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Vill ,+,.Gf'` May 8, 2008 Exhibit "C" ��[� , PlanningDepartment's Analysis and Recommendations of Goals, Objectives, and Policies(GOPs)'Vit:N�`"�' k� P Y J ti fs • The column entitled "PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs'' reflects modifications required by the EAR and text added by PAB.. • Amendments identified by an X in the 'EAR" column are part of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) as required by F.S. 163.3191 and adopted by the Miami City Commission on December 1, 2005; Resolution 05-0707. • Amendments identified by an X in the "PAB" column are those proposed by PAS; not adopted in the EAR. / -, ('`7 ) r' Existing Text in the MCNP New Text Proposed for the MCN • Amendment identified by an X in bath the "EAR and "PAB" column are required by the EAR, but contain modifications by PAB. • The column entitled "City of Miarnr Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments" reflects recommendations on the item and identifies those items that are policy decisions that require consideration by the City Commission. BE.terFit` DL. aid # GOP # (Page #)PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs , Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR LU•1,1,3 (Page 1) The City-s zoning ordinance provides for protection of all areas of the city from (1) the encroachment of incompatible land uses: (2) the adverse impacts of future land uses in adjacent areas that disrupt or degrade public health and safety, or natural or man-made amenities, ;!:,„, (3) transportation policies that divide ar fragment established neighborhoods, and 141 degradation of public open space X Added 'that do not diminish the amount of area encompassing the adiacen6'abutting residential , neighborhood' ' The City's zoning ordinance provides for protection of all areas of ttie city from (1) the encroachment of incompatible land uses; (2) the adverse impacts of future land uses in adjacent areas that disrupt ar degrade public health and safety, or natural or man- made amenities; at4r (3) transportation policies that divide or fragment established neighborhoods. and i4f degradation of e ivrranrrtent, and ecology. Strategies to further protect exisur public o_ren space. environment, and ecology Strategies to further neighborhoods `through the develartrrtertt of atavrr3priate trarDSsitopR protect existing rt sghl', trhop�os through the de toerrtent of standards and buffering requirements that do not dirniniet# the appropriate transition standards and buffering repurements that amount of area eriLmt5assrr the a:!xntdabuttinc rasidanbal will be incorporated into the Citv's land development regulations ritiphpcxhood will be incorporated Into the City s land development requlaticr., Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk ,naallyslis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP - Page 1 of 14 Ct - flQ Z2 3 t- �b 1 i 1 J — nnalt.45.15 � VCCO miner `tl o/aS CIF YrasPasCd C J # GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs - Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR ; : - 2 LU-1.1.5 Page �� The :Rani nq Department With the asststAn:e of var:ous City i Tne P nninc Depar'.rne?;,_ °,5"Iltl tne assistance c.f '.'a `ci C iv 1"t"r mer"Y ar'r.t Kent:les sheii xin,,raJ rI'crlt " steps take neoarreis -itl agencies snJ' a^lll; .�r t7os taken 1L. ,t .l ci t �, f l 'ACV ;InG .- 51 a i t ble`lrrlit report tile' status o in.7,J :i :F}, Plarin, c AC., tit, 'Y E.0.i ., _ .,, _ 'alrr, sir_ l .. — —� k t of, and '',..`it.? c nlr:,ss ..: 3 LU•1 tl l (Page 3) The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as shown-eneeetacereefe-Aeas an Urban Infill Area pursuant to Miami- Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Areaseleseneatect Smolt-F i ena DulNa - , mental -.W 1 1 X Tne City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation. as seoweeereAtteehreerit A.' -as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to tvliami-Dade County's designation of an Urban lnfill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami Within this area, the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas- Priority will be given to infili development on vacant parcels. adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban [nfilt Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corrioors level of service standards and the City tl 1 Me MCftP Future Land Use Matt within the J WIN A,iee sea" be prtitecteo trim Cn rages Ito Derma rurgner density resieentte u,es and from comrrlec ai. office and industrial uses wrtttirn those areas In_ontler to preserve Me low density residential character of these areas R.e vefx rem of corridors Owens to these areas shah br eieZureeied to Del enmari el molar In @ Fnrrttrriar co/tarts Wr>hin.t -,tea- Outside of !nese resident*. -eas the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infcll development on vacant parcels. adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Inftll Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards and the City of Miami Person Trip_Methoacloce as set forth in l'.11aml Parson TnG Methodoiogv as set forth in Policies TR•1.1.2 and 1.1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. Policies TR•1.1.2 and 1.1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 2 of 14 # r GOP # (Page 9 #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments - EAR - 4 LU-1.1.13 (Page 3) The Ctt} hail review and e►rsiva� piss alas de tested Urban irrfill x Not Recommended - - The State allowed for the designation of the TCEA in order tc prevent urban sprawl throughout the County and promote Urban lnfill east of S.R. 826; pursuant to 163.3180 F.S. y The TCEA was established by Miami, -Dade County z Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Amendment 94.2. o. 0 o Wea [UTA) OMANTraneoort, n Consurrency Exception Area TCC ) %OM two Meats of the etfo n tit this as cy to determine but not ii dAo. the fottowing: the aormoriatenese of the areas ` ,ncletfeCI to the WA artior the TCEA., the Nnerits andlor sedvantades Trailing from the indutl+Ortlor ex ionLottfrlse -eas within the WA andtor the TCEA: the strategies to st, port Jibility and alterative modes Iransooristion wittun those areas ,iuded in the UtA andlor the TCEA, and the strajegie-s to address _s oast din and network c nectivity to it w rove mobility wino ase areas included in the UiA and/or the TCEA. LU-1.3,3 (Page 5) The City still encourage development and redevelopment cf water X The Planning Department Does not support this item. 0 See Miami River Sub -Element - " Exhibit B" 8 dependent and wailer related uses on the Miami River within existinn_ districts designated industrial on the Future Land Use Man. 6 LU•1.3.10 {Page 6) The City A.-- .. - ,- - _ . , _.:: and mil continue to adgressiveni address code violations in us X X Added the Iasi , sentence As per Code Enforcement's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the Policy to: The City ►mar r- nekihborhocxts Inreuch time omplemernaton of ongoing and new neighborhood improvements, and code enforcement straN{es and inihatives and will aft and enforce Bidder-1aadeftierr.and ash will continue to aagress vely address code violations in its OrdOWINIM4'o1 performance standards appropriate to preserve and enhance the physical condition and appearance of commercial and lneustrial areas in the city __ _ .: s a . _ 1 , neibhborhoods through the implementation of oneoino and new neighborhood improvements. and code enforcement strategies and initiatives; and will consider the adoption and enforcement of performance standards appropriate to preserve and enhance the physical condition and appearance of commercial and industrial areas in the city. The City mill rep wna4 has peen teommotteliee i ill: ` 3 r to will the' reookementeif NO reoe _ 7 LU-1 "4.10 (Page B) The City will continue to develop modifications to existing regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and implementation of mixed -use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along the Miami River uiowntown in X X Added "Downtown" The City will continue to develop modifications to existing regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the oesign and implementation of mixed -use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along the Miami River it o Ala fii r vim ne qr i t oop des n an deue ter. accordance with neighborhood design and development standard adopted as a result of the amendments t4 the City"s taint ,t".-.2c,E a^ls-y e"... r> > tz •_ , ,. ,s e f. yT i. .. ' Y t development reethaDons and other ini t tuns _, .: - ,i,tr;, y! Note: This is what is stated in the FAR Recommendations. $ LU•1.5.3 (Page 8) Notice of application for special permits snail be provided to any x - 1 Not Recommended This issue is addressed in the Land Development Regulations . r ii mastered homeowners associations fifteen days prior to s-uance of the special permit and.aher issuance of the decrsion,iw :+e 4 ifif�+(..,(r f't i_,_{ , Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP— Page 3 of 14 # GOP # (Page #)EAR GOPs PAB & EAR ProposedRecommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments .,Di`-,F, ,, v LU-1.5.4 (Page 8) .... Niotc, 31 a,c_,IC3tC75 r,:aL.17n: ::Ltlip:: f;63141.4.- ;!,z3. ;:,;., :;,::, .:,..,...,.! -, X ' Not Recommended This issue is addressed in the Land Development Regulations ari NET 'Ta'2,0s7.1:reil nme-awner ar-J r"1...t:C:'-nOr'1C as: .:: a!,;.v.s :_i '0 0,rir,us wino Ei00-leet-ot-the .4i...646(.1 Ori:•ffed Vo oiiN,44.4roie or,,,,i. ill-i, 1, •rjr- %,,. ort. L; 10 LU-1.6.9 (Page 9) The City's land development regulations will establish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of kiiture-idevslopment rie.v aevEkrprnent or. exisi.nci r,e.it Oiht,COS thr7ticn ..he , X X Added 061 sentenco The City's lend development regulations will establish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of* -,-,.; -:a ...,. :_.;:i! Ln' _ • .?; [Irc m-.1cs 211e,r li:i :eaLirenients de 4ein.rimen.` c2f ac:r.Dpra:e transA,n,-- *..,,zz,•:!3,is an: ';',..f%-•,.] requirements that do not qmntsb the aincitifil of area erKompaiiiii,siri: ME adiacentraittuttinq resdento neignoothrred a'Ad throw; , ao,,eate natcs to atfuted plies 11 LU-2.2.4 (Page11) The City wiii-soder the ilfolid .lor.e,Ief,t- snail adopt an r X r The City will consider the need for adopting an ordinance levying civil penalties for failure to report the discovery of an archaeological site during construction. ordinance levying civil penalties for failure to report the discovery of an archaeological site during construcfion 1 2 LU-23.2 (Page 11) - . The City had designated 67 historic sites and five historic districts pursuant to the Historic Preservation Article of the City Code. An additional 26 sites for groups of multiple sites and six districts have been identified as potentially worthy of designation Of these, the City will designate a rrilnimurn of 10 individual sites and two districts , ' X EAR slates 2615 1 i _ The City had designated 67 historic sites and five historic districts pursuant to the Historic Preservation Article of the City Code, An additional, 26 sites or groups of multiple sites) and six districts have been identified as potentially worthy of designation. Of these, the City will iricrARcR locally aniopate4.1 hislortc rewutr;es Ov ;N. by 2004 -2010. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5i1.3.) percent by 2.010 designate-10-44ividual-sites-aod-two 4464-garty 204. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.1,3.) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk nalysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 4 of 14 GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 13 LU-4 (Page 3) PROPOSED ECONOMIC ELEMENT x Not Recommended This element is not required by the Department of Community Affairs as part of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. "An environment for sustained economic growth within the City" is being addressed in the Economic Component of Miami 21. Goal Lam. The City will acknowleraoe the inter-reIeronsnrp Detw e'. economic Qrpwth and the rsddirtion of eco oinrr dis,oetihh with • Citir aSSues of tend useaffordable horaingthe adequacy of infrastnrcture includlr t the abri v of public transit lo,provrde acceideble commrdetion to and from all areas of the cIeducat# r ,7.,nd training. the environment and the Port" of the Mien Rim-. Obiective LU-4-11: The City shall wire and no later than, two years of theadoption of this goal d d an Economic moment tp 71e Miami Comprehensive Ne thborhood Planthat lays out goals otictives and pokes topovide an environment for sustained economic growth within the C ty, partiolarty with respect to tios areas of economic activity characterized by higher -paying i©bs, Mile reducnq the economic disparitythat rt{rrentty exists amcrs;- City residents. Ins Element shall be prepared trrrourgh thecoliaboration of the appropnate City departments with a vanety of staftrshoiders .- _. - - --- • ,.:,.. . . . r Romar Caraucs..,, r. 7 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk knalysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 5 of 14 GOP # (Page #) PAB EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department. Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR ' 14 LU•5 (Page 14) - - •. ,3 TORIC Akt. _ Tt RAL af,. X Not Recommended This element is not required by the Department of Community Affairs as part of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Historical Resources and the need to create a sense of place are being addressed through Miami21 and other City initiatives. Goal LUJ•5: Tho it wolf acknowledge that; a l-fi cir :,flew an opener)! foot for education. help to provide a distinctive 'sense of place' to various neighborhoods rn the City. and are a significant resource in Promoting tounsm, and b) Cultural rasourca. any imoortant reminder and remnants of the history of the area These resources offer phcal evidence of the Arabi;. • nisforfc occupation ()Ohs land. Objective LU•5.1; The City shall within, and no later than, two years of the adoption ofthis goal add a Histgrtc and Culture! Element to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan that lays out goals, obectives and ponies for those areas with sicnificant historical. arhaeological and cultural Identities. The preparation of this Element wail consider ejtabtrshing notification procedures for land use changes that may impact historic resources The Element shall Include a fist of definitions of terms used including but not limited to, neighborhoods, adaptive retire mixed use redevelopment and revitalization: with clarity of meaninc in theassoaciatsdr_onfext. This Element should be prepared trough the collaboration of appropriate City departments with a variety of st.a ehtiolaers including_ but nor limited to, representatives of neighborhood groups hi5ioriC preservation groups and citizens. Protection of historical and archaeological resources is mandated by Federal law and by the State of Florida through the Division of Historical Resources Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk ,nalysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP— Page 6 of 14 GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 15 LU-6 (Page 14) PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER PLANS X 1 Not Recommended Through Miami2l, the issues and concerns for the need for Master Plans will be addressed, Goat LU-fa The City will acicnoiriedge el me importance of neighborhood Planning and impiementatiiin as a tool for aternytirsrng and enharscma the unrQt+ character of rra+ahbcsrhoQds; and bl Ma significance of fostering a cotJeboratrve relationship between the coffin/hits, and City. Qblective LUl•8. +; The City snail. no later than 2 Neighborhood Master Plans for the City`s neEcitibckrr a Policy LU- t.1 1. Within two years of the adoption of this Foljcy. the City shaliprepare maps delinealine the geographic boundaries of earn neighborhood whitzh will serve as a tool for creatmt1 Neighbortgod Master Plans Policy Lt!-6.1 2 The apprrrropriete Ciy departrnenttst shall, through me collaboraluxt of stakeholders. representatives of neightxtrhood groups. historic preservation groups, and community members, create Neighborhood Master Plans detailing eavth neighborhood s unique needsvalues and wsrons_ 16 wHO-1 HO.1.1 HO.1.2 HO-1.2.1 H0.1.2.2 HO.1.2.3 H0.1,2.4 HO.1.2.8 HO-2.1 (Pages 33- aINSe terns die ctefingd by 'HUM 1 X As per Community Development's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the phrase in each of the nine listed GOPs to: fin with tie current standards and r�,tabans of Hlil� and lt+e State of 'Florida! Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP - Page 7 of 94 # GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 17 HO.1.1.5 (Page 33) The City will continue to enforce, and where necessary strengthen those sections of the land development regulations .that are intended to preserve and enhance the general appearance and character of ttte > =_neighborhoods and :a vulfei s.,ch nelcri ino}ds „ n x added 'that do rot diminish the amount of area x' encompassing the edjacentiai tting residential neighborhood" Ttie City will continue to enforce, and where necessary strengthen those sections of the land development regulations that are intended to preserve and enhance the general appearance and character of the t 's neighborhoods _ - neio his from mncompatibie uses through the Hoorn nie USES trirc,,Q! the ntp •-men`tatt0r� and enforcement c' luisit'Cr Syrf 1'Irl23r,LztrCS v f ,' ii: '... e 3 - NI • _' .., . .,,if f _I--'t ;: - • ,•:,_ , 7 :I; L implementation and enforcement of transition and buts nnC Standards.- - 18 HO.1,1.7 (Page 34) The City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and(or intensive commercial and industrial !and development which may negatively Impact any residential neighborhood and mil provide appropriate transiticr,s i X Added the last sentence The City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City°s land development regulations, large scale and,+or intensive commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential neighborhood and wtlf provide aprrcpriat�� between high-rise and law -rise residential develoDrnents 1hal do no transitions between high-nse and low --rise residential cfltr.sh the amour: of area er,dvmna;s:nQ the. ,a e t!abuttirk developments Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 8 of 14 # GOP # (Page #) PAF3 &EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by:: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 19 HO.1.1.10 (Pages 34- 3 � :urt annualty the extent to whichjee hour 1 1 i As per Community Development's suggestions. Planning recommends changing the Policy to: ,.,e City shall report annually the extent to which the housing lecrorrakenciati9ris set forth inlykieloDbXf City of Msgni Consolidated Plarijas they may be amended frgm tint to tune] are oeinq realm uncludine those relating to. 1) the preservation of affordable rental hoesinu through the recommendations set forth in the adopted Citw of Miami Consolidated Plan (as they may be amended from time la 'brae t rehaelfitatfon of existing_ rental stock and the encoura ement of are being realized lncfuding those relating to' new rental housinn conatruY on. with a foci4 on serving the t} Ole rare &vaben of fordable reri l housing through the ewe or small farni'res and single person houSeriek1S, Suel as 'lie elderly and person with HIWA6DS; rehabilitation of existing rental stoctt and the encouraeerrer• ie il.i;,ui.i c 1 s 66i of new rental housing coestruction, with a focus or s . ,,. the needs of small families and single person households, slicfr as the elderly and person with HIVIAIDS, households to obtain_ ry; t . . ,_ 2) Assistance to residents to achieve homeownership by prtafe eece given to the elderly. disabled and persons vier, r tiV, rS Seeking to increase the inventory of affordably prick 3) assistance to residents to achieve hameownersht0 by Seeking to through new construction. and by throoviding second alert gee downpument and closing_cost assistance l� increase the inventory of affordably priced units through new firgl time hameGuyers• and coristruclton and the creation of a Purthase Rehab program ba 3) stunulauon of affordable housing deve4opment through the provisioo secend mortgage, down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time homebuyers, and the creation of a Lease- implementation of policy with respect to to Purchase Program and the creation of a land acquisition aerogram for Infill 4) stimulation of affordable housing, oevelcorment through t}e _ identification of addlllonal funding for of ordabie h„ t .. implementation of policy with respect to. . )he continuedprovision of Affordable Housing incentives a the creation of a land acquisition program for infill 1 the provision of trainingrworssnoos lc devel00efs an City proeranns and regulations b. identification of additional funding !or affordable housing e streamlining of the RFP process and the provision of multi• c @x,t3eq_itrnn at theTa�i r ct�t rF ce5s year funding { Increasing Me capacity of non-profit housing.providers d geabon of soeSial districts tor m ed-use protects e the continued provision of Affordable Housing incentives f. theprovision of traiinin rw orkshops to developers on City programs and regulations g streamlinint of tie RFP_irocess and Lea provision of mu 1,- year funding h. Increasing the c;:" . 1 ... jprofit housing providers Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 9 of 14 # GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended try: / City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR B 20 HO-1.4.6 lPage 3T The City will provide regulations for, and permit the siting of, homeless shelters within its land development regulatio-s and take appropriate measures to prevent a net loss of shelter capacity.___:_ .2I4 will develop a ten-year plan des►gned to end chi •, iAs X i per NET's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the Policy to: The City will provide regulations for, and permit the siting of, homeless shelters within its land development regulations and taice appropriate measures to prevent a' ,ouJ .a: , iom�sness by working toward a more eguitabi€ - - 'acilit throughout Miami -Dade County. N'tl develop a ter arptan des:gned to end chronic 21 HO.1.6 (Page 3 i) Provide andlor encourage a lord regulator. investment, and X Not Recommended. - - - Regulations for supportive housing units are stated in Article 9, Sections 934-936 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. neiahborhood environment that wall assist the private sector in ncreasinq the sugplyof supportive housing units that provide services such as child day care to single parent households and ounselirog to 1et;a titated or rehabs i+„at, . verylow low and :moderate income houses„lids 22 HO-1.6.1 Page 38) 5upportk • eloped in accordance with this tiolicy shoulo X Not Recommended. ''e designe..,3 r-,Nruy sere the needs of the community in which ,-,ey are located tr�r offerng units to residents of the surrounding community on a priority bays. 23 HO.2,1 4 (Page 3 8) The City will continue to promote development of new, high quality, Dense urban neighborhoods along the Miami River _ _ _ - _ X The City will continue to promote development of new, high quality, dense urban r:eighbornoods along the Miami River C-einuaiiinekeilanGLA= Note: 'this is what is stated in the EAR Recommendations. sorh Iris: 1:492 Nitarr•i rtrre,r Master Rani, in Central Brictiell and in Southeast Overtownlf7ark West Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk alysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 10 of 14 # GOP # (Page #)PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended b : City of Miami Planning Department Recommended. GOPs & Comments — EAR 24 TR•1.1.1 (Page �� The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Infili Area pursuant to Miami -Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Areas desi;,ra•tec Sirig1e ' , X The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Innil Area pursuant to Miami -Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami, Within this area, the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards and the Cit1r of M a.r; Firs::n. F-ri-iiy and Dup'rex-Pesidentia'ti: n the MCfIP Future Lard -,ae M.ar with:- the Jr't: ::`fit Area mail to crat cis::'-ccr Cr:-Zj,pes'rnai perry r'icher „eres;t;, ;a15,06.fia asp and irc"r ;cmarereLl. c1t: t. and fnd trial uye5 vaitein trade arras. in &der to vetwve !Ile ten density res,dantiai enaraater of the arms Redevelaaaniit er c n o4s at:la: -nt ea theSe areas Sha4 be ericouraego r be lc- ate: imanly at rria, r rn'.ers taan5 of commercw ccmaors Witte- ar O:,tsiae ct ties resrdent,ar stays the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban inill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shad be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards and the City of TnD Mettiodolocv as set forth in Policies TR-1.1.2 and TR-1.1 3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. (See Land Use Policy LU-1,1.11.) Miami Person -Trip Methodoioy as set forth in Policies TR•1.1.2 and TR-1 1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. (See Land Use Policy LU-1.1.11.) 25(Page TR-1.5.2 58) The City shall conduct appropriate land use and zoning analysis of the areas surrounding each exisbra ano future. MM wo arroremrum x Tne City shall conduct appropriate land use and zoning analysis of the areas surrounding each existing an future Metrra.ip+erniurn transit station as such station sites are approved by Miami -Dade transit station as such station sites are approved by Miami -Dade County or the City of Miami for development in order to determine County or the C'Pi of Miami for development in order to determine whether appropriate land use and zoning changes should be implemented that foster the development and use of the stations while protecting adjacent neighborhoods from incompatible development .exaelea r er,r,t aens;tr ,r',a •!.te•15,1y -use a, a whether appropriate land use and zoning changes should be implemented that foster the development and use of the stations while protecting adjacent neighborhoods from incompatible development Such land use and zoning changes shall include minimum and maximum density and intensity standards at the time of implementation. Submitted into - r_ca+Such land use and zoning changes shall include minimum and maximum density and intensity standards at the time of implementation 26 PA-3 (Page 66- 67) Mrarni River } �' 1 . I • Sae Exhibit "B" record in corm( item PZ.1 or Priscilla A. the public ction with 05-08-08 Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 11 of 14 # GOP # (Page #) PAS & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 27 PR-1.1 (Page 72) T :.ve a rn . i DFC. ij x As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: e City shall work to acni+ ve a medium -term obtective of _ a DarkYnthrn 04-11aai MIA: of every rec<uenI;,,y.•:4',J and to achieve i !r rti:•'errn cbiective of a park within oneouarler mile of evens - .42P --__ --: providing a pant within one-half mile of every resident and to achieve a iono-term ob': 've of a park within one -Quarter mile c. 2._•, resident Note„ This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adapted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. 28 r rs•1.1.4• {Page 73) The City wan conduct a study to support a revised Levey of Saririce X As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to.: .= City will conduct a study to 8upp ott a revive Level of Stec for parks, recreation and open space for concurrency purposes any adopt a revised Level of Service for parks. recreation and open space for concurrency purposes by January 2009 that will assi€! ' achieving the access and per capita funding objectives of PR-' . per. ration end open space for concurrsncypurpose Unto That time the Levey of Service for ccncurrency p►ir ores shy,; ' adopt a revLaed Level of ice forte, neaealion and ire 1.3 acres of public park space per 1000 residents _ n space for concurrerrcy purposes that will assist in achieving - and per capita funding objectives of PR-1.1. Until that =. the Level of Service for c oncurrency purposes shall be 1 3 as of public park space per 1000 residents. Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07.0290. 29 PR-2.1.1 (Page 75) The City ties a none' -loss policy for public park land and wit] Wool x As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: e Cif has a no -net -loss policy for public park land and will procedures to this effect for park land in the City Zoning Ordinances, as described to the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan. by 2011 . These wits allow only recreation and cultural facilities to be built on parts land will limit building footprint on any such land, will :. rot procedures to this effect for park Land in the City Zoning require that conversion of park land for any other purposes be :i nance_ somas described in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces subjeri tc public aro tiura5. artfd re lace. the converted nark land . .ter Plan These will allow only recreation and cultural faciiitb with land similar in park, r rear on or conservation value in terms of _a built on park land wdl limp; o ildirig footprint an any sjch usefulness and location. ., will require that conversion Opal* aid for any other `noses be subject to public procedures. and replace the - verted oa►k land with land similar in park, recreation or =r, ar,of: val::e .n !erms of t.sefulness and l - tion Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk alysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 12 of 14 GOP # (Page #j PAB EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 30 PR•2.2.2 (Page .�5) The City will maintain and staff nine Dubtic swimming pools to c: X As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: The City will stripe to maintairsand staff rune public swimming pen all Year round by 2009. with the remajader to be wen year- sound bj_2012 pools to be open Eel veer round b1 009, ono the remainder to be open year-round by 2012. Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. 31 PR-3.1.2 (Page 76) I 1 41 j. 1 I - As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: Ina City will worh with Me Parma and Recrt..-tio' Depattrr nt ana with neipnborhood groups to identify podestrian routes within a hatf-mile radll,ts 4i_Da s ltat area rot:Mete for improvements t-, ,-walks. li tirtct, street trees. � and pedestrian c ncwrt signals. and signaQe as described in the 2007 Parks anc. Public Spaces Ptan. Mil: unplementa,_ Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007, Res. R-07-0290. _-_____ - ---:13 r i-' 7` f 32 . - PR-5.2.3 (Page 80) -., .�. � City will develop anandrr,,,er r��:.�-:,{ ufar p�urn� s 1 _�,t�7 tc� ;, X As per Parks and Recreation De suggestions; Department's Planning recommends changing the statement to.: City wits de•.c:wu regular procures tpgrovide opporPintties provide opportunities for park user and neighborhood consultation • the planning and fission of park and recreation facilities lrrtpravernents and new parks and pr rkims.The for park user and neighborhood cans,ittabon initie planning and pesign of parts and recreation facilities improvements and new parks and programs. Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. 33 PR-5.3.1 (Page 80) :si r:ark+s will tie &Quipped wnh adequate energy efficient r ; - As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: The City *Ili sum* to Nuip all parks with adeeuate energy Lglting by 2012. : r'icient night #llghhho_bv 2012 Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adapted in 2007. Res, R-07-0290. 34 CM-3 (Page 90) ;_ i y 'F , , 4aequate suppi ct land for water dependent uses X The Planning Department Does not support this item.. See Miami River Sub•Element - " Exhibit B Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 13 of 14 1 / 1. �'.. # GOP # (Page #) P i AR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: ' City of Miami Planning Department Recommended Comments ARGOPs 35 CM-3.1 (Page 90) Ali`" of 8c - X The Planning Department Does not support this item. See Miami River Sub -Element -" Exhibit B'' — waswi aiva ref tOs City ct i4 Yi .s 36 CM-3,1,1 (Pa e 9 ) Future land use and deve[comeuiatu;ns wiii encv;:-ar a ,:. - rl rea T X The Planning Department Does not support this item. See Miami River Sub -Element - " Exhibit B" `=1)r ::,er1 {,s_i at,, ,; rrie s' ,-"lei ,E-. 37 NR-1.1.6 'Page g5) Through lard development regulations, ensure that development or redevelopment within the ia, :-Das!at &. -?c e will not X Through land development regulat+ores, ensure that development or redevelopment within the .--=••ii, - _ ,..will not adversely affect the natural environment or lead to a net loss of public access to the city's natural resources. adversely affect the natural environment or lead to a net loss of public access __to the cily's natural resources Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk .alysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP - Page 14 of 14