FILE ID: OS "� 14 bV
Date: 12/1/2008 Requesting Department: Public Facilities
Commission Meeting Date: 12/11/2008 District Impacted: 2
Type: ® Resolution [l Ordinance n Emergency Ordinance ❑ Discussion Item
Subject: Resolution authorizing the extension of lease between City of Miami and Rickenbacker
Marina, Inc., as assigned, for city -owned property located at 3301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami,
Purpose of Item:
A Resolution of the Miami City Commission, authorizing the extension of the term of the Lease
Agreement ("Lease") between the City of Miami and Rickenbacker Marina, Inc., as assigned, for
property located at 3301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida ("Property"), subject to conditions,
providing for City Commission approval of the terms of such extension on or before March 12, 2009;
and providing for automatic rescission of the authority granted herein should the City Commission
fail to approve such terms on or before March 12, 2009.
Background Information: See attached
Budget Impact Analysis.
Yes Is this item related to revenue?
No Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No:
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
No Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost: n/a
Maintenance Cost: n/a
Total Fiscal Impact: n/a
Final Approvals
If using or receiving capital funds
Grants /NI(A. Risk Management
Purchasin NJff Dept. Director
Chief £ City Manager
Paee 1 of 2
Subject: Resolution authorizing the extension of lease between City of Miami and Rickenbacker
Marina, Inc., as assigned, for city -owned property located at 3301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami,
Background Information:
Rickenbacker Marina, Inc. ("Lessee") has requested that the City extend its lease for a term of seven and
one-half (71/2) years which lease expires January 7, 2009, in order to recoup certain capital
improvements it plans to make to the property located at 3301 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida.
Due to ongoing development of the Virginia Key Master Plan, the City and Lessee are negotiating the
terms for continued use of the property as a marina -restaurant type facility which shall include amending
the lease as follows: 1) a term not to exceed 71/2 years of the lease; 2) Lessee shall pay no less than fair
market rent based on an appraisal of the property which appraisal cost will be paid by Lessee; 3) lessee
shall pay all outstanding amounts that are due from an audit finding of Audit No. 08-006 and its related
issues by no later than December 10, 2008; 4) said negotiated amendment to be brought back for City
Commission approval on or before March 12, 2009; 5) should the City Commission fail to approve the
terms of the amendment on or before March 12, 2009, the extension authorized herein becomes null and
void, and Lessee shall immediately vacate the Property; and 6) should the City Commission fail to
approve the terms of the amendment on or before March I2, 2009, the City Attorney is hereby
authorized to proceed with all necessary legal actions to take possession of the Property, and no further
action shall be required by the City Commission, and with additional terms and conditions more
particularly set forth in the amendment to Lease. Rickenbacker Marina, Inc. has a revocable permit with
the City for use of adjacent parking and is using the City's boat launching area. The City will be
obtaining an appraisal for said uses and will bring back a negotiated agreement for City Commission
approval based on fair market rent.
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