HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Legislation (Version 2)City of Miami Legislation Ordinance Fife NiLlanber: 08-90889zt City Hal 3560 Pan American Drive PI 3.31in kw:AN rrErrn igov _cern Final Action Dtlic AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF UMW, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING ARTICLE 6, SECT 620, ENTITLED "SD-20 EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT; SD-20.1 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT,' IN ORDER TO IVICDIFY USE REGULATIONS TO ALLOW FOR MEDICAL AND DENTAL CLINICS AND OFFICES IN THE SD-20,1 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT BY CLASS SPECIAL PERMIT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS. the Miami PlEinhino Advisory Board, at its rneeting held on September 17, 2008, Item No. P.3, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 08-035 by a vote of Eight to Zero (8-0), recommending APPROVAL as presented; and WHEREAS, the City Commission after careful consideration of this matter deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of The Cityof Miami and its citizens to amend its Zoning Ordinance as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WM, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are hereby adopted by reference thereto and incorporated herein as if •I'ully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordnance of the City of Miami, Florida, is amended in the following particulars:III "ARTICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS • Sec. 620. SD-20 Edgewater OvE,,rlay Dft'ict; D-2.0.1 Biscayne Boulevard Edgewater Overlay District. Sec. 620.5. Limitations on uses in the SD-20.1 Overlay District. Permitted principal Lis6S aria' structtires; Principal uses and structures are as permitted ge,neraiIy or conditiorialIy by special permit in the underlying district, except the following uses shall not be permitted: Cio, of Miami ameisisn. Png 1 f 4 Prinzed On: 10/2/2008 He NUMb8f7 05-00889zi 1. Convalescent homes, nursing homes: adult a TICI child daycare faiies. nstitutions for the aged or infirm, foster homes, group homes and orphanades. 2. Community based residential facilities. 3. Private clubs, lodges. fraternitiesand sororities operated for profit. 4. Coin laundry operation.:. cgi-rl 5. Mortuaries and funeral homes. .. 6. Linericlosed sales of new or used cars except as permitted below for automobile and motor vehicle sales and display by a State of Florida licensed franchised new motor vehicle dealer whose premises, including lots and appurtenant structures: exceed thirty thousand (30,000) square feet in area. 8. 7. Automotive service and repairs except as accessory to automobile and motor vehicle sales and display by a State of Florida licensed franchised new motor vehicle dealer whose premises, including lots and appurtenant structures, exceed thirty thousand (30,000) square feet in area. 9. 8. Storage of wrecked vehicles. 49. 9. Driving school agencies. 11. 10. Ambulance service. 12. 11. Sewing shops. 3-3. 12. Storage facilities, public or private:, includirve such uses commonly referred to as "mini -storage, self -storage c mini-vvarenouse" 111. 13. Vehicle rental and/or leasing facilities except as accessory for automobile and motor vehicle sales and display by a State of Florida licensed franchised new motor vehicle dealer whose premises, including lots arid appurtenant structures, exceed thirty thousand (30,000) square feet in area. 15. 14. Pawn shops or equipment rental facilities. 16. 15. Aluminum recycling machines. 4-7. 16. Wholesaiftig or jobbing. 4-8. 17. Public health or socia service 4-9. 18. Hiring hall or labor poos. City of Miami Pag8 2 of .4 Printed On: 10/2/2008 Ffie Number. 08-003.e9zt 20. 19. Discount rriembership merchandisers, 24, 20. Autornobde servlce stations. 24. 21, Automated or by-ha:inc.:: automobile wash facility except as aceessory for automobile and motor vehicle sales and display by a State of Florida licensed frandnis.ed new motor vehicle, dealer whose premises, including lots and aoourtensnt structures, exceed thirty Thousand (30000) square feet in area. Conditional prThcThai uses. Same as for the undeelying district with The same limitations con ained n section 620,4 above; and in addition: 1, Retail establishments operating from the hours of midn ght to 6:00 a,m. only by Special Exception. 2. Veterinarian Clinic by Special Exception. 3. Parking lots by Special Exception, except along properties fronting on Biscayne B ulevard in which case such use shall be prohibited. 4. Parking garages, by Special Exception except that along Biscayne Boulevard, such garages shall be visually screened from the Boulevaird on the ground fiocr by being lined with retail, restaurant or service uses that comply with the design standards as specified for primary pedestrian pathways. There shall be no vehicular access to such facilities directly from Biscayne Boulevard when access from other public rights -of -way is avaiiable. 5. Bars, saloons and taverns, supper clubs and nightclubs; including those with dancing and live entertainment open to the genera.! public by Special Exception. 6. Brewery -restaurants as defined in section 2502 by Class II Special Permit. Brewing activities shall only be conducted as an accessory use to the restaurant. All sales of beer and wine must be consumed on the premises and always in conjunction with a meal. Issues to be considered during the Cass Special Permit process are: the precise area and location of the brewing operation: annual beer production; hours of operation: parking provisions: control of emissions and dis&arges: exterior lighting; landscapina and signs, 7. Sale of new or used vehicles by Special Exception; such uses shall be from enclosed structures for portions of the proF.)erty fronting on Biscayne Bouievard; vehicles for sale may be located on the rear portions of the sf.Abject property 'without having to be in enclosed structures, however, they must remain out of view from Biscayne. Boulevard; specifically excepted from this requirement are automobile and motor vehicle sales and display by a State of Florida licensed franchised new motor vehicle deaiEt whose premises, including lots and appurtenant structures, exceed thirty thousand. (30,000). square feet in area and were existing as of January 1, 2003. 8. Drive -through facilities for ATM/financial instftutions, by Class Special Permit, provided that there shall be no vehicular access to such facilitie.s, directly from Biscayne Boulevard as a primary pedestrian pathway. The drive-theeugh component of such facilities shall not be located on the City of Page Printed On: 10/2/2008 File Number: 08-00-369zt side of property' facind Biscayne ck:iu,evariii ledica and dental clinics and offices not to exceed 4000 souare feet per practice, by Class 11 Special Permit: for the QUIPOSSS cf this section. a nractice is defined as one or more medical professionals sharing_a reception or waiting area operating as a sindie practice.. Section 3. If any section, part of secticr, paragraph, clause, phrase or word of this. Ordinance is declared invalid the remaining provisions cfths Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 4. This Ordinance shall becom::, effective thirty (30) days after approval at second reading, unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it ii'as passed and adopted. if the Mayor vetoes this Ordnance, it shall become effective immediat&y upon override of the veto by the City Commission. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: rt JULIE O. 3RU CITY ATTORNEY Footnotes se.6.—ffizema.,2 {1} Words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanged material. Cio: of Miami SCSIN26.[61,34.31.483 Page 4 qf 4 Prinied On: 10/2/2008