HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiami Worldcenter Master Plan Design StandardsMIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN DESIGN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Regulatory Plan III. Street Design a. Street System b. Streets i. NE 1st Avenue ii. NE 2nd Avenue iii. N. Miami Avenue iv. NE 6th Street v. N E 7th Street vi. NE 8th Street vii. NE 9th Street viii. NE 10th Street ix. NE llth Street c. Typical Intersection d. Typical Raised Intersection e. Typical Sidewalk f. Typical Arcade g. Streetscape Furniture IV. Design Standards a. Build -to Requirements b. Building Mass and Form c. Building Continuity d. Architectural Scaling Elements e. Building Materials and Finishes f. Building Entries g. Fenestration h. Roofs i. Services and Utilities j. Lighting k. Awnings and Canopies I. Balconies and Terraces m. Signage n. Parking AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 1 Diagrams and Illustrations location of the Miami World Center site llth Street Club District 10th Street 8th Street Existing Arena 7th Street Government Buildings Miami World Center Site Miami Dade College American Airlines Arena Bicentennial Park 0 100 200 400 2 • MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 INTRODUCTION Overview Intent Conceptual Rendering Artist rendering of project looking north on 1st Avenue The Miami World Center is a nine block mixed -use development immediately north of the Central Business District in downtown Miami. It is defined by NE 2nd Avenue to the east, North Miami Avenue to the west, NE llth Street to the north, and NE 6th Street to the south. Spanning over twenty five acres, the Miami World Center includes a dynamic mix of retail, residential, office, and institutional uses. It will create a vibrant, walkable pedestrian environment with a unique sense of place: a modem design statement driven by Miami's unique physical context, culture, and architectural heritage. The Miami World Center design standards will establish appropriate standards for the design of streets, public spaces, and buildings within the SD-16.3 Special District area. These design standards expand on the requirements identified in Section 627.1 and shall be considered minimum requirements for all new development. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 3 Diagrams and Illustrations regulating plan Block N Block B NAP Center Block E Cross block Connection Area & Location T.B.D. Block G BTL = Build -to Line BCL = Back of Curb Line Block A Cross black Connection Area & Location TBD. Block C Block D Block F Block H ❑ - Open Space - Exposed Parking Garage Permitted with 2' Architectural Screen Metromov r Track Ab ve Metromover Station S 4 • MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 REGULATING PLAN Overview Intent The Miami World Center project was guided by the goal of establishing a memorable, pedestrian district with a strong integrated public realm. This includes an interconnected system of well-defined streets, plazas, and pedestrian spaces tailored to Miami's cli mate. The regulating plan for Miami World Center defines the size and dimension of the public realm within the site area. This includes building setback requirements, locations for exposed parking garages, and the overall street dimensions for the project area. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 5 STREET DESIGN AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 7 Diagrams and Illustrations street plan for the Miami World Center site Existing Arena Streets Miami Dade College American Airlines Arena 8 • MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 STREET SYSTEM OVERVIEW STREETS NE 1st Avenue NE 2nd Avenue N. Miami Avenue NE 6th Street NE 7th Street NE 8th Street NE 9th Street NE 10th Street NE llth Street A unified street system with a clear hierarchy has been developed at Miami World Center. Narrow streets (many with arcades) set the stage for larger, more significant streets like 1st Avenue. Each Street will have a distinct personality and function to create a range of experiences. This will include variation in scale, enclosure, materials, sidewalk width, and retail character. Designated as the most prominent street at Miami World Center, it will include the greatest streetwall height and street corridor width. A major gateway street defined by the elevated Metromover train and intense residential development along the east side of the street near Biscayne Boulevard. A major north -south neighborhood gateway street providing linkages to the Central Business District and the Omni Neighborhood. Arcaded street with major connection to the Miami Dade College and the Central Business District. Pedestrian -oriented street with intense retail and restaurant activity modeled after Lincoln Road in Miami Beach. Arcaded retail street with a strong connection to the American Airlines Arena and the Biscayne waterfront. Arcaded retail street with a strong connection to the Biscayne waterfront. A wide tree -lined boulevard that provides a major east -west linkage between the Overtown Neighborhood and Bicentennial Park. Mixed -use street with a focus on night club/ entertainment uses. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 9 Diagrams and Illustrations - NE 1st Avenue 1st Avenue 1 The Tower or other portion of the building above streetwall may project back to the streetwall for up to 25% of the building frontage PFM 4i•M emu Sureaiwil mat. 505' wW4 15' street section (looking north) plan 66' Proposed Back-ofCurbLine (BCL) 119' Street -Corridor Build -to Line (BTL) dr r key plan 10 • MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 1 ST AVENUE OVERVIEW DESCR I PTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Tower Setback Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Miami Streetcar Intersection Design EXAM PLE Champs Elysees, Paris 1st Avenue is considered the most prominent street at Miami World Center. It is the primary retail corridor within the project area with connections to the existing Central Business District and the Omni Neighborhood. This street will be designed to accommodate a variety of transportation modes, including the proposed Miami Streetcar. Precedents for 1st Avenue, with regard to it's urban role, presence, and spirit, include Champs Elysees in Paris, North Michigan Avenue in Chicago, and 5th Avenue in New York City. 59'-6" from center line of street 119' width (see Regulating Plan) Streetwall height shall be 85' (minimum) to 95' (maximum). A 10' setback shall be required at the top of the streetwall. No additional setback required at the podium level. The portion of the building above the street wall may project back to street wall for up to 25% of the overall building frontage. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 20' minimum width that includes a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. Street trees shall be planted at regular intervals. Street light poles shall be located at regular intervals and shall be coordinated with the placement of street trees. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Four vehicular lanes shall be included. A parking lane shall be included on each side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all street intersections. A planted center median shall be included. The median may include lighting and drought tolerant plant material. Proposed Miami Streetcar shall be located on one of the northbound traffic lanes. Each transit stop shall be subject to City and State design requirements. Raised intersections and/or enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 11 Diagrams and Illustrations - NE 2nd Avenue 2nd Avenue (Alternate) T,<' pion 1,"t1 I legal 1 Ltve.15 5rla.t� 5trter,al: rn,,r °15, rn:-: Luigi 4 NAOMI Paid ng.2 ET. street section (looking north) BTL plan 60' Centerline to BTL key plan 12 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 2ND AVENUE OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Miami Metromover Intersection Design EXAM PLE Vines and other plant material can be used to enhance the appearance of the Metromover 2nd Avenue is one of the gateway streets at Miami World Center. It is heavily influenced by the presence of the Miami Metromover and a series of existing high rise towers on the east side of the street. 60' from center line of street (note: build -to line on east side of street varies) 107' 6" width - varies (see Regulating Plan) Streetwall height shall be 90' (minimum) to 115' (maximum) 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) A 15' minimum sidewalk shall be maintained from the existing curb to the Build -to Line. This shall include a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. Curb extensions shall be located at each driveway or intersection and may include street trees and other planting material. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Three vehicular lanes shall be included. One parking lane shall be included on the west side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all driveways and street intersections. No median shall be included. Improvements to the Miami Metromover may include landscaping, lighting, and other enhancements. Any improvements to Metromover shall be subject to City, County, and State design requirements. Enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 13 Diagrams and Illustrations N. Miami Avenue street section (looking north) plan H The Tower or other portion of the building above streetimall may project back to the streetwall for up to 25% of the building frontage 65' Propgsed BCL 50' Centerline to BTL BTL key plan 1 J J 14 CL MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 N. MIAMI AVENUE OVERVIEW DESCR I PTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Tower Setback Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Intersection Design EXAM PLE Barcelona, Spain North Miami Avenue is one of the gateway streets at Miami World Center. It will have a mix of residential, retail and office uses and will include a lower streetwall height that helps transition to the primarily residential neighborhood to the west. Precedents include streets in Barcelona and Madison Avenue in New York City. 50' from center line of street (note: build -to line on west side of street varies) 100' width - varies (see Regulating Plan) Street wall height shall be 72' (minimum) to 85' (maximum). A 10' setback shall be required at the top of the streetwall. A 5' projection is allowed for balconies above streetwall height. No additional setback required at the podium level. The portion of the building above the street wall may project back to street wall for up to 25% of the overall building frontage. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 15' minimum width including 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. Street trees shall be planted at regular intervals. Street light poles shall be located at regular intervals and shall be coordinated with the placement of street trees. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Four vehicular lanes shall be included. A parking lane shall be included on each side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all driveway and street intersections. A planted center median shall be included. The median may include lighting and drought tolerant plant material. Raised intersections and/or enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 15 Diagrams and Illustrations NE 6th Street street section (looking west plan __ i4r i4r.axd $C4 _ 1 17' 6' Centreline to 16 ' Shrert Ctrmdorlh+rcs 34' Pro..;e. BCL 42'6" Center line to BTL c_ BTL FEC Easement FEC setback profile (n.t.s.): block sec- tion from 6th to 7th r key plan 16 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 6TH STREET OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Intersection Design EXAM PLE Pacific Place, Seattle NE 6th Street is one of the arcaded streets at Miami World Center. This street has a strong connection to Miami Dade College and the Central Business District. One of the design precedents used is Pacific Place in Seattle. 42'-6" from center line of street (note: build -to line on south side of street varies) 85' width - varies (see Regulating Plan) Street wall height shall be 72' (minimum) to 85' (maximum). A 15' projection from the build -to line shall be required up to the top of the streetwall. A 5' projection from the build to line is allowed for balconies above the streetwall height. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 15' minimum arcade width including a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. Street light poles on the north side of the street shall be located within curb extensions or attached to the building. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Three vehicular lanes shall be included. Parallel parking may be permitted along the north side of the street between trees. Curb extensions shall be required at all driveways, street intersections, and crosswalk areas. No median shall be included. Enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 1 7 Diagrams and Illustrations NE 7th Street a ry iL F., The Tower or other portion of the building above streetwall may project back to the streetwall for up to 25% of the building frontage 10° eprrk. rrrd: r. t:7 r 'lief rim. IS'n• street section (looking east) plan 4, 40' Proposed BCL 95' Street Corridor Q ,< Up to 25% of frontage may be reduced to 50' height r key plan 18 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 7TH STREET OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Intersection Design EXAM PLE The design of 7th Street was inspired by cafe streets such as Lincoln Road in Miami. NE 7th Street has been designated as a pedestrian -oriented street. It will include a flexible design that will allow the street to be closed for public events. Precedents include Lincoln Road in Miami and Place Horloge in Avignon, France. 47'-6" from center line of street 95' width (see Regulating Plan) Streetwall height shall be 75' (minimum) to 85' (maximum). However, up to 25% ofthe streetwall frontage may be reduced to 50' in height. A 5' projection is allowed on upper floors within the streetwall height for bay windows and balconies. A 10' setback shall be required at the top of the streetwall and an additional 10' setback shall be required between the top of the streetwall and the podium level (see section). A 5' display case projection is permitted along the ground level frontage. A 5' projection from the build - to line is allowed for balconies above the streetwall height. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 15' minimum width including a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. Fountains, landscaping, outdoor seating, public art and other pedestrian amenities shall be included within the sidewalk zone to promote an active pedestrian area. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Two vehicular lanes shall be included. A parking lane shall be included on each side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all driveway and street intersections. No median shall be included. Raised intersections and/or enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 19 Diagrams and Illustrations N E 8th Street Tower Non -habitable Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Retail or Other Acive Use 15' Req. Projection it Streetwal I max. 70 Podium max. 129' 15' Req. Projection min. 60' 5' min. balconies req. for habitable residential spaces 15' req. projection up to street wall height street section (looking east) plan 43' Proposl d BCL 80' Street!Corridor Planting Area Typical Curb Extension BTL r key plan 20 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 8TH STREET OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Intersection Design Balcony EXAM PLE Arcade in Paris, France NE 8th Street is one of the arcaded streets at Miami World Center. It will include extensive ground level retail uses and a strong sense of enclosure. Precedents include arcaded streets in France, Rome, and Bologna. 40' from center line of street 80' width (see Regulating Plan) Street wall height shall be 60' (minimum) to 70' (maximum). A 15' projection from the build -to line shall be required up to the top of the streetwall. A 5' projection from the build -to line is allowed for balconies above the streetwall height. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 15' minimum arcade including a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. A 12" storefront projection may be allowed within the arcade. Street lights shall be attached to the building or located within curb extensions. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Two vehicular lanes shall be included. A parking lane shall be included on each side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all driveway and street intersections. A safety strip shall be included at the center of street. The safety strip shall include special paving material and shall be flush with the rest of the street. Raised intersections and/or enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. A minimum 5' balcony is required for any habitable residential space located within the streetwall portion of the building. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 21 Diagrams and Illustrations N E 9th Street Tower Non -habitable Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Retail or Other Acive Use 15' Req. Projection it Streetwal I max. 70' Podium max. 129' 15' Req. Projection min. 60' 5' min. balconies req. for habitable residential spaces 15' req. projection up to street wall height 15' req. arcade street section (looking east) plan 43' Proposl d BCL 80' Street!Corridor Planting Area Typical Curb Extension BTL Q r key plan 22 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 9TH STREET OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Intersection Design Balcony EXAM PLE Uffizi in Florence, Italy. NE 9th Street is one of the arcaded streets at Miami World Center. It will include a extensive ground level retail uses and a strong sense of enclosure. Precedents include arcaded streets in France, Rome, and Bologna. 40' from center line of street 80' width (see Regulating Plan) Street wall height shall be 60' (minimum) to 70' (maximum). A 15' projection from the build -to line shall be required up to the top of the streetwall. A 5' projection from the build -to line is allowed for balconies above the streetwall height. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 15' minimum arcade including a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. A 12" storefront projection may be allowed within the arcade. Street lights shall be attached to the building or located within curb extensions. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Two vehicular lanes shall be included. A parking lane shall be included on each side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all driveway and street intersections. A safety strip shall be included at the center of street. The safety strip shall include special paving material and shall be flush with the rest of the street. Raised intersections and/or enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. A minimum 5' balcony is required for any habitable residential space located within the streetwall portion of the building. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 23 Diagrams and Illustrations N E l Oth Street The Tower or other portion of the building ahove streetwall may project hack to the street - wall for op to 25% of the build- ing frontage • L. street section (looking east) key plan 0 plan \ I / W 0 65' Proposed BCL 100' Street Corridor / I • tit BTL 24 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 10TH STREET OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Tower Setback Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Intersection Design EXAM PLE Green Boulevard at Santana Row, San Jose NE 10th Street has been designed as a green boulevard with a strong connection to Bicentennial Park and the Overtown Neighborhood. Precedents for 10th Avenue include Park Avenue in New York City and Santana Row in San Jose, CA. 50' from center line of street 100' width (see Regulating Plan) Streetwall height shall be 85' (minimum) to 95' (maximum). A 10' setback shall be required at the top of the streetwall. A 5' projection from the build -to line is allowed for balconies above the streetwall height. No additional setback required at the podium level. The portion of the building above the streetwall may project back to the streetwall for up to 25% of the overall building frontage along N. Miami Avenue. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 15' minimum width including a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. Street trees shall be planted at regular intervals. Street light poles shall be located at regular intervals and shall be coordinated with the placement of street trees. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Four vehicular lanes shall be included. A parking lane shall be included on each side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all street intersections. A planted center median shall be included. The median may include lighting, public art, and drought tolerant plant material. Raised intersections and/or enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 25 Diagrams and Illustrations NE 11 th Street Podium max. 129' Streetwal I max. 80' min. 70' 10' Req. Setback Tower Non -habitable Level 8 Level 7 Level 6 Level 5 37' Prop.sed BCL 0 5 10 37'6" Centerline to BTL Street Corridor Varies Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Retail or Other Active Use street section (looking east) plan 0 37' Prodosed BCL 4,,37'6" Center line to BTL• Q I L key plan 26 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 NE 11TH STREET OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION Build -to Line Street Corridor Streetwall Podium Sidewalk Vehicular Lanes Parking Median Intersection Design EXAM PLE Entertainment Retail Street, Quebec City NE llth Street has been conceived as a lively entertainment street with a mix of residential, office and retail uses. It will include space for outdoor cafes and other street level activities. 37'-6" from center line of street (note: build -to line on north side of street varies) 75' width - varies (see Regulating Plan) Streetwall height shall be 70' (minimum) to 80' (maximum). A 10' setback shall be required at the top of the streetwall. A 5' projection from the build -to line is allowed for balconies above the streetwall height. 129' maximum height (8 liner stories max) 15' minimum width including a 5' minimum clear zone for ADA accessibility. Street trees shall be planted at regular intervals. Street light poles shall be located at regular intervals and shall be coordinated with the placement of street trees. A lighting plan and specification shall be submitted and approved by Class II Special Permit. Two vehicular lanes shall be included. A parking lane shall be included on each side of the street. Curb extensions shall be required at all driveway and street intersections. None Raised intersections and/or enhanced paving materials may be utilized for sidewalk and roadway areas to improve the pedestrian experience. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 27 Diagrams and Illustrations plan 1 0 5 10 28 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 TYPICAL INTERSECTION Overview Description Example Seattle, WA Each street intersection at Miami World Center will be designed to create a pedestrian - friendly environment. Curb extensions will be utilized to protect pedestrians and minimize crossing distances. Enhanced paving materials and raised intersections will be utilized to further improve the pedestrian environment. Quality materials are encouraged. Minimize curb radius to minimize pedestrian crossing distance and reduce automobile speed (approximately 25' radius). Curb extensions at intersections and selected mid -block crossing zones Minimum 15' wide sidewalk dimension with 10' clear pedestrian zone (see typical sidewalk detail) AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 29 Diagrams and Illustrations n it Plan N D n 0 5 10 30 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 TYPICAL RAISED INTERSECTION Overview Description Example Each street intersection at Miami World Center will be designed to create a pedestrian - friendly environment. Curb extensions will be utilized to protect pedestrians and minimize crossing distances. Enhanced paving materials and raised intersections will be utilized to further improve the pedestrian environment. Quality materials are encouraged. Minimize curb radius to minimize pedestrian crossing distance and reduce automobile speed (approximately 25' radius). Curb extensions at intersections and selected mid -block crossing zones. Minimum 15' wide sidewalk dimension with 10' clear pedestrian zone (see typical sidewalk detail) Minimum 5' x 5' tree pit opening (may include tree grate) AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 31 Diagrams and Illustrations - Typical Non -Arcade Sidewalk section plan Pedestrian Zone j,VereJParkinj, Lane yl 10' 5' 6" 7' 10' min. min. E Eo. 32 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 TYPICAL SIDEWALK Overview Guidelines Example Sidewalks at Miami World Center will be designed to facilitate ground level activities that will include shopping, entertainment, and cafe seating. A unified system of paving materials will be utilized for the sidewalks at Miami World Center. Minimum sidewalk dimension shall be 15' from inside edge of curb to building face. Minimum 10' wide pedestrian zone shall be located along the building perimeter Minimum 5' verge shall be located between the pedestrian zone and the inside edge of the curb. This area may include streetscape furniture, newspaper boxes, light fixtures, and other streetscape elements. Curb material and design shall match or improve City of Miami design standard. Sidewalk shall provide a minimum 5' clear zone to meet ADA requirements. Sidewalk handicap ramps shall meet ADA slope requirements. Outdoor seating is permitted on all sidewalks provided that a minimum 5' clear zone is included. AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 33 Diagrams and Illustrations - Typical Arcade plan lamp future on column 34 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS AUGUST 1, 2008 TYPICAL ARCADE Overview Guidelines Arcade Proportions 1.5: 1 and 1:1 Arcades are an important part ofthe integrated public realm plan at Miami World Center. The design of each arcade will include protection from the elements (sun, rain, and wind) with proportions that provide a human scale. Minimum clear height of 15' from sidewalk to ceiling of arcade. Minimum 15' depth with a minimum clear zone of 12' from inside of column to building face. Height to width ratio shall be between 2:1 and 1:1 with a target ratio of 1.5:1 (see diagrams below). Lighting shall be provided inside each arcade to provide adequate illumination for the ground level area within the arcade. Uplighting is encouraged. Exterior light fixtures shall be attached to the exterior of the arcade (free standing light poles are discouraged along arcaded streets). Floor to ceiling glazing is encouraged for retail businesses along arcaded streets. 1.5:1 Ratio height depth 1:1 Ratio AUGUST 1, 2008 MIAMI WORLD CENTER MASTER PLAN STANDARDS • 35 -4th-Streei NAP Center • Government Buildings Performing Arts Center /i „ - American Airlines Arena MAP 1 LOCATION MAP Miami World Center Site Miami Dade College 0 1 00 2 00 40 0 - - TABLE 1 PARKINGANDLOADING This table describes the standards for Parking and Loading. Standards shall include the following: PARKING STANDARDS ANGLE OF PARKING ACCESS AISLE WIDTH ONE WAY TRAFFIC SINGLE LOADED ONE WAY TRAFFIC DOUBLE LOADED TWO WAY TRAFFIC DOUBLE LOADED 90 60 45 Parallel 23ft. 12.8ft. 10.8 ft. 10 ft. 23ft. 11.8ft. 9.5 ft. 10 ft. 23ft. 19.3 ft. 18.5 ft. 20 ft. Standard Stall Dimension: 8.5 ft. x 18 ft. minimum " Driveways shall have a minimum of 10 feet of paved width for a one-way drive and 20 feet for a two-way drive for parking area providing 10 or more stalls " Pedestrian entrances shall be at least 3 feet from stall, driveway or access aisle Allowable slopes, paving and drainage as per Florida Building Code Off-street parking facilities shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 7 feet, Where such a facilitiy is to be used by trucks or loading uses, the minimum clearance shall be 15 feet. " Ingress vehicular control devices shall be located so as to provide a minimum driveway of 20 feet in length between the build -to line and dispenser. " For landscaping requirements of parking lots, refer to Miami -Dade County Landscape Ordinance. LOADING BERTH STANDARDS RESIDENTIAL' From 25,000 sf to 500,000 sf Berth Size 420 sf 240 sf Loading Berths 1 per first 100 units 1 per each additional 100 units or fraction of 100 Greater than 500,000 sf Berth Size 680 sf 240 sf Loading Berths 1 per first 100 units 1 per each additional 100 units or fraction of 100 LODGING From 25,000 sf to 500,000 sf Berth Size Loading Berths 420 sf 1 per first 300 Rooms 240 sf 1 per 100 Rooms Greater than 500,000 sf Berth Size Loading Berths 660 sf 1 per 300 Rooms 240 sf 1 per 100 Rooms OFFICE COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL** From 25,000 sf to 500,000 sf Berth Size 420sf 420 sf 420sf 420 sf Loading Berths 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Area 25Ksf-50Ksf 50K sf - 100K sf 100Ksf-250Ksf 250K sf - 500K sf Greater than 500,000 sf Berth Size 660 sf Loading Berths 1/ Area 500K sf NOTES Berth Types Residential*: 240 sf = 12 ft x 20 ft. Commercial: 420 sf = 12 ft x 35 ft. Industrial**: 660sf= 12ftx55ft. All Berth Types: 15 ft. height clearance ' Residential Loading berths shall be setback a distance equal to their length. "' 1 Industrial berth may be substituted by 2 Commercial berths. TABLE 2 CIVIC SPACE This table describes the standards for Civic Space. Civic Spaces shall be at ground level, landscaped and/or paved. Civic Spaces shall be open to the public. Civic Spaces may be publicly or privately owned. Square: An open space available for unstructured recreation and civic purposes. A square is spatially defined by building frontages with streets on at least one frontage. Its landscape shall consist of pavement, lawns, and trees. Squares shall be located at the intersection of important thoroughfares. The minimum size shall be 1/8 acre. Plaza: An open space available for civic purposes and programmed activities. A plaza shall be spatially defined by building frontages and may include street frontages. Its landscape shall consist primarily of pavement and trees. Plazas shall be located at the intersection of important streets. The minimum size shall be 1/8 acre. Courtyard / Garden: An open space spatially defined by buildings and street walls, and visually accessible on one side to the street. Playground: An open space designed and equipped for the recreation of children. A playground shall be fenced and may include open shelter. Playgrounds shall be interspersed within residential areas and may be placed within a block. Playgrounds may be included within parks and greens. There shall be no minimum or maximum size. Pedestrian Passage: An open space connecting other public space, that is restricted to pedestrian use and limited vehicular access, of a minimum width of 20 feet. Building walls enfronting a Pedestrian Passage shall have frequent doors and windows. A Pedestrian Passage may be roofed. J TABLE 3 - PAGE 1 BUILDING DISPOSITION This table describes the standards for Building Disposition. Standards shall include the following: Building Disposition Lot Occupation a. Lot Area 5,000 s.f. min. b. Lot Width 100 ft. min. c. Lot Coverage 80% max. - 1-8 stories See Regulating Plan - Above 8th story 18,000 sq. ft. max. floor plate for Residential & Lodging 30,000 sq. ft. max. floor plate for mixed use, Office & Commercial & Residential/Office d. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 4.32 e. Frontage along build to line 70% min. f. Open Space Requirements 10% of gross lot area min. g. Density 300 du/acre max. Building Setback a. Building Frontage See Regulating Plan c. Side 0 ft. min.; 30 ft. min. above 8th story d. Rear 0 ft. min. Building Height a. Min. Height 2 stories b. Max. Height Unlimited TABLE 3 - PAGE 2 BUILDING DISPOSITION This table describes the standards for Building Disposition. Standards shall include the following: BUILDING PLACEMENT N.T.S. PARKING PLACEMENT N.T.S. FRONTAGE SIDE SETBACK FOR Ta'NER 1 101 SLOB SETBACK I tST LAYER END LAYER L BUILD -TO LINE ILL DIMENSION PER REGULATING PLAN —BACK OF CURB LINE (BCLH 9RDLAYER FRONTAGE 1ST LAYER r 2SY LINER BLO(I. IAN. 2PDLAYER 40 MIN FROM CONKER ~ MIN SIDE SETBACK BACK CrCURB LtE xi) 5 f BUILD TO LINE -5- - -SETBACK Ti6 LOT LINE \-SAPS OF CURB UNE {FM 1110 LAYER 2AliCHITECTIPAL SCREENING LAYER PARING IS ALLOWED TO EXTEND INTO THE 2111, LAYER IN AREA$ N:TEO IN THE REGLI AT1NG PLAN 0' YIN SIDE SETBACK LOT UNE BUILD -TO LINE —BACK OF CURB LINE (BCLH