HomeMy WebLinkAboutTabulationTABULATION OF BIDS IFB 106048 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES Item No. Description 1.1 12 1.3 - Group Group 1: Miami Riverside Center, Tract 1 Group 1: Miami Riverside Center, Tract 2 Group 1: Miami Riverside Center, Tract 3 UOM Month Month Month Estimated city. 12 12 Carswell Property Maintenance, Inc. Unit Price 2,55000 $ 1,500.00 S' 1,500.00 Extended Amount $ 18,000.00 $ 18,000.00 5FM Services, Inc. Unit Price 623.04 $ 623.04 .4 Extended Amount $ 7,476.48 $ 7,476.48 Sanchez Arango Construction • " Sonny's To Co. A Native Tree Service ' rht gl$Olgif§$14010.11 Prepared by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB Date: 11/18/2008 3-M21111linl EttfailMOVO 1 Unit Price Extended Amount Unit Price it Extended 1:47,44.1r=' Amount 7013.16 7 tt; BID - Unit Price $ 507.00 al Landscaping, Inc." 4-112EN*11"e4ittetarge Itatone fiistogiv,531 .4 3 , 20.32 $ ..507.00 Extended Amount $ - 6,084.0 $ 6,084.01 ;;$ 6084.01 '.:1VV0.18,252.0( Item No. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Description Group 2: Miami Police Department, Central District Headquarters: inside building perimeter and parking garage Group 2: Miami Police Department. Central District, Interstate 95 (1-95) Overpass Area Group 2: Miami Police Department, Central District, Grapeland. Heights Specialized Operations Center and perimeter Group 2: Miami Police Department, North District, Station and perimeter Group 2: Miami Police Department, South District, Station and perimeter Group 2: Miami Police Department, David Herring Center and perimeter Group 2 Miami:Police Department, Miami Police Mounted Unit UOM Month Month Month Month Month Month Month' Estimated Qty. 12 12 12 12 TABULATION OF BIDS IFB 106048 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES Carswell Property Maintenance, Inc. Unit Price $ 2,000.00' $ 1,500.00 $ 1,350.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 1,700.00. Extended Amount $ 24,000.00'! $ 18,000.00 $ 11400.00 $ 16,200.00 $ 13;800.00` $ 13,800.00 20,400 001: 5FM Services, Inc. Extended Unit Price Amount Sanchez Arango Construction Co. Unit Price $ 1,480.44 $ 1,480.44 • $ 1`480:44 7 1,480.44 $1,480.44' Extended Amount $ 17,765.28 $ 17,765.28 17,765.28`! $ 17,765.28 Z,765.28!. A Native Tree Service Unit Price $ 2,135.76 $ 458.83 606,48 $ 466.29 680.511! Extended Amount $ 25,629.12 $ 5,505.96 7,277:76 $ 5,595.48 Wadi "6 33g44' p�-. Sonny's To Unit Price 47i.00 $ 377.00 $ 487.00 37000 $ 377.00 $ 1,107.00 al landscaping, nc.• $ Extended Amount 5,724:0C 4,524.00 '6084.00 5,844.00 4,440.00 Total0*.0up2 ,;:;ra,_;i Prepared by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB Date: 11/1 8/2008 2 4,524.00 13,284.00 ':44;424.00 TABULATION OF BIDS IFB 106048 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES fift 3.2 3. 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.n 3.1I 3.13 3.14 m Group 3 Miami`Fire RescueDepartment� Fire Station# 2 " Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire Station# 3 Group 3: Miami Fire-RescueDepartMent, Fire • Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire Station# 5 Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department,'' Fire Station# 6 Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire Station# 7 Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire Station# 8 Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire Station# 9 Group 3 Miami Fire-Rescue'Department, Fire Station# 10 Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire Station# 11 Group 3 Miami'Fire-Rescue! Department; Fire Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire Station# 13 Group 3: Miam-ii!Fire-Rescue Department;''Fre' Station# 14 Group 3: Miami Fire -Rescue Department, Fire College Total for Group 3' ;, Prepared by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB Date: 11/18/2008 Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month 12 12 12 12 12 1. 12 12 12 Carswell Property Maintenance, Inc. 1;15000 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,25000 $ 650.00 $ $ 1,350.00 $ �1,35p�Q0 $ 1,350.00 $ 1,15000 $ 650.00 $ 1,25000 $ 750.00 $ 750.00: $ 2,600.00 13,800,0di $ 24,000.00 $• 15,000.00' 7,800.00 9,000.00' 16, 200.00 $ ' i6,200,00:j 16,200.00 $ 13,800OQ 7,800.00 $ 15 0001)0'' $ 9,000.00 9,000,00' $ 31,200.00 SFM Services, Inc. 3 Sanchez Arango Construction Co. $ .Y390.41r $ 2,438.47 $ .1;388:62:• $ 950,29 $ 2,024,70 $ 1,760.52 $ '1,802 22: $ 1,218.35 $ 1,696,72 $ 1,218.35 $" .2,3014W $ 2,000.60 $ 3569.36 16,684 92I! $ 29,261.64 16,663.441 $ 11,403.48 $ ;24,296.40 5 21,126.24 i2026:64',' $ 14,620.20 20,360 64; $ 14,620.20 :25,314.96i $ 24,007.20 11,736"96 $ 42,832.32 S1 l zs4,555.24+ A Native Tree Service $ 265.61". $ 544.37 206i87' $ 179.90 283.88;" $ 323.24 99.88 $ 267.59 251,3 $ 201.08 308 75! $ 138.44 167.71• $ 377.97 $ 6,532.44 $ 2;482.44 $ 2,158.80 $ 3,40636 $ 3,878.88 $ .""2;33856 $ 3,211.08 $ = 3,01572', $ 2,412.96 3,705.00 $ 1,661.28 2,01352 $ 4,535.64 w$. 78:0 is 047 Sonny's Total Landscapin, Inc.. 11700 $ 117.00 $ 117.00 $ 117.00 $ 117.00 $ 117.00 $ 117009.' $ 170.00 117i00'r $ 117,00 5 . 123.00' $ 123.00 $ '12300 $ 227.00 $ 1,476"C $ 1,476.0 $ 2,724.0 '21;825.0 TABULATION OF BIDS IFB 106048 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 4.1 4.2 egre Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Belle Meade Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department Jackson House Park Month '12 Month 12 Carswell Property Maintenance, Inc. • $ 750.00 $ 950.00 9,060,60' $ 11,400.00 SFM Services, Inc. 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9. 4.10 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.16 4,17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 Group 4. Miami Parks and.Recreation Department; Little River Commerce Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Pallot (Magnolia) Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation,: Department; Sterns Park _. Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Southside Park Group4: MiamiParks aqd Recreation Department, East Bay Vista Park _ Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, North Bay Vista Park Group 4• Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Pullman Mini Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Simenhoff Group 4d MiamiParks and Recreation' Department West Buena Vista • Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, 12 Avenue Mini Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, South gay Vista Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Miami Riverwalk Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation • Department, Miami Riverfront Dev..Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Second Ave. Mini Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Towne Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Flagami Park Group 4i Miami. Parks and Recreation Department, Bay.of Pigs , . Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Grove Circle Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department Coconut Grove Mini Park Prepared by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB Date:11/18/2008 Month '12 Month Month' Month Month. 12 1 12 2' Month 12 Month 12 Month 12 Month' 12 Month 12 Month 12' Month 12 Month 1 Month 12 Month 12 Month 12 Month 12 '.. Month 12 Month .,12 $ 1,150 00', $ 2,600.00 $ 2,150.00 $ 1,400.00 5 400.00 $•75000 $ 950.00 $ 1,750.00' $ 650.00 5 700,00 $ 700.00 $ $ 750.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,600.00 $'1,55000 $ 1,200.00 $ 11,800 00 $ 31,200.00 $ , , 43;200,00'. $ 25,800.00 $ „ 16,800.00:i $ 4,800.00 $ 9,00000' $ 11,400.00 21,000100. $ 7,800,00 F.$,8400`.00 $ 8,400.00 ,8;400.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 15,600.00: $ 19,200.00 S 18,600.00 $ 14,400.00 12,400.00 4 Sanchez Arango Construction Co. $ 856.44 $ 856.44 $ 856.44 $ 856.44 856i44 $ 856.44 44 $ 856.44 $ 856.44 $ 856.44 856.44 $ 856.44 856:44 $ 856.44 856'.44 $ 856.44 $ 856.44 856:44. $ 856.44 856i44 0;27Z28 $ 10,277.28 $ $.; 10;277.28: 10,277 28 10,277128 10,277,28 $.° 10,277..28•: $ 10,277.28 0;277.28: $ 10,277.28 $ r:':. 10,277 28 $ 10,277.28 0 277.28!: 10,277.28 $ 0,277,28' $: 10,277.28 10;277.28 $ 10,277.28 .10�2'77.28 $ 10,277.28 10277,28i' A Native Tree Service 381.60 $ 236.68 461:60. $ 503.47 $ .1,618:15 $ 851.64 551.01• $ 445.13 $ 883.19 $ :r 44543.. $ 300.21 300,21 $ 648.38 S. 257.86 $ 1,154.74 '$ :67994 $ 646.51 '$' • 540.63 187.27 960 84 $ 2,840.16 3,139:'20 $ 6,041,64 $I 19 417,80: $ 10 219.58 $ $ 5,341.56 $ 4,155.60 $ 10,598.28 5,341:56' 3,602.52 3,60252' $ 7,780.56 3,094.32 $ 13,856.88 8;159:28 $ 7,758.12 5 6,487.56 $ 2,247.24 $ 11.530.08 55 b6 ;67 .yam. 2.693 `k 45. 8 686 ' .$: Sonny's Total Landscaping, Inc! '.5 ''127.00 $ 77.00 1,524.00 $ 167.00 $ 2,004.00 137.00 _ $ 1;644.00 207.00 $ 2,484.00 1,644.00. 137.00 $ 1,644.00 127.00 5: 1,524.00. $ 157.00 $ 1,B84.00 $''.i.;137,00 $. ` 1,644.00 2,400.00 $ 97.00 $ 1,164;00: $ 167.00 $ $ 167:00' $ 227.00 $ $ --97.00 $ 2,004.00 • 2,004.00'. 2,724.00 1,164.00' 137.00 $ 1,644.00 $' 137.00 '$: 1,644.00 $ 97.00 $ $:'.' 267.00 $ 3;204.00 1,164.00 TABULATION OF BIDS IFB 106048 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES PRO Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation 4.22 Department, Coconut Grove Tennis Court Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas 4.23 (Silver Bluff) Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation 4.24 Department, Triangle Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation 4.25 Department, Highland Circle Mini Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation 4.26 Department, Melrose Park Group 4; Miami Parks and Recreation 4.27 Department, Range U 1 Park 4.28 Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Martell Park Group Miami Parks and Ret'reation ;'; Department, RainhawVdiage Park, Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation 4.30 Department, Grove Mini Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation ?' Department, Buena Vista Park Group 4. Miami Parks and Recreation 4.32 Department, City Cemetery 4.33 4.34 4,35 4.36 Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Baywood Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Golden Arms Park Group 4. Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Unity Park Group 4: Miami Parks and Recreation Department, Grove Heritage Garden Park Tota(fo�Grpup4 - Prepared by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB Date: 11/10/2008 Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Carswell Property Maintenance, Inc. $ 1,000.00 950.00 $ 950.00 $ .800:00'' $ 2,000.00 $, 1,000.00{ $ 1,000.00 5 i,9so:ao" $ 950.00 $ 1.950.00`: $ 4,100.00 5 1,950.00'� $ 900.00 $ 750.00' $ 1 100.00 $ 11,400.00 $ 9,600.00'.' $ 24,000.00 $ 12;000.00'. 12,000.00 $ 23,400.0a $ 11,400.00 $ 23,400.00' $ 49,200.00 $ 23400:00. $ 10,800.00 ;000 00 $ 13,200.00 $ S744Dt),OQi SFM Services, Inc. Sanchez Arango Construction Co. $ 856.44 $ 856.44 856.44 $ 856.44 856.44 $ 856.44 •856 44 $ 856.44 856.44 $ 856.44 S 856.44 $ 856.44 5 856.44 $ 10,277.28 $ 10,277.28 0 77:28�:i $ 10,277.28 $ r30;2771 $ 10,277.28 16,277 28 $ 10,277.28 $ ` 10'277.28' $ 10,277.28 .30,277,28 $ 10,277.28 $ 113;277.28i' $ 10,277.28 A Native Tree Service $ 208.45 $ 572.61 261.60 $ 1,156.61 $ .: 618;49 $ 1,498.15 41' 934.05 $ ' 1084:58... $ 3,604.21 620 15 $ 282.77 Z01145' $ 395.71 $ 6,371.32 S.. 3,139:20 "..' $ 13,879.32 lSll liii14taa • $ 17,977.80 11,20860' 3,732.12 $ 43,250.52 3,393.24 44 80.. .08 2 O 4,748.52 fk •9a; F'-R 5>^'-°• '98 $-K7293464:B0` Sonny's Total Landscaping, Inc $ 237.00 $ 187•00'. $ 177.00 107,00.: $ 427.00 87100 $ 300.00 $ : 195,00 2,844.00 2,244.00 2,124.00 1,284.00:' $ 5,124.00 S 2;244:00� 3,600.00 $ 2,34000 $ 187.00 $ 2,244.00 $ 3 540.00' $ 500.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 547.00 $ 6,564.00 225.00 $ 2,700.00 TABULATION OF BIDS IFB 106048 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 5.1' 5.2 5,3 Group 5:.Public Facilities Department, Coconut Grove Exposition Center Group 5: Public Facilities Department, Dinner Key Marina Group Si Public Facilities Department, Orange" Bowl Stadium ParkingLots • Month Month 12 Month 1Z' Carswell Property Maintenance, Inc. $ 2,600.00 $ 37,800:00 SFM Services, Inc. 3,496.1E 41,954,i6; 31,200.00 $ 1,532.76 $ 18,393.12 49,80000 I.'Totat fo2Groap 5 Prepared by: Yusbel Gonzalez, CPPB Date:11/18/2008 Sanchez Arango Construction Co. $ `f68,3708 A Native Tree Service $ 3,331.66 1;466.33 3$,807:40 $ 39,979.92 17,619:96: Sonny's Total Landscaping, Inc.. '$r'9640738. •,$,m 40-9744M Pursuant to section 18-85(a) of !the City's Code, BCLS Landscaping Group (local ;vendor) was given the ;opportunity to match their bid !price to that of the lowest bidder i (non -local) for Group 1. However 'since the non -local bidder was ;declared non -responsive, BCLS !Landscaping Group became the i lowest responsive & responsible 'bidder for Group 1 and therefore i the local bidder preference no longer applies. $ 1,707.00 $ 700.00 $ 20,484.00' 8,400.00 21,348.00 $.'-..50,232:00'. *Bidder is non -responsive for -failure to properly fill out the City of Miami Living Wage Spreadsheet as required pursuant to Section 2.6 of the Invitation for Bid (IFB)