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Submital-PAB EAR Based Planning Amendments with Modifications-05-08-08
Volume 1 eft-he MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN GOALS OBJECTIVES POLICIES SUBM!TTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 1TEMpzjONsx-oX . City of Miami Planning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue Miami, FL 33130 J ae-2 EAR Revision May 7, 2008 The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan was adopted as Ordinance 10544 on February 9, 1989 and has been amended by the City Commission through March 23, 2006. subrn,ffai ig1, sec P(av, ttCa`"r0n9- 05oce- - rine nc +l eri 5 w ;th Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Notice: This document is the Planning Advisory B : Ird recommended EAR-B ed Amk 'dmcit document of April 30, 2008. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Volume 1 sftbe MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN Goan_ OBJECTIV POLICIES City of Miami Planning Department 444 SW 2nd Avenue • Miami, FL 33130 June-2000EAR Revision May 7, 2008 The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan was adopted as Ordinance 70544 on February 9, 7989 and has been amended by the City Commission through March 23, 2006. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Volume 1 of the MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN GOALS OBJECTIVES POLICIES TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF AMENDING ORDINANCES IV FUTURE LAND USE I URBAN CEIVTRAI_ BUSINESS DISTRICT 15 The Downtown Miami Master Plan 17 REGIONAL ACTIVITY CENTERS 18 Buena Vista Yards Regional Activity Center 19 INTERPRETATION OF THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN MAP 22 CONSERVATION .. 22 RESTRICTED PARKS AND RECREATION 22 RECREATION 23 MARINE FACILITIES 23 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 23 DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL 24 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL 24 HIGH DENSITY MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL 25 Little Havana Target Area 25 Southeast Overtown/Park West 25 Bricked Omni, and River Quadrant 25 OFFICE 25 MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL, PUBLIC FACILITIES, 'ITR.ANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 26 MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL, PUBLIC FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 26 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL 28 MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL, PUBLIC FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION AND UTILITIES 28 CENTRAL BASIN€SS DISTRICT (CBD) 28 Residential Density Increase Areas 29 GENERAL COMMERCIAL 30 INDUSTRIAL 30 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (Li) ... 30 Live/Work District 31 Work/Live District 31 CORRESPONDENCE TABLE - ZONING AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 32 HOUSING 33 SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS 40 NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE 45 POTABLE WATER 46 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION 47 TRANSPORTATION 50 Submitted into the public Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies record in connection with May 7, 2008 item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk PORTS, AVIATION AND RELATED FACILITIES 64 PORT OF MIAMI 64 MfAM1 INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 65 PORT OF MIAMI RIVER 66 PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE „. 68 PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE 68 COASTAL MANAGEMENT 86 NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION 95 EDUCATION , , .100 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 112 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION 120 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 ill LIST OF AMENDING ORDINANCES The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan was adopted in 1989 and substantially amended in 1991 in response to Florida Department of Community Affairs review comments. The ordinance adopting the Comprehensive Plan, including subsequent text amendments (only), are as follows: Ordinance Date of Ado;': ;;, Description of Ordinance 10544 Ve ruary 9, 1989 Adopted the MCNP 1989-2000 with modifications that supersedes the MCNP (September 1985) and Addendum, provided support documents are not adopted with the plan. 10700 January 11, 1990 Amended the definition of the Land Use Element to refine the definitions of Residential, Office and Industrial; amended the Housing Element Objective 1.3 and Policy 1.3.4 and deleted Policy 1.3.5 pertaining to community - based residential facilities, adult congregite living facilities, family homes and family group and group homes; and corrected a scrivener's error. 10701 January 11, 1990 Amended the Drainage Sub -Element, Policy No. 2.1.3, specifying which storm sewers in the city will be designed for a 1-in-5 year event and establishing a specific LOS standard for the remainder of the storm sewers; coastal Management Sub -Element, Policy 4.1.2, defining and designat.ig the Coastal High -Hazard Area within the city; and adopted consistent LOS standard: in both the Drainage Sub -Element and Policy No. 1.2.3 (d) of the CIP El rment. 10832 January 24, 1991 Amended the MCNP Future Land Use; Interpretation of Future Land Use Maps; Housing; Sanitary and Storm Sewers; Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge; Potable Water; Solid Waste Collection; Transportation; Ports, Aviation & Related Facilities; Parks, Recreation & Open Space; Coastal Management; -aural Resource Conservation; and Capital Improvements and Intergovernmental Coordination elements. 10833 January 24, 1991 Amender the MCNP Future Land Use Map Plan by changing land use designE.tlons that affect approximately 5-percent of the total land area of the City. 11207 December 1, 1994 Allowed professional offices, tourist & c—t homes, and museums within historic uistricts/structures within single family, duplex and medium density multi -family residential areas. 11242 March 27, 1995 Allo‘;.;d small-scale, limited commercial i ses c.;-, lccessory uses within medium, density multi -family areas. 11496 May 22, 1997 Allowed professional offices, tourist & guest homes, museums, and private clubs or lodges within `iistoric districts/structures within single family, duplex and medium de.;sity multi -family residential areas; density and intensity restricted to the structure(s). Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive N,%,, hborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7,2:4 iv Ordinance Date of Adoption Description of Ordinance 11779 March 23, 1999 +mended the MCNP Future Land Use; Housing; Sanitary and Storm Sewers; Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge; Potable Water; Solid aste Collection; and Parks, Recreation & Open Space elements .ccordin to 1995 EAR -based recommendations. 11781 • March 23, 1999 +mended retation of Future Land Use Map to conditionally include residential uses to the general commercial land use designation. 11782 March 23, 1999 + mended the MCNP Interpretation of the Future Land Use Map to add 'Restricted Parks and Recreation'and "Marine Facilities" land use lassifications. 11864 November 16, 1999 i mended the MCNP Future Land Use Element to adopt the designation of -n "urban infitl" area to meet State requirements regarding school siting -nd co -location. 11961 September 14, 2000 * mended the MCNP Future Land Use Element, Policy LU-1.1.11, to -xclude Virginia Key, Watson Island, and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay having a "conservation" land use and zoning classification rom the Urban Infill Area. 12332 February 27, 2003 ` mended the Transportation Element of the MCNP in accordance with recommendations of the 1995 Evaluation and Appraisal Report; revisions o the "Report of Sufficiency Issues with Responses by the City of Miami" in response to the Florida Department of Community Affairs; affirmation of he designation of an "urban infill" area adopted by Ordinance 11864; and in accordance with the designation of an "urban streets" category of public horouqhfares. 12333 February 27, 2003 mended the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element of the MCNP to include specific goals associated with a new park in Little Haiti. 12346 March 27, 2003 . mended the MCNP Interpretation of the Future Land Use Map to add a 'Light Industrial" land use classification, 12442 November 25, 2003 Rescinded Ordinance Nos. 12332, 12333 and 12346; updated the Transportation Element, added policies associated with a new park in Little Haiti, and added the "Light Industrial" land use classification. 12445 November 25, 2003 ' mended the Future Land Use Element of the MCNP to include the resignation of "Regional Activity Centers" within the City of Miami. 12446 November 25, 2003 mended the Future Land Use Element of the MCNP to designate the Buena Vista Regional Activity Center, and amended the Future Land Use Map to designate the Florida East Coast (FEC) Buena Vista Yard as a Regional Activity Center. Submitted into the public record in connection with items P7.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Ordinance Date of Adoption Description of Ordinance 12536 May 6, 200 Amended '.ie Intergovern nental Coordination Element of the MCNP in accordance to recommerations from the 1995 Evaluation and Appraisal Report; amended the Future Land Use Element by deleting an objective and polic as related to Inte 7overnmental Coordination by transferring them into the Intergovernmental Coordination Element. 12635 December 4, 2004 Amended the Coastal Management, Natural Resource Conservation and Capital Improvements elements of the MCNP in accordance to recommendations from the 1995 Evaluation and Appraisal Report. 12741 November 3, 2005 Amended the Future Land Use Element o` the MCNP and the Future Land Use Map to designate the Downtown Miami Master Plan an Urban Central Business District. 12786 March 23, 2006 Amends certain policies of the Futu „ Land Use, Housing, Parks Recreation & Open Space, Coastal Management and Capital Improvements elements of the MCNP to incorporate language necessary to implement the Miami 21 project. 12966 January 24, 2008 Adding a new Educational Element and amending and adding certain policies to the Capital Improvement and Intergovernmental element of the MCNP to incorporate language necessary to implement Public School Concurrency. mi C . "ehensi:, i',eighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk vi FUTURE LA:',;7', USE Goal L U-1: Maintain a land use pattern that (1) protects and enhances the quality of life in the City's -ei44rrsi~ neighborhoods; (2) fosters redevelopment and revitalization of blighted or declining areas; (3) promoter and facilitates economic development and the growth ofjob opportunities in the city; (4) fosters the growth and detr'.r.,,vment of downtown as a regional center of domestic and international con ;, r rce, culture and entertainment; (5) promotes the efficient use of land and minimizes land use conflicts�� preserving 1: - adential sections . rlrin neighborhoo .. ; , . (6) protects and conserves the city's significant natural and coastal resources, and (Zl protects the grity v of the City's existing neighborhoods by insuring public notice, input and appellant rights regarding changes in existing zoning regulations. Objective LU-1.1: Ensure that land and development regulations are consistent with fostering a h:rh quality of life in all areas, includi the timely provision of public facilities that ' ieet or exceed the minimum level of service (LOS) standards adopted in the Capital Improvements E.:-gent (CIE) of t I`: :3mi Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Policy LU-1.1.1: Development orders authorizing new development or redevelopment teat results in an increa: in the density L intensity of land use shall be contingent upon the availability of public facilities that n._ t or exceed the minimum LOS standards adopted in the CIE :>pec waste, stormv4 ..er, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities. The public services and facilities provided to meet concurrencv requirements shall be consistent with the Capital Improvements Element, or 4_uaranteed in an enforceable agreement. The public services and facilities will include public schools when the Miami -Dade County School Board and local governments in the county implement school concurrency pursuant to paragraph 163.3177(12)(i), F.S.- Policy LU-1.1.2: The City's Planning Department, with the assistance of various City departments and agencies, h0Il be resp0.,&ib ter monitonng will -(1) continuously 11EUEutUE Id! devetu Eii>~'ut activities to ensure compliance with the Future Land Use Plan Map and the goals, obiectives. and policies of the Future Land Use element of the MCNP;12) monitor all proposed arnendments to land development regulations to ensure consistency with the MCNP and will forward its recommendation on such amendments to the Plannino Advisory Board and to the City Commission; (3) continuously monitor the current and projected LOS indard provided by public facilities; and -a I - perform the required concurrency review of proposed development for submittal to the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), as required by Florida statutes and administrative rules Policy LU-1.1.3: The City's zoning ordina :e provides for protection of all areas of the city from: (1) the encroachment of incompatible land uses; (2) the adverse impacts of Submitted into the public r_ cord in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives 'olicies May 7, 200 1 future land uses in adjacent areas that disrupt or degrade public health and safety, or natural or man-made amenities; and (3) transportation policies that divide or fragment established neighborhoods, and (4) degradation of public open space, environment, and ecology. Strategies to further protect existing neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements that do not diminish the amount of area encompassing the adjacent/abutting residential neighborhood will be incorporated into the City's land development requtations. Policy LU-1.1.4: The-Gity-will-leer-ease-its-eade-eeleFeement-effeFts-by-40%-eastieyeaf and--eentinue the enfefcer t of—peffaids The City will continue to aggressively address code violations in its neighborhoods through the implementation of code enforcement strategies and initiatives with the intent of preserving and enhancing neighborhood environmental conditions. Policy LU-1.1.5: The Planning Department, with the assistance of various City departments and agencies shall annually monitor steps taken to fulfill the Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPss of the MCNP and biennially report the status of the GOPs to the Planning Advisory Board and City Commission. including, but not limited to, improving measurability of objectives. Policy LU-1.1.6: The City's street and storm sewer improvement projects wilt provide curb and gutter; and street landscaping, unless deemed to be physically or economically infeasible. Policy LU-1.1.7: Land development regulations and policies will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/work spaces, neighborhood retail, and community facilities in a walkable area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation moues. including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit. proyisio - eef aadd Hate—i hberhood -shopping; recreati^o day— ar-e ente.rininmen►, ed other nnig -o ,ppert- vitics Policy LU-1.1.O: The City's Planning Department will be responsible for coordinating the City's land development regulations and policies with those of Miami -Dade County and adjacent municipalities, and in oartcutar: with respect to impacts to infrastructure contiguous development with regard to physical height and mass transitions, and ublic a en space. Policy LU-1.1.9: The City will maintain low to moderate density uses in the West Flagarni area of the city (as shown on Figure 111.1 of Volume II - Data and Analysis of the MCNP) as necessary to protect the secondary aquifer recharge area (See Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Policy AR-1.2.1.) Policy LU-1.1.10: The City's land development regulations wilt encourage high density residential development and redevelopment in close proximity to Metrorail and Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, ZOOS 2 Iyietromover stations. s♦stcnt wi' aP err 4_ 10i , v i start,_: (See Transportation Policy fR-1.5.2 and Housing Policy HO-1.1.9.) Policy LU-1.1.11: The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and tf uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification or Conservation, i wn-e#Att;: as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to Miami -Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. .i C d Uesigi idieii H V di iu tiilifc L, [)Li Use Map within the Urban Infill Area shah be protected from changes that permit higher density residential uses and from commercial, office and industrial uses within those areas, in order to preserve the low density residential character of these areas. Redevelopment of corridors ad[acent to these areas shall be encouraged to be located primarily at major intersections of commercial corridors. Wide -his-arm Outside of ire< the concentration and intensificaton of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with tl-J adopted Transportation Corridors leve of service standard set for: in Policies TR-1.1.2 and 1.1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. Policy LU-1.1.12: In ora:;r to encourage the development and maintenance of educational facilities in the ;ity of Miami, the City's Land Use policies permit schools in all land use classifications except Conservation, Rem Public Parks and Recreation, and Industrial. During pre -development program planning and site selection activities, le City shall coordinate with Miami -Dade Public Schools and continue to seek, where feasible and mutually acceptable, to co -locate schools with other facilities such as parks, libraries, and community centers to the extent possible. Policy LU-1.1.13: The Cif shall review and evaluate the areas designated Urban Infill Area (UTA) andlor Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (TCEA) within two years of the adoption of this policy to determine, but not limited to, the following: the appropriateness of the areas included in the U1A and/or the TCEA; the benefits andlor disadvantages resulting from the inclusion (or exclusion) of these areas within the UTA andlor the TCEA: the strategies to support mobility and alternative modes of transportation within those areas included in the UTA and/or the TCEA and the strategies to address urban design and network connectivity to improve mobility within those areas included in the UTA and/or the TCEA. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Miami Compru:iensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2008 3 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk PolicLLU-1.1.14: Improve facility and program accessibility through implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Objective LU-1.2: Promote,, facilitate, and catalyze the redevelopment and revitalization of blighted, declining or threatened residential, commercial and industrial areas through a Yartiety of public, private, and public -private redevelopment initiatives and revitalization programs including, where appropriate, historic designations. Policy LU-1.2.1: The City defines blighted neighborhoods as areas characterized by the prevalence of older structures with major deficiencies and deterioration, high residential vacancies, widespread abandonment of property, litter and poor maintenance of real property. Declining neighborhoods are defined as areas characterized by the prevalence of structures having minor deficiencies, a general need for improvements in real property, significant declines in real property values, high vacancy rates in commercial structures and increasing difficulty in obtaining insurance. Neighborhoods threatened with decline are defined as areas characterized by significant but infrequent property maintenance neglect, an aging housing stock, declining property values, general exodus of traditional residents and influx of lower income households, Policy LU-1.2.2: The City's land development policies will be consistent with affordable housing objectives and policies adopted in the Housing element -Element of the14din •ni Cernpfehenciye Neinhbo* feed PIanMCNP. ..�,�r�-�,p.�.�,�, Policy LU-1.2.3: The City's ntia�rrifal, commerc I 'end industrial reyiiah alien pr wil nue fie- pike highntt nrie ily o protecting_ neighhnrh ods ining seaditionsr$Kend-pFier4y-te-Fevefsigg-lfeads-in-deelining ,removing blighted eenditions _ and the it -will_eentinue_ its effeFts-te- pc-egret:Rs- priorities in implementing, facilitation, and encouraging redevelopment and revitalization projects shall be determined on an area specific basis in accordance with the adopted Consolidated Plan, Fiscal Years 2004-2009, adopted redevelopment plans, speciiic neighborhood and area plans, the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan, and the land development regulations, as pnropriate and as incorporated in the MCNP by reference in accordance with F.A.G. 9J-5.045(2)(q). Policy LU-1.2.4: The City will continue to adhere to its established policies regarding Community Redevelopment Districts and will continue to implement plans for the Omni and Southeast Overtown/Park West as Community Redevelopment Districts. Policy 1-U-1.2.5: The City will continue to develop information programs on the availability of redevelopment opportunities within the city. Objective LU-1.3: The City will continue to encourage commercial, office and industrial development within existing commercial, office and industrial areas:, Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 4 increase the utilization d enhance the F `iysical character and appearance of existing buildings; uiiGUtitd je Ui well -designed, mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for a variety of uses within a walkable area in accordance with neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result or th amendments to the Citv's land development regulations and other initiative' and concentrate new commercial and industrial . ':tivity in areas where the capacity of existing public facilities can meet or exceed the minimum standards for Level of Service (LOS) adopted in the Cap -,I Improvement Elee:>€ (CIE). Policy LU-1.3.1: The City will continue to provide incentives for commercial redevelopment and new construction .. -s&i yes .:�, imprevt 4t-ifi-the-bu414-eiwirenffient in designated Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZ), the Empowerment Zone, the Enterprise Zone, the Brownfield Redevelopment Area Commercial Business Corridors, and other targeted areas. Such commercial redevelopment and new construction shall be conducted in accordance with neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result r" amendrm,-,n'' 'n +kc t'}v'S land devPir,-;-f,. + i.-i datives. Such incentives may be offered through the building facade treatment program, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, and other redevelopment assistance r:rc 'rams. Policy LU-1.3.2: The City will cor n. to encourage the expansion of existing buildings and new construction through the private sector by assisting in making available commercial loi -1 funds for rehabilitation and sm ill business loans and seed moneys, particularly to local minority businesses and encouraging the maximum participation, especially through public/private partnersh )s, of financial institutions, chambers of commerce, lr., Beacon Council, other business organizations, property owners and residents of the areas. Priority areas include, but are not limited to,-,uisoe VC, ::x& hi rt+Cr::'% `. District, Littlet,aiti and•---t#ei -Area—Rodevet nt-Distfict. designated Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZ), the Empowerment Zone, the Enterprise Zone. the Brownfield Redevelopment Area, Commercial Business Corridors, and other targeted areas. Policy LU-1.3.3: The City shall encourage development and redevelopment of water dependent and water related uses on the Miami River within existing districts designated Industrial on the Future Land Use Map. Policy LU-1.3.4: The City will continue to work with the Miami -Dade County School Board to ensure the expansion of educational facilities in areas that are easily accessible by public transit and facilitate the expansion of job training/job placement programs offered to youths (full time and summer terms) and low-income persons. Policy LU-1.3.5: The City will continue to promote through land development regulations, the creation of high intensity activity centers which may be characterized by mixed -use and specialty center development. Such activity centers will be in Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ. t Ilai 05-08-08 Priscilla A. ' i °-ompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2008 5 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on O5-O8-OS Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk accordance with the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan and neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of amendments to the City's land development regulations and other initiatives, Policy LU-1.3.6: The City will continue to encourage a diversification in the mix of industrial and commercial activities and tenants through strategic and comprehensive marketing and promotion efforts so that the - designated Neighborhood Development Zones (NDZ), the Em_powerment Zone,_ the Enterprise Zone, the Brownfield Redevelopment Area, Commercial Business Corridors, and other targeted areas is -are buffered from national and international cycles. Policy LU-1.3,7: The City will continue to use the City's Enterprise Zone, and -Tax Increment Financing district. Empowerment Zone Commercial Business Corridors, and Brownfield Redevelopment Area strategies to stimulate economic revitalization, and encourage employment opportunities, Policy LU-1.3.8: The City will develop and imolement job training and educational programs to assist the City's existing and future residents in achieving economic self-sufficiency utilizing government resources as necessary, and will continue to work with appropriate State and County agencies to direct training programs and other technical assistance, to support minority and semi -skilled residents of the city. Policy LU-1.3.9: The City will continue to concentrate Community Development efforts in small geographic areas that have special opportunities and/or potential for redevelopment u e ne lave I i tln ]..nil: r n --rnarniaF distrrn� +t n Quarter I ttIe River o r+eyinit2ark Nine! the Garment District, Allapattah � �v�ii� -5�rni erei7i le l--Distriel an to F Wit, consistent with implementation of small -area action plans that have the support of neighborhood residents and business owners. Policy LU-1.3.1O: The City wil'„^erease code enferceme t effe 4s-by 10% each year and will continue to aggressively address code violations in its neighborhoods through the implementation of ongoing and new neighborhood improvements, and code enforcement strategies and initiatives; and will adopt and enforce co cider- t e adeption. and—enroreement of -performance standards appropriate to preserve and enhance (he physical condition and appearance of commercial and industrial areas in the city by July 2009. The City will report on an annual basis, what has been accomplished to fulfill the requirements of this policy. Policy LU-1.3.11: The City's land use regulations will provide incentives for the inclusion of day care facilities near major employment centers. Policy LU-1,3.12: The City's land use regulations will permit neighborhood -based health care facilities, Policy LU-1.3.13: !Reserved] Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Policy LU-1.3.1;. The City will continue to enforce urban ,;sign guidelines for public and private projects be cot fu nail be in accordance with the neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of the amendments to the City's land development regulations and other initiatives. Policy LU-7.3,15: The City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a balanced mix of uses including areas for employment, shnnnino. housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other. Objective LU-1.4: Continue the growth of Downtown Miami, expand its role as a center of domestic and international further its development as a regional center for the performing arts and other cultural and entertainment act ',flies and develop an urban residential base. Policy LU-1.4.1: [Reset 1]. Policy LU-1.4.2: The City will continue to investigate and, where appropriate, create management districts, funded by special assessments to provide extra services and special events needed to attract visitors and residents to t 3 retail core, and other special retail shopping areas in downtown. Policy LU-1.4.3: The ‘_; v will continue to promote an active pedestrian side\ .;c environment along the l round floor frontage of buildings on "pedestrian streets" through land development regulations. olicy LU-1.4.4: T - v Ge tine-t„ eM--Mi,mnader_ ty in rOStr,1ctinn _tie yng art -c-enter in dewnto JReserved]- Policy LU-1.4.5: [Reserved] Policy LU-1.4.6: [Reserved] Pc ,<:y LU-1.4.7: The City will continue to enforce regulations within downtown to ensure that retail signane is of high a ality and consistent with the design and development objectives it downtown. Policy LU-1.4.8: The City will continue to enforce land development regulations as necessary in order to encourage rehabilitt-on and sensitive, adaptive reuse of 1- B oric properties and older structures in downtov.1, and to exempt rehabilitation projects from Development of Regional Impact (DRI) mitigation fees, Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. ':'hompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 7 Policy LU-1.4.9: The City will continue to promote rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of vacant and underutilized spaces and provide incentives for rehabilitation of older buildings in downtown. Poticy LU-1,4.14: The City will continue to develop modifications to existing regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and implementation of mixed -use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along the Miami River Downtown in accordance with neighborhood design and development standards adopted as a result of the amendments to the Ci 's land development regulations and other initiatives. Policy LU-1.4.11: The City will continue to streamline the development application for development approvals to simplify and standardize the process, while ensuring that the regulatory intent of the approvals is maintained. Policy LU-1.4.12: The City will continue to implement the Downtown DRI development orders for downtown and Southeast Overtown/Park West, and seek approval for future increments of development in a timely manner. Objective LU-1.5: Land development regulations will protect the city's unique natural and coastal resources, its neighborhoods, and its historic and cultural heritage. Policy LU-1.5.1: Development orders in the city will be consistent with the goals, objectives and policies contained in the Natural Resource Conservation and Coastal Management elements of the Mnii Corn e i eicdhinerher Pi _ MCNP. Policy LU-1.5.2: Land use regulations and development policies will be consistent with the intent and purpose of Miami -Dade County's Waterfront Charter Amendment, Shoreline Development Review Ordinance, and -the Jules of the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserve Management Area. and other appropriate requirements regarding waterfront access and manaiement. Policy L11-1.5.3: Notice of application for special permits shall be provided to any NET registered homeowners associations fifteen days prior to issuance of the special permit and after issuance of the decision with explanation of appeal procedures. Policy LU-1.5.4: Notice of application requiring public hearings shall be provided to anv NET registered homeowner and neighborhood associations and to owners within the applicable City regulations. Objective LU-1.6: Regulate the development or redevelopment of real property within the city to insure consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Policy LU-1.6.1: The "Interpretation of the Future Land Use Plan Map' section of this element, which follows these land use goals, objectives and policies, establishes the Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ. 1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Po1icses May 7, 2008 8 ctivities and facilities allowed within each „id use category appearing on the Future Land Use Plan Map, and the City's land d , ,elopment regulations shall be consistent with this section of the olicy LU-1.6.2: [Reserved] LU-1.6.3: The City'- Planning Department shall review all proposals to amend 41 e City's and any other land development egulations, anc shall repc -t as to the con; ency between any proposed amendment and the `' to the Planning Advisory Board, the City's "local planning agency,'" which will then forward its recommendation to the City Commission for approval and ad( ption. Policy LU-1.6.4: Any proposal to amend the City's -lag-Zoning or(: Ice AU that hr:i been deemed to require an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan Map by the Manning Department, shall require a review and a finding from the Planning Department that t . proposed am ndment Ail not result in a i OS that falls below the )pted minimum standard _ 3, and �lll not be in conflict w'1 any element of the ..ar„l Co her s ,nrhaod RIaoMCN . Based on its evaluation, and on other ,v"avant planning considerations, the Planning Department will forward a recommended action on said amendment to the Planning Advisory Board, which will then forward its recommendation to the City Commission. )Iicy LU-1.6.5: The City may continue to use special d trict designations as a land development regulation instrument for the purpose of accomplishing specific development objectives in particular areas of the city. Policy LU-1.6.6: The City will continue to enforce signage regulations to ensure the quality of life in the city's neighborhoods. Policy LU-1.6.7: {Reserved] The City will provide adequate opportunity for public con it regarding zoning changes and variances within neighborhoods. Policy LU-1.6.8: The City's land development regulations and policies will allow uui age andior requi, the provision of open space i development projects in both residential and comm., cial areas. Policy LU-1.6.9: ThP City's land development regulations will establish mechanisms tomitigate the potent,, ally adverse impacts of t1*em„ent new development on .. velop.:ent of appropriate transition standards and bufferinlrequirements that do not diminish the amount of area encompassing the adjacent/abutting residential neighborhood and through adequate notice to affected parties. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 9 Policy LU-1,6.10: The City's land development regulations and policies will allow for the provision of safe and convenient on -site traffic flow and vehicle parking and will provide access bva variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles automobiles, and transit. Policy LU-1.6.11: The City's land development regulations and policies will insure that areas designated conservation are protected from development other than that which promotes its passive appreciation. Policy LU-1.6.12: The City's land development re ulations will direct recreational activities to areas of the city where facilities and services are available. live W- . — , .{nl�i'rrpctt�i d-",-Fr..ee T },, re end � f ih: �snrl deyelnnre n!_ i3Atl�jl---:_�l-�rl� :�}E ail--ihf iFC'Ct Ff?CfaatleWF3l aettvitfes to areas of the city wry .tieeand-secyi eFraa—avai #e. Objective LU-1.7: Ensure that the Miami Cornprehensive Neighborhood Plan is updated as needed to meet changing conditions and, improve its effectiveness and success. Policy LU-1.7.1: Update the MCNP by January 2009, to include a detailed list of definition of terms used by the MCNP .with an effective time line showing coordination and consultation with various City departments and stakeholders. Goal L U-2: Preserve and protect the heritage of the City of Miami through the identification, evaluation, rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, restoration and public awareness of Miami's historic, architectural and archaeological resources. (See Coastal Management Goal CM-5) Objective LU-2,1: Maintain, update, and amplify the City of Miami portion of the Miami -Dade County Historic Survey, which identifies and evaluates the city's City's. historic, architectural, and archaeological resources, and continue to increase the number of eii€ible properties included in the Miami-Dade_County Historical Survey (See Coastal Management Objective CM-5.1.), Policy LU-2.1,1: The City will continue to identify potential historic districts and conduct fug additional historic surveys ting-buitdi s to identify eligible historic resources. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.1.1.) Policy LU-2.1.2: The City will continue toand-rnairitain and update the computerized database of all relevant information for all 3,358 sites in the Miami -Dade County Historic Survey. This listing will show, in three categories, all properties of historic, architectural or archaeological significance; together with their priority ranking for presentation. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.1.2.) Submittedinto the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008. 10 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk ,, E, . ✓e LU-2.2: Protect archaeological resources within the city from destruction e d Toss. of cy LU-2.2.1: The City will pursue the designation of significant archaeological zones under the Historic Preservation Article of the City Code. Policy LU-2.2.2: The City will continue tt, cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Archaeologist in monitoring building , i uw, I _./-a-Fc-hae(aioqic-al-signifteafie activities near archeological sites. Policy LU-2.2.3: The City will require, as part of the building ,permit application, pursuant to state law, that the Miami-Dade—GetHityCity of Miami archaeologist be notified of construction schedules in significant historical of archaeological zones and where potentially significant historical or archaeological artifacts are uncovered during construction, permit state and local archaeological officials the opportunity of surveying "i'Rrt r?xrMj0nr7 the Ite. Policy LU-2.2,4: The City will1Goosider tie need for biting -shall adop. an ordinance levying civil penalties for failure to report the discovery of an archaeological site duringconstruction. Objective LU-2.3: Encourage the preservatic 7 of all historic ! .chitectural, and resources that have major ;r:-ficance to the city by ',aJing continuing to inereas{ the rAmber of nationally and locally designated sites by4ive or the period -lg.:6 M14 -2O08-2O i:3. Policy LU-2.3.1: The City will continue to revi-iw nominations to the National Register of Historic Places through the Certified , oc—a Government Program. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.1.4.) Policy LU-2.3.2: The CitY had designated 67 historic sites and five historic districts pursuant to the Historic Preservation Article of the City Code. An additional 26 sites (or groups of multiple sites) and six districts f h^9n ident'fied as potentially worthy of designation. Of these, the City will designate 10 individual sites and two districts by u 6 . (See Coastal Management Policy M-5.1.3.) Objective LU-2.4: Increase the number of h'' ! lc structures that have been preserved, rehabilitated or restored, according to the U.S. Secre ^ y of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. (See Coastal Management O},', :five CM-5.2.) Policy LU-2.4.1: The City will encourage the conservation, rehabilitation, restoration and adaptive reuse of historic and architecturally significant housing resources through low interest housing rehabilitation loans that may be offered by City agencies. Policy LU-2.4.2: The C will continue to utilize the U.—. Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation as the minimum standards for the preservation -treatment Miami Comprehensive r borhood Plan 11 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 of historic properties. To receive public financial support from the City, designated privately owned structures must meet these standards. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.2.1_) Policy LU-2.4.3: The City currently owns nineeine historic sites and other potential archaeological sites. If it is deemed in the public interest benefit for the City to transfer title of City properties of historic, architectural or archaeological significance, such transfers will include restrictive covenants to ensure the protection and preservation of such properties. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.2.2.) Poticy LU-2.4.4: The City will continue to work with other local governments that have title to properties of major historic or architectural significance to ensure the conservation, preservation and adaptive and sensitive reuse of such properties. Objective LU-2.5: Increase public awareness of the historical, architectural, archaeological resources and cultural heritage of the city, and public policy and programs to protect and preserve this heritage, through public information and education programs. Policy LU-2.5.1: The City will continue to develop a series of publications relating to historic preservation in general and the city's historic resources in particular. Policy LU-2.5.2: The City will maintain an historic marker program for designated properties and other key areas, and will publish same, Policy LU-2.5.3: [Reserved) Policy LU-2.5.4: The City will continue to provide information on the ems Citv's historic, architectural and cultural heritage for inclusion in public information, economic development promotion and tourism materials. (See Coastal Management Policy CM- 5.1.5.) Goal L ,3: Encourage urban redevelopment in identified Urban !mill Areas and Urban Redevelopment Areas. Objective LU--3-1: Promptly review and act on petitions for land use plan amendments and rezoning of property in Urban Infill Areas or Urban Redevelopment Areas to facilitate redevelopment. Policy L!J-3.1,1: Reveew a tmg Continue review of existing zoning regulations to determine if they provide adequate flexibility to promote redevelopment with a mix of uses in Urban tnfitt Areas or Urban Redevelopment Areas and, if not, revise said existing zoning regulations or adopt new zoning regulations to promote redevelopment. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.10 n 05-O8-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 12 ubmitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.l on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk c i-y LU Create Regional Activity Centers if appropriate in Urban Infill Areas ana Urban Redevelopme..: Areas to facilitate mixed-t " development, encourage mass transit, reduce the need for automobile travel, ..., ..:v .ce and and =n �..?rr_ aIt nnnnf of tali,, provide incentives for quality development, and give det:nition to the uraan torm. The permitted uses a d density and intensity of uses within a RAC shall be governed by the underlying fu are land use map designations of the subject property, except as othr wise limited by the designation of the RAC in the comprehensive plan. A designated RAC shall routinely provide service to, or be regularly used by, a significant number of citizens of lore than one county; contain adequate existing public facilities as defined in Rule 9J-5, F.A.C., or committed public facilities, as identified in the capital improvements element of the City's comprehensive plan; and shall be proximate and accessible to interstate or major arterial roadways. Policy 3.1.3: Designate the Downtov y. Miami Master Plan area an Urban Central Business District order to increase the Development of Regional Impact threshoid for developer, ': within those portions of downtown Miami that are not already in the DRI area. Objective 3-2: [Reserved] Policy LU-3.2.1: [Reserved] Policy LU-3.2.2: [Reserved] 44 J ( PROPOSED ECONOMIC ELEMENT Goal LU-4. The City will acknowledge the inter -relationship between economic growth and the reduction of economic disparity within the City; issues of land use affordable housing,the admit/my of infrastructure including the ability of public transit to provide acceptable commutation to and from all areas of the city, education and training, the environment and the Port of the Miami River. Objective LU•4-1: The City shall within, and no later than, two years of the adoption of this goal add an Economic Element to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan that lay out goals, objectives and policies to provide an environment for sustained economic growth within the City,�particularly with respect to those areas of economic activity characterized by higher -paying jobs, while reducing the economic disparity that currently exists among City residents. This Element shall be prepared through the collaboration of the appropriate City departments with a variety of stakeholders including, but not limited to, representatives of neighborhood groupsibusiness andenvironmental groups, organizations involved in manpower development and trf ini„ , and Th0 rvli nmi River Commission. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 13 Goals Objectives `' )licies May 7, 200 PROPOSED HISTORIC AND CULTURAL ELEMENT Goal a* f1-5: The City will acknowledge that: a) Historical resources offer an important tool for education, hel to roviae a distinctive "sense of lace" C various nei hborhoods in the City and are a significant resource in promoting tourism; and bl Cultural resources are important reminders and remnants of the history of the area. These resources offer physical evidence of the prehistoric and historic occupation of the land. Ob ective LU-5.1: The City shah within, and no later than, two years of the adoption ofthis oat add a Historic and Cultural Element to the Miami Cam rehensive Neighborhood Plan that lays out goals, objectives and policies for those areas with significant historical, archaeological and cultural identities. The preparation of this Element will consider establishing notification procedures for land use changes that may impact historic resources. The Element shall include a list of definitions of terms used inctudinbut not limited to, neighborhoods, adaptive reuse, mixed use redevelopment and revitalization; with clarity of meaning in the associated context. This Element should be prepared through the collaboration of appropriate City departments with a variety of stakeholders including, but not limited to, representatives of neighborhood groups, historic preservation groups and citizens. Protection of historical and archaeological resources is mandated by Federal taw and by the State of Florida through the Division of Historical Resources, PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER PLANS Goal LLI-6: The City will acknowledge a) the importance of neighborhood planning and implementation as a tool for maintaining and enhancing the unique character of neighborhoods; an b) the significance of fostering a collaborative relationship between the community and City. Objective LU-6.1: The City shall, no later than 2012, create Neighborhood Master Plans for the City's neighborhoods. Policy LU-6.1.1: Within two years of the adoption of this policy, the City shall prepare maps delineating the geographic boundaries of each neighborhood, which will serve as a toot for creating Neighborhood Master Plans. Policy LU-6.1.2: The appropriate City department(s) shall, through the collaboration of stakeholders, representatives of neighborhood groups, historic preservation groups, and community members, create Neighborhood Master Plans detailing each neighborhood's unique needs, values, and visio>n. Submitted into the public record in connection with item P"L. t on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 14 Urban Central Bus ness District An Urban Central Business District (UCBD) identifies the single urban core area within the City of Miami. The UCBD shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map, shall contain mass transit service as defined in Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C., and shall contain high intensity, high density multi -use development to include: retail; professional and governmental office uses; cultural, recreational and entertainment facilities; high density residential; hotels and motels; and appropriate industrial activitie- Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 15 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk URBAN CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT MAP Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May I, 2006 16 In accordance with Chapter 28-24.014(10)(a), F.A.C., the guidelines and standards of development, a designated Urban Central Business District within the City of Miami shall: 1. Increase the threshold for residential, hotel, motel, oi.. ?, or retail development by fifty -percent (50%); 2. Increase the thresholc for applicable jlti-use guidE;'nes and standards by one - hundred percent (100%), provided that one land use c : the multi -use development is residential and the residential development amounts to not less than thirty-five percent (35%) of the City of Miami's applicable residential threshold; and 3. Increase the threshold for resort or convention hotel development by one hundred - fifty percent (150%). The following area has been designated an Urban Central Business District (UCBD) on the City of Miami Future Land U: Map (FLUM): The Downtown Miami Master Plan The Downtown Miami Master Plan was adopted by the Miami City Commission by Resolution Number 89-990 on October 26, 1989. The Downtown Miami Master Plan contains appn ximately 1, 351. acres and is bounded on the north by: Northwest 20th Street on the nor4h; Biscayne Bay, including Brickell Key (Claughton Island), on the east; Southwest 15th Roaa on the south; and Interstate 95, the Miami River, Northwest 5th Street, Interstate 395 and the Florida East Coast Railroad right-of-way on the west (see the Future Land Use Map far exact boundaries). Perrni!ted Uses: Permittec uses within the Urban Central Business District sha. be those of the underlying land use classification within the current Downtown Miami i\ aster Plan, which includes: Central Business District; Major Institutional Public Facilities, Transportation & Utilities; Office; Restricted Commercial; General Commercial; Industrial; Recreation; High -Density Multifamily Residential; and Medium -Density Multifamily Residential (see descriptions in Interpretation of the Future Land Use Map). he following minimum and maximum development thresholds shall apply: The following numerical guidelines and standards shall be applied within the City of Miami's Urban Central Business District according to Chapter 28-24.014(11), F.S.: A development that is at or below eighty -percent (80%) of all numerical thresholds shall not be required to undergo development -of -regional -impact review. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 17 A development that is between eighty -percent (80%) and one -hundred (100%) percent of a numerical threshold shall be presumed to not require development of regional impact review. A development that is at one -hundred percent (100%) or between one -hundred percent (100%) and one -hundred twenty percent (120%) of a numerical threshold shall be presumed to require development -of -regional -impact review. 4. A development that is at or above one -hundred twenty percent (120%) of any numerical threshold shall be required to undergo development -of -regional -impact review. Regional Activity Centers Regional Activity Center (RAC). A Regional Activity Center designation is intended to encourage and promote large-scale development and redevelopment as well as small parcel infill development and redevelopment that facilitates a balanced mix of land uses by providing maximum flexibility for development and redevelopment activities. In accordance with Chapter 28-24.014(10)(b)2, F.A.C., a Regional Activity Center in the City of Miami shall be a compact, high intensity, high density multi -use area designated as appropriate for intensive growth as an urban infill or urban redevelopment area by the City and may include: residential use; commercial; office; cultural and community facilities; recreational and entertainment facilities; hotels or motels; transportation facilities; utilities; and appropriate industrial activities. The major purposes of this designation are to facilitate mixed -use development, encourage mass transit, reduce the need for automobile travel, provide incentives for quality development and give definition to the urban form. For an area to qualify as a Regional Activity Center, the following criteria must be met: 1. The type of land uses permitted within each Regional Activity Center and the density of residential uses shall be specified herein and within the City of Miami Land Use Plan. 2 Regional Activity Centers shall include mixed land uses of regional significance. 3. Regional Activity Centers shall consist of active pedestrian environments through high quality design of public spaces and buildings that create an appropriate human scale at street level and provide for connectivity of places through the creation of a system of pedestrian linkages. 4. Each Regional Activity Center shall be a defined geographical area of no less than 20 acres and shall be delineated on the City of Miami Future Land Use Plan Map. Submitted into the public record in connection "With item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 18 5, Regional Activity Centers shall be proximate and accessible to interstate or major arterial roadways. The followini area has been designated Regional Activity Center within the City of Miami Land U Plan: Buena Vista Yards Regional Activity Center The Buena Vista Yards Regional Activity Center is designated to De a Chapter 380 Regional Activity Center and, subject to amendment of the Strategic Regional Policy Plan for South Florida by the South Florida Regional Planning Council, as a regi 1al development district (a geographic area specifically designated as high', suitable for increased threshold intensity) for the purpose of increasing DRI thresholds. General Location: South of Northeast 36th Street, North of Northeast 29th Street, East of North Miami Avenue and West of the Florida East Coast Railroad (FE(;) right-of-wEr , ; eluding certain properties located along Northeast 29th Street. (See Future ad Use Map fur exact boundaries). Permitteu uses: Permitted uses shall be as fo :he underlying ,.. I use classification; however, the following minir.:um and maximum development thresholds shall apply: Residential: 2,000 units minimum / 4,500 units maximum Cc r iercial: 500,000 s f mini'., m / 1,200,000 s.f. maximum G ace: 80,000 s.f. minimum / 100,000 s.f. maximum Compatibility: The City shall develop and implement design standards to address compatibility of development within the Buena Vista Regional activity Center with the surrounding area, which design standards should further the follow' ig concepts: ■ New streets and avenues should connect to the existing street grid. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2008 19 REGIONAL ACTIVITY CENTER MAP BUENA VISTA YARDS MW 17TH S7 fSW31NST W 3iTN'! r NW 37TT1 ST MW 35TM ST NW Still rni POW SiTN 5T MN ]311F 1T MW a7Ma_s'r WV 315T 5,1 NW YJTM ST MMf nut Si NW 77TH Si NT Pi TN ST 17. a Ml3LTN ]i • MS.77TH ST mmAkciiiiliiiSmommmommomammmammamm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ rta ■ A ■ ■ ■ i NI ]-TN 57 J nn ST ON■Ri"[''i5 Ng MTM ST NE 37TH S1 0 ril .7 Talk PIS ST71 ST �1II34TH 5T Ng 7711G ST 0 0$ • x xr?W 1' 147..g7. -R__ Mf 7STH. ISM NE 251141 �1 t 0.I I 1 • Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 can 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 20 Sidewalks, as principal pedestrian throl;1ways, should be designed to -reate a comfortable outdoor public space to accommod7:o a range of active anc: passive pedestrian activities. • Buildings should have ground floor uses that activate the street and relate new development to surrounding areas. • The context and scale of new development should be reflected in new building design, including the setting back of upper floors in order to accommodate height while maintaining human scale at the pedestrian level. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives ,Tolicies May 7, 21 Interpretation of the Future Land Use Plan Map The Future Land Use Plan Map is a planning instrument designed to guide the future development artd distribution of land uses within the city in a manner that is consistent with the goals, objectives and policir' Df the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP). The Future Lari Use Plan Map is a generalized map that does not 3pict areas of less than 2 acres. The Planning Director is responsible for making all determinations of concurrency as defined in state statutes, and will also interpret the map based on all applicable state laws and administrative regulations and on the consistency between the proposed change or changes and the goals, objectives and policies expressed in the MCNP. The Planning Director will also determine whether or not proposed zoning changes require an amens vent to the comprehensive plan._ and u zonint changes do not recltrrre and amendment to the MCNP made by the Planning Director may be appealed to the Zoning Board or the City Commission. Land development regulations and policies are to be consistent with the Future Land Use Plan Map. The land development regulations further define and describe all requirements applicable to zoning categories contained under each land use designation, permitting the treatment of new development according to the particular conditions existing in different areas, and always consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the MCNP, and specifically with the Land Use Element and rs Future Land Use Plan Map. The land use designations are general designations that may include more than one zoning category. All activities and uses within each designation are compatible with each other by virtue of their scale, intensity and haracter, or by additional conditions required by the land development regulations, more specifically b the City Zoning Ordinance, which describes .tom requlates development within zoniii' districts in order to achieve mi definite goals and objectives. The land use designations that appear in the Future Land Use Plan Map are arranged following the "pyramid :;,,ncept" of cumulative inclusion, whereby sulbsequent categories are inclusive of those listed previously except as otherwise noted. These designations, and the uses allowed1 in them, are defined as follows: Conservation: This land use designation is restricted to environmentally sensitive areas that are to be left in an essentially natural state. Only activities that reinforce this character are allowed. Public access to these areas, including off-street parking, may be limited when unregulated access may present a threat to wildlife and plant life within such areas. Re' ' ; d Public Parks and f'ecreation: The primary intent of this land use classification is in conserve a park while allowing accass and uses which ::I not ' 3riere rith the preservation of any significant environmental features which rr:ay exist within the park. -in que,itc.o: This land usr designation allows only open space arid park uses with lifflted-fe eatG~~ I uses lop- =a lit; ,AR") of 0.65 recreational and cultural uses where the total iuotpr-ints may cover nu more than 25% of thepark land area. cueix ree Featonal ucee shall b n p rmi ib10 when deemed to be an integral port of a park'c chafaet acid—vehen designed and inter u—$.4iiithip--thenrk h—aa--m„anne; as -to 1 "Allowed" or "permitted" uses are allowed by right; "permissible" or "limited uses" are candidates for inclusion, subject to an interpretation of consistency by the Planning Director and a grant of special exception by the Zoning Board. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Pris.illa A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 22 traits-and-lauget-teeEsmall-GeftereErgiell-StandsTr-estr-eenisrafid-etheFpassive-reer-e-ational-tises wh0sescalelrf a _manner of oper inn ere siim rar__in-nature to those_ rdnseribed-n. Both passive and active recreational uses shall be permitted including but not limited to -nature trails, interpretive centers, picnic areas, playgrounds, canoe trails and launches, small concession stands, restrooms, gyms, swimming pools, athletic fields, cultural facilities, marine and marina facilities and other facilities supporting passive and active recreational and cultural uses. Lands under this designation with specific qualities that make them desirable for commercial photography shall be allowed to be used in this manner conditionally, and only when it is determined that conducting such commercial photography will not endanger significant environmental features within the area. [Added 3/23/99 by Ordinance 11782.] Commercial Recreation: This land use designation only allows ien usea Nithin- parker sest3-recreation use -as mu a art gatene and-e ibslion cpaen and marine ar d. rack facilitresS ppo fling carps. ranters) an public safety -(police fan' e of 4he4e ion privately -owned recreation uses open to the public or to private groups. Marine Facilities: This land use designation is intended to apply to waterfront properties which are primarily public properties and intended to be developed and utilized in a manner which will facilitate public access to waterfront activities. Permissible uses within this designation include marine and marina facilities, marine stadiums, waterfront specialty centers (including restaurants, cafes and retailing), recreational activities including water theme parks, cultural, educational and entertainment facilities and accessory hotel accommodations with maximum FAR limitations between the range of 0.65 to 1.72 and a maximum density of 130 hotel units per acre; the higher FAR may be approved only upon demonstration and finding that the application of the higher limitations will not adversely affect access. Permanent living facilities are not permitted within this classification.. [Added 3/23/99 by Ordinance 11782.] Nonresidential floor area is the sum of areas for nonresidential use on all floors of buildings, measured from the outside faces of the exterior walls, including interior and exterior halls,, lobbies enclosed porches and balconies used for nonresidential uses. Not countable as nonresidential floor area are: (a) Parking and loading areas within buildings; (b) Open terraces, patios, atriums or balconies; or (c) Stairways, elevator shafts, mechanical rooms. Single Family Residential: Areas designated as "Single Family Residential" allow single family structures of one dwelling unit each to a maximum density of 9 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. 'Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2000 23 Supportinr services such foster homes and f : riily day care homes for children and/or adults; anc: community based residential facilities2 (6 clients or less, not including drug, alcohol or correctional reha, ;itation facilities also will be allowed pursuant to applicable state law. Places of worship, primary and secondary schools, child day care centers and adult day care centers are permissible in suitable locations within single family residential areas. Professional offices, toi and guest homes, museums, and private clubs or lodges are glowed only in contributing structures within historic sites or historic districts that have been designated by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board and are in suitable locations within single family residential areas, pursuant to applicable land development regulations and the maintenan of required levels of service for such uses. Density and intensity limitations for said use. shall be restricted to those of the contributing structure(s). Duplex Residential: Areas designated as "Duplex Residential" allow residential structures of up to two dwelling units each to a maximum density of 18 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrenc • management requirements. Community based residential facilities (14 clients or less, nc' including drug, alcohol or correctional rehabilitation facilities) also will be allowed pursuant to applicable state law. Places of, :xrship, primary and secondary schools, child day care centers and adult day care centers ark permissible in suitable locations within duplex residential areas. Professional offices, tourist and guest homes, museums, and tate clubs or lodges are allowed only in contributing structures within historic sites or historic districts that have been designated by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board and are in suitable locations within duplex residential areas, pursuant to applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service or such uses. Density and intensity limi:E ons for said uses shall be restricted to those of thc contributing structure(s). Medium Density i- ..ifamily Residential: Areas designated as "Medium Density Multifamily Ren aential" allow residential structures to a maximum density of 65 dwelling units per acre, su' ,ject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. Supporting services such as community -based residential fac 'ties (14 clients or less, not ('eluding drug, alcohol or correctional rehabilitation facilities) :ill be allowed pursuant to applicable state law; community -based residential facilities (1 )-50 clients) and day care centers for children and adults may be permissible in suitable locations. Permissible uses within medium density multifamily areas also include commercial activities that are intended to serve the retailing and personal services needs of the building or building complex, small scale limited commercial uses as accessory uses, subject to the detailed provisions of applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of 2 A "Community based residential facility" provides room (with or board), resident services, and twenty-four hour supervision. Such a facility functions as a single housekeeping unity. This category includes adult congregate living facilities, facilities for physically disabled and handicapped persons, for developmentally disabled persons, for non dangerous mentally ill persons and for dependent children, as licensed by the Florida Department of Health - and juvenile and adult residential correctional facilities, including halfway houses, as licensed or approved by an authorized regulatory agency. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 24 required levels of service for such uses, places of worship, primary and secondary schools, and accessory post -secondary educational facilities. Professional offices, tourist and guest homes, museums, and private clubs or lodges are allowed only in contributing structures within historic sites or historic districts that have been designated by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board and are in suitable locations within medium density multifamily residential areas, pursuant to applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for such uses. Density and intensity limitations for said uses shall be restricted to those of the contributing structure(s). High Density Multifamily Residential: Areas designated as "High Density Multifamily Residential" allow residential structures to a maximum density of 150 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. Higher densities may be allowed as shown for these specially -designated areas: Little Havana Target Area 200 units per acre Southeast Overtown/Park West 300 units per acre Brickell, Omni, and River Quadrant 500 units per acre Supporting services such as offices and commercial services and other accessory activities that are clearly incidental to principal uses are permitted; community -based residential facilities (14 clients or less, not including drug, alcohol or correctional rehabilitation facilities) will be allowed pursuant to applicable state law; community -based residential facilities (15+ clients), places of worship, primary and secondary schools, and day care centers for children and adults may be permissible in suitable locations. Office: Areas designated as "Office' allow residential uses to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions and a finding by the Planning Director that the proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned properly mattes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents; transitory residential facilities such as hotels and motels; general office use; clinics and laboratories; and limited commercial activities incidental to principal activities in designated areas. Supporting facilities such as auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools may be allowed with the "Office" designation. The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as "Office" allow a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.72 times the gross lot area of the subject property; such FAR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations; however, may not exceed a total FAR of 3.0 times the gross lot area of the subject proerty. Properties within a Regional Activity Center that are designated as "Office" are exemot from this FAR requirement however, they are subject to their specific limitations within the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. All such uses and mixes of uses shall be subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-0S Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 25 and services included in the City'sadopted concurrencv management requirements. Areas designated as "Office" in the Urban Central Business District are exempt from this FAR i'imitation and are allowed unlimited FAR. Major institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities: Areas designated as "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" allow facilities for federal,state and local government activities, major public or private health, recreational, cultural,religious or educational activities, and major transportation facilities and public utilities Residential facilities ancillary to these uses are allowed to a maximum density equivalent to ieciSt i.rU[IiiciuliciLefi zoning u„,:1 subject to the same limiting conditions. Areas designated as "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" allow a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.72 times the gross lot area of the subject property; such FAR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations; however, may not exceed a total FAR of 3.0 times the gross lot area of the subject property, except within the Health f Civic Center District where it may not exceed a total FAR of 3.2 times the gross lot area of the subject property. Ali such uses and mixes of uses she( l be subject to the detailed provisions of the aTpplicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the Citv's adopted concurrency management requirements. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2008 26 Heatth J Civic Center District . t MW ]151.71S ..W Sltl • - . w IIW-i15,1-FMi. - d I1bS 5C S Y Nwi ferN firm MW MIN \W 141s11 ww 101+ sr _ r a Few I stt. s7 NW isill s1 NW 111114T MW /111U, NW Nitw31 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.] on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Restricted Commercial: Areas designated as "Restricted Commercial" allow residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Rec. iential" subject to the same limiting conditions nq by the Planning [7r raximii°, ,: zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existina residential develoornent and that adequate servicesn st if liar °weds c re : any activity included in the "Office" designation as as commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses described above, places of worship, and primary and secondary schools. This category also includes commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels a permissible. The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as "Restricted Commercial" allow a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.72 times the gross lot area of the subiect property; such FAR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations°, however, may not exceed a total FAR of 3.0 times the gross lot area of the subject property. Properties designated as "Restricted Commercial" in the Urban Central Business District are exempt from this FAR limitation and are allowed unlimited FAR. Properties within a Regional Activity Center that are designated as "Restricted Commercial" are exempt from this FAR requirement; however, they are subject to their specific limitations within the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. All such uses and mixes of uses shall be subj ct to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements, Central Business District (CBD): The area designated as "Ct itral Business District (CBD) is intended to apply to the central commercial, financial and office core of the metropolitan r:gion, and allows all activities included in the "Office," "Restricted Commercial," and "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" designations. Residential facilities (except for rescue missions) alone or in combination with other uses are allowable to a naximum density of 1,000 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. Also permitted is a mix of uses ranging from ,urh density --ultifamily residential to high intensity office uses with retail uses on the lower flc:)rs of structures. Intensity of uses within the CBD land use designation are generally higher than those allowed in other area of the city. Areas designa. as CBD are exempt from other FAR limitations and are allowed unlimited FAR. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2C(' 28 Residential Density 'Increase Areas 1) Omni - SOO tinits7Ac 2) Southeast 0vertown-Park West 300 Units/Ac 3) River Quadrant 500 Units/Ac 4) Mickel! - 500 Units/Ac 5) Little Havana - 200 Units/Ac w 1 rim, MP WI 1! 1• ■pi rI LRIELI I IN • ttll1�i TIAZ~* 1 /111:11,k ala �. 0! 4 a maaaaaaaaaia r*aaar aaaaraaa { ...imilm .l taallimaliMEMIIMI ANIIIMPIWIlaai u "f! MB ■ _ _� V MEW= WO lrit1`�� i i� um r IN MEN a z 4 rllri�Irr+�+, ...Ili.: —Ea l )4 1 aaaaaaa NAME araaraarmana•• r • t♦ ■� 1! tilr it �rFli ��a�-- ti �t at1F31 I� Ra T -}- asraeMallg errr�.a.:rrharffia a � t�tl•i! Min ��' 111■1�=atett■ipil,���.,% orm ram wootiaillaWfro5, Imo* _..�:I�.�,i!;►�� ■ Ir r 41.7 44, 25 1 i 44' Ewimrt west Gino f hen a—� Suhlnitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.I on 05 _08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Coals Objectives Policies May 7.2008 29 Submitted into the public record in r.: tnection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk General Commercial: Areas designated as "General Commercial" allow all activities included in the "Office" and the "Restricted Commercial" designations, as well as wholesaling and distribution activities that generally serve the needs of other businesses; generally require on and off loading facilities; aid benefit from close proximity to industrial areas. These commercial activities include retailing of second hand items, automotive repair services, new and used vehicle sales, parking Tots and garages, heavy equipment sales and service, building material sales and storage, wholesaling, warehousing, distribution and transport related services, light manufacturing and assembly and other activities whose scale of operation and land use impacts are similar to those uses described above. Multifamily residential structures of a density equal to R-3 or higher, but not to exceed a maximum of 150 units per acre, are allowed by Special Exception only, upon finding that the proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents. This category also allows commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels for transients. The nonresidential portions of developments within areas designated as General Commercial allow a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.72 times the gross lot area of the subject property; such FAR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations; however may not exceed a total FAR of 3.0 times the Cross lot area of the subject property. Properties designated as "General Commercial"' in the Urban Central Business District are exempt from this FAR limitation and are allowed unlimited FAR. Properties within a Regional Activity Center that are designated as "Restricted Commercial" are exempt from this FAR requirement., however, they are subject to their specific limitations within the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. All such uses and mixes of uses shall be subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. Industrial: The areas designated as "Industrial" allow manufactu -ig, assembly and storage activities. The "Industrial" designation generally includes activities that would otherwise generate excessive amounts of noise, smoke, fumes, illumination, traffic, hazardous wastes, or negative visual impact unless properly controlled. Stockyards, rendering works, smelting and refining plants and similar activities are excluded. Residential uses are not permitted in the "Industrial" designation, except for rescue missions, and live-aboards in commercial marinas. Areas designated as "Industrial" allow a maximum floor area ratio (FARj of 1.72 times the gross lot area of the subject property; such FAR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations; however, may not exceed a total FAR of 2.5 times the gross lot area of the subject property. Furthermore, all such uses shall be subject to the the maintenance of required levers of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted corrcurrency management requirements. Light Industrial (l l): The primary intent of this lane: ase classifica' n is to mandate mixed t•-_ development within this land use classification, and ft lher, to facilitate the ability of developing a mixed occupancy within a unit in which more than one type of use is provided under Live/Work or Work/Live Districts. The Light Industrial category shall be designated on the Future Land Use Plan map as either LI-LW (live/work) or LI-WL (work/live). Areas designated as "Light Industrial" allow all activities included in the "Office" and the "Restricted Commercial" designations, as well as wholesaling and distribution activities that Miami Cc . :: zhensive Neighborhood Plan 30 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 generally serve the needs of other businesses; generally require on and off loading facilities; and benefit from close proximity to general commercial areas. These commercial activities (beyond those permitted in the "Office" and the "Restricted Commercial," designations) include retailing of second hand items, new and used vehicle sales, parking lots and garages, wholesaling, warehousing, right manufacturing and assembly and other activities whole scale of operation and land use impacts are similar to those uses described above. This category also allows commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels for transients. This land use category shall not permit storing, packaging, handling, processing or distribution of explosive, flammable or otherwise hazardous materials; scrap yards; wholesale trade -marts; drive -through facilities; flea markets; health clinics; and auto care service centers and related activities. The hazard level of an activity shall be one of the determining factors as to whether that activity shall be permissible within a Light Industrial district; the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations shall prohibit high-level hazard activities within live/work developments. LiveiWork District: Within a live/work development, residential uses shall occupy between fifty percent (50%) and ninety-eight percent (98%) of the area of the development and commercial uses shalt be developed as a secondary use; employees and walk-in trade are not usually permitted; however, may be allowed upon compliance with specified criteria as defined in the governing land development regulations; such criteria may include requirements that clients visit by appointment, and/or limitations on number of employees. Work/Live District. Within a work/live development, commercial uses shall occupy between fifty percent (50%) and ninety-eight percent (98%) of the area of the development and residential uses shall be developed as a secondary use. Work/live space requires access according to the American Disabilities Act. Areas designated as 'Light Industrial" allow residential uses to a maximum density of 65 dwelling units per acre, and both residential and nonresidential uses to a maximum height of six stories (with "story" defined as height between 8 and 14 feet per story) and a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.72 times the gross lot area of the subject property; such FAR may be increased upon compliance with the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations; however, may not exceed a total FAR of 4.0 times the gross lot area of the subject property. All such uses and mixes of uses shall be subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. The Light Industrial category is not intended to be subject to the restrictions and limitations of home occupations as defined in Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 (as amended). Submitted into the public record in connection with item. PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7. 2008 31 Correspondence fable - Zoning and Comprehensive Plan ZONING ORGBI' CE 11000 MCNP JULY I-999 2008 CS CONSERVA : 'ON CONSERVATION - RESTRICTED PARKS AIECREA COMMERCIAL RECREATION PR PARKS AND RECREATION RECREATION PUBLIC PARKS AND RECREATION -- MARINE FACILITIES R-1 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL R-2 TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL. R-3 MULTI -FAMILY MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL R-4. MULTI -FAMILY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL 0 OFFICE OFFICE G/I GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL MAJOR INSTITUTIONAL, PUBLIC FACILITIES, TRANSPORTATION, AND UTILITIES C-1 RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL C-2 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL GENERAL COMMERCIAL CBD CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT I INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL RT FIXED -GUIDEWAY RAPID TRANSIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IGHT INDUSTRIA: Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 32 HOUSING Goal HO-1; !increase the supply of safe, aff^r , e and sanitary housing for very to=w-,_low, , moderate-, and middle -income households de : l v HUUI, and the elderly by alleviating shortages of verylowlow- , moderate- and mid(' ncome housing, rehabilitating older homes, maintaining, and revitalizing residential neighborhoods to meet the neeiJ5 of all inr:Oh r; 91-uuJ)3. Objective HO-1.1: Provide -.r,ln• .n„° �fra�c : a local reguk pry, investment, and neighborhood environment that will assist the private sector ;n increasing the stock of affordable housing for all income levels, including very low-, law-. • literate-, and middle —income (as those terms are defined by HUM, within the city -City by at least 10 percent by 105 2010. Policy HO-1.1.1: The City defines affordable (moderate -income) housing in accordance with the r_.-rent standards and regulations of the United States Department of Housing and Llrt;; :a Development (HUD). The City continues to promote equal access to housing opportunities -other-gever n(al Tics, it entorces rn --and feg la :The City, with other governmental agencies and non-profit organizations, will educate appropriate parties regarding fair housing and refer fair housing concerns to the appropriate enforcement agency. Policy HO-1.1.2: Continue and expand the City's current affordable housing programs and continue its p ;,ticipation in federal housing programs and the ounty Documentary Stamp Surtax Program. Policy HO-1.1.1 The City will continue to develop comprehensive neighborhood redevelopment plans and programs that encourage private developers to build new, or rehabilitate old, residential structures and ensure th public investments are coordinated with private sector developments to increase the overall attractiveness of redeveloping neighborhoods. P. 'i4 HO-1.1.4: Tax Increment Financing districts, which are designated by Mier Dade County, as a mechanism for financing public improvements in residential areas and stimulating neighborhood revitalization, will continue to be used. Policy HO-1.1.5: The City will continue to enforce, and where necessary strengthen those sections of the Jana development regulations that are intended to preserve and enhance the general appearance and character of the :fly neighborhoods and to butler such neighborhoods irom incompatible uses through the implementation and enforcement of transition and buffering standards that do not diminish the amount of area encompassing the adjacent/abutting residential neighborhood. Policy HO-1.1.6: The City will continue to encourage the ies gnatioF restoration, and adaptive and sensitive reuse of historic or architecturally significant housing through Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ. i on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 33 the am Hate and equitab a are of zonin incentives zoning and other incentives deemed appropriate. Policy HO-1.1.7: The City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential neighborhood and will provide appropriate transitions between high --rise and low—rise residential developments that do not diminish the amount of area encompassing the adiacent/abuttinq residential neighborhood. Policy HO-1.1.8: Through the land development regulations, the City will protect ark enh re --existing viable neighborhoods in those areas suitable for housing and, where gppro_priate, enhance them in a manner compatible with their existing character. Policy HO-1.1.9: The City's land development regulations will encourage high -density residential development and redevelopment in close proximity to Metrorai! and Metromover stations, consistent with the Station Area Design and Development Plan for each station. (See Land Use Policy LU-1.1.10 and Transportation Policy TR-1.5.2.) Policy HO-1.1.10: Reserved- The City shall report annually the extent to which the housing recommendations set forth in the adopted City of Miami Consolidated Plan (as they may be amended from time to time) are being realized including those relating to: 1) the preservation of affordable rental housing through the rehabilitation of existing rental stock and the encouragement of new rental housing construction, with a focus on serving the needs of small families and single person households, such as the elderly and person with HIV/AIDS., 2) the preservation of existing affordable housing — homeowner retention by assisting very low-. low- and moderate -income households to obtain repair financing from private lenders, with preference given to the elderly, disabled and persons with HIV/AIDS; 3) assistance to residents to achieve homeownership by seeking to increase the Inventory of affordably priced units through new construction and the creation of a Purchase. Rehab program; by providing second mortgage, down payment and closing cost assistance to first-time hornebuyers, and the creation of a Lease to Purchase Program; and 4) stimulation of affordable housing development through the implementation of policy with respect to: a. b. c. d. Submitted into the public record in connection with item _ PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk the creation of a land acquisition program for lnfill identification of additional funding for affordable housing expediting of the Tax Credit Process creation of special districts for mixed -use projects Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 34 e. the continued provision of Affordable Housing incentives f. the provision of traininglworkshops to developers on City _programs and regulations g. streamlining of the RFP process and the provision of multi -year funding h, increasing the capacity of non-profit housing providers. olicy HO-1.1.11: [Reserved] Objective HO-1.2: Conserve the .:-resent stock of very low-, Iowa- ar moderate middy -income housing _.._,,lied by HUD) within the ; = and reduce the number of substandard units through rehabilitation, reduce the number of unsafe stri::ctures thr demolition - rehal lion, and insure the preservation of historically significant housing through identification and designation. policy HO-1.2.1: The City defines low 'come nousing in accordant, with the current standards and regt-ations of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Po HO-1.2.2: The City ii ' continue, and when necessary expand; lov, and moderate -income housing programs with the intent of preventing a net loss of log; and moderate -income hoi ua6WIL;-.0 ui H(Jui unitsLth,ntf- : Policy HO-1.2.3: The City's housing programs will provide for Io -E Rd m deraln inc ttr, site le al.ens in a diverse range of housing types in -all areas of the City, including housing that is affordable to very- low-, low-, mo(N, iiddl 'Ile hou L:: tined by HUD) as an alternative to the geographic concentrat on of low-income housing. Policy HO-1.2.4: The City will continue to assist n .n-profit, community -based organizations in the development and provision of low and moderate - income housing Is those terms are defined by HUD) projects os as AI}- tiv !o augme the public sector provision of . erg low-, low-. and moderate -income housing. This ass stance will include, but not be limited to, technical assistance, marketing and financial planning as, istance, and the prov ion of public ,provements, such as street improvements, curbing, Landscaping and public open spaces, proper drainage and street lighting. Pc' ..:y HO-1.2.5: The L, :y defines sutstandard housing as any residential unit that lacks either complete kitc,,en or plumbing facilities or does facilities, does not satisfy health and safety codes Jr detracts irom the physical appearance of neighbornuous z,uustandard housing as com liant with the State's definition of substandard housing in s.420.0004(12), F.S. `submitted into the public ceord in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 35 Policy HO-1.2.6: With the intent of preserving and enhancing neighborhood character, the City will utilize code enforcement to prevent the illegal conversion of single-family residences into multifamily units. Policy HO-1.2.7: The City will continue to enforce where necessary, and implement neighborhood specific design and development standards that may be developed as a result of the amendments to the Cites land development regulations and other initiatives to strengthen those sections of the g-drdinance-Zoning Ordinance that are intended to preserve and enhance the general appearance and character of the e#y s City's neighborhoods. Policy HO-1.2.8: The City will increase code enforcement efforts in areas where significant concentrations of substandard units are likely to exist. The City will implement programs to assist very low-. low-, and moderate -income households (as those terms are defined by HUD) in rehabilitating their units. Owners of substandard units will be required to make needed repairs in a timely manner and vacant or abandoned property will be required to be secured so as not to represent a public health or safety hazard. Policy HO-1.2.9: The City will monitor conditions and if necessary formally request that Miami -Cade County maintain an acceptable quality of public housing within the siiy-City. Policy HO-1.2,10: The City will, through its building code enforcement, demolish all structures determined to be structurally unsafe. Policy HO-1.2.11: Historically significant housing in the city City will be identified and subjected to the Her i ge Concorvation n rticlo Chapter 23 and other a, propnate sections of the City's Code and Zoning Ordinance. Objective HO-1.3: Facilitate the private and public sector provision of housing in non - isolated residential areas for community -based residential Facilities and foster care facilities (including those funded by the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services). Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Policy HO-1.3.1: The City will permit the operation of group homes, foster care facilities and Adult Congregate Living Facilities (ACLFs), subject to restrictions reflected in the City Zoning Ordinance, in all residential areas at the residential densities for which those areas are zoned. Policy HO-1.3.2: The City's land development regulations will be reviewed and amended where warranted, to prevent concentrations of group homes, foster care facilities, and Adult Congregate Living Facilities (ACLFs) in any area of the city -City. Policy HO-1.3.3: [Reserved] Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 36 Policy HO-1.3., - [Reserved] Objective HO-1.4: The City will continue to participate in - jonal c if to prov :'e adequate shelter for the homeless. Policy HO-1.4.1: The City, along with Miami -Dade County, Broward County, the major municipalities of the region, the South Florida Regional Planning Council, and the State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services will participate in the development of a coordinated plan to address the problem of homelessness in South Florida. olicy HO-1.4.2: [Reserved] • Policy HO-1.4.3: The City will assist in providing, v an necessary, temporary emergency shelter facilities to serve homeless families and children. Policy HO-1.4.4: The Ci 's land development regulations will permit temporary crisis intervention facilities and short-term trar ;itional facilities (aimed at assisting the homeless to become self-supporting memoers of society) to be located proximate to areas where social assistance and economic opportunities are available. Policy HO-1.4.5: The City will continue and expand its efforts to acquire and administer federal and state financial aid for homeless assistance. olicy HO-1.4.6: The City will provide regulations for, and perrnit the siting of, homeless shelters within its land development regulations and take appropriate measures to prevent a net loss of shelter capacity. [he i;ity will develop a ten-year pima ueSka,ieu Lu ti J fl ul is; 1011t iesshe s i t workinq toward a more equitable distribution of facilities throughout Miami -Dade County. Objective HO-1.5: Provide assistance to displaced occupants where public redevelop gent programs require relocation. Policy HO-1.5.1: The City's housing program will continue to provide for assistance to occupants displaced by public redevelopment projects so that suitable relocation housing in proximity to err :)loyment and necessary public services is available prior to the demolition or replacer- ant of existing housing serving low and moderate - income occupants. Objective HO-1.6: Hese+ve4sli Provide andlor encourage a local regulatory, investment, and neighborhood environment that will assist the_private sector in increasing the supply of supportive housing units that provide services such as child day rare to single parent households and counseling to rehabilitated or rehabilitating substance abusers of very -low, low and moderate incorno households. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 37 Policy HO-1.6,1: fR2ser }-Supportive housing developed in accordance with this policy should be designed to primarily serve the needs of the community in which they are located by offering_units to residents of the surrounding community on a priority basis. Goal HO-2: Achieve a livable city center with a variety of urban housing types for persons of all income levels in a walkable, mixed -use, urban environment. Objective HO-2.1: Achy, ve a-tiv -downt ► Design and create pedestrian friendly environments and neighborhoods with varied housing prototypes and amenities catering to persons of diverse social�econoniic and cultural ba+ckgraunds, with a variety of urban housing types for persons of all income levels including those of very Iow-, low., and moderate -income households (as those terms are defined by HUD) rIovided in a walkable, mixed -use, urban environment. Policy HO-2.1.1: Through the land development regulations, the City will continue to protect and enhance existing neighborhoods in downtown. Policy HO-2.1.2: The City will continue to revise residential zoning district regulations to provide greater flexibility for the design and development of a variety of contemporary housing types and mixed -use developments with the application of new higher density zoning in accordancce with neighborhood specific design and development standards that might be adopted as a result of amendments to the City's land development regulations and other neighborhood planning initiatives,. Policy HO-2.1.3: The City will continue to assure that necessary support services, institutions and amenities are available to existing neighborhoods. Policy HO-2.i.4: The City will continue to promote development of new, high quality, dense urban neighborhoods -along the Miami River (in accordance with the 1992 Miami River Master Plan), in Central Brickell and in Southeast Overtown/Park West. Policy HO-2.1.5: The City will continue to encourage adaptive reuse of commercial space for residential use by working to eliminate unnecessary residential requirements in the Zoning Ordinance that inhibit reasonable adaptive reuse.. Policy HO-2.1.6: The City will continue to target available governmental housing assistance programs and funds to assist with development of affordable housing in existing viable neighborhoods and publicly designated redevelopment districts while avoidingundue concentrations of assisted housing. Policy HO-2.1.1: Working together with private developers, the City will continue to apply for Urban Development Action Grants (UDAG's), and Housing Development Action Grants (HoDAG's)—, and other potential grant programs in the Southeast Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 38 ',iertown/Park West, Lun , -us Park, River Quadrant and West Brickell areas, where housing can be developed as a part of mixed -use projects. Po ;v HO-2.1.8: Through changes in the City's land development regulations, the City will ::ontinue to expand the areas in which new commercial development may receive incentives for Housing Trust Fund contributions. Poi. ;y HO-2.1.9: [Reserved] Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson C <y Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 39 i -ARY AND SI e)RM SEWERS Goal SS-7 Ensure a clean, healthy urban enviror, =rent thro ! ";' the proper mat a= er,ance, timely provision and efficient operation of a central zed wastewater treatment and anciTh ry sewerage system. Objective SS-1.1: All resu-ices ;," bus asses within City that have been approved are served by sanitary sewers, and the City will continue to replace and repair aging segments of the system as required, and will coordinate with Miami -Dade County on the extension c', increase it 1 the capacity of, treatment facilities to meet future needs. )licy SS-1.1.1: The City will continue to implement ting plans to extend the sewerage system to all approved areas of the City. 'o, Cy SS-1.1.2: The City will complete those sanitary sewer projects described in the City's Capital Improvement Program as scheduled. Policy SS-1.1.3: The City will monitor pre -ress on all sanitary sewer related capital improvement projects on an annual basi as part of its capital improvement impleri c.,itation procedures. Policy SS-1.1.4: Although the City has no authority with respect to Miami -Dade County's wastewater treatment programs, the City shall, through its Intergovernmental coordination Policies, continue to support, and coopera?' with, Miami -Dade water and Sewer ( ) actions to expand the capacities of its waste ter treatment faci ties as expressed in that Department's Plan, Objective SS-1.2: Ensure Or the practice ; wastewater management is consistent the protection .:nervation of natural resources. Policy SS-1.2.1: Although the City has no authority with respect to Miami -Dade County's wastewater treatment programs, the Cit. hall, t -ough its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, support and encourage to continue to adhere to its current policies of: no discharge of wastewater to sL. face fresh waters; advanced waste treatment at all "package" treatment plants that are granted variances from "no discharge" requirements; secondary treatment prior to discharge from ocean outfalls; econdary treatment, proven design, local ope 17 experience and compliance with all regulatory agency requirements prior to discharge from injection gills; and secondary or higher levels of treatment, as required by regulations, prior to discharge to shallow groundwater to ensure no negative impact on the ability of the receiving waters to meet Federal Drinking Water Standards. Submitted into the public record in connection with item _P7.1 on i15-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Mian - . c : -ehensive II :. jhborhood Plan Goals C aives Pc -ies May 7, 2008 40 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-O8-O8 Priscilla A. 'Thompson City Clerk Policy SS-1.2.2: In the design and construction of new sewers, and in the repair and replacement of old sewers, the City will use appropriate design and construction techniques to eliminate infiltration of storm waters into the sanitary sewer system. or the overflow of wastewater into the storm sewer system. Policy SS-1.2.3: The City will use its authority under local codes and ordinances to cooperate with Miami -Dade County DERM to identify and eliminate any sites where there may be illegal connections of sanitary, sewers to the storm sewer system. Policy SS-1.2.4: The City will, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, negotiate with Miami nd Coun r u rn erg Depactrnerit M DWASD to seek cooperative agreements to ensure that the operation of the Central District wastewater treatment facility on Virginia Key does not degrade the natural environment or limit the public's access to recreational opportunities on the island. Objective SS-1.3: The City's land development regulations will ensure that approval of development or redevelopment will not occur until there exists adequate wastewater transmission capacity to serve that development. Policy SS-1.3.1: The level of service standard to determine adequate transmission capacity is 100 gallons per capita per day (GPCD). Policy SS-1.3.2: All improvements for replacement, expansion or increase in capacity of the sanitary sewer transmission network shall be compatible with the level of service standard adopted in Policy 1.3.1. Policy SS-1.3.3: Since the sanitary sewer network is an interconnected. =fCountywide system, the departments of Public Works and Planning will cooperate with Miami -Dade County WASA Department to jointly develop methodologies and procedures for biannually updating estimates of system demand and capacity. Policy SS-1.3.4: The City will er feruts-i�v, ,t-requite -Gty-permits for monitor the permitting of any development or redevelopment occurring outside of the City's boundaries which by gravity connects to the City's sewer transmission network. Objective SS-1.4: The City's ot Miar i+i sanitary sewer collection system is a valuable and costly element of the urban infrastructure, and its use is to be maximized in the most efficient manner. ��P��,,olicy SS-1.4.1: The City ri Miami_yiiill use ;;ts land-- Prr nt-reguiatio.r yam ,e-' ,,8 e tti.�FF- �l-Vensis. tent wit -the n L.o.f-thenit[ will ensure through its concurrenci management system, that sanitary sewer and storm sewers shall be in place to serve new development or redevelopment no later than the issuance of a certificate of accupancy or its functional equivalent. tieve op ner anrY Fedrvetopment is a ssisteni wit „G- ap y t-the ,.,, ewe r^"eetie{l sysref4 (See Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy SS-2.5.1.) Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 41 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Goal SS-2: Provide adequate stor< e'er drainage to reasonably protect against flooding in areas of intensive use occupation, while preventing degrad n of quality in receiving waters. Objective SS-2.1: In acct, .-11 the " Storm IL iinage Master Plan and subsequent updates, the City will a: `, ess the most criticz drainage problems. The City's goals for retrofitting subcatchment areas the .:.II meet or exceed the Shy, -year frequency, 24-hour duration standard wt:- ! utilizing water qui-dity design criteria. The City will confer with local agencies, ely the Miami -Dade County Dep.:3, L of Environmental Resources ' iagement (DERM) when retrofitting City projects to incorporate design criteria and best management practices (f3MPs). Policy SS-2 ` The City will adhere to its 1986 Storm Drainage Master Plan and subsequent updates as the long-range policy guid^line for improving its storm drainage management system, and will update the estimated cost of implementing that plan Plan through the annual upates to the City's Capital Improvements Program included in the Capital Improvements element of the MCNP. The City will rank the projects specified in it Storm Dr- Master with priority given to addressing the most critical problem areas within the City, arm implement those projects supported by a financing plan according to tiie provisions of Chapter 18, Article VIII of tiie City Code, entitled "Storm Water Utility System." The t be updated by Jv, .le God:, Objectives. The plan will be reported and reviewed annually and at time of EAR. Policy SS-2.1.2: The City will continue to monitor progress on all storm sewer related capital irnprovement projects on an annual basis as pr,i, of its capital improvement implementation procedures. Policy SS-2.1.3: The City will ensure, through its concurrency management system, that sanitary sewer and storm sewers shall be in_place to serve new development or redevelopment no later than the issuance of a certific.if occupancy or its fu r7al Issuance of any development permit shall require compliance with a drE nage level of service standard of a one -in -five-year storm event while incorporating water quality considerations. G: jective SS-2.2: The v. tice of storm.:_er managemen'. '-'n the will be designed to r^ ,,,:e po: •tant-loadir ,. rates to surface waters. Policy SS-2.2.1: The Cr will retrofit the ::umber of storm water outfalls that discharge into the Miami River and its tributaries, the Little River and directly into Biscayne Bay. If positive drainage systems to these water bodies are deemed to be the only feasible method of maintaining=.Jequate storm drainage, then these storm sewers will be designed and constructed to retain grease and oil and r iinimize pollutant discharges. _>>mitttsl into the public record in connection with item PZ.l on .;5-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensi•: Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 20c: 42 (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-1.1.2 and Coastal Management Policy CM-1.1,2.) Policy SS-2.2.2: In order to reduce the level of contaminants carried into Biscayne Bay via the Miami and Little rivers, the Solid Waste Department should be encouraged to increase the frequency and extent of street sweeping. (See Solid Waste Policy SW- 1 3.3.) Policy SS-2.2.3: The City will continue to seek cooperative agreements and funding support from Miami -Dade County i7ERM, the South Florida Water Management District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and any other appropriate state and federal agencies in order to protect the quality of its surface waters and reduce pollutant loadings into the Miami River, its tributaries, the Little River, and directly into Biscayne Bay. Policy SS-2.2.4: The City shall require that "best management practices" shall be used in the design and construction of stormwater management systems to minimize pollutant load eventually discharged to natural drainage systems, as well as to regulate the volume and timing of storm water delivered to natural systems, Policy SS-2.2.5: The City will continue to enforce Se i h Florida Building Code requirements for the on -site retention of the first inch of storm water runoff. (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-2.1.2.) Policy SS-2.2.6: The City will consider the inclusion of stormwater quality control structures in any new projects for major road improvements and commercial parking areas. Objective SS-2.3: As the City implements the storm water management improvements specified in the 1986 Storm Drainage Master Plan, it will ensure that stormwater management contributes to the conservation of ground water as a Future potable water supply. Policy SS-2.3.1: In its stormwater management practices, the City will promote infiltration of storm water to surficial or artesian aquifers to prevent further saltwater intrusion, where such infiltration is deemed to be feasible and cost efficient, and is not likely to represent an environmental hazard, Objective SS-2.4: All areas of the City are now served by storm drainage facilities, and the City will continue to coordinate the replacement, repair, extension, and capacity increases of the system consistent with development and redevelopment needs. Policy SS-2.4.1: Through enforcement of its Storm Water Utility System as provided in Chapter 53.5 of the City Code, the City will use its authority "to construct, reconstruct, improve, and extend stormwater utility system and to issue revenue bonds and other debts if needed to finance in whole or part the cost of such system and to Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 43 establish just and equitable rates, fees, and charges for the services and facilities provided by the system." Objective SS-2.5: The Cie.,` ; Gf-Mior storm drainage system is a valuable and costly element of the urban infrastructure, and its use is to be maximized in the most efficient manner to serve this fully developed c .., unity. Policy SS-2.5.1: The r:ty will use its land development regulations to ensure 'hat development and re_velopment is consistent with the capacity of the storm irainage system. (See Sanitary and Storm :.'ewers Policy Objective SS-2.6: The City Munic-,-7 Separate Storm Sewer System discharges to the su ': ce vi.„:,;3 of the Unitec' '.'sates. These discharges are regu! 'ed by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the United States Environmt .:tal Protection Agency. The City shah meet the requirements of the permit when operating its drainage facilities. SS-2.'=,.1: The City will comply with the conditions in its NPDES permit. Policy SS-2.6.2• The operation of the City's drainage system to meet NPDES requirements shall r net the following criteria: 4 The Miami Comprehensive " `' .i Plan (MCA'"'' with Sstormwater managemc-t prrgram elements as defined in the NPDES permit Shall be con iE preheos+v: (-MGN • Stormwater projects and activities shall be consistent with the current local, state and federal regulations at the time of implementation. • Stormwater capital improvement and operation and maintenance projects shall be implern ;ntable. Policy SS-2.6.3: The City will, through its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, enforce and educate all construction sites and operators of such construction sites, for compliance with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (MEP) requirements and the Municipal Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. Submitted) into the public record in connection with item PZ.I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neic`.-borhood"•;n Goals Objectives ;'olicies May 7, 2008 44 NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE Goal AR-1: Protect the functions of the natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas 4 i!th;n the City. Objective AR-1.1: Ensure that stormwater management practices contribute to conservation of groundwater as a future potable water supL;! Policy AR-1.1.1: As the City implements the projects identified in its 1986 Storm Drainage Master Plan and subsequent updates, it will promote the infiltration of storm water to surficial or artesian aquifers to prevent further saltwater intrusion, where such infiltration is deemed to be feasible, not to represent an environmental hazard, and to be cost efficient. "olicy AR-1.1.2: Th, City will coordinate with and support local, state and federal agencies to achieve regional aquifer recharge protection objectives, including those -taining to the quality and quantity of groundwater resources. Policy AR-1.1.3: The City will continue to support the South Florida Water Management District efforts to monitor the rater levels at t ie salinity control structures within the City to prevent against further saltwater intrusion and protect the aquifer recharge areas and cones of influence of :ellfields from contamination. (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-2.1.3.) Objective AR-1.2: The Ci a "1 use its land use :end develop: .ant regulations to ensure that lard uses for --eas wihin the City deed to 'e aquifer recharge areas by the South Florida Water Mana€ it District, maintain -! e recharge for the aquifer olicy AR-1.2.1: The City will maintain low to moderate density uses in the West Fig )ami area of the City (as shown on Figure 111.1 of the Data and Analysis) as necet,ury to protect the secondary aquifer recharge area. (See Land Use Policy LL • 1.1.9.) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A.. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Nc °-borhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 45 POTABLE WATER Goal PW-1: Ensure that all residents and workers withi,7 the City have ,',equate access to safe drinking water thro ,:,..1 the efficient operation of centralized, County operated potable water treatment facilities and an :illar; ' potable water transmissic, : system. Objective PW-1.1: Land development regt rations will t ;.sure that approval of development or redevelopment will not be granted unless and until there exists adequate potable v.transmission capacity to serve that C:velopment. Policy PW-1.1.1: alr ;e the potable water network is an interconnected, ountywide system, the City departments of Public Works and Planning will cooperate with Miami - Dade County G partment to jointly develop methodologies and procedures for biannually updating t:timates of system demand and capacity, and ensure that sufficient capacity to serve development exists. (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-2.1.4.) Objective PW-1.2: Ensure adequate levels of safe poi;.able er are available to ri the needs of the City. (See Natural Resource t:onservation Objective NR-2.1.) Policy PW-1.2.1: The City will ensure, through its concurrencv management system that pcHule water facilities shall be in place to serve new development or redevelopment no later than the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional enuivalp, }t In r;nnlr}iiance with F l'"if;re nt;4hi, .wntr'r guni!io mnpt thc.--Astnblishp! level of service standards for transmission capacity of 200 gallons per capita per c ;y (GPCD). (See Natural Re )urce Conservation Policy NR-2.1.5 and Capital Improvements Policy CI-1.2.3.) Policy PW-1.2.2: The City will cooperate and participate to the fullest extent possible with Miami -Dade County and other county municipalities receiving potable water from WASAD in developing and imple Tr tinting an acceptable countywide water conservation plan as well as the Water Supply Facilities Workplan as required by F o ida Statutes. (See Natural Resource Conservation Pc :,y NR-2.1.7.) Policy PW-1.2.3: [Reserved] Policy PW-1.2,4: [Reserved] Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2008 46 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION Goal SW 7: Ensure a clean, he ?/ _hy u, ».: n environment thr u ' the pr: aer maintenance, timely provision and efficient operxion of an integrated solid waste disposal and ancillary solid waste collection system. 0 jective SW-1.1: The City u:, continue to provide solid waste collection services to residents and businesses in a manner that ensures public health and safety, a clean urban ern : ;, .. 3nt. Policy SW-1.1.1: The City's so aste—sellection services shall maintain City will ensure, through its concurrence management system, that solid waste capacity shall be in place to serve new development andfor redevelopment no tater than the functic,' F1 a . wel of service stanc 3rd of seven (7) lbs. per person per day, which is equivalent to 1.28 tons per person pe year. Policy SW-1.1.2: Commercial structures and ' ,yh density residential areas will continue to be served by either the City's Solid Waste Department or by private sector providers of solid w -te collection services. The City will require levels of service to be complied with by private haulers open ling within the City's boundaries, and will enforce all City regulations regarding thJ di :posal and collection of solid waste. Policy The City shall maintain solid waste collection equipment as required to ser. ; the public needs according to the service standard adopted in Policy SW- 1.1.1. P..':::y SW-1.1.4: The Cit will take appropriate measure to ensure compliance with its "Garbage and Trash L dinance," Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code. Policy SW-1.1.5: Land development regulations will be consistent with the provision of solid waste collection f^� ices in accordance with the adopted level of service. Policy S' .1.6: In the ocation of funds for the provision of solid waste services, first priority will be given to those improvements and programs that are necessary to protect the health, safety and the integrity of the environment, and meet federal, state and local legal and regulatory requirements. Second priority in the allocation of funds will be assigned to improvements that are necessary to meet existing deficiencies in capacit. or service, or required to replace or repair ne . red equipment, while third priority will be assigned to those projects that increase the extent of services. Policy SW-1.1.7: The City shall, through enforcement o its powers to regulate solid waste collection service-, require promoters of major pt.blic events to reimburse the City for extraordinary trz� 1 and garbage collection services required as a result of such events. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 47 Objective SW-1.2: Although the City has no authority governing solid waste transfer and disposal, it will continue to support Miami --Dade County efforts intended to ensure that transfer stations and disposal sites are sufficient to meet the needs of eity Citresidents according to the service standards adopted in Policy 1.1.1. Policy SW-1.2.1: The City's departments of Solid Waste and Planning, through the City's Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, shall request theaonty Ptubi Work par^ t r,3v,ueri of „d Wa. a Muni -Dade County Department of Solid Waste to jointly develop methodologies and procedures to biannually biennially update estimates of system demand and capacity, Policy SW-1.2.2: The City shall support Miami -Dade County's policy to implement the County's Solid Waste Disposal and Resources Recovery Management Plan -those n-acse anee-w - the -Solid --Waste d Series-A-and-11 Policy SW-1.2.3: The City will continue to explore the development of resource recovery and cogeneration activities and, subject to concurrence by Miami -Dade County, consider the implementation of programs and procedures that decentralize solid waste disposal and reduce the volume of solid waste that is disposed of at County landfills. Policy SW-1.2.4: The City will work with, and support, the County's efforts to identify generators of hazardous waste, and to develop and enforce procedures for the proper collection and disposal of hazardous waste. Its departments will support the County's program to enforce ail non -household producers of hazardous waste in identifying waste and disposing of it according to EPA, State, and local standards. The City will support Miami -Dade County's development of a hazardous waste temporary storage and transfer facility in a non -populated area. In coordination with Miami -Dade County, the City will work to meet the Region's objective to reduce the incidence of improper hazardous materials and waste handling and disposal. (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-1.1.8.) Policy SW-1.2.5: The City shall, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, encourage the County to utilize "amnesty days" to encourage small volume, non- commercial producers of hazardous waste to safely dispose of such waste, and to develop a permanent system for households, small business and other low volume generators to safely dispose of hazardous wastes. Objective SW-1.3: It shall be the City's policy that solid waste collection procedures shall be conducted in a manner that will reduce the quantity of litter, trash and abandoned personal property on city streets. Policy SW-1.3.1: The City will continue its "Cic " suppe he~Coungs- "14eep de- ,autiful" program to actively support and Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ-. i on 05-08-08 i'riscil l a A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 48 mplement neighborhood clean-up and beautification effor' through public awareness and information programs. Policy SW-1.3.2: The City shall, through enforce ant of those provisions of the City code Code that protect and enhance the appearance of neighborhoods, ensure hat streets and yards remain clean and at active. Where the City Code falls short of the provisions necessary to accomplish th', revisions shall be proposed to the City omrnission. Policy S'?:'-1 3.3: The Solid Waste Department should be encouraged to increase street sweeping frequencies in order to reduce pollution to surface waters via storm v ater runoff and to reduce or eliminate litter in areas where significant problems may exist. (See Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy SS-2.2.2.) Objective SW-1.4: Although the City has no authority governing solid waste transfer and disposal, it will continue to support and cooperate with Miami -Dade County efforts to encourage the recycling of solid waste materials and reduce the volume of waste set aside for collection and disposal. Policy SW-1.4.1: The City shall, through its publicity programs and mechanisms, encourage the use of recyclable packaging materials. Policy SW-1.4.2: The City shall evaluate the development of reuse and/or recycling 'ograms for used tires, waste oils and similar recyclable materials and make ecommendations for applicable additions or amendmer to City procedures governing the disposal of these materials. Pc:cy SW-1.4.3: The City shall, through its publicity programs and mechanisms, encourage residents to reduce the volume of yard and -ae trimmings set aside for disposal by promoting the use of composting. Submitted into the public record in connecCon with item PZ.I on US-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 49 TRANSPORTATION Goal TR-7: Maintain an effective and cost efficient traffic circulation network within the City of Miami that provides transportation for all persons and facilitates commercial activity, and which is consistent with, and furthers, ne°';borhood plans, supports economic development, conserve; energy, and protects and enhances the natural environment. Objective TR-1.1: All arteri:: ar : collector rc,: , ays under County and State jurisdiction that lie within the City's boundaries will operate at levels of service established by the respective agency. All c'. -.er City streets will operate at levels of service that are based upon the multi -modal capacity ui the transportation system which i t:i:i;y. sires the Frequency of programmed public transit service operating within ', ,f =h an urban center ; —tr—a t. s-yctem and characterized by : mixture of compact development and moderate -to -high residential densities and land use intensities, afonn '11_single-. Family residential and mixed -use neighborhoods located and within a transportation concurrency exception area (TCEA). The City will monitor the levels of service of all arterial and collector roadways to continue `,:o develop and enhance transportation strategies that promote public trar :t and minimize the impacts of the TCEA. Policy TR-1.1.1: The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited .,1ds of Biscayne Bay that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to Miami - Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami, " L^.Ji i IL+{ J.,, Single -Fan mv Duplex .:sal Use Map within the Urban Infill Area Shall be protected from changes that err it hi_ her density residential uses and from commercial, office and industrial uses within those areasin order to preserve the low density residential character of these areas. Redevelopment of corridors adjacent to these areas shall be encouraged to be located primarily at major intersectionF area, Outside o the conce itration and intensification of development arouna centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse o: underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transport:°ion Corridors level of service standards :,at forth n Policies TR-1.1.2 and -I R- 1.1.3 of the Transportat J.1 Element of the MCNP. (See L 3nd Use Policy LU-1.1.11.) Submitted into the public record in connection with item, PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 50 Policy TR-1.1.2: The City of Miami originated and continues to utilize a person -trip methodology for measurement of local level of service (LOS) on a transportation facility, which may be a roadway, mass transit service, pedestrian way, bikeway, or any other transportation mode alone or in combination with others. The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (adopted as Ordinance 10544 on February 9, 19891 established under Policies TR 1.1.2 and TR 1,1.3 that within designated Transportation Corridors. the capacity of all transportation modes will be used in the measurement of future, peak hour level of service standards. The City of Miami "Methodology for Calculating Peak Hour Person -Trip Capacity" was incorporated into the Transportation Element of the MCNP under Policies TR 1.1.2 and TR 1.1.3 on January 24, 1991 (adopted as Ordinance 10832), and was separately published as a report entitled 'Transportation Corridors: Meeting the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami", September 1990. The City of Miami Person -Trip MethodologyT-his—tetheictue calculates the total person -trip capacity of all transportation modes utilizing a transportation facility against the total person -trip demand for travel on that facility expressing the resulting ratio in letter grades LOS A through LOS F in the same manner as used by the conventional vehieles volume -over- capacity (V!C) methodology. The measurement of LOS is made for the peak period (the average of the two highest consecutive hours of trip volume during a weekday), where alb an overall minimum peak -period LOS standard ot_E (100 percent utilization of person -trip capacity) will be maintained. Issuance of development orders for new development or significant expansion of existing development shall be contingent upon compliance with these LOS standards, subject to the modifications described in subparagraphs through below, and any applicable provisions of the Urban 'Mill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area. Where no public mass transit exists, and private passenger vehicles are the only vehicular mode available for travel on the facility: minimum LOS E (100 percent of capacity) shall apply-usiag--1,6-peesens-per-YeWiele-as-the r;racrtiGai eapanity. of n private pac seoger vehiete Where local bus mass -transit service on minimum 20-minute headways is available parallel to and within % mile of the facility, the facility shall operate at no greater than 120 percent of capacity. Where express bus transit and/or r rail -premium transit service on minimum 20-minute headways is available parallel to and within '/2 mile of the facility, the facility shall operate at no greater than 150 percent of capacity. Polie-y- 4ARese ved - Policy TR-1.1.3: Notwithstanding the foregoing, as required by s. 163,3180(10) F.S., the following standards established by rule by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) are adopted by the City of Miami as its minimum LOS standards for Ronda Intrastate Highway System (FINS) roadways within the City Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 51 subject to any applicable provisions governing requirements of the Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area (see Policy TR-1.1.1): Limited access FIHS highwa •s shall operate at LOS D or better, except that where exclusive through lanes e: it, such roadways may operate at LOS E. Controlled access FIHS highways shall operate at LOS D or better, except that where such roadways are parallel to exclusive transit facilities or are located within a Transportation Concurrency Except on Area (TCEA), roadways may operate at LOS E. 1.1.:.3: Where F:. T has determined that a FIHS roadway is constrained or backlogged, such roadways operating below the foregoing minimums must be managed so as not to cause significant deterioration, which is defined as an average annual daily traffic increase in two-way traffic volume of 10 percent or more, or a 10 percent or greater reduction in operating speed for the peak direction in the 100th I-;!ghest hour. Policy TR-1.1.4: the shscguent comprehensive revlsien amendme t omot MCN° she Transportation Element of the MC' N ..rill be e i ri to a flare Fhe Minma fntefmnfinf �T[�{7-,]�Z[i7rTa{Tyt-;�rf:6 FYfq'TrTr'pYE9 L7G� 5���4 T9 l�tf y7r•71�YG�STTT�Tn71 Trnncporfation- (MI-T_) plan replaninn f r. �sr ❑ npedprr thr~ f^+ttir tr,,rill rnntini lr- fr, r,rr%7r tr`,n nnrfi:Itlnn plans that-, . identify, describe, measure, and evaluate the multimodal transportation corridors, facilities and terminals in the City of ....ami and recommend measures to enhance vehicular and mass transit operations, provide for greater pedestrian access and amenity, and offer incentives for use of r.' native transportation modes. The plar will pay particular attention to the differing characteristics of Miami's neighborhoods such as land use, population density, economic activity, housir, ' business type and quality, and will develop 1_- • :ailed standards for transportation facilities and services that will complem;,nt neighborhood development, redevelopment, and conservation. These transportation plans ue - r --fit spociai- witl prose, ensuff, ± its / development -will enjoy the benefits an improved nultimodal Transportation system that will improve transit access Ci®nnar•l!r ri{lr c;ti•.^torn .s Sri,, -c_.^{,acrril '1... c7— .;,li rni i-lnwntown Trancportation h Pia • As a component of this effort, the City will enel-asse mr t Te—met", iegYTcoutO be enhanced to add identify projected transit needs and programming on a route -by -route basis in coordination with the MPO and Miami -Dade Transit. Submitted into the public record in connection with item P'J. I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 52 Policy TR-1.1.5: The City, through its membership and regular attendance at meetings of the MPO's Transportation Planning Council (TPC), and through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, will support the County's efforts to increase the efficiency and enhance the safety of the existing thoroughfare network by such methods as improved signal timing, better intersection and street design; car pooling, and encouraging staggered work schedules. The City will continue to enforce the Transportation Control Measures Ordinance pursuant to Section 14-182 of the City Code, to improve the efficiency of the existing transportation infrastructure. Policy TR-1.1.6: The City, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, will annually coordinate with Miami -Dade County on improving the efficiency expanuion of its public bus transit system, including new service and the expansion of neighborhood -based local circulator services. The City will work with Miami -Dade County, as fequired, in the—fenalulation of bus system policies —and} continually I or land u e patterns th thII eager t An of a public, transit -system to promote the transit oriented development policies found in the Miami -Dade County's CDMP. Policy TR-1.1.7: The City shall seek, where appropriate, based on operational analysis, cost effectiveness, land development regulations, and the concurrence of Miami -Dade County or FOOT, to restore existing one-way streets to two-way operation to improve access and reduce trip length and vehicular speeds, particularly in the very high density areas of the City such as Little Havana and Downtown/Brickell/Omni, where access to existing buildings and garages will not be diminished or impeded, Policy TR-1,1.8: Through enforcement, amendment, and interpretation of its land development regulations, the City shall require the provision of adequate vehicular parking facilities with energy efficiency lighting consistent with parking demand at locations that are not disruptive to nearby residential communities.. Policy TR-1,1.9: Require new development in downtown to implement transportation control measure provisions in accordance with Section 14-182, Transportation Control Measures" of the City Code, to promote a general reduction in vehicular traffic by increasing auto occupancy and transit ridership. Prior to Appfaisal-Repeft-eutceittal-r4The City shall enforce existing revise the "Transportation Control Measures" and shall promote compliance usingte include current additional transportation demand management strategies e for all future and existing developments (as applicable pursuant to Section 14-1821, such as parking management and ridesharing programs to promote carpooling, vanpooling, car sharing and use of hybrid vehicles, transit discount and fare subsidy programs, transit fare tax incentive programs, and -staggered work schedules, flexible work hours, compressed work weeks. _telecommuting programs, the construction of on -site transit shelterss transit amenities, transit stops, transit drop-off locations or Dull -out bays, bicycle storage facilities and additional based upon transportation demand management strategies and criteria established between the City and the business community. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-O8-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 53 Policy TR-1.1.10: (l fir, mow, # ' gruent revisiento the Miami Comprehensive I eighbe ead--Plan-,--4The City will .rinually update the location of a e Tran. peFt+-+ti n Clcamr.r.t of itc romereheR ive-pl --fa telitate-imelem tti F- the I AR-; eeemmen i ons-and- der existing andplanned future major parking facilities on appropriate maps. 'olicy TR-1.1.11: The City will continue to relocate and/or extend streets that do not fit the developed street grid system of downtown, an i have contributed to the ;sruption of circulation. Policy TR-1.1.12: The City will, through its membership and regular attendance at meetings of tl. MPO's Transportation Planning ouncil and through its Intergovernmental Coordir 7tion Policies, encourage Miami -Dade County to improve downtown connection, to the expressway system by providing a means of access to and from 1-95 at Northwest 20th Street, redesigning the existing 1-395 to improve its capacity and aesthetics ir. ivertown, Park West Omni. e ity of Biseare. Bektievar4-ap, facilitate access to OvertownNe#-tlicast ist andr-2Td-Avenaee, and construct a truck tunnel connecting the seaport to 1-395. Policy TR-1.1.13: New development 'q -downtowr-` shall ue required to contribute to 5+ „ition fees 1.,.... ..., it to ...ions in the City Code. itsair fshare. towarrt 1i'i.o_ mit egi l-Feaetway impalas rc �, fnr by } n DeveIopn ent "`.•�� st OyertowniPar-k_ 4Veo e n-+I eh Policy TR-1.1.14: The City will, through its membership on the MPO's Transportation Planning Council (TPC) continue to participate in Miami -Dade County's formulation of ?n policies, and will, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, support the County's efforts to increase reliance on parking at outlying Metrorail stations and express bus stops. Policy TR-1.1.15: Through enforcement )f minimum and maximum on -site parking limitations, as provided for in Section 14-182 "Transportat. n Control Measures" of the City Code, the City wi.. manage the downtown pare ig supply to maintain an appropriate balance among the need to promote economic growth, to facilitate local traffic circulation, and to encourage public transportation use. Policy TR-1.1.11_�.- Through enforcement of applicable provisions of Section 14-182 "Transportation Control Measures" of the City Code, regarding downtown parking requirements, together with the powers of the City's rff-Street Parking Authority Department, the City will actively pursue the development of public and private per; pheral parking garages near the expressway and arterial entrances to downtown in order to reduce congestion in the core area. In additir i, the City will continue to enforce the maximum parking provisions mandated in Section 14-182. Submitted into the public record in connection with PZ.1 on t'+5-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 54 Policy TR-1.1.11: The City of Miami will coordinate with South Florida Commuter Services and the Florida Department of Transportation to support and encourage City employee participation in er t-t lobos T-M4 --establish ed incrc�-ise-theuse of alternative modes of transportation by offering Downtown employers and their employee's alternatives to driving to work alone. The City will also work with the South Florida Commuter ServicesDowntown TM to ensure consistent implementation of the City's Section 14-182 "Transportation Control Measures' and provide assistance to employers and businesses required to implement the measures. in addition, the City will utilize the South Florida Commuter Services -Downtown T-Ml to establish the transportation demand management (TDMD) requirements for all future and existing employers with more than 50 employees in the City. The City of Miami will lead by example in developing TDMi7 strategies for City employees_ finral Report (EARY Policy TR-1.1.18: The City will work with representatives of the Miami -Dade Transit Agency to increase the number of MDT bus routes operating within the City that participate in the Agency's Bike and Ride Program. Policy TR-1.1.19:Stint to rubmintau of a 200a -&a+uation -antA ras P)-tThe City will promote multi -modal transportation initiatives and the Trnnspertation Clement to innnrpo ate o mmend.ations of the adopted Miami Downtown Transportation Master Plan., fbes rel tinry t thr 13uenr till' P _-�#arty-„,�-+�..1,.�,.,�-,�--R,�.�w..�,��. V-,rrlc i`egiennl Artiyi x of Policy TR-1.1.20: Presto submittal —of the 2005 Evai atnr; T�1--Refit (EAR). tihe City will utilize funds provided through the People's Transportation Plan and funds collected from traffic impact mitigation fees as specified in the Capital Improvement Element of the MCNP, identii#y funding monhnnisms for the cost of studies, plans and programs contained herein as well as targeted physical improvements to serve the residents, employees and visitors of and to the RAC. Objective TR-1.2: At the time of all development reviews, the City will determine rights -of -way and corridors needed for existing transportation networks and ensure those rights -of -way will be designated and reserved prior to development. Policy TR-1.2.1: The City will maintain and enforce, and where necessary revise, the minimum right-of-way requirements established in its City Code to ensure the continuity and effectiveness of the thoroughfare network. Policy TR-1.2.2: The City will continue to maintain a comprehensive public rights -of - way improvements program for those major commercial streets that are under the City's jurisdiction and have high levels of pedestrian activity. Objective TR-1.3: The City's transportation system will enhance safe person -trip and vehicular movements and minimize collision potential for all modes of transportation through design. Beginning January 1, 2004, the City will implement the prioritized Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 55 vital Improvements Program including side kalk and curb replacements, and street rest, facing and reconstruction. Policy TR-1.3.1: The City will continue to ;rovide 1'n arP?.ti' fr_- .A properly designed and safe system for controlling vehicular traffic tDy adhering to design standards and procedures ld recognizing those relevant standards and procedu; applicable to the agency with iurisdiction over the roadway or transportation facility. Policy TR-1.3.2: The City, through its membership E id regular attendance at meetings of the MFO' , Transportation Planning l;ouncil and through its i '.:,;governmental Coordination Policies, will annually coordinate with Miami -Dade County to support the monitoring of locations of high accident -frequency on the city's streets and its identification of design improvements that may alleviate hazardous conditions, especially to pedestrians. The City ,trail utl Eze s riety as an .011 improvements e incorAorated into the City's Capital Improvement Element. Policy TR-1,3.3: The City will continue to provide a properly designed and safe system for pedestrian access by adhering to design standards and Procedures which comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and which are required by the Engineering Standards for Design and Construction published by the Department of Public Works in December 2005. Objective TR-1.4: The City's street network will be utilized to protect and enhance the character of the city's residential neighborhoods and neighborhood commercial centers through coordination with the Land Use Plan, Zoning Cot , and adopted Neighborhood plans and recommendations. °f of to the 2005E R t e � ran5". ,n r 11*7'r-c�crn. �a roi � roposed measures for neighborhood protection and enhancement will include se# - a -neighborhood traffic management and traffic calming plans. Policy TR-1.4.1: The City will seek c : perative agreements, as necessary, with Miami -Dade County and with FIFO j ensure that the County and Sta; transportation improvements are design, ,d to minimize the intrusion of commuter traffic on City residential streets, do not sever or fragment well-defined neighborhoods, not result in major disruption to pedestrian traffic. Policy TR-1.4 ?:, The lit, will ronrflinate with l''iliamF-r)fr+n rrninty and with FOOT to encourage local traffic to use alternati)-es to the Florid Intrastate Highway System roadways, where practicable, to protect its nterregional and intrastate functions. Policy TR-1.4. . The City will develop a streetscape design program that will guide landscaping, lighting and construction of sidewalks and bicycle paths along city streets, and such improvements will be coordinated with major repairs and renovation of city streets. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 56 Policy TR-1.4.43: As streets undergo major repairs or renovation, the City will seek to eliminate dirt shoulders and provide curbing, gutters and sidewalks in order to improve the physical appearance and quality of the City's neighborhoods and districts. Policy TR-1.4.54: A new category of public thoroughfares is created entitled "Urban Streets," defining the Urban Street as a pedestrian and vehicular way whose primary function is to serve adjoining residential neighborhoods and the businesses that serve them in the City of Miami. Characteristics and standards for such streets will be defined and specifications created on a case -by -case basis in cooperation with the governmental entity having ownership of the street, local residents and homeowner associations. Principles that will guide the design process will include, as appropriate: lower design speeds and control of traffic volumes utilizing traffic calming devices including but not limited to modification of lane widths consistent with lower design speeds, wide sidewalks; medians; roundabouts; landscaping, attractive lighting; creative and informative signage; on -street parking; and other design features and amenities as appropriate. Urban Streets shall be subject to the level of service standards described in Policies TR-1..1,2 and TR-1.1.3. The first such Urban Streets to be designated shall be: Biscayne Boulevard Grand Avenue Calle Ocho from Brickell Avenue to S.W. 27 Avenue Coral Way from Brickell Avenue to S.W. 37 Avenue N.E, 2 Avenue from N.E. 36 Street to the North City Limit. Additional streets may be designated from time to time by Resolution of the City Commission upon recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Department, based upon criteria developed in connection with the neighborhood planning studies conducted as part of the comprehensive update and revision of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan in 2005. (Resolution No. 01-1126, adopted by the City Commission October 24, 2001). Policy TR-1.4.6: Develop and encourage bicycle paths and bicycle lanes throughout the City of Miami in coordination with FOOT, Miami -Dade County and the MPO. Objective TR-1.5: The City of Miami's continued development requires the provision of effective public transit and paratransit services that serve existing and future land uses, the provision of safe and convenient public transit passenger transfer terminal facilities, the appropriate coordination of public transit with existing and future land uses, and the accommodation of the special needs of the City of Miami's population, many of whom are transportation disadvantaged. Therefore, the City of Miami will support Miami -Dade County ++l h -t„c sole autr-ator-g uhii+E4r-an -in MiamiMiami-Dade-Gounty7 in the provision of these essential public transit services. Pr+or te--the---2 --EA iami- Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.l on 05-08-+08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 57 lade Transit'5-up -1 .'sear; . ! fAtelopm (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-3.2.2.) Policy TR-1.5.1: The City will, through i`3 membership and regular attendance at meetings of the MPO's Transportatiol Planning Council and through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, continually encourage Miami -Dade Count,/ to „T ;u t;i r3yL s !I!lj.ilUUt CO idL IC between LIJLki !:nodes a ui . uui Iiut ill Liieil to, local circulator transit services -or intei .,.:;.:ti ting-tfaneit-Itnes at Policy TR-1.5.2: The City shall conduct appropriate land use and zoning analysis of the areas surrounding each existing roraliprernium transit station as such station sites are approved by Miami -Dade County for development in order to determine whether appropriate land use and zoning changes should be implemented that foster the development and use of the stations while protecting adjacent neighborhoods from incompatible development density and intensity and scar; Such land use and zoning changes shall include minimum and maximum density and intensity standards at the time of implementation. Policy TR-1.5.3: The City shall .:mot-reg rattans-te mist the University of Miami/Jac c'.n Memori -lospital transgr,,.,.:., nt i,,; _ in meeting the demands of fhe H With Distrir::. Civic Center expansion and helping solve the consequent accessibility ..raffic circulatio and parking problems, andthretigh-its-FnembeFship-on ian (C(" •.`Q)-The C shall encourage the )ari -' strictlCivic Center stakeholders facility operators to increase Metrorail ridership and utilization of the transit station to help decrea.,--'le need for excessive surface parking demand Pol? �y TR-1.5.4: The City will, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, encourage Miami -Dade County to provide a Metrorail premiu_ transit station to serve the River Quadrant area of downtown. Policy TR-1.5.5: [Reserved]. Policy TR-1.5.6: The ;:,ity gill, through ;". ; membership and regular attendance at meetings if the MPO's Transports ion Planning Council and through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, assist Miami -Dade County as necessary, in tyre eellfpik.'tioc, e d r --aed GQCrsikic.--Gi-ivi torah it ueveivlJfQ ih aremiu, -roiects ider - . MPO's I nge T ne City land development requlatiors to help direct development where it will support the densities required for transit systems. Policy TR-1.5.7: The City shall, through its membership and regular attendance at meetings of the MPO's Transportation Planning Council and through its Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ,.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 58 Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, request that Miami -Dade County include appropriate public transit systems in its Transportation Plan to connect the following: Bayside to Flagler Street, the seaport to Metromover, the Miami International Airport to dewetewnDowntown, Southeast Bayshore Drive to Metromover, Meteai 4 ase-N-R •i ar a-te "eromever, Stadium to Health District/Civic Center, and Miarni Beach to dDowntown and the FEC Corridor to Downtown, Policy TR-1.5.8: Piro -to 4' orami*ial-of the 2005 °, 4The City will amend -its -land de eprrient--re ie; 5 an public taeility—evenaent-s to ensure a stronger interface between the development or redevelopment of neighborhood activity centers and the public transportation system by establishing design guidelines for connectivity and transit infrastructure to be incorporated into the development/redevelopment program. The City shall require all new development and redevelopment in existing and planned transit corridors to be planned and designed to promote pedestrianism and transit usage through the following: A. The City shall encourage development of a wide variety of residential and non- residential land -uses and activities in nodes around rapid transit stations to produce short trips, minimize transfers, attract transit ridership, and promote transit operational and financial efficiencies. Land uses that may be approved around transit stations shall include housing, shopping, and offices in moderate to high density and intensity, complemented by compatible entertainment, cultural uses and human services in vary nc_mixes, The particular uses that are approved in a given station area should res -el the character of the nearby neighborhood strive to serve the needs of the neighborhood, and promote balance in the range of existing and planned land uses along the subject transit line. B. It is the policy of the pty of Miami to accommodate new development around rapid transit stations that is well designed, conducive to both pedestrian and transit use, and architecturally attractive. In recognition that many transit riders begin and end their trips as pedestrians, pedestrian accommodations shalt include, as appropriate. continuous sidewalks to the transit station, small blocks and closely intersecting streets, buildings oriented to the street or other pedestrian ,paths, patine Pots predominantly to the rear and sides of buildings, primary building entrances as close to the street or transit stop as to the parking lot, shade trees, awnings and other weatherprotection for pedestrians. C. On all arterial and collector streets served by ublic transit new non-residential buildings and substantial alterations to existing _non-residential buildings, and residential buildings wherever practical shall provide at least one full-time building entrance that is recognizable and accessible from the street and is comparably as close to the street and/or transit stop as it is to the primaryparkino lot. D. New residential and non-residential developments, subdivisions and reolats shall rp oxide for buildings that front the transit street, or provide streets or pedestrian Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-OS-0$ Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miarni Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 59 connections that intersect with the transit street in close proximity to transit stops not more than 700 feet apart. E. Redevelopment of property within one-half mile of existing and planned transit stations and bus routes shall not cause an increase in walking distance from nearby areas to the transit services and shall, wherever practical, be done in a manner that reduces walking distances and is comfortable and attractive to pedestrians. F. Land USeS that are not conducive to public transit ridership such as car dealerships, car -oriented food franchises, and uses that require transporting large objects should not be permitted to locate or expand within % mile of a rapid transit station. G. The City of Miami seeks to increase the density of development within walking distance of rapid transit stations in a manner appropriate to the particular setting of each transit station and consistent with the policies of the MCNP that specify that existing abutting residential neighborhoods are to be protected and preserved. Policy TR-1.5.'The City will, membership and regular attendance at meetings of the MPO's Transportation I-`1" Ining Council and through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, encourage Miami -Dade County to approve the use of private jitneys where it is determined that there exists public need for such services and vhe: conventional bus b,, nsit services not satisfactorily meet the need. Policy TR-1.5.9B: The City will promote water borne transportation as a commuter transit service and through its membership and regular attendance at meetings of the MPO's Transportation Planning Council and through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies will encourage Miami -Dade County to annrnve the use of water borne transportation as a commuter transit service. Policy TR-1.5.10: Through application of the provisions of its land development regulations, the City shall encourage residential development near large employment centers in order to minimize Commutes the City anJ near the large employment centers. The City shall continue to update the land development regulations, as necessary, to ensure the re ulations r emote residential development near large employment center -1 investigate opportunities for mixed -use developments. Policy TR-1.5.11: Through enforcement of applicable previsions of Section 14-182 "Transportation Control Measures" of the City Code, the ,ity will require new large-scale developmt, to adopt and enforce mea ",ures that will reduce the generation of new single -occupant passenger car trips in areas of high -density development, and encc arage the use of multiple -occupant vehicles, including public transit, for home -based work trips. The City will coordinate with the Downtown tMl Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ. "I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami f jhensive Nei[ hborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2"' • so and -South Florida Commuter Services to provide support for transportation demand initiatives undertaken by new developments. Within one year of the adoption of this policy, the City shall modify Article 17 of the City Zoning_ Code to incorporate Transportation Control Measures into the M4jor Use Special Permit application process. Policy TR-1.5.12: The City, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, will continue� to support Miami -Dade Transit C-in its efforts to increase transit ridership. ntemnniatin of inl ts-m— objective to increase the average-laity-chzre of it-r hin by !f5 percent of total PerSGA414PS—In arr rrl`ti^n -b _ ` _ ,The City will coordinate with Miami -Dade Transit to develop weekday peak hour transit ridershjp data the apecepriatc data col,e needs o 5rane_it ridere. p-to ensure that a baseline can be established to support the City's person -trip methodologyeapacity level of service measurements and to support Miami -Dade Transit's efforts to irnprove transit services. Policy TR-1.5.13: The City shall annually coordinate with fdliami-Dade County and its update of the Five Year Transit Development Program (TDP) to address transit needs consistent with the adopted level of service standard and transit planning guidelines, established by Miami -Dade County, and population growth trends within the City of Miami. Policy TR-1.5.14: Prior to submittala the 20n5. -Evaluation wind Appraisal Report ( The City will publish an annual listing of amend the Trnneee t den Elo�temor+�ont to ineeFperate the updated MDT Transit Development (TOP)- an4 its programmed improvements within the City of Miami. Policy TR-1.5.15: Priof-te suern tt l of the 20At Evaluation -ancl--Appraisal-Reeert «ue (PAR), tThe City will publish an annual listing ofamendent-te late —the updated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and its mimed improvements within the City of Miami. Objective TR-1.6: The City shall through its intergovernmental Coordination Policies, annually coordinate and communicate its transportation plans and its public transit planning for transportation disadvantaged people, with those of Miami -Dade County. The City will annually monitor programs sponsored by the State of Florida and seek opportunities for coordination with other focal municipalities. Policy TR-1.6.1: The City shall coordinate its transportation planning activities with annually -review -the annual update to the Metropolitan Planning Organization and subsequent Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) Five -Year Transportation Improvement Program Ply and the Metropolitan Planning Organization's Long Range Transportation Plan Update, with these pions. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on O5-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 61 Objective TR-1.7: The City shall, through its Intergovernmental Coordir: :on Policies, annually meet with Miami -Dade County to coordinate the protection of existing and designation of future public transit corridors within `.'iami, to ensure that public transit expansion and improvement r: ; ! be facilitated. Policy TR-1.7.1: The City shall use its land development regulations to ensure that adequate pi.3lic rights -of -way are preserved for transportation purposes, which includes the need for transit services. Policy TR-1.7.2: The City shall develop a transit corridor right-of.way map to use when evaluating new projects and their proximity to existing and future planned transit service, Objective TR-1.8: In the .. ' S—EAR- the transportation system and the information provide( in the Transportation Element shall '.:1 the goals, objectives and policies of the Land Use element, including coordination with the land use, map, popul :on densities, housing, employment patterns, :.ojected development r-.° redevelopment, urban infill, and other similar charac'Tnstics of land use that have an is :-;:ct on transportation. Pc cy TR-1.8.1: The City shall continue to assure provision of an ad pro Orly designed and safe system for controlling vehicular accessibility to major thoroughfares through adopted design standards and procedures as contained in the City Public Works Manual as adopted f,.,,. use in the review process, which at a minim ; n address: 1. Adequate storage and turning bays; 2. Spacing and desic; of median openings and curb cuts; 3. Provision of service roads along major thoroughfares, where applicable; 4. Driveway access and spacing; and 5. Traffic operations, including the provision of turning bays and bus bays for bus transit. Policy TR-1.8.2: The Transportation Element will be amended to -eflect changes to the l-, ;,id Use Element every five years, or as necessary, and include updated information based upon changes to the land use map, population densities, housing, employment patterns, projected development and redevelopment, urban infill, and other similar charactere.. of land use impacting the transportation system. Policy TR-1.8.': The Transportation Elc .ent updates provided as part of Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) will utilize a long range planning horizon of a minimum of 20 years in order to acn ve the maximum consistency with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). Submitted into the public record in i ;•-tectr :4n with item PZ. l on OS-u 08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 20t :. 62 Objective TR-1.9: The City shall seek to achieve consistency and coordination between the Port of Miami and the Miami International Airport plans and the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Policy TR-1.9.1: The City, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, will annually coordinate with the Port of Miami and Miami International Airport to ensure consistency between the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan and the port and airport master plans, and to improve access to and compatibility with port and airport facilities. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on O5-O 08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May T, 2008 63 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 o.: 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk PC ITS, AVIATION AND RELATED F7";'I': I-IES Port of Miami Goal PA- 1: Ensure that the development and expansion of !: qi-Dade County's Port of Miami is compatible with and furthers the physical development of Miami's greater downtown area wr'»rt3 fmliydtinrt negative impel tss to neiig i)orlwod5.: yet ,orotectinq the Port's economic function, operation, and potential improvemer Objective PA-1.1: The City of Miami, through its land dew' pment regulations, shall coordinate land use in areas of the city adjacent to the Port of Miami ,-h the transportation related activity which occurs within the port to ensure compatibility and complementary land uses and activities while nutitjatoly neyative impacts to neighbui iiuut, yet pruieetil ly it lE i'0i i a uu:urlomic function, operation, and potential improvements. Po :y PA-1.1.1: The City of Miami shall, through its land development regulations, encourage facility improvement which will further both the land development, coastal management and conservation goals and objectives of the City of Miami and the port development goals of Miami -Dade County and the Port of Miami. Policy PA-1.1.2: The City shall, through its land developmer regulations, fh-at an adequate amount of commercial and industrial land 0.41-- to complement planned expansions of port activity, and will establish a "free trade zone" within adegr- ^ proximity to the Port of Miami. Thrc a� , �� ry aY r^ d nti nl' a t fir f �}ii�l�—� 1�k�'l�FcartikF.'i�?ti%iizri=r�Tt[sr��o�98fa�rri�+ck7�fl'��vrE6�IW��{� Mien; km}l_annr-see cu*rerrc-ffemnMrammirDade 7agree that all parkrinn roa s hurl anciIIar t an po lation acili ies requiFerl be �czr7�[�sTcm�G r�7s� v� po�r�orr a� a rrTreer e n trim + i4hin the Port of Miami Pel}c-PA-1 4 4+re its 4nteryrj oyemmerntal-Geardinatio —P lia e t e - it' f Miia i drill _spelt encu f nl iro `T`M arai Dade Go +nty e-�a9fee }fit —all- pan— tr pportation reln ed land u-Ce inr#aiding bs f nnl limiter to retail neneral YA��F.7"O'r[RiTOITr�Gff^[LirlP u��j-1T44 Ltd-Ov;['T1Cii7Tr1 , hotol n s will no a permitt rl i thin tho p,,,, f Miami b t instead such ��see will be �vn�c}a� ; -ern f Sri � tte _ ` ' it srrcr-vrr i �"rrmcrrrr�a�c. made-availala le in areac adjacent to the -Port. Policy PA-1.1.36: All surface transportation improvements providing access to the Port must be compatible with the needs, goals and objectives of the City of Miami as related to the development of the greater downtown area, and such improvements will be financed with an appropriate share of County. state and federal funds. Policy PA-1.1. ?r Port shall prepare guidelines that will serve as design criteria for the construction, rer vation :. 1 landscaping of its facilities and such guidelines must comply with all City of Miami Code requirements. f "'< i Comprehensive Neigh Cic'-hood Plan 64 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Policy PA-1.1.511: The City shall, through its land development regulations, cooperate with Miami -Dade County and its Port of Miami operation to mitigate adverse structural and non-structural impacts from the Port of Miami upon adjacent natural resources and land uses. Policy PA-1.1.68: The City shall, through its land development regulations, cooperate with Miami -Dade County and its Port of Miami operation to protect and conserve natural resources. Miami international Airport Goal PA-2: Ensure that the development and expansion of Miami -Dade County's Miami international Airport is compatible with and furthers the physical development of the City of Objective PA-2.1: The City of Miami, through its land development regulations, shall coordinate land use in areas of the city adjacent to Miami International Airport with the transportation related activity which occurs within that facility to ensure compatible and complimentary land uses and activities. Through such land development regulations, the City will mitigate negative impacts to neighborhoods that might result from airport activities, while protecting the airport's economic function, operation, and potential improvements. Policy PA-2.1.1: The City of Miami shall, through its land development regulations, encourage facility improvement which will further both the land development, coastal management and conservation goals and objectives of the City of Miami and the development goals of Miami -Dade County and Miami international Airport. Policy PA-2.1.2: All surface transportation improvements providing access to Miami International Airport and impacting upon transportation within the City of Miami must be compatible with the needs, goals and objectives of the City and such improvements will be financed with the appropriate share of County, state and federal funds. Policy PA-2.1,3: The City shall, through its land development regulations, ensure that zoning within the city protects existing aviation flight paths. Submitted into the public recordin connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 65 Port of Miami River Goal PA-. The Port of Miami River shippng-p Ci si- e a/e Mai River, which encompasses the water dependent marine activity on the river, including shipping and the associated supporting marine industries zoned SO-4 on the Miami River, shall be er'-ouraged to continue operation as a valued and economically viable component of the city's maritime industrial' base. Objective PA-3.1: The City of Miami thr wh its -!and sing e,topmos1t rpr t-alatk . shall help protect the Port of : -.ami River from encroac: went by non water -dependent or water -related land uses, and shall regulate its expansion and redevelopment in coordination with the City's applicable coastal management and conservation plans and policies. Policy P' -3.1.1: The City rl 1,=,,,4 -*,r_,tn,«1 ,,,, n+ • 7.°- i tistn- encourage the estab ailment and mainteilince of watt r-dependent a ad water -related uses alorg :he banks of the Miami River along with water taxi and water pleasure cratt uses along Inc entire rives and to discourage encroachment by incompatible ruses. 'he City shall, through its land a veiuurnent regulations, allow for lesiOesivai uevetupinent along the Miami River in appropriate locations, provided the residential uses are compatible with adjacent land uses while protecting the Port of Miami River's economic function, niter tir nS 1r}rt potential' inrrovements.. Policy PA-3.1.2: The City sha" trough is °and level illa#fel encourage the development and exp ,asion of the Port of Miami River consistent with the coastal management and consen,u'ion elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Policy PA-3.1.: The City sha `" '' ;a l i- i,, t lsp l l encourage development of compatible land uses in lik vicinity of the Port of Miami River to a c he -avoid further deo etion of land zoned for marine industrial use and se -as -to mitigate potential adverse impacts arising ;rom the Port of Miami River upon adjacent natural resources and land uses. Objective l `.:.2: The City of ami shall cool:;; late the suf <1ce transportation access to the Port of i`•,i: mi Ever with the traffic and mass transit 5 rstem shown on t :v traffic circulation map series. Policy PA-3.2 1 The City of Mia ni shall, through the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, coordinate intermodal surface and water transportation access ser ,ng the Port of Miami River. The 'Reft-et-tvitane-fever•= s 5inipiy a -Segal ea+r dse4•cfl-iFee- 3+k+A ndePfr ti e,:- rKY comflan,c , Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk S -Gttaard ever net •cei IMian,i Compr = isive Ne . -borhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2[: `3 66 Objective PA-3.3: The City of Miami shall coordinate its Port of Miami River planning activities with those of ports facilities providers and regulators including the U.S. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, the Miami River Commission, and Miami Dade County's Port of Miami and Miami -Dade County. Policy PA-3.3.1: The City of Miami, through its Intergovernmental Coordination Policies, shall support and coordinate with other jurisdictions and agencies having jurisdiction eve( the Miami River in order to support and enhance the Port of Miami Rivers economic importance and viability as a port facility, the functions of the Port of Miami River consistent with the future goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, particularly with respect to the unique characteristics of the Port of Miami River's location and its economic position and functionirtig within the local maritime industry, and the necessity for coordination of these characteristics and needs with the maritime industry that complements, and often competes with, the Port of Miami River. Submitted into the public record in connection with. item PZ.'I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 67 PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE Goal PP-1: Provide sufficierrtadequa[e opportunities for active and passive recreation to all city City residents based on access to parks, recreation and open wilco., per capita park funding, and regular surveys of residents on park and recreation needs. to afl identified recreation ire faritiit_ie5-and • �IILLJ, 34ti 141414J ¢ifII k pal op oietuntties--kw a 1-iage--9rotq 5 aanfi J persons within the city's neijhber-hoods., Polic PR 1.1.1: The G [ -ter- hoods where them- ic. a nritir_a1 she (tare. of access Fn _ }din rntra l r,vva�nnc.,�-�c�- i.7-t�'vrme�u7�,-rasccn�..ter-auy...sa�o��u,ic�rcrr se -sue, w.,ith-the intent of idcnti fy...ainfo �.,, ;em me s .- a s-. current def+eiefle es; sources-te-fina nce their, implementation,- Policy PR 1.1.2: The City will continue to improve th fed--heeessery-Ord—fi,cL y practcaabic, and encourage recreational staff to be cent .t e Florida -Re canon and Parks A ociation. Policy PR 1.1.3: The Citic _lanrt deve1nnmeni regulation—pnl_ i witl concidef the impact of future devniopment- har,F t oan oen —re i.rtential-dent~ities o the delivery of neig boyhood narks a� oati vices _These r�nss will -establish -mechanisms, incl t not limited to sne,cial rtea.eionr.Lent fee. that n'-��ve-�rrLoc�--ea�pcvre�--c��vrvfrrrzcrrc-rrrz.-,-srrue , a sill be used to mil' ,averse impacts of such deyeleaament i+�te rer�-a ,.�rrr..iersi c7--a raw r-v�reivtn � rcrrc Porky--P -1 : The it-y w Il inare.ase recreatianal oppert„nitin�een Vi _ r threeh the i tand's rrd�rnI :pnent7afcrlrecd ct iarrlbt-rzTy„nia -Key-Master Plan. PolicPoPR 't 1 [ /^ity will retain n majority at_ its lame case as_ rocroationalland rise y r r \ t . A . ii. � i„�,L.T,i 7y�[inTC� f 1,[�pilirOl �YSTt]r1CT-Cl3L�ZLLi[TClr'ri�fFl FV�Jri nn ,lenerl as rle&giated in the Watson Island -rMa ter Developmn�penFrt Pran . Policy iR-1,1,41 or neipar-k-piarrIl-contnrn-a &on-f r riding rain to ensure that in renovation of existing parks the special recreation, education-,-and-safety-needs-of pfesehooi idren and the elderly within the ce rani ii s of pa k iacilitien are addressed, Policy-PRr1.1.1-: `life City-wi't-es b�l/i h nr�_ +gram to cR c0000'rdinatee action t'rit +li providers of .r., ocial services to rho eIti and -the ernr.ti an as to r..nrrnif rr,nh nr.-srn.iers to -utilize public pa* _faciliti - or�mneti he recreation and o4 eetion ,,saris of the cIdcrly-a ne t Polic PR 1.1.8: Feaster teat--inereasecess for handicapped perms wilt be . the de, inns for all renovations, expansions -and develo.nments_ef-pQk faeiaitios Submitted into the r:=ublic r word in connec:iGn with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 68 Poo t rshi - spaces er it •thc eeeyersrnn of -City 6-wheel-pack-of-ppubll' rt y s acep -tv-non y wili ke araKeeriate actiees to ensure tha in +here sr reap with 4efinienaien Ro net_ln e► of ti l ppOrts anilin vrrv�rc-cs�r�s�-n^rn srosvr�vcr; ��cF �To�c-ict���r-Fotrrc^acr`a'i"iarciPr��-runirrcs, versions. Policy PR 1.1.11: 'Whoa--, priia# prn,� rnn� of of ak r recr�r op a i eC+, Ry r eralieer• IC .. f Aastaf '� annh� Pei TM 2 Policy PR t .12: AEI-Gity-owh wat# en iu r, .e_ Miarei--Rover strere ir.er +grill nreyidex fnr 1 pu l' o the h felia.n 6-4�Ei��1�-lii�--���Cn�Fi-ctar rry ese isio annese to the shoroliee r avvn a��r+vra�rrer-�N--ite-1AIa ©olisyf'AA2177) Pelicy PR-1.1.14: InteFpfetali idea iens,ae -pis is -a wlll-be eesa' age r rkss-aad-open-speees-fer-eutdoor feeFeatien astiyitiec 4 2OI5 _ Objective Pt 1, -tncc ea e safety " seE 4 y-wit i i t crif7 T. anf'l-ay eeid�+ne let h i pet nt h f iv .e yea 199&204 PR 2.1: All-aeomeR4y--parks ith-a egaatc cheFgy-effrerieet Polley- a pity neigi #ood pay-wil4 i„cr 4heir hours o4 eperatiee anei _enhance their prnatan wheneveyr eas b1e'ti� -to encourage a greater p shlin r. a enin the earls Polley -PR 1.2.4: The G4y� swill est bash a systefn, o Polic 4.2.Z mall_li , n� reps c_ the City -will maintain -an aciequa(, ber-of �'v on -a- eg+Iarbasis--will eoetloot-safety-lFisoeetieosof-eqtfipmwit-aod-otfuelofal-faellities, proce�durar. .that are n o f IIa ed .,bile-usrir-par fasili'tiee- Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.l on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Cvmpre4lensive Neighborhood Man Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2006 69 Objects : increase thra efficiency off3r1f4t-EI-oboes h r quality -of ing-t-he--financiakyuppor f-the-parks-and Policy PR 1.3.1: The City s operating -budget and the--Capital-k fevements-E-lemeent * ll ni prstir to, the quality of- pFo ams in ah4 the nhircinni non, rlition of, existing park f facilities for park Teceatien- Pelicy PR 1.3.2: The City will establish a "parks of excclienco" program for selected {ryunit ark w e e staff cupnort marl operationn arc fonused__en high nuality {i'�''}{T7L��'�i�'I��p'Ui�'t.SrTfhG`r4.. rva ��s-rrr-*..`�f�O�'Rrn+Svr Policy PR 1.3.3: A projection a with -their -anticipated -funding sources, will be rnnuired and made publinl r available prier-to-te decision-te-apprep +a u} -fu ds- =capital-irnpro cmcnis. Policy PR 1.3.4: The City wits ent inneyafii agemeni and- maim e astern tiyee des gn tern mirnrintiYre_operaiing-anci 3mintenanee costc while not re ,thdd M the ci quality of pronrams or advereetyl the physical condition of park Policy PR_ 7 2 5: The. C ty anti_imnlernent_publicipfivatn partners itth CBO'�d ruri�� r-rc-�r.T rr rt—vrr�rrm-�rrr-t".".'r�rr�-ac�Yra r[r�rrv�� ��r A Anrehant Asso t�e for the mainlenanen and enhannernent o f- blip bat46►a5 kcs ��>,�rr,�-R�,�„�� ra��,--�,r,r,,,�v�r,�,�o,�ru�re spaces. Polley -PR 1.3.6: [Reserved-1 Relisef edi Polio' .3.8 re -city will establish a porn inent park advisory b and tha► representatirre a neinhborhnnrle for the purpose. of_inereasinn. effen tivan ss.-in the delkeepy of recreation services. This board, together with staff support from the Citr limited capital repairs and replacement needs, estimated se ts-of the t„ eap tat projects; o crifisal-evalaation of the City's recreation -service delivery system; and an -assessment of4he-progre.s made -ta,. „ice„ 1 f ►his_oiement. equi nd-fecreatioRal faeiIitie uifed mairrtain-aflopted-1 aS- Raafels, Policy -PR 1.4.1: The City will cel time to -use d development impaet fees to help fund ti'ses est of public epen apace and recreational (� 1 �l 2- The rll periodicaIlyi_re �r. e a I f o os rolated tra the i epaet r.f new I^� �IZ�fT .�}t�rrlJGrTC7L7iViirr�f��rii`L�IRGG.1. rf T[T.�. 7fT�Q1 1rS/R once cpaee and renreationat fan_-itities Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 70 fuel open cpnae nrd ror*reet'anal faciliticc pr jo tc wrlsosea n rb is hic-bepefit ten�be lecal e d to cpecifi6 neogranhin nisi. areas of the -city, Petro.� PR -1 A A. 7h�nca Step larrl far Flee C ib ef-M with r Level of Service-anvnravr `' orcrrc,carr regards Reefie and Open vpa€e--wiil- be-a-rnihir r ich-o -u' ei puhli park of €esidentS, r (leveler Rept, P.-,tic The City well comnleto the renova}inn of Bioentennir�l- Qafk and f`[�T�"!� 31G-/VrT�--�frRi' C✓LFr rf�llGCQ1-IT'rQ 41ifTF�TrIIPTV LJIrJCa TTiCi ITi'Tlpr r-�R�¢TTS7 development -of FEC In ann Alan ayyif �T A l��w+'YI(� aj p ryrnmallfl+'S}ions the V 1 -T1 TGT�'QC��+"'�"'CR rCeL .JFT�T.i gi ity s-0 wh- ateffront-A aster Plan, by-2002 the .ity will,.. �w.,,rokrto rectom�he otilify of S`n, ni _P,i ac n - d rec ea}1n Guric Po'ticy PR 1.5.1: ]e- City well redeveIap mrf Park it the ] w d -i61i ct to provide -%an titan ,rierr- f h ,yeFi } cti��i _ nrd FeeFe ti ..al iS rcn�ic--activities--va,Ta--rc�rcvrr�nTo, 6♦den4s Pram -a. PRCreate a n e.cialtrr "Fishermentc E1Vhai - _ afa rlisti4e and marine . rT.TFCTTrTTL7Y� ai�v � �rcrrcys'�'777a-TIQTIC 'ce cantor the Dive i da District along _IAF North Rimer Drive on Frei Miami �cri^i�s� oa'rncriirt >�r� i River, Submitted into the Public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Pel;rcy-PR 1,5.6-ia-the-Watef fit -Master Rah an4 i-anmicd in the Gtl= -t t Ines-networ- of public parkland rnajof attractions Policy --PR 1.8.7: As specified in the City-e Miami--G iarter-and-Related4aws, and morn speeificalhe the Waterfront Charter Almenriment ell nerar �t and rTcx r rsncn'rcrri,c vrltn-eer--7^m t 're nub cly assessidale shorolino- walkways wit - e ien them in coninrrYzanco ...ifh }Fan "bate hlkIRAm u F Policy -PR t5.8: Expand the existing chase Marti-Padc-te-Kevide-additiehat isitors. P li y-PR-1 d 9 f eseiwedl Peltcr•y O[7_ �^ i ll cantin rn }n ner__ou.r_age .devotopmenl of uraP -sireei , PR 1.5.11: Tho City will- cendini ue to .orlr doward__ improvement_ of the lanrdsceninn anrd pedestrian a ienterl a ienities alry m�u bee4evardc 'n leading tiLi7-�3n�GTsiS1 a �oTG"'R17SrJ��r'TVTa�arx'r Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 71 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 Bis Fr# v rdT-; rio cell -Aver an 3o•t 1 Ayenuo, e create d st nctive {magoS net inityina olnrnentc h tween nw ntown di ti ets arecircrrnr�yyr��rrery crcrrrcrncn�ecn c�cT `o�n r i�Tra +rrra r�n-rcra t�lie-"y-"P-R 1 .5 1-2- The f ity w towork Inward enh2 e e -p spaacc✓ (entrances, �' ,-lnbh courtyar d atrir_irns) and gateways hewn t�l�nugh artworle The City a ill_ use w Bever appropriate - t " R rhlin i la r" vgrr—crr,c�arrr�m-—vrc�+#rrr-+�— i�}E: "Art in Tuunc-r-r�C1.',.r at-gata B Objective ; .trt,�r f-the- 4{ £#r sFve 'tty residnnts-within cuc-h designated nef jhber-boods Roli. P:-1,6TThe City will „omrncnce a : arming prococo-te-- d T i e--the n., ss ary e. or-„ecrea►i n4, Aeneas• wake Little Haiti area; more specifically, within e a-rea--depicted-below; slid—^ ^ haI inikude an iir nleernentat n„g p.-and-scriedule f r thn elo innation of n rio par Objective PR-1.1: The City shall work to achieve a medium -term objective of providing a park within one-half mile of every resident by 2015 and to achieve a long- term objective of a park within one -quarter mile of every resident by 2020. Policy PR-1.1.1: The City will estalish a new hierarchy for the City park system to reflect Miami's urban condition, as described in the Miami Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan dated May 2007 and adopted by the Cit Cy ommission. The hierarchy will have the following elements. • Citywide parks: Destination parks - four types: conservation, waterfront over 3 acres, sports complex and aquatic, specialty {,unique programs) c> Community parks - parks over 3 acres that include active recreation facilities Linear parks - greenways and trails ■ Neighborhood parks - all remaining parks under 3 acres that do not fit in other categories Policy PR-1.1.2: The City_ win focus on park land acquisition according to the following priorities that emerged from community preferences during the 2007 Parks Master Plan process: land with water views andlor water access; land for "walk -to" parks, including neighborhood parks, in underserved areas of the City identified in Citywide and NET -area maps in the 2007 Parks Master Plan and any subsequent updates to these maps; land to expand destination and community parks; land for expansion or creation of linear park segments. Information on target priorities and target areas for new parks will be disseminated to all relevant City departments to enhance the potential for parkland acquisition in conjunction with infrastructure and Submitted into the public cord in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 72 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk other Dialects. Ideally, new parks should be at least one acre in size, but smaller areas maybe suitable, depending on the surroundings and proposed uses, Policy PR-11.3: The City will provide areas for safe, passive use in all parks. including Those in active recreational use parks. The passive areas will include usable green space with plantings, shade and seating. Policy PR-1,1.4: The City will conduct a study to support a revised Level of Service for parks, recreation and open space for concurrency purposes and adopt a revised Level of Service for parks, recreation and open space for concurrency purposes by January 2009 that will assist in achieving the access and per capita funding objectives of PR-1.1. Until that time, the Level of Service for concurrence purposes shall be 1.3 acres of public park space per 1000 residents. ftective PR-1.2: Provide sufficient per capita funds for the parks system to support the parks, recreation and open space standards expected by the public, as indicated in surveys and other responses to public outreach, for resources and programs that benefit the community, The City will strive to meet and exceeda benchmark level of spending annually of $100 per capita in 2007 dollars, within fiscal limits and based on identified needs. Policy PR-1,2.1: The City will establish the cost of providing park and recreation programs and services, identify which core park and recreation services are to be offered according to criteria related to level of benefits to individuals and the communit as a whole identi wt►ich services and ra rams should be free and formulate how a fee structure shoo d be set for other services andprograms.. Policy PR-1.2.2: The City will deveiqp annual parks and recreation budgets that explain the rationale behind the program, operational and maintenance standards that the City intends to meet: the costs of meeting those standards: and the per capita budget in comparison with similar cities. including cities in Florida. Policy PR-1.2.3: The City will allocate program revenues generated by the Parks and Recreation Department to the department's budget. Policy PR-1.2.4: The City will work to identify and create a dedicated funding source for the park system. Policy PR-1.2.5: The City will seek grants and other funding for new resources, including land activities, .nd programs. Some of these funds may come from nonprofit partnership groups that may be formed, such as a potential Miami Parks Foundation. Objective PR-1.3: Pursue expanded and new opportunities identified in the 2007 Parks Master Plan (and any subsequent updates) to share nark, recreation and open Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 73 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 space resources with the school district, the housing authority, churches, nonprofit organizations, transportation agencies and other groups that may be able to share Land and programs with the City Parks and Recreation Department. Policy PR-1.3,1: The City will establish communication with and liaisons to agencies and groups that have existing and potential recreation and open space resources in order to pursue access to these resources by City residents. Policy PR-1.3.2: The City will evaluate current costs, benefits and procedures for sharing resources and programming and will develop policies and procedures that will maximize benefits for City residents. Objective PR-1.4: Expand existing and create new greenways and trails to meet resident needs. Policy PR-1.4.1: The City will continue to work with transit agencies to coordinate the park system and pedestrian connections with opportunities to improve and expand the Metro -Path Trail. Policy PR-1.4.2: The City will continue to work with transportation agencies to implement the Commodore Trail improvements and the Fleeter Trail (FEC Corridor Greenway). Policy PR-1.4.3: The City will continue to work to implement the Overtown Greenway plan to link the Miami River through Overtown to Downtown. Policy PR-1.4.4: The City will work with Miami -Dade County and other groups to ensure that greenway, trail and park systems within the City are effectively finked to proposed regional trails such as the Venetian Connector, the Unity Trail, the Perimeter Trail, the Ludlum Trail, and the East-West Trail. The City will continue to advocate for funding of trails identified in the Miami -Dade Metropolitan Pennine Organization 2030 Lone -Range Transportation Plan. Policy PR-1.4.5: The City will designate as scenic transportation corridors those segments of roadways that have significant vegetative features, and will encourage the development of bicycle and pedestrian paths along such corridors, where appropriate. Future land development regulations will encourage the provision of sufficient land areas for uses that are compatible with and encourage the flow of bicycle and. pedestrian traffic along these corridors. Objective PR-1.5: Ensure that future development and redevelopment pay an equitable, proportional share of the cost of public open space and recreational facilities required to maintain adopted LOS standards. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 74 Policy PR-1.5.1: The City's land development regulations will establish mechanisms to meet expanded demand for Citywide parks, neighborhood parks, and recreational programs resulting from new residential development, including, but not limited to, impact fees. density bonuses and contributions in lieu of land that will be used to provide new park and recreation resources to serve new development. The City will review these fees annually in accordance with recreation and open space needs and revise them as necessary to reflect increases in the cost of providing public open space and recreational facilities to meet its adopted Level of Service for parks, recreation and open space, Policy PR-1.5.2: The City_will continue to work with developers of mixed use and nonresidential projects to ensure the creation of appropriate public spaces. Policy PR-1.5.3: The City will consider he use of ssecial assessment districts to hell fund open space and recreational facilities projects whose public benefits tend to be localized to specific geographic sub areas of the City. Goal PR-2: Preserve and enhance existing parks and recreation facilities. Objective PR-2.1: Protect existing park land. Policy PR-2.1.1: The City has a no -net -loss policy for public park land and will adopt procedures to this effect for park land in the City Zoning Ordinances, as described in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan, by 2010..These will allow only recreation and cultural facilities to be built on park land, will limit building footprint on any such land, will require that conversion of park land for any other purposes be subject to public procedures, and replace the converted park land with land similar in ,park, recreation or conservation value in terms of usefulness and location. Policy PR-2.1.2: The City will continue to define and protect conservation areas in the zoning cod s well as other arks and recreation areas. Objective PR- 2: Maintain and enhance existing parks and recreation facilities. Policy PR-2.2.1: The City will provide appropriate staffing, services, equipment, and maintenance at all parks. Criteria for appropriateness will include park category {Citywide or neighborhood), recreation programs, demand for passive and active spaces and activities, sizes, and facilities. Policy PR-2.2.2: The City will maintain and staff nine public swimming pools to be open all year round by 2009, with the remainder to be open year-round by 2012, Policy PR-2.2.3: The City, through the Parks and Recreation Department, will continue to develop and implement maintenance level of service standards, identify Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 75 associated costs, and address funding those costs, ijcluding replacement programs for equipment and vehicles, before adding more assignments. Goal PR-3: Increase public access to all parks, recreation, facilities and oven spaces including waterfront areas and the Picnic Islands in Biscayne Bay. Objective PR-3.1: Enhance public access by pedestrians and bicyclists to parks and recreation sites Policy PR-3.1.1: The City will continue to implement sidewalk and shade tree planting programs along public roadways that connect to parks and other community destinations. Tree planting_programs will be implemented in accordance with the 2007 City of Miami Tree Master Plan. Policy PR-3.1.2: The City will work with the Parks and Recreation Department and with neighborhood groups to identify pedestrian routes within a lie -mile radius of parks that are appropriate for improvements to sidewalks, lighting, street trees, crosswalks and pedestrian count -down signals, and signage to support a ParkWalks program as described in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Plan. The ParkWalks improvement plans will be included in the City s Capital Improvement Program. One ParkWalks planningprocess will be completed in each Commission district annually beginning in 200% with implementation to follow in the following year. Policy PR-3.1.3: Bicycle parking facilities such as_bike racks shall be provided in existing and future park projects. Objective PR-3.2: Enhance the public's visual and physical access to waterfront areas. Policy PR-3.2.1: The City will continue to work to complete the Baywalk, encompassing as much of the Biscayne Bay waterfront as possible, and to complete the Riverwalk and the Miami River Greenwat Policy PR-3.2.2: All City -owned waterfront property, including the Miami River shorelines, will provide for public open spaces that provide access to the shoreline. Policy PR-3.2.3: The City will incorporate provisions for public physical and/or visual access t0 the shoreline in its waterfront zoning regulations. (See Coastal Management Policy CM- Poficy PR-3.2.4: Whe_re ap ro rfate and in the interest of public safety and promotion of outdoor recreation opportunities on environmentally sensitive areas, future land development regulations will require non -water dependent or related development and/or redevelorment to maintain public access to the coastal and Miami River shorelines. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-2.1,1.) Policy PR-3.2.5: The City will continue to expand launch areas for personal kayaks/canoes, kayak/canoe rentals and other boating programs at parks on Biscayne Bay the Miami River and the .f)Irth Fnrlk r,f the Miami River. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neil:crhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2008 76 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. 'Thompson City Clerk Policy PR-3,2.6: The City will pursue creation of water shuttles or water taxis that will expand ublic access to the Picnic Islands in Biscayne Bay off the Upper Eastside and the Dinner Key islands off Coconut Grove. Policy PR-3.2.1; The City will work with other organizations and agencies to identify recreational opportunities, including boating, on the smaller waterways in the City, such as Wagner Creek, the Lithe River, and the canals. Policy PR-3.2.8: All renovations and improvements to City parks and recreational facilities will be designed to enhance rather than obstruct waterfront views. Policy PR-3.2.9 1-.1=4: The City will increase public recreational opportunities on Virginia Key through a,esIa„d s r^d;p asided-4er-w the Virginia Key Master Plan and its immplementation. Policy PR-3.2.10: The City shall continue to ensure that park and recreational lands open to the public are included in redevelopment projects for Watson Island and will monitor the project after construction to ensure continued public access without any requirements for the public to make purchases or any other barriers to open public use. Policy PR-3.2.1 t: As specified in the City of Miami Charter and Related Laws, and more specifically the Waterfront Charter Amendment, all new development and redevelopment along the downtown waterfront is required to provide a waterfront setback, and those developments that require publicly accessible shoreline walkways, will design them in conformance with the "Baywalk/Riverwalk Design Standards." (See Coastal Management Policy CM-2.1.8.) The City will monitor these areas to ensure continued public access, as required. Objective PR-3.3: Park and recreational facilities will be accessible to handicapped persons and provide opportunities for special needs groin_ Policy PR-3.3.1:All renovations, expansions, and development of park and recreation facilities will be designed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, including handicapped parking spaces, ramps, handrails, pathways and other accessibility improvements to be appropriately located with respect to recreational facililies, Policy PR-3.3.2: Designs for renovations, expansions, and develo meats of ark and recreation facilities will be evaluated to ensure that there are sufficient facilities within the service area to provide for the recreation, education. and safety needs of preschool age children, the elderly, persons with disabilities and other special needs groups. Goal PR-4: Enhance the quality of recreational and educational opportunities for all age groups persons with disabilities, and other special needs groups. Objective PR-4.1: Continue to improve the quality and diversity of recreational programs offered at destination and community parks, and neighborhood parks where such programs may be offered. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 77 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 wubmitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Policy PR-4,1.1: The City will use participant evaluation surveys, at the completion of recreational programs to evaluate program success, and online public opinion surveys? at least once every three years, and scientific surveys at least once every seven years to identify needed and desired_programs. Policy PR-4.1.2: The City will increase staff and hours ofoperation where necessary and fiscally feasible, provide professional development opportunities for park and recreation staff, and encourage staff to be certified by the Florida Recreation and Parks Association. Policy PR-4.1:3: The City will continue to provide interpretive displays. educational programs, wildlife observation locations. and picnic areas in parks and open spaces for outdoor recreation activities. Policy PR-4.1.4: The City will continue to coordinate with nonprofit providers of social services to the elderly, youth, and other special needs groups, so as to permit such providers to use public park facilities for meeting the recreational and educational needs of these groups. Goal PR-5: Improve management and operations in the park and recreation system. Objective PR 1 4 Increase the efficiency of park operations, while irnproving the quality of recreation services and strengthening the financial support of the parks and recreation service system. Pokic PR-5. t. I: The vision and mission of the Parks and Recreation Department will be revised to include the protection of green spaces and natural areas in addition to the existinqfocus on recreational and cultural activities. PolickPR-5.1.2 1-4: The City's operating budget ar the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) will give priority to the quality of programs i and the physical condition of, existing park facilities and to meeting existing deficienc.- s, before constructing r. 3w facilities for parks and recreation. :As not _ or other Funds to purchase additional land to be held in inventory for new parks irl underserved neighborhoods. +tl estat a "parks of ex tcd programs tearing. o the development of n.. e a Policy PR-5.1.3 : A projection and analysis of operational and maintenance costs associated with all park and recreation related capital projects which exceed $50,000, with their anticipated funding sources, will be required and made publicly available prior to the decision to appropriate public funds for capital improvements. PoHcy PR- 1, <4: The City will implement innovative management and maintenance alternat -es designed to minimize operating and maintenance costs while not reducing the extent and quality cif programs or adversely affecting the physical condition of park facilities thro iqh establists Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 78 Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 benefit to the community, identifying costs and potential revenues, improving management accountability, establishing preventive maintenance and replacement programs, establishing formal policies and systems for working with groups that sponsor programs that use City facilities, and strengthening support services. Policy PR-5.1.&5: The City will im ' spaces assign staff time to develop and manage a network of volunteer "friends" groups for individual parks. �ythe maintnntince and enhancement of public spacefr. 411Li��IT�QfPl�r TC�CTi747- Tl llelTiVl-r+Y V1�4i U�3GiVG�J. Policy PR-5.1.6 -1-3:6: {Rese€vedi The City will continue to develop and implement public/private t astnersklios to contribute to the maintenance and enhancement of parks, recreational facilities, and public spaces, while ensuring that public spaces remain freely open to the public. Policy PR-5.1.14E tResefvedi The City will create a Citywide Miami Parks Foundation by 2010 to serve as a nonprofit partner to focus attention on the park system, raise money to help support maintenance, enhance and expand parks and recreational programs, attract volunteers, and broaden the constituency for the park system. Objective PR-5.2: Create institutions and procedures to ensure resident and community consultation in the development of system wide policies and planning for park and recreation program improvements. Polio PR-5.2.1: The City will establish a permanent Parks and Recreation Advisory Board made up of residents who are park users, program participants, and re resentatives of rou s with s ecial relevant ex ertise. The Board's res onsibilities will include advising electe officials and staff on implementation of the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan and any adopted subsequent updates to that Plan, The Board will be supported by staff from the Parks and Recreation Department, and will report annually to the Mayor and City Commission on progress in implementing the Master Plan, including financial reports, holding at least onepublic hearing on the draft report before submitting it to the Mayor and Commission. The Board will also review and advise on capital plans and designs based on the Master Plan and advise the Commission on any proposals to expend more than'S50,000 to acquire new park land, to diminish or convert existing park land, to accept donated land for parks, or to sell City land that may be suitable for parks. The City will periodically review and refine the mission and charge of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in order to ensure maximum q..gportunities for public involvement and effectiveness in addressing parks and recrea ion needs. Proposed changes to the mission and charge of the Board will not be implemented until after a public hearing by the appropriate public board. Policy PR-5.2.2: The City will survey City residents to monitor preferences. needs and satisfaction with the park system on a regular basis, at a minimum through evaluations _of a programs by program participants to evaluate program success, online surveys every three years, and scientific surveys every seven years (starting from the Parks Master Plan survey of 2006). submitted into the public record in connection with item I' .I on. 05-08_08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 79 Policy PR-5.2.3: The City will develop and implement regular procedures by 2010 to provide opportunities for park_user and neighborhood consultation in the_planning and design of park and recreation facilities improvements and new parks and programs. Policy PR-5,2.4: The City will develop a full update on the Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan at least once every ten years, to coincide with a scientific survey of residents' park and recreation needs and to _precede and contribute to the EAR process. Objective PR-5.3: Continue to increase public safety and security within City parks. Policy PR-5.3.1: All parks will be equipped with adequate energy efficient night lighting by 2012. Policy PR-5.3.2: Citywide and neighborhood parks will increase their hours of operation and enhance their programs, whenever feasible, so as to encourage a greater public presence in the parks. Policy PR-5.3.3: The City's Police Department will continue to work with neighborhood residents to create and support community crime watch groups to assist in park safety and crime prevention. Policy PR-5.3.4: The City will continue regular, uniformed police patrols and presence in and around Citywide and neighborhood parks. Policy PR-5.3.5: In all parks with active recreation the City will maintain an adequate number of trained staff based on standards recognized by professional organizations such as the Florida Recreatign and Park Association or the National Recreation and Park Association, and on a regular basis will conduct safety inspections of equipment and structural facilities. Policy PR-5.3,6: The City will disseminate information to the public on proper safety procedures that are to be followed while using park facilities. Policy PR-5.3.1: When parks are being renovated or designed, the City will evaluate the park's safety. consulting with park users and the police whether high fences or other obtrusive security measures remain necessary. Goal PR-6: Develop and enhance the quality of parks and open spaces within the City's downtown and other neighborhoods in a mariner that addresses the needs of City residents, workers and visitors, and strengthens the City's economic development. Objective PR-6.1: Implement the NET Area Visions in the 2001 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan, using the NET Area lrn lamentation Tasks and Park Opportunities section of the Plan as a guide to enhancing and expanding Citywide and neighborhood parks, recreational facilities and program. Policy PR-6.1.1: The City will annually review implementation sections of the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan to include implementation actions in developing an annual work plan and capital improvements plan for parks and recreation facilities and programs. Submitted into i?ie public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 80 Policy PR-6.1.2: The City will work to implement the specific master plans that include parks and recreation facilities, such as the Coconut Grove Waterfront Master Plan. the Museum Park Master Plan, and the Virginia Key Master Plan, and create pedestrian and water linkages among Fern Isle Park. Sewell Park, the recently acquired Police Benevolent Association property, and Curtis Park to create a Miami "Central Park. As depicted in the Waterfront Master Plan and programmed in the CIE, the City will provide a continuous network of public parks and maiar attractions along the downtown waterfront. Policy PR-6.1.3: The City will continue to redevelop t-ummus Park, in the Riverside District to provide an activity/program center for history, riverfront activities and recreational facilities for visitors and City residents, including creation of cialit Fisherman's Wharf cafe district and marine services center. Policy PR-6.1.4: The City will create a specialty "Fishermen's Wharf' cafe district and marine services center in the Riverside District along N.W. North River Drive an the Miami River. Objective PR-6.2: Improve and enhance public spaces and linkages in the City. Policy PR-6.2,1: The City wilt continue to enco_urage development of urban street promenade linkages with widened sidewalks, high quality materials, shade trees, landsca r�ng, lightingkgraphics and furnishi gs. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-1)8-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Policy PR-6.2.2: The City will continue to work toward improving landscaping and pedestrian -oriented amenities along major boulevards, including Biscayne Boulevard, Brickell Avenue, and North 1st Avenue, and other major transportation corridors, to create distinctive images and unifying elements between downtown districts, Policy PR-6.2.3: The City will continue to work towards enhancement of public spaces [entrances, plazas tabbies, courtyards and atriums) and gateways through artwork. The City will use, whenever appropriate, the "Art in Public Places" allocation in public facility construction budgets as well as the assistance of the County Arts Council staff, and encourage private organizations to construct civic monuments at gateway locations, Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 81 Submitted into the public f,Lord in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thomson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 82 Goal PR-72: Develop public parks and open spaces that are aesthetically appealing and enhance the character and image of the c 'ity. Objective PR-7 2. 1: Improve the aesthetic qualities of parks and recreation Facilities and-presepttral-Imdscape-teatures-of fleighber-t osxi-palric-s. Policy PR-1.1,1: The City will use the design ,principles in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan as a basic framework for the design and redesign of parks and park improvements, and prepare more specific design guidelines as needed. Policy PR-7.1.2: The City will ensure that its staff includes a landscape architect with knowledge of best practices in park and recreation facility design and that this staff person will be employed to design park improvements. when designers are retained on contract, to review and monitor park design projects. Goal PR-8 3: Encourage the development of high quality cultural arts facilities and programs within the «City. Objective PR-8 3. 1: The--city--will-Ceontinue to develop and support cultural districts, facilities and programs. nstk ring-eultufal-afts-distriet-wi#k r #er g-arts-#aeility--i•s-being--huilt within t#e-eit Potn permit and nneo Fragr. the develnnmenl n{ a ti it l arts dictriat-wt}iin de intewn as speeifi in the- crxityis -district. Pelicy--Ple-City-suppeFte-Miami-Dade-Goanty-in-seFistruetien-ef4he-new F, o rn i n '-'F' fts-v en"t .fr-w4i s-being '4 i i n _conformity wr,t e Downtown dtactar Ptah and uiith ap ro wiate charnc--ef state snit !1'J[1-1-[1�TV �l iC[�[G �.�f�[p if rr❑ [7 �.]'[RS n�j �Q�e�}ll�T[7te seeter -kW* gbjectiye PRo r oto. n forrming-"a witt-tin-selec o the-e t T Pot _ PR-34. 41. The City_wi t rnco r-age tl1rni irch 1an.d do sielopment-regulation e n-the city. Policy PR-8.1.1: The City will continue to support development of a downtown cultural arts district as described in the proposed Downtown Master Plan, through land development regulations and other strategies. Policy PR-8.1.2: The City will support cultural and heritage programs and facilities in selected areas of the City such as, but not restricted to, Overtown, the Design District, and Little Havana. including small performing arts venues, heritage trails, street fairs, and similar programs, through land development regulations and other strategies. Submitted into the public record in. connection ►with. item PZ.I can 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 83 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Goa!- ut .at- li.++itnri te Aoarrl.a.alL u_ trailn ' tcrnrntatiy alisrala s 7crpr["r7v�-nr:rrr�c�rzv-�vvv►vn'oni$RE!i�ik�f;-ri��ti`�3'�4°kr{''i�� vrr.a�cr , velueational-progfamswildlifr . L anrf rer-rnation l- farilitie t�lic-as$ tIrig-toarurr=�zxcs-Wi{i-hQ' in eyed --by 2005. Potiey— ° T,- k4ancieapped—parkinggspaees,ra narails, and--o accessibility improvements shall he pre _ i tely located with respect- to reCreet or nl fncilitie Poli-r__t C2D_d_1 2: -Bicycle parking f_aeiliiie-ruc__h-ao bike car-ks shailbe nrevided 'f R-4 -3 1nter' tati-vs-displ'iysjredrytionnl regra nL+ wild nbc nl . areasarid-pic-nic-afeas-wi-11-be-eneeuraged-fof-outdoer-recreation-porpo,es at parks. Goal PR-9: Establish sustainable and green practices in park design, maintenance, building, planting and enemy efficiency, Objective PR-9.1: Protect and restore native plant communities, where feasible and appropriate, and provide educational programs and interpretive signage about South Florida environments. Policy PR-9.1.1: The City will continue its program of native plant protection and restoration and elimination of exotic plants at Simpson Park and the Virginia Key nature area; expand this program to the conservation area at Wainwright Park; restore native vegetation in woodland. shoreline and streamfront edges of parks, where appropriate; establish, whereappropriate, native plantings that require limited water and fertilizer in parks: and establish native plantings in public road, rail, drainage and utility corridors that are not suitable for pedestrian and recreation access. Policy RR-9.1.2: The City will seek partnerships to establish coastal hammock exhibit plantings as part of environmental education programs and exhibits in community parks. Policy PR-9.1.3: The City will continue to promote the planting and preservation of native species by property owners in the City through educational materials and programs. Objective PR-9.2: Introduce sustainable and energy -efficient materials and methods in park maintenance and operations. Policy PR-9.2,1: The City will employ life -cycle costing to evaluate costs of new park structures and make efforts to incorporate energy- and water -efficient methods and materials, in new and renovated park structures including the use of green roofs, solar panels, and other innovative approaches. Policy PR-9.2.2: The City wilt implement best management practices such as water conservation, integrated pest management, water conservation elimination of toxic chemicals, and similar sustainable practices. Miami Comprehensive Neic:hborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7,2n,. 84 Policy PR-9.2.3: The City will implement to all pesticide and herbicide methods of application for all sodded areas compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on O5-08-08 Priscilla A. 'Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 85 COASTAL. MANAGEMENT Goal CM-1: Maintain, protect, and enhance the quality of life and appearance of Miami's cCoastal one including the preservation of natural resources as well as the enhancement of the built environment. Objective CM-1.1: Preserve and protect t' existing natural systems including wetlands and beachldune systems 1 -' .bin Virginia Key and those portions of Biscayne Bay that lie t_.;;in the City's boundaries; and improve water quality within the Miami River, its tributaries, ar. 'he l Ale River. Policy C•:�-1.1.1: As a precondition to the development or redevelopment of Virginia Key, a comprehensive assessment will be made of environmental hazards that are the result of past disposal activities at the Virginia Key landfill and other relevant environmental concerns. Such assessment will be made in cooperation with appropriate County, State and Federal environmental agencies, and an action plan to reduce or eliminate any hazards will be formulated. (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-1.1.1.) Policy CM-1.1.2: The City will retrofit the number of storm water outfalls that discharge into the Miar River and its tributaries, the Little River and directly into Biscayne Bay. If positive drainage systems to these water bodies are deemed to be the only feasible method of maintaining adequate storm drainage, then these storm sewers will be designed and constructed to retain grease and oil and minimize pollutant discharges. (See Natural Resource Conservation Policy NR-1.1.2 and Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy SS-2.2.1.) Policy CM-1.1.3: [Reserved] Policy CM-1.1.4: The Cite ).ii encourage the reduction re-4 tfr)n int() r'icrnvr. 11 ! } qr! rnF :^nazriinafjr,rn with the Miami River Commission, Miami -Dade County DERM, the South Florida Water Management District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and any other appropriate state and federal agencies in order to reduce point and non -point sources of pollution into Biscayne Bay. Policy -1.1.5: Within the oastal c e, or along the Miami and Little Rivers, no land uses which represent a likely and significant source of pollution to surface waters will be permitted, unless measures which substantially eliminate the threat of contamination are implemented as conditions for approval of development or redevelopment. Policy CM-1.1.6: The City will adhere to Miami -Dade County DERM standards and require DERM approvals in its permitting procedures to ensure that all fuel storage Submitted into the public record in conn .tion with item PZ.1 In 05-08-08 Priscilla <. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 86 facilities in the GGoastal Zone or near major canals do not pose a significant threat to water quality. Policy CM-1.1.7: The City will regulate development on Virginia Key and the intermittent wetland areas of the coast of Coconut Grove to ensure that there will be no net Ross of functional wetlands; that beaches and dune systems on the island will not be degraded or disrupted; that when non-native vegetation is removed, it will be replaced with native species; and that wildlife habitats and native species of fauna and flora will be protected. Priority will be given to water dependent land uses, and to development that enhances the natural environment and ensures adequate physical public access to Virginia Key. Policy CM-1.1.8: Because of its unique character and environmental significance, all development on Virginia Key will be in conformance with the 1987 Virginia Key Master Plan and/or any subsequent plans for Virginia Key that have been or might be adopted by the City and, if necessary, the preparation of an updated plan. Policy CM-1.1.9: Site development criteria will ensure that development or redevelopment within the eCoastal Zone will not adversely affect the natural environment or lead to a net loss of public access to the c"s-City' natural resources. Policy CM-1.1.1 0: 'Reserved] Policy CM-1.1.11: All City owned property within the GCoastal xZone that may be identified as areas of significant or unique natural resources will be designated as Environmental Preservation Districts, and the City will also consider designating private properties within the coastal with significant or unique natural resources as Environmental Preservation Districts, Policy CM-1.1.12: The City will continue to require implement and enforce that all new and renovated marinas meet marina siting requirements and receive appropriate county, state, and federal approvals d rin the devele freeet-perrni s in the land development regulations. Policy CM-1.1.13: The City will continue to work with the t Plan—Getweittee appropriate agencies to support provisions of the committee that prevent new development and redevelopment along the shorelines from directly discharging storm water runoff into surface waters and to get support for state and county funding for any infrastructure improvements deemed necessary to support development of Virginia Key and Watson Island. Policy CM-1.1.14: The City will cooperate with Miami -Dade County in fostering the protection of coastal wildlife and wildlife habitat through the protection of nesting areas, the establishment of wildlife corridors, the protection of travel corridors, and the promotion of public awareness of wildlife resources. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 81 Submitted into E +e public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Po, cy 1.1.1b The City ;; coop rate with Miami -Dade County in the implementation of any antidegradation targets developed to protect Outstanding Florida Waters and Outstanding National Resources Waters of Biscayne Bay. Objective CM-1.2: The 1 411 continue to follow and enforce the Florida Building Code, which establi:.:ies construction standards th::• . minimize the impacts of man-made structures on beach ar:' dune syst. olicy CM-1.2.1: The City will increase inspection and code enforcement efforts for coastal area construction to ensure the proper standards are met. Objective CM-' .3: In order to enhance the ' jilt environment of the coastal arn, redevelop and revitalize sighted, declining, or threatened coastal areas. Policy CM-1.3.1: The City will continue to adhere to its established policies regarding the designation of Commi city Redevelopment Districts in appropriate coastal areas of the city. Policy CM-1.3.2: Through increased cityv code enforcement of coastal areas with deteriorated conditions the City will report any structures in severe condition to the unsafe structures board to either force improvements or facilitate the demolition of the .s-ucture. Objective CM-1.4: Ensure that land development regulations and policies for the eCoastal one are consistent with the City's ability to provide the capital facilities required to maintain adopted LOS standards and those needed to maintain or enhance the quality of Ire within the Coastal me Lou . of the city. (See Cap`' ^ . Improvements Objective CI-1.2.) Policy C. 1.4.1: Th? )astal one of the .:y will adhere to the level of service standards as do ated and amended in t. Capital Improvements Element, and more specifically Policy CI-1.2.3 of that element. Goal CM-2. Improve public awareness, appreciation, use of ;ami's coastal resources by preserving traditional water -dependent and water -related uses, ensuring adequate pu 1 access to such uses, and minimizing user conflicts. Objective CM-2.1: Whee feasible, increase, physical and visual public access to Biscayne Bay d Lthe ci4--4 Hhoreline dill] iuciLLIV-uWiled Islands. Policy CM-2.1.1: Where appropriate and i the interest of public safety and promotion of outdoor recreation opportunities on environmentally .sensitive areas, future land development regulations will require non -water dependent or related development or redevelopment to maintain public access to the coastal and Miami River shorelines. (See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR -..a i+, ) Miami Comprehensive t4,-:(;'.:borhood Plan 88 Goals Objectives Policies 7, 2008 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Policy CM-2.1.2: All City owned, waterfront property, including the Miami River shorelines, will provide for public open spaces that provide access to the shoreline. (See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR-1,1.12.) Policy CM-2.1.3: By--2000;-amenel Amend the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan to reflect changing conditions and needs_,_and'2OOn p epara an im teceentarion and continue to implement projects in accordance with the Downtown Waterfront Master Plan or other adopted plans that impact the downtown waterfront as appropriate -fir identifyiffg-funding-seurces-apd-rec,oweenctingan appropriate r ix of --pub Ova te.r fieeeni„g,-(See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR-1.5.2.), Policy CM-2.1.4: The City will continue development of the river walk and bay walk along City owned property as funds become available and will continue to require development of the bay walk and river walk along private property through its land development regulations. Policy CM-21.5: {Resefvect] The City shall continie to implement design guidelines along the baywalk and rtverwalk in accordance with the Miami River Greenwav Action Plan and other adopted plans as appropriate. Policy CM-2.1.6: [Reserved] Policy CM-2.1.7: The City will incorporate provisions for public physical and/or visual access to the shoreline in its waterfront zoning regulations (See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR- 1-143 3.2 31 1.1-3.) Policy CM-2,1.8:: As specified in the City of Miami Charter and related laws, and more specifically the Waterfront Charter Amendment and Ordinance 11000 (Zoning Ordinance for the City of Miami) all new development and redevelopment along the downtown waterfront is required to provide a waterfront setback, and those developments within Special Districts (SDs) that require publicly accessible shoreline walkways, will design them in conformance with the "Saywalk/Riverwatk Design Standards." (See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR- 1-5-7 3.2. 11.) Policy CM-2.1.9:: The City will continue to work toward increased physical public access to Virginia Key and Watson Island by pursuing appropriate development and redevelopment as directed by the Virginia Key and Watson Island master plans. Policy CM-2.1.10: The City will ensure that development regulations are not altered so as to prohibit water dependent uses such as swimming, boating, and fishing and will encourage and support such uses, Objective CM-2.2: [Reserved] Policy CM-2.2.1: [Reserved] Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plarr Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 89 Policy CM-2.2.2: [Reserved] Goal CM-3: f Reserved] Provide an adequate supply of land for water dependent uses. Objective CM-3.1: ReseFve4141Iow no net lass of acreage devoted to water dependent uses in the the City of Miami. Policy CM-3.1.1: [Reservcd]Future land use and development regulations will encourage water dependent uses along the shorelines. Goal CM-4: EnsurO public safety and the protectio of property within the eCoastaJ one from the threat of hurricanes. Ofijc.. ✓e CM-4.1: Minimize the pote ;tial for I .ss of human life and the destruction of property from hurricanes. Policy CM-4.1.1: Enforce building code standards that protect against the destruction of structures by hurricane winds and tidal swells. Policy CP- .1.2: Conti .. to ensure that all development and redevelopment conforms to proper elevation requirement:: in the Coastal High Hazard Area, which is defined as Ole areas below the elevation of the category 1 storm surge line, as estaollsned by a Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH} computerized storm surge model as depicted on the Future Land Use Ran Malt nren identified ac. a to by the Federal Emergency Management ❑geaey-(-PE-MA) n itr. Fired lee, ,. Virginia -Key, whcrc a Coastal iFle-(CCC ae--been-established, elther tho "V zone nr }he a arri a ttie QGG hinheyer I-_a7ere Iandw_ard, Shad defno the-G astal High �r� �7i�R�i--r v'����IfTln771�rcr�a-<< � rtrrc Razard--A (See map following -page.) Policy CM-4.1.3: _.: n d ,all cont _ ,,nlement for the protection of Cly owneu historic properties from restruction in the event of a major storm, and plans for each site's restoration in the event of destruction or major damage will remain in effect. Policy CM-4.1.4: Im:-,1E....ately subsequent to the event of - major storm, the adequacy of existing building standards and the appropriateness of land uses and development regulations in the Coastal High Hazard Area will be reviewed, and all modifications to standards, zoning or lar use policies required to reduce future risk of loss of life and property damage will be adopted prior to the approval of long term, post disaster redevelopment plans. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 90 Policy CM-4.1.5; Each proposed future land use map change within the Coastal High Hazard area of the city will require an analysis of its potential impact on evacuation times and shelter needs in the event of a hurricane. Policy CM-41.6: [Reserved] Policy CM-4.13: The City will incorporate into its Comprehensive Plan any relevant recommendations of interagency hazard mitigation reports as they become available. Policy CM-4.1.8: The City will work in cooperation with regional and state agencies to adopt plans and policies that: protect public and private property and human lives from the effects of natural disasters. Policy CM-4.1.9: The City will work in cooperation with regional and state agencies in the preparation of advance plans for the safe evacuation of coastal residents. Policy CM-4.1.10: The City will adhere to its "Emergency Operations Plan for Civil Defense in War and Natural Emergencies" and "The Emergency Procedures Manual" for immediate repair and cleanup actions needed to protect public health and safety. The City will update these manuals on an annual basis, Objective CM-4.2: The City will adhere to and cooperate with the County in executing evacuation procedures as well as annually update information and procedural brochures for the public; these brochures will contain information on evacuation procedures and routes, and will be distributed to city residents at local businesses and government agencies. Policy CM-4.2.1: The City's fire and police departments will continue to work with Miami -Dade County and regional emergency agencies to update and revise, as needed coordinated peacetime emergency and evacuation plans. Policy CM-4.2.2: The City will annually update and distribute an informational brochure to establish public awareness and information programs that educate as to the need for evacuation, and indicate evacuation routes and procedures. Policy CM-4.2.3: The City will follow the County in providing appropriate evacuation route markers within City boundaries as part of a Countywide coordinated program. Submitted into the public record in connection with item P2.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7.2008 91 Areas Subject to Coastal Flooding and High Hazard Flood Areas 'FEMA is in the process of publishing new FARM maps that will redefine the Coastal High Hazard area The man below will be updated subseauently. City t f .11t:nrrri teas Subject to Coastal Flooding, and HMI Hazard Flood .Areas Zones Areas Inundated by 100 Year Flood l Areas Inundated by 100 Year Flood with Velocity Hazard Source , Federal Emergency Management Agency Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 92 Objective CM-4.3: Ensure that public capital expenditures within the coastal zone do not encourage private development that is subject to significant risk of storm damage. (See Capital Improvements Objective CI-1.4.) Policy CM-4.3.1: Public expenditures for capital facilities in the coastal high hazard area will be limited to those required to eliminate existing LOS deficiencies, maintain adopted LOS standards in non -high hazard areas, improve hurricane evacuation time, or reduce the threat to public health and safety from storm events. (See Capital improvements Policy CI-1.4.1.) Policy CM-4.3.2: Public expenditures for capital facilities in the coastal zone intended to further the goals and objectives of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan will be limited to those projects that do not measurably increase the risk to public health and safety from storm damage. (See Capital Improvements Policy CI-1.4,2.) Goal CM-5: Preserve and protect the heritage of the City of Miami through the identification, evaluation, rehabilitation, adaptive reuse, restoration and public awareness of Miami's historic, architectural and archaeological resources. (See Land Use Goal LU-2.) Objective CM-S.1: Maintain, update and an 'y--the City increase the number of eligible properties contained in the Miami -Dade County Historic Survey, which identifies and evaluates the City's historic, architectural and archaeological resources. (See Land Use Objective LlJ-2.1) Policy CM-5.1.1: The City will continue to identify potential historic districts and conduct further surveys of contributing and noncontributing buildings. (See Land Use Policy LU-2.1.1.) Policy CM-5.1.2: The City will continue to �.e —a i—i t--maintain a computerized database of all relevant information for all 3,358 sites in the Miami -Dade County Historic Survey. T i- l stung— :ilt sho in ee cat ies, al-}; ope#ies of histei ie a felaiteet --together- wit# rh rr,r .,reeetinta ien (See Land Use Policy LU-2.1.2.) Policy CM-5.1.3: The City has designated Eh/ numerous historic sites and fI a -historic districts pursuant to thn --H4 t0 is Prese atioT -nrti Chapter 23 of the Miami City Code, f multiple-sites)--ancl-sixdicl.icir h e been idefnti ei n " tentialfy worthy of docignatrof1°f Qf ese, City will-dG7i at[e iy individtial-siles-and-twe-{listriets-t4 The City will continue to designate sites and districts as appropriate and warranted, (See Land Use Policy LU-2.3.2.) Policy CM-5.1.4: The City will continue to review nominations to the National Register of Historic Places through the Certified Local Government Program. (See Land Use Policy LU-2.3.1.) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ,I on OS-08-US Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 93 Policy CM-5.1.5: The City will continue to ? information on the historic, architectural and cultural heritage for in public information, economic development promotion and tourism materials. (See Land Use Policy LU- 2.5.4.) Objective CM-5.2: Increase j.le number of historic structures that have been preserved, rehabilitated or restored, accordij to the U.S.:,ecretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. (See Land Use Objective LU-2.4.) Policy CM-5.2.1: The City will continue to utilize the ...S. Secretary of the Interior's 'tandards for Rehabilitation as the minimum standards for preservation of historic properties. To receive public financial support from the City, designated privately owned structures must meet these standards. (See Land Use Policy LU-2.4.2.) Policy CM-5.2.2: The City currently owns historic sites and other potential archaeological sites. If it is deemed in the public interest for the City to transfer title of City properties of historic, architectural, or archaeological significance, such transfer will include restrictive covenants to ensure the protection and preservation of such properties. (See Land Use Policy LU-2.4.3.) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives 'olicies May 7, 20C1.` 94 NATURAL RESOURCE CONSERVATION Goal Ail?-1: Mait;tain, preserve, enhance and restore the quality of natural resources within the context of the city's urban en viro, ::•: ent. Objective NR-1.1: Preserve and protect the existing natural systems within Vitt lia Key,, the Dinner Key spoil islands, and those portions of Biscayne Bay that lie within the City's boundaries. i�olicy NR-1.1.1: #s' niiton to he development or rcdevc3opmenf Virginia Kee, Ifill a eompreho ive asscssl° twill be made ef_ environental 11-../a4s that are--tresultsposat activities -and other relevant envirenmental-con, Gt assessment-w,l-ede The City shall eat nt of Vit.. ,:,pia Key in cooperation with appropriate County, tr'te aid Feder :I environmental agencies Ate See Coastal Management Policy CM-1.1.1.) Policy NR-1.1.2: The City will rE ` the number of storm water ,utfalls that discharges dlscl irto the Miami River and its tributaries, the Little River and directly into Biscayne Bay If positi\.1 drainage sy t,:ms to these water bodies are deemed to be the only feasible method of maintaining adequate storm drainage, then these storm sewers will be designed and constructed to retain gr.?...a and oil and minimize pollutant discharges. (See Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy 2.2.1 and Coastal Management Policy CM-1.1.2.) Policy NR-1.1.3: [Reserved] Policy NR-1.1.4: The City will continue to participate in the State funded SWIM program for funding support in order to reduce point and non -point sources of pollution into Biscayne Bay. Policy NR-1.1.5: Regulate development on Virginia Key to ensure that there will be no net loss of functional wetlands; that beacl' ?.s and dune systems on the island will not be degraded or disrupted; and that wildlife habitats and native species of fauna and flora will be protected. P: cy NR-1.1.6: Through land development regulations, ensure that development or redevelopment within the soastat---Coastal zone Zone will not adversely affect the natural environment or lead to a net loss of public access .o public use ILculisistein to the city's natural resources. Policy NR-1.1.7: The City will ncrease code enforcement to prevent illegal disposal of hazardous waste into the city's natural resources such as the Miami River and Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 95 Biscayne Bay, and will encourage Miami -Dade County to approve and post signs warning against illegal disposal. Policy ivR-1,1.8: The City will work with, and support the County's efforts to identity generators of hazardous waste, and to develop and enforce procedures for the proper collection and disposal of hazardous waste. The City will support Miami -Dade County's development of a hazardous waste temporary storage facility in a non -populated area, (See Solid Waste Collection Policy SW-1.2.4.) Objective NR-1.2: Improve the water quality of, and ensure health safety within, the Miami River, its tributaries and the Little River. Policy NR-1.2.1: The City will continue to work with the Biscayne Bay Management Plan Committee and with the appropriate agencies in order to encourage and support Miami -Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management in the monitoring of contaminants within these water bodies and to ensure that the City is kept adequately informed of environmental conditions. Policy NR-1.2.2: Continue to implement the Biscayne Bay Management Plan and other relevant plats in order to reduce the level of contaminants in these water bodies and improve the water quality within them. Policy NR-1,2.3: Participate in state and federally funded programs to remove abandoned and repair leaking underground fuel storage tanks on City owned properties. Policy NR-1.2.4: The City of Miami will continue to cooperate with the Miami River Commission, which has been granted broad powers over environmental and other issues related to the Miami River by state statute. Among the issues to be addressed by the commission are those related to acceptable water quality standards for the Miami River and its tributaries. The City of Miami will cooperate with the Miami River Commission in establishing such standards and, to the extent feasible, achieving them, Objective NR-1.3: Maintain and enhance the status of native species of fauna and flora. Policy NR-1.3.1: Continue and, where necessary, expand the use of scenic corridor and Environmental Preservation District designation. Policy NR-1.3.2: identify City—Ciiy-owned land with significant native vegetative features or wildlife habitats, and designate those areas as Environmental Preservation Districts. Policy NR-1.3.3: Continue designating private properties with significant or unique resources as Environmental Preservation Districts. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Coals Objectives Policies May 7, Z008 96 Policy NR-1.3.4: Review development and redevelopment to determine any adverse impacts on adjacent areas with significant native vegetative features, wildlife or marine life, and establish regulations that reduce or mitigate such impacts. Policy NR-1.3.5: Through the development review and approval process, ensure that off -site mitigation for disruption or degradation of significant natural resources occurs in an orderly and sound manner, so as to maximize benefits to the overall natural system. Policy NR-1.3.6: Through the development review process, deny the use of intrusive exotic plant species, encor.rage the use of native plant 'cies, and those species that D not require the excess-ve use of fertilizers, excess,ve watering, are not prone to insect infestation or disease, and do not have invasive root systems. Policy t '-1.3.7: Permit applications for all boating fad'. 3 located on city shorelines 'hall be evaluated in the context of their cumulative impact on manatees and marine resources. Policy 1.3.8: Slow or idle speed zones shall be adopted in areas frequented by manatees and enforcement of speed zones will be improved. Policy NR-1.3.9: To the extent that there re wetlands on the Resources of Regional Significance, State Save Our Rivers, or I lade County Environmentally Endangered Lands acquisition lists within the City of Miami, consideration will be given to public acquisition and management of such properties when such actions are feasible. Objective NR-1.4: Maine trees. P act and ance the City's tree canopy and significant Policy NR-1.4.1: The City will continue to protect the tree canopy and significant trees through the Tree Protection Ordinance. Policy NR-1.4.2: The City will work with public and private partners to achieve the 2007 Tree Master Plan goal of 30% tree canopy coverage citywide by 2020. Policy NR-1.4.3: The City will develop an ordinance describing criteria for designation of City of Miami Historic Trees. procedures for nomination of a Miami Historic Tret and procedures for official designation and signage identifying Miami Historic Trees. Goal NR-2: Maintain an . uate and safe supply of 4 3ter for the city residents. Objective NR-2.1- Ensure pa':: levels of safe po .' :'•3 water are available to meet the needs of the :i (See Potat Water Objective PW-1.2.) Submitted in ? the public record in connection with item Pf.l on 05-08-08 Priscilla L Thompson City Clerk M : -ai Comprehensive I'. !ighborhood Plan Goals Objectives ilicies 7 7, 2008 97 Policy NR-2.1.1: In periods of regional water shortage, the City will support the South Florida Water Management District's policies and regulations regarding water conservation, Policy NR-2.1.2: The City will continue to enforce Florida Building Code requirements for the on -site retention of the first inch of storm water runoff, (See Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy SS-2.2.5,) Policy NR-21.3: The City will continue to support the South Florida Water Management District efforts to monitor the water levels at the salinity control structures within the city to prevent against further saltwater intrusion and protect the aquifer recharge areas and cones of influence of wellfields from contamination. (See Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Policy AR-1.1.3.) Policy NR-2.1.4: Since the potable water network is an interconnected, countywide system, the City departments of Public Works and Planning will cooperate with Miami - Dade County WASA Water and Sewer Department (WASD) to jointly develop methodologies and procedures for biannually updating estimates of system demand and capacity, and ensure that sufficient capacity to serve development exists. (See Potable Water Foey Pf6-1.1.1.) Policy NR-2.1.5: Ensure potable water supplies meet the established level of service standards for transmission capacity as set in the Capital Improvements Element. (See Potable Water Policy PW-1.2.1 and Capital improvements Policy CI-1.2.3) Policy NR-2.1.6: [Reserved] Policy NR-2.1.7: The City will cooperate and participate to the fullest extent possible with Miami -Dade County and other county municipalities receiving potable water from W11ASAD-WASD in developing an acceptable countywide water conservation plan. (See Potable Water Policy PW-1.2.2) Policy NR-2.1.8: [Reserved) Goal NR-3: Attain and maintain a degree of air quality that is safe and to meet all attainment standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the city as a whole. Objective NR-3.1: Improve the monitoring of air quality within areas perceived to have the highest potential for air quality problems. Policy NR-3.1.1: The City shall Ccontinue working with ,County, sState and federal environmental agencies to ensure that the number of air quality monitoring stations maintained by these agencies areis sufficient to ensure accurate ongoing monitoring of air quality standards.in z-Fea Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 98 Objective NR- '.2: Prevent the degradation of nbient air quawithin the city. Policy f17-3.2.1: Establish vehicular transportation patterns that reduce the concentration of pollutants in areas known to have ambient air quality problems. Policy NR-3.2.2: . -tThe City of Miami ^ontinue ,rnc _ the provision cf efficient transit and )aratransit services that serve existing anu future trip generators and attractors, the ..rovision of safe and convenient transit passenger transfer terminal facilities, and the accommodation of the special needs of the City of Miami's population. Therefore, the City of Miami will support rronolitan Miami -Dade County in the prow; :on of these essentiai ,. transit services. (See Transportation Objective 1.5) Policy i-3.2.3: The C . ork with the planning agencies to continue to increase the quality o the city. County transportation transit services wiin i Policy NR-3.2.4. The City will work with t e appropriate federal, state, regional, and county agencies to ensure that owners of buildings and facilities with unacceptable levels of asbestos (according to EPA and State Standards) in ambient air test remove, treat and seal asbestos -containing materials as long as this action will not cause further degradation to the air quality. Policy NR-3.2.5: The City will monitor developers to ensure that they appropriately treat exposed construction areas by means such as mulching, spraying or grass coverings, to minimize air pollution. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive P:: �..hborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies 7, Zoos 99 EDUCATION GOAL EDU-1: DEVELOP, OPERATE, ANDMAINTAINA SYSTEM , PUBLIC EDUCATION BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, IN COOPERATION WITH THE CITY AND OTHER APPROPRIATE GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES, WHICH WILL ST ,`1E TO '1r7 ROVE THE QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO THE CITIZENRY OFMIAMI-DADE COL ITV, FL _ h:h7A. Objective EDU-1.1: Work towards the reduction of the overcrowding which currently exists the 1',ami-Dade County Public Schools, while striving to attain an optimum level of service pursuant to Obi ctive ED -1.2. Provide additional solutions to overcrowding so that citywide enrollment in Miami -Dade County's public schools will meet state requirements for class size by September 1, 2010 Policy EDU-1.1.1: Coopr -ate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools in their efforts to continue to provide new student stations through the Capital Outlay program, in so far as funding is available. Policy EDU-1.1.2: Cooperate with the Miami -Dade Col nty Public Schools in their efforts to develop and implement alternative educational facilities, such as primary learning centers, which can be construc`ed on small parcels of land and relieve overcrowding at elementary schools, in so ar as funding i rules permit. Policy EDU-1.1.3: Cooperate with the P. iami-Dade Cc nty Public Schools in their efforts to provide public sct Doi facilities to the students in the City, which operate at optimum capacity, in so far us funding available. Operational alternatives may be developed and implemented, where appropriate, which mitigate the impacts of overcrowding while maintaining the instructional integrity of the educational program. Policy EDU-1.1.4: Cooperate with the 'ami-Dade County Public Schools in their efforts to maintain and/or improve the established level of service (LOS), for Public Educatioral Facilities, as established for the purposes of school concurrency. Policy EDU-1.1.5: The Miami -Dade County School Board (School Board) comments shall be sought and considered on comprehensive plan amendments and other land use and zoning decisions which could impact the school district, in order to be cor' istent with the terms of the state many : ed Interlocal Agreement pursuant to Sectic ;s 1013.33 and lb 31777, Florida statutes. Policy EDU-1.1.6: Capital improvement programming by the Miami -Dade Public Schools should be based on future enrollment projections and demographic shifts and targeted to enhance the effectiveness of the learning environment. The future enrollment projections should utilize student population projections based on information produced by the demographic, revenue, and education estimating conferences pursuant to Section 216.136, Florida Statutes, where available, as Submitted int : the public r; ^ord in cw: nection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neil hborhood Plan Goals Objectives l olicies 7, 2008 100 modified by the School Board based on development data and agreement with the City of Miami, the State Office of Educational Facilities and the State SMART Schools Clearinghouse. The School Board may request adjustment to the estimating conferences" projections to reflect actual enrollment and development trends. In formulating such a request, the School Board will coordinate with the City regarding development trends and future population projections. Policy EDU-1.1.1: The City will through the Staff Working Group of the Interlace) Agreement for Public School Facility coordinate with Miami -Dade County Public Schools, and applicable Cities to review annually the Education Element and school enrollment projections. Objective EDU-1,2-. The City of Miami shall coordinate new residential development with the future availability of public school facilities2 consistent with the adopted level of service standards for public school concurrency, to ensure the inclusion of those projects necessary to address existing deficiencies in the 5-year schedule of capital improvements, and meet future needs based upon achieving and maintaining the adopted level of service standards throughout the planning period. Policy EDU-1.2.1: Beginning January 1, 2008, the adopted level of service (LOS) standard for all Miami -Dade County public school facilities is 100% utilization of Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) Capacity (With Relocatable Classrooms),This LOS Standard, shall be applicable in each public school concurrency service area (CSA), defined as the public school attendance boundary established by the Miami -Dade County Public Schools. Policy EDU-1.2.2: It is the goal of Miami -Dade County Public Schools and The City of Miami for all public school facilities to achieve 10O% utilization of Permanent FISH (No Relocatable Classrooms) capacity by January 1, 2018. To help achieve the desired 10O% utilization of Permanent FISH by 2018, Miami -Dade County Public Schools should continue to decrease the number of relocatable classrooms over time. Public school facilities that achieve 100% utilization of Permanent FISH capacity should, to the extent possible, no longer utilize relocatable classrooms, except as an operational solution`. By December 2010, the City and County in cooperation with Miami -Dade County Public Schools will assess the viability of modifying the adopted LOS standard to 100% utilization of Permanent FISH (No Relocatable Classrooms) for all CSAs. 2 Le'1et of Service standards for public school facilities to those traditional educational facilities, owned and operated by the Miami -Dade County Public Schools, that are required to serve the residential development within their established Concurrency Service Area. Level of Service standards do not apply to charter schools. However, the capacity of both charter and magnet schools will be credited against the impact of development. No credit against the impact of development shall be given for either magnet or charter schools if their districtwide enrollment is at, or above. 100% FISH Capacity Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood plan 101 Submitted into the public Goals Objectives Policies record in connection with May 7, 2008 item PZ.1 on 0:+-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Policy EDU-1.2.3: In the event the adopted LOS standard of a CSA cannot be met as a result of a proposed development's impact, the development may proceed provided at least one of the following conditions is met: The development's impact can be shifted to one or more adjacent CSAs that have available capacity located, either in whole or in part, within the same Geographic Areas (Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, or Southeast, see Figures 1A, 2A and 3C shown in "Exhibit A") as the proposed development; or 2.3.2: The development's impact is I litigated, proportionate to the demand for public schools it created, through a combination of me or more proportionate share mitigation options as defined in Section 163.3180 (13)(e)1, Florida Statutes. The intent of these options is to provide for the mitigation of residential development impacts on public school facilities, guaranteed by a legal binding agreement, through mechanisms that include, one or rr ore of the following: contribution of land; the construction, expansion, or paym , t for land acquisition or construction of a permanent public school facility; or, the creation of a mitigation bank based on the construction of a permanent public school facility in exchange for the right to sell capacity credits. The proportionate share mitigation agreement is subject to approval by Miami -Dade County School Board and Miami -Dade County Board of County Commission and must be ' ]entified in the Miami -Dade County Public Schools Facilities Work Program. The development's impacts are phased to occur when sufficient capacity will be available. If none of the above conditions is met, the development shall not be approved. Policy EDU-1.2.4: Concurrency Service Areas (CSA) shall be delineated to: 1) maximize capacity utilization of the facility, 2) limit maximum travel times and reduce transportation costs, 3) acknowledge the effects of court -approved desegregation plans, 4) achieve socio- :onomic, racial, cultural and diversity objectives, and 5) achieve other relevant objectives as determined by the School Board's policy on maximization of capacity. Periodic adjustments to the boundary or area of a CSA may be made by the School Board to achieve the above stated factors. Other potential amendments to the CS:k shall be consi( ered annually at the Staff Working Group meeting to take place each year no later than April 30 or October 31, consistent with Section 9 of the Interlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning. F': icy EDU-1.2.5: The City through the implementation of the concurrency management system and Miarni-Dade County Public School Facilities Work Program for educational facilities, shall ensure that existing deficiencies are addressed and the capacity of schools is sufficient to support residential development at the adopted level of service (LOS) standards throughout the planning period in the 5-year schedule of capital improvements. Submitted into the public record in connection with item P2.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 102 Policy EDU-1.2.6: The Miami -Dade County Public Schools Facilities Work Program will be evaluated on an annual basis to ensure that the level of service standards will continue to be achieved and maintained throughout the planning period. Objective EDU-1.3: Obtain suitable sites for the development and expansion of public education facilities Policy EDU-1.3.1: In the selection of sites for future educational facility development, the City encourages the Miami -Dade County Public Schools to consider whether a school is in close proximity to residential areas and is in a location that would provide a logical focal point for community activities. Policy EDU-1.3.2: Where possible, the Miami -Dade County Public Schools should seek sites which are adjacent to existing or planned public recreation areas, community centers, libraries, or other compatible civic uses for the purpose of encouraging joint use facilities or the creation of logical focal points for community activity. Policy EDU-1.3.3: The City acknowledges and concurs that, when selecting a site, the Miami -Dade County Public Schools will consider if the site meets the minimum size criteria as recommended by the State Department of Education or as determined to be necessary for an effective educational environment. Policy EDU-1.3.4: When considering a site tor possible use as an educational facility, the Miami -Dade County Public Schools should review the adequacy and proximity of other public facilities and services necessary to the site such as roadway access, transportation, fire flow and portable water, sanitary sewers, drainage, solid waste„ police and fire services, and means by which to assure 'safe access to schools, including sidewalks, bicycle paths, turn lanes, and signalization.- Policy EDU-1,3.5: When considering a site for possible use as an educational facility the Miami Dade County Public Schools should consider whether the present and projected surrounding land uses are compatible with the operation of an educational facility. Policy EDU-1.3.6: The City shall encourage and cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools in their effort for public school siting reviews to help accomplish the objectives and policies of this element and other elements of the MCNP. The City shall cooperate with the Public Schools to establish provisions for a scoping or pre- application meeting as part of the educational facilities review process, if determined to be warranted. Policy EDU-1.3.7: The City will continue to cooperate with Miami -Dade County Public Schools in utilizing Miami -Dade County Public Schools as emergency shelters during county emergencies. Submitted into the public record in connection with item - PZ.1 on 05-O8-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 103 bjective EDU-1.4: The Miami -Dade County Public Schools, in conjunction with the r ty of Miami and other appropriate agencies, will strive to improve security and Tety for students and staff. Policy EDU-1.4.1: Continue to cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools to develop and/or implement programs and policies designed to reduce the incidence of violence, weapons and vandalism on school campuses. Encourage the design of facilities, which do not encourage criminal behavior and provide clear sight lines from the street. Policy EDU-1.4.2: Continue to cooperate ;th the Miami -Dade County Public Schools to develop and/or implement programs anc policies designed to reduce the number of incidents related to hazardous conditions as reported by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the fire marshal, the State Department of Education (DOE), and other appropriate sources. Policy EDU-1.4.3: Continue to cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools to provide for the availability of alternative programs for at -risk students at appropriate public educational facilities. Policy EDU-1.4.4: Coordinate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools and municipalities to provide for pedestrian and traffic safety in the area of schools, and signalization for educational facilities. Policy EDU-1.4.; . Coors"rate with the Miami -Dade Coun ° Public Schools Division of School Police and other law enforcement agencies, where appropriate, to improve and provide for a secure learning environment 1 the public schools and their vicinity. b :;tive EDU-1.5: Continue to develop programs and cy portunities to bring the schools and commun.:. closer together. Policy EDU-1.5.1: Cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools in their efforts to provide "full service" schools, parent resource centers, adult and community schools I programs 0'. appropriate. EDU-1.._.2: Cooperate with the Miar-i-Dade County Public Schools in their efforts to continue to provide opportunities for community and business leaders to serve on committees and task forces, which relate to the development of improved provision of p.. )lic educational facilities. Policy EDU-1.5.3: Cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools to continue to work with the development industry to encourage partnerships in the provision of sites and educational facilities including early childhood centers. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 104 Policy EDU-1.5.4: Cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools through agreement with appropriate agencies to increase medical, psychological, and social services for children and their families as appropriate. Objective EDU-1.6: Miami -Dade County Public Schools will continue to enhance effectiveness of the learning environment. Policy EDU-1.6.1: Miami -Dade County Public Schools is encouraged to continue the design and construction of educational facilities which create the perception of feeling welcome, secure and positive about the students' school environment and experiences. Policy EDU-1.6.2: The Miami -Dade County Public Schools is encouraged to continue to design and construct facilities which better provide student access to technology designed to improve learning, such as updated media centers and science laboratories, Policy EDIJ-1.6.3: The Miami -Dade County Public Schools is encourage to continue to improve existing educational facilities, in so far as funding is available, through renovation and expansion to better accommodate increasing enrollment, new educational programs and other activities, both curricular and extra -curricular. Objective EDU-1.7: The School Board, the City, and other appropriate jurisdictions shall establish and implement mechanism for on going coordination and communication, to ensure the adequate provision of public educational facilities. Policy EDU-1.1.1: The City shall coordinate and cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools, the State, municipalities and other appropriate agencies to develop or modify rules and regulations in order to simplify and expedite proposed new educational facility developments and renovations. Policy EDU-1.7.2: The location of future educational facilities should occur where capacity of other public facilities and services is available to accommodate the infrastructure needs of the educational facility. Policy EDU•1.7.3: The Miami -Dade County Public Schools should coordinate school capital improvement plans with the planned capital improvement proiects of other County and municipal agencies. Policy EDU-1.7.4: The City shall cooperate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools in their efforts to ensure that they are not obligated to pay for off -site infrastructure in excess of their fair share of the costs. Policy EDU-1.7.5: City of Miami and the Miami -Dade County Public Schools will annually review the Educational Element and the City will make amendments, if necessary. Policy EDU-1.7.6: The City shall seek to coordinate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools in formalizing criteria for appropriate sharing of responsibility for required off -site Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 105 ;iiity improvements attributable to construction of new public schools or expansion of existing ones. cy EDU-1.7.7: The City shall coordinate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools and Miami -Dade County to eliminate infrastructure deficiencies surrounding existing school sites. Policy EDU-1.7.8: The City and the Miami -Dade County Public Schools shall coordinate efforts to ensure the availability of adequate sites for the required educational facilities. Policy EDU-1.7.9: The City and the Miami -Dade County Public Schools shall coordinate the appropriate roles and responsibilities of affected governmental jurisdictions in ensuring the timely, orderly and efficient provision of adequate educational facilities. _ cy EDU-1.7.10: The City will work with Miami -Dade County :ill account for the ir `restructure needs of new, planned or expanded educational facilities when formulation and implementing its own capital improvement plans. MONITORING AND EVALUATION PROGRAM In order to enable the preparation of the periodic Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) as required by Section 163.3191, Florida Statutes (F.S,), and Rule 9J-5.0053, F.A.C., this section will :cline the procedures for the monitoring and evaluating of the Element and its implementation. Monitoring Requirements 1 primary mechanism to monitor progress in achieving the objectives and policies in this iEIerr.!:; : is the collection and upda`;; of appropriate baseline data. Further, as required by the State Requirements for Educational Facilities, at least once every five (5) years the School Board shall arrange for an educational plant survey to be conducted. This plant survey will include data regarding e,'sting facilities and a five (5) year projection of student population. The written report from this survey shall include the following: Inventory An inventory of existing ancillary and educational plants and auxiliary facilities. Student Population An analysis of past and projected student population. Capital Outlay An analysis of expenditures and projected capital outlay funds. Facilities Statements of proposed types of facilities, grade structure, and list student capacity. Funding A proposes: Hiding plan. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A , Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive `,�ighborhood Plan Goals Objective!: Policies May 7, 211,� 106 The information obtained from the educational plant survey will be used to generally monitor the progress of the objectives and policies contained in the Educational Element and will provide specific indicators for Objective EDU-1.1 and Objective EDU-1.4. The enforcement or adoption of interlocal agreements shall be explored as a means to help implement components of the Educational Element, and to coordinate the efficient provision of public educational facilities. The performance of any agreements related to objectives of this element will be monitored as they are set in place. Objective EDU-1.1 policies relating to the maintenance and improvement of specific level of service for public educational facilities, as specified in the Educational Facilities impact Fee Ordinance, shall be reviewed annually. Each year, the Miami -Dade County Public Schools will compare the official enrollment of the school system with the number of student stations available to determine the current operating LOS, Objective EOU-1.2 will be measured through an annual review of the latest adopted Miami -Dade County Public Schools Facility Work. Program in order to determine if the adopted concurrency level of service standard (including the interim LOS standards) is being achieved. The number of development orders approved, those disapproved and those that have achieved LOS standards through mitigation options will also be reviewed. Objective EDU-1.3 will be monitored through the annual inventory and assessment by the Miami - Dade County Public Schools of School Board owned property. The number of new sites shall be reported annually and in the full review period reported in the EAR. Objective EDU-1.4 will be monitored through the review and analysis of the statistics relating to school safety, as compiled annually, by the Miami -Dade County Public Schools Division of Police. A review and analysis of new and existing reactive and proactive safety and crime prevention programs will also be conducted on an annual basis. Objective EDU-1.5 shall be monitored by the Miami -Dade County Public Schools by reporting and reviewing the progress and number of new and existing community oriented programs, including an enrollment analysis, by age and ethnicity, of adult, community and vocational programs. Objective EDU-1.6 shall be monitored by the Miami -Dade County Public Schools by reporting the number of educational facility enhancements such as media centers, art/music suite, and science laboratories. Objective EDtJ-1.7 will be addressed by implementing and tracking the development of appropriate mechanisms, including interlocal agreements and coordination efforts, which serve to expedite the provision or enhancement of public educational facilities. Monitoring methods may be added or deleted as circumstances and criteria evolve. Any significant modifications to the monitoring process will be dealt with, as appropriate, through the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan amendment process. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ. it on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 107 Evaluation Available data regarding the various public educational facilities will be used to assess progress on specific objectives. In order to evaluate the level of service being provided, student capacity totals will be reviewed in cornparison to student enrollment to determine the status of the current level of service being provided. Similarly, performance in terms of achieving other objectives can also be analyzed by tracking the number of completed capital projects, as well as the development and implementation of other programs associated with each objective. Results of these calculations and measures will be analyzed and ch-ging circumstances and opportunities will be considered. Any actions, changes or modifications to the Goal, Objectives, and Policies will be explained in accordance with the results of this process of continued monitoring and evaluation. Any necessary changes will be made through the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan amendment process. Future Conditions Maps Consiste t with Section 163.3177(12) (g), Florida Statutes, maps showing existing and future conditions are included in the element. A map series (Figures 1A, 2B and 3C shown in "Exhibit A") indicate th.; public school and ancillary facility locations as December 31, 2007. Submitted into the public record in connection with it:. PZ.1 on 05-08-08 P, A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 108 Figure City of Miami Public Educational and Ancillary Facilities September 2007 am= cal cr matt ,antirs swear C-AN OCCAAmMACO AMOPS4ACas A.Z7 Mod 0 0_25 0.5 J IMMO JACKACIM Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 m 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 1111101es 60, UTILE ftiVER - moon mum PA" MAL UMW 4. °ACM otAD MLA ALIAPATTAJ1 LEMMA MOTH MAYA AMMO./ COMITIVC IANTA CIAILA • MAIM EOMOM IIKADOWLAW4 .1424€ SM: slava meek HARTmer Mani Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 PHYLLIS MK LEM _ womplesoe • 109 Figure 28 City of Miami Public Educational and Ancillary Facilities September 2007 SWIM C37 d Yam Cmrrax y % zrrg wircmCAMaximenisatt6Aarr -revs e-27 Mad R 0.25 4.5 J ,('iLYqua GROVE WW1 GROVE S EMArrODAri Submitted into the public record in connection with item P2.1 reel 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 1.5 Wes d• KER T TC]t!„ r " RIVERSIDE CORAL WAY • Legend F.tlmobil go Foaling • .4 Otarr recalka PhroX Fia1tal1M7, Pubic Hired Miami Comprehensive NW.iborhood Plan Goals Objectives 'olicies May 7, 200K 110 Figure 3C City of Miami Pubic Educational and Ancillary Facilities September 2001 Weer ny Vela" rivrerarr otereel dor CWm Comererte hewilkSclezre 8-27 .fte [#2S 0.5 FAIRLAWN Submitted into the public record in connection with. item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 1 1.5 i --1 1 w.iw Legend ear resem r. $ remrelucas rwaciaromwir PfiriL mime Pew ter • Kwp.DCd PARK 1q .00H PARK. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 ati KE7M{NGTOM PARK DALE. MiAKI IftreCel HIGH 111 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Goal C!-1: Adhere to sound fiscal managemen' poii /es that ensure the timely provision of pubic capital facilities required to maintain existing public infrastructure, that meet the need for public facilities resulting from future development and redevelopment, and enable the prom -,Ion of public capital facilitic : r enhance the quality of life within the city. Objective CI-1.1: The Capital Improvements Element of the Cor : rehensive Plan will provide for the sound fiscal planning of capital facility needs and assess the financial capacity of the City to undertake capital i . rovement projects. Policy CI-1.1.1: The Capital Improvement Element (CIE) and the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) represent the means by which the capital facilities needs of the city will be addressed, and both the CIE and CIP will be revised on an annual basis to reflect changes in the economic, social and public fiscal environment. Policy CI-1.1.2: All capital expenditures in excess of $5,000 per distinct project must appear within the CIE and CIP, with the exception of expenditures required to meet public emergencies or unforeseeable contractual obligations. Policy CI-1.1.: The City will adopt a Capital Budget that corresponds to the first year of the CIE and CIP, Policy CI-1.1.4: As capital projects are incorporated into the CIE and CIP, consideration will be given to the elimination of public hazards, the elimination of shortfalls between the adopted level of service (LOS) standards and the existing capacity of public facilities; the impact of proposed capital projects on the capital and operating budgets of the City; the fiscal capacity of the City to meet future capital spending needs; the economic and social benefits to be generated by proposed projects; the environmental impacts of proposed projects; the public facility requirements of new development or redevelopment; consistency between proposed capital projects and the goals and objectives set forth in the various elements of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan; and the coordination between proposed City projects and those projects and programs of federal, state, and county agencies and the South Florida Water Management District and Miami -Dade County Public Schools. Policy CI-1.1.5: In the appropriation of capital funds iority will be given to the maintenance, repair and replacement of existing public capital facilities. PG;.cy CI-1.1.6: All bond authorizations must be in conformance with the capital facilities needs, programs and expenditure requirements as expressed within the City's Capital Improvement Element. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 112 Policy Ct-1.1.7: The City wilt continue to seek the advice of qualified counsel to ensure the proper timing of debt issuance and efficient management of its capital financing resources. Policy CI-1.1.8: Debt issuance timing, size; and amortization schedules will be planned and executed to maintain a level repayment and minimize fluctuations in the ad valorem tax rate. Policy CI-1.1.9: Competitive sale will be utilized whenever possible to assure that the City obtains the most competitive interest rate in the municipal markets. Policy CI-1.1.10: The City will maintain its long standing policy of avoiding the issuance of short term financing in the form of Bond Anticipation Notes, and Revenue Anticipation Notes, unless there is a compelling need or extraordinary circumstance for such interim financing.. Policy Ci-1.1.11: The ratio of net direct general obligation debt as a percentage of the assessed valuation of taxable property will not exceed 25% of the Charter -mandated limit of 15% of the assessed valuation, or 3.75% of assessed valuation, Policy CI-1.1.12: Total debt service payments as a percentage of the Combined General Fund, Enterprise Fund, and Debt Service Fund expenditures shall not exceed 15%. Policy CI-1.1.13: To the greatest extent possibie, capital projects financed through the issuance of general obligation bonds shall have an expected useful life commensurate with the period of the financing. Policy CI-1.1.14: Direct net general obligation and special obligation debt shall be maintained at below $1,000 per capita. Policy CI-1.1.15: The City will seek to attain a bond rating of investment grade to ensure that its citizens benefit from the lowest possible interest rates on its bonds, Policy CI-1.1.16: The City will assist where possible Miami -Dade County Public Schools and Miami Dade County in providing school concurrency related capital improvements and seeking to expand the funding sources available to meet those requirements. Objective CI-1,2: Ensure that through the City's land development regulations -and policies are cons n ith-t# - #y' iiity-top€ovide ,capital-4ae- ies required -to maintaiwaElopted-Le of--li€e--W+ithiR--tic city that development orders authorizing new development or redevelopment that results in an increase in the density or intensilv of land use shall be contingent upon the availability of public facilities and services that meet or Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Coals objectives Policies ' May 7, 2008 113 exceed the minimum LOS standards for sanitary sewer, solid waste, stormwater, potable water, adequate water supply, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities, ?nfl that farm use mmn r:hanges maintain the financial Feasibility_ of the MCNP. (See Coastal Management Objective CM-1.4 or Educational Objective EDU- 1.2.) Policy CI-1.2.1: The impact of proposed future land use map changes on meeting adopted LOS, :.. " public capital facility need.,.=,t Sify's-rtat abili evide-firer{ will be assessed it effect on the financial feasibility of the MCNP before such proposals are adopted and no land use map change will be approved if the change causes the MCNP not to be financially feasible. Policy CI-1.2.2: All development orders authorizing changes in permitted land uses for or ntensity of land rise wili be cc,.tingent upon the ability of existing +roarammed public facilities °o continue to provide serve at or above the adopted LOS standard d .velopment orders may be granted, owever, Ir capital improvements which would eliminate any resulting service deficiency are programmed to begin within one year and are included in the current Capital Budget. The public facilities to serve the new development or redevelopment :ACM ua: II 4 0,, ce and available to serve new development as follows: a) Sanitary sewer, solid waste, potable water facilities and adequate water supply shall be in place and available to serve new development or redevelopment no later than the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. The concurrency requirement for sanitary sewer may be met through the use of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems approved by the Department of Health. Prior to approval of a building permit or its functional equivalent, the city shall consult with the Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department to determine whether the adequate water supplies to serve the new development will be available no later than the anticipated date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. b) Park and recreation facilities shall be in place or under construction to serve new development or redevelopment no later than one year after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. The acreage for such facilities shall be dedicated or acquired by the city prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its Functional equivalent, or funds in the amount of the developer's fair share shall be committed no later than approval to commence construction. c) Transportation facilities shall be in place and available to serve new development or redevelopment no later than three (3) years after the issuance of a building permit or its functional equivalent that results in traffic generation, consistent with the provisions of Policy TR-1.1.1,TR-1.1.2 and TR-1.1.3. If the funds in the CIE are insufficient to fully fund the transportation facility Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 114 improvement required, the City may enter into a binding proportionate -share agreement sufficient to mitigate the impacts by paying for one or more improvements which will significantly benefit the impacted transportation system, which improvements shall be adopted into the 5 year capital improvements schedule at the next annual CIE update. d) Storm -newer. Issuance of any development permit shall require compliance with the stormwater level of service standard. Policy CI-1.2.3: Acceptable Level of Service Standards for public facilities in the City of Miami are: a) Recreation and Open Space - 1.3 acres of public park space per '1000 residents. (See Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policy PR 14-4: Policy PR-1.1.4.). b) Potable Water Transmission Capacity - 200 gallons/ resident/day. (See Potable Water Policy PW-1.2.1 and Natural Resource Conservation Policy INR-2.1.5.). c), Sanitary Sewer Transmission Capacity - 100 gallons/ resident/day, (See Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy SS-1.3.1.) d) Storm Sewer Capacity -- l anee efny-deveto t--permit shall ere ee n°, aciee ui' a - as ;eof ;,crvxce .:,tondard of a One -in -five-year storm event. (See Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy SS-2.1.3.) e) Solid Waste Collection Capacity - 1.28 tons/resident/year. (See Solid Waste Collection Policy SW-1.1.1.) f) Traffic Circulation - The minimum level of service standard on limited access, arterial, and collector roadways that are not within designated Transportation Corridors is the peak period LOS E, with allowable exceptions and justifications therefore, with LOS measured by conventional methodology pursuant to Objective TR-1.1, Policy TR-1.1.1, Policy TR-1.1.2 and Policy TR- 1.1.3. The measurement of LOS is made for the peak period (which is the average of the two highest consecutive hours of trip volume during a weekday). Within designated Transportation Corridors, which include approximately 95% of the roadway mileage within the City of Miami, a minimum peak period LOS E is also maintained, but the measurement methodology is based on the peak -hour period person -trips wherein the capacities of all modes, including mass transit, are used in calculating the LOS. An overall minimum peak -period LOS standard of E (100 percent utilization of person -trip capacity) will be maintained on _ Transportation Corridors. Specific levels of service by location and mode are set out in Policies TR-1.1.2 (addressing transportation corridors) and TR-1.1.3 Submitted into the public record in connection with. item Pion 05--=08 Priscilla A. Thompson lerk City Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 115 g) (addressing FIHS facilities) from of the Transportation lement of the tvlir Ge-Nei„hier-beed PIaaMCNP. Miami -Dade Public Schools - Beginning January 1, 2008, the adopted level of ser:. -e (LOS) standard for all Miami -Dade County public school facilities is 100% utilization of Florida Inventor r of School Houses (FISH) Capacity (With Relocatable Classrooms). This L )S standard shall be applicable in each public school concurrency service area (CSA), defined as the public school attendance boundary established by the Miami -Dade County Public Schools. h) Adequate Water Supply -- As determined by the Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer Department. Policy CI-1.2.4: The latest point in the application process for determination of concurrency shall be prior to the approval of an application for development order or permit that contains a specific plan for development,, including the densities and intensities of development. Concurrency will be determined by the Planning Department during the review of a Major Use Special Permit, rezoning, and special permits and exceptions pursuant to the City's land development regulations. Policy CI-1.2.5: The Planning Department, with the assistance of various City departments and agencies, shall be responsible for monitoring and ensuring adherence of the issuance of development orders to the adopted level of service standards, the schedule of capital improvements and the availability of nublic facility capacity. Objective CI-1.3: Ensure that future development and redevelopment pay an equitable, proportional share of the cost of public facilities required to maintain adopted LOS standards. Policy CI-1.: i s The City will continue to use developer contributions, including development impact fees, to help fund the cost of public facilities needed to serve new development or redevelop ent. Policy CI-1.3.2: The City will periodically revise all fees related to the impact of new development and redevelopment to reflect increases in the cost of providing public capital facilities. Policy CI-1.3.3: The City will consider the use of special assessment districts to help fund capital projects whose public benefits tend to be localized to specific geographic sub areas of the city. Policy CI-1.3.4: The City will take appropriate measures to ensure that increased property values resuh ry from new development and redevelopment are accurately reflected on the County Tax Assessor's property tax rolls in a timely manner. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 116 Policy CI-1.3.5: The City will work with the Miami Dade County and the Miami -Dade County Public Schools to identify appropriate funding mechanisms in order to assure the fiscal resources to maintain acceptable levels of service. Policy CI-1.3.6: The Miami -Dade County Public Schools Facilities Work. Program will be evaluated on an annual basis to ensure that the level of service standards will continue to be achieved and maintained throughout the planning period. Objective C1-1.4: Ensure that public capital expenditure within the coast -Coastal lone -Zone does not encourage private development that is subject to significant risk of storm damage. (See Coastal Management. Objective CM-4.3.) Policy C1-1.4.1: Public expenditures for capital facilities in the coastal high hazard area will be limited to those required to eliminate existing LOS deficiencies, maintain adopted LOS standards in non -high hazard areas, improve hurricane evacuation time, or reduce the threat to public health and safety from storm events. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-4.3.1.) Policy CI-1.4.2: Public expenditures for capital facilities in the coastal zone intended to further the goals and objectives of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan will be limited to those projects that do not measurably increase the risk to public health and safety from storm damage. (See Coastal Management Policy CM-4.3.2.) Objective CI-1.5: The City's Capital Improvements Program and Schedule is adopted as follows in Appendix CI-1 of the MNP. CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Concurrency refers to a provision of Florida law that requires certain public facilities and services to be available when the impact of land development occurs. They must be available "current with' the impact of development. Paraphrasing Section 163.3202, Florida Statures, each county and municipality must incorporate specific and detailed provisions which shall provide that public facilities and services meet or exceed the Levels of Service (LOS) standards established in the Plan's Capital Improvements Element and are available when needed for the development, or that the development orders or permits are conditioned on the availability of these public facilities and services necessary to serve the proposed development. Levels of Service (LOS) are measures that determine the capacity of the pubic facility per unit of demand. Local governments are required to adopt LOS standards for the following services: Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thom City Clerk Recreation and Open Space Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 117 '='htable Water Sanitary Sewer Storm Drainage Solid Waste Traffic Circulation Educational/ Public School Facilities The Levels of Service for each element are adopted by the local government in its Comprehensive Plan and approved by the state. Consequently, if any of the facilities or services are not available, or are deficient in their LOS, development cannot take place until they are provided at the required level, and "concurrent with" the impact of the development. t;;;;;ause the City of Miami is a fully developed city , its adopted Land Use Plan Map is deaigned so that the land use densities and intensities shc...n on it are supported by app tpriate infrastructure that will meet the cities adopted LOS standards. Moreover, Miami's zoning regulations have been made consistent with its adopted Land Use Plan M -ns required by Florida's Growth Management Laws. Therefore, development or r;:;velopment that does not ceed allowable zonE; ` uses ar ' intensities will not require concurrency review as a condition of issuance, because it is generally supported by adequate infrastructure. If a development permit being requested requires a Land Use/ Zoning change, or a Major Use Special Permit or similar consideration, a concurrency review will be required. Impacts of the proposed development on the required LOS standards will be calculated, and a determination made as to wheth^r the required infrastructure capacity will be available concurrent with the impact of development. Plar ring Department will consult departments of PW, SW, Parks & Remation. , and others as appropriate for input to the LOS impact e‘:aluation. An affirmative principal concurrency determination will be required before a prospective deveiui. ar can obtain a subsequent development order. Pubic School `c cilitias: Necessary public school facilities must be in place or under actual construction within three year after of final issuances of final subdivision of site plan approval, or the functional equivalent. The ::_y in coordination with the Miami -Dade County Public School shall by ordinance, in,ude proportionate share mitigation method,, fogies and options for public school facilities in its concurrency management program and I iterlocal Local Agreement for Public Facility Planning between Miami -Dade County Public :schools, Miami -Dade County and the Cities in Miami -Dade County, consistent with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Submitted init . the public record in connection with item _ PZ 1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 118 The intent of these options is to provide for the mitigation of residential development impacts on public school facilities, guaranteed by a legal binding agreement, through mechanisms that include, one or more of the following: contribution of land; the construction, expansion, or payment for land acquisition or construction of a permanent public school facility; or, the creation of a mitigation bank based on the construction of a permanent public school facility in exchange for the right to sell capacity credits. Capital improvements associated with the construction of educational facilities are the responsibility of the Miami -Dade County Public School. To address financial feasibility associated with school concurrency, the Miami -Dade County Public School Facilities 'Work Program dated September 2007 for educational facilities will be incorporated by reference in the CIE. The City shall coordinate with the Miami -Dade County Public Schools, to annually update its Facilities Work Program to include existing and anticipated facilities for both the 5-year and long-term planning periods, and to ensure that the adopted level of service standard, including interim standards, will continue to be achieved and maintained. The City, through its annual update to the Capital improvements Schedule, will incorporate by reference the latest adopted Miami -Dade County Public Schools Facilities Work Program for educational facilities. The City and the Miami -Dade County Public School will coordinate their planting efforts prior to and during the MCNP Amendment process and during updates to the Miami -Dade County Public Schools Facilities Work Program. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 -Pr'iscilla A. Thompson City Clem Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May i, 2008 119 -ERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION Goal IC-1: 1, . crease effectiveness and efficiency in the delivery of government services through the appropriate coordination of local government actions. Objective IC-1.1: To establish formal procec res for coordinating City pla,rining and operating r ctions that are Ili. ectly related to the City's comprehensive plan with the Miami -Dade County School Board, f:' ami-Dade County W, ' ;r and Sewer Authority Department, Miami-C, • County Public Works Department, Solid '.`. aste Division, Miami -Dade County Department of Envirc .ental Resource `''.anagement (DERM), the Seaport Department (Port of Miami), Aviation Department (Miami International Airport), the Miami -Dade County Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Miami -Dade County Shoreline Development Re—, w Committee, Miami -Dade Transit, the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, the South Florida Regional Planning Council, the Se ri Florida Water Management District, the Florida Department of Transportation, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the Division of Historical Resources, Department of State, adjacent local governments, and any other state, local or federal agency whose cooperation is required to accomplish the goals and objectives of comprE;::,:ve plan. Policy IC-1.1.1: By 2005, establish by ,nterlocal or other formal agreement with appropriate jurisdictions joint processes for collaborative decision making on issues including, but not limited to, the location and extension of public facilities subject to concurrency and the siting of facilities with countywide significance, including locally unwanted land uses. Policy IC-1.1.2: The City will continue wolementation activities associated with the lnterlocal Agreement for Public School Facility Planning in Miami -Dade County, effective February 27, 2003, including, but not limited to, coordinating City, County, and School Board plans based upon consistent projections of the amount, type, and distribution of population growth and student enrollment; participating in decision - making, through floating membership on the School Board's School Site Planning and Construction Committee, regarding potential sites for new schools and proposals for significant renovation, the location of relocatables or additions to existing buildings, ar potential closure of existing schools; and collaborating to identify options aimed to provide the capacity to accommodate anticipated student enrollment demand associated with increases in residential development potential. Policy IC-1.1.3: [Reserved] Policy IC-1.1 The u.ty will continue to seek membership on the Biscayne Bay Management Committee, the principal coordinating body for Biscayne Bay, as a means of expressing its policies pertaining to Biscayne Bay. Submitt:di into the public record in connection with item PZ..1. on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 2008 120 Policy IC-1,1.45: The City epee e rec me d County f hurter nhange5 (a) tO cihdnr4 O info mntinn anri '(b) to allow ppapertyter61icipalities can be --shall maintain its membership and involvement with committees and groups addressing the environmental healthy and water s ualit't of Biscayne Bay. Policy IC-1,1.6: The city will coordinate with county, state and local governments districts and agencies to create partnerships to share open spaces and recreational facilities and promote enhancement and expansion of parks, recreational facilities and -,programs, oreenways, trails and similar resources For use by Miami residents. Policy IC-1,1,7: The City will continue to implement the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), National Pollutant Elimination System (NPDES1 Permit addressing the requirements for compliance with the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for pollutants entering city bound water bodies and ultimate Biscayne Bay. Goal IC-2: Promote orderly and appropriate regional land development and transportation policies through consultations with Miami -Dade County, adjacent counties, the region, and locally impacted municipalities. Objective IC-2.1: To further and strengthen existing and potential planning coordination mechanisms to ensure that consideration is given to both the impacts of land development and transportation policies within Miami on areas outside the City's jurisdiction and the impacts of land development outside the City's boundaries on the City of Miami. Policy IC-2.1.1: The City will continue its active participation in the Miami -Dade Planners' Technical Committee (PTC) for the purpose of addressing common concerns and sharing resources toward solving planning problems, with particular emphasis on examining State of Florida planning requirements in the context of Miami - Dade County's unique governmental structure to more effectively coordinate local planning efforts. Policy IC-2.1.2: Working through the Planners Technical Committee, the City will share copies of its comprehensive plan and plan amendments as well as information regarding scheduled comprehensive planning -related public hearings for the benefit of adjacent and other interested jurisdictions, and will encourage other participating jurisdictions to provide this information as well. Policy 1C-2.1.3: The City will support the South Florida Regional Planning Council in developing informal coordination mechanisms such as regional issue study groups that coordinate land development and transportation policies among local governments; Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 an 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City' Clerk. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals objectives Policies May 7, 2008 121 and to establish mediation mechanisms to resolve potential regional conflicts. (See Intergovernmental Coordination Policy IC-3.1.1.) Policy IC-2.1 [Reserved] Objective IC-2.2. [Reserved] Policy IC-2.2.1. [Reserve Goal IC-3: Contribute to an atmosphere of coopee ,,tion among local governments within Miami -Dade County. Objective IC-3.1: Maximize the use of informal, cooperative agreements as mechanisms for intergovernmental conflict resolution within Miami-D.+de County and minimize the use of litigation. Policy IC-3.1.1: The City will exhaust all efforts to solve intergovernmental conflicts arising from adoption and implementation of comprehensive plans through informal mechanisms, including but not limited to working through the Miami -Dade Planners' Technical Committee or utilizing the Miami -Dade County League of Cities and the South Florida Regional Planning Council's mediation process, before seeking remedies through the judicial system, provided that efforts at informal resolution do not prevent the City from seeking legal remedies, or jeopardize the City's ability to prevail in any legal action. (See Intergovernmental Coordination Policy IC-2.1.3.) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Goals Objectives Policies May 7, 200a 122 APPE,' J 9X win data was extracted from the City of Miam ='006-2007 Capital :iiprovements Program iiid M-,,:: i-Year Capital Plan. This data presents the cost phases, funding sources, and project L:;tings fc; each of the capital funds elements relevant to the MCNP. This space was intentionally left blank. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 2006-2007 CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN SECTION 4 INDIVIDUAL FIJND REPORTS SANITARY SEWERS The Sanitary Sewer fund includes projects that will improve the City's existing sanitary sewer system. The two projects currently in this fund have total funding of $725,000 or 0. I % of the overall Capital Plan. The following reports summarize the cost phases and funding sources for the Sanitary Sewer fund as well as provide a listing of projects. FUNDING SUMMARY BY FUND -TOTAL OF $800.SM ■$0.7M 0.1% .1428.5M0 8108.3M 3.6% 13.55% $258.2M 32.0% $6.6M i $5.5M 0.7% 0.8% $54.OM ❑ $8& 6M $.7'!i 11.1 % 08162.1M 20.27'. 83.8M 0.5% [1 886.1 M 10.8% 301-CRA projects Li 311-General Government D 312-Public Safety 313-Disaster Recovery 325-Public faculties 331-Parks and Recreation 11341Streets and Sidewalks Ci 343-Mass Transit i1351 Sanitary Sweets G 352-Storm Sewers FI353Solid Waste Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CIP Projects Only, FUND: 351-Sanitary Sewers Phase 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Management Land Acquisition Planning Design Construction Equipment Administration Other Construction Engineering $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,250.00 $645,000.00 $0.00 $11,250.00 $0.00 $27,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $41,250.00 $645,000.00 $0.00 $1 1,250.00 $0.00 $27,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total S725,000.00 S725,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 S0.00 $0.00 Fund Fund No. Naive Total Prior Funding Years Current 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 371100 Series 1995 Sanitary Sewer Bonds $725,000.00 $725,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total S725,000.00 $725,000.00 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future C1P Projects Only FUN1MNG City Of Miami - Capital improvement Program Fund. Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Prior Current Funded Years F nture Funding Estimates 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 011-2012 351-Sanitary Sewers Sanitary Sewers B-30199 Virginia KBP Sanitary Force Main Rd Reconstruction $725.000 5725.O00 SO $50 So 'Iota Sanitary Sewers S12S,400 5725,OO1 SO St) Si) 5O Su $0 S0 SO Total 3S I -Sanitary Sentra 5725,000 5725,000 So 50 SO S0 5O Submitted into the public record in connection with item Peon 05O8-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 50 2006-2007 CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN SECTION 4 INDIVIDUAL FUND REPORTS STORM SEWERS The Storm Sewers fund accounts for storm sewer projects that result in improved drainage throughout the City of Miami. These projects represent 13.5%, or $108,340,277, of the total Capital Improvement Plan. The following reports summarize the cost phases and funding sources for the Storm Sewers fund as well as provide a listing of projects. [FUNDING SUMMARY BY FUND -TOTAL OF SSW-SMI $1 O8.3M 13.5% $256.2M 32.0% ❑ $54.OM ❑ $88.6M 6.7% 11.1% J ❑ $3.9M 0.5% ❑ $86.1 M 10.8°I 301-CRA projects 0 311-General Government ❑ 312-Public afety 0 313-Disaster Recovery 0 325-Public Facilities 0 331-Parks and Recreation 0 341-Streets and Sidewalks ❑ 343-Mass Transit ❑ 351-Sanitary Sewers ❑ 352-Storm Sewers 0 353-Solld Waste Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.l _on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUND: 352-Storm Sewers Phase 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-201 1 2011-2012 Management $500,821.00 5000 5250.411.00 5250,410.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Land Requisition 50.00 WOO SO .00 SO 00 $0.00 5000 $0 00 5000 Planning S0.00 $0.00 50.00 5000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Design $7,737,481 84 $5,291,842.84 52,403,639.00 S42,000 00 5000 sac() 50.00 pm Construction S89,471,667 41 525,386,328,4 I 525,776A89.00 S23,747,900 00 $8,560.950 00 $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000.00 SO 00 Equipment $3,151,061 00 $2.513,461.00 $637,600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 50.00 SO OD Adrninisualion $2,497,902,14 $1,235,112.14 $560,290.00 5320.000.00 $382,500.00 SO 00 50.00 $0.00 Other 530,691 00 530,691 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5000 $0.00 50,00 Construction tngmeering $4,950,652 63 $1.849,833.63 $1,695,819.00 S640,000.00 $765,000.00 SO 00 $0.00 $0.00 Total 108,340,277.02 536,307,269.02 531,324,248.00 $25,000,310.00 59.708,450.00 S3,000,000.00 53,000,000.00 1 S0.00 .1 Fund Fund No, Name Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 20111-2012 000000 Non-CIP Funding $60,000.00 560,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 5000 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 356001 Local Option Gas Tax $195,000,00 $195,000 00 50 00 50.00 50.00 $0 00 SO 00 $0.00 356005 Streets Bond Program 530,671,826.00 SO 00 S15,190,476 00 $8,772,900.00 $6,708,450 00 50.00 SO 00 50.00 360001 Stormwater Utslity Trust Fund 527,049,697 02 512,776,376.02 $2,022,911.00 53,250,410.00 53,000,000 OD 53,000,000.00 $3,000,000 00 50,00 367001 impact Fees $5,132,866 00 $3,658,300.00 S1.474,566.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 385200-1 2002 Homeland Deferise Bond (Series 1 i 54,457,000.00 $4,457,000.00 $0,00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 385200-2 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds (Series 2) 55,543,000.00 $0.00 $5,543,000.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 50 00 399001 1976 & 78 Storm Sewer 6 0 Bond 51,397,481.00 51,397,481.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 SO 00 50.00 888899 FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant S7,904,287.00 $7,904,287.00 50.00 $0.00 5000 50.00 50.00 $0.00 888905 Dept of Community Affairs $401,436.00 $401,436.00 S0.00 50.00 50.00 5000 SO 00 50.00 888909 FL Dept of Environmental Protethon 53,000,000.00 5000 53,000,000,00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 SO 00 50.00 888919 South Florida Water Management DIStriet $1,452,346.00 $1,452,346.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 SO GO $0.00 888925 FEMA Recovery Assistance $2,581,815.00 $2,581,1315.00 50.00 $0 00 50.00 5000 $0.00 $0.00 888926 Prior Year Fund Balance $91.565.00 $91,565.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 $0 00 50.00 50.00 8E8930 Transit Half -Cent Surtax $3,401,958 00 $1,331,663 00 $2,070,295.0(1 50.00 SG 00 5000 5000 SO 00 888947 MDC Buildmg Better Communities GOB $15,000,000.00 $0.00 52,023,000.00 $12,977,000.00 SO 00 SO 00 SO 00 50.00 Total 108,340,277.02 S36,307,269.02 531,324,248.00 S25,000,310.00 59,708,450.00 S3,000,000.00 S3,000,000.00 50.00 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson city Clerk Active & Future CEP Projects Only FUNDING City Of Miami - Capital Improv Fund Source Management Funding Detailed by Fund & Total Prior Funded Years ement Program System Project No. Current 2006-2007 2007-2008 Future Funding Fstini.tles 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 352-Storm Sewers Storm Sewers B-30008 Glenroyal Storm Sewer Phase III B-30011 B-30014 B-30156 B-30205A B-30262 B-30534 B-50643 B-50650 B-50650B B-50650C B-50652 B-50653 B-50654 B-50658 B-50672 B-50685 B-50690 B-50695 B-50696 B-50700 B-50702 B-50703 B-50704 B-50705 B-50706 B-5673A2A B-59900 Englewood Storm Sewer - Phase I11 Northwest Storm Sewers Storm Sewer Equipment Aquisition Pre -Disaster Mitigation Grant Application (PDM 05' 06') Citywide Storm Sewer Repair Project FEMA Funded Stormwater Drainage Project - Comfort Canal Wagner Creek / Seybold Canal Dredging Riverview Stonnwater Pump Station Upgrades Riverview Stormwater Pump Station Upgrades FY07 Riverview' Pump Station Emergency Generator FY07 Lawrence Stormwater Pump Station Upgrade Orange Bowl Stormwater Pump Station Upgrades Overtown Stormwater Pump Station Upgrades Downtown Storm Sewer Projects - Phase 11 Belle Meade Storm Senor Project, Phase I1 Avalon Storm Sewer Project, Phase I -1I NE 71 Street Storm Sewer Project FlagamilWestEnd Storm Sewer Impr. Project Ph2 Flagami/West End Storm Water Pump Stations Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4 Battersea & Douglas Road Storm Sewer Improvement Fairlawn Storm Sewer Pump Station Project, Ph2A Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Project, Ph 3 Fairlawn Storm Sewer Improvements Project Phase III Kinloch Storm Sewer Improvements Project Tamianti Storm Sewer Improvements Project Flagami-Report-Fairlawn Storm Sewers Project Phase 2 Citywide Drainage Projects $10,227,450 $9,652,500 $8,638,400 $3,151,061 $5,000 $600,000 $500,82_ 1 $5,507,174 $197,329 $319,500 $103,092 $266,077 $797,500 $608,352 $671,495 $7,500,000 $4,184,773 $4,100,000 $10,651.200 $5,710.228 $967.204 $3,405.000 $3,992,80U $6,800.500 $3,000,000 $3,000.000 $10,321 $13,772,500 $o $0 $0 $2,513,461 $5,000 $600,000 $0 $5,507,174 $197,329 $319,500 $103,092 $266,077 $797,500 $608,352 $671,495 $2,229,705 $4,184,773 $2,473,500 $4,435,558 $5,710,228 $967,204 $2,705.000 $110,000 $614,000 $714,000 $564000 $10,321 $0 $681,000 $4,075,500 $669,000 $637,600 $0 $0 $250,411 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,270,295 $0 $1,626,500 $6,215,642 $0 $0 $700,000 $3,882,800 $821,000 $2,286,000 $2,436,000 $0 $1,772,500 $2,838,000 $5,577,000 $7,969,400 $0 $0 $0 $250,410 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $5,365,500 $0 $0 $0 $3,000,000 $6,708,450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000,000 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000,000 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Storm Sewers S108,340,277 $36,307,269 $31,324,248 $25,000,310 $9,708,450 S3,000,000 $3,000,000 $0 Total 352-Storm Sewers S108,340,277 $36,307,269 $31,324,248 S25,000,310 $9,708,450 $3,000,000 S3,000,000 $0 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 2006-2007 CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN SECTION 4 INDIVIDUAL FUND REPORTS SOLID WASTE The Solid Waste fund is presented in this section. This fund includes projects for the acquisition of equipment or facility construction for the collection and removal of solid, waste. These projects are valued at $6,600,134 and represent 0.8% of the total six -year Capital Improvement Plan. The following reports summarize the cost phases and funding sources for the Solid Waste fund as well as provide a listing of projects.. FUNDING SUMMARY BY FUND - TOTAL OF $8O4.5M D$6.6M 0.8% [1$O.7M 0.1% D $108.3M 13.5% 28.5?A 3.6% n$256.2M 32.0% D $5.5M G $8s.6M $54.0M 11.1% 6.1% $162.1M 20.2% 0 $3.9M 0.5% $86.1 M 10.6%. O 301-CRA projects ❑ 311-General Government 0 312-Public Safety 0 313-Disaster Recovery ❑ 325-Public Facilities 0 331-Parks and Recreation 341-Streets and Sidewalks 343-Mass Transit 0 351Sanitary Sowers 0352Storrn Sewers 0 353Solid Waste Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUND: 353-Solid Waste Phase 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-20101 2010-201 f 2011-2012 Management Land Acquisition Planning Design Construction Equipment Administration Other Construction Engineering $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $181,559.00 $2,501,048.00 $3,917,527.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $181,559.00 $2,030,219.00 $417,527.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $470,829.00 $3,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0 00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $6,600,134.00 $2,629,305.00 $3,970,829.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 Fund Fund No. Name Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 367001 Impact Fees 382001 Contribution From General Fund 382008 Contribution From General Fund 2007 $1,919,156.00 $1,180,978.00 $3,500,000.00 $1,448,327.00 $1,180,978.00 $0.00 $470,829.00 $0.00 $3,500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total 56.600,134.011 $2,629,305.00 $3,970,829.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUNDING City of Miami - Capital Improvement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Prior Current Funded Years Future I `uudiltg Estimates 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 353-Solid Waste Solid Waste 13--30346 Solid Waste Bldg. Remodeling and Feasibility (Study) 8-73202 Solid Waste Collection Equipment B-73204 Solid Waste Capital Improvement FY 1999 - FY 2003 8-73206 Solid Waste Removal Pilot Program $852,388 $381,559 1470,829 $0 10 10 10 50 13,702.000 1202,000 $3,500,000 $0 Sfi $0 S0 50 S215,527 5215,527 TO 50 50 S0 50 S0 S1,830,2219 $1.830,219 SO SO TO SO 5O $0 Total Solid Waste 56,600.134 S2,629.305 S3,970,829 SO SO SO 50 50 Total 353-Solid Waste 56,600,134 S2,629,305 S3,970,829 SO SO SO SO $0 Submitted into the public record in connection with. item PZ,1 on 05�pg Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk j 2006-2007 CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN SECTION 4 INDIVIDUAL FUND REPORTS MASS TRANSIT The Mass Transit fund is presented in this section. The City of Miami's most significant mass transit initiative is the Miami Streetcar Project, .In coordination with the Florida Department of Transportation, the City is proposing to build the Miami Streetcar Project from Government Center in Downtown Miami through Park West, the Entertainment District, Health District, Wynwood/Edgewater, Midtown Miami to the Design District and Buena Vista East District. The streetcar is an urban transit circulator that will operate in existing roadways, and provide connectivity among major activity centers, commercial and retail establishments, as well as residential communities throughout the project corridor. The Mass Transit fund accounts for 3.6% of the Capital Plan or $28,471,957. The following reports summarize the cost phases and funding sources for the Mass Transit fund as well as provide a listing of projects. FUNDING SUMMARY BY FUND -TOTAL OF $800.5F.11 $28.5M 3.6% $0.7M ❑ $108.3M 0.1°% 13.5% ❑ $256.2M 32.0% ❑ #B_BM ❑ $5.5M 0.8% I a.7%a ❑ $54.OM ❑ $88.6M 11.1% ,/ ❑ $3.9M ,` ❑ $86.1 M 10.8% ❑$1B2.1M ❑ 301-CRA projects ❑ 311— eneral Government ❑ 312-Public Safety 0 313-Disaster Recovery 0 325-Public Facilities 0 331-Parks and Recreation ❑ 341Streets and Sidewalks • 343-Mass Transit. ❑ 351-Sanitary Sewers ❑ 352Storm Sewers ❑ 353-Solid Waste It is anticipated that next year's capital plan will include a detailed finance strategy for this critical transportation and transit infrastructure project that is an icipated to be delivered using a Public Private Partnership, whereby the City partners with a private entity to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the streetcar for an extended twenty-five (25) to thirty-five (35) year period. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUND: 343-Mass Transit Phase 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Management Land Acquisition Planning Design Construction Equipment Administration Other Construction Engineering 52,400,000.00 $600,000 00 $600,000 00 3300,000,00 $300,000.00 $600,000 00 $25,000 00 50,00 $25,066 00 50,00 $0.00 30 00 $0 DO $0.00 $0.00 $0.06 MOD SO 00 58,369,323 00 $7,297,572.00 31,071,751 00 50,00 30,00 SO 00 517.677,634 00 $6,151,43100 31,23565200 32,336,406.00 52,487,99900 $5,4663 46 00 50 00 50,00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 SO 00 SD 00 $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 SO 00 SG 00 $0,00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 30.00 SU 00 $0.00 SO 00 $0 00 SO 00 SO 00 50.00 SO OD SO 00 50.00 50.00 50 00 $0 00 50.00 SO OD $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tota S2.471,957,00 513,999,003.00 S2.982,403.00 52,636,406.00 S2,787,999.00 S6.066,146.00 50.00 50.00 Fund Fund No. Name Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 000002 Special Rev. Budget 367001 Impact Fees 88891 7 FDOT Other 888930 Transit Half -Cent Surtax 888931 Transit Flail -Cent Surtax (FY07) $1,500.297 00 $2,749,174 00 $3.700,000 00 $17,840.083 00 $2,682,403 00 51,500,297.00 50.00 $2,749,174 00 $0,00 $3,700,000 00 50.00 36.049.532 OD $300,000,00 SO 00 52,682,403.00 $0 00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 52,636,406 00 52,787,999,00 56,066,146,00 SO 00 SO Or) 30.00 $0.00 $0.00 SO 00 SO 00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0 00 50.00 Total 328.471.957.00 S13,999,003.00 32,982,403.00 52,636,406.00 52,787.999.00 56,066.146.00 S0.00 30.00 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CiP Projects Only FUNDING City Of Miami - Capital L..erovement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Prior Current Future Funding Estimates Funded Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 343-Mass Transit Mass Transit B-31201 IntermodalPlanning Component. $100.000 $100.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-71201 Circulator Services $2,400,000 $600,000 $600,000 $300,000 $300,000 $600,000 $0 $0 B-71215 Miami Street Car Project $16.721,640 $5,145,437 $1,285,652 $2,336,406 $2,487.999 $5_.466,146 $0 $0 B-71215D Miami Streetcar- Underground infrastructure' 'v1idtownMiami $3,758,378 $3,758,378 $0 $0 S0 S0 $0 $0 B-71215E Miami Streetcar - Program Management - Specialty Services $2,496,950 $1,500,199 $996,751 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-71215F Miami Streetcar - Alternatives Analysis - Gannett Fleming $1,713,291 $1,713,291 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-71215G Miami Streetcar -Topographical Survey Services $875,000 $800,000 $75,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-71215H Miami Streetcar - Utility Master Plan $296,698 $296,698 $0 S0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-71215J Miami Streetcar - Geotechnical Services $85,000 $85,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-71215K Miami Streetcar - Land Acquisition $25,000 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Mass Transit $28,471,957 $13,999,003 S2,982,403 S2,636,406 S2,787,999 S6,066,146 S0 S0 Total343-1M= Transit S28,471,957 $13,999,003 $2,982,403 S2,636,406 $2,787,999 S6,066,146 SO S0 2006-2007 CAPITAL BUDGET AND MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN AMIN SECTION 4 INDIVIDUAL FUND REPORTS PARKS AND RECREATION The Parks and Recreation fund is presented in this section. Et includes capital improvements made to the City of Miarni's park system which comprises over 100 parks. These projects total $162,055,439, representing 20.2% of the CIP. The following reports summarize the cost: phases and funding sources for the Parks and Recreation fund as well as provide a listing of projects. FUNDING SUMMARY BY FUND - ToTAL OF $800.5M [J $5.5M $0.7M J $6.854 i $88.6M 0.1% , ❑ $108.3M 0.8% -I 0.7% El $54.OM n 87% 11.1Ju 13.5% 28.5M 3.6% - a $268.2M 32.0'/ 0.5% ❑ $86.1 M 10.8% 301-CRA projects [o 311-General Government al 312-Public Safety Cl 313-Disaster Recovery 2325-Public Facilities ❑ 331-Parks and Recreation 0 341-Streets and Sidewalks 6] 343-Mass Transit 0 351-Sanitary Sowers LI 352-Storm Sewers C] 353So%id Waste The City is nearing completion of the citywide Parks Master Plan for the city's parks and public spaces. This plan approaches Miami's park system from multiple perspectives - nature and environment, park and urban design. recreation, community development, culture and cultural identity, and changing demographics. It is anticipated that next year's capital plan will include a comprehensive listing of candidate projects identified through the master plan process as well as a funding strategy for implementation of all or a portion of the identified projects. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.I on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CLIP Projects Only FUNDING City Of Miami - Capital Inmprovement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Prior Current Funded Years future Funding Estimates 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008,-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 33I-Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation B-60319 Simpson Park Wood `Frail $107,215 $107,215 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 B-60430 Antonio Maceo Park New Community Building $1,464,710 $1,244,710 $220,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-60475 Douglas Park Recreation Building Renovations $2,21 1,860 $51,689 $2,160,171 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-60496 Grapeland Heights Park Site Development - Phl • $16,342,087 $15,342,087 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75000 Watson Island Public Boat Ramp Baywalk & Restroom $295,000 $295,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75001 Watson Island Infrastructure $315,000 $315,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75814 Armbrister Recreation Building Improvement $570,000 $570,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75840 Dorsey Park Building Renovation Expansion $1,000,000 $500,000 $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75847 Douglas Park Playground & Furnishings $4,105 $4,105 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75848 Douglas Park Parking Lot and Lighting $141,102 $141,102 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75849 Douglas Park Sports Turf Upgrades S50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75851 Douglas Park Irrigations $50.000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75859 Lummus Park Recreation Building Improvement $605,000 $455,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75892 Henderson Park Irrigation System $31,819 $31,819 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75900 Jose Marti Park Recreation Building & Furnishings $52,657 $52,657 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75904 Manuel Artime Fencing $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 80 $0 $0 B-75905 Manuel Artime Playground $40,000 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $D $0 B-75906 Manuel Artime Parking Upgrades $19,413 $19,413 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75910 Riverside Park Playground $192,040 $192,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75941 African Square Water Playground $100,564 $100,564 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-75991 Williams Park lmprovements $1,886,213 $877,200 $1,009,013 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-78502 Museum of Science - Development in Bicentennial Park $2,800,000 $700,000 $2,100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-78503 Museum of Art - Development in Bicentennial Park $2,800,000 $700,000 $2,100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Parks and Recreation S162,055,440 $94,502,279 S39,451,355 S28,101,806 $0 S0 SO S0 Total 331-Parks any Recreation $162,055,440 $94,502,279 S39,451,355 S28,101,806 S0 SO S0 S0 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CLP Projects Only FUND: 331-Parks and Recreation Phase 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Management Lana Acquisition Planning Design Construction Equipment Administration Other Construction Engineering 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 SO 00 50.00 10.00 50.00 SO DO $0.00 SD DO $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 10.00 $0.00 50,00 50,00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 112,307,625 73 511,951,657 89 S355,967.84 50.00 $0.00 SO 00 10.00 SO 00 132,247,029.01 $77,349,809.85 $32,845,594,16 S22,051,625 0C1 50.00 10.00 SO 00 SO 00 S2,668,030.00 $1,168,030.00 $1,500,000.00 50.00 $0.00 50 00 SO 00 SO (/0 S1,632,911 00 $1,518,396.00 5114.515.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 S10,600,585.00 1350.404.00 54,200,000.00 56,050,181.00 $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 SO 00 $2,599,258 03 $2,163.980.03 $435,278.00 SO (10 $0.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 Total 162,055,438.77 $94,502,277.77 539,451,355.00 528,101,806.041 10.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 Fund Fund Total Prior Current No. Name Funding Years :2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 000000 Non-C1P Funding 52 6.4:' 00 $2,642.00 S0.00 $0.00 $0 (11) 50.00 SO 00 $0.00 000005 Bayfrant Park Mgt Trust Budges Sif:i• noci 00 1100,000.00 $0.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 000006 Non City Funding $25. ) ::;', 00 so oo 5250,001' ,,, so cm 10,00 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 367001 impact Fees •,.: i • .-:) 95 S5,757,654 95 $2,395,592 , SO 00 SO OG 50.00 50.00 50.00 373001 Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond $3,950,426 87 SO ::, , $0.00 $0 00 50.00 50.00 50.00 382001 Contribution From General Fund $2 7,.,;) - $1.819,971.65 5970,225 1:, • SO 00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 383001 CIP Misc, Revenue 7 . ' 7 - $7,624,679.00 SOO $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 385200-1 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds (Series 11. $5 7:., .) - .i , .56 $55,250,208.56 $1.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 385200-2 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds (Series 2) $39 ';:.' - : -•• 00 SO DO 533,835,537.00 $6,087,806,00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 385200.9 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds Interest $4,41' 1- ..74 $3,915,424.74 $500,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0,00 888895 Land & Warr Conservation Fund $20:' _ • i - $200,000oo sow so +X $0,00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 888918 FIND Waterways Assistance Program $2,425,000.00 $1,425,000 OD $1,000,000.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 888919 South Florida Water Management District 1325,000.00 $325,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 888927 Federal Aviation Admin. Gram S150,000.00 $150,000.00 $0.110 $0 00 50.U0 $0.00 $0 00 $0.00 888934 Japan World -Expo Commemorative Fund S40,528.00 $40,5213.00 SAW 50.00 $4,00 50.00 SO 00 $0 00 888943 1-95 Pedestrian Overpass $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 50.00 888947 MDC Buildin,g Better Communiues GOB S35,800,000.00 113,786,000.00 50.00 $22,014,000 00 10.00 SO 00 SO 00 $0.00 888949 Florida Dept. of State Division of Libraly & $500,000.00 $0.00 $500,000,00 $0.00 $0,00 $0 00 50.00 50.00 888951 Other Public iSt Private Contributions $.154,742.00 $154,742.00 50.00 S0510 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total 162.055,438.77 194,502,277.77 S39,451,355.00 S28,101,806.00 50.00 10.00 50.00 50.00 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & .Future CIP Projects Only. FUNDING City Of Miami - Capital 1n.Nrovement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Prior Current Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Future Funding Estimates Funded Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 331-Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation B-30374 Virginia Key Rowing Center Improvements B-30376 Ichimura Miami Japan Garden ADA Improvements B-30386 Sewell Park - Boat / Kayak Launch Area B-30508 Virginia Key Beach Park Museum B-30541 Citywide Park Equipment & Site Improvements B-30544 District 2 - HD Park Improvements B-35806 Curtis Park Pool Renovation B-35808A Curtis Park Playground Equipment and Site Furnishing B-358 ] 1 Curtis Park Sports Turf Improvements B-35812 Duarte Park Building Renovation/Expansion B-35828 Grapeland Park Improvements Phase 2: New a'ter Park B-35832 Kinloch Park Community Recreation Building Improvements B-35838 Kennedy Park Restroom Building Improvements B-35844 Lummus Park Historic Building Restoration B-35846 Morningside Park Recreation Building Improvements B-35847 Morningsidc Park Restroom Building Renovation B-35853 Virrick Park Pool Building Renovation B-35855 Miami Watersports Center - Hangar Improvements B-35857 Jose Marti Park Gym B-35864 Simpson Park Building Expansion B-35865 Coral Gate Park Building Improvements B-35868 Robert King High Park New Bldg Const B-3587I West End Park Pool Improvements B-35883 Hadley Park Restroom Building Renovations B-35889 Athalie Range Park Swimming Pool Improvements B-35889A Athalie Range Park Pool Improvements B-35889B Athalic Range Park Pool SNPB Audit 2006 B-35894 Reeves Park Building B-35895 Parks Master Plan B-35896 Margaret Pace Park Improvements - Phase II B-35898 Virginia Key Beach Site improvements B-35904 Neighborhood Parks - Improvement Contingencies B-35905 Antonio Maceo Park B-35907 Athalie Range Park Soccer/Football Complex B-38500 Little Haiti Park - Soccer & Recreation Center $654,742 $654,742 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,528 $40,528 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,625 $18,000 $0 $37,625 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,073,892 $27,127 51046,765 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,500,000 $0 S1,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,138,408 $0 $3,138,408 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,295 $9,295 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,123 $56.123 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,667,462 $887.237 5780,225 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $957,198 $167,221 $789,977 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,140,000 $6,699,000 $800,000 $9,641,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $734,251 $682,251 $52,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,900 $4,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $208,637 $208,637 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $816,592 $616,592 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,100 $4,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $950,000 $750,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $533,950 $524,029 $9,921 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,302,432 $8,027,432 $3,275,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $336,937 $336,937 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 81,114227 $54,093 $1,060.134 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,271,001 $310,778 $1,960,223 $0 $0 $0 80 $0 $665,000 $645,000 $20.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,995 $4,995 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,524,469 $1,524.469 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $614,705 $414,705 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,500 $5,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $308,015 $308,015 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $700.000 $700,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $751,641 $682,909 $68,732 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $63,235 $63,235 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,075,585 $25.404 $0 $6,050,181 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,547 $56,547 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,976,250 $281,734 $1,694,516 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,014,829 $8,207,229 $807,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUNDING City Of Miami - Capital Improvement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Prior Current Funded Years Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk. F`ulore I utttlin Estimates 2006-2007 2007-3008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 331-Parks and Parks and Re B-30002 Recreation creation Dinner Key Restoration/Enhancement of Spoil Islands 8-30080 Duarte Park Water Playground B-30081 Wesi End Park Splash Playground B-30087' Roberto Clemente 1 Safety Surface 13-30I00 Mtatni Watersports Canter • Beret Ramp 8.30105 Grapeland Park Com. Rey Facility & Prkg Lot - Ph3 8-30107 Lemon City Park / Resurfacing Basketball Courts B-30132 Parks Facilities General Improvements T3-30134 Bryan Park New Tennis Center 33-30159 'Technology Upgrades for Parks 8-30160 Park. Maintenance Equipment Acyutsieition B-30164 Virginia Key Beach Park Master flans B-30165 Hadley Park Black Bnx AC Structure 8-30170 Art Museum -Contribution to Park Master Plan. P 30172 Roberto Clemente Park Bldg Improvements B-30184 Virginia Key Beach Park Circ Rel & Prkg lmprov B-30224 West End Park Building Terrace Remodeling H-30229 Robert King High Park Sower Field 8-30238 Virrick Park Message Center Strucuire B-30246 Overtown Youth Center - Patio Enclosure 13-30270A Miami Watersports Center Building Improvements B-30273 Spring Garden Paint. Park Sevhold Canal House Restoration B-30291 Athalie Range 41. Mini Park Improvements B•30292 Virrick Park Cam Center-Ltbrary & Classroom B-30295 Little Haiti Park - Cultural Campus B-30304 Shenandoah Park Improvements B-30305 Gibson Park improvements 8-30310 Bicentennial Park Shoreline Stabilization - Phase 111 13-30136 Vern 1$1e Palk B-30317 Momingside Park Shoreline Stabilization Pro•lect B-30319 Curtis Park Bleacher Renovations B-30347 Virgani Key Wild Lire & Nature Center 13-30348 Citywide Mini Park Site Furnishings B-30363 Virginia Key Master Plan B-30369 Bicentennial Museum Park Technical Assessments S1,115,079 $875,000 $240,079 SO $0 SO SD SD S260,000 5260,000 50 50 $0 50 SO 50 S252,381 5252,381 SO SO SO S0 SO SO $57,000 $57,000 $0 SO SO SO SO SO 517,500 $17,500 SO 10 SO $O SO 5O $ 3,369,132 S3,019.152 $0 $350 000 SO SO SO SD $7,800 57,800 SO S0 S0 S0 SO SO 590,001 S90,001 $0 S0 SO $0 SO $0 S1.514,676 5'ri4,978 S1,409,698 $0 S0 SO SO $0 $214,444 1 . 444 S0 SO $O $0 SO $0 $1.000,000 $ I So S0 50 $0 SO SO $371,722 I.7„„ SO $0 SO $0 SO SO S301,015 .i• $290,183 SO SO 50 50 SO $700,000 ti•. ± S0 $O S0 SO SO S0 S2,095,423 5685.529 $1,410,094 $0 50 SO 50 SO $3,294,877 $3 294,377 $0 SO SO S0 SO $0 $175,155 $175,155 SO $0 SO SO S0 $0 $2,476,250 $156,136 $2,320,II4 $0 SO 50 S0 SD $13.491 S13,691 $0 SO So S0 SO 50 $150,000 $150,000 S0 SO SO S0 S0 SO $149,500 $149,300 SO SO SO S0 SO $0 $32,500 S12,500 $20,000 $0 SO $0 S0 $0 5153.287 $153,287 Se SO SO $0 $0 SO 51.100,000 $(-,00,[100 5500.000 S0 SO S0 SO SO S15,495.804 511,876,404 $1,596.400 $2.023,000 $0 50 SO 50 S2,711.352 S1,711,352 $1,000,000 S0 SO SO SO SO $2,221,743 S 1,721,743 $500.000 10 SO $0 SO 50 S6,654,117 $3,882,017 S2,772,100 SO SO SO SO SO S6,063,239 55,913 289 S 150,000 SO 50 $0 SO SO S1,000,300 $600,300 5400,000 SO $0 $0 SO 50 S440,170 $440,170 50 SO SO $0 $0 SO $435,996 $435,996 SO $O SO SO SO SO S39,894 $39,894 SO SO 5D SO SO S0 $640,000 $640,000 SO $0 50 SO SO 50 521,266 $21,260 50 SO 50 $0 $0 $0 2006-2007 CAPITAL BUDGET AND MU LTI-YEAR CAPITAL PLAN SECTION 4 INDIVIDUAL FUND REPORTS STREETS AND SIDEWALKS The capital projects in the Streets and Sidewalks fund provide reconstruction, major maintenance and beautification to Miami's street system. The street improvement projects have a total funding amount of $256,240,150, representing 32.0% of the total six -year Capital Plan. The following reports summarize the cost phases and funding sources for the Streets and Sidewalks fund as well as provide a listing of projects. FUNDING SUMMARY BY FUND TOTAL OF $8a01.5M ❑ $6.6M ❑ $O.7M ❑ $108,3M 0.8% 0.1% 13.5% $28.5M D $256.2M 32.0% ❑ '$5,5M O.7% ❑ :$54.0M 6.7% ❑ $88.MM 11.1% ❑ $162.1 M 20.2% ❑ $3.9N1 0.5% $86.1M 10.8% L 301-CRA projects ❑ 311-General Government ❑ 312-Public Safety ❑ 313-Disaster Recovery ❑ 325-Public Facilities ❑: `-Parks and Recreation -Streets and W ideWalks ❑ 343-Mass Transit ❑ 351-Sanitary Sewers ❑ 352-Storm Sewers C 353-Solhc: 1;'e;Iste The proposed Streets Bond is an integral component of the fund strategy for street improvements. However, additional revenues need to be identified to comprehensively address the remaining unfunded portions of citywide street infrastructure as well as to develop a routine 25 year maintenance and preservation cycle as is customary for public works infrastructure. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUND: 341-Streets & Sidewalks Phase 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 an 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk. Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Management Land Acquisition Planning Design Construction Equipment Administration Other Construction Engin/ring S 1.1.920 21 1 90 $3,000,000.00 S251,794,00 $24,393,109;66 180,408,129.99 $20,000.00 $6,384,664 50 $13,953,516.00 $15,908,723 69 $9,114,875.00 53,000,000.00 S0.00 $17,686,594.66 S56,987,234,97 S20,000.00 S2,321,738.00 $0.00 $3,619,003 59 $2,805,336,90 5O 00 $251,794.00 $5,970,827 00 S43,175,570.02 $0.00 $2,845,726.50 581,085.00 55,360,441 I 0 Ots SO 00 50.00 $322,330.00 $46,346,769.00 S0.00 $729,685.00 53,187,404.00 $3,229,459.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $91,122.00 $26,066,756.00 $0.00 S371,745.00 $3,366,592.00 S3,180,805.00 SO DO S0 00 S0 00 $261,118.00 $7,004,045 00 SO 00 $104,643.00 $3,633,049.00 S519,015.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61,1 18.00 $827,755:00 50.00 $11.12700 $3,685,386.00 $0.00 SO 00 $0.00 $0.00 SO00 $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 $0.00 S0.00 Total 256,240,149.74 $92,749,446.22 560,490,780.52 553,815,647.00 $33,077,0211,00 SI1,521,870.00 S4,585,386.00 50.00 Fund Fund No. Name Total Prior Current Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 000002 Special Rev. Budget $329,622.47 S329,622.47 $0 (io Si) uu $0.00 SO 111) $0.00 50.00 000003 Special Rev. Hurricane Ace' $450 59 1.7"i $450,894.70 $0 00 S0.00 $0 00 S0 00 $0.00 $0.00 354001 1988 Highway Bands $+`.. S645,147 00 SD 00 S0.00 ) ,:t0 S0 00 SO 00 50.00 354002 Interest on'8R Sale'80Highway Bonds $1: 'lilt/0 S196,116.00 50.00 $0.00 ,rt S0.00 $(}.0D SO 00 356001 Local Option Gas Tax ,8 00 54.807,348.0(1 S0.00 SO 00 a) 00 50 00 S0.00 S0 oil 356003 Parking Surcharge . i4.00 $3,570,644,00 S0.00 S0.00 50 00 S0.00 S0.00 S0 00 356005 Streets Bond Program 120.1 , 1 R 00 50.00 534,545,475.00 $47,187,540.00 529,430,462.00 $8,036,871.00 $900,000 00 50.00 360001 Stormwater Utility Trust Fund $460,000.00 5460,000 00 S0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 S0.00 365001 1987 Highway Bonds 576,634.00 $76,634 00 SO 00 $0,00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 S0.00 367001 Impact Fees 53,683„790.02 52,053,904.00 31,629,886 02 50.00 S0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 382001 Contribution. From General Fund 38,461,926.00 $6,951,227.00 $1,510,699 00 S0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 385200.1 2002 Homeland Defense Bands (Series 1) $22,165,237.76 $22.165,237 76 S0.00 SO DO S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 385200-2 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds (Series 2) $6,768,445 00 $0.00 $6,768,445.00 S0 0D $0.00 5t1.00 $0,00 50.00 385200-9 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds interest S6.088,978 00 $6,088,978 00 $0 00 50.00 $0.00 SO 00 $0 00 $0 00 888893 People's Transportation Plan $11.715,000.00 $2,240,000.00 59,475,000.00 S0 00 S0.00 50.00 $0.00 50 00 888902 Comntuniij Development Block Grant $300,000 00 $300,000 00 50 00 S0.00 50.00 SO 00 S0.00 S0.00 888913 FDOT Transporiatrnn Enhancement Program $6, 530,000 00 S4,530,000 00 SO 00 32,000,000.00 $0.00 S0.00 S0 00 50.00 888917 Friar Mu S5,738,381 00 S5,738,381 00 S0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $000 50.00 888924 DRI Transportation Fee 54,501,353.00 53,448,989,00 5350,525.00 S350,788.00 $351,051 00 S0.00 50 00 $0.00 888930 Transit Half -Cent Suriau 543,828,797.29 527,600,907.29 $2,645.679 01,1 53.1 16,319.00 $3,295,507,00 S3,484,999.00 $3,685,386.00 $0.00 888931 TransitSialf-Cent Surtax i,FY10) 33,517,071.50 5000 $3.517,071 50 SU.00 30,00 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 888938 Miami -Dade County GrantiiCantributian $1,274,000.00 $1,074,000.00 S0.00 $200,000.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 888947 MDC Building Better Communities GOB S961,000.00 $0.00 S0.00 $961,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 50.00 Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUND: 341-Streets & Sidewalks 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Fund Fund Total Prior Current No.. Name Funding Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 888950 Donation Commissioner Dist; iG .4 $21,416.00 $21,416.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 888953 Miami -Dade Metropolitan Planning Org $48,000.00 $0.00 $48,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total 256,2441,149.74 $92,749,446.22 $60,490,780.52 $53,8 1 5,641.00 S33,077,020.00 S11,521,870.00 $4,585,.386.00 $0.00 Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CEP Projects Only FUND: 341-Streets & Sidewalks Phase 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source Submitted into the public record in connection with item. PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Total Prior Current Funding \'ears 2006-2007 2007-2008 20118-2009 200940LO 2040-2011 2011-2012 Management 5.1 L920,211.90 $9,114,875 00 $2,805,336 90 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 50.00 Land Acquisition $3,000,000.00 $3,000,000 00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Planning S251,794.00 $0.00 $251,794.00 $0.00 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 Design S24,393,10966 S17,686,594.66 S5,970,827 00 S322,330.00 S91,122.00 5261,118.0E S61.11800 S0.00 Construction 180,408,12999 $56,987,234.97 $43.175,57002 $46,346,769.00 526,066,756.00 $7,004,045.0E 5827,755.00 $0.00 Equipment $20,000.00 $20,000.00 50 00 50.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 $0.00 Administration $6,384,664.50 S2,321,738.00 52,845,726.50 5729,685.00 $371,745.00 $104,643.00 S11,127.00 50.00 Other 513,953,516.00 $0.00 S81,085 00 S3,187,404.00 53.366,592.00 $3,633,049.00 S3,685,386.00 SO 00 Construction Engineering 515,908,72369 53,619.003,59 5.5,360,44110 S3,229.459.00 $3,183,805.00 $519,015110 3000 5.0.00 Total 256,240,149.74 S92,749,446.22 S60,490,780.52 S53,815,647.00 $33,077,020.00 SI 1,52 1,870.00 $4,585,386.00 S0.00 Fund. Fund No. Name Total Funding Prior Current Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 20I0-2011 2011-2012 000002 Special Rev. Budget $329.622.47 S329,622.47 $0.00 50.00 SO 00 Su 00 SO 00 SO 00 000003 Special Rev. Hurricane Acct $450,894.70 $450,894.70 $0.00 50.00 SO 00 Su 00 30.00 $0.00 354001 1988 Highway Bonds 5645.147.00 $645,147.00 $0,00 SO 00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 354002 lntereston'88 Sale'80 Highway ids $196.1 16.DD S196,116.00 50,00 S0 00 S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 356001 Local Option Gas Tax S4,807,348.00 $4,807,348 00 50.00 $0.00 S0.00 50.00 $0.00 SO 00 356003 Parking Surcharge $3.570.644.00 $3,570.644.00 50.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 356005 Streets Bond Program 120.100,348.00 $0.00 $34,545,475,00 547,187.540 00 529,430,462.00 $8.036,871.00 S900.000.00 $0.00 360001 Stormwater Utility Trust Fund $460,000.00 $460,000.00 S0.00 SD 110 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 S0.00 365001 1987 Highway Bonds $76,634.00 $76,634.00 $0.00 S0 00 S0.00 $0.00 SO 00 S0.00 367001 Impact Fees 53,683,790.02 52,053 904,00 51,629,886.02 50.00 SO00$0.00 S0.00 SO 00 382001 Contribution From General Fund S8,461,926.00 56,951,227.00 51,510,699.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 SO 00 $0.00 385200-1 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds (Series I) $22,165237 76 $22,165,237 76 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 $0 00 SO 00 385200-2 2002 Homeland Uetiense lianas (Series 21 S6,768.445.00 $0.00 $6,768,445.01) SO OD SO.00 50.00 S0.00 $0.:00 385200-9 2002 Homeland Defense Bonds Interest $6,088,978.00 $6,088,978.00 $0.00 S0.00 S0.00 $0.00 SO 00 SO 00 888893 People's Transportation Plan $11,715,000.00 $2,240,000 00 59,475,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 S0.00 50.00 $0.00 888902 Community Development Block Grant $300,000.00 $300,000.00 50.00 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 888913 FDOT Transportation Enhancement Program S6,530,000,00 $4,530,000.00 50.00 S2,000,1100.00 50.00 S0.00 $0.00 SO 00 888917 FDOT Other 55,738,381.00 S5,738,381 00 50,00 S0.00 $0.00 SO 00 50.00 S0.00 888924 DRl Transportation Fee 54,501,353.00 S3,448,989.00 535(1,525.00 5350,788.00 5351.051 AO SO 00 S0.00 S0.00 888930 Transit Half -Cent Surtax S43,828,797 29 $27,600,907.29 52,645 679,00 5.3,1 16,319.00 S3,295,507.00 $3,484,999.00 53,685,386.00 50.00 888931 Transtt Half -Cent Surtax (3 Y07) $3,517,071 SO $0.00 S3,517.071 50 50.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0 00 888938 Miami -Dade County Grant/Contribution $1,274,000,00 $1,074,000.00 S0.00 5200,000,00 50.00 SO 00 $0 00 50.00 888947 !ADC Building Better Communities GOB S961,000.00 50.00 $0.00 $961,000.00 $0,00 50.00 S0 00 $0.00 ' Active & Future CIP Projects Only 2006-2007 Capital Improvement Plan Fund by Phase and Funding Source FUND: 341-Streets & Sidewalks Fund Fund Total Prior Current No. Name Funding Year` 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-201I 2011-2012 888950 Donation Commissioner District 4 888953 Miami-llade \4etropxolitan Planning Orr. $21.416.00 $21,416.00 $48,000.t10 80.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 848 000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total 256,240,149.74 S92.749,446.22 560,490,780.52 S53,815,647.00 S33„077,014.66 S11,321,670.00 Y'4,5&5,3%.ria so.uo Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Active & Future CIP Projects Only FUNDING City Of Miami - Capital Improvement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Funded Prior Current Years lrttlttrFuntlitt. I siiui.it , 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 34I-Streets and Sidewalks Streets and Sidewalks B-30020 Street Maintenance Program Project $5,637,690 SO S420,819 S0 $0 $5236,871 S0 SO 3-30021 Street Maintenance Program Project S6,001,684 S0 $446,406 $0 55,555,278 SO 50 SO B-30023 Street Maintenance Program Project $4,655,375 $0 $346,267 $4,309,108 $O SO SO SO 8-30024 Street Maintenance Program Project $5,441,261 $0 S404 722 50 T5,036,539 5O Sea 50 B-30025 Street Maintenance Program Project $5,106,681 SU 5379,836 S0 S4,726,845 SO S0 $0 13-30030 Street Maintenance Program Project $4,810.798 $0 $357,828 $4,452', - $0 SO 50 SO 8-30031 Street Maintenance Program Project $5,875,280 5O $437,004 SH --- l SO S0 $O SO B-30034 Street Maintenance Programs Project $3.054,688 $0 $231,690 S2,82 ' '? $0 SO $0 $0 B-30035 Street Maintenance Program Project $3.996,976 SO $O 5297.2,J S3.....68 I $0 $0 SO B-30041 Street Maintenance Program Project S4,855,451 $0 $361.149 $4,494.302 $0 S0 50 SO B-30083A SW 27 & 28 Si Closures -1._last of 27 Ave - Construction Phase $445.693 $170.775 5274 918 $0 SO SO 50 SO 13-30094 Wicket! Meu Street improvement $600,000 S600,000 S0 $O 50 S0 $0 SO 13-30130 Warm Rsvet Greenway SW 2nd Ave. to S. Miami Ave. S500,000 50 SO S0 $500,000 S0 S0 SO B-30138 Model City/ Floral Park - Street improvements Ph 11 $5.681,353 $0 $3,681,353 SO SO SO $0 50 B-3014913 Transit Half -Cent Surtax Annual Balance $13,582,21 1 50 S0 $11 16,319 $3,295,507 S3,484,999 S3,685,386 SO B-30167 Shenandoah Traffic Calming - Phase 1 S 1,343,500 S1.343,500 50 $0 SO SO 50 $0 8-3016713 Shenandoah Traffic Calming - Phase 2 S2 200,000 S0 S2,200,000 5O SO SO SO 50 &-30168 Silver BluffTralficCalming- Phase 1 $1 343,500 $1343,500 SO SO S0 $0 S0 S0 B-3016813 Silver B}utf Traffic Calming - Phase 2 S2,500,000 50 S2,5000,000 $0 SO SU S0 3O 13-30176 Brickell Village improvements $400.000 S400.000 50 $0 SO $0 SO S0 B-30177 Downtown Infrastructure Streets - Phase II S3.665,370 $3 058,800 $606.570 SO $0 SO $0 SO 8-301'79 Downtown Bavwalk Master Plan & Design $450,000 $0 $450,000 50 SO $0 S0 SO 13-30181 Miscellaneous Street improvements 1)1 $2,627,91 1 SO $254,314 $2,373,597 SO SO 50 SO 3-30209 Gateway Signage and landscape improvements $230,388 $230 388 SO $0 $0 SO SO $O 13-30222 Calle Cacho Beautification improvements - East of 37 Ave. 51,093,303 $106,953 $986.330 $0 $0 SU SO S0 8-30226, Allajrattah 1,1W ?grid Conn Improvements $812500 $812,500 50 SO 5U 50 $0 50 B-30230 Glenroval Parkway Enhancements $327,001 $162 693 S154,308 SO S0 $0 SO 50 8-30232 Gateways for 1-95 and 1-395 5519.252 $519,252 SO SO SO 50 50 $0 8-30235 Citywide Tragic Circles 5506,100 $506,100 SO SO 50 5O 50 50 B-30235A West Little Havana, Home Depot Area Traffic Circles $465,489 S465,489 S0 SO 50 SO SO 50 B-30235E Shore Crest Along NE 85 and NE 86 Streets S113,850 $0 51 13,850 5O 50 SO SO 50 13-30248 Civic Center Implementation Plan S373,850 $213,850 $160,000 SO SO SO SO S0 B-30322 Grand Avenue Improvements - Extension from Mary to Matilda $1,748.717 $1,52.5,401 $223.316 $O SO SO $0 S0 B-30323 Buena Vista Heights - Phase 11 S5,663,052 S350,052 50 S5,313,000 5O SO $0 SO 8-30328 NW 20th Street Streetscape $384,300 $384,500 S0 $0 SO SO SO 50 J Active & Future CIP Projects Only FL NDING City Of Miami - Capital improvement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund & Project No. Total Prior Current Funded Years Future Fuudiiig Iaiiinates 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 341-Streets and Sidewalks Streets and Sidewalks B-30336 b•fiami River Greenways - NW 5th Striae !Bridge Extension $277,280 $277,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30337 Biscayne Blvd. Reconstruction -NE 14th St. to Nii 15th Si. (PAC $3,809,133 $3,809,133 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30341A Transportation Services for Miami 21 Project $50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30345 Calle Ocho Landscaping Improvements $389,625 $301,828 $87,797 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30346 MUSP Traffic Studies $329,622 $329,622 $0 $0 $0 S0 $0 $0 B-30357 NE 4th Street lmprovements $1,173,526 $1,173,526 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30377 Sidewalk Repairs & ADA $4.500.000 $0 $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 $900,000 $0 B-30398 NW 27 Ave Beautification $150,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30400 Street Maintenance - MPR- Various $5.557,727 $5,557,727 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30500 Civic Cenier Infrastructure $10.000,000 $0 $1,150,000 $8,850,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30504 Linear Parks, Greenways and Baywalk Improvements $961,000 $0 $0 $961,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30506 VMS "I raffic Initiative $20.000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30507 NW 32 Street. NW 23 Avenue, NW 24 Avenue $1.020,000 $1020.000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30517 MUSA Island Drainage Improvement $460,000 $460,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30530 Vizcaya Column Repair & Plaque Installation in the Roads $18,630 $0 $18,630 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30535 South Bayshme Drive Medians Beautification $21,368 $0 $21,368 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30536 Peter Pan Monument $21,416 $21,416 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30540 Little River Industrial Park $2,000,000 $0 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30542 US-1 Crash Barrier Wall $2,700,000 $0 $2,500.000 $200 000 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-30543 ShorecrestStreet Improvements $2,000.000 $0 $300,000 $1,700,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-31204 SE 8 Street Two Way Conversion $179,995 $179,995 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-31206 Dupont Plaza Traffic RLcirculation $12.833.398 $3,221.495 $599,784 $0 $9,012,119 $0 $0 $0 B-31208 NE 39 Street Reconstruction (Design District / FEC) $2,343,600 $2,343,600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-31209 NE 38 Street Reconstruction $2,473,800 $335,788 $2,138,012 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-31211 NE 1st Avenue Reconstruction $2,604,000 $220,138 $2,383,862 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-31220 Downtown DRl Transportation Component $2,469,896 $1,417,532 $350,525 $350,788 $351,051 $0 $0 $0 B-31221 NW 35th Court Medians $413.824 $413,824 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-31221A NW 16 Street Improvement Project $566,176 $566,176 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-33100 NE 9, 10 & II Streets Two Way Street Conversion $247,209 $247,209 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-38503 Overtown Landscape Improvements $250,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-38504 Overtown Sector Signage Project $120,000 $120,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-39901 Downtown Infrastructure lmprov.-One Miami $4,352,000 $4,352,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-39902 Downtown Infrastructure Streets Phase I $4.363,001 $4,363,001 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 B-39911 Venetian Causeway Improvements $1,900,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,900,000 $0 $0 B-40643A North Spring Garden Greenway $4,130,710 $404,800 $100,200 $3,625,710 $0 $0 $0 $0 Active & Future CEP Projects Only FUNDING City Of Miami - Capital Improvement Program Fund Source Management System Funding Detailed by Fund &. Project No. Total Prier Current Funded Future Funding Estiulatcs Years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 341-Streets and Sidewalks Streets and Sidewalks B-40665 Br-eta3I,000,0U0 5123,618 5876,382 $0 $O 50 $0 SO 1340666 BriC rl] StreeLsrape Project $1,360,198 $1,360,198 SO $0 30 50 SO $0 84066&A Bnckell Lighting Project $1,817,467 $1,817,467 $0 SO SO SO SO SO E3 40667 FIaglerSsreet Marketplace S reetscape Project $13,713.834 $12.913,834 $800,000 50 50 $0 $0 50 B 406728 Flagatni Traffic Calming Improvement (]'base 21 $2, 135,4690 $2,135,469 $0 SO$0 SO $U F3 0686 Miami Rivet Greenways? Strictstapc Segment T] (# "L1 I) S5,0811,500 $181,250 5296,966 S4.61 tt,284 50 $O SO$0 1340691 Miami Rover Crreenway SLreetscape Project - Seg H $1,127.728 $1,037,138 $90,590 $0 S0 SO SO $0 t3 1Ufi92 1Niami River [ireen;tray Streetscape Project - Scg C. 5670,337 $615 250 555,087 $O $0 SO S[1 S11 B 4Of,93 Miami River (rreenway 5treetscape Project - Segment 12 $436.149 $636,149 $0 $0 SO 50 $0 SO B 40645 Miami Rover Grc-nway Prulert - Segrtment G-Jose Marti Extension S 1,272,300 S 1,272,300 SO $0 SSG $0 $0 SO B-40698 SW 16 Terrace Road Reconstruction Project S1,560,200 S1,560,200 5a S0 50 $0 SO $0 B-40704 SW 32 Avenue Improvements S3,749,760 $398,900 $3,350,860 SO $0 SO $0 SO 13,43114 Sidewalk Repair&ADA $1,071,895 S1,071,895 $0 50 $0 SO $0 50 1343114A Citywide Sidewalk Replacement }ase 29 $947,000 $947,000 SO $U $0 50 S0 $U B-60459 Spring Garden Bridge Repairs $1,406,346 S1,406,346 $ O SO $O SO $0 $U 13-60479 South Miami Avenue Improvements $4,770,501 54,420,50E 5350,000 50 S[1 50 50 SU 13-71209C City of Miami Mown Paramocs Somul Model (Rev) 5214.122 $214,122 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 SO 13-71210 Downtown Street Conversions $5G,Oi10 S50,000 50 SO S0 50 SO SO 13 71 _' I2 SW 3 Avenue Two Way Conversion 525,000 $25,000 SO $O 50 50 $0 $fl 13-71214 MR Program' Management Services $13,425,574 S9,114,875 54,310,699 €0 $0 SO $0 SO 13-78500 Buena Vista East Himont District-Streetscape improvements S5,959,060 $380,960 $5,578,100 $0 5O $0 S0 SO B-78504 iviode1 City infrastructure Improvements S3,000,000 $3,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 10 SO 13-78505 Model City Infrastructure - MI.K Boulevard $4,700,000 $4,700,000 $0 SO S0 $0 50 $O B-78506 NE 29 Street Pocket Park $355 O00 SO 5355.000 SD $0 $0 SO 5O 8-78507 NW 34 Street. Pocket Park $355,000 50 $355,000 50 Sty $0 50 50 B-78508 NE 2 Avenue Improvements $12,880,000 S 1,480,600 $11,399,400 SO SO $0 $0 SO B-785L19 Cal1e Oche Improvements $1,208,350 5222,000 $986,35G S0 SO $0 50 S0 Total Streets and Sidewalks $256,240,150 $92,749.446 560,490,781 553,815,647 $33,077.020 511,521,870 S4,585,386 50 Total341-Stree1s acid Sidessalka S256,2411, I SI! 592,749.446 560,490,78E 553,815,647 S33,077,020 511,521,8711 54,585,386 SO Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.3 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk EXHIBIT "B" Miami River Sub -Element Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Miami River Goal PA-3: indEfs,�""� . . Development along the Miami River shall encourage residential and mixed use development and continue to provide for water -dependent and water -related commercial, industrial, and recreational uses along the Miami River. Objective PA-3.1: The City of Miami, through its Land dDevelopment F! egulations, shall help protect the Port f Miami River from of ter—relatee land ores r end shoal relate itpansion and rncievelopment_in ps ps ex and-- pads-. promote the co -existence of water -dependent and water -related commercial, industrial, and recreational uses with residential and mixed use development along the Miami River. Policy PA-3.1.1: The City shall -use- throuah�its Land dDevelopment rPegulations to encourage water dependent and water -related uses along the bankc of the Miami River, PmO—tedierveUf ije encroachmonl by insaatible ucoc. including the use of water taxi and water pleasure craft, while not excluding residential uses without such activities. The City shall, through its Land Development Regulations, allow tor residential and mixed use development along the Miami River provided the resiOptial uses are compatible with adjacent land uses. Policy PA-3.1.2: The City' shall, through its, Ltand Development i egulations, encourage the development=lr;4-}r:ic i, of the Port of Miami River consistent with the coastal management and conservation elements of the Ciity:s Comprehensive Plan. Policy PA-3,1.3: The City shall, through its ,Land dDevelopment rRegulations, encourage development of compatible land uses in the vicinity of the pert of Miami River so as t r. lror. 141 Dnr4 of kAiflai River• upon j3c0ni nali_wal renrv_ercee-ond land u i e . promote the co- existence of water dependent and water related commercial, industrial, and recreational uses with residential and mixed use development. Objective PA-3.2: The City of Miami shall coordinate thee surface transportation access to the fort -of Miami River with the traffic and mass transit system shown on the traffic circulation map series. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Policy PA-3.2.1: The City of Miami shall, through the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, coordinate intermodal surface and water transportation access serving the Port of Miami River. Objective PA-3.3: The City of Miami shall coordinate its Pot -of -Miami River planning activities with those of deep water ports facilities' providers and regulators including the U.S. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, The Miami River Commission, and Miami -Dade County's Port of Miami, as applicable. Policy PA-3.3.1: The City of Miami, through its Intergovernmental. Coordination Policies, shall support and coordinate with ether governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Miami River to support and enhance the Miami River's economic importance and viability. €The functions of the Pei of Miami River shall be consistent with the future goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan, particularly with respect to the unique characteristics of the Por4 of -Miami River's location and its economic position and functioning within the local maritime industry, a.s, 146 i coc ' sc, Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk EXHIBIT "C" Planning Department's Analysis and Recommendations of Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPs) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk May 8, 2008 (Revised 3) Exhibit "C" Planning Department's Analysis and Recommendations of Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPs) • The column entitled "PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs" reflects modifications required by the EAR and text added by PAB. • Amendments identified by an X in the "EAR" column are part of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) as required by F.S. 163.3191 and adopted by the Miami City Commission on December 1, 2005; Resolution 05-0707. • Amendments identified by an X in the "PAB" column are those proposed by PAB; not adopted in the EAR. Existing Text in the MCNP New Text Proposed for the MCNP • Amendment identified by an X in both the "EAR" and "PAB" column are required by the EAR, but contain modifications by PAB. • The column entitled "City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments" reflects recommendations on the item and identifies those items that are policy decisions that require consideration by the City Commission. E Differences Between PAB/EAR and Planning_Recommendations OC Oo rl N # GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 1 I_U- i .1.3 (Page 1) The City's ziring ordinance provides for protection of all areas of the city from: (1) the encroachment of incompatible land uses; (2) the adverse impacts of future land uses in adjacent areas that disrupt or degrade public health and safety, or natural or man-made amenities; (3) transportatior policies that divide or fragment established a ... .. neighborhood:. ... v. X Added "that do not diminish the X of area encompassing the adjacent/abutting residential neighborhood° The City's zoning ordinance provides for protection of all areas of the city from: (1) the encroachment of incompatible land uses; (2) the adverse impacts of future land uses in adjacent areas that disrupt or degrade public health and safety, or natural or man- made amenities; (3) transportation policies that divide or fragment established neighborhoods 1 t , • ..,I a�)ation of .Jamount .s ecology. Strategies to further protect existing, J ecology. Strategies to further neighborhoods through the development of appropriate transition _ protect existing neignborhoods through the development of standards and buffering requirements that do not diminish the appropriate transition standards and buffering requirements will be amount of area encompassing the adiacentfabutting residential incorporated into the City's land development regulations. neighborhood with be incorporated into the City's land develooment regulations. c o EU c • Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP— Page 1 of 13 # GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Jami Planning Department ,__:ommended GOPs & Comments 2 LU-1..11 (Page 3) The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, . as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to Miami- ` [.:,:de County s designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally I east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Areas designated SInoie-Family and Duplex —Residential on X The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to f iiari i-Dade Uuurity's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Within this area, the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards ' ' `' ;arson Tr _set forth in Policies TR- ; .1.2 „, CNP Future Land Use Map within the Urban Infill Area shall be 3tected from changes that permit higher density residential uses .d from commercial. office and industrial uses within those areas, in order to preserve the low density residential character of these areas. Redevelopment of corridors adiacent to these areas shall be -1couraged to be located primarily at maior Intersections of mercial corridors+thin this area. Outside of these residential the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards set forth in Policies TR-1.1.2 and 1.1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. and 1.1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 3 LU-1.3.3 (Page 5) -he City shall encourage development and redevelopment of water X Delete See Miami River Sub -Element — " Exhibit B" •.pendent and water related uses on the Miami River within existing .'stricts designated Industrial on the Future Land Use Map. 4 LU-1.4.10 (Page 8) The City will continue to develop modifications to existing regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and implementation of mixed -use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along the Miami River Downtown in X X Added "Downtown" The City will continue to develop modifications to existing regulations with the intent of providing greater flexibility in the design and implementation of mixed -use developments within the general Downtown area and particularly along the Miami River Lccoraance with neignborhooa aes.an and ueve'oprrierrt - cordance with neighborhood design and development standards -iopted as a result of the amendments to the City's land standards adopted as a result of the amendments to the City's velopment regulations and other initiatives. land development regulations and other initiatives. Note: This is what is stated in the EAR Recommendations. Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for U e MCNP — Page 2 of 13 # GOP # (Page #) PAB &EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 5 LU-1 5 3 (Page 8) Notice of application for specialyermits shall be provided to any T X Delete Already in the Zoning Code. - NET registered homeowners associations fifteen days prior to issuance of the special permit and after issuance of the decision with explanation of appeal procedures. 6 LU-1.5.4 (Page 8) Notice of applications requiring public hearings shall be provided fry X Delete Already in the Zoning Code. any NET registered homeowner and neighborhood associations and to owners within the applicable City regulations. 7 LU-1.6.9 (Page 9) The City's land development regulations will establish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of eeioemeat X X Added last sentence City's land development regulations will establish mechanisms to mitigate the potentially adverse impacts of fire new development on existing neighborhoods through the -velf w-reRt new aevelopment on existing neighborhoods development of appropriate transition standards and buffering -ough the development of appropriate transition standards and requirements that do not diminish the amount of area encompassing Aer ng requirements. ne adjacent/abutting residential neighborhood and through adequate notice to affected parties. $ LU-2,3.2 (Page 11) The City had designated 67 historic sites and five historic districts pursuant to the Historic Preservation Article of the City Code. An additional 26 sites (or groups of multiple sites) and six districts have been identified as potentiallyworthyof designation. Of these the City will designate 10 individual sites and two di : ` fs _ g by __ . (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.1.3.) X X EAR states 2015 The City had designated 67 historic sites and five historic districts pursuant to the Historic Preservation Article of the City Code. An additional 26 sites (or groups of multiple sites) and six districts have been identified as otentia Iv worthy of _ potentially designation. .:. he City will s ;u . �� tuve .ice u e.6IY utCAuI [ci .i , iisw1Ic r,+,-- In 4i '- t,, and two -di t-iste by-2O . (See Coastal Management Policy CM-5.1.3.) Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 3 of 13 GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended kr,. City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR (Page 13) PROPOSED ECONOMIC ELEMENT 1 X Not Recommended This element is not required by the Department of Community Affairs as part of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. "An environment For sustained economic growth within the City" is being addressed in the Economic Component of Miami 21. Goal LU-4: The City will acknowledge the inter -relationship between economic growth and the reduction of economic disparity within the City, issues of land use. affordable housinq,the adequacy of infrastructure including the ability ofpubhc transit to provide acceptable commutation to and from all areas of the city, education and training, the environment and the Pod of the Miami River, Cblective LU-4-1: The City shall within, and no later than, two 11111111111111LU-4 years of the adoption of this goal add an Economic Element to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Planthat lays outgoalsl objectives and policies to provide an environment for sustained economic growth within the City. particularly with respect to those areas of economic activity characterized by higher -paying jobs, while reducing the economic disparitythat currently exists among City residents. This Element shall be prepared through the collaboration of the appropriate City departments with a variety of stakeholders including, but not limited to, representatives of neighborhood groups, business and environmental groups. organizations involved In manpower development and training and the Miami diver Commission. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP - P.r 4 of 13 GOP # (Page #) 10 LU-5 (Page 14) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs PROPOSED HISTORIC AND CULTURAL ELEMENT Goal LU-5: The City will acknowledge that: a) Historical resources offer an important tool for education. help to provide a distinctive sense of place' to various neighborhoods in the City, and are a significant resource in promoting tourism; and b) Cultural resources am important reminders and remnants of the history of the area. These resources offer physical evidence of the prehistoric and historic occupation of the land. Objective Ltd-5.1: The City shall within, and no later than, two years of the adeptian of this goal add a Historic and Cultural Element to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan that lays out goals, objectives and policies for those areas with significant historical, archaeological and cultural identities. The preparation of this Element will consider establishing notification procedures for land use changes that may impact historic resources. The Element shall include a list of definitions of terms used including, but not limited to. neighborhoods, adaptive reuse. mixed use, redevelopment and revitalization, with clarity of meaning in the associated context. This Element should be prepared through the collaboration of appropriate City departments with a variety of stakeholders including, but not limited to_, representatives of neighborhood groups, historic preservation groups and citizens. Protection of historical and archaeological resources is mandated by Federal paw and by the State of Florida through the Division of Historical Resources. Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended EAR GOPs & Comments Not Recommended This element is not required by the Department of Community Affairs as part of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Historical Resources and the need to create a sense of place are being addressed through. Miami21 and other City initiatives. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recc�_, - endations of proposed GOPs for the El NP - Page 5 of 13 GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 11 LU-6 (Page 14) PROPOSED NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER PLANS X Not Recommended This is not required by the Department of Community Affairs as part of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Through Miami21, the issues and concerns for the need for Master Plans will be addressed. Goal LU-6: The City will acknowledge ai the importance of neighborhoodplannina and implementation as a fool for mainfainino and enhancing the unique character of neghborhoods; and hl the significance of fostering a collaborative relationship between the community and City. Objective LU-6.1: The City shall, no later than 2012, create Neighborhood Master Plans for the City's neighborhoods. Policy LU-6.1.1: Within two years of the adoption of this policy, the City shall prepare maps delineating the geographic boundaries of each neighborhood, which will serve as a tool for creating Neighborhood Master Plans. Policy LLI-6.1.2: The appropriate City departmentts) stall, through the collaboration of stakeholders, re apresentatives of neighborhood groups, historic preservation groups, and community members, create Neighborhood Master Plans detailing each neighborhood's unique needs, values, and visions. 12 Inter- pretation Of ie Future Land Use Plan 1- (Page 22) The Future Land Use Plan Map is a generalized map that does not depict areas of less than 2 acres. The Planning Director is responsible for making all determinations of concurrency as defined in state statutes, and will also interpret the map based on all applicable state laws and administrative regulations and on the consistency between the proposed change or changes and the goals, objectives and policies expressed in the MCNP. The Planning Director will also determine whether or not proposed zoning changes require an amendment to the comprehensive plan. Determinations X l ! The Future Land Use Plan Map is a generalized map that does not depict areas of less than 2 acres. The Planning Director is responsible for making all determinations of concurrency as defined in state statutes, and will also interpret the map based on all applicable state laws and administrative regulations and on the consistency between the proposed change or changes and the goals, objectives and policies expressed in the MCNP. The Planning Director will also determine whether or not proposed zoning changes require an amendment to the comprehensive plan. Note: Procedures for appeal are found in the Zoning Ordinance. of concurrency, interpretations of the map, and determinations that proposed zoning changes do not require an amendment to the MCNP made by the Planning Director may be appealed to the Zoning Board or the_City Commission. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendatic of proposed GC?s �c c <<CE;;._= — Page 6 of 13 GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by; City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 13 1-1O-1 HO-1.1 HO.1.2 HO.1.2.1 HO.1.2.2 HO.1.2.3 H O.1.2.4 HO-1.2.8 HO-2.1 (Pages 33- 38) ias those terms are defined by HUD) -- - X As per Community Development's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the phrase in each of the nine listed GOPs to: iin accordance with the current standards and regulations of HUD and (he State of Florida) 14 HO-`i . " , r; (Page 33) The City will continue to enforce, and where necessary strengthen those sections of the land development regulations that are intended to preserve and enhance the general appearance and character of the City's neighborhoods and to buffer such nei�tbornoods from X Added -that do not diminish the amount of area X encompassing the adjacent/abutting residential neighborhood" The City will continue to enforce, and where necessary strengthen those sections of the land development regulations that are intended to preserve and enhance the general appearance and character of the City's neighborhoods and to buffer such ,ncompatjble uses through the implementation and enforcement of ., ;,. i_.-.. s from incJ,r:padoka uses through the transition and buffering standards that do not diminish the amount of plementation and enforcement of transition and buffering area encompassing the adlacentlabuttinq residential neighborhood standards. 15 HO.1.1.7 (Page 34) _ The City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential neighborhood netween high—rise and low—rise residential developments triai no not X X x Added the last sentence The City will continue to control, through restrictions in the City's land development regulations, large scale and/or intensive commercial and industrial land development which may negatively impact any residential neighborhood appropriate transitions between high—rise and Low --rise residential diminish the amount of area encompassing the adjacent/abutting developments. residential neighborhood. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 7 of 13 GOP # (Page #) PAS EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 16 HO-1.1.10 (Pages 34- 35) The City shall report annually the extent to which the housing X As per Community Development's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the Policy to: The City shall report annually the extent to which the housing recommendations set forth in the adopted City of Miami Consolidated Plan Las they may be amended from lime to time) are being realized including those relating to: 1) the preservation of affordable rental housing through the recommend, in the ado tedi City of Miami Consolidated Plan as they may be amended from time to time] rehabilitation of existing rental stock and the encouragement of are being realized including those relating to: new rental housing construction, with a focus on serving the 1) the preservation of affordable rental housing through the needs of small families and single person households. such as the elderly and person with HIV/AIDS; rehabilitation of existing rental stock and the encouragement 2) the preservation of existing affordable housing — homeowner of new rental housing construction. with a focus on serving the needs of small families and single person households, retention by assisting very low-, low- and moderate -income such as the elderly and person with HIV/AIDS; households to obtain repair financing fromprivate lenders, with 2) assistance to residents to achieve homeownership by preference given to the elderly. disabled and persons with HIV/AIDS; seeking to increase the inventory of affordably priced units 3) assistance to residents to achieve homeownership by seeking to through new construction, and by providing second mortgage, down payment and closing cost assistance to increase the inventory of affordably priced units through new first-time homebuyers; and construction and the creation of a Purchase Rehab program by 3) stimulation of affordable housing development through the providing second mortgage, down payment and closing cost assistance to first -lime homebuyersand the creation of a Lease implementation of policy with respect to: to Purchase Program; and a. the creation of a land acquisition program for Infill 4) stimulation of affordable housing development through the b. identification of additional funding for affordable housing implementation of policy with respect to: c. the continued provision of Affordable Housing incentives a, the creation of a land acquisition program for Infill d, the provision of training/workshops to developers on City programs and regulations b. identification of additional funding for affordable housing e. streamlining of the RFP process and the provision of mulfi- c. expeditmq_of the Tax Credit Process year funding d. creation of special districts for mixed -use projects f. Increasing the capacity of non-profit housing providers. e. the continued provision of Affordable Housing incentives f. the provision of training/workshops to developers on City programs and regulations g. streamlining of the RFPprocess and the provision of multi- year funding h. increasing the capacity of non-profit housing providers. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 8 of 13 GOP # (Page #) PAS EAR Proposed OOPS Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 17 HO.1.6 (Page 37) Provide and/or encourage a local regulatory, Investment, and X Not Recommended. Regulations for supportive housing units are stated in Article 9, Sections 934.936 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. neighborhood environment that will assist the private sector in increasing the supply of supportive housing units that provide services such as child day care to single parent households and counseling to rehabilitated or rehabilitating substance abusers of very -low. low and moderate income households_ 18 HO-1.6.1 (Page 38) Supportive housing developed in accordance with this policy should X Not Recommended. Without definitions, several of the terms and goals of the recommended policy may violate Federal or State Guidelines. `.M designed to primarily serve the needs of the community in which, `=v are located by offering units to residents of the surrounding community on a priority basis. 19 HO-2.1.4 (Page 38) The City will continue to promote development of new, high quality, dense urban neighborhoods -along the Miami River__ the 1992 Miami River Master Plan}, in Central Brickell and in X The City will continue to promote development of new, high quality, dense urban neighborhoods along the Miami River --P Gen ►-aect-in South +ye iP at- r+ ,ast- gt- Note: This is what is stated in the EAR Recommendations. Southeast Overtown/Park West. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP •- Page 9 of 13 # GO—r _ �F, ` _ #� a PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended bj_ City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 20 TR-1.1.1 (Page 50) The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban Infill Area pursuant to Miami -Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto : pressway and including all of the City of Miami. ArE: Family and Duplex-Residentlai on the MCNP Future Lund use Mi= X The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as an Urban lnfill Area pursuant to Miami -Dade County's designation of an Urban infill Area lying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Within this area, the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards Trio Methodology as set forth in Policies TR-1.1.2 and TR-1.1.3 of within the Urban Infill Area shall be protected from changes that permit higher density residential uses and from commercial, office and industrial uses within those areas, in order to preserve the low density residential character of these areas. Redevelopment of corridors ad scent to these areas shall be encouraged to be located primarily at malor intersections of corn 1 , ' --,.r •"�:'i,i :-this area-r)iltF,Iri nr�h--- r=sadentiial ar= the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban Infill Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards and the City of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. (See Land Use Policy LU-1.1.11.) set forth in Policies TR-1.1.2 and TR-1.1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. (See Land Use Policy LU-1.1.11.) 21 TR-1.5.2 (Page 58) The City shall conduct appropriate land use and zoning analysis of the areas surrounding each existing and future Metrorailnrri;i _ X The City shall conduct appropriate land use and zoning analysis of the areas surrounding each existing and future Metferailpremium : station as such station sites are approved by Miami -Dade County . ' :__i:_ .1_•• for development in order to determine whether appropriate land use and zoning changes should be implemented that foster the development and use of the stations while protecting adjacent neighborhoods from incompatible development ,ixaminin_g height. density and intensily, use and ransit station as such station sites are approved by Mia:mi-Dade County or the City of Miami for development in order to determine whether appropriate land use and zoning changes should be implemented that foster the development and use of the stations while protecting adjacent neighborhoods from incompatible development Such land use and zoning changes shall include minimum and maximum density and intensity standards at the time of implementation. pcalee. Such land use and zoning changes shall include minimum and maximum density and intensity standards at the time of implementation. 22 PA-3 (Page 66- 67) Miami River Submitted into the public record in connection with nn 1 Ae• no no See Exhibit "B" l L L.1 V11 VJ-VO-VO Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 10 of 13 _ GOP # (Page #) PAS EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended bj— City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 23 PR-1,1 (Page 72) The City shall work to achieve a medium -term objective of providing As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: Tile City shall work to achieve a medium -term objective of a park within one-half mile of every resident by 2015 and to achieve a long-term objective of a park within one -quarter mile of every resident by 2020. providing a park within one-half mile of every resident and to I achieve a Iona -term objective of a park within one -quarter mile of every resident Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. 24 PR-1.1.4 (Page 73) City will conduct a study to supp:. X As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: The City will conduct a study to support a revised Level of Service Parks. recreation and open space for cur,currericy purposes and .pt a revised Level of Service for parks. recreation and open ice for concurrency purposes by January 2009 that will assist in 'ievinq the access and per capita funding objectives of PR-1.1. for parks, recreation and open space for concurrency purposes JJLI that time, the Level of Service for concurrency purposes shall and adopt a revised Level of Service for parks. recreation and _3 acres of public park space_per 1000 residents, open space for concurrency purposes that will assist in achieving the access and per capita funding objectives of PR-1.1. Until that time. the Level of Service for concurrency purposes shall be 1,3 acres of public park space per 1000 residents Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. 25 PR-2.1.1 (Page 75) ,iy has a no -net -loss policy for public park land and will adopt i X As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: The City has a no -net -loss policy for public park land and will :4ed,Jres to this effect for park land in the City Zoning Ordinances, :described in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces Master Pian,_by 0. These will allow only recreation and cultural facilities to be 1 on park land, will limit building footprint on any such land. will adopt procedures to this effect for park land in the City Zoning uire that conversion of park land for any other purposes be -rdinances, as described in the 2007 Parks and Public Spaces ''[ect to public procedures. and replace the converted park land caster Plan. These will allow only recreation and cultural facilities [ land similar in park, recreation or conservation value in terms of io be built on park land, will limit building footprint on any such vfujness and location. d will require conversion parkfor an„ land, .,,, �qui,,, that,,,,,,vets of land ,. tither purposes be subject to public procedures, and replace the converted park land with land similar in park. recreation or conservation value in terms of usefulness and location. Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendations of proposed GOPs for the MCN,'' - 11 of 13 GOP # (Page #) r, PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: ' City of Miami Plann.ng Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 26 PR-2 2 2 (Page 75) The City will maintain and staff nine public swimming pools to be X As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: The City will strive to maintain and staff ninejublic swimming open all year round by 2009. with the remainder to be open year- round by 2012. pools to be open all year round by 2009. with the remainder to be open vear-round by 2012. Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space „'aster Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. 27 PR-3.1.2 (Page 76) The City will work with the Parks and Recreation Department and X As per Parks and Recreation Department's suggestions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: i he City will work with the Parks and Recreation Department and with neighborhood_groups to identify pedestrian routes within a half- mile radius of parks that are appropriate for improvements to sidewalks, lighting. street trees, crosswalks and pedestrian count- down signals, and signage to support a ParkWalks program. as with neighborhood groups to identify pedestrian routes within a described in the 2007 Parks and 'Public Spaces Plan. The :iIf-mile radius of parks that are appropriate for improvements to ParkWalks improvement plans will be included in the Ci trees, crosswalks and pedestrian count - Improvement Program. One ParkWalks planning process will be down signals, and signage. as described in the 2007 Parks and completed in each Commission district annually beginning in 2009, Public Spares Plan. with implementation to_follow in the following year. Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res. R-07-0290. 28 PR-5.2.3 (P'P 30) TheCity will develop and implement regular procedures by 2010 to X ,::s per Parks and R-- ._`:-- ^cpartmcrt'- ...-:estions, Planning recommends changing the statement to: i 4ity will dev -; ;., :cyU,ci ucu.:edures to pi i..vi.av L;puortuniiie ?vide opportunities for park user and neighborhood consultation in the planning and design of park and recreation facrliiies improvements and new parks and programs. .or park user and neighborhood consultation in the planning and design of park and recreation facilities improvements and new parks and programs. Note: This amendment is based on the Parks and Open Space Master Plan as adopted in 2007. Res, R-07-0290. 29 �r'T-3 (Page 90) X The Planning Department Does not support this item. See Miami River Sub -Element - " Exhibit B" 30 Ci -3.1 (Page 90) �w ns _: v.age devorred to waterdependent uses in the X The Planning Department Does not support this item. See Miami River Sub -Element - " Exhibit B" , stal area of the City of Miami. 31 .�-3 C7,111 . . (Page 90) lure land use and development regulations will encourage water X The 'tanning Department Does not support this item. See Miami River Sub-Ele�� `It - " Exhibit B" U�pendent u° -' Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recommendat.ns of proposed GOPs for the MCNP — Page 12 of • # GOP # (Page #) PAB & EAR Proposed GOPs Recommended by: City of Miami Planning Department Recommended GOPs & Comments EAR 32 NR-1.1.6 (Page 95) Through land development regulations, ensure that development or redevelopment within the =. wiUU not adversely affect the natural environn-.:nt or lean to a net loss of public access .it i protection of natural x 1 Through land development regulations, ensure that development or redevelopment within the ' . will not adversely affect the natural environment or lead to a net loss of public access to the city's natural resources. syu Bins) to the city's natural resources. Submitted into the public record in connection with item PZ.1 on 05-08-08 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Analysis and Recom e:.1 ,`: cns propos;:.c GOPs ., MCNP Fa' ;13 of 13