person mama to appeal any decision of the CM Commission won respect to any renter to be :nr0viceno to taus meeting. that parson shall ensure Mal a verbaOW record bat the prpdeedlrgs a made mGudng all tea1100ny e075 evidence upon which any appeal may De Dosed (F.S. 266.01061. In eccondance Olin the Americans with Dlsablllhes Act of 1990, persons needing specal accommodations to Parbcipote in this proceeding may c0nt0C, the Onme 01 the Clly Clerk at (3051 250-5360 (vmce) no lisle, than two 121 btmness days poor to the proceeding or et (1051250.5472 f1TY1 no later than (tree 13) lsosne55 days ;snot to the proceeding (8001272) Pnacdle A. Thompson. CMC City Clerk