HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubmittal-E-mail-Andrew DickmanAndrew Dickman From: Ruck, Harold [hruck@ci.miami.fl.us] Sent: _Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:06 AM_ To: Andrew Dickman Cc: Gelabert-Sanchez, Ana; Sanchez, Carmen; Anido, Bill; Suarez -Rivas, Rafael; Chiaro, Maria J; Snow, David; Madan, Rogelio; Bill.Pable@dca.state.fl.us Subject: RE: City of Miami 08-1ER-MIAMI RIVER Andrew, �i Per your request below, feel free to pick up compiled documents at your convenience here at the MRC 4 . building 3rd floor reception. The cost will be $29.05. To reduce printing costs, three supporting documents are available on the City's Web site at the links identified below for your review. Capital Plan 2007-2008: http;//www; miamigov,com/C...apital lmprovements/p_ages/d_ocs/CAPITAL_%o20PLAN30J UN E08_FI N AL. pdf FY08 Adopted Budget Book: http://miamigov.com/Budget/pages/budget_books/fy08 book.pdf City of Miami Consolidated Plan 2004-2009: http://www.miamigov.com/communitydevelopment/ConPlan/index.htm Hope this helps, Thank you for your interest. Harold Ruck City of Miami Planning Department Fro • • kman [mail o:an wdickman@comcast.net] ent: Monday, October 13, 2008 11:25 AM To: Ru k, Harold Cc: Gelabert-Sanchez, Ana; Sanchez, Carmen; Anido, Bill; Suarez -Rivas, Rafael; Chiaro, Maria J; Snow, David; Madan, Rogelio; Bill.Pable@dca.state.fl.us; 'Frances M. Bohnsack'; HSAGUIRRE@aol.com; 'brett bibeau' Subject: RE: City of Miami 08-1ER-MIAMI RIVER Yes, Hal, please provide these documents that pertain to the city's response to the DCA ORC report. If the cost is expected to be more than $50, please let me know in advance. Andrew From: Ruck, Harold [mailto:hruck@ci.miami.fLus] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 5:10 PM To: andrewdickman@comcast.net Cc: Gelabert-Sanchez, Ana; Sanchez, Carmen; Anido, Bill; Suarez -Rivas, Rafael; Madan, Rogelio 11/12/2008 08'- 00223ct S DO')I Hai Ala[ t-Rndrew ckr at Chiaro, Maria J; Snow, David; Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Subject: RE: City of Miami 08-1ER-MIAMI RIVER Andrew, Good to hear from you. I am interpreting your inquiry as a request for any public records that may exist pertaining to the River in response to the ORC. We further want state that it is your right, and that of the public, to participate in the amendment process consisting of the right to documentation and participation in the public hearing process. As with any public records request, we will be happy to provide you with the draft documentation we have compiled regarding responses to the DCA ORCs Report, including those addressing the Miami River. Please let us know if you would like us to proceed. After we hear from you we will put the information together, contact you to let you know when the info can be picked up, and the cost of reproduction. We look forwardto hearing from you. Regards, Harold Ruck City of Miami Planning Department From: Andrew Dickman [mailto:andrewdickman@comcast.net] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008r� To: Ruck, Hero ; Ge a e - anc ez, na Cc: Bob.Dennis@dca.state.fl.us; Mike.McDaniel@dca.state.fl.us; Bill.Pable@dca.state.fl.us; 'Frances M. Bohnsack'; 'brett bibeau' Subject: RE: City of Miami 08-1ER-MIAMI RIVER Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Hal / Ana, I never received a response to my question below....what if anything is the city doing in response to the ORC particularly regarding the River? Please do not force me to make yet another public records request....WE HAVE A RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS PROCESS. I will take it as an act of bad faith if I find that the administration has placed a Miami River comp plan item on any city agenda without notifying the River stakeholders. If the answer is you are doing nothing, then just say so. Andrew Dickman F om; Andrew Dickman [mailto andrewdickman@comcast.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:52 To: 'hruck@ci.miami.fl.us' Cc: 'Bob.Dennis@dca.state.fl.us'; 'Mike.McDaniel@dca.state.fl.us'; 'agelabertsanchez@ci.miami.fl.us'; 'Bill.Pable@dca.state.fl.us' Subject: RE: City of Miami 08-1ER Hal, are you all working on anything pertaining to the River in response to the ORC? If so, please let us know so we can participate. Thanks, AD From: Bill.Pable@dca.state.fl.us [mailto:Bill.Pable@dca.state.fl.us] Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:39 PM To: Andrew Dickman Cc: Bob.Dennis@dca.state.fl.us; Mike.McDaniel@dca.state.fl.us; agelabertsanchez@ci.miami.fl.us; 11/12/2008 ANDREW W.J. DICKMAN Miami T: (31J5) 75 .3f,21. Rafael E. Suarez -Rivas Assistant City Attorney CITY. OF MIAMI 4:44 SW, 2hdi Avenue Mi'arni'FL 33I30-1910 Attorney at. Law Naples T: (239) 434-08 i3O F:.(239) t3,i-0940 RE: Public Records Requestpursuant'to Chapter 119 Florida Statutes; Meeting on July 14, 2008 at the Honda Department of Community Affairs ;DearMr. Suarez -Rivas:. Please find,enclo=se a check in the aiiiount of $30.0(1 payable tip` the: City of'hiIitmi?in: accordance with your letter dated June 25,, 2008. :for public :records requested by my off e (Attached:) In connection with the. meeting referenced above., -pursuant to the state open records law; Fla. Stat; Ann. §§1,19.01 to 119':19 we hereby formally request the following records we believe to be public records;: 1. Any and Al documents distributed at the meeting referenced above; 2. Any and all photographs, electronic files, or video that WO displayed at the meeting referenced. above;. 3 Any and. all recordings made: of the meeting referenced above by yourself or any employee;or contractor Of the City; 4 Any and all notes prepared by vouiself or any employee or contractor of the City. While attending the meeting either live or via teleconference.; arid 5. Any and all correspondence / email/ any written communications among, to, or from any City employee or contractor pertaining to: the abovereferenced Meeting (before, during, and after the meeting). <If you chooseto deny this request, we are entitled: to know the grounds for this denial, and that if your .agency withholds any exempted information, you are requnied'bv law'to tell us what- has been with -held and the. v� lay; and to release any segregahle portions that are left after. the exempted material has'been.deleted: of re=dacted(blacked-out) from. the data we arc seeking. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk _, Law Offices of Andrew'Dicicman, P.A. 1'.(�. Box 771390'• Naples,. FL 341074390 • andrewdicknian@comcast:net Rafael Suarez -Rivas Page 2, 7/25/2008 Violation of the open records law can result in your suspension and removal or impeachment and, in addition, your being lined up to $1,000, imprisoned for up to one year, or both. Litigation costs and attorney fees may also be awarded. Thank you for your cooperation. cc: Fran Bohnsak Julie Bru, City Attorney Very truly yours, ANDREW DICKMAN Andrew Dickman, P.A. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami' T: (305) 758-3621 F: (305) 758-0508 ANDREW W.I. DI-CKMA.N tttor-ney-at Ms. Ana Gelabert-Sanchez Director of Planning City of Miami Administration BuildinL 444 SW ,nd Avenue Miami FL 3.31 30-19'1(1 February 13, 2008 Naples 'T: (239)'434-0840. P:.(239) 434-0940 VIA FAX (30) 41.6.-2156 & IJ.S. MAIL RE Public Records :ltegelestpursuant to Chapter 1.19 Florida Statutes; Port of'.Miami . ,River. . Dear hvls.. Gielabert-Sanchez: I represent the Miami River Marine Group Inc. in connection with the above referenced Matter. Pursuant to the state open reeii.i'ds Ltiw Fla. Stat. Ann. §§ 1 19:0 I to 119:19. we herehy. normally request the following records we believe to be public records: Any:and all paper :or Ie.etronie/computeP dociiments, andany diafts; preliimiinary, versions, correspondence and relatedmemorandums, handwritten meeting or other notes' and enriiIs concerning the proposed text amendment to the Port of Miami River Suhelement found in the C:iti's C:`oni_prehensive Plan. If you choose to deny this request; we are entitled to know the grounds for tills denial amid that if youragency Withholds any- eyeuipted inhumation, , you are required by law to ILII us .what has .been with -held and the: reason why, and to relc4:ise..any segregahle portions that are: left after the exempted material has been deletedor re -ducted (blacked -cut) from the.data:we are seeking. Violation of the open records law caii result iii your suspension and removal or impeachment and, inn -addition, your being.lined up to $1..000, iniprisoned for up to one, year, or both. Litigation costs and attorney fees may also he awarded: It is our understanding that the City has unfortunately scheduled these lmuicl rents to go before the PAB February 20, 2008. Therefore, time is of the essence. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours. ANT.?R} W DlCKMA'N cc: Fran Bohnsak Pedro G. -Hernandez. City Manager Maria Chiaro. 1:;sq.. Asst. Rafael Suarez -Rivas, Esd. Nancy Stroud, 'F.:sq. Hal Rucl:. Law Offices of Andrew Dickman, P.A. P.O.' Box 77:1390 • Ntaplis, FL, 34:107-1.390 • andrewdickman©comciist.net , Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.13 on 11-13-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk