HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpreadsheetc,u5 LGC.A sCC&Fisrn &ro�f GROUP I: MIAMI RIVERSIDE CENTER -TRACT 1 Qe-- V 1 5 t Instructions The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. The is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.46, without health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Hourly Daily Hours Per Task Classification/Position positions Freauencleq Wage Position I Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 ' $13 00 Y 9.85 2 Weeding Lead Worker .33 9.50 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 2 $1246 ! 9.40 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 1 17 x11b,00pv 8.70 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 17 5123tii ;a. 8.42 6 Mulch Ground Keeper .5 .17 512 4B 8.60 7 Pest Control Ground Keeper .5 083 1r$124t3 8.55 NOTE: Si worker can be assig • ned to multiple tasks and accounted'fot in the spreadsheet In ttie fo6ovring manner performing 2 task;&Mutch;.5should be hssed under tte number of positions for each task),.,.., p¢rfoimmg3 tasks.- (i weeding, Edging,Trimmtng .33shbuid be listed underthe nunibe bf posnioinsfbreach to "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Cost Labor Cost Per Day Per Position SS/MED Wee FUTA 1%) §:LAM d 1•/.1 Liabititvl%i $84.511"40?4„w' 270% $81.51 $117.12 $43.61 $8.92 $9.11 $4.42 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (6) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY ($) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) $349.26 20.05% $70.03 0.15% 0.52 gv. $34.64.93 PROFIT (•/.) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST $66.21 GROUP I: MIAMI RIVERSIDE CENTER -TRACT 2 JnstruCtion$ The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, arid to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is S11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder Is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of ask ClassltIcation7Position Positions Freduencle 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 2 Weeding Lead Worker .33 2 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 2 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 1.17 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 .17 a Mulch Ground Keeper .5 .17 7 Pest Control Ground Keeper .5 .083 fjouriv NOTE Aworker can be asslg ned to multiple tasks and accounted for In the spreadsheet In the following manner:,;,. per)ocming 2 tasksm (ive. Fertilization &Mutch;.5'should be listed underthe number of positions jor each sank) performing 3 tasks- (i.e. Weeding, -Edging Trimming .33 should' be listed under the number of positions for each task) Daily Hours Per position 10.35 10.25 9.95 10.66 9.70 • 9.73 9.25 Labor Cost Per Day 588.80 $87.95 $123.98 $53.51 $10.27 $10.31 $4.78 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY (•4) LIABILITY ($) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($1 "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Cost Per Position 55/MED I%) FI TA 1%) SUI I /) WIC 191 Liab litvl t ) ,:�.�. ` •k; 785% ;: 12g%.,„„ 2,70% es4. ,670k O'- olsth .;": $379.59 20.05% $78.11 0.15% 0.57 537.96 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST $74.13 GROUP 1: MIAMI RIVERSIDE CENTER -TRACT 3 Instructions The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and prdfn determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate Is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and S 12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. "PAYROLL BURDEN" Number of HOUfIY Daily Hours Per Total Labor Cost Legg Classsitscatlon/Posttloq positions Frequencies Waae position Labor Cost Per Day per Po5flon SSIMED MI FUTA 1 01 Slit (! ( WIC (Y 1 LlabilitvtAl 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 1i54300'3� 9.55 581.94 ,.,�a32O.81 ir`365Fra,;;y.'i'00% 270%,gym 8,704 a_„75U054 2 Weeding Lead Worker .33 2 1300 9.25 $79.37 3 Edging Ground Worker .5 2 �12.46 . 8.75 5109.03 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 117 3 3 00i 10.15 550.95 5 Fertilization Ground Worker .5 17`l2¢u 7.55 58.00 6 Mulch Ground Worker .5 17 $1246 7.60 $8.05 7 Pest Control Ground Worker .5 083 6.59 $3.41 NOTE: • A worker can be at is red co muttiple tasksagd accounted for In thespce$rlsheetln the following mariner performing 2 tasks',= - (i.e. Fertilltatmn & Mutch;,5 should be i sued umderthe numbarnf positions for ea h to k) performing 3tasksstie Weeding, 0d01m1g Trenmin: Oh should be listed under the number ofpositorts for each fdsk�'( LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN ($1 LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (St OPERATING EXPENSE (Y.) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST 5340.73 20.05% $68.32 15.00% 51.11 $34.07 $74.13 GROUP II: pQJICE DEPARTMENT CENTRAL DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS INSIDE BULDING PERIMETER AND PARKICISz GARAGE 408 N3X...a AVE Instnrclione: The purpose of tars spreadsheet d to provide a formal for bidders to provide a deleted and complele breakdown of it. labor cost, payroll burden, liability coal. operating expense. end profit determining Ilse local cost per hour bid price This is necessary to ensure that the bidder in complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rote. Mien is applicable to lies bid, and to calculate (inure Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by Iha Living Wage Ordinance. The current thing wage rate is 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 912.46. without a health herself( plan. Bidder is required to only N the gray shaded fields. A5 other fields ere poolecled and can not be altered. Bidder is able to aril instrucllonslcommenls under those fields where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total labor Number of Hourh, pally Hours Par Cost Per Task Classification/Position ' Positions Fraouonciet 14Poais1on Labor Cost Per Day p .p SSfMED r5I fUTA M .) SUI (%) WIC 1%) LiabllilylRl 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0,33 2 I,S'4300'F` 8.15 509.93 rtE�$2081 „78`N4M3"QINa6's,• :- 2•70%, ii 878% t s =15330% "? 2 Trimming Lead Worker .33 1 17 VIM Trimming 7.75 933.90 3 Fertilization Ground Keeper 5 .17 "51,2 j§:' 7.75 56.21 4 Mulch Lead Worker 33 17 3fl3flti";„ 764 55.57 5 Past Control Ground Keeper .5 083 4812.48 7.5 S3.85 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 • 2 $ 2.48" 7.5 993.45 7 Garbage Cana Ground Keeper 5 2 t2 4„? 743 592.58 NOTE: - LABOR COST PER DAY A worker can be asslg ned'to multipletasks' and accounted for In the spreadsheet to the following manner: PAYROLL BURDEN f %) performing 2 tasks= t (i.e. Fertilisation & Mulch; .5 Should he listed underthe nuinherof posttignrh each task) ' ? . PAYROLL BURDEN (S) performing 3 tasks= (t.e. Weeding:Edging, Trimming; .33 should be listed under:Ilse number of poeuom for each task) LIABILITY MI LIABILITY (S) OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) $312.51 20.05% $62.05 15.00% 46. BB 531.25 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST ;367.99 567.99 GROUP II: POLICE DEPARTMENT CENTRAL DISTRICT BELOW I-05 OVERPASS AREA FROM N.W 4 STREET TO N.W 8 STME€T AND FROM N W. 3 AVE TO N.W. 3 CT. Instructions: The purpose of lids spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a delayed and complete breakdown of lls labor cos, payroll burden. liability cost, operating expense. and profit determining the Iola! cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. which is applicable to this bid, and to catcWale future Living Wage Rate increases to Ike awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rat* is $11.21, with a bealth benefit plan, and 512.4e, without a health benefit plan. bidder is required to only IB the gray shaded fields. All other fields are prolecled and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Hourly Daily Hours Par Task Ctassitlu11on/Posnlon positions P.M/melee W oa Position Labor Coat Par Day 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 5200}," 825 $70.70 2 Trimming Lead Worker .33 11 7 'F 300x 7.32 $38.74 3 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 17 2.'4Q&. 3.37 53.57 4 Mulch Lead Worker .33 17 513'00>? 4.55 53.32 5 Pest Control Ground Keeper .5 083 S12 4dgS 4.54 52.35 e Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 2 p'$j2..40 . 2.25 528.04 7 Garbage Cans Ground Keeper ,5 2 5T2.46 . 1.45 $18.07 A wodier can beasslg ned to multiple masks and accounted Lorin perfoimine2 a Mulch: .5should be listed underIke amber o£999tt9ns• �for cc is to kl Performing 3 tasks (Le Weeding; Edging, Tdmming;.33 should be listed under the numberof posltl ns Wee.. task)' LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN I%) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) : LIABILITY 1%) L{ABILITY IS) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Coat Per Posltlog SSIMED 1%.) PUTS(%) SUII%1 Sze $299g; 5182.86 20.02% 532.81 15.00% 24.43 OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) s81.43 PROFIT I14) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST --9uit$13500 5135.80 WIC I%) Liabltltyl%1 GROUP 9: POLICE DEPARTMENT CENTRAL DISTRICT. ORAPELAND MEOIITS SPECIALIZED OPERATIONS CENTER 6 PERIMETER, 1761 N.W. 30 ELF. Instructlong: The purpose of this spreadsheet isle provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost. payroll burden, liability Wool. operating expense, and proel delermining Ilm loll cost per hour bid price. The is Mce54Xy to ensure That the bidder is complying with de City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to catculele future Living Wage Rale increases Is the awarded lowed responsive and responsible bidder's bid prce as required by Me Living Wage Ordinance. The current Ming wage rate is S11.21, wiln a Petty, benefit plan, and 512.46, without a heath beneft plan. Bidder is required to only to the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can nor be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Number of Mat. Mile Hours Per Gosh a'(�r het ClsssiRcstioNPosition Position* Fnatwnsiea 1Naag Position Leber Cost Per Dav petition I 1 FUTA I%) SUi 16) WIC OM J sbthov(%l 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 S130o>ti 10. 55 S03.00 3'5?C �{ TJSS%tp. ,1OQ(.,yyyx„„' 57.5¢s 2... a72%,: „„,,,"f54 `* 2 Trimming Lead Worker .33 117 5150a0, 10.75 553.90 3 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 17 0]2n"" 9,15 5969 4 Mulch Lead Worker 33 17 51300 8.60 S6.42 5 Post Control Ground Keeper .5 083 5724 5.68 S2.94 6 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 2 `01246' 960 562.24 7 Garbage Cans Ground Keeper ,5 2 5.35 566.06-.::5(0941 ROTS:, -: LABOR COST PER DAY Aworker can be ned to multiple tasks and accounted form:thespreadsheetin'1heTollowing manner, �I: PAYROLL BURDEN (Y.) performing 2taobno lIe Fert yeerlan &Mukh:.5 sh ud be Ssted uida the umherat posido,s for ash task) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) performing 4nsks- ;:: il.e. Weeding,Edging, TOlPrping;.33 should be listed under the nufdberbhpositiens for eachtask) LIABILITY(%) LIABILITY IS) S314.90 20.02% $53.05 15.00% 47.25 OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST s 31,50 531.500 GROUP II' POLICE DEPARTMENT NORTH DISTRICT 8 PERIMETER. 1000 N.W 62 9TRgq Inatruclions: The purpose of Ma spreadsheet is to provider a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden. liability cost, operating expense. and profit delermuling the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to celdulele future Living Wage Rate' (eases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate re 511.21, with a health benefit plan. and S12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only NI the gray shaded Nelda_ All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder ire able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those calls. "PAYROLL BURDEN' 7ota1 Labor • Number of NoudV Deily Hours Per Coat Per Teak Classification/Position positions Frequencies M. position Labor Coat Per Day Po t)o 93/111EO f Al EUTA (Y ) Zalyel WIC I h) LI bllltylVet 1 Lawn Maintonanpe Lead Worker 0.33 2 '7173Tlo$ 10.9 893 52 1 `[ .S0 I,i F, %, ,,y', +20 ).' .,e„"+L87,96„ „, ,�.'�0%, „„ 1500%;_ "S: irF'r'NQ,,.' 2 Trimming Lead Worker .33 1.17 1`Y72.�B 10.86 851.26 3 Fertilization Ground Keeper 5 17 nSk2Bt' 979 $10.37 4 Mulch Lead Worker 33 17 a 13"Ot 8.78 54.93 5 Peel Control Ground Keeper .5 053 2..46' 8.95 $3.59 6 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 2 s72: 6' 6,95 $86.80 7 Garbage Cans Ground Keeper 5 2 E011 6; 5.70 $71. 02 • NOTE: A worker ea be assig PO to multiple'[ sk, ends countedf nin fhesp ad fr ttthltwm e:ng anner., Performing 2 tasksa' (I.e. ferti0oatloy & Mdkh; .5 should be kited underthe nm ubner of positions fer,:each task) perldrmiyg Stocks'' (te.Weeding; Edging; Trimming; 33 should be listed underthenumbet of pOsttfaria for earls task), LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN I%) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY NO LIABILITY (S1 OPERATING EXPENSE I%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) $321.32 20.02 % $54, 33 15.00% 4820 +ti?tMAi 532.13 f PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST *MOM PROFIT (SI OVER TOTAL COST $69. 90 ART STATION & PERIMETER-2200 WFST FL AG1 ER STREET Instrucllens: The purpose of Ow spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a derailed and complete breakdown of its' labor coal, payroll burden, habEly cost, operating expense, end profit determining the 1o1a1 cost per hoof bid price. This is necessary to ensure Ihal me bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Ming Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate Is S11. 21, wan a (Wean benefit plan, and $12,46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required In only fill the gray shaded Melds All other Melds are protected end can rot be altered, Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those ce115. Nwnbar of Hourly Bally Sours Per Ink ClessiflcetioNposNlon Positlons froauend a s3g59 Position �ahor Cost Per Dog 1 Lewn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 S13OQj 9.64 5&1.43 2 Trimming Lead Worker 33 'LW 33 QPzr 555 142.92 3 Fertilization Keeper .5 17 S12y+)§ 7.98 SB.44 4 Mulch Lead Worker .33 .17 S)'3 G0' BeG 54.96 5 Pest Control Ground Keeper 5 .003 .51 5.90 53.05 B Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 2 S.SS 569.15 7 Garbage Cone Ground Keeper .5 2 n l2481. S.30 $66.oa HOT@ - LABOR COST PER DAY A worker can be assig neti,d to molttple tools and accounted Lorin tbesp'feadsheeb m thefolluwing mann2 ^ PAYROLL BURDEN 1%) peAo•rminr2task , (f:e:,F mil atfo 8'At lch i hould'b 1 r d d r:th u 6 efpndrl / e rls I skY '? PAYROLL BURDEN IS) performing 3t ski" -(I.r.-WeedinS, Fdgir;e, Tnmming; .33 should be Gsted nderthe numb fposrcione fo, h16sk);' 'LIABILITY(%) LIABILITY IS) Total Labor Cost er $279.07 20.05% 555.93 15.00% 41.55 OPERATING EXPENSE I%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) PROFIT (RI OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST "PAYROLL BURDEN" oMt FL/TA I$( Mal WIC 1 h) Liabilty( ) Wargeli9911figft439.WAMA.A.-7M'i4..,90ffai Sa0OUP II.WQLI.CB EPARTMEM DAVIDLIEBRINGCENTER S PERIMET$R._23QIN.W. 235T$055T Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a delayed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost. operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This 1z necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which Ls applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the tiring Wage Ordinance. The current lying wage rate is S11.21. with a healtn benefit plan, and 512.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to oNy lb the gray shaded fields All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to Ind instructions/comments under those Odds where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in these cells. Total Later plumber of Hourly Daily Hour. Per Cost Per Tgh Classification/Position Positions Frequencies WTaa Position Labor Cost Per NY P jtlon 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 513':00", 9.84 584.43 520411 `,; 2 Trimming Lead Worker 33 1. 17 513 03 i 8.55 542.92 520',81" 3 Fertilization Ground Worker .5 17 t51Z {6 i 7.96 5843 4 Mulch Lead Worker 33 17 013—EEC 1380 54. ee 5 Peet Control Ground Worker 5 083 $12.48 . 5.90 83.05 8 Sweeping Ground Worker -5 2 . :212 46' 5.55 569.1E 7 Garbage Cans Ground Worker .5 2 412 98S'. 5.30 565.04 NOTE A worker can be assl pefforming2 tasks perfonnkrg 3 tasksa fled to multiple tasks and accounted for in the spreadsheetin thefo9 wing mender: (I.c.FertlhratlonS Molc14.5 should beIsted under the n81.n5erot prostlonsb reach task) � (I s. Weeding, Edg)dg, Trimmingi;33 should be listed underthe nronberny pasidbns for each tang) LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN I%) PAYROLL BURDEN (5) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (5). 5278.87 2005% 555.53 15.00% 41.85 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) M.0.'14St'':+.+{�i 327.90 PROFIT )%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST "PAYROLL BURDEN" j FUTA MI • SUI 1%1 WIG r Al Ltabitltyl%1 15 a0% :I. • GROUP II: MIAMI POLICE MOUNT8P UNIT LUMPS PARK 360 N.W. 3 STREEI Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal fay bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of ks' labor cost. payroll burden. liability cost. operating enpenso, and profe determining the total coal per hour bid price. This s necessary to ensure Mal the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate Inure Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate a 511.21, with a health benefit plan. and $12.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only 10 the pray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor In those cells. "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Number of N nv Daily Hours Per CoSt Per Iggk Classification/Position Positions Freeuan lire W ge Position Lehor Cost Per Day P suing $ EOp,7 FUTA (XI SUI (XI W(C fYI LI blltNl%t I Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 2 S'T('00,k 10.85 593,09 `If20A.0' &5 i t)0%,gf."%_�,,,;.�,87° , y,v„E I,0%,,;r; t� 15 Og% u 2 Trimming Lead Worker 33.1.17 s51300i 10.E6 $53.61 520BU 3 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 17 $249 9.55 $1011 9 Mulch Lead Worker .33 17 r"51000 9.85 57.15 5 Past Control Ground Keeper .5 .083 57r4,'( 9.21 $4.76 6 Sweeping Ground Keeper ,5 2 IY1245"` 8.B5 S110.27 7 Garbage Cans Ground Keeper 5 2 r51248 7.85 597.81 NOTE. .. LABOR COST PER DAY A worker can beasag.. ned to multiple tasks and accounted for in the spreadsheet inthe follow(g manner r PAYROLL BURDEN I%) performing 2 tasks= : (i.e. Fertilization & Mulcch:.5 should be listed under the number ofposl8ons for cachtaik( § PAYROLL BURDEN (S) performing 3 tasks='(I:e.WeedinEEdging, Trimming;.33 should be listed underthe number ofpostrons'for each task)'; LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY IS) OPERATING EXPENSE (X) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) $378.74 20.02% $75.42 15.00% 56,51 537.87 PROFIT (X) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST Se401,4 1.95 GROUP Ill;. FIRE DEPARTMENT_ EIRES?9TL0 fnetructIon;: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for Meteoritic provide a detailed and complete breakdown of iis' tabor cost, payroll burden, babkily cost. operating eepenu. and profit determining the Iola! cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with Ihe City of Miami Living Wege Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rale is 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only BI the gray shaded fields, All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bkider is able to bind tnstruclonslcomments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those tells. Number of Ink CIBssificatiordPositlon Position% Ftaouendee 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker .33 3 3 Edging Ground Worker .5 3 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 .67 5 Fertilization Ground Worker .5 .17 0 Mulch Ground Worker .5 .17 7 Past Control Ground Worker 5 .083 0 Sweeping Ground Worker .5 3 9 Utter Control Ground Worker .5 3 Hourly Wags DaiN Noun Per oat ition 1.65 1.55 .135 1.55 1.15 1.35 1.35 1.39 e5 `abot Coat Pet Day 521.24 519.05 $15.69 54.46 51.22 51.43 50.70 S25.98 S15.69 NOTE:, - Ji ;: : P: ;'. < 4s LABOR COST PER DAY A worker ran beasslg oed to muttlpte tasks end sauce t d for in the sp adsh.et inth toll wf gnna ner PAYROLL BURDEN (WI performing 2 tasks. lie, Feltigaatbn & Molds;.5'should be listed:underthe nornberofp sno's(.reach task, fl :: PAYROLL BURDEN IS) performtng3 tasks.: '- (i.e. Weeding; Edg{ g, Trimming. 33 sh uid be listed underthe mbe ofposlti ,1f reac5taskl LIABILITY f%) LIABILITY (S) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor coat Per faktLig SSIMEO I A) FUTA VA( ( 5Ui A W/C I% }I b liNI%I 426 rfi0620.t ,7w 1024*:t 4744 MBZQ%, rx 45'9911./a is $106.74 20,02% 521.37 15.00% 18.01 OPERATING EXPENSE (X) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) mooka 510.61 PROFIT (X) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (SI OVER TOTAL COST 523.22 GROUP III: FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE STATtONp3 Instructions; The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its labor cost, payroll burden. liability cost, operating expense. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale. which is applicable to this bid, and to calculale future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rale is $11.21. with a health benefit plan, and $12.48, without a health benefit plan. &rider is required to only nil the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder b able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators ate located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Task Classificatton1Position Positions Frequencies Hourly Wage Petty Hours Per Position 1 Leon Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 ;57360r "? 1.65 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 ,�313"96.,°q;- 1.55 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 i24§� __; .65 4 Trimming Lead Worker 33 87 i300 i~ . 1.55 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 17 j 'I2 4E1 1,15 6 Mulch Ground Keeper .5 17 512Z 1.35 7 Peat Control Ground Keeper .5 .083 S)2{ 1,35 a Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 32.8" 1.39 9 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 .85 NOTE. A w u se p be shg nod 19 rut 111Pie?k Es a d a counted (r1 the _pread heat in ttie foitowl g m nna performiIp`2 taeksa :(i.e Fertillzatton&Mutch,5 should be lited underthe numbenof posi800s breach task)`:_ pertormin13 tacks= , (i.e. Weeding, Ed mg, Tnmming;'..53 should be listed(under the, umber of 441tto4(or e_AA' Labor Cost Par Dolt $21.24 519.95 515.89 54.46 51.22 51.43 $0.70 525.98 515.89 LABOR COST PER DAT PAYROLL BURDEN (H") PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY (%i LIABILITY (5) "PAYROLL BURDEN' Total Le6or Cost Per ItioUltt39451 fUTA14 SLR (Y) WIC 161 (_IebiliNt%1 a209,P1;". I@54k.._, r30P%,?,,,;;, 26.7%. ,10170°+kW 1500% $106.74 20.02 % 521.37 15.00 % 16.01 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) $10.67 PROFIT (%i OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (3) OVER TOTAL COST S23.22 GROUP f$ FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE STATION a4 fnstructionf: The purpose of This spreadsheet is is Provide a formal for bidders to provide a delaied and complete breakdown of as labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responeNe and responsible bidder's bid price as required by Ma Living Wage Ordinance. The currant living wage rate is 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.48, without a health benefit plan. Bolder is required 10 only III the gray shaded holds. AY other fields are protected and can nob be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators ere boated by placing the cursor in those cells, (dumber of Trig Classification/Position Positions Frenuencie4 1 Lawn Meinlaminae Lead Worker 0.33 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Lead Worker 33 .67 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 .17 6 Mulch Ground Keeper 5 .17 7 Pest Control Ground Keeper 5 .083 a Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 9 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 Oelly Hours Per Position 1 85 155 .65 1.55 1.15 1.35 1.31 1.39 .85 NOTE: A workeroe ben;ill qed tomultiple[tics decp t dT r(rt tliri spreadsheet(nthe.{oll n$rnapq performing 2ta{ksa (ie. Ferti6zasiQ & Mulchr .5 hatild he $steC order the numtieryf pogtnps foceal;lt task{ performing 31e1b0 :; f e WeeEdang, Tdmrriing; 3,3 should belsted nderth'e mlmbe ofpp Rio itpr lnchlzskl'. Lebor Cost 2O713a5 521.24 $19.95 $15.89 $4.48 $1.22 $t 43, $0.58 $25.98 515.89 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%f PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY I%) LIABILITY IS) 'PAYROLL BURDEN" Tntal ).ehor Cosi Per Posy}on S (Mf• FUTA I%) Slit I A WIC (Y.} LI olI1tYlY.l $20.81. $108,72 20.05% $21.40 15.00% 16.01 OPERATING EXPENSE I%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) PROFIT 1%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST MOMS 510.6.0 7 af23.22 2322 GROUP till FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE STATION S6 Inetnrctionat The purpose of Ilus spreadsheet is to provide a formai lot bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of lis' labor cost. payroll burden, cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cosi per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder a complying with the City of Miami living Wage Rale, which a applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to toe awarded lowest responsive and responsible binder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The curter,' Ming wage rate a 311.21. with a health benefit plan. and 512.48. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only ii11 the grey shaded lietde. AU other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to lad instructlonstcomments under those fields where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of tea ClaselficerioNPosltiun Positions Frequencies HQ rlo p^t aagg Daily Hunts Per Position 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 1'3 t 3i 1.65 2 Weeding ' Lead Worker .33 3 1.55 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 As 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 87 1300 1.55 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper 5 17 � 5 6 1.15 6 Muleh Ground Keeper .5 17 'j12 $$ 1,35 7 Peal Control Ground Keeper .5 083 b 12j9 1.31 8 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 ` ,512.4ea 1.39 9 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 r' 51245r ?f, 55 A workertan be usig,.; nedtp multiple tasks and accounted for licthespre dzhaetln the} Ito ntig'man ee b performing 2 taskse'(e Fertngxxign LMuk.5 's hould ho ld be listed ud the nume 1portlinee.t dt task) par( mire{ 3 tasks= 0.e. Weedir.%Ed;rnyTr(iom(n4;.33 should belsted under thoutdoor ofpc Lions for each'task) *Lid, eL loon Coat e Labor Coat Per Den PR;lrt°0_. $21.24 $19.95 $15.69 $4.46 $1.22 $1.43 SO.68 $25.96 S15. 69 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN(%) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY (%1 LIABILITY (SI OPERATING EXPENSE I%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) PROFIT )%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST 3108.72 20.05% S21.40 15.00% 1601 obAp 510.6T1 $2 "PAYROLL BURDEN" FUTA Ike%) St_41.0.11 WIC IXI L7 billtvlY l �1A09¢_ '2TO10Sib, 7711%, ,.f, 500%, GROUP I0: FIRE DEPARTMENT •FIRR j9TION 54 Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and compete breakdown of Bs' labor cost, payro0 burden. liabiBy cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder Is complying with the City of Miami Wing Wage Rate. which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rah increases to the awarded towed responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as reduced by the thing Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wag. rate a Sit.21, with a heath bench pan, and 512.40. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is requ'red to only fill the gray shaded fields. AN other fields are protected and can not be slimed. Bidder is able to Rol instructions/comments imam those fields where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those Galls. Number of 1:595 Classification/Position Positions Praouencleg 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 3 Edging Ground Worker .5 3 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 57 5 Fertilization Ground Worker .5 .17 B Mulch Ground Worker .5 .17 7 Peel Control Ground Worker .5 .083 B Sweeping Ground Worker 5 3 9 utter Control Ground Worker .5 3 Aworktlrosn beessig nedtoinultlpletislts endaccountedforinlhe spreadahetiothe fe)iewingmenner performtnS 2 tasks i.e. ferttitatlo &Mulch;:.$sho ldb hatedcoderthe nuptbe ofpasidoos foreech task);: perfor ing 3leeka. ( . Weeding, Edg nil, Tdmm g .33 fhtlf4M 8e tiered underth mber'ofp t ons forcerh task) Daley doors Per Position 1.65 1.55 85 1.55 1.15 1.35 1.31 1.39 .55 Raurfn Waag 3... 51300...,E Labor Cost per Dee 521.24 519.05 S15.89 54.45 51.22 51.43 50.65 525.95 515.89 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN I%) PAYROLL BURDEN (5) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY(S) Total Labor Coat Per p, 0.1l(oq S20 81f 5106.72 20.05% $21.40 15 00% 15.01 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) 510.87 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST 8§14i0§Xitit 523.22 "PAYROLL BURDEN" tlfi.mr‘optrrAl7) sUt)x) Wrclx) ),iebnxvlit GROUP III: FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE STATION F7 lnstruetionsr The purpose of Kris spreadsheet is to provide a lormat for bidders to provide a detailed end complete breakdown of UV tabor cost. payroll burden. liability cost. operating expense, and profit determining the total cool per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rye a 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidden Is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of =gsk Classification/Position Posltiong Freouancie{ 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 .67 5 Fenilioatien Ground Keeper .5 .17 6 Mulch Ground Keeper 5 .17 7 Past Control Ground Keeper .5 .083 0 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 9 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 NOTE A workercan beasslg. performing 2 tasks= performing 3 rasiciyi wa Pally HOW'S Per Position 1.85 1.55 .85 1.55 1.15 1 35 1.31 1.39 .85 ned to.ntultiple tasks and accounted fof In the spreadsheet In the fo(lw(tg pander (i.e. Fertilisation & Mulchp5 should be listed under, the nurnberofpbsitiansb reach task( (Le. Weedln i Edging. Tnmming;,33 should (*Ufa under ttiiinumbe ofptis don9 forcacti task) LeSsiL Labor Cost Per kaiser Cost Per Day Pos(tiorl 521.24 519.95 515.8s 64.48 51.22 51.43 50.58 525.98 $15.89 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (SI LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) 5166.72 20.05% 521.40 15.00% 18.01 OPERATING EXPENSE (14) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) .0°h?*gym 510.87 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT MOVER TOTAL COST .1:33.22 523.22 "PAYROLL BURDEN' UTA Tel wino rnoo }V/C (8) Llebirt") GROUP Olt FIRE DEPARTMENT •FIRE STATION a6 Instruction: The purpose of INs spreadsheet's to provide a format for bidders to provide a deleted and complete breakdown of its labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per how' bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder Is complying with the City of Miami Limy Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Lk4n4 Wage Role increases to the awarded lowest responsNe and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The currant thing wage rate is 511.21, with a health benefit plan, and 512.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to oNy IAl rho gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find Instructions/comments under those (gelds where the red indieetore ere located by placing the cursor In those cells. Number of Task classification/Position Positions Frequencies ourlV 5'sa@ patio Hours Per Position Leber Cost Per Pay 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 $l3l10 1.55 321.24 2 Weeding Lead Worker .33 3 "$13 1.55 519.95 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 " .85 $15.69 4 Trimming Lead Worker 33 67 $1300 m 1 55 54.413 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 17 $1 8`y, 1.15 51.22 a Mulch Ground Keeper .5 17 Sib 1.35 51.43 7 Peat Control Ground Keeper .5 .063 f j',�.4" ., 1.31 $0.66 e Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 S(2 a8 1.39 525.96 9 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 ?>A 91246 'z, .85 $15.69 Aworkar nee aeslg nod to (0ulUPk task} cad announced lof in hie spreadshenslsthatolla ,Idg tiianne ,.. perfomdng 2 tasks= (t.o Fert141ion & Mulch; 5 should be Syted undet the nnmtier oflLosittods for each task) „ performing 3 soaks=: lie. Weeding. Edging, Trimming; 33 should be Ifsted undertlen wberotporti nrtor each task) LABOR COST PER DAY 'PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (5) IT LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY 15) of { ).abor Coal Pe 5105.72 20,05% 521.40 15.00% 15.01 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) 47-., litf l t it.. `7s&z 7 5 510.7 PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST 523.22 "PAYROLL BURDEN" FUTA I%) SUI t%) WtC 1%) Liabifityl'(.L GROUP III' FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE STATION ail Inatrectlons: The purpose of this spreadsheel is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of kg' labor cost payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid prce. This is necessary ' to ensure That the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Raie Increases to the awarded lowest responsive and reaponaibln bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordnance. The currant living wage rate is 511.21. with a heetth benelu plan. and S12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to only fat the gray shaded fields. Alt other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under Chase fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those calls. "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Leeor Number of C jPer TP3�S Classification/Position PositlonS preocen ies Poorly Wagg ' Sally Hours Per Position Laho,.Dosl Per Day position s/Meo 3¢) FUTA Y SUI CFI WIC A LiabilitviYJ 1 Lawn Maintenance Land Worker 0.33 3 .fi306 �'": 2.85 $38.66 $2pSi' 7855e „,e; 0054 �.„,i3. 0%,_,; ,8,7}M6 ;-TS.005S "'.' 2 Wording Lead Worker .33 3 ,5130� 2.25 S28.96 {2091 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 $T2t6 1.15 521,48 0 Trimming Lead Worker 33.67 1.60 54.60 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 17 $12.46 85 80,80 e Mulch Ground Keeper .5 17 S724h1} a. 1.48 1.48 881.57 7 Peet Control Ground Keeper ,5 .083 i"} 2� es 11589 0.75 8 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 `S} r .as 525.98 9 Litter Control Ground Keeper .S 3 d;Sd is' NOTE: A worhercaybeiaisig nedta multpletasksand.arrouatedfprtn the ipieadsheettntheto1§.*, mahnor perfmmfng2t ids g.e Fertillation&MUIch;.5 should be listed under the number'oEpar0ltlori for'each task) performing.3.to' skoc '.Ii:a Weeding, Edgi g, Tnmming,,.33 should he listed nder the nu betofp shoos for each tak) lit LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (X) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY ('t) LIABILITY IS) 5136.52 20.05% $27.43 15.00% 20.52 rr OPERATING EXPENSE 1%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) 573.68 PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST slAPP 7 A $28.7 OUP III: FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE STATION 910 Inztruotions: The purpose of Ihls spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown 01 its' labor Cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which Is applicable to this bid. and to calculate lulure Lining Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current INIng wage rate h 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to aNy III the gray shaded fields. A8 other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments undet those fields where the red Indicators ate located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of ask Classilcation/Posltion Positions Fraou note; Hourly Wise Daily Hours Per Position 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 033 3 ;513110 1.65 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 t(3 EO 1.55 3 Edging Ground Worker .5 3 65 4 Trimming Lead Worker 33 67 ;`51300 1.55 5 Fertilization Ground Worker 5 17 <512.40 ni 1. IS 6 Mulch ' Ground Worker .5 17 `31248H :e 1. 35 7 Post Control Ground Worker 5 063 / I248 1 35 II Sweeping Ground Worker 5 3 S1Z48 tij' 139 9 Litter Control Ground Worker .5 3 NOTE Amarker-can beassig ::. nedto nwlhplensks and acciitimed fo inthe preadsheet1nn efollwWi emit her performing 2 tas's= -.�;Q Fertditattdn f Mu1th;Sohn Whalsted uride th hero(po lions for arht sk) perfOrthih6l ncslcse ,N .Weeding,,Edg a Trunmtn 33 hould 6e41rted under Men mh f posittan £or ank nod ) 85 Labor Cos( Egalgy $21. 24 $19.95 $15.69 $4.46 • 51.22 51.43 $0.70 525.98 515.89 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY IS) OPERATING EXPENSE (54) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Coat Per Position $5/MEO Lit) Ft31A IY) SUI I /rf W/C r%) J I biliN(%) 1.715S0g.d.fii7.01315):U/C'.'2ifirC&18.:75Sk')!CtiIi5.00.°W. $106.74 20.02% $21.37 15.00% 16.01 $10.67 PROFIT )%) OVER TOTAL COST ' PROFIT )S) OVER TOTAL COST $23.)�k' ill S2J.22 GROUP III' FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE STATION g11 Instructfane; The purpose of this spreadsheet'kr 4o provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of do labor cost, peyroa burden, liability cosi, operating expense, end profit determining the Iola! coal per hour bid price. This 0 necessary la ensure that the bidder is complying with the Gay Of Miami Lrutrg Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future LNing Wage Rale increases to the awarded dwest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current tiding wage rate is 511.21, with a health benalt pan, and 512.45. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the grey shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to fed mstrcnhnns/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those calls. Number of Task Classification/Position Positions Frequencies Gail, Hours Per Position 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 xr513 1.65 2 Weeding Lead Worker .33 3 :s 4S)3 1.55 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Lead Worker 33 87 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper 5 17 6 Mulch Ground Keeper .5 .17 7 Pest Control Ground Keeper .5 063 6 Swooping Ground Keeper 5 3 9 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 NOTE: A worker can be auk performing 2 tasks" performing 3 tasks= cadre multiple tasks and -accounted for in the spreadsheet In thafolfOwing manner. p.e. Fettgiiuian&MOlch;.5 should bit lisped 11d the nurtibel of pas(tbns fib dl task);- (Le Weeding, Edging, Trimming; 33 should be kited under the number of pgs6ions fur each task)', 85 1 55 1.15 1.35 1.31 39 .85 "PAYROLL BURDEN" otai Labor Gast Per Lebo, copy Par Day t Fl1TA I ) 5UI f Al W1O I i bllity(N1 $21.29m..4'%i�'7,0%w' 519.95 $15.89 $4.46 $1.22 51.43 50.66 525.95 $15.95 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY Is) $108.72 20 05% $21.40 15.00% 113.01 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST GROUP III: FIRE DEPARTMENT •FIRE STATION a12 - :nxructione: Tne purpose of this spreadsheet Is to provide a format for bidden to provide a detailed and compete breakdown of its' labor coal, payrol burden, liablily coot, operating expense. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder Is complying with the City of Miami LNirg Wage Rate, which Is appicatle to thin bid, and to calculate inure Li+irg Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale a $11.21, wlh a health benefit plan, and $12.46, without a health benefit pan, Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other Nelda are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. "PAYROLL BURDEN" Number of Task ClassificalioNPealtion Positions Frequencies Nowt/ West! Daily Hours Per Position Labor Cost Par Dan Poglllgf Ai t S/ME FUTA i%) Slit I%) MC I%) )-lab titvl%l 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 033 3 :013 00 q 1.65 $21.24 •' 21) �1 P all, 7$01i,.,G. Y);80%„ m.,,, .70% , , :,870;%„ .s 15.00% ;g• 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 S730D a.. 1.55 S19.05 ' s 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 *i-572:48" .85 $15.80 4 Trimming Lead Worker 33 137 p$1300 , 1.55 $4.46 5 Fertilitation Ground Keeper .5 .17 r SiZ4Bz;1;r 1.15 $1.22 6 Mulch Ground Keeper .5 .17 ap 012.j5 1.35 $1.43 7 Past Control Ground Keeper .5 .053 j_ 1.31 50.08 e Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 J'ii248 1.39 $25.9E 9 Lifter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 7,,,i532.48 e � .55 $1589 NOTE A worker can bRasstg perforndn6 2 tasks= performing 3 casks.. coil to multiple sack tturd iesd tsadud h the sill d h ciathe�follq Ng ma ii. (I e. Fartd& M Ich; S should be 9sted undo th umherpf pontt efs toreadn to k) (i.4 Weeding, Edgi g, Td ins.:33 sh uld bellif d Pd r the rtiimbef 1 p d[[an5lor h tssk). LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDENI%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) 'Jarman, (X) LIABILITY ($) Total ebor Cost Per $100.72 20.05% 521.40 15.00% 10.01 OPERATING EXPENSE OS) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) 510.87 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST $23.22 GROUP III: FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE STATION /13 Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a delayed and conplele breakdown of its. labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost. operating expense. and profit determining the total cost per tour bid prise. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the Csy of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to tiya bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsisle bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Wig wage rale is 511.21, Whit a health benefit plan, and 512.48, without a health benefit plan Bidder is required to only Ill the gray shaded helds. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able In find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in these cells. Number of Task ClgealfieationlPoaltion position{ freeuendn3 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Load Worker .33 .67 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper 5 .17 6 Mulch Ground Keeper 5 .17 7 Peat Control Ground Keeper 5 .093 a Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 3 9 Utter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 NOTE•. .....;.. :;':: A workercan beassig end to multiple tasks'and aaountm for fd the spreadsheet In nile hollowing planner•, performing 2 tasks,".• fix. Fertilinatf n &Mulch;.5 aheadb Intel under the numbe ofpgnllione for err tall:; performing ' (,Weeding Edgi gTrirnrrr.rr .33 sikici be holed under;the number afp Nu ofurezkh to;k)'. pally Hours Per Position 1.85 1 55 .85 1.55 1.15 1 35 1.31 1.38 .85 Labor Coat Per Day 521.24 519.85 515,89 54.48 5122 51.43 5088 525,98 515.69 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (5) LIABILITY (14) LIABILITY (5) 5106-72 20.05% 521.40 15.00% 18.01 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (I) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST 1G675167 .1'41 523.22 "PAYROLL BURDEN" 1') FUTA l%( SUI i'A) WIC(y) Liebilityl%l G$Ot1P 777.fflS pEPARTMENT •FIRE STATION Bid • Instructions: The purpose of wits spteadatreet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and compete breakdown of its labor cosi, payroll burden. liability cost, operating aspens:, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the birder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current lying wage rate is E11.21. with a health benefit plan. and $12.45. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only NI the gray shaded fields All olher fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those nerds where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor to those cells. Number of let Classification/Position Positions frequencies 1 Lawn Mainrenenoe Lead Worker 0.33 "3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Lead Worker .33 67 5 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 .17 6 Mulch Ground Keeper .5 .17 7 Pau Control Ground Keeper .5 .083 9 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 3 9 Uttar Control Ground Keeper .5 3 NOTE: A Workerlah beassig pad to multfpletasks and accaunted!Orin the spreadsheetinthe folloseiyg penis: performingtasksa tie. fertillsatfon:& Mulch; 5 should i.AIISted.hderibe Dumber pfposdioli3 Joreadf task) . pertdrmm4.3 tasks= (i.e. Weedln4; Edgin&Tdmming; :33 should belisted'undet the number Of positioniifor eirhtask) POKY Hours Par Position 1.65 1.55 .85 1.55 1.15 1.35 1.31 1.39 .B5 Lemcost Per Deg 521.24 $19.95 $15.59 54.46 31.22 31.43 $0 68 $25.98 315:09 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN(%) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) 1 LrABfLITY (%) LIABILITY(S) Totef Lahor Coal Par YS°31r Sf S2P�iv�m $100.72 20.05% $21.40 15.00% 1501 .OPERATING EXPENSE (*MOVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (SI PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST i moxita 510.87 4 2.E23.22 'PAYROLL BURDEN' 1!J_UTA 1h) SUI 1%) WIC I%) hllitvl%1 tt..wrrvl.A_U'7?.:' t37A,°la,41;x ..S 70% N 1500i?;;. GROUP Ie: FIRE DEPARTMENT -FIRE COLLEGE Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a former for bidders to provide a data➢ed and complete breakdown of es' labor cost. payroll burden, liebtily cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per taus bid price. This Is necessary la ensure that lbe bidder is complying with the City of Miami LFvirg Wage Bale, whkh is applicable to this bid, and le cdculala future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid pica as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. Tne current living wage rate is 511.21, with a health benefit plant and 512.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to oNy rot the gray shaded holds. Ali other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing Ma cursor in those cite. Number of Tgsk Classification/Position Positions FIV.01101. HOWIV Voile Pally Hours Per Position Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.33 3 ^':'f13.00 4.85 Weeding Lead Worker 33 3 °a S1300;. 3 80 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 `a"%31246'7., 2.75 Trimming Lead Worker ' .33 67 J613..00. 2.32 FOHllintioo Ground Keeper .5 17 �512.4B 1.50 Mulch Ground Keeper .5 17 1.5 Pest Control Ground Keeper .5 083 +'�12.�6' 1.49 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3 x OtIR .75 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 `�.)..y;E12'4rFt{=1 55 A workeCno beassig nedla multlplctasks andac 00nted forobtbespieadsb458ll) be'Fo(lowtlglganner pef1C(m,1n92tooken (i Fer;tratrgn&Mulch: 5'stio Id ke l4ted under tine nugtbefa)po;lb4gs Fdfeadi cask) _ _,. pertanriing3 nslm'=? '.' (e. Weedng, Edging, TNmming;.33 should ba`I a d underth'e b r ofpdgtl s J each',iask) Labor Coat Par Dew $59.85 $48.91 $51.40 $6.67 $1.59 $1.59 $0.77 $14.02 $10.28 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (51 PAYROLL BURDEN (5) 1 LIABILITY (X) LIABILITY (5) 'PAYROLL BURDEN' Total )-abor Cost Per Position PUPA 154) SUI 1%1 W/C15) LI billtyl%1 74Y4P% zz9ac,a W.17g54_ 15:Po111 5155.08 20.05% $39.11 15.00% 29.25 OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION -BELLE MEAQE PARK )nstnhuiioner The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and compete breakdown of as' labor cost. payroll bunion. tabbty cost operating expense, and profd determining the total cost per hour bid price. This 0 necessary to ensure that the bidder is cornpyirg wile the City of Miami Living Wage Rote. which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's Did price as reputed by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current lining wage rate is S1/.21. with a heath benefit plan, and 512.40, without a health benefit pan Bidder is required to only fie the gray shaded fields. A6 ocher fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder Is able to find instructions/comments under boor belde where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Tos1 ClassglcetiordPosieton Positions 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker - 05 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 Freauende5 3 3.51 3 Hourly Wade Pally Hours Per Position 2.4 1,47 .60 .35 .95 .25 Leber Costper Den 545.80 528.67 511.21 57.65 58.72 54.67 NOTE..; LABOR COST PER DAY A rice oaq bPPS ` ned t mmUpe sacksPPP united f r in tftespreadsheet in *P.N.. POr m near` PAYROLL BURDEN VA) peAnrm2 t ingastao tie. Fertdixasion&MW[h,.5 should be fisted undertire humberpfpostbdns)o`reacfftask} PAYROLL BURDEN (5) performing 3 tasksn :(I ;e. Weeding, Edging Trlmmtng 53 should be Meted underthe numbero(ponittonrforeech took) � LIABILITY(%) LIABILITY (S) 'PAYROLL BURDEN' Tat ebor Cost Per Posi6oq SS/MEO (%) fUTA t%) SU11%) W/C (%) Lleb111N1%1 0"8. ? 41rSb"" .iit100%sz'A° L270%?x,,-A g 70%, 'Y5.00v,: 5107. 73 20.06% 521 80 15.00% 18.18 OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) PROFIT (V.) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST " ;510 510.77 7••.2I3Q4(M 523 44 GROUP IV' PARKS AND RECREATIONJACKSON HOUSE PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of I. labor oast, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and protil determining the Iola, cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure Ural the bidder a complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bet, and to calculate More Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and nsponsib,e bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The anent Wing wage rale is 511.21, with a heath benefit plan, and 512.46, wettoul a health benefit plan. Bidder to required to only IS the gray shaded fields All Other fields are protected end can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of legClasaRtoatloNPaoition Positions pronmencieg Waue paiN Hours Per PositionLabor Cost Per Day t Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 J "S13 QOt" 1.65 $36.08 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 1 519. 50 J Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 .# 248Ya" .42 5715 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 .$ S124 .25 5547 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .20 54.98 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 r$;256 .20 5074 Aworker nR6ea (g red to hsptotaaks and Quoted formthespr®dh et thofdlowtng manger pedormkg Zta has (i:e. Fern, tlo &MukN Sshod(d belisted tinder -the numbey dtpbshtohs ioY6ath tasR) perfonnoq 3tasks= ;(iO Weed'n&Edging Tnmm nil: 33 should bellsked unde tbenumherofpos tid"ns forbS LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (5) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY IS) OPERATING EXPENSE 4%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) Tosw Labor Coat Per 577.61 20.05% 515.56 16.00% 11.64 ST.78 rallar PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST >fk1..dx66S4rfi E166B "PAYROLL BURDEN" S/ ) PUTS I A) Slit t%) yam i%) LiebfliNl%1. ,,,i 9p4F.V: r` za.g%.. %, ,Tq 76gstlN +spo%":': GROUP IV'.PARKS BM/ RECREATION -LITTLE RIVER COMMERCE PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor coal. payroll burden. liability cost. Operating expense, and profit determining the total coo per hour bid price. The Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. which is applicable to this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases la the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by Iha LNing Wage Ordinance. The current living wag0 rate is 511.21, with a health benefit plan, and 512.45. without a health benefit pan. Bidder la required to oNy IA the gray shaded fields. Ail other flouts ere protested and can net be altered. Bidder is able to bind instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Ley dv IRA Clessiflcetioetposltlon positions precuenc as W.55 Page Hours Per Position Labor Cos) Per Oav 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 %1 $3.O0 2.25 543.88 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 313E10 `' 1.15 $2243 9 Edging Ground Keeper - .5 3 1246 .60 514.95 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 351 B' .30 55.56 9 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 So` .20 - 54.88 e Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 ,,$12g8.25 54.67 Aworkercanhe .nerito mditipleasIN'ariBeCioanted fo Inthespreadsheetsnthefpllbwing manner performing 2 tasks (1.e, Fertilization & Mulch; 5 should bellstetl under the pumper of pos dontforeach task) performing 3 tasks.. (Ca. Weeding. 5011Mg,Trimmin10.33.steuld beliited underthenuinber of"pesitioni for eachtash) ' . LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (5) 557.47 20.05% 519.54 15.00% 14.62 OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE If) &SI OM 59.75 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST . 21 52121.2 'PAYROLL BURDEN` FUTA I%) SUI (4) WIC IT) ).lebflitvl /al GROUP IV. PARKS AND R3C,EATION-PALLOT tNAGNOLIAI PARK Inatructiona: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a delaiad and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expanse, and profit deterinkdrtg the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the balder is complying with the Cay of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive are responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current thing wage rate is 511.21, with a health benefit plan, and 512.48, without a health benelll plan. Bidder is requited to oNy Ill the gray shaded fields. AS other fields are protected end can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under Nose roles where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Test ClasslRcatIon/Position Positions Freouenclag 7 hewn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding - Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .$ 4 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 Deily Hours Per position 2.25 1.85 .55 .45 .55 NOTE: A woraercao be`assi (thespreadsheeeg qed to fqultiplezaskb and acdounte!or In m Shy fplid mgfna nor , „ performing�2 tasks=i. (i.e..Fertgi=abon&tldl b .5 shb'33ll ttli nderth numberofpos8laru foneach task);; performing 3tasks�. (LG:Weeding,Edging, TnmmintC;33 should be liStect underlh¢numbe Labor Cost Per Day 543.88 $38.08 518.69 $12.03 511.21 510.28 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (X) PAYROLL BURDEN (51 LIABILITY (X) LIABILTY (51 "PAYROLL BURDEN" otal aL bor ost Per oslil A rx1„ W/C (v) Llbiutvl%t 40Si4 ?4d?5 x70%oit ank` it s15dagc $132.16 20.05% 528.50 15.00% 19.62 OPERATING EXPENSE MI OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) 3A{ia5f<-4 513.22 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (St OVER TOTAL COST $0li? 528.T5 GROUP IV' PARKS AND RECREATION -STERNS PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format (or bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of Ito labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost. operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the trader Ls complying with the Chy al Miami Living Wage Rale, winch 10 applicable to this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to eu awarded lowest responses and responsible bidder's bid price so required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current wing wage rates 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.48, without a health benefit plan. Bader is required to oNy fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields ars protected and can not be altered. Bidder Is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in Ihosa colts. Number of Nourly Task CUsaiflcadonlPaaillan Positions Freduenct s Weoa gaily Hours Per Position Labor Cost Per Oey 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 y »;Sj�DO y 2,55 549.73 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 513 Wl' 4C-� 1.45 528.28 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 512.'48 s 1.34 525.94 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 312,4 .55 512.03 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 .f1.2. 45 $11.21 8 Liner Control Ground Keeper 8 3 yF 572.RO .. .90 S7.48 Aworkercanbeasst5 nedto multlpletoskhrpd sc000ntedtoritsthenpreadsheetlnthefollswing manner.; p rf rmin52to ks ( .Pertlttnd n&Fldlch 5.[mbrdbwllstedand rth her ber fp, Id (d achta k( performtnq 3 tasks (i.e,Weeding, Ed5in9.Tnmmtn5 33!should he ltsted'undert(te number of positions: for eadt Fa LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN(%) PAYROLL BURDEN (5) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (Of MAW OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) 5133.78 20.05% 528.82 15.00% 20.08 513.38 PROFIT (%( OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT MOVER TOTAL COST WOOM 529.10 "PAYROLL BURDEN" f ) ) FUTA Ia( LOX) suit Ir( Ll butyl%f osy ,,41 p0+i Z: 770W . of CROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION-SOUTHSIDE PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, Ilablly cost. operating expense, and profit determining the total cool per hour bid price. Trio is necessary lo ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calcdale future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is St t.2t, wen a health Second plan, and $12.4d, without a health benefit plan. oldder is required to only nil the gray shaded fields. NI other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder a able to find Instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. • Number of "Da ClasslficationtPasitlon Posibonq fraauencles 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 e Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 8 NOTE: A worker can be assig .redto multiple tasks and acoaunteil•for inthe spreadsheet in thefolluwingmanner, performing 2 tasks= (Le. Fenidtation a Mulch; ,S should be listed under the number of positIonsifar each task) performlogs section (I.e. weeding, Edging, Trimming; .33 should be listed under the number of; poirbops bbreechtask) gaily Hours Per Position Labor Cost Par pity 225 $43.88 1.60 531.20 1.40 $28.17 1.60 $34. 99 55 513 71 .45 $22.43 '.. LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN I%1 PAYROLL BURDEN (S) '--: LIABILITY (NI LIABILITY (S) Tote Labor Cost Par 5172.35 20.05% $14.66 15.00% 25.85 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (Si 6i1.:3i1 517.24 "PAYROLL BURDEN" SSLMsED I%t PUTA (%) SUI LSU W/C 1%1, LI btIIN(%t ('$g% PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST 1i $37.50 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION -EAST BAY VISTA PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of ids' labor coal, payroll burden liability cost. operating expense. and profit determining the total coal per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that Inc bidder is complying with Ina City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to Ibis bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsbie bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale is 311.21. with a health benefit plan, and 312.48. without a health bench plan. Bidder is required to only Ill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are prolecled and can nol be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Lull ylesaificetIonieosition position* Frequencies 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Worker .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Worker .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Worker .5 4 6 Litter Control Ground Worker .5 3 Nouriv Wage Deily Hours Per Position 1.35 1.se 1.60 1.50 .35 .30 a workeican beassig nedto muhipletasks andacceunted for)nthe apieadsheettn thefullowing rdannelv performing 2 taskav (i:e. Fertlieation &Mulch; 5 sfiduid be listed underthe numherof pasdtons kneach task) performing 3 tasks= (I:e. Weeding,TnmmiligL.33 should bellsted under the'numberof positions(orearh rash Labor Cost Per Day 326.33 330.42 sag.g0 332.80 38.72 35.61 Lp LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) 'PAYROLL BURDEN' Total Labor Cost Per position MIMEO FIITA I l l Sw l%f Wrc rxl bililvl%1 5133.78 20.05% $26.82 15.00% 20.07 OPERATING EXPENSE (ib) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) PROFIT ('A) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST BM Nei GROUP IV• PARKS AND RECREATION -NORTH BAY VISTA PARK )nalructinna: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its labor cost. payroll burden. liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable Io this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rale is $f 1.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.46. without a health banes plan. Bidder is required to only fill the way shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Numbar of Nourly T_sk Classification/Position position's Frseusrxiss W„Tsg 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.5t 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 S Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 Oaks Hours Per Position 1.35 1.55 160 1.50 .35 .30 Lsbor CosL al_Qey 528.33 53042 525.90 532.80 58.72 $5.61 NOTE: i,: LABOR COST PER DAY A worker9n tieassig ned to. multiple tasks and acraunte4'for intbeapreadslreetinthefollowtngmannecr i. .� PAYROLL BURDEN (%) performing 2 task: (.e. 'Eertatraticin A Mutch A should be third tinderthen b fpo.sitfonst each task) i,; PAYROLL BURDEN (SI performing 3 tasks (i.e. Weeding. Edgfng.:Tnmming;.33 Addict be listed uncle the number of poations foreach task) -i LIABILITY (%) .. LIABILITY IS) OPERATING EXPENSE (XI OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (SI "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total �ebor pose van lush §{hgRill FUTA fAt 3U11%t wcati Llablilm Yet $20 pit47 85iy,, ..tt l.O044_5_.o: 2 7Q$ ,. ,,,, 8 70% 7,_„ 15.00er5V, 5133.78 20.05% 526.02 15.00% 20.07 INEEINNI 513.38 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (SI OVER TOTAL COST • $29.11 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION-pslLMAN MINI PARK tnstruetlongi The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders In provide a detailed and compete breakdown ofits' labor cost, payroll burden. liabilily cost. operating expense. and prolil determining the total cost per hour bid price. This Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale Is $11 21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.46, without a health benefit plan, Bidder Is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. PA other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder Is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of i yfi Classification/Position Positions Freouencies 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 6 Utter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 NOTE ' A worker con beassig end to mukVpletasks and accosintedfor in thespreadsheetln thefo0owingmansfT performing 2 t sks .(i.e. Fertattarton SM _WO; should b listed urcJe the ber'of p k ens hi•-e ch t, k) performing 3 tasks= : {i:e. Weeding, Edging, Trimming;..33 should be listed underthe'numberot positiaps forach task) Delhi Norge Per Position 2.55 1.35 .55 .65 .40 .30 Labor Doi Per Deg $49.73 $26.33 $10.26 $14.21 59.97 55.61 • LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN I%) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) Total Labor Ca t rosis.n s ,01 $118.12 20.05% $23.28 15.00% 17.42 OPERATING EXPENSE MOVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE CS) ,1t $11.61 WNW PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT MOVER TOTAL COST 20.6 526.2 "PAYROLL BURDEN" es Furs,BI ,`'1610�141 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATIONSIMENHOFF PARK Ino Da11,2 a: The purpose of me spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a delayed and oomplele breakdown of Its' labor cosl, payroll burden, liability coal, operating expense, end profit delermirtng the Slat cool per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate tutore living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowed responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Lining Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is $11.21, with a health benefit pan. and $12.95, without a health benefit pan. Bidder is required to only (it the gray shaded fields. All Other fields are protected and can not be altered; Bidder is eble to end ineaucoans/comments under those fields where the red indicators are lactated by placing the cursor in those cells. Total Lebor Number of Hourly Cast Per Dish ClsseilicelicnJPositian positions prsausncier 1 59a Della Hours Par Postliog `ebor Coot Per Dep sn nWorkerKi 1 Lawn Matnlaenea Lead 0.5 3 300, 3.55 569.23 -Q1208t 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 j nti ; 1.42 $27.69 '`52U.es 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 ET2. 1.45 327.10 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 S12^ S .45 39.84 3 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 S12 B°y 45 611.21 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 ,,a„512 4.. - .40 $7,48 NpTF: li r. LABOR COST PER DAY $152.55 A wolkeeuan beassig,! ned to mudppleiasks and ac[ouhee nted forhntte spredstin lhefo5owinMan de, ner , ; PAYROLL BURDEN (%) 28.05% pertonning 2 tasks= (I a Fertdioosion & Minds, S should ha listed under the ndmbe f posd ru for each task) i PAYROLL BURDEN (S) $30.59 periarming 3 tasks= (I.e. W eediny Edgin&Trimming 33 should be thrall under S11a nlunbercf pu t ons foceatti'.t sic) `. LIABILITY I%) 18.00% LIABILI7Y )S) 22.88 Offir OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR t .119 OPERATING EXPENSE IS) $15.25 PROFIT )%) OVER TOTAL COST w+:d$,4, f14 PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST 533.tH "PAYROLL BURDEN" SjEIRf O FUTA Isq SUfIAl )NIC I%) ),I bItvtY4 S546i.',a,;.d.,7XlB%" .244°e? eie,@7°°cb.:..k.v..,)590 3 GROUP IV; PARKS AND BECK • TION-WEST BUENA VISTA PARK Instfuctlons; The propose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complele breakdown of ils' labor cool, payroll burden. (lability cosl, operating expense, and profit delerndning the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying wily the City of Miami Living Wage Pale, which is applicable to th'u,bld, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases 10 the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Laing Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rate is 511.21, with a health benefit plan, and 512.413, without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to only III the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor In those cells. Number of Milt ClassdlcatloNPoslllan Positions Free/urinatesWaoe Daily hours Per Position Labor Coat Per Day o Lawn Malnnanca Lead Worker 0.5 3 `513Ag 3,55 559.23 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 z 513.00 1.42 527.59 3 Edging Ground Keeper ,5 3 .r;4244 1,45 527,10 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 517TA5. .45 59.54 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 + g12,45 .45 51121 5 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 %a`t�,4g','; 'n' .40 57.48 NOTE .. ,, • Awotkercaptbe assrg nedta mulbpte tasks and ccounted(ormtheipzeadaheetlnfhefo8owmgan- perPorm(ng2casks Q.e.'Fertfiizatlan &Ntulch Ssboul8 balloted undeiahenumber df posldonmnerstoreach task) performing3t sfr:= (I.d Weedfng, Edgings Triwming;.33 houtd beltstad and nth nunibero, positlona f earh push) :f LABOR COST PER DAY it PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Coat Per P Ill R SS/MEQj k) OF TA $5s SNIrbl W/G 1/I Lgyllitvlhl S20 BT 3"y?x3 QS%,.wa�tt-t2 Z�% „'s 570%.r,. ,.1500%; $152.55 20,05% 530.59 15.00% 22.55 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) 515.25' PROFIT 1%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST 3c 1f3315 S110S§N.§ 08-0UP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION-12th AVENUE MINLPARK Instructions.. The purpose ei this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of as' labor cool, payroll burden, gabiily cost, operating expense. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary In ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. which is appiceble to this bid, and to calculate fulure Living Wage Rale irrfeases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsble bidder's bid price as required by the LNig Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12,45, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only RI the pray shaded fields All other fields are prolecled and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where Ne red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Task Classification/Position Positions Frequencies 1 Lows Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2Wessling Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 5 Swooping Ground Keeper 5 4 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 NOTE: A worker on beanie performing 3 tasks. Performing 3 tasks= poorly Daily Flours Per Position 3.25 1.75 1.65 65 .66 .55 nod to multiple tasks and accounted for in the spreadsheet in the following manner. fie. Pectination a Mufch; .5 should be listed under the number of postdons for each task). . Ea. Weeding, Edging•Trimming; .33 shouldhelisted undern)ie n wberof pnortions for. eactrtask)i Labor Coat Per Day $63.30 53413 S3004 S16.59 510.45 510.26 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN VA) -". PAYROLL BURDEN (5) LIABIUTY LIABILITY (St "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total War_ • Cool Position E ) FUTA IN) SUI WIC 1%) Li b111N(%I y$204f 1§..5.9rs,'�„ 1,351 mir'5' 5 a'2 x.a'f9X.,!iA::. 1050%< 5173.65 20.05% 534.62 15,00% 25.05 OPERATING EXPENSE not OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE 1$) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT MOVER TOTAL COST 14iaY1 517.37 3I 537.7a GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION -SOUTH BAY VISTA PARK instructions: The purpose of this Spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and prplil determining the total cost per tour bid price. This Is necessary to ensure Ihal the bidder is complying wag the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, vrhich is applicable to this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The currant Wing wage rate is S11.21, with a health benefit plan. and S12.46. without a health benefit plan Bidder Is required to only RI the gray shaded fields. All other gelds are protected and can not be altered. Bidder n able to find Instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by plating the cursor in those cells. Number of Hourly TAIL, Ctessigeatlon/Position positions Frenuencias )$(age Daily Hours Per Position LOODLD_do) Per Day 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 id S3 0E 2.25 S43.69 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 ' 513136 fir.. 1.15 S22.43 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 S32 46 vz .80 $14.95 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 $i1248 .30 58.58 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 S126 .20 54.98 a Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 k"s S124B .25 S4.67 Awinkertan baasaie nedto muttipletasks and accountedfor inthespmadsheetinthefotfowtn4 made r performinj2 tasks (I.n.Ferttzafion&:Muich7.5 should be listed under them nber of pmlt(oh3lorearh task) i performing 3 tasks. - (i.e Weeding, Fdeina.Tdmming:43 h uld be listed nil the'nu 6e f positio s f ch ta'sN) LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN(%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST . of 1 Labor Cost Per mitt n E2081 y 21'99 SQ9 64 $1994 .$19.54 S97.47 20 05% 819.54 15.00% 14.62 10%.- $9.75 S21.21 "PAYROLL BURDEN" bI O Ill Ft1TA % 5UI IY.1 WLC 15) Llabilltvt%.) GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION-MIAMI RIVERWALK PARK Instructions: The purpose of [his spraedsheel a to provide a formal for bidders to provides detaied and Complete breakdown of Its labor cost, payroll burden. liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total coal per hour bid price, This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying wen the City of Miami Livkg Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rate Increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsble bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.48. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only NI the gray shaded herds. Ali other fields are prolecled and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Numberd Hourly alb Clasaiftcatlan/Posttion Positlon4 Freouen3 tes VJadg pelt✓ Hours Per Position Labor Cost Per hey 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.6 �: 13.55 2.6 548.75 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 '?S3L 308 1.45 S28.28 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 i1248 1.45 S27.10 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 51246 - 1.45 531.71 5Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 C,€'F12 i6 ii .40 59.97 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 532q�".' .35 56.54 NOTE: A worker can heassig.. red to multipletasks and accounted torte the spreadsheet in Oe fOndwing nnet: performing S tacker((e.F rtY don'&'M I h .3 shoctdh I led under.tben b tpo tt ePe a cti tbskj patronning3 tasks 'i1.e: We ding. EdgtrgTren mg;:33 should be listedUnden'ihenUmliFt#p _hons'f re ht lid. LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN VA) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY IS) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) TWat lobPr Coot Per [+ositigp s$2081; Y20 B4;e 1Eg4 c' $352.34 20.05% 530.54 15..00% 22.65 * 57513 c15.23 irk PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST $33.15 "PAYROLL BURDEN- F•UT LA) SUI i%) W/Cix) ).lability(%) GROUP L' PARKS Af4 RECREATIO55MIAMI RIVFREBONT DEVELOPMENIEARK Intru actlons: The purpose of Ihis spreadsheel is 10 provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payrol burden, liability cost, operalsg expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure That rho bidder u complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which Is applicable to this bid, and to calculale future Living Wage Rate increases le the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current toting wage rate is $11.21. with a health benefit plan. and $12 46. without a health benefit flan. Bidder Is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. Ail other fields are protected and can not he altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Task ClaesificetioNpoeielon Feeblona Frsouanciss 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 Hourly Wage Dolly Hours Per Position Lsbor Cost Per pay 2.5 548.75 1.45 $28.28 1.45 $27.10 145 $31.71 40 59.97 .35 58.54 LABOR COST PER DAY A worker be estig. ned to multi pleiesksandaccountedferia theipeadsheetinthefollowmg man er ' PAYROLL. BURDEN (Y.) perforating 2 tasksa :(n Fert lization & Mulch; S rho ld be I sted unit rthe number f p sh a fureech t, k) , :' PAYROLL BURDEN Of performing 3 tasks= • . ft.e. Weeding, Edging, Trimming:.33 shoirtif toe:lf teticoder the'nu he of posit s for each:ia k) ;' LIABILITY 1%) LIABILITY if) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) Tetal eL Pn Cost Per 5152.34 20.05% 530.54 15.00% 22.85 515.23 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST OW 533.15 "PAYROLL BURDEN' gO guru tA) putt%) WICl%t Li■bltvI%I iv.Q;00%h iL 2 Z0%., h Q 70'.6'g , 15oQ ..;;`3 gROOP IV; PARKS AND R CREATION -SECOND AVE. MINI PARK )natrucpong: The purpose of I. spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a debated and complete breakdown of Its' labor coat, payroll burden, llabfily coal, operating expense, and profit determining the Mal Cost per hour bid price. This a necessary to ensure that the bidder a complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded loweal responsive and reaponsble bidder's bid pica as requited by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rata a 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and $12.40. without a health benefit plan. bidder is requited to only El the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can nal be altered. Bidder a ebbs to lid instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators ale located by placing the cursor in those cella. "PAYROLL BURDEN' Total Labor Number of Hourly. Coal Per Teak Clusifles5ggeggitlon Positions Froduencies W_st Deily Haurc par Positron Labor Coat PeTP Y pp1ltl q g MER f%1 FuTA IN) SUI (%� WIT IY) 41 btlltyl%I 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 ., 0)350 3.1 550.45�s,.".�; 4') ga ,�.�046,??�.,, y.'?, 70y{j„ 97D9b,3E1,, 15 g0%;�;3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 ¢ 013'-D0 ? 1.40 $2730 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 Ss240,. ' 1,40 528.17 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 p124 1.40 530.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 S1 49 .40 $9.97 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 20 07%4B„.x;:? .35 $43111 A worker on beassig - lned to multiple Tasks and accounted for in thespreadsheetm toe fnlloynng manner pertonrung 2 talks= '- (Ie,Pertditatioo&.Mu)ch'.5s`hould he listed underehe numbero(postbdnsfar each task) '- performing 3tasks, ]' Ile Weeding, Edging. Trimm{oi:.33 should tie ISled under then wberof partitions {areach talk) .j LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN)%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) , E. LIABILITY (SC) UABILITY ($) $109.11 20.05% $39.72 15.00% 2E72 `xn3r5t�: ui OPERATING EXPENSE MOVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST 519.81 $43.10 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION-TOWNEPARK Instruelione: The purpose style spreadsheet Is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of de. labor cost, payroll burden. liabdily coal, operating expense. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This iS necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. which is applIcable to this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Long Wage Ordinance. The current lying wage rate is S11.21, with a health benefit plan. and $12.45, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to oNy 5II the gray shaded fields. Alt other fields ens protected and can not se altered. bidder Is able to end Instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor to those cells. Number of hourly Teak classification/Position Positions Frequencies W oa Pally Hours Per Position I Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 51300 1.5 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 sE' S13 DO .85 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 .85 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 3 �2.�6 x .35 3 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 1'I. .25 6 Liner Control Ground Keeper 5 8 $1246 ..'y _30 A workefan beassig ;pad to mutttptelasbo endeccdtinted fortnihdsprndsheetlhfhi:follow1pe manned peAorsning 21asks= -)(e Fen9iiabon&Mulch SifibWd bagstedunder;he number ofpostionsfdr each sasld performlhg 3 tasks= ;.(Le. Weetling, Elgin& Trimrnfpg; 33 should be listed untlef Nf numbefnf poiiilons for eabb taskl. (,agbcCoet Per Day $48.75 $16.58 $15.89 $7.85 S8.23 S14.95 ;i LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) OPERATING EXPENSE (10) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) °PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labe, Cost Per rosRlpa 55 dME01Gl FUTA I%1 SU11/tl WIC NI Liability(h) ."$20 51 1? ,„T ¢586,;;Nkto0% r t , 2.708y;r; ,a. , 8 70% ,a,; . 15 00% S110.05 20.05% S22.06 15.00% 18.51 kOPtilta $11.00 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST w? 2 3. f2.g4 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION•FLAGAMI PARK Inatnrctlons: The purpose of tnis spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a deleted and complete breakdown of its' labor coal, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profs determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. which is applicable to ihis bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The currant living wage rate is 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only lit the gray shaded fields. AN olher fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells,. Number of YAM Classification/Position Positions Freouenclag 1 Lawn Maintenance - Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Load Worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 S Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 e Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 Daily Hours Per Position 1.35 1.56 1.60 1,50 .35 .30 NOTE A workerSs. beasaig ;,ned to multipletasks and accounted fort thespreadsheettnthe following manner peridrmtng 2taskss ;(In. Fe:saitation&Mulch S shduld be lOted under tnknumbernf;posttkns for each task} �,. performing 3 tasks= ''(I.e. Weeding, Edging, Trimmtng',33 shduldbellsted under the number of positions foreach'ti Labor Cost Per Per $26.33 $30.42 $29,90 $32.80 5672 $5.61 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) UABILITY (%) LIABILITY IS) OPERATING EXPENSE (X) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Tofal Wag, ;ost Per Position gR_Im.atdU fUTA 19) but t%) GO ).f bility(%) +v ?b 5133.78 20.05% 526.62 15.00% 20.07 3.3 513.38 PROFIT )%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST 529.11 • 55OUP IV: PARKS ANQ RECREATION- BAY OF PIGS (EI. ER TERRACE) PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost. payroll burden, Iiabhily cos& oparaling expanse, and prole determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessaryto ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Lining Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale is 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.48, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to ordy tat the gray shaded fields. AS other fields are protected and can not be altered. bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the rod indiutots are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of HouM Task Claesification/PosUlon Positions Frequencies Mae! 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 4151 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 4 Ti prwtng Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Swuaping Ground Keeper .5 4 e Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 galls Hours Per Position 2.5 1.95 1 45 1.45 40 .35 NOTE: Aworkercan be ask -. redt mu itip lacks and accounted forintheipreadsheetirthefotlovnng maid etv Performing 2 teak.. ,::(i e. Fertgitation'& M irk .5 should be Sshd ontlerthe numtier;ot pozhlons kYeach task) peroneing3 tasks= (: (Le Weeding, Edging T mining ..33 should belimed uniter shenumberofpcsitions for each task( tabor Cost Per Day 548.75 528.25 527.10 531.71 59.97 58.54 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%1 PAYROLL BURDEN (Si LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (5) 'PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Cost Per position (+ ,y) FUTA 1At Sul w/cia) LI bilitvlYl 5152.34 20.55X $30.54 15.0014 22.85 OPERATING EXPENSE(%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (51 PROFIT (X1 OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST .33.15 533.15 GRODP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION -GROVE CIRCLE PARK lnatruations: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal Ion biers to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of Its. labor cost, payroll burden. Ilabaly cost, operating expense, and profit dalermintrg the total cost per hour aid price. This is necessary to ensure Thal the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to This bid, and to calculate (inure Living Wage Rale Increases to the awarded lowest responsive end responsible bidders hid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Ming wage rate is 311.21, with a health benefit plan, and 312.48, without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protecled and can not be altered. Bidder is able to And instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Task ClasaRicatiooPositlon Position* Freduenoia6 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 3 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 warkeL Wn he essig ;:nedlo mtdttpietasksand accounted fortnthespreadsheetbrthefolldwing manner .. PAYROLL BURDEN (%) perform)rig 2 tasks= )i a feregdabon & M )ch 5 sh tu)d ire listed un der the nimlhe o{postbons fo(.each task) I PAYROLL BURDEN (S) ..:. pertormlrig 3nasks= ':�I:e. Weeding,EBgmg,Trunrnigg.335nould be idled untlerthtciium6er gtphrihons iore6cfl task) , } LIABILITY (•l.) LIABILITY Is) UN Hours Per Position LehoLPost Per Dan 1.55 330.23 1.35 $28.33 1.40 $28.17 32 57,00 .40 $9.97 .45 38.41 LABOR COST PER PAY "PAYROLL BURDEN" Tatar Labor Cost Pet fg (on SS/MEP 1%) FUTA I%) ELM WIC (%) Llabilltvl%1 'X4:20a k 05i ri57.15.78i g7p',S.:t`.1.,",.a702?t,:9.4. 15.p01C 5106.09 20.05% 821.67 15.00% 18.21 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (Si • 310.81 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST 523.52 GROUP Iy,PARK0 AND RECREATION -COCONUT GROVEMINI PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a iornral for bidders to provide a delayed and complete breakdown of Ile labor cost, payroll burden, liability nisi, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure Mal the bidder is complying with the City or Miami Lving Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale brcreaees to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.46, wshout a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are prolecled and can rot be altered. Bidder u nble to rind klstructinns/COmments under those fields whore the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of 184)1 Classification/Position Positions Freouenales [ Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 Pails Hours Per PositIon 4.25 185 1.85 1.85 .65 AO A worker can beassig nodes multtpletasks and accounted form the spreadsheetin thetotawing manner: performing 2 tasks;' (I.. Ferttltatlon & Mulch;.5 should be listed ands th umbem of posmons force h task)' performing 3 taws (I.e: Weed ng, Edging, Trimming: .33 should be listed under the numberot positions tar each task) Total bon Cost Per Labor Cost Par Day position $82.88 $38.06 $34.56 $40.45 $18.20 57.48 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) 's. PAYROLL BURDEN IS) 11 LIABILITY )%) LIABILITY (5) OPERATING EXPENSE (Ye) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) $217.66 2005% $43.64 15.00% 32.85 $21.77 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST Si7.36 "PAYROLL BURDEN" D (`4) FUTA 1%1 SUI 1%) yme6.1LI bll8hI l.1 514M.iIV5k'^ss''=17Q9k:,'; r'',.870%y, yi``.1500%."w GROUP IV: PARKS AND REc_gpATION•COCONUT GROVE TENNIS COURT PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its labor cosl, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost par hour bid price. TNs is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsNe and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rate is 511.21. with a health benefit pan. and $12.45. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only hilt the gray shaded Nelda. AK other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to and instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of hag Ctasatflcetior✓Positlon Positions precuencleg 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 3 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 5 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 Hourw W.oa. Doily Hours Per Position Labor Coss Par Day 3.55 $80.23 2.25 $43.88 1.50 $20.00 1.85 538.08 .55 513.71 $8.41 .45 NOTE:..: ti LABOR COST PER DAY A worker can beassig nodesned tii multiple tasks and acootintetifo inthe preadaheetin 014 fiowi gm nner ' PAYROLL BURDEN (%) perfonnkig 2 tasks. -(I.e. Fertltzatlon'&Mulch.5 should be Rued under the number of positons for each task) PAYROLL BURDENS) performIng 3 tasks. (I.e.Weeding :Edging, TrimmIng;:33 should he listed under the numberof positrons foreach task) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (1) "PAYROLL 9URDEN" Total aker Cost Par positionJ SSIMED 1Y1) pUTA V) Sul IX) WIC 1%) Liability(%) 5201.20 20.05% S40.34 15,00% 30.18 OPERATING EXPENSE (%( OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) ra 0 520.12.12 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST PROOF IV. PARKS ANDRECREATION-MARJORIE STONEMAN DOUGLAS ISJLVERBLUFP1 PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a deleted and complete breakdown of is labor cosl, payroll burden. liability cost. operating expanse. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder le complying with the City of Mianri Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Lining Wage Ordinance. The correni (king wage rale is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.45, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required 10 only lel the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to rind Instructions/comments under those fields where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Hnurty I9al Clesaiticarion/Posltion posltlong Fraauen 1 s iNaoe Pally Hours Per Position Lobar Cost Per Dan 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 Sf 1X1 a 3.55 $6g23 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 S]300 xfl 1.80 $31.20 ] Edging Ground Keeper' 5 3 3E{?,S�l2.4¢ f. 135 525.97 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 '?.wa;i2 a .70 515.31 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 4 y Jrl2.�,6 .40 $9.97 s Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 5 ' 37Z.?(6„ 35 $17.44 Aworkercan beassig ned to multlpietasksa daccounted fort the spreadsheetm tj(t: tollovn gmanner p do ming 2 taslm (I.e Fengreatrpn &M kh .5 sh i lit be listed unde than mberof pond ns fare ch task( performing3 tasks ',(m e.Weeding, Edging. Trmmingr 33 should be lilted under thejnumber of positions foreach task('j, LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY 1%) LIABILITY (Si OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) "PAYROLL 3i1RDEN" otal Labor Cost Per poste I,ER lT(l FUTA Iy) sw tuts WIC I l.1 )_leklhtnl%I $172.11 20.05% 534.51 15.00% 25.82 517.21 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST $37.45 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION•TRIANGLE PARK • Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format (or bidders to provide a cletated and complete breakdown of d& labor cost, payroll burden, Sealy cost, operating expense. and profit determining lM total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the Wader B complying wily the City of Miami Living Wage Rale. which is applicable to this bid, and In calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required oy UV Laving Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rate is $11.21, with a Malin benefit plan, and St2.46, without a health bench! plan. Bidder Is required to aNy lilt the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be abated. Bidder is able to find insimctlensteemments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing she cursor in those cells. "PAYROLL BURDEN" dial �Oor Number of Ho td Coater ClessiltcatioNPosition Positions Freouenci a Wage Daily Hours Pee Position Lalscr Cost Per Gay old io Sr E 1 FUTA 1% SUI (R) WIG MI LI bilitvt / L 1 Lead Worker 0.5 3 gg51130G{y 3.55 569,66 .23 32 W .r 7 d5)?•- '..&?034, x:e<8,7D3 .,:s;„1500%,, j 2 Weeding few Worker 5 9 1.e0 $31.20 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 St%4fi :' 1.55 $26.87 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 351 70 $15.31 5 Swooping Ground Keeper .5 4 $1246 40 $9.57 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 8 ., `512 46 35 S17.44 NOTE: A worker ran besting performing 2 tasks=. performing 3 tasks= ned to multiple tasks and accounted for in the spreadsheet in the following manner. (i.e. Fertilisation & Mulch; .5 should be listed under the number of positions for each task) (I,e. Weeding. $85ing, Trimming; .33 should be listed under the:nuroberot positions for each task) LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN(%) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY )%) LIABILITY IS) $172.11 20.05% $34.51 15.00% 25.82 OPERATING EXPENSE I%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) 14037,2?� 517,21 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST S3T.45 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION -HIGHLAND CIRCLE MINI PARK • Instructions; The purpose of thrs spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its. labor cosl, payroll burden. liability cost. operating expense. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Lving Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Lining Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current INing wage rale is $11.21, with a health benefit plan and $12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to oNy fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the rad indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Teak Classification/Position positions Frequencies 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 . 3 H5MAL Daily Hours Pat Position Labor Cost Per Day 2.25 $43. Ed 1.15 $22.43 .60 $14.95 .30 $6.55 .20 $4.96 .25 $4.67 ROTE: LABOR COST PER DAY Aworkercan beassig- nedto multiple tasIo and accodnted forinthe spreadsheet in the following manner- . . PAYROLL BURDEN (X) performing 2 Casks= (i:n..fert9gation&Mulch .5should be toted u derthe number of posnlo sfor each task) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) perForm43 tasks= ,li.e.. Weeding, Edging. Trimming:.33 should be listed under the number f pos tldns foreadt talk) 'r. LIABILITY (X) LIABILITY al OPERATING EXPENSE (X) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Cost Per po�Ri n risrra g tat FUTA till $2U 311� « @5.2 i,,a c. Wv' $97.47 20.05% S19.54 15.W% 14.82 $975 5975 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (Si OVER TOTAL COST WE* 521,21 SUI I141 W/C Cgy Lieb111N1 tit Y". GROUP IV; PARRS AND RECREATION-MELROSE PARK )nstruedons: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for biddies to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' lobar cost, payroll burden, liability out, operating expense. and profit determining the told cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which 9 applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responelve and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the living Wage Ordinance. The current Wing wage rate is 511.21. with a health benefit plan. and 512.46. without a health benefit plan. Wader Is required to only lit the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder 9 able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Torsi Labor Number of Hourly coot Par leeS Classification/Position Positions Freaua es Weds paitu Hours Per Position Lebor Cod Par Dev $..it a 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 V{,3 fl0.?y`t'^' 4,6 $89.70 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 '+5 3-9b";'+,b'. 255 549.73 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 s'Y�512. rlf,} 2.35 643 92 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 d"S 246 r.. 1.35 $29.52 5 Swooping Ground Keeper 5 4 +$24R 1.75 $4361 8 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 8 .S1Bx �3 1.25 $62.30 NOTE:. Aworkercah be assig performing 33asks pertorrnIng 3 tasks nod so mull ptetasks and acrounted Forin thesprepdsheetio hefbi awing manbeon (ie.l'erttLzatieo&Mulch.5 should'beldred undethe number of;posmgm foreaclrI ,. (Le Weeding.fdgmg,Tranming;.33 should he titled underthe nuinb5raF p rrt(dns forearh sash LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (X) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) UABILITY (%) LIABILITY (SI OPERATING EXPENSE (X) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) S316.76 20.0515 $63.91 15,00% 47.82 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST 'PAYROLL BURDEN' SSIMI=�l') F117A(A) SUI I'A) palO iAl LlsbihtslAI �Tit%.,. 15�%; W.095$1.96. $69.36 GBGUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION- RANGE 01 PARE Instruction: The purpose of this spreadsheet w to provide a format for bidders to provide a deleted and complete breakdown of its. labor cost, payroll burden, !lability cost, operating expense. and profit delermining the total cost per hour hid price. ThIs is necessary to ensure that the bidder o complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rate is S11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.08, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only NI the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered Bidder is able to find Instrudions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Leak Classification/Position position{ Frsduanclee 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 6 Liner Control Ground Keeper .5 8 A work* can beasstl performing 2 taskse. puforrrr i83 t: sks: Hourly pally Hours Per Position 3.25 2.45 1.25 .55 40 .35 ned to p)Wtiplelasks and accotio[ed form the spreadsheet irtxliefollownng manner (I.e FerNiration&Mulch;.5 should helisted underthe number, at posdtons breach task)` (i.e. Weedatg, Etlging. Trimrote&.33should be timedunder. the'nd b tpsltsiohsb sect Total Labor Coal Par Labor Cost Per Day Poltlo 569,38 $45.78 $23.35 512,03 $9.57 517,44 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN I%) PAYROLL BURDENS) LIABILITY (%t LIABILITY (S) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) $171.97 20.05% $34.48 15,00% 25.80 zS:517.2n.r. 577.20Vael PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST $37.42 "PAYROLL BURDEN" �p ( FUTA 1%I S % W/O I ) Llebllftvl41 GROUP IV.LPAR$S ANO RECREATION-MARTELL PARK Instructions: The pipose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders la provide a derailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost. payroll burden. liability cost. operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying witn the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rare increases to the awarded lowest responsve and responsible bidder's bid price an required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current Irving wage rate in $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. Ad other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those gelds where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells, "PAYROLL BURDEN" Tonal bon Number of ou I Cost Per Task CtaaaKoetioniPosition Positions frequencies Wagg pails Hours Per Position Labor Cost Per Day Position E, 1� FUTA 1 /j SUI I% WIC 1 / j L ebditvlitl / Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0,5 3 L ,j39�,.'. 3.5 $85.25 @1 w u.,,r.,j'i{IO%3r tE,y �70 h,,.�.,, 8701fl 15.00X,:;s 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 "SSA W n' 2.35 $45.83 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 S 2.48ce 1.85 530.81 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 1.55 $33.89 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 12 .45 $11.21 8 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 ?: .35 56.54 NOTF. A lvorkercan beazst neRm multiple tasks and accounted tortq fbespreadsheetin ifieiatawklg rparingr "' • performing 2 tasks+ (Ie Fart•tat &Mulch.5slibufd be listed underth n mher.Lfpos9t nsb heath I petfnnr 1pg3 ta•sks (I.e Weedl g, Edgi g T mmtntt: ,.33 shnutd 6e liii d oiler Ike:n'umaerof:Pozdioni LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%") PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) ea',t�91; OPERATING EXPENSE I%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE IS) 5196.55 20. 05% $39.41 15.00% 29.48 `$1:R4 519.86 PROFIT (X) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT MOVER TOTAL COST e ;3 7. $42.77 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION -RAINBOW VILLAGE PARK Instruction!: The purpose of this spreadsheet is Io provide a format for bidders to provide a delayed and complete breakdown of es' labor cost, payroll burden, liabdoy cost. operating expense. and profit determining the total cool per hour bid price. 7hi5 Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale. which is applicable to this bid. and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is 511.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only lip the gray shaded folds. All other fields are prolected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. • Number of ILOClassification/Position Positions Freouende9 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker ' 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead worker 5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper 5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 B Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 20 A wor!reroao beassg gedt lnultipIBte3ks and cccopnted(armprspreadsli performing 2 tasks= (.e:FeNgtatioa&Mulch 5 should befstedu deishe: performing S to ks (Ia. W dog, Edging, Tn t th 33 sh ld be l tted un, • curl "PAYROLL BURDEN" Ttal eLbor sCo t Per pails Hours Per Position Labor Cost Par Deq rasdiog 4 (MEP tO FUTA f%I SUI I A) WIC (x) ).iabil}N(•hl 2.5 $98.75 42D01I�, 1.25 524.38 1.25 $23.36 1.25 527.33 .40 59.97 .30 $37.38 cur LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (X) LIABILITY (S) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) $171.17 20.05% $34.32 15.00% 25.68 $17.12 PROFIT (16) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT 15) OVER TOTAL COST 537.29 G OU D RECREA ION-G1i4VE MINI_PA Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a delaied and complete breakdown of its labor cost, payroll burden, liab'klty cost, operating expense, and prole delarminirg IM total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to ties bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded towed responsive and responsible bidder's Old price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The Omani Irving wage rale is $11.21, wiln a health benefit plan, and 512.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is regsleed to only fill the gray shaded fields. All Omer fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells "PAYROLL BURDEN" Toth 14 or Number of - poorly Cda1P Task CtessiflcetlonlPosition Positions Frets/encl. 5=g6 pally Hours Per Position Labor Cost Per Day position 4t%) FUTA 1%) SUl flit W/C r Al LlebiliN(%l 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 51300 xx 2.5 548.75 '52IYQ1y, e :ptt(4' 'I, 3.0%;, ,,,E_27g% „,,.M10.:i0%,a,,,;^, 15ODS t 2 Weeding Lead Worker 5 3 S13 0D'n • 1.45 528.2e :n 320f81 of 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 . $(Z'46 1.45 527.10 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 $1246 `' 1,45 $31.71 3 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 "; § '246 40 50,97 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 v. 12,46^' .35 S6.54 NOTE. A worker can be asst g •nedto multiple taskeantl arxounted for in the spreadsheetin the fsillowihA manner perfornsng ;Cask., (Le. Fen0Ration & Mulch; S should billeted under the number ahposit)bns foreechtask) performing Sticks: • (Is. Weeding frilling Tdmming;L33 ihouldbe Acted 'underthe:pumbef dfpositidtirforeaclvtask): LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY IT ) LIABILITY (5) 5152.34 20.05% 530.54 15.00% 22.65 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (§) OVER TOTAL COST :11�c'.a §30.15 7 GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION-BUENA VISTA PARK Instme0ons: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost. payroll burden, liability coat, operating expense. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate. winch is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale is 511 21, with a health benefit plan, and 512.48, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Hourly Dar ClessltcatioNPosition positionq Frequencies Wm Daily Hours Per Position L:¢gf Ca9Lper Day 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 'z1?SW.0o s k= 4.25 582.88 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 '' '$13 2.45 $47.75 3 _Bing Ground Keeper .5 3 r,.$1248 1.25 $23.36 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3.51 512.46, 1.30 528.43 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 S12 46 . .40 59.97 5 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 8 pe.35 577.44 NOTE • A workernn beassig reed', tb muttiplotask' and accounted brtnthespreodsheetinth'e jdtlowmg manner performing 2.tasks= .(Le. Fertilitation&Mulch:.5 should.be listed underthenumberotposittons bread,task) erformin 3locks= _ p 9 - (I;ei Weeding, Edging; Trimming; 133'Shoutd tie fisted under the'pu�mberof pos'itidnsbreach task); LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (•/.) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) UABILITY (%) UABILITY {$) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (SI OVER TOTAL COST Total (-abor Cost Per 5209.85 20, 05% $42.06 15.00% 31.48 520.99 g15;,19Skil 545.68 "PAYROLL BURDEN" 1i) FUTA (%) US t (%) WIC (%{ LI b IItvlN I e&1:0.0..%wa .. 70%'*lr @?Ok4£- . 1kKRXe GROUP IV: PARKS AND RECREATION -CITY CEMETERY PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of Os labor cost. payroll burden, liability cost, operating expanse. and profit determining the total cost per hour bid pros. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale Increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidden bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is 511.21. with a health benefit plan, and 512.46. without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to oNy fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find Instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Task ClassifIcation/Poeltion Positions 1 Lawn Maintenance Load Worker 05 2 Weeding • Lead Worker 5 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 S Sweeping Ground Keeper 5 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 Freouen ieR 3 3.51 3 pally Hours Per Position 7.5 4.2 3.5 1.85 .80 .55 Labor Cost Per Den 5146.25 581.90 565.42 540.45 519.94 510.28 NOTE: 5 .. , ';I. -.,' LABOR COST PER DAY Aworker can ssig nedtom Ittpl t sks' co d cunted fo loth preetlheetintirerhfett w(gnnei• PAYROLL BURDEN(%) Performing 2 tasks (i-e. Feddieatlon &Mukh .5 should be listed underthe number ofp'ositions for Rath task) '! PAYROLL BURDEN (5) perfomilng3 tasks=--,(Ic.Weedin&Ftlging. Trunwing;.33 should be listed underthe numberofpositions for each tesk) I' LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (5) 'PAYROLL BURDEN' Total Labor Coss par Positions818114�1h) FUTA 1%1 all W/C f%j LIabIIINI%1 " 12." ilx.'Z'S5,t .zr•.s..1 0fl5Q1' i ..2.7P% . u 6 70% ..i k..15.00% 5364.24 20.05% 573.03 15.00% 54.64 OPERATING EXPENSE VA) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) 536.42 PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (S) OVER TOTAL COST tiS§AgliS 579.25 Ti GROUP IV: PARKS AND REC' €ATION,BAYWOOD PARK Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detaied and complete breakdown of its labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rale, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale Increases to the awarded lowest responsNe and responsible bidders bid price an required by the Lining Wage Ordinance. The current twin§ wage rale is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and 512.48, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fit the gray shaded fields. AL other fields are protected and can not be altered, Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Tjak Classif'ation/Position Positions 3 Freauencie4 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .$ 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 NOTE: A workeran be ass( perforroing2 tasks= perforrning3 tasks; Daily Hours Per Position 4.45 2.45 2.35 2.25 1.55 1.45 nod to multiple tasks and accounted for In the spreadsheet In the following manner; (i.e. Fertiltntion &Mulch;. should be listed under the camber of poshtons for each task) (i.e. Weeding. Edging, Trimming; .33 should be listed under the number of positions for each task) Labor Cost Par Day 586.76 547.78 543,92 549.20 538.63 $27.10 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY ($) OPERATING EXPENSE )%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) Total Labor Cost Pe' $293.40 20.05% $58.83 15.00% 44.01 528.34 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (3) OVER TOTAL COST 6' 583.84 PAYROLL BURDEN" S / ELF, ) UTA A 5UI1%1 WICI%) LI bttlNI%) Ug'`,1 kfa70 ',h„FL I500 ,.`_ GROUP IV. PARKS AND RECREATION -GOLDEN ARMS PARK InstntcNans: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown or its' labor cost, payroll buaden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the Iola( cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calalate luhre Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is 511.21, with a health benefit plan, and 512.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to only he the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Hou lasts ClassKoatiaNPosition Positions Freauencieg WISE Daily Hours Per Position labor Cost Per Day 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead worker 0.5 3 3'T0173 00 y"` 2.83 855.10 2 Weeding Lead worker .5 3 ai3/XP 1. 65 - $36.08 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 i36. 1.55 $26.97 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 3 51`Ti4ft a- 1.30 S28.43 5 Sweeping Ground Kasper .5 4 ps ST2.4� .85 521.18 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper 5 3 '+�'72,46:„" .40 $7.48 A workei.canlbeassig negcb multipletasksand accounted fbrinthe spreadthaebinthedbllaWlny manna perfonning pastas= (Le. fertilization &Mulch •5 should be listed underthe number ofposdlonsfor each task( performtjg'S'heehan (Le; Weeding. Edging, Tdmmin&33 should be llifed under the nunnber tpositions foreach task)' LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN (5) LIABILITY (X) LIABILITY ($) 'PAYROLL BURDEN" Tonal bon Cost Per P554100 FUTA 1%) SUI I%) WIC ll bilitvl/1 £zoai '.6 k SS" . 3.631:•,S3''.kZP4"�^.l5p0%k' i zoA(' 5177,31 20.05 % $35.55 15.00% 28.80 • OPERATING EXPENSE (X) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (5) PROFIT I%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT (5) OVER TOTAL COST tgAttialli $17.73 $38 .58 536.56 GROUP IV; PARKS AND RECREATION -UNITY PARK instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a formal for bidders to provide a detailed and compete breakdown of its' labor cosl, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessaryto ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and 612.45, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only NI the gray shaded fields. At other fields are protected and can nol be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor to those cells. Taet Ctassif cetloNPositlon 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 2 Weeding Lead Worker 3 Edging Ground Keeper 4 Trimming Ground Keeper 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper NOTE• A orkerlcagheasslg nedtomultrpletasks and accounted forty)thespre?dsheetrntkefoItowing manner performing 2taskF (e. Fert6rat &Mulch Sshbufrl'helsted nder�the nu h r Ylposk xfor Mask) -/ performing;3taskou (LerWendng, Edging, Tnmmtng .53"shouldbeliSled Underthe nt miserof pos trgr sb reach"task Number of Positions Freeuancies 0.5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3.51 5 4 5 3 Daily floors Per Position 3.65 1 a5 1.75 1.85 55 35 Labor Cost Perpgy $71.16 $36.08 $32.71 $35.08 $13.71 $6.54 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Cost Per pogiti pFUTAI/,) SUifYj WIC IWI Llahrhlvt%l °:�� ryWO 61 on,; 6196.29 20.05% $39.35 15.00% 29.44 Via.O.W.44 519.63 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST $42.71 GROUP 4 PARKS AND RECREATION -GROVE HERITAGE GARDEN PARK Instrucltons; The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of Its' labor cost, payroa burden. Iiabfily cool, operating expense, and profit determining eta total cost per hour bid price. This Is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculale future Living Wage Rale increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rale is 511.21, with a health benefit plan. and $12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder Is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of Tesk Classification/Position Positions Fraauencia6 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 3 2 Weeding Lead Worker .5 3 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 3 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 3.51 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 4 6 LIlIar Control Ground Keeper .5 3 NOTE Aworkercartbeasstg neUto fnuitlpletasks and account¢dtorhssbespreadsheetlsp thefoliowmg manner performing 2Itaskshould be listed underthe number of'pbsttons far'eadt task) performing3t ks= (i. N/ d g,Fdgina, Tnm n7; 33 Should be ltrteH nder the .'umh Epos tfgnsf eacfi�t Hourly Weo! Daily Hours Per Position 2.65 1.60 1.65 .65 .55 .45 Labor Cost Per Day 551.66 531.20 530.64 514.21 $13.11 56.41 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (V.) PAYROLL BURDEN (S) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY (S) OPERATING EXPENSE )%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE (S) '"PAYROLL 13JRDEN" Total Labor Cost Per MED L'61 PUTA t%1 SUI IY 1 Wrc l%1 LI bllltvlY 1 Szo aj es?9. t A 4o94 Z01b.. TD%pµ 151391!= 5150.04 20.05% 530.06 15.00% 22.51 515.00 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST COM 03 532.65 GROUP V: PUBLIC FACILITIES .COCONUT GROVE EXPOSITION CENTER Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is $11.21. with a health benefit plan, and $12.46, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find Instructions/comments under (hose fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. plumber of Task Classification/Position positions prenuencieg Hourly Wang Pally Hours Per Position Labor Cost Per Dan 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 2.6 �3:0 " • 10.45 $176.61 2 Bed Detailing Lead Worker .5 1 $ `n 10.66 $69.29 3 Edging Ground Keeper .33 2.6 15.75 6168.38 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .33 1.083 10.66 $47.47 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .33 3.6 � 12 '- 14.90 $220.56 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 2.6 14.70 $238.11 7 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 0.67 1 4.55 $18.99 6 Mulching Ground Keeper .5 0.33 $ 4 4.55 59.35 9 Annuals Ground Keeper .5 0.17 , ' $12. ' 3.25 $3.44 Aworkercan be assig nedto mutdpletasks andaccouoted for•mthespreads(ieeUtR the fo(lowmg fnanngr• performir g a tasks ('i.e. Fertilization & Mulch 5'should be fisted under the bumberofiposfbons%reach task( performing tasks= ((ie.YJeeding, Edgmg, Trimiriing,.33 should be listed opdefthe)ilmiti'erofpositfoonfor each bask( LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) • PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY ($) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) "PAYROLL BURDEN' Total Labor Cost Per position 5S(MEDJb) pUTA (A) SUI IYI MM., Liabilitvt%t `r 32275 71¢5%., ,r 7 044114 2.71%airill.V.0% ar2;; ,,APP*, $952.20 20.05% $190.92 15.00% 142.83 $142.83 PROFIT (%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST $357.19 GROUP V: PUBLIC FACILITIES -DINNER KEY MARINA Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profit determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder is complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living, Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidder's bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate Is $11.21, with a health benefit plan, and $12.46, without a heakh benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find instructions/comments under (hose fields where the red Indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of 1sg Classification/Position Positions frequencies Hourly Wage Daily Hours Per Position Labor Cost Per Dan 1 Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 0.5 2.6 1`d`pi-'k,` 8.3 $140.27 2 Bed Detailing Lead Worker .5 1 t a - 7.10 $46.15 3 Edging Ground Keeper .5 2.6 7.20 $116.63 4 Trimming Ground Keeper .5 1.083 8.55 $57.69 5 Sweeping Ground Keeper .5 3.6 3.15 $70.65 6 Litter Control Ground Keeper .5 3 B 3.15 $58.87 7 Fertilization Ground Keeper .5 0.67 •F_ 2.26 $9.43 8 Mulching Ground Keeper .5 0.33 4„.. .„ 2.25 $4.63 NOTE • ppeerrffoorrmmmingg2itttaasskhss== '{(rL:ee.i WFerebeldrzinagu,o: n &sk'Mulydr sonuld be list�d under the nug`iberpf ptotoswitttnoogsrg%arnen�ecrh ftoarseka) ch tan skadAworkrcanmherofposdons tSh Edging Tnmming.33shouldbelisted gnderthenum LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN IS) LIABILITY )%) LIABILITY ($) OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Cost Per position SS/MED 1 ) FUTA % 5UI " W/Cl/1 )_lability(A1 -6' y; c 785%1,a1 00%,N1 '2'70% Atr,„i,670%,,,a ,„„r. 7500% $504.31 20.05% $101.11 15,00% 75.65 $50.43 PROFIT )%) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT IS) OVER TOTAL COST $109.73 12 • GROUP V: PUBLIC FACILfTIES ORANGE BOWL STADIUM PARKING LOTS Instructions: The purpose of this spreadsheet is to provide a format for bidders to provide a detailed and complete breakdown of its' labor cost, payroll burden, liability cost, operating expense, and profn determining the total cost per hour bid price. This is necessary to ensure that the bidder a complying with the City of Miami Living Wage Rate, which is applicable to this bid, and to calculate future Living Wage Rate increases to the awarded lowest responsive and responsible bidders bid price as required by the Living Wage Ordinance. The current living wage rate is $11.21, watt a health benefit plan, and St2.40, without a health benefit plan. Bidder is required to only fill the gray shaded fields. All other fields are protected and can not be altered. Bidder is able to find Instructions/comments under those fields where the red indicators are located by placing the cursor in those cells. Number of 73as ClassificatlonlPosltion Positions Lawn Maintenance Lead Worker 1 Liner Control Ground Keeper 1 NOTE: Frebuencle:. 1 1 Hourly Wags 4f3'UQ A worker Fr, be azsig :red to multiple tasks and accounted for In the spreadsheet•)nt)1e foliotufng mantter performing 2 tasks= .i.e Ferblizatinn $Mulch sihould Op fisted under the nurpber of pos trons fofeach ea8 t) erformin 3tssks= : p g i(ile Weeding; £dgmg Tr mining .33 should'be bsted ndentbart etherpf"pos tfo s far each Daily Hours Per Position 22.85 19.33 Labor Cost Per Dav $297.05 $240.85 LABOR COST PER DAY PAYROLL BURDEN (%) PAYROLL BURDEN ($) LIABILITY (%) LIABILITY ($) "PAYROLL BURDEN" Total Labor Cost Per Position S$IMED (%) FUTA P!.) SUI (%) WIC (%) Liabi8845S1 41T5:00% S537.90 20.05% $107.85 15.00% 80.69 OPERATING EXPENSE (%) OVER LABOR OPERATING EXPENSE ($) $53.79 PROFIT ("A) OVER TOTAL COST PROFIT ($) OVER TOTAL COST $117,03