HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem#1-EAR Presentation PAB-REVMiami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan EAR -Based Amendments Presented by: he City of Miami r .rg D •artment Presentation Overview 09. f 1f • 1[iaa unpaid1 V1/4 J Jr] J MiE1rni ll]pr T] T]JJv PiE1n 1 • rill]enE • EAP Ppor — 2DDE ▪ rr\r)���]J�d r\rrl�ndrn ;n ri • EAF F ecorllrn ndE]rion /P 1 bk Introduction Comprehensive Plan What do you envision for your City' Economic Prosperity Compatible Land -Use Adapt to Change Strong Communities S f . t Publi efit .1E144 unpaidid Introduction Comprehensive Pia - g • Comprehensive planning assembles Goals, Objectives and Policies to address the constant change and evolution of a community. Comprehensive plans are prepared to address compatibility issues between various: — uses of land — management and preservation of natural resources — identification and preservation of historically significant areas — adequate planning for infrastructure needs. 1El • 911aid .4 91 Introduction +ff • r • .I191.14 unpaid .4 91 fof Common MISINTERPRETATIONS of the Comprehensive Plan • Is the Plan is made up of Land Development Regulations, Building Code, Code Enforcement, etc? • Can the plan only change/updated once every 7-years? • Is the MCNP is a sub -plan to other municipal documents? • Does the MCNP incorporate detailed housing development needs and guide federal grant programs? Introduction Outside comprehensive plan issues may be addressed in: Land Development Regulations - Zoning Ordinance - Proposed Miami 21 Design Standards, Development and Preservation Strategies - Master Plans (Parks and Public Space, Coconut Grove Waterfront, Virginia Key, etc.) Detailed Housing Plans" Implementation Programs - Consolidated Plan (Department of Community Development, HUD & State funding) Building Code - Official Florida State Code and National Building Standards Historic Preservation Regulations - Miami City Code Chapter 23 Introduction • 5k� lot .11i.1• 911aid .4 91 Outside issues continued Budgeting Appropriations - Capital Improvements Program (funding appropriated by City Commission) Code Enforcement - Miami Code of Ordinances Transportation Improvements - MPO Transportation Improvement Program (includes funded five year projects for FDOT, Turnpike, County, MDT, MDX, Tri-Rail and Municipalities) - MPO Long Range Transportation Plan to the Year 2030 (includes planned transportation projects prioritized by need for FDOT, Turnpike, County, MDT, MDX, Tri-Rail and Municipalities) Introduction 91 • .1[1.a.111.eii Comprehensive Plan Organization Diagram: Planning Documents within the City of Miami 1 EAR -Based Amendments Building Code DCA Chapter 163 Growth, Management Act MCNP City Framework: Goals, Objectives, and Policies Detailed Housing Y Program �JI Budgeting Appropriation Implementation of Framework \\. EAR Design Standards Land Development Regulations Historic Preservation Transportation Improvements Code Enforcement I Presentation Overview ..i • E]rnn1b 1 orr1pr:7;r1 1,r1 Ji \J� �1n • EAF F Fpori �JJJ Ei-\FEid i-\rrndrnnt ▪ PAT Rrnd�1.t1onJ/P 1 iic' input Miami's Comprehensive Plan Background The Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP)... Required by state law that guides the City's existing and future development. By Florida Statute 163, each city and county in Florida must adopt a comprehensive plan. Adopted as Ordinance 10544 on February 9, 1989 and contains amendments by the City Commission through March, 2006. • The state of Florida allows the plan to be amended twice - a -year, separate from statutory amendments, emergency situations, and minor land use changes. Miami's Comprehensive Plan What does the plan do? • Indicates how the City will meet the needs of existing and future: — Residents — Visitors — Businesses • Preserve the character and quality of its communities. How does the plan impact You? • As population grows, density and public services will increase to support existing and future communities. • The plan creates a policy framework that has the effect of law, to guide all public and private development decisions in the City. Presentation Overview Mia ni-Dade County Public; ScFlid5 • i n Trod! ]ciJrl • 1���J�lll1J' Oorriprerlefi lie Piiri Eirnriit EAF Fpc.rt J �JJJ • EL\PEid Arn n d mTl e n • EAT F c'Jlllln en d 1tic n /P 1bii J' inpL]t 0,, rot Jf F • ▪ I[i�a unpaid .4 91 Elements Goals, Objectives and Policies I[i,.• 4 9B Each element contains goals, objectives and policies to address how the city will meet existing and future needs for the residential and business communities. The elements in the MCNP are: Future Land Use Housing Sanitary and Storm Sewers Natural Ground Water Potable Water Solid Waste Collection Transportation Ports, Aviation and Related Facilities Parks, Recreation and Open Space Coastal Management Natural Resource Conservation Capital Improvements Intergovernmental Coordination Educational Elements Public Schoo Facilities falhami-D c & County 15u LAG Salce]1s • In 2005, the State Legislature mandated school concurrency to be implemented through the comprehensive master plan (Chapter 163, F.S.). • School Concurrency assures that adequate public school facilities will be available concurrent with the impact of new development. • Local governments must adopt a Public School Facilities Element and an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the County, City and School Board as part of the comprehensive development master plan. • The City of Miami adopted its School Concurrency Element and ILA on January 24, 2008. atik� fPj + Jf Presentation Overview WO3 L vA LION API' ESMI5AL REPORT M1AMI COMPREHEMSIV[ NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN • i n Trod! ]ciore • jVi j �1 ll1 J' o rri J r � TI � TI E J V P i �l rl Efrrnnb J • EL\PEid Arn ndmTI"en • PAT F c'JITIInen d 1tic n /P 1bii ; inpL]t EAR Report - 2006 What is the Evaluationind Appraisal Report (EAR)? • The Report will evaluate how successful the MCNP is in addressing major community land use planning issues • State law requires that every 7-years, each city and county complete a report for their comprehensive plans `' 2005 EVALUATION APPRAISAL REPORT MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN EAR Report - 2006 f1f +ff • .1E144 unpaid .4 91 4 Majiissues identified • The need for, and Impacts of, Equitable Redevelopment and Development • Preservation and Enhancement of Natural, Historic, Archeological and Recreational Resources • Neighborhood Integrity • Transportation Recommendations that address the 4 major issues are: al • Gathered through public outreach. • Applied to the MCNP through the EAR -Based Amendment Process. Presentation Overview • i n Trod! ]ciorl • 1�]ii�1rl1J' orn Jr�ll�rlE iV Pig n Efrrnnb EL\P Fpc.rt ased Ame dment: • PAT F c'Jrrlrrlerlciaticr1E/P 1biic inpL]t • .I191.14 unpaid .4 91 EAR -Based Amendments What are the EAR -Based Amendments? • Each city and county must amend its comprehensive plan to address the issues identified in its EAR report. — Review original recommendations and modify the goals, objectives, and polices. • The city must seek more public outreach — Identify that changes will be made based on the recommendations and include additional modifications to the MCNP. • State Mandated Amendments — New State statutory requirements that will impact the MCNP will be included along with the recommended amendments. • State law requires this process to be completed by August 2008 Presentation Overview CITV • F MLA M I NETS hecivoreRt-teiwe rNs4ANCE KIENT TEAM • i ntrod L] tior] • jVijE1rrjjE Efrrnnb EAF Fpc.rt J Er\r����i d Arn ndrn r] �J ecommen• a ions/Pu Public Outreach Appointed Committee Group • The City began the public participation process by meeting with a small group of community representatives. — Community representatives were identified by our City Commissioners • Each representative was given the opportunity to: — Provide review and comment on proposed outreach programs; — Provide review and comment on proposed draft MCNP amendments; and — Identify effective methods for public outreach in their community. Public Outreach Committee Meeting Highlights Meeting 1 aoltrember 1, 2007 • Introduction • Indicate tasks by City/consultants • EAR process/background • Committee role identified Meeting 2 - January 8, 2008 • Statute Issues -New State Statute updates -DCA August 2008 Deadline • Response to MNU suggestions to MCNP • Outreach Timeline / NET Meetings Meeting 3 - February 1, 2008 • Specific changes to DRAFT discussion • Current Capital Improvement Plan • City Public Hearing schedule Public Outreach January 2008 — Neighborhood Enforcement Team (NET) Meetings January 29, 2008 District 1 (Flagami) January 30, 2008 District 4 (Flagami) January 31, 2008 District 2 (Upper Eastside) • February 2008 — Neighborhood Enforcement Team (NET) Meetings February 4, 2008 District 3 (Coral Way) February 5, 2008 District 4 (West Flagler) February 6, 2008 District 2 (S/W Coconut Grove) February 7, 2008 District 3 (Little Havana) February 11, 2008 District 5 (Overtown) February 12, 2008 District 5 (Model City) February 13, 2008 District 1 (Allapattah) March 2008 — Planning Advisory Board (PAB) March 5, 2008 PAB Discussion 1 March 19, 2008 PAB Discussion 2 March 31, 2008 PAB Recommendation • April 2008 — City Commission April 24, 2008 DCA Transmittal Hearing • July 2008 (Tentative) — City Commission July 24, 2008 (Tentative) EAR -Based Amendments Adoption Hearing EAR Recommendations Arn • Future and Use • Housing • Sanitary and Storm Sewer • Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge • Potable Water • Solid Waste Collection • Transportation lements o ' try- MCNP • Ports, Aviation, and Related Facilities • Parks, Recreation, and Open Space • Coastal Management • Natural Resource Conservation • Capital Improvements • Intergovernmental Coordination EAR Recommendations • .I191.14 unpaid .4 91 1 V1/4 FL]ft]r LEIrJC J� r erP nt • Create well -designed, mixed -use neighborhoods — Consistent with neighborhood character, function and history — Opportunity for multi -modal transportation — Implemented through land development regulations (Miami 21) • Enhance existing strategies — Prevent unacceptable infrastructure levels of service — Prevent encroachment of incompatible uses — Create appropriate height and mass transitions — Prevent degradation of open space, environment and ecology Public Input Land Use Need better historic and neighborhood preservation Need height restrictions next to single-family residential Single-family neighborhoods should be buffered from other uses Need density and intensity standards in the land use categories The entire city should not be in the TCEA/Urban Infill area Cumulative impacts of multiple projects in the Upper Eastside not addressed during individual project approvals Create a low-rise office land use category Does not make sense that the Restricted Commercial land use category can be translated into high density residential The FEC corridor and sidings should be put to better use Promote green buildings in the City of Miami Public Input Urban InfiII Area Policy LU-1.1.11: The City hereby adopts designation of the City, excluding Virginia Key, Watson Island and the uninhabited islands of Biscayne Bay, that have a land use and zoning classification of Conservation, as shown on "Attachment A. as an Urban InfiII Area pursuant to Miami -Dade County's designation of an Urban Infill Area Tying generally east of the Palmetto Expressway and including all of the City of Miami. Areas designated Single -Family — Residential on the MCHP Future Land Use Map within the Urban InfiII Area shall be protected from changes that permit higher density residential uses and from commercial, office and industrial uses within those areas, in order to preserve the low density residential character- of these areas. Redevelopment of corridors adjacent to these areas shall be encouraged to be located primarily at major intersections of commercial corridors. \A/ithin this area, Outside of these residential areas, the concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity shall be emphasized with the goals of enhancing the livability of residential neighborhoods and the viability of commercial areas. Priority will be given to infill development on vacant parcels, adaptive reuse of underutilized land and structures, and the redevelopment of substandard sites. Maintenance of transportation levels of service within this designated Urban InfiII Transportation Concurrency Exception Area shall be in accordance with the adopted Transportation Corridors level of service standards and the City of Miami Person -Trip Methodology as set forth in Policies TR-1.1.2 and 1.1.3 of the Transportation Element of the MCNP. Public Input Reporting and Monitoring • Land Use Policy 1.1.2 • Housing Policy 1.1.10 • Sanitary and Storm Sewers Policy 1.3.4 • Capital Improvements Policy 1.2.5 • Transportation Policies 1.1.5, 1.5.12, 1.5.14, 1.5.15, and 1.6.1 • Parks, Recreation and Open Space Policies 1.5.1, 3.2.10, 3.2.11, 4.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, and 7.1.2 EAR Recommendations Parks, Recre iion El nd per Completely reworked based on the Miami Parks and Public Spaces Plan adopted May 2007 by the City Commission ce Element Fri PR Pin 2 I EAR Recommendations 46. • ▪ CI tr" -Y "d� EAR Recommendations Parks Continued. New access -based and funding -based Level of Service measures: — Park within %mileof every resident with future'/4 mile goal — $100 per capita funding EAR Recommendations No net loss of park land Enhancement of existing parks, facilities and programs Park land acquisition according to community priorities Increased public access by pedestrians, bicyclists, disabled persons Increased visual and physical access to waterfront areas • Expansion of greenways and trails EAR Recommendations Parks Continued. Shared resources with other agencies, groups Improved efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability Additional funding, including impact fees, developer benefits for nts, ns, con ri • u ions, pu • is density bonuses, gr. volunteer contributio philanthropy • Enhanced communi participation in park recreation policy an • • Annual reports on i of the parks master plementation Ian EAR Recommendations • .111.14 unpaid • Clarify that the Comprehensive Policies address the needs of the very -low and low-income groups • Require that the progress being made toward meeting the goals of the Consolidated Plan be publicly reviewed on a periodic basis • Consider an economic element that would among other issues address the issue of economic disparity that underlies the need for affordable housing EAR Recommendations ransporta ion emen • Protection of Single -Family Residential in the TCEA/Urban Infill Area • Further clarification of the Adopted LOS Standards • Enforcement of the Transportation Control Measures Ordinance • Coordination with MDT on the expansion of the transit system to serve neighborhoods with increasing population • Coordination with MDT to improve connections between transit modes • Coordination with FDOT to ensure that transportation improvements minimize the intrusion of commuter traffic on residential streets • Provision of design guidelines for development in existing and planned transit corridors to promote pedestrianism and transit usage through improved connectivity and transit infrastructure • Included water taxi commuter service as a transit mode • Updated TDM strategies to include preferential parking for hybrid vehicles • Included the development of a transit corridor right-of-way map to use when evaluating new projects and their proximity to existing and future planned transit service Public Input rot +ff • .1E144 unpaidid .4 1B ` Transportation • Transit should be available to serve all neighborhoods • Expanded transit services should extend into neighborhoods with population increases resulting from new residential projects • Expand multi -modal transit to serve the east -west commute • Address the City's high automobile dependency • Funding increased county -wide for transit, but never applied • Identify the transit improvements funded using PTP dollars • Reemphasize the need for a transit hub in Liberty City to provide parking solutions for NW 7th Avenue • Residents do not want reversible lanes on NW 7th Avenue • Ramp metering at entrances to 1-95 will cause queuing onto NW 7th Avenue • Consider water taxis as a commuter travel mode and promote their use along the Miami River • Improve air quality by encouraging green highways and the use of hybrid vehicles EAR Recommendations ElOJtE1 mprovem is Element • Specifies that development orders authorizing new development or redevelopment that results in an increase in the density or intensity of land use shall be contingent upon the availability of public facilities and services that meet or exceed the minimum LOS standards for sanitary sewer, solid waste, stormwater, potable water, parks and recreation and transportation facilities • Specifies that land use map changes must maintain the financial feasibility of the MCNP (i) Grpaise• .. .. . Website Links if) -.Parks and Public Spaces Master Plan: htto://www. miamigarksplan.com • Miami 21: http://www.miami2l .org • Miami Comprehensive C rborhood Plan (MCNP) and EAR -Based i\rn^ ndments DRAFT document: htto://www.://www.miami ov.com/Plan n i n fPj The End 0ts1PtiOrl Of DOffiff