HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit ASECTION 2) LEGAL pE$ORIPTION: Lots 1,2,3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 16 less the South 10 feel, Block 3 of BRICKELL'S ADDITION TO MIAMI xNOWNI AS RIVERVIEW, according to the Plot thereof us recorded in Plot Book 5, Page 43 and Lots 7, 8, 13 and 14, Block 3 of RIVERSIDE BRICKELL'S ADDITION, according to the Plot thereof as recorded in Plat Dealt 4, Page(s) 45. or the Public Records of Miami-0ade County, Horde. Lot 6, Block 3, of RIVERVIEW (MRS. MARY DRICKELL'S SUBDM510N), according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plot Book S. Page 43, of the Public Records of Miomi--bode County, Florida. The North 100 of Lot 9, Block 3, of RIVERVIEW (MRS, MARY BRICKELL'S SUBDIVISION), according to the Plot thereof, as recorded in Plat Rook 5, Page 43, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. North 100 feet of Lot 10, Block 3 of BRICNELL'S RIVERVIEW, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plot Book 5, Pdge(s) 43, of the Public Records of Miami --Dade County, Florida, a/k/a North 100 feet of Lot 10, RIVERSIDE, according to the Plat thereof os,recorded in Plot Book 4, Poge 45, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. The South 50 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Black 3 of RIVERSIDE BRICKELL'S ADDITION, according to the Plot thereof as recorded in Plot Book 4, Page 45, a/k/o the South 50 feet of Lots 9 and 10, Block 3 of RIVERVIEW (Mrs. Mary Brickell's Subdivision) eocording to the Plat thereat recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 43„ both of the Public Records of Miami -Dods County, Florida. The North 50 feet of Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, "BRICKELL'S RIVERUfFW", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat 1 5, at Page 43, of the Public Records of Miomi-Dods County Florida. The South 100 feet of Lot 11. Block 3 of RIVERVIEW, a subdivision in Section 38, Township 54 South, Range 41 East, according to the Plot thereof, recorded in Plat Back 5, Page 43, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, less the South ten feet (S. 10') or said Lot 11 dedicated to the City or Miami for street purposes; AND The South 100 Feet (5,100') of Lot 12, Block 3, of RIVERSIDE BRICKELL'S ADDITION! TO THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 45, of the Public Records of Dude County, Florida,. less the South ten feet (5,10') of said Lot 12 dedicated to the City of Miomi for street purposes, Lot 15, LESS South 10 feet, Black 3 of BRICKELL'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MIAMI KNOWN AS RIVERSIDE, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, Poge(s) 43, of the Pub1Tc Records of MIAMI-DARE County, Florida. Lots 19 and 20. Black 3 of RIVERVIEW, according to the Plat therear as recorded In Plot Book 5, Page(s) 43, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. EXHIBIT -A-A_ LEGAL DESCR3PTICN: Lacs 1,2,3, 4, 5, 15, 17, IB less the South IO teoi, Rlock 3 of BRfCKELL'S A001PON TO MIAMI K"trN AS R€VERVIE9l, acrordrrng to the Plot thereof as record-O En Plot Back 5, Page 433 and Lvts 7, E, 13 and 14, Black 3 of Raced. E BRICKELCS AODITlON, occording to the Plat tharaaf as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page(s) 45, of Iha Public Records o! Mionli--Dade County, Florida. Lot 6, Bt-Wr 3, of RIVERVIEW (TARS, MARY RRICKELCS SUBDIVISION), according to the Plat thereof, os recorded in Plat Baak 5, Page 43, of the Public Records of M'rami-Dade County. nurfdo, The Narlh 100 of Lot 9, Black 3, of RIVERVIEW (MRS. MARY BRICKELL'S SUBDIVISION), according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, P090 43. of the Public Recards of Minmf-Dade County, Florida, North 100 feel of Lot 10, Black 3 of BRIC14ELCS RiVFRVIEW, according to the Plat thereof os recorded In Plot Book according )to the (Plat fherelof uscrecordedx{in Pic(( Bank 4, PPage 4�o, Florida. of Ihea Public Records {aF lMLoml;�DadejCounty, The South 50 feet of Lets 9 aid 10, Black 3 of RIVERSIDE RRICKELL'S AUDITION, according to the Plot thereof os recorded €n Plat Book 4, Page 45, ./11/a the Sc.th 5o feet of Leta 9 and 10, Block 3 of RNERVIEYP (Mrs. Mary BrirkaA's Subdivision) according to the Mal. thereof recorded is Plot Book Miami -Odds County, Fiord.. 5, Page 43, path aP [he Public Recards of The North 50 real of Lots I I and 12. UPON 3, "BRICKELL% RIVERVIEW", according to the Plat thereof, as reeordad in Plat Book 5, at POge 43, of the Public Records o1 Miami -Dade County Florida. The South I(jp feet of Lot 11, Block 3 of RIVERViEW, . subdivision In saclion 06. Township 54 South, Range 41 East, .ocording to the Rat thereof. recorded in Plot Book 5, Poge 43, 01 the P14I1C Records of Once Caunly, Florida, less the South ton feel (5. i0') of sold Lot t I dedicated la Ihs City 0f Miami far .freak p.rpa s; AND The South 100 Feet (S.1 tl0') of Let 12, Bloch 3, of RIVERSIDE BRICKELL'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MULMf, FLORI according to Uw Plol ihereaf, as recorded im Pial Book 4, Page 45. of the Public RacoMs of Clads OA,COonly, Florida, less the South ten fee! MID') of sold Lot T2 dedicated to the City of Miami for street parp... s, Lot 15, LESS South 10 feet- Black 3 of BRICKELL'S AUDRION TO THE CETY OF Whit KNOWN Aa RIVERSIDE, according to the Plot thereof as recorded In Plot Book 4, Page(s) 43, of the Public Rocorcts of MIAMI-OADE County, Florida. Lots 19 and 20, BIOclk 3 of RIVERVIEW, according to the Plot thefeuf as recorded in Plot Soak 5, Page(s) 43, of the PubOc Recards of Miami-Uada County, Florida. The North 5D Fact of Lots 1 and 2 BRICKELL'S ADDITION as raoordeo in Plot Book 4, at Page 45 of the Public Records of Dada County, Florida. ArlD The Confer 50 Feat or Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 1r RNER SIDE DRICKELL'S AOOITIOfl, as recorded M Plot Book 4 at Poge 45 of the Public Records of Sad- County, Florida. Told Square Footage of all Cots: 69,900.E Feel 1.61 Acres Total Square Faalege of Folio 01-413E-003-3040 and 01-.413A-OD3-3050: 10,000,1 Feet 0,23 Acres Tot.l Square Faatnge of an Lots less roAo DI-413E-003-3tl40 and 01-4135-003-3050t 59,988,7 feet 1.36 Acres f r r