HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2009-02-12 AdvertisementTHE MIAMI HERALD I gdnoideraldcom/Metro METRO & STATE Dl• Ti1UR5DAY, 3ANUARY29 2009 .I._58 REFUGEE SERVICES CONFERENCE Client Name: 828723201 Ad Number: CITY OF MIAMI-CITY CLERK Advertiser: Section/Page/Zone: Metro And State/B5/Dade 0 a c a) CZ ♦ CZ ♦tie �� MILESTONE FOR NEW WORLD SYMPHONY Monica Sodermano New World Symphony's production technician, and pro- duction manager Dean Tomlinson stand in front of the autographed final steel beam to top the New World Symphony's new campus in Miami Beach. The $150 million Frank Gehry-designed building is scheduled for completion during the 2010-11 season. Miami Harald.com/ news Watm a video and view a MOM 9ailery BROWARD TEACHER OF THE YEAR For top teacher, reading is Bt A reading teacher who uses technology to engage his students was named Broward's Teacher of the Year. BYHANNAH SAMPSON a pion:3mkiniHe,a'ld.com Tony Dutra remembers how it feels to be the kid with a label. Growing up with a speech and language impairment, he struggled to learn. And he learned what it felt like to be pulled out of class for extra attention. He knows, he said Wednesday after being toed Broward County Pub- lic Schools 2010 Teacher of the Year, what his own stu- dents have gone through. And he knows what they can achieve. "I graduated high school. I graduated college. I got my master's ter's degree," he said he tells them. "Everything I accomplished you can accom- plish." Dutra, 45, was named the winner at a ceremony Wednesday afternoon at the Broward County Convention Center in Fort Lauderdale. Seven other finalists were also honored. "1 am not at all surprised that he won:" said his princi- pal, Linda Lopez, "although I am ecstatic that he won." Dutra, who is in his 12th year of teaching in Broward, is a reading teacher and department chair at the two- year -old Middle School Acad- emy at the Hallandale Adult Community Center. His students, who are older than most eighth - graders and at risk of drop- ping out because they have been held back, are given a chance through the academy ;to get back on course to grad- uate. Some have learning disa- bilities. some are still learning English and some were not succeeding in traditional classes because they might si mply have been bored. In his classroom, Dutra said, everyone is treated the same. He jokes with his students, encourages them to feel com- fortable giving an answer and uses the tools they arc already familiar with to foster a love for reading. Finding ways to aid refugees At a North Miami conference on refugee services, social workers traded Ideas on 'best practices' and listened to Inspiring stories. BY CAROL MARBIN MILLER cmaroin@Miarnilieralo.com Hiram Ruiz, Cuban migrant and head of Flori- da's refugee resettlement program, glanced across the audience Wednesday and asked the refugees in the room to identify themselves. Men and women from Cuba, Colombia, Haiti, Bos- nia, Ethiopia and Angola all raised their hands. "This, ladies and gentle - is the face of refugee acculturation," Ruiz told the group. mostly social service providers who work with refugees and asylum -seekers Florida. reaching n Rnix, director of the Department of Children & Families' Refugee Services when he returned to campus ; Office, was one of a dozen after the ceremony carrying speakers at a conference on an size $1000 check j "best practices" for helping "Mr. Dutra, dreams do ' refugees acclimate to the me true," said Joan Morris, United States. Florida cur - who works in the school's reotly is borne to more than media center. ; 143,000 refugees from 60 dif- The school added Dutra's : (erent countries, and about award Wednesday to its his- 75 percent live in Miami, tory of proud moments. Ruiz said. School facility coordinator Born in Cuba but raised in limmy"Morrow was the dis- Miami, Ruiz remembered trict's 2008 school -related i weeping behind a tree at kin - employee of the year. And Ln dergartcn out of frustration 2001, another teacher from over his inability to commu- Ihe school, Henry Brown III, nicate. As an adult, he has was named Broward's helped resettle Vietnamese Teacher of the Year. He went _ n to win the title of Florida WIDACI wtsriawu xtassv new Teacher of the Year. POPULAR CHOICE: Broward Teacher of the Year Tony Miami-Dade'r Teacher of Dutra wins applause at Wednesdays ceremony. Hers the Year will be selected Feb. in his 121h year of teaching in the county. 17 in a ceremony at the Doral Golf Resort & Spa. The four finalists are Patricia Fair - "When I first attended the "He's a hard worker, and clough, Alt 505e Elementary, , school, I didn't enjoy read- he doesn't give up on stu- Homestead; Grisell Rodri-' ing," said Elvis Abreu, 15. dents," said Justin Geier. 14. guez, Spanish Lake Elemen- "He showed us we could "He has passion (or what he's Lary, Northwest Miami -Dade; read better with technology. doing — and he's doing a Nerry Louis, Ilialeah Gardens I'm really good with technol- good job." Senior High, and Ania Fer- ogy." Teachers and administra- nandez, Charles R. Hadley After finishing one novel, ton greeted Dutra with Elementary, West Miami- ; Dutra had the kids produce a applause and endless hugs Dade. podent in the style of an old Siskel & Ebert movie review instead of a typical book' report. They created their -: on GarageBand software. Recently, Recently, he had the SW' dents compare and contrast President Barack Obama's inauguration speech with his address at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. ' The teens broke into groups and wrote rap songs for the assignment. "You need to do something that's real -world that they can connect to," Dutra said. He has also been lauded for developing a project with the school district technology staff that lets students who'_ ..__ are learning English — or j who have disabilities — see and hear text at the same time by using an iPod-like media player. Dutra, who is finishing his doctorate in educational lead- ership with an emphasis on instructional technology at Barry University. n Microsoft , U.S. Innovative vative Teacher of the Year Award in 2007 for his use of the media player. Students said Dutra wins them over with wisecracks MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Colombian fugitive arrested in S. Florida BY JAY WEAVER jweeverf@MiamiHerald.ro,a A Colombian national wanted by his government for s 1994 double homicide is being held in Miami, federal authorities said. Raul Saoabria Castaneda, 41, who resided in Pembroke Pines, (aces charges o( mak- ing false statements to a fed- eral agent. He will be extra- dited to Colombia. U.S. Immigration and Cus- toms Enforcement agents arrested Sonabria on Friday at the Miami -Dade County Courthouse, where he appeared to face state charges of batteryand disorderly Y intoxication. In late December, Miami - Dade police contacted ICE because 5anabriu's immigra- tion status was questionable. A fingerprint analysis showed he was an Interpol fugitive. ICE agents interviewed Saoabria, who claimed he was Ramon Diaz, a citizen of Ven- ezuela. He said he legally entered the United States 10 years ago through John F. Kennedy International Air port in New York. But authorities said an investigation found Sanabria :. entered the US. illegally. . atunng' is Morith? 5 00/MY 3 Month CD ,0 0 4.5% APY 6 Month CO Ask blruu1 Spoclai Rates for IRA's & 401 K's FDIC 1-866-452-1882 Boca Raton 433 Plain Real ABva�ntun 20.80.1 Bis9cayne Blvd 0Fo;neraeaaPaar micir-7sl Nnal wwIn i 1rtlwoaaAe° purn.. se not. rmusna refugees in the United King- dom and worked for the United Nations. lie spoke with pride about his agency's efforts to find homes, jobs and ser- vices es for renigees. Many require job training and employment, language classes, healthcare, medica- tion and mental health ser- vices, speakers said. You don't get raped, beaten, tortured and )experi- ence) genocide and then just get a job and (eel good, said Michael Bernstein, president of Gulf Coast Jewish Family Services in Pinellas County. The group operates the Flor- ida Center for Survivors of Torture, based in Tampa. Eighteen months ago, Norma Hincapie and her family were hiding from Colombian rebels who had tried to kill her husband, an engineer and "military objective" of guerrillas. On Wednesday, the respi- ratory therapist-turned-tutor recounted what a Harvard University doctor called a "toxic trauma story" of her journey from persecution to deliverance. "We couldn't stay one more day in Colom- bia," she said. DCA Secretary George Sheldon said refugees account fora growing num- ber of new arrivals — 27,000 sought refuge in Florida in 2007. "The [challenge) of refugees is not only to sur- e," he said, "but to thrive — and that depends on us." tt. }� a STATE OF THE VILLAGE PLEASE JOIN MAYOR CINDY LERNER AND THE PINECREST VILLAGE COUNCIL FOR THE ANNUAL STATE OF THE VILLAGE ADDRESS ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 2009, AT 390 P.M. P/NECREST GARDENS/SWAN LAKE TERRACE 11000 RED ROAD PINECREST, FLORIDA TOUR THE BEAUTIFUL GARDENS AS WELL AS THE NEW LIBRARY AND PINECREST COMMUNITY CENTER, REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED. VILLAGE OF RNE01EST w.rw*Ogee-, CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION , PURSUANT TO SECTION 170.07, FLORIDA STATUTES, FIXING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2009 AT 2:30 P.M. AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 AS THE TIME AND PLACE AT WHICH THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED PURSUANT TO THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL ATTACHED TO RESOLUTION NO. 08-0455, ADOPTED JULY 24, 2008, AND ON FILE WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI CLERK'S OFFICE, OR ANY OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AND BE HEARD AS TO THE PROPRIETY AND ADVISABILITY OF MAKING THE IMPROVEMENTS, AS TO THE COST THEREOF, AS TO THE MANNER OF PAYMENT THEREFORE, AND AS TO THE AMOUNT THEREOF TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST EACH PROPERTY SO IMPROVED, AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION NO. 08-0455. The Miami CityCommission requests all interested parties be resent or represented at this meeting P P P 9 and are invited to express their views. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodations to participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC (4003201) City Clerk MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared V. PEREZ, who on oath says that he or she is the . LEGAL CLERK, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business s. Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attacned copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of (#003206) CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING - FEBRUARY 12, 2009 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 02/05/2009 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. V* Sworn to and subscribed b ore e this 05 day of F• 8 , A.D. 2009 (SEAL) V. PEREZ personally known to me 0.V. FERBEYRE MY COMMISSION # DD 528108 EXPIRES: July 9, 2010 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters RECEIVE:0 2009 FEB -9 PM 3: 33 'RISCILL A A. THOMPSONd CCITY MIAMI. OF MTY iC ,HI,FL CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY,COMMISSION ,.PURSUANT TO ;SECTION 170.07, FLORIDA STATUTES, FIXING THURSDAY, !FEBRUARY 12, 2009 AT 2:30 P.M. AT CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 AS THE TIME AND PLACE AT WHICH THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED PURSUANT. TO THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT 'ROLL ATTACHED TO RESOLUTION NO.•.08-0455, ADOPTED JULY 24, 2008, AND ON FILE WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI CLERK'S OFFICE; OR ANY OTHER PERSONS INTERESTED THEREIN MAY APPEAR BEFORE THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AND BE HEARD AS TO THE PROPRIETY AND ADVISABILITY OF MAKING THE IMPROVEMENTS, AS:TO THE COST. THEREOF, AS TO THE MANNER OF PAYMENT THEREFORE, AND AS TO THE AMOUNT THEREOF TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST EACH PROPERTY SO IMPROVED, AS SET FORTH IN RESOLUTION NO.08-0455.. ' The Miami City Commission requests all=interested parties be present or representedat this meeting and .are invited to express their views. Should any person desire'to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based (F.S. 286.0105). • . In accordance with the Americans with. Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing specialaccommodationsto participate in this proceeding may contact the Office of the City Clerk. at (305) 250-5360 (Voice) no later than two (2) business days prior to the proceeding or at (305) 250-5472 (TTY) no later than three (3) business days prior to the proceeding. Priscilla A. Thompson, CMC (#003206) City Clerk 2/5 09-3-199/1167367M